Author Topic: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3  (Read 405475 times)

Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #60 on: April 11, 2019, 11:47:25 PM »
If limited servants were included I'd guaranteed be snagging Rider Mordred, but since they probably won't be, I'll have to decide between Ibaraki, Rama, or NP3 d'Eon (Astolfo would also be here but I'll probably get a couple while rolling for Penthesilea, with my luck). Gorgon's also kinda tempting since I don't have any Avengers yet, but I dunno.

Suwako Moriya

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #61 on: April 12, 2019, 12:20:36 PM »
Man I saw the golden glow on a ticket last night and it was a Saber and I got all excited

And it was Gawain :(
The only thing this dimension does well is show its ass. We might as well applaud it! - Albert Burneko

Well, this game happened.


  • alter cool
Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #62 on: April 13, 2019, 04:18:56 AM »
So I guess the seven-day login bonus is a shitload of tickets. I got the following rare things from mine:

-Gawain 4*
-"A Fragment of 2030" craft essence 5*
-"Knight's Dignity" craft essence 4*

That 5* equipment seems pretty spicy.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Zengar Zombolt

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #63 on: April 13, 2019, 04:41:43 AM »
It should be a special login campaign for your first seven days, IIRC.
ALSO YOU GOT 2030 it's been like two years and a half and I still thirst for one of those. It's the real deal.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #64 on: April 13, 2019, 04:46:11 AM »
2030, Another Ending, Demonic Bodhisattva...

There are a bunch of excellent CEs based of the EXTRA series - and nice thing, they're all on rate-up!

(I'm so thirsty for literally any of these three CEs...)
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Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #65 on: April 13, 2019, 06:53:03 AM »
So I guess the seven-day login bonus is a shitload of tickets. I got the following rare things from mine:

-Gawain 4*
-"A Fragment of 2030" craft essence 5*
-"Knight's Dignity" craft essence 4*

That 5* equipment seems pretty spicy.
2030 is pretty useful, I'd recommend putting it on buffers like Hans.

Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #66 on: April 13, 2019, 09:34:22 AM »
2030 is hella good yes, grats on that. One on it's own is very good, but coupled with another one from a friend support, you'll basically be swimming in stars and unlimited crit works every turn. It's a perfect building block towards setting up a strong crit team.

Knight's Dignity is definitely an interesting one to have rolled along with your 2030. It'll probably be your most powerful crit damage CE for a while since you won't have some of the better options yet (mostly stuff without demerits, but Dignity is quite high end anyways). The -20% defense demerit is pretty hefty, but as long as you can protect the one using it, the 40% critical strength is very good.


EDIT: The "good luck with tickets, bad luck with quartz" strikes again, I just rolled Gilgamesh of all people with one ticket what the fuck
This is after failing to get Salter, Okita, or Hijikata despite throwing all my leftover resources at each of them
« Last Edit: April 13, 2019, 12:25:13 PM by Rei Scarlette »


  • alter cool
Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #67 on: April 13, 2019, 04:22:44 PM »
Okay, so my understanding of how the combat system works is like this:

-First card selected->Grants a small bonus to all other cards in the chain based on which type you picked
-Second card selected->Effect increased by a little
-Third card selected->Effect increased by a lot

Is that right?

So let's say I have a servant who has a blue card, a red card, and a green card available and I want to maximize my Noble Phantasm charge as much as possible. What order do I pick the cards in? Does the blue card go first or last? Or am I just completely misunderstanding the system?
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #68 on: April 13, 2019, 04:47:21 PM »
Yup, that's correct. I most situations, the NP charge would be best if going Blue > Red > Green, but there are a certain few exceptions. You don't usually have to worry about said exceptions, though. There are just some specific servants who I don't recall offhand (Scathach maybe?) who have a drastically higher amount of hits on their red cards, making them better for NP gain than their green cards are.

Incidentally, green cards should always go last if you want the most critical stars, due to a quirk in the way they work. The star drop bonus from putting green first is worth less than the amount of stars you'll gain if the green card just goes last. You should only put green first if you want to go with 3 greens for a straight bonus of 10 stars.

Edit: There's also some kind of mechanic in place where overkilling an enemy increases stars and NP gain, so sometimes a red card going first is better for NP gain if it allows blue cards to overkill, but it's tough to really plan around that super effectively before you finish leveling your servants all the way. You won't have a 100% consistent amount of damage to count on for planning overkills since you'll do more every level.
« Last Edit: April 13, 2019, 04:53:24 PM by Rei Scarlette »


  • alter cool
Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #69 on: April 13, 2019, 05:45:31 PM »
Got enough stones to do another ten-pull. The highlights included

-Medusa (so now I have the whole gorgon family, although I assume they don't work especially well together..?)
-A second "Fragment of 2030"  :derp:
-A second "Knight's Dignity"  ???


Cool equipment is cool, but I'd kinda like some rare servants some time too. Well, whatever. What should I do with the duplicate equipment? Do I combine them or leave them separate?
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #70 on: April 13, 2019, 06:07:48 PM »
Holy shit dude, your early rolls are completely stacked so far lol

As for 2030, leave it unmerged until you have at least 6 of them in total, which is probably a long way off (or not, at the rate you're going :derp: ) This is because the effect does not increase until MLB'd/Max Limit Broken, which requires 4 additional copies into the base. So for now it is far more useful being able to field 2 copies of it and generate 16 stars per turn. Even once you can MLB it (5 copies) you may still want to field two of it, so that's why you wait for 6 instead of merging immediately.

Another equipment that you'd treat the same way if you run into one is the Kaleidoscope. Don't merge it until you have 6 of them.

As for Knight's Dignity, you're not likely to use more than one copy at a time, so you can merge it freely to raise its level cap if you want.


As for the gorgon family, you've basically got a full on charmlock team going if you field all three of them. Mostly male focus though, because Medusa is the only one that can stun non-males (with petrify instead of charm) though in that kind of team they do definitely work well together. Technically, in the strictest sense of it, an *optimal* charmlock team would use 1 Stheno and 2 Euryales, but Medusa is perfectly serviceable there anyways. The great thing about this game is that you can clear most content just using servants you like and you don't need optimal teams, so you can do themed parties like that without worry.


  • alter cool
Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #71 on: April 14, 2019, 02:12:27 AM »
Oof, I found the
Jeanne Alter
fight to be stupidly difficult. Is that really supposed to be beatable at the recommended level with guest servants? Just getting my defensive Noble Phantasm charged in time to not get one-shotted by her own Noble Phantasm was a huge matter of luck and it relied on her not randomly killing important characters with critical hits or by having all of her attacks focus them down. And I would have needed to do that for like 3-4 cycles to kill her. I really wanted to beat it fairly but just kept losing to my NP charge being like 2% short or losing crucial characters to RNG over and over and ended up just using command seals to resurrect which is a bummer. Feels like cheating, but I don't know how else I would have managed it.

I'm bummed that
Marie Antoinette
didn't end up being the free unit for the first singularity, she was real fun. And seemed pretty useful too.

I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #72 on: April 14, 2019, 02:20:55 AM »
IIRC the main thing that helps with that fight, assuming you use the story support, is that the support they give you has an NP that makes you invincible for a turn. In addition, chains of Arts cards will give everyone who participated in the chain +20% NP charge, and she's got three Arts cards herself, so if you're also running people with two or three Arts cards you've got a pretty decent shot at getting it charged in time -- and if not, your other servants and your Mystic Code likely have things to help mitigate or avoid the damage as well (the starting Mystic Code comes with an evade, I believe?)

The servants from the friend point gacha also include several Berserkers (who still get their bonus damage against Rulers) and Georgios (who has a taunt), so there's added tools there.

Aya Reiko

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Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #73 on: April 14, 2019, 06:14:35 AM »
The servants from the friend point gacha also include several Berserkers (who still get their bonus damage against Rulers) and Georgios (who has a taunt), so there's added tools there.
And an Avenger with somewhere of a .1% (or less) chance of showing up and can only be summoned via FP Summoning.

As 3* Zerkers go, I've heard Lu Bu and Kiyohime are popular among the playerbase.

Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #74 on: April 14, 2019, 06:42:37 AM »
In regards to Lu Bu, he at NP5 outdamages most NP1 SR and SSR (single target) units, but for just a single nuke only, because his NP charge rate is pretty bad and he's very likely not to survive long enough to charge it a second time. He's very strong, but such a glass cannon that he's liable to die at any moment from a single crit. If you can finish off the boss with a one-and-done strategy, he's really good for it. Especially if the boss is an assassin, because Casters kind of get the shaft when it comes to dealing damage so they can't hold a candle to him. They're definitely better for prolonged fights though because of the absolutely massive difference in survivability.

Even finding myself armed to the teeth with gold servants now, I still bust him out every time I don't have a strong class advantage (for assassins or avengers)

Kiyohime is pretty popular because she's a pretty decent waifu zerker, and also an early-game berserker who doesn't suffer from speaking only in "▂▂▃▃▄▄▅▅!" Another good one to keep in mind is Darius, he is a bit stronger and comes from the same pool of servants. Kiyo is better for a single target (with her defense down) but Darius does more damage to a group and with facecards. In the end the difference is mostly a matter of taste though.


That boss fight is at a particularly rough point in the story where you aren't likely to be fully self-sufficient yet, at the recommended average level, and her being a Ruler makes matters more difficult because it's also hard to keep a berserker alive long enough with your currently available tools. Later bosses will probably ease up a little bit before getting difficult again, just due to having more tools at your disposal. If you have them, it may be worth investing into Georgios and also (to a lesser extent) Leonidas as they can take the heat off your more important units. Specifically being able to throw up George's taunt skill and then pop an Evade or Invincibility skill on him will save you from any single-target enemy NP. David is another one who will be good for defensive use, the 2nd skill he learns is a party-wide evasion for one hit than can be used for AoE NPs. And being able to save yourself from those is a great tool to have.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2019, 06:46:48 AM by Rei Scarlette »

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #75 on: April 14, 2019, 07:51:24 AM »
I feel like the intended strategy for Ruler Jeanne Alter was a Berserker/Assassin DPS, Support Jeanne, and Mash. Mash can give defense buffs, and in near situations can use her invuln as an NP battery for someone else. Jeanne's NP and JAlter's NP basically cancel each other out, can Stun JAlter with one of her skills, and can slightly reduce the effect of JAlter's NP if she can't block it (though you'll need additional defense buffs, like from Lord Chaldeas, to make it survivable). DPS does DPS.

If you're running the basic Mystic Code and can't get Luminosite Eternelle off in time, you can protect two of your fighters with Mash's invuln and your Evade, though the third will eat shit and die unless they have an invuln/evade/guts of their own.

(Note: David is not an option for you right now in the FP pool, as he's unlocked later in the story!)
« Last Edit: April 14, 2019, 07:58:56 AM by Ionasal kkll Solciel »
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  • alter cool
Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #76 on: April 14, 2019, 04:14:58 PM »
Fwiw my team was Mash, Stheno or Spartacus, and support Good Jeanne. Yeah, my main strategy was to use Good Jeanne's shield to cancel out Bad Jeanne's party-wide nuke (which I couldn't survive even with Lord Chaldeas and Jeanne's NP debuff, and I don't think it was even close) but I just kept coming up a little short on my Jeanne's NP charge at the wrong time or she would get bursted down way before I needed the shield. The numbers just didn't seem like they added up, Bad Jeanne's damage felt a liiittle too high to be able to be practically managed. And even if I could manage to survive the first wave, which did happen a few times, my damage was just too low to close out the fight without having to time that shield several more times where it would eventually not work out. Maybe if I had all berserkers as my sub-units or something that would have helped a lot.

I always killed her drake friends first, maybe I was supposed to leave those alive so I could gain NP charge by being hit by them or something? But that would make the damage problems even worse and they seemed to have just about a 100% critical rate. How is enemy critical rate determined anyway? I feel like some enemies get critical hits stupidly often.

I didn't have Georgios yet at the time but I do not. I'll have to level him up. And Leonidas and Kiyohime I guess. I don't have Lu Bu yet.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #77 on: April 14, 2019, 04:21:28 PM »
Leaving mooks alive tends to be a good strategy for most Major Boss Servant fights because that Major Boss Servant is likely to have three actions when they're alone, whereas they'll only have one when accompanied by mooks (who will have two actions of their own), and the damage dealt by the two mook actions is likely to be less than the damage dealt by the two extra Major Boss Servant actions.

Wyverns have an unusually high crit rate, yes. Ghosts are the same way. All the other mooks are more reasonable in their crit rates IIRC.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


  • alter cool
Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #78 on: April 14, 2019, 04:45:38 PM »
Oooh, I didn't realize bosses got more attacks when alone. I noticed that sometimes Bad Jeanne only buffed the wyverns' attack and did nothing else but I just figured bosses had a special mechanic where some of their abilities cost multiple actions. That makes sense.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #79 on: April 14, 2019, 04:56:30 PM »
One of Jalter's skills, Dragon Witch, gives an Attack Up to all allies (including herself), and then an additional attack up to all allies with the Dragon trait, which includes Wyverns. That's probably what you were seeing. (It makes her a good pairing with the various Arturias, Lizards, and Kiyohimes, since they all have the Dragon trait.)
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


  • alter cool
Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #80 on: April 14, 2019, 05:04:29 PM »
This is probably a silly question, but in combat how do I back out of the "select cards" screen? I keep forgetting to use skills and I can't figure out how to back up so I can use them before I attack.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #81 on: April 14, 2019, 05:21:09 PM »
That won't be implemented until a later update, when the Cosmos in the Lostbelt arc starts IIRC. Until then you'll just have to reset the game as a workaround.

BTW, I just shot you a friend request, IGN is Ritsuka.
« Last Edit: April 15, 2019, 02:03:15 AM by Leon゠Helsing »


  • alter cool
Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #82 on: April 15, 2019, 04:16:50 PM »
That seems like a weird oversight, but fair enough.

Request accepted.

So should I be leveling up the skills of the characters I use right away? How rare are skill up materials? Am I going to wish I had saved some if I use a bunch right now?
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #83 on: April 15, 2019, 10:32:32 PM »
Certain materials are a lot more rare than others, for example you definitely don't want to squander any Hearts of a Foreign God, meanwhile things like red bones are super common and you can farm them back easily, but most servants who need bones want absurd amounts like 120+ which is where the inconvenience comes in. I'd say the safest option is to probably go to the wiki pages for characters you are considering using, and checking out the list of materials they'll need, or how well their skills scale with leveling.

Some things are really good to level up (like all of Mash's skills, any NP charge skills, Cu's evasion, strong damage boosts etc) but other things really don't need to be a priority at all, like say Enkidu's self healing skill which is kind of massively overkill and should be leveled eventually but just mostly put on the backburner. I still have it at level 1 and it's a whopping 5000.


  • alter cool
Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #84 on: April 16, 2019, 12:08:33 AM »
Is there a way to view the discard pile?
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #85 on: April 16, 2019, 12:16:47 AM »
Nah, no way to view it for some reason. I think most people just go off memory for that, for lack of another option


  • alter cool
Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #86 on: April 16, 2019, 01:31:37 AM »
Oh man, no way to back out of the combat menu, no discard pile, what an inconvenient video game.  :D

I've been enjoying the story a lot so far. I'm half way-ish through Rome and while there is a ton of annoying filler there's also plenty of funny and interesting writing too. You don't see too much of Servants interacting with each other outside of fighting in other Fate media, so finding excuses to do that in Grand Order was smart.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • 0 - The Fool
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Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #87 on: April 16, 2019, 02:12:53 AM »
Septem is considered one of the weaker chapters writing-wise, the later chapters get even better. Camelot and Babylonia in particular set a pretty high bar.
« Last Edit: April 16, 2019, 02:36:34 AM by Leon゠Helsing »


  • alter cool
Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #88 on: April 16, 2019, 03:03:07 AM »
Yeah, the guest servants definitely aren't quite as fun as Marie and Amadeus, but Boudica is fun (I wonder if I have a type :derp:) and I just finished the Stheno sequence which made me laugh a few different times.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Ionasal kkll Solciel

  • Girl from beyond the 7th Dimension
Re: Fate/Grand Order - Round 3
« Reply #89 on: April 16, 2019, 09:20:21 AM »
A further note on skills: To get a skill to its max level (and its second cooldown reduction), you need an extremely rare item called a Crystallized Lore. You only get these through events (and even then, usually only by basically full clearing the event), so there's a limited number of them.

While you can eventually stock up on large amounts of major resources like hearts or gears, a large part of your skills grind will be picking up the three tiers of Class Gems. Outside of lottery events like Nero Fest or Christmas, you generally only get these in somewhat fair numbers in the Class Training Grounds (the green banners in the dailies). I'm perpetually starved of most classes' gems, simply because nearly every Servant is guaranteed to need them at some point.
Let's Play: BIT.TRIP FLUX | Let's Play: Malicious | Skyward Sword: Shieldless Final Boss | Skyward Sword: Boss Rush! | Ace Combat Infinity: Campaign in the X-02 Wyvern

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