Ah shit, now everyone knows my poor team planning. (i'm at Zf9eHGc9 for anyone who wants another madoka button)
Followed :3 I'm Tumalu! plz mutual
Oof, I think today was the final day of the prelims? Go go S rank!

It wasn't that hard to get in this time, you only needed like 23.5k points per day which allows for two daily losses (or losing on the 2x point fight) as long as you're doing 1.7x fights. That also means you could probably just do 1.5x fights, even. (1.8x are actually pretty risky for non-amazing teams)
Of course, being in S-rank, the quality of the teams during finals will be much more problematic... but it shouldn't be too bad since, again, it wasn't all that hard to get in this time.
Also, farming stuff that isn't AI codes goes so refreshingly fast. It only took a few hours to get up to ~50 wrapping papers and so much cotton. With the next few days to keep stocking up, I should be able to get hella set for all materials currently available. <3 Not to mention getting everyone I have with any real investment to hit maxed episode level... I'm actually leveling up a couple more girls so they can get maxed too just because I can. Ah, rainbow orbs though ._. I can take a couple lv60s with big memorias on, though.
...I'm gonna have to hold back on too many lv5 magia unlocks though or I'll be fresh out of CC in no time. Just the doppel girls first, keep enough for Yach and Tart comin' up...