Author Topic: Konngara Quest  (Read 183615 times)


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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #60 on: November 01, 2018, 11:13:10 PM »
> "Surely; if there is something this large in the water; it's best to fish where there will be someone around; just in case."
I don't even remember who put the above in my sig. [Wasn't me] Nor do I understand why I keep it here anymore.
Those two facts sum me up pretty well.


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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #61 on: November 03, 2018, 12:09:30 AM »
>"It's not Kisume's fault..."
>Look downriver. How well do we know that area? How traversable is it, even?

> Downriver is safe to walk along until you reach the mouth of the cave. No one goes in there, except for the fish and the shinigami who ride their boats.
> "Sorry, is this your bridge?" Parsee retorts. Kisume makes a face.

> "Surely; if there is something this large in the water; it's best to fish where there will be someone around; just in case."

> "Or just reel in the line when you see it coming!" Parsee throws her hands up. This draws the attention of Yuugi, who leaves the belly of the bridge to intervene. The bridge is stable enough that it doesn't need her there anymore.
> "Hey, hey, hey." Yuugi approaches Parsee from behind, and puts her hands on her shoulders. "Look. Everything's okay. It was just an accident."
> Parsee scowls, but doesn't argue any further. You can tell she really wants to, though.

> _

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[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #62 on: November 03, 2018, 03:40:07 AM »
(Konngara's not much of a talker in Himiko's stuff, I should point out)

>Look to Kisume.
>"Was the fish weird, in any way?"


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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #63 on: November 04, 2018, 05:44:11 PM »
>Look to Kisume.
>"Was the fish weird, in any way?"

> "I dunno..." Kisume tugs on her pigtails anxiously.
> "Why doesn't someone just ask the Komeijis about it?" Yuugi pipes up in the background. "Satori knows her animals."

> _

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[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #64 on: November 04, 2018, 07:39:30 PM »
>Mmph, Komeijis...
>"Do they have fish?"

Branneg Xy

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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #65 on: November 04, 2018, 11:32:52 PM »
> "I dunno..." Kisume tugs on her pigtails anxiously.
> "Why doesn't someone just ask the Komeijis about it?" Yuugi pipes up in the background. "Satori knows her animals."

> _
//  || EDITED ||  (I am both Conscious my reply is somehow too  ??? social , yet useful ,for Konngara .So I am trusting  Himiko/Parser to properly getting it across in-character)//
>Aknowledgement nod x 2 to Yuugi  : "Right,right."
>Ponder and talk a bit while looking about but do not make eye contact with Parsee: "Still , a giant feisty scaled and out-of-scale whale-like fish...
>...could have escaped,could be not a full-time pet but something's fishier as in youkai-er : at the Komejis' is usually mostly stuffed with lively critters,same for some City alleys until I do catch-and-release at their Home Turf ( Omit this if incongruous or doubtful ). Yet this only round the mostly-tamed ones,if unruly and/or feeling adventorous by any extent( Omit if "" ).
>Reckon  they are good with animals and are more attentive both with non-Youkai and youkai animals top-dogs; some focus around their house for settling provisions I was on my way to catch later...
>...Still they could help out alright , one of Komeiji owners and at least one o' the lead-pets (names we know them by) Utshuo or
>Listen up here ,then look back towards the streets and general area of Palace of Earth Spirit  while picking out ordinary and ,if any,out-of-place feature.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2018, 10:36:30 PM by Branneg Xy »
^^^^  " 西行寺幽々子の強奪!!隣の晩御飯 " ->>>
" Yuyuko Saigyouji 's "Uslurpation" !! Dinner is Next ".
( Possibilities of ENGrish ) ^^^^ .


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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #66 on: November 07, 2018, 01:40:22 AM »
>Mmph, Komeijis...
>"Do they have fish?"

> "I heard they have a dolphin," says the kitsune.
> "But those don't have scales," Yuugi says. Parsee has lost interest and is stomping back to her bridge.

(I am both Conscious my reply is too  ??? social , somehow needed,for Konngara and trusting  Himiko/Parser to properly getting it across in-character).
>Aknowledgement nod x 2 to Yuugi  : "Right,right."
>Ponder and talk a bit while looking about but do not make eye contact with Parsee: "Still , a giant feisty scaled and out-of-scale whale-like fish...
>...could have escaped,could be not a full-time pet but something's fishier as in youkai-er : at the Komejis' is usually mostly stuffed with lively critters,same for some City alleys until I do catch-and-release ( Omit this if experienced first-hand,second-hand and/or realia le)street-talk heard  yet only domestic-like went that far(Omit "))Reckon they are good with animals and are more attentive both with non-Youkai and youkai animals top-dogs; some focus around their house for settling provisions I was on my way to catch later...
>...Still they could help out alright , one of Komeiji owners and at least one o' the lead-pets (names we know them by) Utshuo or
>Listen up here and look back towards the streets and general area of Palace of Earth Spirit  while picking out ordinary and ,if any,out-of-place feature.

> You ponder the possibility of the Palace of the Earth spirits being involved. This might not even be a normal fish, but some kind of youkai. That wouldn't be anything out of the ordinary, though: you're a youkai, too!
> You look in the direction of the Palace, but you don't see anything out of the ordinary.
> "Hey, didn't you come here to hang out with Parsee? You don't gotta help out or anything, us oni are tough," Yuugi is telling the kitsune.
> "If you say so, but don't be a stranger. Parsee's friends are my friends," the kitsune says, and turns to follow Parsee to the bridge. The earth spiders are now dispersing, and Kisume watches them longingly.

> _

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[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #67 on: November 07, 2018, 02:14:35 AM »
>"Oh, sorry."
>Put the bucket dropper down.


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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #68 on: November 08, 2018, 03:18:31 AM »
>"Oh, sorry."
>Put the bucket dropper down.

> You let Kisume down.
> "Thanks." She bounces after the earth spiders without looking back. Well, at least that's solved...?

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #69 on: November 08, 2018, 04:45:35 AM »
>Let's mosey toward....ugh, the Komeiji household...


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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #70 on: November 11, 2018, 10:37:08 PM »
>Let's mosey toward....ugh, the Komeiji household...

> Uuuugh.
> You leave the others behind, and make your way across the city. Nothing out of the ordinary happens, but anyone in your position would wish it did. No one really likes Satori, thanks to her ability. But how do you feel?
> You eventually reach the front gates. Tucked safely behind the walls are several animals, most of them typical domestic animals...And then there's that deer.
> It's a red deer. Not only is it a red deer, but it's a Red deer. Its fur is a striking vermillion color that draws your eye to it immediately. When it spots you, it walks to the fence and shoves its nose through the bars.
> A huge raven with a red jewel on its chest and a little green bow lands on the fence above it. You recognize it as the Underground's resident bird brain and power source, Utsuho. What's she doing away from the reactor?

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #71 on: November 11, 2018, 10:56:13 PM »
>Give the deer a look. What a graceful little guy!
>Wave to the birdbrain.

Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #72 on: November 12, 2018, 01:45:22 AM »
>Check pockets to see if we have a salt lick for the deer.


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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #73 on: November 15, 2018, 05:02:53 AM »
>Give the deer a look. What a graceful little guy!
>Wave to the birdbrain.

> Aw...Cutie. You just can't be mad looking at it.
> You wave to the bird. She caws loudly at you.

>Check pockets to see if we have a salt lick for the deer.

> You check your pockets and come up with nothing. It's not as if you keep salt on hand.
> The Utsuho bird is now perched on your horn.

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #74 on: November 15, 2018, 05:17:19 AM »
>"Hello. I need to talk about fish."

Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #75 on: November 15, 2018, 05:30:40 AM »
>Try to pet the deer. They'll probably not bite us. Maybe.


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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #76 on: November 15, 2018, 09:26:38 PM »
>"Hello. I need to talk about fish."

> Quoth the Raven, "Fish?! Oh boy!"
> Utsuho, squawking excitedly, unlatches the gate. You may now enter the castle grounds!

>Try to pet the deer. They'll probably not bite us. Maybe.

> You pet the deer. Its fur is quite sleek. When the gate opens, it trots out and pushes its wet nose against your palm.

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #77 on: November 16, 2018, 12:41:23 AM »
>Pat the deer for a few moments, then look to Utsuho. "Help me find Satori?"


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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #78 on: November 19, 2018, 05:19:46 PM »
>Pat the deer for a few moments, then look to Utsuho. "Help me find Satori?"

> The deer licks your wrist. You really should have brought a salt lick with you.
> Utsuho flaps midair, then transforms into her youkai form. She is...still so tiny!
> "Okay, but we have to use our indoor voices," Utsuho says. She gestures for you to follow her. "Well, come on!"

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #79 on: November 19, 2018, 05:22:28 PM »
>Follow. Smile at the deer.


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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #80 on: November 24, 2018, 09:53:11 PM »
>Follow. Smile at the deer.

> You give one last smile to the deer before following Utsuho to the castle.
> Inside, it is chaos. A herd of yowling cats swarm around the feet of a distressed kasha girl, who is heaving a bag of cat food to the kitchen. It must be feeding time for them. A little terrier kicks its hind legs at the sight of you while yapping. A golden retriever is dozing under a table, ignoring puppy gnawing its ear.
> "Lady Satori is in the drawing room!" Utsuho half-shouts over the noise. She waves to the kasha. "Hi, Orin!"
> "Okuu, can you help me with this?"
> "In a minute!"
> Utsuho kicks off her shoes so she can skid across the floor in her socks. She stops in front of a door and knocks. "Lady Satori? Hello?"

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #81 on: November 24, 2018, 10:18:33 PM »
>Frown at the bedlam for a moment, then follow Utsuho and admire that skid.


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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #82 on: November 24, 2018, 10:58:32 PM »
>Frown at the bedlam for a moment, then follow Utsuho and admire that skid.

> You think you'll be fine with just one pet.
> You follow Utsuho inside, in a much less impressive fashion. Satori is reclining on a sofa with her feet propped up on a cushion, reading a book. On the other side of the room, a smaller, unfamiliar satori youkai with white hair is playing with jenga blocks.
> "You have a lot on your mind," Satori says, pushing up her glasses.
> "Haha, not really," comes Utsuho's reply.
> "Not you, her." Satori points to you.

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #83 on: November 25, 2018, 08:45:36 AM »
>"Yeah. I came to ask about fish. You know the one."
>Of course she knows.


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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #84 on: December 07, 2018, 02:33:33 AM »
>"Yeah. I came to ask about fish. You know the one."
>Of course she knows.

> God damn it, here we go.
> "Do I look like a zoologist?" Satori asks. "Maybe it was a coral trout; they are very big. But redder. Like your chicken."

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #85 on: December 07, 2018, 03:22:03 AM »
>"Coral trout? Can they live down here?"


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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #86 on: December 08, 2018, 09:49:58 PM »
>"Coral trout? Can they live down here?"

> "Gensokyo is the world of possibility. Anything can live down here if it wants to. In the Outside World, they live in the western Pacific Ocean. It could also be a red snapper. Those live in the Atlantic Ocean and the Gulf of Mexico."
> Satori peeks over the top of her book at the other satori, who just knocked over the jenga blocks. "Maybe it's a red herring. Actually, that's not a real fish. It just turns that color when you cook it."

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #87 on: December 09, 2018, 12:06:26 AM »
>"...So, which is it? Why'd it break the bridge?"


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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #88 on: December 16, 2018, 04:31:40 AM »
>"...So, which is it? Why'd it break the bridge?"

> You don't get it!
> "If I saw the fish itself, I could just ask it," Satori says with a shrug. "My best guess is that it was upset about something. You're making me curious now. I want to talk to it."

> _

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Hello Purvis

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Re: Konngara Quest
« Reply #89 on: December 16, 2018, 02:03:04 PM »
>"Do they get that big? Or powerful?"