Author Topic: Touhou Danmakufu Fangame - Looking for artists and musicians  (Read 1962 times)

Touhou Danmakufu Fangame - Looking for artists and musicians
« on: December 13, 2015, 09:08:31 AM »
I've been working on a Touhou fangame (currently unnamed) for about a year and have made good progress. I've thought up the story, characters, spells and non-spells, most of it. I've finished stages 1-3  (though they probably still need to be re-balanced) and have completed a majority of the stage 4-6 bosses and am quite happy with the result. The other integral part, however, is the visual and musical part. I've researched and attempted to create the art and music for my fangame, however they do not even come close to the standard I would like them to be at, so naturally, I'm looking for help. I'm in no real rush as there is still a lot for me to code and I only started this a personal project, but if anyone has the time to spare to help me, it would be greatly appreciated. I am happy to give previews to those on the fence about helping me. If you are willing to help me, I will give you as many details as I can about what I would like (I am also open to suggestions). If you receive/find out anything about my fangame, please keep it yourself as I would like people to discover the content of my game as if it were completely new.

Thank you!