Author Topic: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)  (Read 47757 times)

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #330 on: July 23, 2015, 03:13:36 PM »
>Have we ever tried biscotti? And did we like it?
>Either way, "I'll try anything once. Lead on, my friend."
>Follow her lead. She's the one with the working eyes.

>Not specifically, you think, but it's usually hard to go wrong with biscuits.
>She thrusts a finger upward. "Lead on!"
>You follow Kyouko as she leads you to what turns out to be a rather cafe-like establishment. It is a rather small and dimly-lit space, or perhaps that's just the effect of the dark slate tile and darker furnishings; it manages to feel somehow private, despite the large front window and half a dozen other patrons. The waft of coffee in the air is a little sharp, but the aroma of freshly-toasted bread stirs your dormant appetite. And there is cheese.
>Kyouko pauses in front of the large glass sandwich display with a thoughtful hum. You have to admit, they all look pretty good.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #331 on: July 24, 2015, 07:18:50 AM »
>We did ask her before about that repeating thing, right?
>How do we take our coffee?

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #332 on: July 24, 2015, 07:26:20 AM »
>We did ask her before about that repeating thing, right?
>How do we take our coffee?

>You did. It's a yamabiko thing, apparently. It's almost a little endearing, somehow; she always seems so earnest about it.
>You mostly don't drink coffee, in fact. You find it a bit bitter.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #333 on: July 24, 2015, 08:32:16 AM »
>Given our recent lack of verve and vigor, though, a bit of coffee might not be an entirely bad idea.
>We'll go for... the... BLT, it is a classic. With cheddar cheese. And coffee, with (hopefully) enough cream and sugar to take the worst of the bite off.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #334 on: July 24, 2015, 08:46:17 AM »
>Given our recent lack of verve and vigor, though, a bit of coffee might not be an entirely bad idea.
>We'll go for... the... BLT, it is a classic. With cheddar cheese. And coffee, with (hopefully) enough cream and sugar to take the worst of the bite off.

>In the faint hope that the caffeine might help offset your flagging energy levels, you elect for a thoroughly sweetened coffee and a BLT with extra cheese. Kyouko orders a toasted pastrami sandwich and some kind of fizzy green drink capped with a generous swirl of whipped cream. Food in hand, you pick a small round table in the corner of the cafe and settle in. Kyouko takes a sip of her drink, then leans forward with a grin.
>"So!" she says expectantly.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #335 on: July 24, 2015, 09:23:38 AM »
>How much did we tell her about our quest last time we spoke?

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #336 on: July 24, 2015, 09:34:23 AM »
>How much did we tell her about our quest last time we spoke?

>Very little, all things told. She knows of your battle with the spider youkai in the caverns north of Easthaven, and that you were nearly killed during it, but not that you suffered any lingering effects. You said the bittercress you were carting around was for a time-sensitive job on behalf of a client in Easthaven, but never connected the two, or implied that anything so serious as a person's life hinged upon it. She did hear you make some inquiries about Yuuka's garden at the Seeker's guildhall, but this too was not obviously connected to your bittercress or the incident with the spider youkai or any matter of urgency. Nor, for that matter, did you even imply you would be leaving town in search of it. For all Kyouko knows, you mailed the flower back to Easthaven and have spent the rest of the week making money doing contracts for rich people.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #337 on: July 24, 2015, 10:25:26 AM »
>"I've had... a bit of a journey. You remember that garden I was asking around about before?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #338 on: July 24, 2015, 10:49:54 AM »
>"I've had... a bit of a journey. You remember that garden I was asking around about before?"

>"Yeah, I think so," she says. "At the Seeker's guildhall the other day?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #339 on: July 24, 2015, 11:27:55 AM »
>Nod. "I did find it. After a fairly grueling trek. It was hidden outside of town in the middle of nowhere. And as pretty as it was, I'm glad I was the only one who went there. The gardener, Yuuka, was not the kind of person you would have enjoyed meeting. Not by a long shot."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #340 on: July 24, 2015, 11:59:45 AM »
>Nod. "I did find it. After a fairly grueling trek. It was hidden outside of town in the middle of nowhere. And as pretty as it was, I'm glad I was the only one who went there. The gardener, Yuuka, was not the kind of person you would have enjoyed meeting. Not by a long shot."

>"Not by a long shot?" Kyouko frowns.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #341 on: July 24, 2015, 12:15:49 PM »
>"To put it mildly, she was not a nice person. She loves her plants, but she's not as fond of people. But she did have the bittercress flower I need, and, after a bit of fast talking, I made a deal with her. She'll give me the flower I need, if I can get a flower for her that she doesn't have yet."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #342 on: July 24, 2015, 12:31:45 PM »
>"To put it mildly, she was not a nice person. She loves her plants, but she's not as fond of people. But she did have the bittercress flower I need, and, after a bit of fast talking, I made a deal with her. She'll give me the flower I need, if I can get a flower for her that she doesn't have yet."

>"A flower she doesn't have yet?" Kyouko takes a bite of her sandwich and chews it thoughtfully. "Like, any flower?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #343 on: July 24, 2015, 01:06:11 PM »
>"By the looks of her place, there aren't many she doesn't have, but she had one in paricular in mind for me to get. It's called a lunar orchid."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #344 on: July 24, 2015, 01:12:56 PM »
>"By the looks of her place, there aren't many she doesn't have, but she had one in paricular in mind for me to get. It's called a lunar orchid."

>"A lunar orchid...." she breathes. "Wait, I think I read about those once. They're one of those rare flowers Lady Houraisan has, aren't they?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #345 on: July 24, 2015, 01:28:07 PM »
>"Right first time."
>"And they don't just give them away, either. I was just coming from Ozuteiki, as a matter of fact, to see if I could eiher buy or trade for it. I met a rabbit named Ringo who said she might be able to help me, but that she had to clear it through channels first, and that she needed time. I was off to resupply myself when I ran into you."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #346 on: July 24, 2015, 01:31:56 PM »
>"Right first time."
>"And they don't just give them away, either. I was just coming from Ozuteiki, as a matter of fact, to see if I could eiher buy or trade for it. I met a rabbit named Ringo who said she might be able to help me, but that she had to clear it through channels first, and that she needed time. I was off to resupply myself when I ran into you."

>"Resupply? Oh, to go back to Yuuka's again?" She takes a sip of her drink. "How far away is it, anyway?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #347 on: July 24, 2015, 02:00:46 PM »
>"At least three days. Maybe more. I know where to find it now, but getting there in the first place was... tough. I actually fell off a cliff once. And then I had to come all the way back. I'd be lying a little if I said I was at my best."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #348 on: July 24, 2015, 02:26:38 PM »
>"At least three days. Maybe more. I know where to find it now, but getting there in the first place was... tough. I actually fell off a cliff once. And then I had to come all the way back. I'd be lying a little if I said I was at my best."

>"Fell off a cliff?!" The girl's voice actually turns a few heads in the establishment, and you cringe inwardly a little.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #349 on: July 24, 2015, 02:30:59 PM »
>Use a polite hand gesture to indicate 'little less volume, please.'
>"Only a small one."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #350 on: July 24, 2015, 02:36:41 PM »
>Use a polite hand gesture to indicate 'little less volume, please.'
>"Only a small one."

>You try to gesture for quiet, though you're not certain Kyouko gets the message.
>"How small?" She looks concerned and just a little unconvinced.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #351 on: July 25, 2015, 07:56:09 AM »
>"Well, I didn't actually get that far up it. I... miscalculated my stamina."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #352 on: July 25, 2015, 08:48:20 AM »
>"Well, I didn't actually get that far up it. I... miscalculated my stamina."

>"Oh no...." The sympathy in Kyouko's expression is effusive.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #353 on: July 25, 2015, 09:04:35 AM »
>"Hey. I'm still here. I beat those spiders, no cliff's gonna do me in."

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #354 on: July 25, 2015, 09:11:48 AM »
>"Hey. I'm still here. I beat those spiders, no cliff's gonna do me in."

>"That's the spirit!" she says, then takes another bite of her sandwich. She waves a finger in the general direction of your own meal. "Aren't you going to eat?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #355 on: July 25, 2015, 10:29:54 AM »
>Reach up to pull our scarf down. "Just, um... Don't yell, okay?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #356 on: July 25, 2015, 10:56:08 AM »
>Reach up to pull our scarf down. "Just, um... Don't yell, okay?"

>Kyouko frowns uncertainly. "Don't yell?"

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #357 on: July 25, 2015, 11:05:29 AM »
>Pull it down.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #358 on: July 25, 2015, 11:22:52 AM »
>Pull it down.

>You pull your scarf down, revealing the blight across your face in full relief. To her credit, Kyouko mostly stifles her yelp, though her eyes widen and her ears twitch in alarm.
>"What's that?!" she whispers in an exaggeratedly hushed tone.

Re: (Skyseas of Gensokyo) Nazrin Quest (Part 14)
« Reply #359 on: July 25, 2015, 11:32:01 AM »
>"I'll explain later."
>Take a small bite.
>"Probably... should have done that before. I suppose I owe you an apology, too, for that."