Author Topic: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread  (Read 99099 times)


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #120 on: July 04, 2015, 04:37:56 PM »
I am here for the Splat Fest, will try to play as much as possible! Of course I need sleep too.

Btw, does the game mode matter for the Splat Fest? Like Regular or Ranked?

Also team dogs/cats? I am currently in the Rock vs Pop thing. So how come people have different Splat Fests? Or is it just random?

Funen I am seeing you play! Fancy for some regular battles?

Edit 2 streamin Splat Fest for Team Rock.

edit 3: Small break for now.
« Last Edit: July 04, 2015, 06:28:02 PM by Helepolis »


  • alter cool
Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #121 on: July 04, 2015, 07:33:04 PM »
Wow, the matchmaking is balls today. I don't think I've seen a game yet (out of ~10) where the sides were even close to matched in levels. Keeps being like 20/15/10/1 vs 20/20/20/18 or something. Winning matches with that big a handicap is a lot of fun though, and obviously level isn't everything, or even very much of anything.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #122 on: July 04, 2015, 07:38:21 PM »
Gave you a follow, Hele; also, YAY, FELLOW TEAM ROCK MEMBER~ <3

Also, Cats vs Dogs is America's Splatfest; Rock vs Pop is for Europe. Puppy went for Pop, but she normally watches me play anyway. Also, the past few matches I just had were insane. I got into a team featuring all 4 of us wielding the golden Aerosprays. We won the first match, and each of us must have went 'this is the moment we've been dreaming of for ages' because we all kept pressing continue for the next 5 matches... each of them we won~ :V

Amusingly, we also had a moment where no Pop teams were standing by, and we encountered a fellow Rock Team. And for the first time ever, it was an 8 player Aerospray fight; one on the opposing team had the silver one. It was hilarious~ XD

{For me, matchmaking has been okay. Most of my matches have had balanced levels; only the first couple had low levels featured for me}


  • alter cool
Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #123 on: July 04, 2015, 08:20:41 PM »
Maybe matchmaking is better if you're max level. I think because I'm level ten I'm getting mixed in with the ones and twos right now. Maybe if I get a streak going I can get some better teams.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #124 on: July 04, 2015, 08:21:41 PM »
I swear disconnects are happening much more frequently than normal now. It's surprisingly sapping a good deal of my interest to play right now, though getting disconnected on the results screen is slightly amusing.
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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #125 on: July 04, 2015, 08:27:42 PM »
Ooh, so the Splat fests are region locked somehow. Sucks. But Timezone wise makes sense I guess.

Also about disconnects: I am using USB to Ethernet so disconnects are more rare for me I think.

@ Commandercool , ye you need to get rid of the level 10ish. I am 14 and getting better match ups. I avoid Ranked wars for this reason because new comers are often clueless about the difference in playstyle with ranked. Cannot blame them, the game is new.

@ Tamashi,  YEAH AC DC!!! AIRBOURNE!!! Heh, quite funny your wife is Pop and you're Rock.

Break is over. Finished updating Defend the Myouren temple so.....................................  Continueing my Splat Fest support. LETS ROCK!


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #126 on: July 04, 2015, 08:53:33 PM »
Also about disconnects: I am using USB to Ethernet so disconnects are more rare for me I think.
I am too, but it's still happening. I've seen others disconnect quite a bit throughout the day too, with mixed results. I actually won a couple games on the wrong side of a 3v4, but in between those I lost hard on the wrong side of a 2v3. It's definitely more chaotic overall today.

Forgot to mention, managed to get to Cat King (I freakin' love this title!) a few hours ago, after 3-4 total hours of playing. Win or lose, I'm set for a fair amount of snails now. But I need a break, lest my wrist fall off (yes, just the wrist :V).
"Science is more than a body of knowledge. It's a way of thinking." - Carl Sagan

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  • alter cool
Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #127 on: July 04, 2015, 09:39:09 PM »
I haven't been hit by disconnects too hard. Just one so far. After another dozen odd games the matchmaking seems to have flipped a little in my favor, I had a run of games at the end where my team outmatched the other by quite a lot, and we won all of those. Taken a few breaks so far, probably going to take a nap, but I'm making good progress.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #128 on: July 04, 2015, 10:31:20 PM »
Ok due to Splat Fest being region locked, the Match Making became really terrible. Probably because many people went to bed :V

First we got matched vs Pop.
Then we got matched few times vs other Rock players
Eventually it became a 4v1 and that is where I stopped.

Also 3 rollers on your team vs versatile enemy makes me cry  :ohdear:

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #129 on: July 05, 2015, 12:06:31 AM »
And there we go. It's 1am in the UK, and my objective is complete!

Eternal Rock Girl!

The highest rank in the Splatfest, and I've achieved it. Connections were getting bad indeed; people going off to sleep and what not probably added to that. I also faced people I had fought before. Amusingly enough, the last few matches were all against Pop, so there were people lingering. I need to sleep now; work from 9am till 4pm. If I get time, I'll squeeze in a couple more matches before it all ends at 6pm, but no promises...


{Also, we love both sides really; I like Rock more, but I love some of the fashion choices on both ends. Puppy went for Pop because bright colours~ :V }


  • alter cool
Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #130 on: July 05, 2015, 02:42:23 AM »
Well, fuck this, I guess I give up. ~10 insanely one-sided matchups in a row (very consistently my side is a me and three level five or sixes against four twenties) and like five disconnects in thirty matches means I'm done. I got to champion, and that's as far as I'm getting. The game won't let me try to win, and now it won't even let me try to play. I regret not quitting earlier, because I fucked over a lot of people with all of my disconnects. I don't know if this is my side or Nintendo's side, I'll assume it's mine, but if it is I can't fix it. I have the most expensive connection money can buy in my area in a major city, my console is right next to my modem, and I just had three DCs in a row. Every other device I tested is completely stable, the connection tester on the console consistently gave back positive results, nothing left I can think to try.

I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


  • Scientific editor
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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #131 on: July 05, 2015, 03:30:32 AM »
I'm in exactly the same position. I've given up trying to deal with all these disconnects and error messages, especially since I know for sure it's not because of my Internet. How is it I can have better connections with people in Japan, across the freaking' Pacific Ocean, than with people in my own country? This assumes Splatfests handle matchmaking the same way of course, but either way something is really not right here, and if it is in fact on Nintendo's end I can only hope they realize this is happening to pretty much everyone and try to fix it for next time.

I've also stopped caring about who wins, honestly. When I think about it, the "bonus" snails that are given to the losing team means the winning team is not actually gonna get that much more of a reward, and definitely not double comparatively. Sure, I'll be happy if Team Cat pulls it out in the end, but with things like this happening, I'm not optimistic. I'd be shocked if the losing team doesn't get at least 3 extra snails. That would translate to a 60% increase, 15 vs. 24, for the highest rank, which is still big enough to matter, but not too small to be insignificant imo.
"Science is more than a body of knowledge. It's a way of thinking." - Carl Sagan

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  • alter cool
Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #132 on: July 05, 2015, 03:41:45 AM »
Sucks that Champion vs. Queen is a 50% reduction in snails regardless of who wins, but whatever. Not like I can do anything about it. I'm assuming the event ends at 3pm, if that's the case I might pop back on for a second in an hour to check out my connection and hope that enough people, either in my building or in the US, have gone to bed that maybe whatever's jacking up my connection will be over. If that's the case I might be able to max out, I need like 80 more points.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #133 on: July 05, 2015, 04:03:16 AM »
I've been having disconnect issues but nothing so strong that I would get frustrated at it. I've had it happen before matchmaking, some during results (This is why I think it's on nintendo's end) and two or three rounds total with a missing ally.
I've reached King Cat status purrsonally as well, and I want to play more matches but a bunch of my other friends are trying to drag me out and have fun with them.


  • alter cool
Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #134 on: July 05, 2015, 05:05:24 AM »

I just tried again, got four matches, all four were massively imbalanced (team cat's combined levels was just over half of team dog's in every single match) and then I DCed on the fourth.

I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #135 on: July 05, 2015, 06:20:01 AM »
I think part of the reason for the imbalance is the fact that teams are made before people join a match, rather than the other way around or at the same time.


  • alter cool
Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #136 on: July 05, 2015, 06:31:32 AM »
Yeah, that probably explains why I saw a peak of actually decent matchmaking. As I was winning matches I got onto good teams, and as the lag, disconnects, and spiral of downward team matches started tanking my record I dropped down to the absolute minimum tier and got paired with brand new players. Makes sense to me. All I can say is, I hope somewhere there's a team of maximum level cat players trashing level one dog players with lag. I mean, not really, because that's no fun, but it would be only fair. :derp:
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #137 on: July 05, 2015, 07:09:10 AM »
Squids are counting wins now, please wait warmly until it is ready.

Also apparantly cats lost in the vote, which is why there have been 0 Cat vs Cat matches. It seems Dogs were playing themselves a lot.


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #138 on: July 05, 2015, 07:12:24 AM »
Just woke up, so I am going to do another Splat Fest run as EU region should be awake now.

About the disconnects, honestly I cannot tell either what the hell is going on. But I don't have them as frequent as you guys and girls. the only thing that was frustrating me were sudden losing sprees due to bad MM.

Gonna get breakfast first then SplatFest quite some games. Will announce streaming then.


All right, time for Splatfesting for the upcoming ~8 hours or so. Will stream @ Twitch,  helepolis_
« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 07:53:03 AM by Helepolis »

Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #139 on: July 05, 2015, 08:03:31 AM »
NA results are in.

Cats: 38%
Dogs: 63%

almost double the number of players :/

Cats 51%
Dogs: 49%

Dogs beat Cats 160 - 140
which means ... they won on popularity alone!


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #140 on: July 05, 2015, 03:56:19 PM »
The right team won.


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #141 on: July 05, 2015, 05:12:40 PM »
Eu splatfest ended, so awaiting results.


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #142 on: July 05, 2015, 05:17:29 PM »
Holy crap 6 extra snails for the losing team? That really does border on making the difference close to insignificant. Given how finicky the re-rolling RNG is in this game, you can very easily burn through those extra snails and still not get all the abilities you want (though being able to add those few extra slots in the first place is an obvious benefit). But this...

Dogs beat Cats 160 - 140
which means ... they won on popularity alone!
...just tells me that Splatfests are still pretty broken as an overall system, even after the changes from the 1.3.0 patch. Aside from the snails, which are a purely individual reward, what's even the point of competing for a team if one team is destined to pretty much automatically lose before they even begin?

Fake edit: Waiting Watching warmly for the results of the EU Splatfest. I expect Rock to win, but seeing the exact numbers of everything should still be interesting.
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  • alter cool
Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #143 on: July 05, 2015, 05:40:51 PM »
I'm slightly conflicted about the results for the Splatfest.

Are they all this close in wins/losses? If so the fact that popularity is weighted so highly seems like it barely makes the event worth running, at least with the teams as they are.

How does having more people on your team effect your win percentage? I assume dog vs. dog matches didn't count for anything, so unless the matchups automatically pair out the weakest dog players or something it shouldn't actually make a difference for wins as far as I can tell.

So anyway, that was kind of a disappointing mess from my point of view. I didn't really get to play anywhere near as much as I wanted (I still haven't counted out the likelihood that that was my fault, but my connection is back to being just fine this morning-I'll keep an eye on it) and from my perspective it looks like my team got screwed out of a deserved win. But it was still a cool idea and I'm looking forward to the next one.

Am I the only one who's shocked dogs were that much more popular? I genuinely expected cats to win by a little on popularity, but even then I expected it to be close. Weird. Anybody who was on the fence and voted dogs should've taken a good look at Judd before they decided. He's our mascot/capricious overlord, how could you betray him? I love Judd and his Splatfest dance was great.:D

Edit: Oh yeah, and what exactly do snails do? I know they reroll equipment slots, but what's this about adding slots? How does that work? And I've been assuming they can only reroll secondary slots, but can they reroll primary slots? That would be cool.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 05:54:29 PM by commandercool »
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.

Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #144 on: July 05, 2015, 05:56:15 PM »
Well this is just the first splatfest result we've gotten. We can't automatically call it complete bunk just based on a sample size of "One", and then there's the fact that if we remove splatfest entirely, there's going to be a need for a replacement event. that said, I know adding popularity vote to the score makes the results more interesting, but it also makes it seem more unfair. Cat's needed to win 60% of games in order to overcome the initial popularity barrier.

I don't think having more people on your team affects win percentage noticeably. From what I feel and observe, Matchmaking is done on a first come first serve basis. Teams are made, and then paired against whatever other teams are made ready within the 100 second time limit. Only once all of the Cat teams are taken does it become a dog eat dog world, which means it's incredibly unlikely for a player to be completely shut out of the system where his/her games count towards the total percentage.

I expected Dogs to win out on popularity because nobody understand the subtle greatness that is a cat's love and because dogs have been bred to have their instincts remove (and are therefore safer for children growing up) but I was still floored when I saw the "3" pop up in the ten's digit place.
In any case, the results of this splatfest have only given my stronger feelings for the game, and for Callie and Judd.

Edit to respond to Edit: It gets explained more once you hit level 20, but basically each equipment is tied to the Primary slot. You can't change the primary skill of the piece, but you can use snails (or pay spyke 30k gold) to either add slots to a piece of gear that only has one or two slots, or if it has three slots, you can roll it to change all three subabilities at once. You can't do anything if the gear has three slots but some of them are locked.
« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 05:59:30 PM by WHMZakeri »


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #145 on: July 05, 2015, 05:56:41 PM »
Snails reroll secondary slots for equipment with 3 slots or add slots to equipments with fewer (1 or 2 *). You can't reroll main abilities cause that's what characterises the item other than appearance.


  • alter cool
Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #146 on: July 05, 2015, 06:01:59 PM »
Snails reroll secondary slots for equipment with 3 slots or add slots to equipments with fewer (1 or 2 *). You can't reroll main abilities cause that's what characterises the item other than appearance.

Oh cool. That adds some flexibility to equipment that I didn't consider. I won't use my snails until I hit cap so I can be sure I've seen all of the equipment, but the option of upgrading low-level stuff to endgame levels is cool. And yeah, I know primary rerolls would be needlessly confusing and actually hurt gameplay, but from a cosmetic standpoint it would be nice to be able to accessorize based on appearance and then fill in the stats later. I understand why it doesn't work like that, but I sort of wish it did.
I made a PADHerder. It's probably out of date though.


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #147 on: July 05, 2015, 06:12:34 PM »
Well, Rock vs Pop is not a surprise. We won in both popularity and matches.

64% popularity and
53% performance,
170 - 130 final points.

I got 24 snails

People speculate that the reason Dogs won barely vs Cats in performance is due to the same thing all SplatFesters suffer: Lack of people for match making. Majority of my games were Rock vs Rock. But I am on the "Rock" team and my enemy is shown as "Pop" yet they all carry the "<title> Rock boy/girl". So if we get asskicked by our own Rock fellas, we lose performance points. That is why the score is close than it should be.

Also face it, Nintendo made a strong move with Splatoon. But I am extremely salty and kind of mad they released it for the Nintendo WiiU. If this game were to be on PC, the reach would've been 1000x greater I think. Not to mention pretty much more people own a PC than a WiiU. The greedy WiiU price however is also a strong move. We all know what many people are going to get for Christmas this year.

« Last Edit: July 05, 2015, 06:39:05 PM by Helepolis »


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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #148 on: July 05, 2015, 06:43:49 PM »
Well this is just the first splatfest result we've gotten. We can't automatically call it complete bunk just based on a sample size of "One", and then there's the fact that if we remove splatfest entirely, there's going to be a need for a replacement event. that said, I know adding popularity vote to the score makes the results more interesting, but it also makes it seem more unfair. Cat's needed to win 60% of games in order to overcome the initial popularity barrier.
That is the right way to approach it, yes. Technically we have 3 sets of results under the current ruleset (the EU Splatfest, which we just got the results for, and Japan's Red Fox Udon vs. Green Tanuki Soba event on the 3rd), though we'll most likely need another dozen or so over the rest of the calendar year to get a more confident picture of how all the numbers tend to play out. However, this post on Squidboards makes me believe that the win percentages are perhaps even more irrelevant to the results than what it might seem. Here's the gist of the post:

Statistics will tell us that winning percentage is not likely to deviate very much between two evenly numbered teams in a very large scale. However, popularity of said teams can skew heavily to one side, as shown in this splatfest.

The "evenly numbered teams" bit refers to how only Cat vs. Dog/Rock vs. Pop/etc. matches count toward the final result, and not ones between two teams from the same side. There certainly could be a Splatfest where one side dominates to the tune of a 60% or greater win percentage, but it's still very unlikely, and even more so to see it happen that often.
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Re: Are You a Squid Now? - Splatoon Thread
« Reply #149 on: July 05, 2015, 06:55:45 PM »
Well, Rock vs Pop is not a surprise. We won in both popularity and matches.

64% popularity and
53% performance,
170 - 130 final points.

I got 24 snails

People speculate that the reason Dogs won barely vs Cats in performance is due to the same thing all SplatFesters suffer: Lack of people for match making. Majority of my games were Rock vs Rock. But I am on the "Rock" team and my enemy is shown as "Pop" yet they all carry the "<title> Rock boy/girl". So if we get asskicked by our own Rock fellas, we lose performance points. That is why the score is close than it should be.

Also face it, Nintendo made a strong move with Splatoon. But I am extremely salty and kind of mad they released it for the Nintendo WiiU. If this game were to be on PC, the reach would've been 1000x greater I think. Not to mention pretty much more people own a PC than a WiiU. The greedy WiiU price however is also a strong move. We all know what many people are going to get for Christmas this year.

Wait we lose performance points for beating our own team?

I know some people are calling for the populartity thing to be removed, but at the same time, it sort of sucks that that for the majority, most of the matches don't mean anything.

*currently under repair*
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