>Walk inside, unless we need to take our shoes off or something.
>Do not walk inside! Knock on the door frame instead.
>What run ins habe we gad wth Reimu? Any since the whole orb whacking thing ages ago?
> You almost walk inside, but then you remember your manners. This isn't the Ancient City, where neighbors will just let themselves in, so you knock on the door frame. You hear Reimu shout "Yeah, coming!" from inside.
> The first time you got to see her after the orb...incident...thing was after the Geyser Incident. That's the only noteworthy run-in you've had; the rest have just been regular meetings, like this one.
> Reimu appears in the doorway, with an apron over her blue and white clothes. "Oh, it's just you. Come on in."
> _