Author Topic: Fantasy Maiden Wars - Translation Patch Repository  (Read 45091 times)

Fantasy Maiden Wars - Translation Patch Repository
« on: March 20, 2018, 10:38:25 PM »


Hello, Shrinemaiden forums. This thread will serve as a translation patch repository for the numerous Fantasy Maiden Wars games (Genso Shojo Wars in japanese). Fantasy Maiden Wars is a strategy RPG done in the style of the Super Robot Wars games, a series of crossovers between a ton of different robot animes and video games. Fantasy Maiden Wars, for the most part, is a retelling of pre-Ten Desires-era Touhou games starting from the Embodiment of Scarlet Devil and ending with an original scenario. In order, the games go Scarlet (S), Mystic (M), Eternity (E), and Dream (D), and Complete Box (X), an all-in-one compilation of every game.

Previously I've been posting our patch updates in the old FMW Mystic thread started by Yamsman, however I've recently realized it's just more efficient to make a new thread so I can keep updated links in the first post. It still seems like people aren't fully aware that translation patches even exist for Mystic or Eternity, which is definitely not the case.

Translation efforts for Scarlet, Mystic, and Eternity are more or less done. There are a few things in Mystic and Eternity that were left untranslated; these are for purely technical reasons that would make the game impossible to play or significantly hamper the game experience. We ask for your understanding regarding these issues.

The patches are currently being maintained by our translation group, White Jade Belvedere. We are not interested in recruiting any more help than we currently have, and we are not okay with anyone using our translations as a base for their own patches of any kind. Whatever we leave alone in our patches, we left alone for a good reason.


All patches are first uploaded to the Akurasu wiki. Patches will also be linked here for courtesy. To patch your game, simply drag and drop the data files in the zip/rar archives into the respective game's data folder. BE SURE TO KEEP THE ORIGINAL DATA FILES SOMEWHERE. YOU WILL NEED THEM IN CASE YOU NEED TO UPDATE THE GAME OR SOMETHING ELSE HORRIBLE HAPPENS. Just to be safe, please.

Fantasy Maiden Wars Scarlet (English patch v1.02)
Originally made by Deranged and some other fairies on pooshlmer. They seem to have all vanished off the face of the internet since then.
Requires game version v1.1.2. Sanbondo have since released a 1.2.0 patch for Scarlet, this translation will definitely not work if you try to use it on 1.2.0.

Fantasy Maiden Wars Mystic (English Patch v1.1)
Originally made by us, the White Jade Belvedere, both before and after we became the world class translation group we are today formally congealed into an organized group.
Requires game version v1.2.0.  Currently up-to-date.

Fantasy Maiden Wars Eternity (English Patch v1.1)
Originally made by us, the White Jade Belvedere.
Requires game version v1.2.0. Currently up-to-date.

Fantasy Maiden Wars Dream (English Patch v.51)
Contains skills, abilities, weapons, items, spirits, danmaku effects, and scenario dialogue for Chapters 56, 57, and 77.
Currently being worked on by us, the White Jade Belvedere. There is an ongoing translation Let's Play on the SomethingAwful forums that you can read, if you're interested (and if the paywall isn't currently up).
Requires game version v1.2.1. Currently up-to-date.

We are working on a translation patch for Fantasy Maiden Wars Complete Box! Since the game is currently still unfinished, I have nothing to show publicly. However, that will change in the future...

Godspeed, Sheephu the hedgehog.

Parentheses indicate currently inactive members.

Translators: Clarste, (Hokuto)
Let's Players: Golden Battler, (BlitzBlast)
Proofreaders and thing-doers: Ryza, a cartoon duck, nook, also Golden Battler, Nages
Hackerman: Roonerspism, (Yamsman)

R.I.P.  Nages
« Last Edit: September 27, 2019, 06:22:25 AM by Nook »

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars - Translation Patch Repository
« Reply #1 on: August 30, 2018, 10:06:55 PM »
Hey. Just wanted to say, if you're still working on the Dream (Yume) translation then you are doing god's work. I absolutely love this series and im so sad i dont speak japanese. The story and character dialogs are an important part to the game so its hurts to not be able to play the final game. Obviously i dont speak japanese so cant help in translation but if you need help for anything else, feel free to ask and will try my best to assist.
Good luck and have a good day.

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars - Translation Patch Repository
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2018, 03:36:36 AM »
I hope everyone had a happy holiday season. The FMW2 Patch has been updated to work with the current version of the game, as well as translate a couple extra things, primarily attack names.

You can find it here, as well as in the first post and on Akurasu as usual.

We thank you for your patience, and will continue to work on the Dream patch as the translation LP concludes.

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars - Translation Patch Repository
« Reply #3 on: December 29, 2018, 05:51:35 AM »
Here's a simple question:

 Is anyone ever going to fix the bugs in the first game ( Flandre's item drop, etc... ) or make it able to work with latest game version? So that the full series can be playable from beginning to end without any issues? Thanks.  :derp:

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars - Translation Patch Repository
« Reply #4 on: January 07, 2019, 09:42:11 AM »
I suspect, given that we know Sanbondo is working on a compilation pack with all four games in a single package (and, from the sound of things, Scarlet running in the later games' engine), that it'd be a better use of time to wait for that release than try to support the old Scarlet patch.

But I'm not connected to either group, so I can't say for certain.

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars - Translation Patch Repository
« Reply #5 on: January 09, 2019, 04:20:44 AM »
They are? Where/when was that announced?

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars - Translation Patch Repository
« Reply #7 on: January 13, 2019, 06:26:35 AM »
Hey guys, just wanted to pop in and say that I'm really grateful you guys are still working on the translation patch for these games! The series is probably my favorite fan game in the entirety of the Touhou fandom, so I'm so glad I'll be able to experience it in full.

So thank you for doing this! You're doing the English community a huge favor! ^^

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars - Translation Patch Repository
« Reply #8 on: February 13, 2019, 10:33:23 PM »
I remember that both Fantasy Maiden Wars Mystic and Eternity battle dialogues weren't translated. Are those still in japanese? It has been so long since I last visited those patches.


  • Mecha lover
Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars - Translation Patch Repository
« Reply #9 on: February 14, 2019, 01:27:20 AM »
I remember that both Fantasy Maiden Wars Mystic and Eternity battle dialogues weren't translated. Are those still in japanese? It has been so long since I last visited those patches.

They aren't translated, at least the versions I played a few months ago.  While I don't remember where I read/heard it right now or if it's reliable, I think that when they tried putting those translations in the translation patches, the whole thing bricked.  I know the archived LP for the second game has screenshots of them testing out translated battle dialogue, but those weren't present in the released patches.  I can't say if it will be the same or different for Dream.

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars - Translation Patch Repository
« Reply #10 on: September 12, 2019, 10:49:20 PM »
It's been a while.

I meant to put something out for FMW4 a few months ago, but a whole bunch of things happened, and now it seems kind of silly to keep working on it. Still though, I've put together a slightly more comprehensive menu patch for the game. Let's call this one version 0.5. You can find it here, as well as on as usual.

That being said, really this release is more of an excuse to talk about the Complete Box. Well, I am happy to say that we are indeed working on a patch for that! Since Sanbondo are still updating the game every couple of weeks to add new content and iron out bugs I don't think it's very efficient to put something out now considering the amount of tech needed to make something halfway presentable. However, in the meantime we are still working on it, and when the update cycle slows down towards November we will hopefully have something more to show you.

Thank you for your patience so far!
« Last Edit: September 27, 2019, 06:22:53 AM by Nook »

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars - Translation Patch Repository
« Reply #11 on: September 13, 2019, 03:58:11 AM »
It's been a while.

I meant to put something out for FMW4 a few months ago, but a whole bunch of things happened, and now it seems kind of silly to keep working on it. Still though, I've put together a slightly more comprehensive menu patch for the game. Let's call this one version 0.5. You can find it here, as well as on as usual.

That being said, really this release is more of an excuse to talk about the Complete Box. Well, I am happy to say that we are indeed working on a patch for that! Since Sanbondo are still updating the game every couple of weeks to add new content and iron out bugs I don't think it's very efficient to put something out now considering the amount of tech needed to make something halfway presentable. However, in the meantime we are still working on it, and when the update cycle slows down towards November we will hopefully have something more to show you.

Thank you for your patience so far!

Hey man thanks for keeping us updated on the translation patch, really looking forward to Dream! (Don't really care how long it takes, just take as long as you need to :D) However, I just recently purchased the Complete Box about 2 weeks back, and I'm curious as to whether is it still worthwhile to really continue with Dream? By all means, I'm no programmer but since you guys have already translated quite a bit for Eternal and Mystia, wouldn't it be more efficient to solely concentrate on the Complete Box since it consists all the chapters? And just implement the final translation bit for Dream in it?

(Excuse me for the improper use of programming-related vocab here) I'm aware of the Complete box issue that the font appears to be inconsistent in terms of size and staying in the dialogue boxes. Some alphabet appears to be slightly higher than others (I'll talk more on this in the following paragraph.) Although, I'm unaware as to whether you can edit the .exe file as I've heard you can't do it with Mystia and Eternal previously. Just to pop another question here, is there an issue with translating with the in-battle dialogues for Mystic and Dream? Compared to Scarlet, all of the in-battle dialogues appeared to be untranslated and I'm just curious as to why did you guys leave this out.

A few weeks ago, my buddy (works as a freelance programmer & Japanese translator) fiddled around the Complete box .exe & ver 1.01 and this is what he got:

Seems like the right step in the direction, but to be honest, I'll prefer to get a translation patch from you guys instead.
Apparently, he created some translation tool that could unpack some of the .data files. Again, I'm no programmer and this is the most I could tell you.

P.S Clarste said you got annoyed with us for bothering you whether the translation patch for Dream is being continued. Please excuse some of our impatiences  :(

I have kinda been waiting to play Dream since 2017, and it's just sitting in my game folder collecting dust ever since I've bought it. As I've said I'll never bother you guys with a release date, but at one point I thought the whole translation team just gave up with it. But I'm glad it's still being worked on!
« Last Edit: September 13, 2019, 04:08:12 AM by Radiaoki »

Re: Fantasy Maiden Wars - Translation Patch Repository
« Reply #12 on: September 13, 2019, 04:13:25 AM »
Hey man thanks for keeping us updated on the translation patch, really looking forward to Dream! (Don't really care how long it takes, just take as long as you need to :D) However, I just recently purchased the Complete Box, and I'm curious as to whether is it still worthwhile to really continue with Dream? By all means, I'm no programmer but since you guys have already translated quite a bit for Eternal and Mystia, wouldn't it be more efficient to solely concentrate on the Complete Box since it consists all the chapters? And just implement the final translation bit for Dream in it?

(Excuse me for the improper use of programming-related vocab here) I'm aware of the Complete box issue that the font appears to be inconsistent in terms of size and staying in the dialogue boxes. Some alphabet appears to be slightly higher than others (I'll talk more on this in the following paragraph.) Although, I'm unaware as to whether you can edit the .exe file as I've heard you can't do it with Mystia and Eternal previously. Just to pop another question here, is there an issue with translating with the in-battle dialogues for Mystic and Dream? Compared to Scarlet, all of the in-battle dialogue appears to be untranslated and I'm just curious as to why did you guys leave this out.

A few weeks ago, my buddy (works as a freelancer programmer & Japanese translator) fiddled around the Complete box .exe & ver 1.01 and this is what he got:

Seems like the right step in the direction, but to be honest, I'll prefer to get a translation patch from you guys instead.
Apparently, he created some translation tool that could unpack some of the .data files. Again, I'm no programmer and this is the most I could tell you.

This is more or less why I have not put out a menu patch yet for Complete Box. Unlike with the other games, it is basically impossible to make something readable without modifying things in the .exe. Which we can certainly do, however because they are updating the game every couple weeks it seems fruitless to try and make something permanent when we will just have to do it again however many times.

In the meantime, we are still experimenting on rendering text in english like so: (font and size not final)

Finally, to be clear, our continued support for the Dream patch is more of a stepping stone in the process to a Complete Box patch, since we have to translate all the dialogue anyway we might as well put it somewhere in the meantime.