Author Topic: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F  (Read 172263 times)


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #780 on: June 12, 2018, 08:54:30 PM »
My friend was interested, but apparently ThLaby1 doesn't run on Windows 10; the wiki says it won't work on version 1709 or later. Is there anything to be done about this? I'm not on Win10 so I can't really test.

Meanwhile, got to 250f and secured my Machine God Lucifer. Equipment farming is done and so is everything in general, apart from gem farming if I feel like it later. Time to watch for the next patch.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2018, 09:12:39 PM by Serela »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #781 on: June 12, 2018, 09:47:51 PM »
My friend was interested, but apparently ThLaby1 doesn't run on Windows 10; the wiki says it won't work on version 1709 or later. Is there anything to be done about this? I'm not on Win10 so I can't really test.

I'm just on windows 7 and it hasn't worked for me for years. You could try telling 3peso. He might just need to recompile it on a modern system.

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #782 on: June 12, 2018, 10:56:39 PM »
I'm just on windows 7 and it hasn't worked for me for years. You could try telling 3peso. He might just need to recompile it on a modern system.
Strange. I am also using Windows 7 and everything works fine for me here. I can't say the same about Windows 10 because I stick with 7. What kind of error do you have? Can you attach the screenshot of error message?

Edit: Just wanted to add that I found that most such errors can be solved by manually installing old versions of DirectX (5, 6, etc.). It will add the missing files which are needed for compatibility with a lot of old games. It won't actually downgrade DirectX or something if you are worried about it.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2018, 11:00:50 PM by Rinnie »

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #783 on: June 12, 2018, 11:23:01 PM »
Strange. I am also using Windows 7 and everything works fine for me here. I can't say the same about Windows 10 because I stick with 7. What kind of error do you have? Can you attach the screenshot of error message?

Edit: Just wanted to add that I found that most such errors can be solved by manually installing old versions of DirectX (5, 6, etc.). It will add the missing files which are needed for compatibility with a lot of old games. It won't actually downgrade DirectX or something if you are worried about it.

It's perfectly possible I broke it myself by doing some weird assembly hack on it. I can't think of anything I might've been working on that wouldn't have gone into the latest patch.

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #784 on: June 12, 2018, 11:29:57 PM »

It's perfectly possible I broke it myself by doing some weird assembly hack on it. I can't think of anything I might've been working on that wouldn't have gone into the latest patch.
Seems that it could be the reason, I think it can be easily checked by launching Lab from fresh installation?

Edit: It seems that one of translation patch versions had compatibility issues, so it might also be it.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2018, 11:41:00 PM by Rinnie »


  • RPG fan
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #785 on: June 12, 2018, 11:43:39 PM »
As for me, it asks me whether or not I want to play it in Fullscreen, and after I choose, nothing happens. It's running according to the task manager, but nothing pops up. EDIT: To clarify, that happens on both the Japanese executable as well as the translated one.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2018, 11:46:31 PM by Xarizzar »

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #786 on: June 12, 2018, 11:54:29 PM »
As for me, it asks me whether or not I want to play it in Fullscreen, and after I choose, nothing happens. It's running according to the task manager, but nothing pops up. EDIT: To clarify, that happens on both the Japanese executable as well as the translated one.
By the way, it doesn't work for me in FullScreen, but it works in Window.
Just to make sure it isn't the problem - do you have special visual effects / desktop composition (Aero, support of widgets, etc.) disabled?


  • RPG fan
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #787 on: June 12, 2018, 11:56:44 PM »
As far as I know, Aero and widgets aren't there in Win 10. And it doesn't work in Fullscreen nor Windowed mode for me.


  • zoom zoom
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #788 on: June 13, 2018, 12:28:02 AM »
I get the sometimes not actually doing anything after selecting fullscreen or windowed but then i delete it from task manager and keep retrying and eventually it works. The worst issue I have with playing it on Win 10 is that if I play fullscreen if the window gets minimized at any point it'll crash upon re-selecting it.

Persistence might be the key here if you're getting the dialogue box but not the game. Keep starting it up and deleting the ones that don't start. It sometimes takes up to 5 tries for me.

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #789 on: June 13, 2018, 12:32:55 AM »
In my experience with W10 and LoT1, if I hit the "Start Game" button too quickly it'll always end up only in task manager, but if I wait some seconds before trying it always opens for me. After the first successful open it'll always work until I shutdown. I haven't had any issues with the game after it's open.

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #790 on: June 13, 2018, 04:03:20 AM »
I've been farming infinity dungeon chests on floor 81 to get my gear in order and to collect gems and books on the side . Maybe it's just me but 2! chests have suspiciously good loot. Just in the last couple days, only running 1-2 hours at a time, I've gotten Adamantite, Tokugawa, Scourge, Otherworldly Black hole, and Medicine of Life from them. I think I also got an Iron Man's Headband from one but that was before I started recording my drops. Compared to 4! and 5! chests which I have not gotten anything good; Ribbons, low infinity gem counts and blue crystal rod. It's kind of disappointing but I hope it's just because I haven't found very many of them yet. I actually got two 5! chests in one floor right next to each other but lost one to the instant attacker crash and the other one had a Ribbon. Do higher ! chests become more common if you chain lots of floors together?


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #791 on: June 13, 2018, 05:15:32 AM »
I've gotten a Flower Blade Kikuryusei and a Codex of Ultimate Wisdom from a Single-! chest, it's just very unlikely. Ribbons seem to be a top-rarity item as far as I can tell, though, as I've gotten one or two from high quality chests. I can see why they would be considered such, even if I rarely would actually want to put one on.

Similarly, at first I was going "ugh, more quartz charms from this !!!!! chest?", but once you hit endgame, your massively inflated library levels makes equipment bonuses less drastic and that flat 20% bonus starts looking pretty good. I ended up putting a Quartz Charm on all my tanks other than Renko and I'm pretttttty sure it was the correct decision, and honestly I'm starting to think maybe I should put them on attackers too? Regalias are obviously insane, though, and ideally you probably want one on everyone who isn't a dedicated nuker... they pretty much monopolize your adamantite/orichalcum.

I wouldn't worry too much about farming infinity chests. After 100f the average chest quality rises a noticeable amount, enemy levels increase at a slower rate, and you're gonna have 150 more floors to explore anyway. Second, you'll get a ton of stat gems farming b11f later if you want them. Still, sounds like you've gotten some pretty sweet stuff, nice.

At minimum, the corridor has to extend to 600F unless he starts doing multiple abyssal touhou bosses at once... hrm. Well, we'll see how much future postgame has in store. There's still half of 30f and either half or three-quarters of b11f to go. Wasn't there
Heavenly versions of Touhou bosses
in the game data? I suppose the other half of 30f could feature a whole new enemy set comprising the true end of game scaling, but we're running out of achievements and equipment slots for new things. They'd probably mostly feature jewel drops. If the all-mega-boosts achievement is realistic, the very final content (not counting infinite scaling bosses like winner) will be lv2000-ish, which isn't super unrealistic given it's not even hard to grind up to 1300 right now. Based off achievements, we can expect a TLB for b11f and
True Dragon God
on 30f, along with whatever awaits at the bottom of the corridor. Hmm, a 650-floor corridor with lv2000 endgame means 250 level increase every 100 floors from here on out, which sounds very reasonable.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2018, 05:40:50 AM by Serela »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #792 on: June 13, 2018, 08:22:22 AM »
I hadn't thought to check until you mentioned it just now, but yeah, Quartz Charm is actually adding more damage than Scourge/Tupsimati now, at least checking Tenshi. About 6-7% more damage for her at level 1,123, ATK is at 1,830,082 with Quartz Charm and 2,001,418 with Scourge. Yeesh, Scourge doesn't even add 10% more ATK at this point.

Anyway, yeah, there are
Heaven (天) versions of every Touhou character plus several Infinite Corridor enemies still in the game files
, along with the two achievements that can be seen but not acquired. One is clearly for
the fight against True Dragon God
, and the other is certainly the one that rewards
True Ama no Murakumo no Tsurugi.
Though, confusingly, the unlock condition is
to defeat a boss in what is in B11f?

In addition to the visible achievements and the files in the game, from the remaining unattainable item names, there's
Jewel of Judgement, "The One Ring", Liquid Metal Mind, and Will of Gensokyo, plus the two items from the achievements. First two should be Corridor bosses corresponding to Z Angband like The Serpent of Chaos and the Dark Lord, Liquid Metal Mind is a Dragon Quest reference, and Will of Gensokyo is...something. Super enhanced Yamata no Orochi reward, or related to the Infinite Corridor? There must be something at the end of the Corridor, but there must be something in B11f too.

For the 1.104 update, 3peso scaled the Corridor leveling rate down from 36 levels every 10 floors (or 3.6 levels every floor) to 34.5 (or 3.45 levels). This affected the entire Corridor, both the old and the new bosses. It's possible that in the 1.105 update, 3peso will scale the leveling rate down again. With 250f being 1,092 for the boss and the current leveling rate of 34.5, the 512f Corridor achievement will see enemy levels at around 1,995. Accounting only for additional Touhou bosses, the levels will be in the 2,200 range at the very end. Except for the Touhou bosses, all enemies are listed with a number associated with their floor number, even bosses, Corridor enemies begin with 99. This regrettably doesn't help any with determining the length of the Corridor because 99 is being used to refer to there being many floors, fitting for the "Infinite" Corridor. I would wager the Corridor ends at 999f or 1000f and eternally loops like it did on 101f and 251f, with a random boss at the end. If that's correct, then with the current leveling rate, 1000f would be level 3,679. Incidentally, Corridor enemies are further divided by numbers.
The Corridor's special bosses are labeled as "99_11", while the missing enemies are "99_10". The Corridor enemies that aren't numbered in the files seem to be divided into 9 groups based on their item drop rates, with a couple miscellaneous ones mixed in. Maybe 99_10 are mid-bosses or maybe even F.O.E.s. Plus Disk didn't do anything with F.O.E.s. The 99_10 enemies include "Infinity Enforcer" and "Infinity Wise Man", palette swaps of Enforcer of Power and In Laquetti, but also "Infinity Black Dragon" and "Infinity Swimming Whale", palette swaps of Abyss Naga and Sky Whale.

This is more a trivia thing, but on 29f,
the stone blockade that requires the defeat of the Deformed/Grotesque trio refers to them as 異空の者, "Beings of Another Dimension", seems to be the gist of it (異空間 is "unusual/other dimension"). 異空 is also the prefix for Corridor's materials. Maybe the Infinite Corridor is their native dimension? Perhaps they'll make more appearances in it. The 29f incarnation of the fight does away with their names in favor of もの, which is just 者 written in hiragana, suggesting they might be a race or something. Creepily, their 29f incarnations have Human added to their races...what does this mean for Rumia's Youkai's Knowledge?


  • RPG fan
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #793 on: June 13, 2018, 08:36:43 AM »
Does he say somewhere that they are called
天 (Heaven) bosses

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #794 on: June 13, 2018, 08:52:46 AM »
The enemy names on the files follow the usual [character name]の影 naming convention, but whereas Abyss bosses are [character name]の影・深淵, the Heaven versions are [character name]の影・天. There is no way to distinguish whether they're intended to be bosses or random encounters, been referring to them as bosses out of habit since the regular, Shadow, and Abyss Touhou character fights have all been boss fights.

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #795 on: June 13, 2018, 01:25:49 PM »
Earth Spirits team is pretty great in endgame after awakening... I think. Even Satori should be good when you're running the rest of the team, because in endgame def/mnd isn't nearly as important as HP (plus you can potentially tweak them up). She should actually be able to take hits, now. Same goes for the previously fragile Orin, and Utsuho finally makes the jump to durable, and their awakenings rock... Earth Spirits is a lot better in endgame than normal game.

If you're got 30F unlocked, you absolutely want to farm metallic kedamas. This will require Aya, but you'll gain so much more EXP it's worth your while. It's also worth your while to awaken Shou (you can have extra awakenings easily now) and use Appraiser Shou's Radiant Treasure Gun to do it, since she'll ~double kedama exp and they have so little HP she requires basically no investment other than TP and accuracy. Aya/-attacker-/-attacker-/Shou more or less. At this point you probably want to use the "Favorites" party settings to make a farming party and normal party setup you can easily swap between. There's no gems on 30F, but it doesn't matter, since you'll gain enough levels you can grind on B11F later for gems. 30F drops adamantite and orichalcum for the best equipment anyway.

Bonus points if you give Aya
Dragon God
for the party mp regen. Everything is deathly weak to NTR on 30F, which might influence your choice of two attackers to go with Aya and Shou. If you don't have a good NTR option, they're all weak to WND, just less so- and 3/4 are weak to CLD or FIR each. You -can- do it without awakened Shou, but it'll really slow things down, and you can't really get the metallic kedamas without Aya until you're massively overleveled, which is the main source of the exp.

When you move on to B11F, everything is deathly weak to SPI, and nearly all are weak to PHY to a lesser amount. Half is weak to FIR, the other half does not resist. Many of the battles will only have a single target; the special subclasses can potentially let anyone do it with their single-target SPI skills. You might want to put Rinnosuke in front and Nazrin in back for here because you're really just grinding for gems, but once you can speedily finish battles the EXP is still decent. It's not easy to one-shot things here; plan to use atk/mag buffs before attackers move and Akyuu or herb of awakening for Boost. You'll probably want lv1200+, but it's easy to reach off Metallic Kedamas.

EDIT:It would be helpful to actually point out the parts of 30F swarming in metal kedamas, huh... hah. I personally used the bottom right since I hadn't even finished the floor yet, so I don't know if one is better than the other, but there sure was a lot of them around. Use the "attachment link".

Just has the time to read and reply. As for Satori, I don't know what I would want her to do. I tried to put her in but she doesn't seem to fit in my team.
My battle plan involves having Okuu stay at the right side and spam skills, with
Dragon god
Byakuren and strategist Keine (main swapper). Since Okuu cannot be swapped out for maximum dps, I have only one free slot to use, mostly occupied by either Renko, Merry or Eirin for speed buff and heals, with occasional Nitori, Kaguya, Reisen doing their thing. The rest 3 are Koishi, Orin and Kasen. If I put Satori in, I would have to take Kasen or Merry out. Taking out the former would take away my only stand-in physical attacker with 3 elements and the latter my only multi-target heal (with damage buff). If Satori is in, her job would most likely use either Byakuren or Okuu's spells and that would just add more magical fire, mystic, spirit and physical "physical" and a weak wind (skanda's leg), which this current team had them all covered. She has that extra damage for hitting weakness for the team, but Okuu and Orin are already blowing bosses away if they're weak to fire or mystic or physical. Earth spirit party's weakness is elemental variety and Satori is not helping the issue. If I'm wrong on anything, please go ahead and tell me!

As for metallic kedamas, I never get to kill them since they either ran away or dodged my attack and flee. Now I'll try that. I still don't like using Aya though, she just feels too good. That or I still remember the day when Diva Aya trivialized the game.

Quartz charm is getting better later in the game I think? Great for tanky attackers like Okuu or Kasen since it help them survive while still boosting the damage. I don't know how well it would fare with squishy nuker, however. Also, does maintenance boost the Quartz charm? If so, 40% damage dealt and -40% damage taken seems bonkers.

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #796 on: June 13, 2018, 01:27:18 PM »
Though, confusingly, the unlock condition is
to defeat a boss in what is in B11f?
I think that B11F will probably Underground version of
True Dragon God, just as in the case with Yamato no Orochi

Also, who knows, maybe B11F will have
Shadow version of ***WINNER***, who can be defeated multiple times and become stronger and stronger as in LoT1
. And there will be
Abyss version of ***WINNER***
in the end of Corridor.

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #797 on: June 13, 2018, 03:39:01 PM »
Quartz charm is getting better later in the game I think? Great for tanky attackers like Okuu or Kasen since it help them survive while still boosting the damage. I don't know how well it would fare with squishy nuker, however. Also, does maintenance boost the Quartz charm? If so, 40% damage dealt and -40% damage taken seems bonkers.
Once you get far enough into the game, that 20% extra damage is better than what most offensive equipment can give you in terms of raw stats. Maintenance doesn't double unique/special effects like those of the Quartz Charm.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #798 on: June 13, 2018, 03:53:21 PM »
Earth spirit party's weakness is elemental variety and Satori is not helping the issue. If I'm wrong on anything, please go ahead and tell me!

As for metallic kedamas, I never get to kill them since they either ran away or dodged my attack and flee. Now I'll try that. I still don't like using Aya though, she just feels too good. That or I still remember the day when Diva Aya trivialized the game.

Also, does maintenance boost the Quartz charm? If so, 40% damage dealt and -40% damage taken seems bonkers.
Well, I suppose you could give her the special subclasses. It might seem like a "waste" due to spell copies, but it's not like she gets special bonuses on recollections; heck, they're lv0 instead of lv5! It comes down to whether you want further kinship boost or not. 60% weakness damage plus lv4 kinship (32% stat bonus) is... pretty intense damage potential, quite honestly! She regenerates massive MP on swap out at this point in the game, so after MP gems/boost the cost of even 20mp subclass skills is not remotely an issue. She's in a perfection stat position to use the composite nukes, quadra-elemental is perfect for her weakness bonus, and
grants both SPI and DRK regardless of offensive stat while recollection covers the other elements.

I honestly don't like giving Byakuren
Dragon God
because, while it buffs the front lines, she already does that perfectly fine so Strategist's buff decay is arguably -better-, and only Strategist grants the 10% passive damage boost! It gives attackers less decay for higher buff totals on their turns, and Byakuren's already topping everyone off regularly, plus it means you can double up on the damage reduction passives. The MP and healing bonuses make it a competitive choice and she does enjoy the affinity bonus, though, so it's still pretty effective. I'm still debating over giving it to her myself or not, now that my Rumia has a regalia and doesn't need the affinities that bad.

Metallic Kedamas pretty much require Aya. I don't like using her either, BUT, if it's literally just for grinding metal exp, all it's doing is saving me a boatload of time doing something that isn't even remotely hard. Same reason I awakened Shou even though I don't use her; she just makes the grinding sessions far more effective so I can finish way faster.

It's safe to assume Maintenance does not work on any special effects, as it hasn't in the past. It's just for the stat/affinity/resistance bonuses. God do they get a lot of affinity though, and what a boost off Tokugawa Statues... also yes I feel bad that I sold a Quartz Charm previously because now I want one for every party member other than my 3 maintennancers. I still have like 5, though, and they don't cost a bajillion dust like Tokugawa Statues. (Still takes about 20 floors to buy one, tho')

When you consider that 20% damage up can be better than even a Scourge, AND that it gives 20% damage reduced... well...
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #799 on: June 13, 2018, 11:28:59 PM »
I completely forgot about the existence of Quartz Charms. I have nine of them, damn.

I can't wait to see how dumb 70% damage reduction Kogasa and 72% damage reduction Meiling are.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, if Strategist and
Dragon God's Power
damage reduction stacks, that's 80%/82% respectively. I also forgot about Transcendent Meiling, so would that be 92%?
« Last Edit: June 13, 2018, 11:34:38 PM by Krhinji »

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #800 on: June 13, 2018, 11:42:04 PM »
I completely forgot about the existence of Quartz Charms. I have nine of them, damn.

I can't wait to see how dumb 70% damage reduction Kogasa and 72% damage reduction Meiling are.

EDIT: Now that I think about it, if Strategist and
Dragon God's Power
damage reduction stacks, that's 80%/82% respectively. I also forgot about Transcendent Meiling, so would that be 92%?
I'm pretty sure damage reduction/increase is not additive.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2018, 11:44:37 PM by Libra »

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #801 on: June 13, 2018, 11:46:39 PM »
I'm pretty sure damage reduction/increase is not additive.

Considering that'd be a really bad idea, I probably should've thought of that first. And yeah, the numbers I'm getting definitely aren't as crazy as that. They're still pretty good though. I should find something somewhere that uses something like  Scourge.

EDIT: Using only Kogasa, Meiling, Keine and Eirin I almost beat
Level 1200 ***WINNER***
at level 800.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2018, 12:00:07 AM by Krhinji »

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #802 on: June 13, 2018, 11:56:48 PM »
Libra mentioned that Quartz Charms don't stack so I tested in-game and determined that they really don't stack. That's a little surprising since there doesn't seem to be any indication that they wouldn't stack. Very useful to know that.


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #803 on: June 14, 2018, 01:58:50 AM »
Oh good, so I only need 12 and not 24!
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #804 on: June 14, 2018, 02:29:36 AM »
Oh, it seems that Quartz Charm's +20% bonus affects heals casted by the wearer too.


  • RPG fan
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #805 on: June 14, 2018, 03:30:43 AM »
So, I started a NG+, just to see if you still get the achievements for the 3 deformed bosses, and apparently you still do. So I'm not exactly sure why my old NG+ save file is still bugged. Weird.

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #806 on: June 14, 2018, 01:06:57 PM »
Well, I suppose you could give her the special subclasses. It might seem like a "waste" due to spell copies, but it's not like she gets special bonuses on recollections; heck, they're lv0 instead of lv5! It comes down to whether you want further kinship boost or not. 60% weakness damage plus lv4 kinship (32% stat bonus) is... pretty intense damage potential, quite honestly! She regenerates massive MP on swap out at this point in the game, so after MP gems/boost the cost of even 20mp subclass skills is not remotely an issue. She's in a perfection stat position to use the composite nukes, quadra-elemental is perfect for her weakness bonus, and
grants both SPI and DRK regardless of offensive stat while recollection covers the other elements.

I honestly don't like giving Byakuren
Dragon God
because, while it buffs the front lines, she already does that perfectly fine so Strategist's buff decay is arguably -better-, and only Strategist grants the 10% passive damage boost! It gives attackers less decay for higher buff totals on their turns, and Byakuren's already topping everyone off regularly, plus it means you can double up on the damage reduction passives. The MP and healing bonuses make it a competitive choice and she does enjoy the affinity bonus, though, so it's still pretty effective. I'm still debating over giving it to her myself or not, now that my Rumia has a regalia and doesn't need the affinities that bad.

Metallic Kedamas pretty much require Aya. I don't like using her either, BUT, if it's literally just for grinding metal exp, all it's doing is saving me a boatload of time doing something that isn't even remotely hard. Same reason I awakened Shou even though I don't use her; she just makes the grinding sessions far more effective so I can finish way faster.
I have Nitori on
and Okuu on
Murakumo's blessing
so I'm left with non-limited subclasses. But maybe Nitori on
is a waste? I might give Satori a try but I still have to take Kasen out.

I put Byakuren on strategist for the MP regen and heal. It's great for the whole team, so yeah.

As for metallic kedama, thanks for the tip! It's great, raking in the XP like it was nothing. That thing seems to have huge defenses, however. My Suwako with 1.4m mag did 1 damage to it. So awakening Shou is necessary if we're using her to farm.

I seem to get only 3 types of mob for 30f. Should there be more?


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #807 on: June 14, 2018, 02:51:24 PM »
There's only 4 enemies plus metal kedamas. edit:herpderp I am dum there's a few more... The upside is they're all weak to the same stuff so it's easier to farm. B11F probably only has as many enemy types as it does because it needed 1 enemy per gem/jewel type.

I was puzzled about who to give my special subs out to... I ended up dropping
on Miko mostly for passive boosts, and tbh I'm not even using
Murakumo Blessing
, I might put it on Nitori for grinding on b11f. When it comes to bosses, a neutral Super Scope under Transcendent will do more damage than subclass attacks hitting weakness, so it felt like kind of a waste. Futo mostly wants to use her innate skills anyway, and Meiling's Mountain Breaker is already busted with a SPI move on the side and useful monk stuff, and Maribel doesn't need anything past Liberated Abilities. Iku wants Sorc, Rumia gets big bonuses on her innate skills, and Eirin is mostly for overheals... ah well!

Kasen is a solid character, no doubt, so no pressure. Satori should do notably more damage on weakness hits (which she can nearly always cover with a special sub and recollections) and boost your kinships and other frontline weaknesses, but Kasen is notably more durable with Fighting Spirit, dragon buff, and guts.

edit:Hmmmm... Mokou... I might actually replace Futo with Mokou. Mokou can absolutely get +50% attack stat off Imperishable Shooting and still have the tp for multiple resurrections, regens 20% hp, and continued fighting spirit is really good both defensively and offensively. They're actually really similar characters since plates cause regen, damage up+down, endure death, etc. Mokou does things better I think, she just needs more move variety off Swordmaster or a special sub, but I think I'll do Swordmaster because Mokou's absolute max mp before equips is only 61. Plus, having Explosive Flame Sword is good with blazing, it's almost as strong as Volcano without the big delay. Wand of Destruction with sheer force does sound nifty, tho'... and she'll murder any remotely shk-vulnerable bosses with Shield Bash.

Futo is better at random battles but she's already just "backup damage" compared to Maribel/Nitori/Miko anyway so I really don't care.
« Last Edit: June 14, 2018, 11:32:08 PM by Serela »
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore

Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #808 on: June 14, 2018, 11:26:47 PM »
I seem to get only 3 types of mob for 30f. Should there be more?
I counted 8 types (unless I misunderstood you) - that's in ver. 2.104, I didn't updated yet so maybe patch broke something, dunno:
1. Divinely Possessed Stone - 811 Lv.
2. World-Ruling Kedama - 766 Lv.
3. Avatar of Holiness - 777 Lv.
4. Heaven-Embracing Sphere - 820 Lv.
5. (Some Big Beast with name in Japanese) - 772 Lv.
6. (Skull Orb with name in Japanese) - 800 Lv.
7. (In Laquetti look alike with name in Japanese) - 788 Lv.
8. (Actual Metal Kedama with name in Japanese).
« Last Edit: June 14, 2018, 11:34:18 PM by Rinnie »


  • Moon Tiara Magic
Re: Labyrinth of Touhou 2 - 17F
« Reply #809 on: June 14, 2018, 11:34:14 PM »
What skull orb?? Although yeah I'm dumb and forgot the 2 enemies -after- the kedama in the bestiary. If you still have some japanese names, you're not using the latest english patch. (There's not much else updated though, so, not a big difference)
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore