Author Topic: Touhou Project 17 「東方鬼形獣 ~ Wily Beast and Weakest Creature.」  (Read 204491 times)


  • Hungry Ghost
Character designs are sooo good this time. Did not expect to see
on a character drawn by ZUN, that's for sure.  ;)

Gimmick seems simple, interesting and surprisingly balanced, compared to other games.

Music didn't seem all too interesting at first, but is certainly growing on me, especially the stage themes. Probably gonna need a while to warm up for

Otter Marisa though, never thought I would see Marisa that timid and hesitant. And dat smug Eagle Youmu
Normal 1cc: EoSD (All), PCB (All), IN (All teams), PoFV (Reimu), MoF (All), SA (ReimuA/ReimuB)
Extra stages cleared: EoSD (ReimuB), PCB (ReimuB)
StB: Level 6-X left
My Replays

The first impression is pretty 'meh' for me.

I found the music and the character designs a bit bland.

I don't mind UFO-like gimmicks though, the difficulty seems to be tad easier than HSiFS. It seems like ZUN is trying to cater to new followers or something.

Overall, it didn't leave any 'big' impression for me. I'd have to wait for the full release to see how the story/gameplay/characters plays out but, in my humble opinion, this feels like another forgettable installment next to HSiFS.
« Last Edit: May 05, 2019, 07:30:31 PM by Kanade »

I agree a bit more with the "chilly reception" crowd here, in that the trial didn't really impress me that much.
Music: I've always been a bigger fan of harsh tunes and a clear melody, which is the opposite of what this game music seems to be about so far. Almost every single stage and boss theme has a floaty synth vibe which just isn't my style. The one exception is the title screen music which sounds good. This is a bit of a letdown as i was listening heavily to the touhou 16 stage 2 theme when i played the demo of that game.
Gameplay: The danmaku patterns so far aren't too interesting, this of course might be a case of Zun leaving the "best for last", so i'll refrain from criticizing it too much until i play the rest of the game. But it makes for a bit bland demo, which is obviously something that should be avoided when you want to create hype for your new game. ;)
The gimmick of animals gave me some really bad Touhou 12 flashbacks initially, but after some playing around i realize it's actually surprisingly well implemented compared to that game. It was fun playing around with the different "results" without feeling like you'd get punished for messing up your resource management. One of the best parts of the game surprisingly.
Graphics: Characters look great, interesting art and backstories. The problem is the background art, it looks really bland and dull, all i see in each stage is a mess of dull and drab colors blending together without forming anything coherent, except for maybe that part with rocks on the water which i recall, but that's not too exciting either.
Story: The story seems like it will be interesting, but i can't understand too much with my limited Japanese. The personality variation of each character depending on chosen spirit animals is a highlight. Does anyone have a link to dialogue translations of each character route yet?
Conclusion: This game has it's ups and downs. I'm a bit dissapointed with music and danmaku patterns. But stoked for the story and potential for gameplay improvement. So yes i will play the full game, and i look forward to it. But i still can't shake the feeling that the trial has many dull boring parts. It's just missing a little bit on the "WOW" factor, which is a bit of a letdown.


  • magneiptVE
    • Unsurpassed ??asual Dating - Real Women
Character designs are sooo good this time. Did not expect to see
on a character drawn by ZUN, that's for sure.  ;)

Why do people forget that Nemuno exists?

I find it interesting how many people seem to dislike this game's patterns. I feel like compared to HSiFS this was a huge step up.

The system also feels very refined compared to any of the "gimmick" games before it imo.
My name is Tres. It sounds like "Tray". Tressert is "Tray-zurt"; like Tres dessert.
I've cleared every touhou game on Lunatic, and beaten every extra except SoEW.
NMNB: MoF Hard, SA Extra, UFO Extra

I find it interesting how many people seem to dislike this game's patterns. I feel like compared to HSiFS this was a huge step up.

The system also feels very refined compared to any of the "gimmick" games before it imo.

I agree. ZUN has so far done a great job balancing the gimmick and the gameplay without making it too awkward to use and keeping it from being too easy to exploit for massive life/bomb gain.

I've also noticed not only on here but on other places for discussion, people have been saying that 17 is much easier than 16 and I'm just not seeing it at all. Unless it's much different on Easy/Normal, on Hard I find the bosses to have some of the more difficult patterns compared to many of the other Stage 1/2/3 bosses, especially 16 which the only thing I can think of is Aunn and her slightly obnoxious non spells.


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
That's kind of surprising to me too. Everyone was very skeptical of the HSiFS demo since the first three stages were unusually easy, even on the higher difficulties. Usually it's the opposite, too, where people say ZUN's gone off the deep end with difficulty. :V Or was that put to rest with LoLK?

Now that the Reimu scenarios are up on the wiki,
maybe she's less in control of the Eagle spirit than I thought. ;; But her Otter dialogue really is perturbing, acting in ways we haven't seen since PC-98. On top of that, while Kukata warns Reimu not to trust the spirit possessing her on all three scenarios, the wording she uses in the Otter scenario is different, specifically saying that "her heart has already been taken over" by the spirit, and to be careful. It makes me wonder what other scenarios have her give that line. Just as a guess, I'm wondering if each heroine has one spirit that they're particularly vulnerable to, and if that becomes relevant later in the full game (though I doubt it'd affect anything other than the ending).
« Last Edit: May 06, 2019, 01:53:53 AM by nintendonut888 »
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


  • Moon Tiara Magic
HSiFS is mainly just crazy easy with autumn. Onstream I was like "lmao let's go die on lunatic but we'll use autumn and actually try" and uh I won on the first try, so... and Summer is really effective on lower difficulties too.

On top of that, while Kukata warns Reimu not to trust the spirit possessing her on all three scenarios, the wording she uses in the Otter scenario is different, specifically saying that "her heart has already been taken over" by the spirit, and to be careful.
She says the same thing to Marisa iirc since I just did that route. Eagle Reimu is kind of a jerk, still, but Wolf Reimu is surprisingly mild in most of the dialogue.

I think the biggest thing I'm wondering from the demo is if wolf/eagle shot power can really compare to the sheer strength of otter's bomb+bomb stock+bullet clearing hyper. With my current rudimentary understanding of scoring, it seems like Otter is far and away the best scorer too? Maybe the others compete better on low difficulties, though, and I'm not entirely sure how it works anyway. Grazing seems useless though...

On the downside, it seems like scoring in this game is gonna be crazy boring if there's not an adjustment. Only PIV gains are from shooting in hyper and using hyper to cancel bullets (mostly just otter)? Aiming to end spells with a lot of bullets onscreen for minor cancel bonus... is this EoSD? Even TD at least had optimizing desire spirit spawns/collecting as many as you could during hyper, even if it was overall kinda eh.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2019, 02:32:06 AM by Serela »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • こたえを探してる
On top of that, while Kukata warns Reimu not to trust the spirit possessing her on all three scenarios, the wording she uses in the Otter scenario is different, specifically saying that "her heart has already been taken over" by the spirit, and to be careful.
Now we know what gilde said was right and predictable.
"wily beast and weakest creature"...... hmMmMmM what if the players' spirit critters are lying and they're actually the ones plotting to beat up the other critters and take over hell?? makes u think


  • zoom zoom
I think the biggest thing I'm wondering from the demo is if wolf/eagle shot power can really compare to the sheer strength of otter's bomb+bomb stock+bullet clearing hyper. With my current rudimentary understanding of scoring, it seems like Otter is far and away the best scorer too? Maybe the others compete better on low difficulties, though, and I'm not entirely sure how it works anyway. Grazing seems useless though...

On the downside, it seems like scoring in this game is gonna be crazy boring if there's not an adjustment. Only PIV gains are from shooting in hyper and using hyper to cancel bullets (mostly just otter)? Aiming to end spells with a lot of bullets onscreen for minor cancel bonus... is this EoSD? Even TD at least had optimizing desire spirit spawns/collecting as many as you could during hyper, even if it was overall kinda eh.
This is where I'm at now wrt how this game will end up. Scoring is fun for the meantime but as things get optimised it's going to get kind of boring since there won't be too much difference in the routes between characters for any given difficulty. The only exception being Otter goast shots, since they have a natural advantage of 2 Otter tokens on death which can be routed in for more Otter shenanningans. But I feel like there needs to be some buffing of Wolf/Eagle's scoring potential so that viability for all 3 is relatively even and routing may even come down to which goast you choose to play with at the character select screen. Wolf/Eagle buffs may also make scoring in stages feel a lot better overall, since most of the scoring potential is coming from bosses.

Sadly a use for graze seems like a pipe dream now since it's not like ZUN to make such drastic changes in the system :(
Also I miss scoring games with multipliers, maybe ZUN can bring in hyper bonuses or something similar to DDC's bonus multipliers.

Rather than the spirit outright betray you, I personally think that they would lose control instead and gone berserk when meeting someone, that or they incite you to beat up someone for them. Kinda in theme for them then


  • Fangame Advocate
On the downside, it seems like scoring in this game is gonna be crazy boring if there's not an adjustment. Only PIV gains are from shooting in hyper and using hyper to cancel bullets (mostly just otter)? Aiming to end spells with a lot of bullets onscreen for minor cancel bonus... is this EoSD? Even TD at least had optimizing desire spirit spawns/collecting as many as you could during hyper, even if it was overall kinda eh.

There's still route management since you want to save as many animal spirit tokens for boss fights as possible; the scoring feels more like dodging tokens than dodging bullets tbh
Lunatic 1cc: EoSD, PCB, IN, MoF, TD, DDC, LoLK, HSiFS, WBaWC

Once again, people are shitting on the game based on the demo. Literally. Ever. Single. Other. Game. Has. Gone. Through the same damn thing. Just look at the Shrinemaiden archives for proof.

EOSD is literally exactly the same quality music wise but everyone praises it because it's the first game. The music in it is a mess and bland and disconnected with the characters and themes yet people act like the music has gone downhill for some stupid reason.
My old avatars: Old ass turtle, Unzan - Second and Current Avatar by the talented Aoshi-shi

Scoring talk
For what it's worth, ZUN does mention in the readme.txt that there's a high likelihood of tweaks to both difficulty and scoring balance in the full version. (Idk if he says that in every demo's .readme anyway? but at any rate)


  • Moon Tiara Magic
A likelihood of tweaks being mentioned in the demo is usual, but the scoring feels so intensely unpolished that I believe it pretty well this time. It's not like we haven't seen tweaks like that in the last few games; LoLK's life system changed from score to graze rewards iirc and DDC revamped MarisaB's bomb item generation. Sometimes there's just not enough time for the systems to be properly thought out pre-demo.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Scientific editor
  • If you're alive, you can always keep moving.
I'm getting worn out practicing for a full perfect 1cc lol, so high time I said my piece while I take a break.

The UFO-like collection system still triggers my PTSD from that game to some extent, and the tokens feel just as intrusive as before, especially with how friggin' many there are now. The good news is it's not that hard in practice to avoid picking up 3 of the same beast token if you really don't want to use the actual hyper shots; "neutral hypers only" seems like the most logical "third condition" for survival runs of this game. Having said that, I personally find the hypers themselves to be much more enjoyable to play with compared to, say, releases from HSiFS. The Wolf hypers mesh better with my playstyle, but erasing bullets and firing insanely wide shots are also very satisfying.

On the topic of shots, the Wolf versions feel like the best for "standard" survival play, giving you strong focused shots for the bosses. The Otter shots are still fantastic if you're using bombs, however - who doesn't want to fire off THREE Fantasy Seals at once? :V The downside is that after playing with a Wolf shot, it's sometimes hard for me to transfer over to another sub-shot since it's bound to feel weaker overall. Youmu is a particularly big victim of this, as her slashes seem like they have even less range and power than in TD unless you pick Wolf. As a side note, I wonder if I'm the only one who's really sad that Youmu is using her TD shot again. This is purely a subjective thing btw, I'm not calling it a "flaw" of the game by any means. It's just that I always found her TD shot to be too unwieldy for my tastes, and the fact that it keeps me from enjoying playing as my favorite Touhou character is tortuous. :(

I don't get all this hate towards the game's patterns. I think they're just fine, and hell, the overall difficulty curve is actually sensible, as in each stage is clearly harder than the last, at least on Lunatic (with the possible exception of Stage 2's stage portion being harder than Stage 3's imo). The number of attacks that are more trick- or strategy-based kind of reminds me of SA a little bit, and even then it's not like knowing the "trick" always makes them trivial, which is nice to see. And that talk about ZUN "reusing" Shinmyoumaru's attack style is indeed nonsense - others already mentioned how said patterns play totally differently, something I've been trying to stress as far back as VD.

I'm also digging most of this game's music. The title and Stage 2 boss themes I'm not too crazy about tbh, but the others are all good, even though nothing really stuck out to me right away like, say, HSiFS Stage 1's theme did. WBaWC's Stage 3 theme has really grown on me though - I've been listening to it all night lol. Also the Stage 3 boss's theme has the best name ever: "Seraphic Chicken". :V I don't really know enough about the characters to say much about them yet, plus I'm waiting for the dialogue translations.

As for miscellany, I really enjoy the unique beast tokens you get from midbosses - it's exactly like gameplay secrets you find in other arcade shooting games, which is a very nice touch. On the flip side, I don't like how you lose 1 full power on death again, and the boss marker on the bottom of the screen might as well be completely invisible and thus completely useless. I riff on UFO all the time for its various negative-QoL changes, and if I'm going to be fair, WBaWC should get the same amount of flak for its own.

So in summary I'd call this demo similar to VD in that it's good but not great. The second half of the game awaits us still, and then we'll see just how well that gets pulled off.
"Science is more than a body of knowledge. It's a way of thinking." - Carl Sagan

NEW AND IMPROVED YOUTUBE, now with 60 fps Touhou videos! Latest video update: WBaWC Lunatic/Extra no-miss no-bomb no-Roars no-Spirit-Strikes compilation.


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
She says the same thing to Marisa iirc since I just did that route. Eagle Reimu is kind of a jerk, still, but Wolf Reimu is surprisingly mild in most of the dialogue.

Interesting. I just finished running through all the scenarios to compare, and you're right, she says the same thing to Otter Reimu and Otter Marisa. It doesn't seem she says exactly that in any of Youmu's dialogues, but maybe she said something to the same effect and I just didn't notice it with my limited Japanese. Then again,
Youmu seems to be much more markedly affected by the spirits than Reimu or Marisa to begin with. Ironically the only one she isn't acting weird with is Otter Youmu, which makes sense since it's closer to her regular personality.

Maybe I'm just fixating on this aspect of the game, but along with finding the possessions interesting for showing us unusual sides of the heroines, I can't help but feel this may be an important part of how the story unfolds. Whether it's something like determining a stage 4 boss we fight or something completely unexpected, I'm definitely looking forward to the full version to see how it all turns out.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2019, 05:31:03 AM by nintendonut888 »
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet

We're finally getting CAVE touhou


  • Nonsensical
My main opinion so far is that the game is weird.

In HSiFS and LoLK, I feel like every stage has its own style, and that style manifests in the patterns, the music, and the art. I don?t really get that feeling as much from this game so far. Usually, the later stages are a bit more dramatic, so maybe they won?t have this issue. The other thing is that this game isn?t straightforward. That?s not a good or bad thing per say. All the spirit tokens flying around make the game kind of chaotic. Every spell card seems to have some weird concept, which seems to fit with the mysterious vibe of the game.

I do think the music is nice. It?s kind of strange and mysterious. I don?t think the pieces are very catchy in terms of melody though. Maybe I haven?t listened to them enough.

As for patterns, the stage enemies aren?t that difficult if you focus on dodging, but they?re designed so that it?s difficult to fly around the screen collecting stuff, which fits with the mechanics. I think there?s too many sections that are just small fairies or spirits firing aimed bullets or aimed spreads. Boss patterns seem cool, but honestly, I?m not sure I can comment on how fun they are to dodge. I keep trying to score, so I don?t know what half the nonspells look like. And for spell cards, it feels like I?m devoting half of my attention to keeping track of the items flying around, so I?m not focused on dodging.

The scoring is very weird. For the demo, it seems like the otter hyper is the best, and if you ever need any extra firepower, then you can just use a bomb. It would be a bit more interesting if, for example, the eagle hyper doubled point items, and the wolf hyper doubled the spirit tokens that enemies dropped. On the other hand, it?s kind of hard to execute and optimize routes. It?s difficult to autocollect items in stages. The animal spirits are kind of random. The routing is quite flexible, and there?s all sorts of tiny optimization that are possible.

I dunno. The game is fine, I guess. I think I liked HSiFS more though. I?m curious what the later stages will be like.

Is it somewhere mentioned as to why our heroines get themselves possessed in the first place? Taking the spirits warning serious and checking out hell is reasonable but letting oneself be possessed by a spirit of hell seems like a bad plan. Having your personality changed is a pretty big thing. Marisa even gets pissed off after Kutakas little remark about her superiority over an eagle spirit, which makes clear that the influence is pretty strong. I like it from a gameplay perspective but the decision itself is questionable.

With the english translation now in place, I'm pretty sure that the possession will have negative reprocussions.
Oh boy, I can't wait forthe final release.

Also, the Yama in question seems to be Eiki? At first I thought it was just some yama but at least Marisa proclaims that she has beaten the "yama" before. I like Eiki but I hate PoFV. Would be nice to see her again.

On another note: Reimu's hitbox seems to be the same size as the others again this time around. I tested how close I could graze certain projectiles and couldn't find any difference between the characters. Glad to see Reimu sticking to her increased calorie intake since HSiFS.  :V


  • "Perfectly Immoral Moral Person"
  • Pretty much just lurking innocently
Presumably, these animal spirits told the heroines about the alleged plans to overtake the surface world that the OTHER spirits were making, and is lending aid for the purpose of stopping the revolutionaries.
As such, they're in prime position to manipulate the girls.
Write or fight, same thing. You might as well come out swinging either way.<3 Just not too hard, as that's no fun.

Then again, other force in Hell directly invading Gensokyo is a real thing, real enough that Hecatia have to personally be a deterrant, and Okina have to show up and cooperate. Either the enemies is ridiculously strong, ridiculously witty...or ridiculously stupid and/or desperate, and that they lay neatly on the palm of these two.

Edit: Also..."Wily Beast and Weakest Creature". Possibly pointed toward the Extra Boss being the leader of the animal spirit, who came out after the heroine came back to settle the score with the animal spirit and defend them (and get her ass kicked)
« Last Edit: May 06, 2019, 02:01:09 PM by andykhang »


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
After thinking on it, I actually wonder if this is the hell invasion that's being built up in other works. Something about the way the game's played out so far suggests this isn't an incident many hell denizens were aware was going to happen, let alone something that Hecatia set up countermeasures to years in advance. If it were, I have a feeling she'd have involved herself directly. I wonder if this may be the plot of one small faction, and is just one part of a larger problem.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2019, 02:37:56 PM by nintendonut888 »
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


  • mgneiptGD
  • Gensokyo accepts everyone.
    • Search Girls from your city for night
Ah, in Marisa + Eagle, Kutaka said
"I believe I am far more distinguished than an eagle spirit merely possessing a human."

Does this imply you're
not really playing as Marisa, Reimu, or Youmu; but as Eagle, Wolf, or Otter spirits? or am I just a dum dum??


  • "Perfectly Immoral Moral Person"
  • Pretty much just lurking innocently
Ah, in Marisa + Eagle, Kutaka said
"I believe I am far more distinguished than an eagle spirit merely possessing a human."

Does this imply you're
not really playing as Marisa, Reimu, or Youmu; but as Eagle, Wolf, or Otter spirits? or am I just a dum dum??
The impression I get is that it's a gradual assimilation.  They're becoming more and more like the spirits possessing them.
Write or fight, same thing. You might as well come out swinging either way.<3 Just not too hard, as that's no fun.

first impressions:  ;) :o :3

character designs are great!!

the bullet patterns are a bit passive this time? i didn't have much problems with them. i zoned out during the stages, but the bosses have nicely themed patterns - if a little simplistic.

music reminds me of Old Adam in that it's quite jagged - packed with strange rapid chord progressions. it certainly gives off a hellish vibe. more bright/whistling synths seems to be the next step for ZUN's style. oh, and the title screen theme is just bonkers!

lovin' the main mechanic, reminds me of UFO which is one of my favourites. the reason i like this kinda gimmick is that it adds a nice layer of tactics over your dodging micromanagement. it even makes the characters come to life a bit more, like they're constantly deciding their next counterattack.
« Last Edit: May 07, 2019, 03:03:43 PM by not ZUNs wife »
check for runs & creations
latest stream: Hollow Song of Birds Hard 1cc (OrangeReimu) @


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Huh, just looked through the manual and found out Roar/Hyper mode ticks down slower if you stop shooting. That's not only good to know for when there's no enemies onscreen/between boss attacks, but during stages there's a lot of cases where you can let the enemies build up for a second or two and then take them all out at once, especially in Eagle roar.
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


"Reimu: "Guess I've got no choice but to go through here to reach Hell, huh...?"

The beast spirit that was supposed to be accompanying her didn't respond.

Reimu: "Mind saying something? Anything?"

After the beast spirit possessed Reimu, it hadn't spoken another word."


...Suspicious, highly suspicious. Either they're busy assimilating with her, or that the spirit itself can't speak in the first place, and it's instead the voice of someone behind it, and that it's actually more of a power (dubbed it Spirit power) that is used to possess people.

Well, Youmus dialogue with Kutaka makes it clear.

"The spirits of Hell will try to crawl into
your heart wherever there's an opening.

If you overestimate your power / you're anxious / you're conceited, there's sure to be
a spirit that'll take advantage of that weakness.

Although it seems that one such spirit
is already present inside you... "

Didn't expect our girls to be this naive but well, stupidity on behalf of plot convenience is a common thing. Then again, maybe they already have a hunch and are just feigning this naivety, trying to catch the perpetrator off guard when the spirits actually show theire true intentions. Or the spirits really are what they say they are, traitors of hell and on our side.

Anyway, I would be really disappointed if this comes around and bites our heroines in the ass later on. This kind of blatant stupidity just doesn't fit.

R. P. Genocraft

  • Craftsman of absolute unpredictability
  • Boundary of productive and lazy
This kind of blatant stupidity just doesn't fit.
Except for Youmu...