>How close are we to Nazrin?
>She is a few yards away.
>Your inventory contains
>Nautical hat!
>It is jaunty!
>Nautical blouse
>Fit for a captain, thus fit for you.
>Nautical Dress
>It completes your outfit. You have shorts that look a lot like them, too.
>Black shoes.
>These have a bit of a ship's deck cobbled into the soles, so you can be more comfortable on land.
>Bottomless Dipper
>This dipper has no bottom. When you just can't resist the urge to flood a ship, this is will buy some time.
>It's not that heavy; they stop ships by grabbing onto the bottom. If they did it by weight, they'd sink the ship!
> Capsize "Dragging Anchor"
>Toss an anchor, leave a trail of water.
>Drowning Sign "Deep Vortex" (Used)
>Water droplet danmaku swirls around your opponent
>Harbor Sign "Phantom Ship Harbor"
>Lots of anchors!
>Phantom "Dipper Creeping Close"
>You embrace your ghostly aspect with this survival card.
>Ghost Journal
>This seems to be written by a ghost from the outside world? Is this possible?
>Potted Plant
>You?ve never seen a plant that looks like a tiny ball with thorns before. It seems to be very tough-looking, and covered with odd wispy fuzz