Author Topic: ...GOD DAMN IT, YUKARI ! (a ranting theory about the upcoming new game)  (Read 6411 times)

This pretty much just happen on the top of my head after I read Reisen's ending.

So after Reisen's ending, there's this particular line that got me thinking:

"Events similar to Reimu and Mokou's experience started happening one after another.
Humans would suddenly appear, seeming to have teleported. And other humans would disappear at the same time.
According to the humans who experienced it, it seemed as if someone had taken over control of their body.
But to outside observers it looked less like mind control, and more like people were switching places, body and all.
In a rather troublesome turn of events, everyone began to get used to this abnormal situation.
Some people even took advantage of it, saying that they could use the phenomenon to visit their favorite places whenever they wanted. This was one of Gensokyo's bad habits."

...Okay, this particular paragraph. The line that said despite someone's using their own body to do thing, everybody seem to get used of it, and even used it to teleport to somewhere else they want. Make me think that the next game's theme is going to be the problem of agency vs convienience, unlike other game where the theme seem to be vague, and no more than "somebody's making an incident, let kick their shit". Such a clear different between game, more over on a spin-off, make me think that, aside from ZUN's kickin up his gear, this next incident is planned. Not just any kind of plan, a plan to teach every single resident of Gensokyo a lesson. And who else could do that other than Yukari, the overlord mastermind herself.

At first I didn't even think of that though. I was thinking about the new boss and what would she be like, from her supposed ability to her goal. So far I seem to figured it out that the new boss's goal seem to be to revive herself, to make herself known, and to control every single person in the entire Gensokyo (what with the possesing theme and stuff). That would mess up the current rule of Gensokyo instigate and belong to Yukari, so I initially thought that Yukari would finally be in the next game to stop this. But then ZUN said:

"So tell me just this, is the new character one that has never been made it to the fighting games?"
"that's right"

That would mean that Yukari herself isn't going to join this, despite this would shake up the very foundation of Gensokyo itself. So... what give? Then I remember that no, Yukari would want to shake up the foundation of Gensokyo, she even said it herself in Marisa ending. So if she want to, but didn't join the game, what would she do with the upcoming incident that would become an "absolutely horrible conflict"?

I then look at the new game again, see if I can find anything. I then remember, "Wait, in the title screen, isn't the color of the flower purple? From my current clue and the fact that Yukari build her entire image on the colour purple, it would be obvious that not only Yukari would definitively have something to do in the next game, she and the new boss have something to do with each other. But to judge that Yukari have something just by the color of the flower would be a bit farfetch, so i tried to dig for more. Then I remember this:


For those not interest in reading this, it's about Yukari's explanation of Humaned Away. Personally, I found the line of reasoning that the exchange would come from small to big is a bit of bullshit: If this is equivalent exchange, then what about all of the human she carried over, or just forgotten? Also why it doesn't become equivalent exchange right away, but go in increment? Also if only her dream come into here, then why it's going up ? There're some hole in this, but that's not importance. What I found interesting is this:

"What I do think is that someone is guiding her. I mean, being able to come here only in her dreams sound too good to be true, don't you think?"

At first, we think that line mean that Yukari known it was Kasen that's the cause of this. That now's still true, in the sense that she know "someone is guiding her", but she never specifically said it was Kasen that do it, only that her action right now is in line with what she want to do (which, if you remember, is shaking up the current status quo). That mean she's hiding that someone that actually done the Humaned Away, someone who have a relationship with Yukari, by blaming Kasen for that. This still could be anyone, mind you, but...:


Yukari then said to replace her with "dummy" of the similar dream state, kinda like how people have been replaced with "similar strange state" all over the place isn't it? I don't know about you, but I think it's obvious who exactly did she hide from all of this. (It's also a bit of an interesting comment by Yukari, saying that the people right now is only a "dummy" being manipulate by the status quo)


TL;DR: Yukari is messing around again, this time she's involved with the new boss (either as accomplice, or they both used each other (except Yukari win the end game)), and this have been hinted all over the place.

I know this theory's a bit unbelievable, and the next incident is definitively going to be different from what I theorize. But looking at the clue I give to you, wouldn't this be stranger if Yukari didn't involve one bit in this entire incident? Especially if it's to teach everyone the lesson about Agency vs convenience, the problem that have secrectly plague Gensokyo, and Touhou in general?

« Last Edit: December 15, 2016, 12:51:58 PM by andykhang »


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Re: ...GOD DAMN IT, YUKARI ! (a ranting theory about the upcoming new game)
« Reply #1 on: December 15, 2016, 01:56:00 PM »
Omg, and the page number of WaHH you just cited is page 23


A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: ...GOD DAMN IT, YUKARI ! (a ranting theory about the upcoming new game)
« Reply #2 on: December 15, 2016, 01:58:39 PM »
...Oookay? Sound like you're just making fun of me. But if you want my opinion, I think this is just coincidence.


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Re: ...GOD DAMN IT, YUKARI ! (a ranting theory about the upcoming new game)
« Reply #3 on: December 15, 2016, 02:06:47 PM »
I am being mean, sorry. The 23 was a good opportunity.

The paragraph you're talking about doesn't seem all that important or out of place to me. Kind of the whole joke there is that such an incident isn't out of place -- despite body-swapping seeming like a big deal that would suck horribly, it's a common occurrence in Gensokyo that something strange and magical happens that should probably be dealt with, but people are too busy taking advantage of it in one way or another to do anything about fixing it. People going "hey cool I can use this to teleport to places that are hard to get to" instead of the expected "what is happening please help" is pretty characteristically Touhou, and the line "this was one of Gensokyo's bad habits" is absolutely a nod to this.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


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Re: ...GOD DAMN IT, YUKARI ! (a ranting theory about the upcoming new game)
« Reply #4 on: December 15, 2016, 02:17:07 PM »
Wait, so the teleport/switching between people is controllable?
Also, were the endings and epilogue of Reisen's story translated?

Re: ...GOD DAMN IT, YUKARI ! (a ranting theory about the upcoming new game)
« Reply #5 on: December 15, 2016, 02:30:01 PM »
Yeah it is, you could find it in this page:,19341.360.html

Also yeah, it would look like any other Touhou game if it weren't for Yukari's comment to changing Gensokyo. I would took it at a sign that people in Gensokyo have grown too lax, despite the possibility that they would be controlled forever, because they always have someone to solve all of this and then everything will be back to normal, and also the fact that they subconciously realize they have been under control for their whole life and choose not to do anything about it. Even the mystic, the ruling class of Gensokyo, decided to just let thing take it course, else they will lose their delicate paradise they have left and just leaving it stagnant. If she want to change anything, this next incident would be a good time to show it.


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Re: ...GOD DAMN IT, YUKARI ! (a ranting theory about the upcoming new game)
« Reply #6 on: December 15, 2016, 03:01:00 PM »
In my eyes, while Yukari does eventually want to evolve Gensokyo further, right now the status quo is the best thing for her and the youkai.  And she knows this, she works with the system instead of against it.  Like you showed with your excerpt from WaHH, she's not interfering with the things that are happening, she's just reducing the "environmental impact" of Sumireko's travel.  If anyone is going to try to make radical change happen it will be Kasen, who has literally stated once she wants the GHB to break.

As for your other point: How would Yukari benefit from loosening control over the humans?  The current system of having heroes to save the people from incidents is not only incredibly beneficial to her and the other youkai, but she had part in setting it up herself!  If anything, Yukari's endgame would be a world where youkai don't need the belief of humans anymore.  Once again, contrast Kasen, who has strongly put herself on the side of humanity in this issue.
Life and death are without purpose.  Our attempts to give them one are quite presumptuous of us.  But in the end, we exist, and that is enough.

Current status: Dissuading deliberately choking for imagined fame.

Re: ...GOD DAMN IT, YUKARI ! (a ranting theory about the upcoming new game)
« Reply #7 on: December 15, 2016, 05:21:37 PM »
Yeah, except that the status quo have been broken by her as an unprecedented rate (for Youkai), by introducing the Spell Card system that secretly broke the status by making that even the weak could fight back, and the status of strength is determined by the currency know as Spell Card, not by the raw fear that they couldn't collect easily (come to think about it, Yukari's method is surprisingly economic). She doesn't relied on any status quo in the first place as she rule the system, and the current stagnation as the heroes kept protecting them from conflict is making the Youkai less scary mean that system is working at intended.


  • Exposition Patchouli
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Re: ...GOD DAMN IT, YUKARI ! (a ranting theory about the upcoming new game)
« Reply #8 on: December 15, 2016, 05:51:23 PM »
Status quo is defined as "keeping things as they currently are."  In this case, status quo IS the spellcard system.  The point of the devil's contract, and the later spellcard rules is to preserve both human and youkai life.  It allows the youkai to threaten and scare humans, without risking that a youkai will do something dumb and wipe out the entire source of their belief.  It writes the rules into Gensokyo's reality itself, so that if invoked, they must be obeyed.  But as we see in Forbidden Scrollery, sometimes they aren't invoked, and death still happens.
So even under this easier, less scary, "stagnant" rules, youkai are still terrifying and lethal beings.  The spellcard system doesn't mean the weak can miraculously defeat the strong, it just means that it probably won't end with a corpse.
And there's no "economy" to spellcards.  Akyuu herself says Reimu just tends to retry until she wins.  That's the more unfair thing, not how many spell cards someone has.  Patchouli has more than twice as many as Remilia, but that doesn't make her the master of Scarlet Devil Mansion.
Life and death are without purpose.  Our attempts to give them one are quite presumptuous of us.  But in the end, we exist, and that is enough.

Current status: Dissuading deliberately choking for imagined fame.

Re: ...GOD DAMN IT, YUKARI ! (a ranting theory about the upcoming new game)
« Reply #9 on: December 16, 2016, 07:02:28 AM »
I was feeling sleepy yesterday so I didn't notice but... I never said that she would loosen her tight on the human? I was only getting to the part that know she's planning something for the upcoming incident to teach a lesson. And what you said doesn't have any thing to do with what she planned the next game.


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Re: ...GOD DAMN IT, YUKARI ! (a ranting theory about the upcoming new game)
« Reply #10 on: December 16, 2016, 08:42:53 AM »
You mentioned the purple color of the flowers on the title screen. Now, which species of flower is it? It may lead to another hint.

(I'm not good with flowers)

Re: ...GOD DAMN IT, YUKARI ! (a ranting theory about the upcoming new game)
« Reply #11 on: December 16, 2016, 11:32:55 AM »
I no flower expert either, but judging from a quick search on the internet, I said it's a daisy. A Common Daisy, I think?

Re: ...GOD DAMN IT, YUKARI ! (a ranting theory about the upcoming new game)
« Reply #12 on: December 16, 2016, 11:42:09 AM »

Edit: Which remind me:

Different kind of flower, but it's probably related. In that chapter, Yukari does also mentioned the danger of western devil fairy if these thing get everywhere in gensokyo. Also interesting fast, the latin name for the daisy is Bellis perennis, which roughly translate to "everlasting beauty".

But well, it's probably just ZUN and his crew picked out some random flower, with the exact meaning for it to be an Antinomy. It's probably nothing.


  • Classic era Marisa-like entity
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Re: ...GOD DAMN IT, YUKARI ! (a ranting theory about the upcoming new game)
« Reply #13 on: December 17, 2016, 05:19:49 AM »

We know that there will be a new character in this game.
And that there are two antagonists, teamed up.
Under the above theories, a Kasen-Yukari pairing would seem likely.
But generally, new characters are significant characters. Like, final boss material and such.
So, it would make sense for one of the above to have paired up with this new character, who I am provisionally calling 依子 (Yoriko).
I'm betting on Kasen-Yoriko.
Please wait warmly. Girls are intentionally leaving this space blank.

Since everybody has these: 1CC PoDD ez, 1CC(?) EoSD ez, PD LoLK, something something HM ULiL

Re: ...GOD DAMN IT, YUKARI ! (a ranting theory about the upcoming new game)
« Reply #14 on: December 17, 2016, 05:44:00 AM »
Why Yoriko?


  • Classic era Marisa-like entity
  • Failing at Touhou since 2000-something
Re: ...GOD DAMN IT, YUKARI ! (a ranting theory about the upcoming new game)
« Reply #15 on: December 17, 2016, 05:47:31 AM »
Saw speculation on another thread here that Yorohime would be joining in, since the title shares a kanji.
And using Tenko as an example, I figured Yoriko would serve well as a provisional name for any new character that may be appearing in this game.
Feel free to disagree and discard.
Please wait warmly. Girls are intentionally leaving this space blank.

Since everybody has these: 1CC PoDD ez, 1CC(?) EoSD ez, PD LoLK, something something HM ULiL

Re: ...GOD DAMN IT, YUKARI ! (a ranting theory about the upcoming new game)
« Reply #16 on: December 17, 2016, 06:01:46 AM »
Well, if anything, I guess the boss will be solo. If not, she would actually get a hold of someone to fight with her as a puppet.


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Re: ...GOD DAMN IT, YUKARI ! (a ranting theory about the upcoming new game)
« Reply #17 on: December 19, 2016, 05:07:46 PM »
Has anyone thought that the new Boss could be twins?
double kill, triple kill, overkill, killtacular, killtrocity, killimanjaro, killtastrophe, killpocalypse, killionaire

Re: ...GOD DAMN IT, YUKARI ! (a ranting theory about the upcoming new game)
« Reply #18 on: December 20, 2016, 09:21:10 AM »
...Could be. Though that mean either the twin could be split, or we will have a rigid tag team formation.