*pops in out of nowhere*
Coming in with my shitty opinions

Uh, I'll do this for patterns only. I feel this would get the best average across playstyles - scoring, bombs allowed, no bombs, et cetera.
Honorable mention/Unofficial number 1. PoDD - Just all around insane. Unforgiving, extremely fast, hard right from the start. Good luck if you're using Chiyuri and not named "ZIL".
Effective number 1 because no PC 98 games pls don't shoot me: LoLK - Do I really need to say anything? the difficulty is all over the place. Sagume is a breather, but shouldn't be underestimated, Ringo and Doremy are hell for stage two and three, and then you have Clownpiss and Junko to finish you off.
2. UFO - A lot of very random stage portions, UFO system can be annoying at times, and Shou and Byakuren are very hard.
3. DDC - There's a lot of very hard patterns here. You get a lot of resources, but good luck if you're going for an LNN or an LNB. (Also, Seija.)
4. SA - Has some hard parts and easy parts. I really don't get why others rate this game so low, but oh well. I guess it's because I barely play SA?
5. PoFV - Abusable, but the patterns can be quite hard. Eiki is by far the hardest part... another game I barely play. Can't even remember how the mechanics work off the top of my head :derp:
6. IN - Mystia has two hard attacks early on, and Keine has some harder attacks, but overall early game isn't that hard. Neither is Reisen, but she has some legit attacks, too. But Marisa/Reimu and Kaguya
more than make up for that... this is definitely the easiest game to lunatic 1cc, but this game has consistently suprisingly difficult patterns.
7. MoF - Sort of a toughie between this and EoSD. Aya and Kanako are both very hard for me, especially VoWG, PWG and Yamato Torus, but the rest of the game isn't that bad in terms of difficulty. Stage 1 is certaintly harder than in EoSD, but it isn't that bad. On the otherhand, you get a LOT of resources.
8. EoSD - This game has some tough patterns. It's easy early on, but Sakuya is brutal, so is the books, and Patchy is fairly difficult with most shot-types, and just downright evil with MarisaA. Remi's fight is a juxtaposition of very easy/doable attacks (Nonspells, sort of spellcard 1/2, VI is in the middle - entirely dependent on luck), but when she gets serious, boy does her attacks pack a punch. But even Meister and Gensokyo aren't
that bad in my opinion. Overall though, unless you're going for an LNN or LNB, it isn't that bad. (god help you if you are though)
This would be a fair bit higher in a difficulty list of just 1cc-ing: you get less resources than later games. Maybe the fact I've played this game's lunatic a ton is why I put it so low?
9. PCB - Easy patterns, helpful system, lots of resources. This game is just all around easy. Nothing else to say, honestly. Though, Alice is evil. This is probably harder than some of the other games to LNBNBB/LNMNBNBB.
10. TD - Very easy patterns, but few resources. But the trance system can help you get through - overall, very easy. Kyouko is hard though, and this game has IMO an annoying early game. Even so, the main barrier to 1ccing is how much of a chore the early game is to play :V
So, uh, yes. My list. Here you go and all that shin-digs.