To elaborate on my example, there are several incompatible branches of Doom source ports but that doesn't bother anyone. Mod descriptions always mention which port they're made for. And wikis help a lot with keeping track of ports and where to get them.
But weren't there already problems with DNH that would need something that? Like there was older version and current version, and scripts for older version wouldn't work on newer one unless explicitly ported. Even if everyone started using new one to make stuff there's still need to keep track which scripts need which version, right?
Yes, but 0.12m has been deprecated for more than half a decade. For years now, there has been exactly one version of Danmakufu to build for - ph3 [.1 pre6a]
Indeed, and that version was backwards compatible with all previous ph3 versions. Afaik, Mkm never made breaking changes. The only "breaking change" was the new engine (ph3). So he definitely knew what he was doing.
We had to also somewhere make a hard decision to push people towards ph3 and quit actively supporting 0.12m on RikaNitori. It took some time, but eventually people let go of 0.12m. Supporting a deprecated version is tedious. Not to mention, ph3 was truly far more superior than its previous. Everything you kind of lacked in 0.12m was available in ph3. Sticking around with an old engine had absolutely no reason or benefits.
Even so, the idea of having this program run in separate platforms WILL make the code more portable (evidently) and may give rise to code-audits for any undiscovered bugs that could be patched properly. I think if someone out there volunteers for the effort, it will be a win-win both for the community and the developers.
Yes but with what goal/purpose? How many non-windows users are actually willing to seriously use Danmakufu ph3 as an engine for Shmups? I don't know the numbers, but definitely aint large enough to be worth the effort and time. Also, who will maintain it actively? It would require some dedicated effort to get it right and Sparen pretty much explained the side effects.
Edit Then again, because the engine is open source now, feel free to pick it up.
Edit 2:If Engines A and B are both free and easily accessible I don't really see this as an issue. Worst case scenario, if you want to play a specific script you download the version of the engine that it's built on.
In fact, since like a dozen people use their own engines or GML or luastg instead of dnh, you could say we already have this "problem" and it hasn't seemed to inhibit anything. Universal accessibility doesn't really matter here I think...
Except that our forum never actively supported questions or material for anything other than Danmakufu 0.12m first and now ph3. If you use one engine, you can more easily exchange data, code. Tutorials can be written easier because you exactly now which feature is present and supported. Spawning multiple Engine versions will render this difficult. Not impossible, but just extremely tedious.
Can you imagine already a wiki where you have to point out every different feature with a different engine version?
Or imagine the following. A youtube tutorial where someone says: "Yea, for this feature you need Engine Q". But person was using Engine K. And if he/she changes engine, it would break some other feature which was exclusively available in Engine K.
Nothing prevents people from working on new features and merging them, using a single repository, as a new version for the same engine. This way you keep things organized and improve one engine. Which is exactly what Mkm also did. Except now more than one person can work on it.