Author Topic: The White Rose of Chireiden  (Read 135784 times)

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z (and other stories)
« Reply #30 on: October 16, 2009, 02:36:57 AM »
(Note: page two finally thank god now maybe my browser will stop hating me)

?Why would... Shinki do anything to your sister?? The general looked confused. ?You're safe now, you realiz--?

?Perhaps you should explain it to her!?

?Eh?? Eiki glanced over at the hellcrow, who had turned around to meet her eyes. She stared at Eiki only briefly, and then turned her glare to Koishi, who crossed her arms and looked away. ?What's going on??

?Uh,? Orin began. ?I don't... think Shinki will agree to a peace that easily. At all.?

?What did you do?!? the general demanded. ?What have you done?!?

?Come over here and look,? a hollow voice said. Eiki turned and was surprised to see that it was Okuu, who was still sitting cross-legged on the floor looking over Yumeko and Mai. Up until then, Eiki had barely glanced at her, but now that she looked, Okuu was hunched over, a dark look in her eyes, and while Mai was simply unconscious, Yumeko was...

Yumeko was...

?Huh?? Eiki rubbed her eyes. ?Komachi, Yumeko is...?

?What's wrong, Eiki-sama??

The two soldiers of Higan approached Yumeko's side and kneeled over her, next to Okuu. Eiki lay her hand on Yumeko's breast-- ?She's still breathing, but--? Then she moved her hand to Yumeko's face and forced open her eyes. ?Her eyes... are out of focus... and her mind is...?

?Her mind?? Komachi asked.

?Her mind is, uh... wait, hold on.? Eiki closed her eyes for a moment, a brief aura of green energy flaring up around her. When the green energy faded, Eiki opened her eyes; her left eye was pure black, the other white.

?It... It can't be...?

?Just explain it to me already!? Komachi demanded.

?Onozuka-kun, you remember my ability... to read everything in absolute black and white. With these eyes, I can see the presence of 'sin' in a soul...?

?Yes,? her subordinate nodded, not understanding where Eiki was going.

The green-haired shinigami knelt over Yumeko, her eyes searching.

?But one cannot sin if they do not know the difference between what is right and wrong. And more importantly, they cannot sin if they do not have reason, reason enough to realize that they have a choice when it comes to right and wrong. This is why children are innocent; they have no reason yet, or at least not enough to comprehend the difference between sin and righteousness.?

She turned back to Komachi, her black and white eyes looking thoroughly unpleasant.

?There is one more exception to that. Those who have no reason. Those who are, to put it bluntly, stunted. Those whose development was held back for any number of reasons. They do not know the difference between right and wrong either, therefore their souls contain no sin.?

?You don't mean...? Komachi gasped, comprehension dawning on her.

?That's exactly what I mean. Yumeko has been robbed of her reason... of her conscious mind. She is now little better than a vegetable.?

Eiki kept her stony face, and turned to look at Koishi.

?Her mind, or what is left of it, bears the marks of intrusion.? She fixed Koishi with her black and white eyes. ?You did this, didn't you??

At first Koishi didn't respond, but looked away from Eiki's gaze.

?Look at me!? Eiki barked, and Koishi curled her hands into fists, but she obeyed the general's order and turned to face Eiki.

Instantly, her sin was known to the shinigami, and she jerked back involuntarily as she put her hand to her head.

?Eiki-sama?!? Komachi asked, but Eiki waved her away. She placed her feet firmly on the ground and met Koishi's green-eyed gaze evenly.

?Koishi, you have compromised the peace. Shinki will never let you get away with having crippled her favourite general.?

?Tell me!? Koishi snapped at Eiki. ?How was what I did wrong?! I prevented countless deaths, saved my life, and took revenge for all those she had killed! If anything, I let Yumeko off easy!?

?Because you should have been MERCIFUL instead!? Eiki countered. ?Now she has no reason to show any of you mercy! Do you UNDERSTAND, Koishi?! You have given her the reason she needs to fight back with unending rage and try and murder you all!?

?What the hell do I care?? Koishi replied, scowling. ?If some people here had had their way, I would have been dead a while ago!?

She shot a glare over at Satori. Satori's expression was one of pain, and then she looked away, nodding in agreement, which very obviously infuriated Orin.

?Hey, Koishi!? she yelled. ?I am the one who is guilty of that, not your sister!?

?Does it matter?? the white-haired satori asked. ?She's the one who would have taken my life if I had died. She's the one who would have taken everything from me!?

?Tokhis oyfn tish!? Orin yelled back.

?Oh, you dare insult me, you nekromata whor--?

Satori was almost bowing now. Her hair fell down over her face as her shoulders shook. Parsee shook her head and looked over at the blonde oni while Orin and Koishi continued screaming increasingly angry profanities at one another. But before Yuugi could speak up, the blonde girl with the bun on her head beat them all to it.

?What the hell are you all going on about?!? the girl roared, silencing the argument. ?We're all alive, aren't we?! Now all we need is for Shinki to make peace, don't we? And after that, everything will turn out all right!

?Right?? she added, looking over at Eiki, who bowed slightly to the girl.

?I'm afraid it's not that simple. Let us assess where we are, again: We have just routed Shinki's forces in the most brutal way imaginable. Higan, fighting for Chireiden, now outnumbers Makai by about six to one soldiers. However, the other three quarters of Makai's army is on the surface, stationed near the entrance Shinki used to come down he--?

?Wait, wait,? Parsee waved her hands, interrupting Eiki. ?Three quarters? Does that mean the hordes you just finished killing weren't even half of Shinki's total force??

?Precisely,? Eiki said. ?Shinki couldn't bring all her men down here, it'd be too crowded. Besides, she needs them up there to finish you off.?

?How so?? Yuugi asked.

?Well, her entire plan hinged on speed, on time. She had two days to win this entire battle, because if she took any longer than that, the first half of Chireiden's army would return from Mugenkan.?

?Miyani-san deployed half the army to Mugenkan, yes,? Orin put in, scratching her chin thoughtfully. ?And the other half to Tsukuyomi...?

?It was Shinki's bait,? Eiki explained. ?She drew your army away from Chireiden, then collapsed the tunnel system so it would take them longer to get back down here. The perfect window to strike.?

?Yeah, thank goodness you reached us in time,? Komachi laughed as she nodded to Okuu, who smiled faintly. ?If you hadn't made your way up to the surface, Higan would have never known in time.?

?Actually...? Eiki coughed.

?... you knew beforehand?? Parsee asked, surprised.

?Let's just say a little pink butterfly told me,? the general said, her face turning visibly red. ?In any case. If Makai decides to stall, the rest of their army might march down here and then we'd really be in trouble. We must force her to come to terms now. She may be outnumbered, but it would take too long to defeat her if she chose to keep fighting. We cannot delay a moment longer. We MUST force her to surrender, or risk losing everything.

?But what you have done here might ruin the peace settlement before it even begins,? Eiki said, looking over at Yumeko's body, still lying there with Okuu sitting protectively next to it. ?Yumeko is very close to Shinki, and her top general as well. If she finds out what you have done to her, which she must, she has every excuse to continue war.

?So, what do we do?? Eiki asked, throwing her arms up. ?I am open to suggestions. This is your peace settlement, after all, not Higan's.?

?Wait, don't you want anything?? the blonde girl spoke again. ?I'm sorry, I wasn't really here earlier. My name is Yamame Kurodani.?

?Hello, Yamame,? Eiki said, bowing again. ?I am the general Eiki Shiki of Higan, and no, I don't really have any stake in this at all.?

?None at all?? Yamame asked. ?Don't you want recompense or something??

?Nothing Shinki could give me is something I'd want, and she can't give me what I actually want.?

?What do you want??

?My dead soldiers back,? Eiki said plainly.

?Oh.? Yamame looked away. ?Sorry.?

?Please do not worry. But back to the original problem.? The general looked at the Chireiden Resistance and at the Palazzo dwellers. ?How do we get Shinki to agree to a peace when you have done what you have done??

A long pause. Everyone was silent, thinking.

Satori's Third Eye whirled around in its socket. Koishi's Third Eye looked like it was sleepy, since it was half-closed.

?Well,? Parsee offered, half-joking, ?We could always try to pass Yuugi off as Yumeko.?

Komachi chuckled. But Eiki couldn't even smile. She already knew what had to be done, and it was the last thing she wanted to do.

There is only one right answer, only one righteous answer... and it's also hopeless because it's based on Shinki doing the right thing as well...

?Eiki-sama?? the red-haired captain asked her general. ?Do you have any ideas??

We really have no choice but to tell Shinki the truth about what has happened. And more importantly... to buy Chireiden's peace...

Eiki glanced at Koishi, who was standing with her arms crossed, leaning against a tent pole, still defiant in her behavior.

She turned away and tried to silence the thoughts within herself; how could she dare even think that?! Maybe it was righteous, but it was wrong! How could she do something like th--

?You have to hand yourself over to Shinki in order to buy our peace, Koishi!?

?Eh?? Eiki clamped her hands over her mouth, but no one was staring at her after she had said that. How...?

?WHAT?!? Koishi demanded, and it was then that Eiki noticed that the shout wasn't directed at her.

I... never said that thought aloud... then wh--

The green-haired general turned around to see Koishi haul Satori up by her collar with a ferocity that belied her small stature.

It was... Satori who said my thought aloud--

?HOW DARE YOU EVEN THINK OF THAT!? Koishi screamed right into Satori's face. Satori did not react at all, her face showing no emotion, but her Third Eye rolled around in its red casing and stared right at Eiki, fixing its single, purple-eyed gaze on her.

Eiki shivered.

?It's the only right choice,? Satori replied, her face emotionless. ?You have taken the life of Shinki's favorite servant. Now you must pay the price.?

?I didn't do anything WRONG! I refuse to believe that!? Koishi shot back, something resembling genuine shock on her face.

?An eye for an eye,? Satori went on, her voice flat, her eyes still not meeting her sister's.

?How can you SAY that?!? Koishi asked, her voice starting to sound less and less angry and more and more desperate. ?You're my SISTER!?

Without warning, Satori lifted her head up with frightening speed and glared right at her sister--



Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z (and other stories)
« Reply #31 on: October 16, 2009, 02:40:30 AM »
The words seemed to hit Koishi as if she had slapped her.

It was even worse for Satori, whose mind had immediately split into two. She argued with herself, demanding to know why she had done that.

What are you SAYING, you idiot?! You're hurting her as much as you're hurting yourself! And it's a lie, you don't think she deserves it--

Koishi drew back, releasing her sister's collar.


It may be a lie, but... it's a necessary one.

The look on her face was pure shock. Her green eyes were wide open, unbelieving.

What?! How can you SAY that?!

?I... deserve to be sacrificed for you...??

Eiki-san is right. If we don't hand Koishi over to Shinki, then everyone will die. Next to that... well, I have to be strong for my country, right? Like Eiki says I should be, like Kisume wants me to be... a Queen. I'd rather sacrifice one person for everyone and everything than the opposite.

?But... you're my...?

But that person is YOUR SISTER!

?... Well, no... I guess that term doesn't apply, anymore...?


?But still... how can you...?

Your sister who loves you and was prepared to give her life for you!

?... be so selfish...?

No... I forced her to do it, I was selfish... I don't deserve my sister's love. She hates me.

?I... hate you... Satori....?

She hates you NOW! Now that you've said you want to sacrifice her for your sorry self!

No more shock on that face. Just sorrow. Within only a few seconds, Koishi's eyes had welled with tears, and she made no effort to hold them back. They spilled down over her cheeks.

She hated me before. This isn't going to make a difference. At least this way, she can continue hating me, and I can save my people...


... but don't you love your sister?


That... doesn't matter. She hates me, and I deserve it... at this point, if it gives her a reason to live, let her hate me as long as she wants...

With a final choked sob, Koishi turned on her heel and walked away, out of the tent, away from the sister she had still hoped loved her.

As long as she wants...

She didn't try to chase after her sister. Instead, all she could do was stare after her, trying to blink away the mental image of Koishi weeping in front of her, weeping for the sister she had thought loved her, weeping over how that sister had thrown her away, rejected her multiple times, for the sake of her own selfishness--

I didn't remember... that my tears were warm...


Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z (and other stories)
« Reply #32 on: October 16, 2009, 02:41:25 AM »
Dead silence.

No one in the group spoke a word, or even dared to breathe. None of them wanted to say anything. None of them wanted to be singled out.

?Hourai!? Alice exclaimed as her doll floated over to her hand.

There was a brief exhalation amongst the group as they let out their breaths. Even Shinki managed to crack a faint smile upon seeing her daughter catch her flying doll.

?... Shinki-sama, it's all my fault,? Yuki said, now that the uncomfortable silence had been broken. She took a great risk; she bowed before Shinki and in so doing threw herself upon her master's mercy. ?I did not know the spellcard well enough, so it backfired horribly. I beg you, please punish me and only me, as I am the one responsible for this humiliating defeat.?

?Hey!? Sara yelled, making Luize jump slightly. ?Stop lying, I'm the only one responsible!? And with that, Sara also rushed to Shinki's feet and bowed to the floor. ?Shinki-sama, I am supposed to be your top general. I and I alone am responsible for taking care of your armies. I and I alone am to blame for this disaster.?

?Not just you,? Luize said, not moving from where she was standing but bowing low nonetheless. ?Shinki-sama, I am to blame. I ought to have been Sara's eyes and ears on the battlefield, but I was careless. Punish me accordingly.?

Shinki looked over her three officers, not saying a word for a moment. She looked at Alice, who was standing next to Luize, holding the blonde traveler's hand. Forcing a smile, she met Alice's gaze-- and was surprised when Alice turned away.

She wasn't shocked that Alice had turned away, really-- it was the look she had had in her eyes as she did so that had truly startled her. It hadn't been simple childish annoyance she had seen in her daughter's eyes... it was a deep, sad emotion... resentment... disappointment.

It unsettled her, but she had more important things to worry about right now.

She gathered her thoughts, calmed her emotions, and took a deep breath. She put her hands in front of her, intertwining the fingers, and held her voice steady.

?We have just been completely and utterly defeated.?

It came more easily than she expected. Well, what other choice was there? Lie? She just stated the facts.

But she had to remember that it wasn't some abstract phrase.

She had just lost the war. She had just lost the war. She had just lost the war.

In one battle, she had lost the entire war.


Shinki remained silent, but that didn't last long. Making a visible effort to put her thoughts into words, she opened and closed her mouth, then opened it again, and said the only thing she could think of.

?... what do we do now??

She looked at her loyal generals and smiled, then walked over to a chair, her feet feeling like lead. She sat down and looked at them again, then repeated the question.

?What do we do now??

Nobody said anything, again.

Then Sara spoke up. ?Well, what are our options??

Everybody turned to listen to her as she went on.

?Keep fighting, with only a fraction of our men? Impossible; we would lose even more soldiers. Fleeing is not viable; Eiki would hunt us down with no effort. Try and stall for time? Higan is too smart for that. They have us at their mercy, and they know it. Of course, Eiki doesn't seem like the type to force us into anything, but she isn't a stupid person. She won't make a mistake and let us go.

?So we have only one option, really,? Sara said, her scarf falling forwards from over her shoulder and onto her chest.

?We have to march out there under a white flag and surrender.?

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z (and other stories)
« Reply #33 on: October 16, 2009, 02:41:47 AM »
?Surrender?? Yuki asked, audibly amazed. ?Makai has never even had a draw in battle, much less surre--?

?If we do not surrender, all of our men will die.? Sara cut her off. ?Eiki is honorable, not stupid. She will not hesitate to continue the war and in so doing simply kill us all.?

?No, that's beneath Eiki,? Shinki said. ?Eiki would never for a second entertain the thought of spilling a drop more blood than she judged was necessary, much less commit a sin like murder...?

For a moment, she looked very thoughtful.

But Shinki soon looked back up, and her face was stern.

?Very well then, Sara. Thank you.?

Sara bowed low and shuffled back a few steps.

?Any alternatives?? Shinki asked.

?I have none,? Luize said, and Yuki also shook her head no.

Shinki nodded. ?Well then. What shall be the terms we agree to??

?They're up to Eiki to offer,? Sara said. ?But I guess we do need a few terms of our own,? she said, reaching over to a desk and pulling over a half-sheet of paper. Pulling out a pen from within her jacket, she put pen to paper.

?Ahem.? Luize coughed. ?First, we need Yumeko back.?

Shinki nodded. ?That is our top priority.?

Sara looked up as she was writing, a faint smirk on her face. ?Before or after getting us all out from this hellhole alive??

?After,? Shinki amended. Sara went back to writing.

?And we need Mai back!? Yuki interjected, panic showing on her face. ?Unless she got caught under the lava...?

?No, I doubt it,? Luize tried to assure her. ?She'll be fine, Yuki, just watch.?

?I just hope Eiki's not in the business of torturing prisoners of war,? Yuki muttered.

Shinki looked up abruptly. ?Hey, where's Alice??

?She ran outside,? Luize replied.

?Luize, please go and take care of her.?

Luize nodded. ?Yes, your Grace.? She stepped out of the tent, leaving Shinki alone with Yuki and Sara to work out more of the details of peace.

As soon as she left the tent, she found herself a huge rock, leaned against it, and let out a breath that she hadn?t realized she had been holding this entire time.

Looking around, she saw haggard shapes in the dark. Squinting, she saw the masses of Makai's demon soldiers-- and then she wished she hadn't seen a thing. Maimed, disfigured, with injuries so severe that it had to be questioned whether or not they would live for a few minutes more--

Luize felt herself inexplicably drawn towards them, and without quite knowing why she was doing it, she entered one of the medical tents where the understaffed medical division was tending to the wounded.

Wailing, screaming, gnashing of teeth-- most of the injuries were not in fact caused by their foe, but by the rocks that had smashed onto them. Crush injuries. Splintered legs, broken skulls, and the stink of death in the air. Their appearance was hideous to describe-- soldiers with half-blown skulls missing entire chunks of their faces still walking around. A few of them brushed into the tent past her.

She reached up and pulled her hat over her mouth.

A soldier whose arm was being forcibly removed to prevent the spread of poison, screaming as the medic-- who had long since run out of anethesia-- sawed it off, then tossed it into a fast-growing pile of half-animated body parts in the back.

Just a few seconds, and she found that she couldn't take it anymore--

?Alrighty, you're done~?


Luize turned around, face pale, breathing hard. She had just been about to leave when she had heard an overly cheerful voice--

?Thanks, Alice.?

?A-- ALICE?!? Luize exclaimed as she saw Alice sitting on a box, wearing a nurse's cap, sewing up minor injuries with her needles. She had just finished with one soldier, and she seemed completely unaffected by the fact that half his face had been melted by falling lava--

?ALICE!? She repeated as she rushed to the girl. ?What are you DOING here?!? Sure, Luize had wanted her to see the true face of war, but not like this! On the FIELD?!

?Oh, hey, Lu-chan.? She smiled up at the blonde youkai woman, using that jarring little-girl name?

Luize took a hold of Alice?s arm, pulling her up from her seat. ?Come on. We?re going.?

?What? Wait, no! I have to stay and help!? Alice protested as she was dragged along by her arm, her heels digging into the ground. ?LUIZE! Let me GO!?

?I CAN?T!? Luize yelled back, silencing Alice immediately. ?I can?t have you in there with all those soldiers, all wounded and bloody and--?

?But they said they needed me!? Alice begged, still trying to pull her arm out of Luize?s iron grip. ?Lu-chan! They needed me!?

?? Alice, I?m sorry.?

Luize stopped pulling Alice along once they were well away from the tent-- back by the huge rock she had been leaning against earlier. She let go of Alice?s arm; Alice didn?t try to run away.

?It?s just that your mother will get angry at me if she thinks I let you go see that sort of thing,? the youkai woman offered, knowing that it was a very bad lie. ?And more truthfully, I can?t have you seeing that??

?Why not?? Alice raised an eyebrow. ?Lu-chan, I know my aging is slow thanks to Makai?s atmosphere? but I?m really not as young as I look,? she sighed. ?I?m twelve, remember??

Luize looked at her, trying to reconcile the image of a little girl with that of a preteen. Then she realized she had called her ?Lu-chan? and laughed.

?Sorry,? she apologized. ?I still think of you as a little girl.?

?No worries.? Alice sighed. ?But I did want to help those poor guys out? the medicine people didn?t have anything for them.?

Now it was Luize?s turn to raise an eyebrow. ?Nothing? No anesthetics, or what???

?Nothing,? the shorter blonde said. ?They didn?t have any of that fancy medical stuff.?

?But this is our only medics? tent...? Luize groaned. ?God, no wonder we lost this battle--?

She interrupted herself. ?Argh, never mind that, Alice. Shinki-sama wants to see you.?

?Mom?? Alice blinked. ?But? I don?t want to see her.?

?But she?s calling for you,? Luize said. ?She told me to check up on you.?

?Well, there, you?ve checked up on me.? Alice crossed her arms and glared pointedly at her guardian. ?You can go now.?

?Alice,? she sighed. ?Don't be that way.?

?I'm sorry,? Alice replied, ?but I don't really want to see her right now.? She shrugged her shoulders. ?I can't get that out of my head...?

?... oh,? Luize realized. She remembered that she and Alice had both seen Shinki drop Eiki to her death over the stampeding Makai army. ?Well, Eiki is sort of immortal,? she protested. ?So she's still alive, you know.?

?That... doesn't change anything. If you kill someone and they come back, you still killed them.? Alice turned her face away so that Luize couldn't see any expression on her face.

?She had her reasons,? Luize said, uncomfortable. ?That was... a bit extreme of her, yes, but she just wants to make sure her empire is secure...?

?And that's a good enough reason to kill someone innocent??

?... she's doing it for you, Alice.?

?... I don't want to have anything to do with something like that.? She turned back to Luize, her blue eyes searching in Luize's own. ?... Lu-chan, would you come with me if I decided to... leave Makai??

?Leav--? Luize gasped in shock. ?Alice, you wouldn't!?

?...? Alice remained silent, looking away. ?... well, maybe not immediately... but... I don't want to be around this any more.?

?But... your mother...?

?It doesn't matter about her.? Alice fixed her with a glare-- if looks could kill, Luize would be dead right now. ?I don't... want to stay any longer. I don't want to be her heir.?

?That's treason,? she protested, but it was weak coming from her.

?Will you come with me?? Alice asked. ?I don't want to go alone. I will if I have to... but you're a pretty experienced traveler, right? You and I could just leave Makai and start over someplace new...?

There were tears in Alice's eyes now. Luize wanted to pick her up and soothe her, hug her and make her tears go away, but... something had changed in Alice since she had seen her mother do that, since she had been amongst the wounded soldiers.

She resisted the urge.

?I don't know,? Luize said honestly. ?I really don't know.?

Alice sniffed. ?Should we go back, then?? she asked, wiping her tears away, making sure that there was no telltale moisture on her cheeks.

?Sure,? Luize replied just as she heard a loud noise break out from Shinki's tent. Alice instinctively covered her ears as Sara emerged, holding a horn to her mouth. The sound resonated through all Chireiden, carried by the vaunted stone ceiling and echoing throughout the area.

Behind Sara came Yuki, bearing a huge white flag.

?... wait just a moment.?

Luize looked down at Alice.

?What's going on, Lu-chan??

The demon tourist looked down at her young charge and smiled.

?A peaceful surrender. Come on, let's watch!?


Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z (and other stories)
« Reply #34 on: October 16, 2009, 02:42:37 AM »
The citizens of Chireiden and the two soldiers of Higan were silent for a long moment, still thinking about the drama they had all seen unfold between the two sisters, who had loved one another and now never wished to see one another, and what they had said to one another...

?This is a bad time, isn't it,? Sumire realized, turning around. ?Maybe late--?

?No, no,? Eiki shook her head, reaching out and grabbing Sumire by her cape. Sumire must have entered while Koishi had been screaming at her sister, but no one had noticed. ?Stay, Sumire.?

Sure enough, Sumire's interruption had brought everyone out of their trance. Several pairs of eyes and one extra eye turned to look at the fairy general, who wondered how an odd number of eyes were staring at her.

?Ahem,? Sumire coughed. She turned to Eiki and saluted. ?Eiki-sama, Makai blew a horn and raised a white flag. They will be sending someone to the middle of the field to negotiate, it seems.?

?... how?? Eiki asked. ?The battlefield is now lava. Really hot lava.?

?I have no idea, ma'am, but I felt it best to tell you.?

?Hmm. Do we have any idea who they're sending out to negotiate??

?By the looks of it...? Sumire winced. ?Shinki herself.?

?This COULD NOT get worse,? Eiki groaned, covering her head with her hands. ?There is no way in hell we can bring Shinki to the negotiating table if we reduced her finest servant's mental capacity to that of an INFANT!?

?... Eiki-sama, if I may,? the fairy general asked.

?Permission to speak.?

?Eiki-sama, what is done is done. You cannot change the past. I propose that you go out there and make the best peace you can anyway, because negotiating peace is what you came here to do.?

?What Sumire said,? Komachi continued, speaking up. ?It's not like we can do anything about Yumeko now. We're just gonna have to accept the consequences, suck it up, and get Shinki out of here as fast as possible.?

?... but...? Eiki trailed off. ?I... I did the right thing, didn't I...? I know the path of righteousness is hardly an easy one, but...?

?Bad things happen to good people, Eiki.? Komachi smiled. ?It can't be helped.?

?It could be helped,? Eiki groaned. ?The righteous path here is to give Koishi over to Shinki as repayment for what she did to Yumeko...?

Utsuho looked over at the blonde maid's resting body again.

?... but the other half of that is for Shinki herself to be benevolent, do the right thing, and let her go.? She looked incredibly sad for a moment. ?Why do I--?

?'--bother to do the right thing if no one will listen'??

Eiki looked at Satori, who was pointing her Third Eye right at her. Satori gave her a weak smile in return.

?Even though all sorts of terrible things have happened, we're all still alive, and it's all thanks to you, Eiki-sama...? She closed her eyes and continued smiling that pained smile. ?Thank you.?

Eiki returned the pitiful grin with one of her own.

?... well, there's nothing else that can be done, then,? she said, and stood up straight again. She straightened her jacket and nodded to Sumire, who went ahead and opened the tent flaps.

The general of Higan extended her hand to the citizens of Chireiden.

?Come on, then,? she said.

?We're going with you?? Yamame asked.

?Really? You'd include us in this?? Yuugi continued.

Eiki grinned. ?This peace treaty is for you and your people. It would be strange to exclude you from the process, no? Come on.?

The group stood and followed Sumire, walking past Eiki, who stood there, watching Komachi pick up Mai's body and still extending her hand to the only person who remained in the tent--

?... you should bring her along, Utsuho.?

The hellcrow nodded, then turned to the maid. Picking her up in her deceptively strong arms, she went to carry Yumeko out, but was stopped by the general.

?Perhaps it would not be best to show her to Shinki first,? she thought aloud. ?Utsuho-san, when I call, would you please bring Yumeko out to the negotiating table? In the meantime, please stay back for safety reasons.?

?Yes,? Utsuho agreed. ?And in the meantime, I'll take care of her.?

?Were you close, somehow?? Eiki asked, genuinely curious. ?You're pretty protective of her.?

?Hardly. She beat my ass into a stone wall about a half hour ago.?

?... then why are you defending her??

Utsuho shrugged, still holding Yumeko in her arms.

?... I guess it's because she's so much better than I am... I want to make sure she comes back, so I can beat her and prove that I'm stronger than she is. That, and it kills me to see someone as tough as her reduced to... this...?

Eiki grinned. ?Well, that's quite a reason. Thank you.?

?It's the least I can do for her,? Utsuho said quietly, looking at Yumeko's sleeping face.

Eiki watched her for a moment, thinking.

Then she came to a decision. ?Reiuzi Utsuho... that is your name, right??

?It is.?

Eiki rummaged in her back pocket. ?Hmm, I could have sworn I had it on me earlier...?

?Eh?? Utsuho asked, sounding vaguely like she was squawking. ?What is it??

?I thought I had it-- oh!? Eiki snapped her fingers and sucked in her breath. She reached into her belt and pulled out a little slip of paper.

?What is tha-- Oh! Is that one of those spellca--?

?Yes, it is,? Eiki replied with a smile. She smoothed the paper in her hands. ?It's a very special kind, though. When the Hakurei maiden and I were working out the kinks in the new Spellcard System, we made a lot of prototypes. We've since discontinued them, mostly, but hidden in the back of most mansions of the wealthy, there are some pretty archaic spellcards. Spellcards that wield undodgeable danmaku... spellcards that make you invincible... even some spellcards that kill.?

?Kill?!? Utsuho exclaimed, looking at the spellcard in Eiki's hand like it was poisonous.

?This, however, is not like that. It's a discontinued one, yes. But that's because it's too powerful.? She waved it in the air. ?To give you an idea, you remember that rule that says that the number of spellcards to be used has to be declared beforehand??


?This one has a special dispensation to ignore that rule.? She smiled. ?It's like having a hidden knife up your sleeve. But that's not all the reason we discontinued it. It's also got something else... it's got a taboo incantation on it.?

?It... what?? Utsuho asked.

?That's the reason I've kept it to myself all this time,? Eiki admitted. ?To make sure that no one immoral got a hold of it. The consequences would be disastrous, because this card's incantation is that it will be shaped according to the soul of the user.?

?So... according to the person who wields it, that's how powerful it is.?

?Not just how powerful. The nature of the card itself. It is a mirror reflection of the soul. If you are a weak person, the spellcard will be weak. If you are a sinful person, the spellcard will show that in danmaku form. I made this one myself.? She smirked. ?I believe the proper term is 'la caque sent tonjours le hareng'.?

?What?? Utsuho asked, shaking her head. ?If it's so powerful, then why are you giving it to me? I'm a weakling. Cannon fodder.?

Eiki chuckled. ?You are, to be honest. For now. But I get the feeling that you are destined for great things. And more importantly... your soul is pure, Utsuho. Sure, you can be a bit ditzy and clumsy, but... You have shown mercy to an opponent who has been wronged, and even now, protect her. Your intentions are noble, uncorrupted. Which is more than I can say for just about the rest of creation. As a result...?

She reached out to Utsuho and clasped her hand.

?Please accept this gift, my friend... Reiuzi Utsuho.?

When Utsuho's hand came away, she had the spellcard in her hand. She looked at it.

?... are all spellcards supposed to be blank?? she asked, confused.

?No,? Eiki laughed. ?That's just in the nature of the spellcard. When it realizes that you're going to use it, the spell and incantation will manifest itself on the paper. Oh, one more thing. It's severely overpowered, so if you use it, prepare to be drained of energy for the next few hours. Use it only as a last resort--? her voice became low-- ?Or when someone very, very important to you is in serious danger.?

?... yes,? Utsuho said, clasping the spellcard. ?I will keep it safe.?

?Good,? Eiki said, a smile growing on her face. ?I get the feeling you'll need it.

?And now,? the general continued as she opened the tent-flap and took a big breath of air, trying to calm herself down--

?... The hardest part of war-making,? she said aloud right before leaving, ?... is the peace-making.?


Done for now. Technically the next part is an "intermission", but it's taking too long so I haven't finished it yet. But I really wanted to update.

Helps that the "intermission" is actually plot-related~


  • *
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z (and other stories)
« Reply #35 on: October 16, 2009, 03:24:37 AM »
After so long, this is such a breather. There's not much to say though, I simply love your writing.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

♛ Apher-Forte

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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z (and other stories)
« Reply #36 on: October 16, 2009, 09:22:03 AM »
I read this before I slept yesterday, forgot to comment.
Thanks for giving us another chapter!

  <-- my artwork thread, click me!
[ Find my cosplay photos here. ] OMG I HAVE TUMBLR FOLLOW PLZX Will You Remember Me... ?


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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z (and other stories)
« Reply #37 on: October 16, 2009, 10:20:29 AM »
I love this story so much.
Write more plz c:
Wotters gonna' wot


  • Some sort of lurking trainwreck
  • May or may not exist. Possibly. Maybe.
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z (and other stories)
« Reply #38 on: October 17, 2009, 05:29:14 AM »
* Dragoshi low whistles

Man... I actually felt the tension that was building up from all of this. It's simply amazing. Can't wait to see what happens next.
All shall be well and all shall be well and all manner of things shall be well.


Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z (and other stories)
« Reply #39 on: October 18, 2009, 12:02:21 AM »
Yeah, took me a while to respond, mostly because of limited time on PC now.

Anyways, I fucking love you Ruro, and I want everything from you.


  • It's all about overwhelming force and irresistible style
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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z (and other stories)
« Reply #40 on: October 18, 2009, 10:48:31 AM »
Such a delicious moral dilemma.  Ruro, prepare to have your ears talked off the next time you come to the channel.

[ruro]Geez, I made the mistake of thinking you were joking. >_>[/ruro]
« Last Edit: October 21, 2009, 06:21:35 PM by Rurokoto »
[15:13] <Sana> >:<


Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z (and other stories)
« Reply #41 on: October 18, 2009, 02:52:52 PM »
Ruro next time I'm on IRC I'm gonna praise you.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z (and other stories)
« Reply #42 on: October 21, 2009, 06:16:03 PM »
This is just a filler arc.

Intermission, Part one.


It was a dark and stormy afternoon. Rain came down from the heavens in a torrential fashion, and the wind lashed at all who dared venture outside on this dark day. And indeed, there was a somber mood to the day, and all who suddenly found they could not bear being alone in their damp houses drove themselves out through the weather, and though they were soaked through to the bone, they struggled through the howling wind and biting rain, to find their way to a friend's house so as to not spend the night alone.

Sensing this, the woman in red drew her brown traveling cloak firmly over her shoulders and reached out to touch her younger companion.

Even though the younger woman was also being tossed to and fro by the storm, and her blonde hair was escaping from her hood and whipping her in the eyes, she still turned and smiled at her friend.

?Don't worry,? she said, shouting to be heard over the screaming wind. ?I'll be right here with you.?

The woman in red smiled.

?Hey, look, ze!? The shorter, blonde woman exclaimed, turning foward. ?Do you see anything??

It was difficult to see, through the wind and the rain. All she could see was rain and darkness. All she could hear was thunder rumbling in the hills-- not even her own heartbeat. And all she could feel was cold, wet, and exhaustion.

Still, she pulled her loosening hood back over her head and wiped her face clean of water and hair. She raised her hand over her face to keep the rain out of her eyes and stared at where her friend was pointing--

?Chiyuri! I think we've made it!?

?There, do you see it?!? Chiyuri replied, sounding excited for the first time in hours. ?We've made it, Yumemi, we've made it, ze!?

?Excellent!? Yumemi laughed and offered her hand to Chiyuri, who was starting to lag behind her. ?Come on, I'll pull you up.?

And so the two travelers climbed up the rocky path to their destination. Now that it was closer, Yumemi could see it more clearly. It was a magnificent castle, situated in the forbidding hills of Northern Makai, and Yumemi and Chiyuri's destination.

?Why are we going here again, ze?? Chiyuri asked when they were both but a few meters from reaching the top of the rocky path.

Yumemi considered her options and decided it would be best to tell the flat-out truth. ?I have no idea. I have come here not to sate my curiousity but following some strange compulsion that has made me come here.?

Chiyuri stared upwards at Yumemi for a few moments.

Yumemi turned and looked down at her.

?Is there something wrong with that??

?Not really, no,? Chiyuri said, breaking out into a smile. ?A strange compulsion is a good enough reason to do anythin', anyway, ze.?

?Heh,? Yumemi said, pulling her younger friend up and over the last rock, her brown cape fluttering out behind her. They ran right up to the doors, grateful for the short canopy jutting out over the door that covered them from most of the driving rain. Chiyuri took off her hood; Yumemi hesitated and then did the same.

Now the professor and her assistant turned and looked at the forbidding black doors of Tsukuyomi Castle, studded with black nails and worn down by time and weather. Yumemi noted, though, that despite their worn look, they did not bear the rust characteristic of ancient, rotting homes-- meaning that this castle, a relic of a past time, was not uninhabited.

?Hey, Yumemi... is it just me, or is there no knocker, ze??

Yumemi frowned, then reached up and ran her hands all over the burnished black steel. ?You're right,? she said quietly. ?There's no bell, no knocker, nothing.?

?No windows to break in through, either,? Chiyuri observed, flipping her hood back on for a few moments to peer around and look for anything, a window, a hole in the wall, even an arrow slit through which they might call for someone to open the door.

?We're guests, Chiyuri. We don't break into a person's home the first time around, anyway,? Yumemi chastised, her voice trailing off as she stared up at the forbidding doors. Somehow she doubted that knocking would have much of an effect, but neither would her voice carry through.

Yumemi stood there for a long while, waiting. Slowly she began to sink into a mild daze, for the howl of the wind had long since become mere background noise to her. Fears and doubts rose up from the pit of her stomach and tickled her heart, freezing it where they touched. Why had she come here? Following a compulsion? She was all too willing to be honest about it, because as a law she could not lie; when called upon to prove her theory of magic power, back then, she had taken the unthinkable step of making her way to Gensokyo to prove it right, that she had not been lying. And she was not lying to herself now. Why was she here? Why had she not needed a map or a guide over the hills of northern Makai? Why had it felt as if her heart was literally pulling her along, tugging it forwards into the darkness? Why had she come here, of all places? What was waiting for her here? And why did she feel as if something dangerous, if not outright sinister, was about to happen...?

As Yumemi was lost in thought, a noise out of the ordinary startled her out of it. Footsteps. From within the castle. Approaching the door. She looked down, and from saw the small gap between the floor and the bottom of the door that someone was approaching with a light. The sound of swiftly undone chains and enormous bolts being pushed back, and then the sound of a key being turned, and the hinges creaking--

And then the door swung open into the castle, revealing the person who had opened the door.

It was a young blue-haired girl in a maid uniform, holding out an enormous umbrella to cover them in her right hand and in her left hand a lamp with various candlesticks on it, lighting up the entire scene with a flickering, wavering light. Still, the young woman looked pleasant enough, and greeted the two tired travelers with a smile.

?Welcome to Tsukuyomi Castle, visitors. Enter freely and of your own will!?


Yumemi and Chiyuri stared for a moment, and then--

?Why did you just steal that line from Dracula, ze?? Chiyuri asked bluntly.

Yumemi groaned and hit her face with her hand. ?Uh, sorry, Chiyuri here needs more discipline--?

For her part, the blue-haired young woman looked delighted. ?You-- you actually got that reference!?

?Yeah, I did read some classical literature from time to time,? Chiyuri admitted, sheepish. ?I only read Dracula 'cause I managed to get a copy of it in my native, ze.?

?I read it because I wanna become better at scaring people~? the blue-haired girl said, laughing. ?Well, anyway, please come in!?

?Thank you,? Yumemi said, walking in through the door past the girl and stepping over the threshold, at which point she was suddenly yanked in by the girl and sent almost sprawling onto the carpet floor, coat and all.

?He-- what was THAT for?!? Yumemi demanded.

?Uh... the book said that as soon as my human visitor walked in that I had to move impulsively towards them and take their hand.?

?Take their hand meant to give them a handshake!? Yumemi retorted, standing up and angrily brushing herself off. ?Look, just-- let the Dracula alone for a while, okay??

?But... I want to surprise you!? the young girl said, closing the door behind a very amused Chiyuri.

?I don't need surprising!? Yumemi protested, waving her hands after handing her coat to her assistant to hang up on the coat rack.

?Well, if you insist,? the girl said, looking thoroughly dejected.

?...? Yumemi winced and looked at Chiyuri, mouthing ?what do I do?? Chiyuri shrugged and made various hand motions to mean ?I don't know!?

On a whim, Yumemi decided to put her hand on the girl's head. Maid uniform and freakish oversized purple umbrella or not, she was still a little girl, and she had hurt her feelings. She ruffled the girl's hair a bit.

?Hey, I'm sorry, okay?? Yumemi whispered in the girl's ear, kneeling down to see at eye-level with her. ?I didn't mean it that way. Sure you can surprise me, it's just that... right now I'm tired, okay? Maybe later.?

?Okay!? the girl said, raising her head. She looked up from beneath her turquoise blue hair, her different-coloured eyes bright. She hadn't been crying at all.

?Hey,? Yumemi said, ruffling the girl's hair again. ?You little sneak, you weren't crying at all!?

The girl giggled and tried to wriggle out of her grasp.

?Ahem,? Chiyuri coughed. ?Yumemi.?

?Ahaha... yes?? Yumemi turned. ?Jealous, Chiyuri??

?Of course not, ze,? Chiyuri scowled, her tone betraying her true feelings. ?Hmph. Anyway. Look.? She pointed up at the coat rack, where she had hung their coats. So two coats there were brown and sopping wet, but--

?... there are seriously a ton of coats,? Yumemi realized. The coat rack covered half the stone wall, but even then, almost all of the hooks were filled up. Some of these coats were normal. There was a red jacket, a few worn traveling cloaks, one outrageously designed bright purple coat with what looked like mink on the ruffled collar, and other coats ranging in weirdness and colour. There was one that looked shimmering and bright, another one that was patterned with sunflowers and clocks, one with moons and constellations, and next to it, a black leather bomber jacket with a huge phoenix emblazoned on the back. And a simple small red jacket for a young woman, but with two odd slits in the back. And a blue-and-pink coat with huge sleeves that looked reminiscent of butterfly wings, and--

?I don't live here, so I can't do much else than answer the door,? the girl was saying to Chiyuri. ?I came with my master Yuka Kazami, and she put me to work as a maid for her friends who own this mansion.?

?Who owns this mansion?? Yumemi asked abruptly, turning from the mystifying selection of coats. ?I would like to meet her.?

?That's my next task,? the girl said, giving a slight curtsy. ?Are you presentable??

Chiyuri turned to Yumemi and reached up, straightening Yumemi's bow tie and then walking behind her and pulling on her cape to straighten it out. ?You're good. How about me??

?You look good in that sailor fuku,? Yumemi smirked, pulling on Chiyuri's bandanna and straightening out her collar.

?Ze,? Chiyuri frowned. ?If only my shorts hadn't gotten shrunk in the laundry, ze.?

?'s fine,? Yumemi reassured her. ?You look cute in a skirt.?

?If you insist, ze.? It was clear that Chiyuri didn't agree.

?I think you two look fine,? the girl said, a charming grin on her face. ?Well, shall we??

?Sure,? Yumemi replied, and the two women followed after their young guide.


Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z (and other stories)
« Reply #43 on: October 21, 2009, 06:17:41 PM »
?This place... would be a lot scarier if there were less people.?

?I know,? Yumemi said, looking around at the cold, hard, cobwebbed stones of the castle. ?A bit like Pandemonium Palace back in Makai.?

?That place was sort of scary, yes,? Chiyuri agreed. ?Until we saw little Alice rollerskating down the hallways on Mai's experimental ice spells. Man, I still wish we hadn't had to give her those binoculars as a peace offering... but it was worth it to see Alice sledding down the staircase.?

Yumemi chuckled and looked around. At the moment, they had been led to the hallway right outside of the Great Hall of the castle. All around, youkai and humans were milling together, and food and drinks had been set out for them. Despite the festive atmosphere, it somehow seemed forced, and the food was untouched. The mood was one of false gaiety, and it showed, or at least just Yumemi could see it.

?Would you like some food before you see the Mistresses?? the girl asked.

?Why, certainly,? Yumemi said, smiling.

?I shall wait here,? the girl replied, setting Yumemi and Chiyuri loose upon the food.

?Oh my god I'm starving, ze,? Chiyuri said, reaching everywhere at once, for a brownie there, a slice of homemade pizza there. ?This all looks so delicious~?

?Mm,? Yumemi murmured in reply, devouring the chocolate-dipped strawberries. The tense atmosphere was affecting her stomach; she had no real appetite while she felt this nervous, and she was forcing herself to eat a food she normally loved. Something was definitely wrong in this place.

Chiyuri, on the other hand, used the ice cream scoop to put at least five different flavors on one cone.

?Ugh,? Yumemi said, wrinkling her nose at the rocky road. ?Just get rid of the chocolate, go with strawberry or sherbet or something.?

?You always say strawberry, ze,? Chiyuri laughed. ?I like vanilla, myself. I wonder how they taste together?? She grabbed a spoon and scooped up a small bit of strawberry and vanilla, then offered it up to Yumemi's mouth. ?Come on, give it a try.?

Yumemi frowned sternly, then burst into a grin and ate the ice cream. She licked her lips. ?Delicious, just as I expected.?

?Vanilla and strawberry go well together, ze,? Chiyuri said softly, in a rather strange tone that made Yumemi look at her, a quizzical look in her eye.

?Well, in any case, are we done whetting our appetite?? Yumemi asked, wiping off her face with a napkin. ?We should meet the mistresses before we start eating their food.?

?But if they decide they want us to leave their castle, we should at least get fed first,? Chiyuri countered with a grin. She downed a glass of cold fresh water and looked at her boss. ?Let's go.?

Yumemi and Chiyuri moved through the crowd, which parted easily for them, back to the door they had left their maid guide standing by. But this time she wasn't alone.

?Oh, Kazami Yuka? How nice to see you.? Yumemi bowed slightly as she saw the green-haired woman standing next to their maid, flanked by two quiet blonde girls.

?Okazaki! Likewise,? she said, a grin on her face. ?You're still one of the most entertaining fights I've ever had, you know.?

?And only the second tie,? Yumemi replied, wagging her finger slightly. ?Don't forget that~?

?I have not,? Yuka replied, a somewhat mad look in her eyes. She grinned. It only served to put Yumemi more on-edge, but thankfully she was spared from having to reply.

?'ey, Yuka,? Chiyuri waved hi. ?You've met this girl??

?You could say that,? the green-haired woman smirked, ruffling the heterochromiac girl's hair with affection.

The girl laughed sheepishly. ?Yeah, me and Yuka are friends...?

?Geez, I really wish I could refer to you as any other way than just 'maid girl', ze,? Chiyuri sighed. ?Oh well.?

?Has she not told you her name yet?? Yuka exclaimed, frowning at the girl. ?You bad karakasa, I make you dress up as a maid and you still don't seem to understand orders...?

?Aah! I'm sorry, Yuka, I'm sorry!? the girl cried, a tone of panic in her voice. ?I-- I'll fix it right away!?

?You'd better,? Yuka replied, a growl in the base of her throat.

?I-- I'm Tatara Kogasa,? the girl stammered while bowing to Yumemi. ?Pl--pleased to make your acquiaintaince!?

?Uh-- yes,? Yumemi said awkwardly. Truth be told, she was now terrified of what Yuka must have done to this poor child to make her freak out like that. ?Okazaki Yumemi, but you already knew that.?

?An' I'm Kitashirakawa Chiyuri,? her assistant said, introducing herself to Kogasa, not seeming to notice Yuka's sudden descent into homicidal rage. Yumemi knew better, of course. ?Pleased to meetcha, ze.?

?Good,? Yuka said, returning to petting Kogasa. ?See? How hard was that? Good girl.?

Yumemi shivered.

?What are you doing now?? Yuka asked Yumemi, returning to sanity, or at least some semblance of it.

?Well, first we were going to announce our presence to the mistresses of the castle,? Yumemi replied, trying to keep the tremor of fear out of her voice.

?Oh?? Yuka grinned. ?They're two old friends of mine, Gengetsu and Mugetsu. They're right down this hallway outside. Should I come with you and make sure you don't get lost??

Yumemi hoped she hadn't visibly turned pale. ?Ah-- no! I-- I mean, that's fine, no, we wouldn't want to bring you away from the party, would we? Chiyuri and I will be fine.?

?Well, take Kogasa with you,? Yuka said, pushing the girl forward. ?She needs to learn what it is to be a good servant to her superiors,? she continued, an undercurrent of malice in her words.

?Y-yes,? Yumemi stammered slightly. ?Come on, Chiyuri, let's go.?

?Right behind ya, boss,? Chiyuri said, bowing slightly to the green-haired woman. ?See ya later, Yuka.?

Yuka nodded graciously as Yumemi, Chiyuri, and Kogasa made a timely exit, leaving the room and closing the door behind them. It was amazing how little sound from the noisy Great Hall made its way out through the doors.

With the silence of the castle enveloping her, Yumemi could finally breathe again, and she let out a breath she hadn't even known she had been holding.

?I thought I was going to die right there,? Yumemi gasped as Chiyuri came to her side to support her. ?She has never gotten over our tie. Ever.?

?Perhaps we should go to Gensokyo, then,? Chiyuri suggested. ?Instead of being in Makai, and being within flying distance of that... that lunatic.?

?Perhaps,? Yumemi conceded, putting her hand on her heart and feeling its rapid beat slowly begin to calm down. ?I never thought I would have to see her face-to-face since then.?

?Wow,? a voice said. ?I haven't seen an aura of fear like this one in a while.?

?Eh?!? Yumemi nearly jumped out of her skin, whirling around to see who it was.

?Aw, you scared the poor girl!? a second voice chastised.

?Wh-- who are you?? Yumemi asked the two strangers. Both women, both quite tall, both lovely beyond compare. But still strangers.

?Pardon the abruptness of this introduction,? the slightly taller one said. She had purple hair and was dressed in a style Yumemi vaguely recognized as a Flamenco outfit. ?I am Iku Nagae, envoy of the Dragon Palace in the Heavens.?

?Dragon Palace?? Yumemi asked weakly, waiting to be eviscerated.

Iku, however, just looked at her.

?There's no need to be afraid,? Iku said softly. ?We're not here to hurt you.?

?Eh?!? Yumemi stammered. ?You can read my mind??

Iku shook her head. ?No, but I can read auras. I can read the temperament of a person from a distance-- and to be fair, you're doing the aural equivalent of screaming it out,? she said, wincing. ?Are you that scared??

?You would be too,? Yumemi said, sighing.

Iku's gaze flicked over to the door. She narrowed her eyes slightly, then opened them wide. ?Let me guess. The one near the door who's awash in a massive plume of hatred and lunacy.?

?How did you guess,? the red-haired woman smirked.

?The reason for your fear is conceded,? Iku said, bowing. ?But there is still no need to be afraid of me, or of Tenshi. We wouldn't hurt a human for no reason at all.?

?Tenshi?? Yumemi asked. Just then, the woman next to Iku stepped forward and waved.

?Oh!? Iku exclaimed, blushing. ?Sorry for forgetting to introduce yo--?

?It's fine. I shall make my own introductions,? she countered, sticking her tongue out at her friend. She was tall, though not as tall as Iku, with long blue hair and a lovely design on her white apron of rainbow-coloured scales. She turned to Yumemi and extended her hand. ?I am Tenshi Hinanai, Celestial in the Heavens.?

Yumemi nodded and shook her hand. ?I'm Yumemi Okazaki, science professor.? She nodded to her assistant. ?This is my assistant, Chiyuri Kitashirakawa.?

Iku and Tenshi exchanged a look of mild surprise.

?You're not... from Makai?? Tenshi asked.

?No,? Yumemi admitted. ?I came from another world, with Chiyuri. We came here on a... ship I built, the Probability Hyperspace Vessel. We went through Gensokyo's barrier, but I kind of hosed up the landing coordinates and we ended up here in Makai instead.?

Iku and Tenshi looked at each other again.

?A powerful person from another world,? Iku said this time. ?Impressive indeed.?

?Well, we're not exactly from here, either,? Tenshi contested.

?Lady Tenshi, that's not even close to the level of bursting through the Hakurei barrier.?

?True,? Tenshi conceded. ?We're both from the Heavens, after all,? she said, for Yumemi's benefit. ?We don't usually visit the ground, but today we had to, you know?? She took off her black hat for a moment to run her hands through her long hair; Yumemi noticed that there were, of all things, *peaches* stuck to the top of her hat. ?Suika gathered all of us together, so of course I had to come.?

?Gathered all of who together?? Yumemi asked, curious.

The celestials looked at one another for the third time.

?Why, gathered all of *us* together,? Tenshi said, a confused smile on her face. ?You, me, and everybody else here.?

?...what?? Yumemi asked, puzzled. But before Tenshi could explain, the door at the end of the hallway, only a few feet away from them, opened.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z (and other stories)
« Reply #44 on: October 21, 2009, 06:18:32 PM »
A young maid, looking younger than even Kogasa, with green hair and a pair of what looked like... antennae on her head, stood there, holding the door open for them.

?The mistresses of the mansion bid you welcome, guest.?

?We've already met them,? Tenshi said to Yumemi. ?Your turn.?

?Ah, yes,? Yumemi murmured, nodding. ?I almost forgot for a moment...?

?You are calmer now,? Iku said with a smile as Tenshi took her arm. ?We will see you in the Great Hall in a few minutes' time.?

?Yes,? Yumemi agreed as the two Celestials entered the Hall behind her. For her part, she looked around for a moment--

?I'm right here, ze,? Chiyuri said, plainly bored. She was still by Yumemi's side.

Kogasa walked away from them and motioned them towards the door. ?I have done my job,? she said happily. ?I'll leave the rest to Wriggle here.?

The green-haired bug girl in a maid uniform holding open the door nodded. ?Now please enter. The mistresses don't like to be kept waiting.?

?Ah,? Yumemi stammered as she felt a sudden fear at having to meet the ladies of the castle.

But Chiyuri breezed in past her to stand in the doorway. She turned around and frowned at Yumemi, who was still fixed to the spot where she stood.

?Are you coming?? Chiyuri asked, but she didn't wait for an answer, and she went on in.

A moment later, Yumemi followed her.

The room was a plain old drawing room. The walls were covered in red fresco, and the entire room basically had an appearance very much unlike the rest of the cold, stony castle; it was comfortable and warm.

There were many wooden chairs scattered throughout the room, out-of-place, as if they had been occupied by many groups of people only recently. Only three of those seats were currently being used. One by Chiyuri, and the other two--

It looked like the same person, actually. The same person sitting in two seats. She flinched, already remembering Yuka's old trick with the Dual Spark move that she had barely managed to graze. But that could not possibly be right, she wasn't in the middle of a battle-- Yumemi realized, with some embarrassment at her slowness, that they were twins.

One of them was wearing a maid uniform, which she considered somewhat bizarre for someone who was the master of the house. The other, dressed in a pink dress with a maroon vest, looked more suited for the role. That girl was the one that stood up to greet her, extending her hand.

?Greetings, and welcome to Tsukuyomi Castle.?

?Thank you,? Yumemi said, shaking her hand.

The girl shook it once, and then released her. She motioned to herself and to her twin sister. ?I am Gengetsu, master of Tsukuyomi Castle. This is my sister, Mugetsu, with whom I share it.?

?Sister, you forgot again, didn't you?? Mugetsu complained from behind her. ?You forgot to say I'm the head maid of the castle.?

?You are the *only* maid of the castle,? Gengetsu corrected, looking at her sister. ?And it's a self-appointed task at that.?

?Well, I'm not the only maid anymore, am I??

?That's only because of Yuka-san's generosity.? Gengetsu turned back towards Yumemi, smiling. ?In any case, you are welcome, miss...??

?Yumemi Okazaki,? Yumemi introduced herself. ?The young lady over there is my assistant, Chiyuri Kitashirakawa. We are both most pleased to meet you.?

?Chiyuri~? Mugetsu giggled. ?You would look cute as a maid...? She pulled out a maid headband from behind her back somewhere, and waved it in front of the laser-wielding girl. ?Ehehehehe...?

?... uhh, I think I have work to do for Yumemi... right? Right?? Chiyuri asked, at Mugetsu's mercy as the demon leaned over her, already committing her measurements to memory and mentally sewing up the perfect maid outfit for her.

Yumemi ignored Chiyuri's increasingly anguished cries for help.

Gengetsu nodded, also ignoring her sister's antics. ?Well, do enjoy your stay. This castle has more than room enough to accommodate everyone here, so feel free to choose your rooms tonight after the meeting.?

?Ah, the meeting...? Yumemi trailed off, putting her finger on her chin, pensive. ?... Lady Gengetsu, may I ask a... strange question??

?By all means,? Gengetsu replied, waving her hand. ?Be my guest.?

?... what ARE we doing here, all of us?? the red woman asked, getting straight to the point as she preferred to do. ?I know there's a meeting, but I have no idea what it's about. I have no idea why I came here, or what it is I'm supposed to do here.?

Gengetsu stared for a moment.

?And I realize now that you must be completely confused as to what the hell I'm talking about, I'll just go ahead and lea--?

?Oh, that Yukari,? she sighed, crossing her arms. ?She and Yuyuko, I swear... they always keep everyone else in the dark... I always have to explain everything for everyone...?

?I'm sorry,? Yumemi stammered, but Gengetsu waved it away.

?No, it's fine, I'm used to this by now. Besides, it's their fault, not yours.? She sighed. ?Where shall I begin, so I don't spoil the whole story before everyone else hears it first...??

Yumemi remained silent.

?Well, there is ONE thing I can answer for,? Gengetsu offered. ?Why you have come here.? She cleared her throat. ?Yumemi-san, have you ever heard of the power of gathering??

?Power of gathering?? Yumemi asked, confused by the terminology. ?The ability to, uh... gather things??

?Be they particles, parties, or people, these are the things that the power of gathering can be used for,? Gengetsu continued. ?It is a very useful ability, the ability to bring things together, be they abstract concepts, such as hunger or thirst, or more literal things, like you and me.

?One person here has such an ability... Ibuki Suika. An oni, one of the few remaining in Gensokyo, Makai, or all the surrounding lands. Her power is literally to 'gather' anything she wants... and in this case, she has gathered us. For what reason, I do not pretend to know, but I know that Yakumo Yukari, the most powerful youkai from over in Gensokyo, is behind this, and she has asked Suika to gather everyone here, to this castle. Even I don't know the full details, but...?

Gengetsu frowned.

?Everyone here has been called here because they are in positions of authority or wield great power... but there are some missing that should be here.?

?Like who?? Yumemi asked.

?Shinki,? Gengetsu said bluntly. ?The empress of this land. Why is she not here? And there is no delegation from Chireiden... so I cannot help but worry.? She sighed and looked away. ?Times are changing, Yumemi-san... some enormous change is approaching. I feel it.?

?Ahahaha, but that sounds horribly stupid, doesn't it?? Gengetsu burst out into a peal of awkward laughter.

?I don't think it sounds stupid,? Yumemi replied, straightforward as always. ?I can't help but think the same, actually.?

?Really?? Gengetsu asked, a sad grin on her face. ?Well, I suppose... I at least hope this change is for the better.?

Yumemi smiled.

?Well, speculation is silly... but we'll all find out tonight what is going on, yes??

?Actually, at this rate...? Gengetsu turned and pointed at a huge grandfather clock in the room, which indicated that the time was 6:48. ?We'll find out in about... oh, a bit more than ten minutes or so.? She smiled at her guest. ?Shall we all head to the Great Hall, Then??

?Yes!? Yumemi nodded, turning to have her assistant. ?Come on, Chiy-- whoa.?

?Where'd you get THAT from?? Gengetsu cried out, also turning to see what horrors Mugetsu had unleashed. ?Mu-chan, you didn't even leave this room...?

?I have many talents, Gen,? Mugetsu laughed as she pushed maid-outfit Chiyuri forward. The poor girl was blushing horribly, trying to maintain some shred of dignity in front of Yumemi.

?... it looks good on you.?


?All right, shall we head out, then~??

?Ehehehehe... I wonder how many other girls I can force into maid outfits before the end of the night~?


That's it for now. Gotta finish putting things together soon. I'm experimentin' with shorter, more consistent updates lately.


  • It's all about overwhelming force and irresistible style
  • And in a pinch, style can slide
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z (and other stories)
« Reply #45 on: October 22, 2009, 12:07:53 AM »
This is just a filler arc.

In the next installment, Yukari needs everyone's help to make the Curry of Life!
[15:13] <Sana> >:<

Zengar Zombolt

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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #46 on: October 22, 2009, 01:34:13 AM »
So how long until Mugetu gives a strawberry-colored maid outfit to Yumemi?


Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #47 on: October 22, 2009, 02:49:35 AM »
Mugetsu/Gengetsu are pretty awesome. I'm liking this arc so far.


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Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #48 on: October 22, 2009, 10:04:59 AM »
Awesome. please continue~

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #49 on: October 28, 2009, 11:18:17 PM »
With the two demon sisters and maid-Chiyuri in tow, Yumemi went back down the hallway to the Great Hall to finally meet the other people who would be at this meeting. Yumemi wondered who they would be. Gengetsu had mentioned that people in positions of authority would be here, but she had no idea who else would be here apart from the Makai nobility, Yuka, and the envoys of the Celestial Palace.

They entered the Great Hall to thunderous applause. Yumemi froze in place, panicked, wondering why on earth all these people were cheering for her until Chiyuri yanked her to the side, and out of Gengetsu and Mugetsu's way.

?They're greeting the ladies of the castle, ze,? Chiyuri explained.

?If this was the place chosen by Suika, she must have had her reasons for bringing the meeting here,? Yumemi mused aloud, watching as Gengetsu waved to the crowd, a perfect noblewoman. ?These two must be powerful in their own right.?

?I'll say,? Chiyuri scowled, trying to adjust her new collar. ?I have no idea where my old clothes went after that Mugetsu woman was through with me. I still have no clue how she DID that...?

?Keep it on,? Yumemi said, looking Chiyuri over. ?You really do look good in that.?

?But... aw, fine, for you, Yumemi,? Chiyuri conceded, making a visible effort to stop fidgeting in her maid uniform.

?Thank you,? Yumemi nodded as the applause began to die down. ?Besides, now that we know that Mugetsu has an obvious maid fetish, we can use this to get information from her.?

?I love the way you think, ze,? her assistant replied, stroking her chin, a mischievous grin on her face. ?But first, Yumem--?

?Please, everyone! We'll be starting the meeting in a few minutes. Please send your servants on over this way, so they can help set up the table, and we'll begin.? Gengetsu's voice was strong, and it carried over the murmuring crowd. A small wave of people, mostly dressed in maid uniforms, moved toward Gengetsu, where she led them out of the room.

?Should I go?? Chiyuri asked.

?If you want,? Yumemi shrugged. ?But I would prefer you by my side.?

?Aww, Yumemi, you charmer, ze,? her assistant gushed, obnoxiously clinging to Yumemi's arm.

?Eh? Me, send you outside where I can't keep an eye on you? Are you crazy?? the woman in red smirked. ?And eww, get off of me.?

?So mean...? Chiyuri slid off of Yumemi's arm, pouting.

Yumemi adjusted her coat's buttons, so that it looked less like a coat than it did a cape. She threw the cape back over her shoulders. ?How do I look??

?You look good,? a voice said before Chiyuri could reply.

Yumemi looked to her side, where another person she had never seen was standing, grinning. Her hair was long, beautiful black, and she was absolutely gorgeous. By far one of the most beautiful women she had ever seen, if not the most beautiful.

?Oh, an unfamiliar face. 'tis nice to meet you, my dear,? the woman said, extending her hand.

?Ha-- ha-- how... n-- nice--? Yumemi stammered, still stunned by how radiantly beautiful she was. She was nothing short of stunning. Yumemi felt paralyzed, transfixed by the woman's total perfection.

Good gods DAMN, this woman is fine...

?Yumemi, ghost got your tongue?? Chiyuri complained, tugging on her master's sleeve. Yumemi looked down, breaking the spell. She blinked.

?I am her lunar majesty Houraisan Kaguya-hime,? the woman said, hand still stretched out. And Yumemi could now take her hand and shake it without wanting to faint. The woman, Kaguya, was still drop-dead gorgeous, but after looking down at Chiyuri, she had realized that she didn't have Chiyuri's beautiful blue eyes, and this dimmed Kaguya's aura of absolute perfection.

?I'm Okazaki Yumemi,? she said, somewhat surprised by Kaguya's archaic way of speaking, honorifics and all. Just to be on the safe side, she gave her family name first instead of her given name. ?This is my assistant, Kitashirakawa Chiyuri-kun.?

?How do you do, ma'am,? Chiyuri said obediently, tipping her maid hat at Kaguya. It was then that Yumemi noted, with mild surprise, that apart from herself and Yuka, Kaguya was one of the only other people she had seen with nothing on her head.*

Kogasa had a maid hat on earlier.

?Ah, charmante~? Kaguya giggled, elegantly covering her mouth with her rather wide sleeve. ?She's an adorable creature. Is she your pet??

?Pet?? Yumemi asked, confused. ?Why would she be my pet??

?I have pets,? Kaguya explained. ?Inabas. Rabbits, all of them. They're wonderfully fun companions for an exiled royal, I dare say.?

?An... exiled royal?? Yumemi asked again. ?From where, if you don't mind my asking??

?Why, the moon,? Kaguya laughed. ?I did introduce myself to you as 'her lunar majesty'. I am the Princess of the Moon, after all.?

?Yes, but I never thought...? the red-haired woman put her hand to her chin. ?Kaguya-hime, may I call you that??

?By all means,? Kaguya replied, graciously waving her hand.

?Kaguya-hime, I am afraid that I have not been in Makai long enough to know, but... why is every place in Makai and Gensokyo a monarchy??

The black-haired woman tilted her head curiously. ?How so??

?Well, where I come from, where Chiyuri and I come from... most people elect their officials, their governments by mass democracy, where everyone votes and the candidate with the most votes wins.?

?Ah, democracy,? Kaguya laughed imperiously. ?Such a silly concept.?

Yumemi smiled as graciously as she could without betraying the slightest hint of annoyance on her face.

?Well, I am glad to say that my homeland, the Moon, is not only a monarchy, it is a divine empire, much like Makai is ruled by the God Empress Shinki-sama. And while that is a more extreme example, most other lands have followed her divine example; the Heavens are ruled by an omnipotent oligarchy, Hakugyokurou also has a Princess, and so on and so forth. In fact...?

Kaguya waved Yumemi closer to herself. Yumemi walked forward obediently, standing by Kaguya's side as she pointed out everyone she mentioned.

?That's Saigyouji Yuyuko-hime, Princess of the Netherworld. The one with the pink hair and the steak... er, steaks in her mouth. And that one is Yakumo Meimu-san, servant of the owner of the vast Mayohiga estate, Yakumo Yukari. And that's Kazami Yuka-san, the one who helped Shinki-sama destroy the Ocean Kingdom.?

?Ocean?? Yumemi said, startled. ?Gensokyo had an ocean??

?Not anymore.? Kaguya smiled. ?And that's Remilia Scarlet, the vampire of the Scarlet Devil Mansion in Gensokyo. Hmm... Komeiji Miyani-sama of Chireiden hasn't arrived yet, it seems... That's Mugetsu-san and Gengetsu-san, the owners of this mansion, quite possibly two of the most powerful sisters in the country. In my opinion,? Kaguya said in an aside, ?I'm surprised Shinki-sama hasn't simply banished them yet.?

?Why?? Yumemi asked.

Kaguya shrugged. ?They're threats to her power.?

?And that's enough to banish them?? Yumemi replied, a hint of irritation creeping into her tone.

?It is when you are a God Empress who rules by decree,? Kaguya said. If she noticed Yumemi's annoyance, she didn't say anything. ?Still, Yakumo-san knows she can't do that with every threat to her empire. That's why she invited Hinanai Tenshi-san over there.?

?Hinanai Tenshi?? Yumemi played along, pretending as if she didn't know her.

?She's a nice girl, but that's because she's one of the few celestials who is not outright immoral.?

The red-haired woman looked at the lunar princess curiously.

?Heaven's current system is diseased with corruption, you see,? Kaguya began. ?And this affects what they do in Gensokyo and Makai. For example, Hinanai-san's oldest sister is the Yamaxanadu of Gensokyo, the Judge of the Dead who sends souls to Heaven or Hell or to one of the various waiting places for souls. But she didn't do a thing to win the position. She is the direct result of Heaven's current cronyist system.?

?She was appointed to the position because she was a friend of the person who made the decisions??

?Nai-no-Kami, yes,? Kaguya conceded. ?Now, don't get me wrong. I have nothing against properly executed cronyism. But Hinanai-san's older sister is a complete idiot, and a corrupt one at that. To the point that she will accept bribes to send people to Heaven or Hell, as opposed to letting the souls' righteousness speak for themselves.?

?Isn't that... flagrantly wrong?? Yumemi asked.

?Yes,? Kaguya nodded. ?The current shinigami under her, Shiki Eiki Kawaxanadu-san, would be leagues better than Hinanai-san. Still, do you understand why Hinanai Tenshi is here??

?No, why??

?Because Shinki-sama is not here. You see... long ago, before Makai was even a unified kingdom within itself, much less an empire, Heaven wreaked havoc on Makai. Shinki-sama lost her family to the soldiers of Heaven. But you see, some of those soldiers were human, and for their deeds they were elevated to Celestial status. Hinanai-san is one of their children.?

?... oh,? Yumemi said.

?To this day, Shinki-sama wants to destroy Heaven as revenge for that injustice.? Kaguya took a sip of her almost-forgotten tea. ?But at the moment, she's off marching with her armies somewhere, so right now is the perfect time to gather all the great powers of Gensokyo and Makai behind Shinki-sama's back to tell them... whatever it is Yakumo-san wants to tell us.? Kaguya shrugged. ?She just sent her servant, but no... I had to leave the bamboo forest for the first time in ages for this.?

?You don't know why we're here, either?? Yumemi asked, blinking.

?No,? Kaguya shook her head. ?But we should be finding out soon. Look over there.?

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #50 on: October 28, 2009, 11:23:22 PM »
Yumemi followed Kaguya's finger. Sure enough, there in the center, a table, around which the maids and servants had set up chairs. Their masters were taking up their seats at the table; it was time to begin the meeting, it seemed.

?Should I take a seat?? Yumemi asked.

Kaguya smiled. ?Were you not called here??

?Well, yes...?

?Then you should take a seat.? Kaguya began to walk over to the center of the room, and motioned for Yumemi to follow after her.

?Go ahead, Yumemi,? Chiyuri said, pushing the professor forward.

Yumemi looked down at Chiyuri, pained. ?I can't!?

?Why the hell not??

?Because...? Yumemi looked nervous, uncomfortable. ?... none of them are human. Can't you tell? Kaguya's a Lunarian human, but... see, look at that one,? she said, pointing out a tall green-haired woman with a long blue robe and a large wizard hat on her head. ?Green hair. Really??


Yumemi turned around to see the Tenshi standing behind her, smiling. Her voice sounded as light as wind chimes.

?Why don't you take a seat?? the celestial asked.

?B... but I'm just a human,? the professor protested. She barely came up to Tenshi's chin level. Admittedly, Yumemi was a bit on the short side, but Tenshi was just plain tall.

?And?? Tenshi looked at her critically. ?Come on. You deserve a spot at the table.?

?But...? Yumemi sighed. ?I'm starting to get the feeling that this isn't meant for me at all.?

?Suit yourself, then,? Tenshi replied, marching past Yumemi and taking her rightful spot at the table.

Iku followed behind her, winking at Yumemi. ?Please don't worry, she's just a bit nervous.?

The redhead nodded; Iku kept eyeing her, then sighed.

?But she is right, you know. You should sit down.?

Yumemi eyed the table doubtfully, even as the table filled up one by one. The people sitting at the table were very obviously powerful people, masters of great households; behind them stood their servants. Some had come with a large retinue; some had come with only one servant. Those who had brought no one else from their households took places behind the head of the table.

She sighed and turned to look at Chiyuri. ?Should we get going??

?Huh?? Chiyuri asked, confused. ?Why would we have come all this way for nothing??

?First off, we weren't invited, we were just pulled here. And secondly, it's not like they'd have much use for people like you and me... since we're just humans, after all.? She smiled, trying to hide the all-too-obvious pain on her face. ?We don't belong here. Now come on, let's go.?

?If you say so,? Chiyuri replied, shrugging and following Yumemi, who made her way to the doo--

?Yumemi Okazaki!? a voice yelled out. Yumemi flinched involuntarily, then turned around to see who it was that had called her name.

It was a tall young woman with purple hair, wearing a variant of a shrine maiden's outfit, mostly in black. Not even Kaguya's beauty could compare-- if she hadn't looked so perfect, she might have even been deceived into thinking she had been human. But she was definitely youkai-- a youkai shaman, it looked like.

She stood up from her seat at the front of the table and walked around, to Yumemi. ?My dear professor, where are you going??

?Oh, I--? she stammered, sheepish now that she had been caught trying to leave. ?I'm pretty sure they got me confused with someone else when they called everyone here. I'm not meant to be her--?

?Oh, you've got it wrong,? the woman replied, putting her arm around Yumemi's shoulders, ?No one here was brought by accident.? She pointed to the table, to an empty chair between Tenshi and a girl with short pink hair who was still eating an entire cheesecake-- Yuyuko, was it? ?Please stay. We even have a seat set apart for you.?

?You... do?? the professor asked. ?But... I'm human,? she said. ?Not a youkai.?

?That doesn't matter here,? the youkai replied, leading Yumemi back to the table. ?Well, it does matter,? she said, correcting herself. ?But let's just say... that's precisely what we... I need you here for.?

The professor sat down at her designated seat, still looking around, uncertain and a bit uncomfortable. Next to her, Tenshi smiled, and on her other side, the pink-haired woman cut a small slice of cheesecake from her plate, then forked a strawberry and offered it to Yumemi.

?Ah, thank you,? she whispered, and smiled apologetically. ?But I'm not hungry anymore. I already ate.?

?Not hungry?? Yuyuko asked, sounding mystified. ?Wow...?

?Ahem.? The imposing youkai woman-- she remembered now from Kaguya's short introduction that she was Meimu Yakumo-- took her seat at the head of the table, flanked by... a woman with what looked like fox tails behind her and a really strange hat on her head. Yumemi would never understand why everyone in Gensokyo insisted on wearing a hat.

?Allow me to read names, just so that everyone here is accounted for.? She stood and read from a scroll that the fox-tailed youkai woman behind her had handed her. ?Mima.?

?Right here,? the woman with the large wizard hat said, grinning and crossing her arms. ?All by my lonesome.?

Meimu marked the sheet, and then called out, ?Okazaki Yumemi.?

?R-right here!? Yumemi stammered, not expecting to be called upon so quickly. ?With my assistant Kitashirakawa Chiyuri!?

Behind her, Chiyuri tipped her hat.

?Right then,? the woman continued, marking her off as well. ?Kazami Yuka.?

?Do you really need to ask, Yakumo?? Yuka smirked, ruffling the hair of a little blonde girl in her lap. ?Here, with Elly and Kurumi.?

The two blonde girls behind her bowed nervously. Yumemi recalled having seen them earlier, hiding behind Yuka; she only wondered what sort of mental state a person would have to have in order to willingly serve a youkai like Kazami Yuka. They would have to be insane in their own right...

?And of course, Lady Gengetsu.?

The cute devil smiled.

?And her maid!? Mugetsu interrupted, hopping over Gengetsu's fluffy angel wings to be seen.

?Er, right,? the young-looking shaman blinked and stumbled over her words a bit. ?Anyway... Remilia Scarlet.?

?Present and accounted for,? a short girl with short blue hair said. She looked young, but Yumemi knew that she had to be really seven hundred years old or something. ?And I brought everyone with me.?

?Even Flandre?? Meimu said, raising an eyebrow.

?She's not all bad,? Yuka put in, playing with the little girl's hair. ?Isn't that right, Flan??

?Yuukarin is awesome!? Flandre exclaimed, hugging the green-haired youkai. Yumemi could only shiver at the sight.

?Don't worry,? Remilia said. ?Patchouli is suppressing Flandre's power tonight.?

?She'd BETTER be,? Gengetsu grumbled. ?The last thing I want to do is wake up and find my castle in ruins.?

?Yuyuko Saigyouji,? the youkai woman continued. ?Ah, I had a message for you from Yukari. 'Yuyu-chan, let's go cherry-blossom viewings the next time we meet!'?

?Oh, Yukari.? Next to Yumemi, Yuyuko giggled. ?And of course I brought Youmu along.?

?Youmu?? Meimu asked. ?Not Youki??

?She wanted to come along, and Youki let her.? Yuyuko laughed. ?And she's so cute, how could I resist??

The pallid white-haired girl behind her flushed red. Yumemi tried to suppress her smile and failed. Chiyuri, for her part, shifted and stood next to Youmu.

?Heh.? Meimu grinned. ?Next. Kaguya of Eientei.?

?Here, I guess,? the Lunar princess replied with a sigh, looking thoroughly bored. ?With Eirin and Tewi.?

?No Reisen?? Remilia asked.

?Certainly not. We need her at home to clean up the mess the Inaba make.?

?Hmm.? Remilia closed her eyes and seemed to think deeply for a moment, then opened them and grinned at Kaguya, a dark gleam in her eye. ?That's not going to turn out well, just so you know.?

?Hmph.? Kaguya huffed a bit and crossed her arms.

?Fujiwa-- who the hell invited Mokou,? Meimu asked, looking faintly irritated.

?Aw, don't get yer panties in a bunch,? a teenage-looking white-haired girl (another ancient being, Yumemi just knew) complained, standing off to the side, looking aloof and annoyed. ?I came 'cause I damn well wanted to. And I ain't gonna touch 'er.?

?Oh, you WISH you could touch this!? Kaguya snapped, pushing her chest forward and glaring at Mokou.

?Why, I oughta--? Mokou started to stand up straight and rolled up her sleeves, but was stopped by a woman in a long blue dress who looked like she was in her early twenties.

?Oh, Mokou, please don't make a fuss,? the woman pleaded.

?Hmph.? The white-haired girl scoffed and crossed her arms again, turning away from Kaguya.

?Thank you, Keine,? Meimu said. ?Next. Eiki-- no, she's not here tonight. Kanak-- wait, scratch that out, it probably hasn't happened yet. Uhh... Tenshi Hinanai??

?Aye,? Tenshi spoke up. ?And Nagae Iku was kind enough to come with me.?

Iku's dress rustled behind Tenshi as the purple-haired woman bowed. ?The Dragon Palace sends its regards.?

?Komeiji Miyani?? Meimu asked, looking up. ?No? I suppose she couldn't make it...?

?No, she's dead.?

A new voice spoke up from the back, from behind Meimu. Yumemi strained to look, but she couldn't see the speaker.

?Ah... I see. Well, that should tell us where we are in regards to timeline...? With that puzzling sentence, Meimu put the matter behind her and she re-rolled the scroll.

?Now,? she said, looking out over the table. ?As you all know, I am Yakumo Yukari's servant, Yakumo Meimu. With the assistance of my mistress' friend, Ibuki Suika--?

A shimmering purple mist swept through the room just then. It tickled Yumemi's neck, and she chuckled slightly. Some people waved it off, while others (like Yuyuko) seemed to hand it food. And the strangest part was that the food was carried away in the mist. It was only after the mist had dissipated that Mokou hollered, ?Damnit, oni, ya stole all my sake!?

?Hahahaha!? In a bright purple explosion, the mist returned, compacted, and burst into the form of a young girl with long brownish-reddish hair and horns on her head. According to the system of determining youkai ages that Yumemi had created in a particularly clever moment, the younger a youkai in Gensokyo looked, the older they were. And upon hearing the name ?Suika? again, she remembered that this had to be the Suika her hostess Gengetsu had been referring to earlier.

?The power of gathering,? she murmured.

?Ahem.? Meimu coughed to get everyone's attention.

?Please welcome, all of you, and thank you for coming.? She grinned at Suika; Kaguya gave a very audible sigh. ?My master has made sure that not a one of you knows the true purpose of this meeting... Ran, please.?

The fox-woman behind her bowed and left Meimu?s side, walking around to the windows in the room and shutting the curtains, closing the room off from the outside world.

Yumemi blinked, realizing that while almost everyone else there was a youkai who could see in the dark, she couldn?t see anything other than pitch blackness. But before she could say anything, a light flared up from outside the circle, and Mugetsu dutifully set down a lighted candelabrum in the center of the table, with nine candlesticks on it. Yumemi could see now, but it was haunting how the lights flickered and shadows danced on the other people?s faces.

?My master has sent me here with a very important message for you all... and that is why you are all here.?

Meimu leaned into the light, a serious look on her face, with the barest hint of an almost predatory smile.

?The purpose of this meeting is to discuss the idea of revolution.?

More later? Sure, maybe. Colorado is like buried under a foot of snow at the moment, and I'm not gonna be going anywhere.

Fun fact: This is page 200 of my Chireiden.doc.


Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #51 on: October 28, 2009, 11:25:37 PM »
?Kanak-- wait, scratch that out, it probably hasn't happened yet.?


Thank you so much for this update. God I want to sex you up so much <3

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #52 on: October 29, 2009, 01:15:15 AM »
I'm loving it. So much plot twists... you even went and used Meimu.


Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #53 on: October 29, 2009, 03:00:54 AM »
Hoped I helped you with Koishi Ruro. I can't wait for the next update now.

Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #54 on: October 29, 2009, 08:12:55 AM »
-- why have I not been reading this.

Well, okay, it's probably just as well that I came here after the second part of the bait-and-switch-Koishi-death-scene was posted -- I almost stopped reading at that point -- but yeah. Epic and stuff.


really seven hundred years old

I see what you did there.


  • Pudding!
  • kyaaaaaaaaa~
    • M3 BM Fan Translation
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #55 on: October 29, 2009, 07:07:18 PM »
Oh hey, It's Meimu.

200 pages...? Simply wow. The combination of Technical School Stories Alternate, Touhou Kuroneko and Cure to Vampirism lags 20-40 pages behind.

Good job on the story. lookin' forward for more~


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #56 on: October 30, 2009, 12:57:05 AM »
Oh God I love this fic. XD

I especially loved the recent 4th wall shattering.

Also, I admit...  You totally trolled me with the bait ending near the beginning of the fic. XD

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #57 on: October 30, 2009, 01:58:43 AM »
Also, yeah, this is turning into another Usually Dead-thing. What is it with these people and creating stories where Touhous can't fly?

[ruro]Your contributions matter! :toot:[/ruro]

* Muffin chomps the noisemaker thing
« Last Edit: October 30, 2009, 04:46:17 PM by KimikoMuffin »

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #58 on: November 04, 2009, 09:07:50 PM »
Weekly Wednesday White Rose update go.


The room was dead silent, but even Yumemi could feel that the tone of the meeting had shifted; up until then, everyone had been eating, drinking, trying to be merry-- she had seen through it then, and it was plain now. But she suspected that no one had had any idea that this would be the true subject. She hadn?t had any idea either, to be fair, but she was a newcomer to Gensokyo?s affairs, basing her operations in the south of Makai, conducting research in her lab--

Wait. A revolution... against whom?

?For years now, Shinki has been taking over Gensokyo, steadily accumulating land within it and surrounding it, as I?m sure you all know.? Meimu waved her hand. ?Apart from the bordering estates, she has more or less taken the whole of the country into her empire. We are lucky that we are not being occupied by her armies at this very moment.?

?Meimu, you speak from a position of the privileged!? Kaguya exclaimed, interrupting her. ?Yukari can protect her lands; Mayohiga is safe and secure! I had to appease Shinki by giving her half the Bamboo Forest in exchange for leaving the Inabas alone!?

?Exactly!? Meimu snapped, slamming her hand on the table. ?I am TIRED of seeing this country, OUR country, the land that we all love, taken by the Empress of Makai!? Her face lost its calm demeanor; she was deadly serious. ?We must fight and get Gensokyo back!?

For a moment, silence. Then--

?... Yukari is proposing sedition,? Mima said. ?You?re speaking like a traitor.?

?You are the traitor, if you do not see Shinki?s takeover for what it really is!? Meimu shot back. ?My master refuses to subjugate this land to Shinki?s whims any longer.?

?Yukarin's proposition is...? Yuyuko shook her head-- Yumemi noticed just then how pale Yuyuko looked in the candlelight. ?... a phenomenal undertaking.?

?My master cannot do it alone,? the youkai replied. ?And I have no desire to do it alone. Yukari-sama knows how huge this is. And you all have your reasons to help her.? She motioned to Kaguya. ?Shinki has intruded upon your territory, bullying you into appeasing her. She has taken the Forest of Magic, where Mima lives, and extended her worship base right up to the Tengu Mountain. She?s taken land right up to the borders of Hakugyokurou, and even established her power in the south where the Sanzu flows. Even Yuka has only been able to remain independent within Makai because she agreed to fight for Shinki when necessary.?

Yuka crossed her arms at this, but did not disagree.

?Do you not see? She has already compromised Gensokyo?s integrity, and at this rate it will not be long before she takes the fields of the human village in the west. From there, it will be easy to encroach upon the Scarlet Lake--?

?I take offense to that,? Remilia scoffed, interrupting the youkai. Yumemi?s heart began to race as she saw her; before, she had looked like an eccentric young girl, but now with the candlelight flickering on her face, her pale skin and white fangs, not to mention her bright red eyes, she started to feel the slightest pangs of fear. ?I can keep Shinki away from me as long as I want.?

?Even once she takes the Hakurei Shrine to the east of you, and advances from the Sanzu as well??

?Ahahahaha!? Remilia burst out laughing. ?The HAKUREI Shrine? That?s even more ridiculous than the idea of taking over my mansion! Hakurei is simply too secure, too powerful under the current shrine maiden.?

?... about that,? Yuyuko muttered, turning away from the table. Meimu noticed her movement but didn?t react; Remilia, however, looked at Meimu, then Yuyuko, then back again, and a glimmer in her eyes gave away that she had put two and two together, and--

?Hakurei?s fate has arrived?!?

?What?s going on,? Kaguya said, looking from one to the other. ?What?s gone on??

Yuyuko fixed her gaze on the Lunar Princess, her voice completely serious.

?Hakurei Sayuri is near the end of her life.?


Now, this-- THIS news made everyone in the room start talking. Kaguya instantly turned from the table and started whispering into the ear of a woman with bright white hair-- presumably her assistant. Behind Remilia, a girl with long purple hair dressed in what looked like a long pink nightgown turned to a maid, another young lady with silver hair, and began to talk quietly. Mima was by herself, but even she walked over to Meimu and began a heated, but whispered, discussion with her.

?What's going on?? Chiyuri asked, leaning down to Yumemi's eye level. ?Who the hell is Hakurei Sayuri??

?Don't you remember what Yumeko was telling us about that one day?? Yumemi replied. ?When she asked us if we had seen the Hakurei Shrine in Gensokyo, if we had seen signs of a young girl walking on the grounds or something.?

?Huh,? Chiyuri shrugged. ?I have no idea, then.?

?Neither do I,? the professor replied. ?Oh well.?

?Settle down!? Meimu ordered, slamming her hand onto the table. ?Quiet down!?

?The Hakurei Maiden is on her deathbed and you did not think to inform us until just now?!? the woman named Keine accused. ?This is a tremendous event, Yakumo-san! If there is no shrine maiden to take her place, then the youkai of Gensokyo will run rampant!?

?More n' that,? Mokou added, standing by Keine. ?It'll be Shinki's cue to just take the fuck over the rest of Gensokyo... right, Yakumo??

Meimu nodded. ?Allow me to explain,? she said. ?Hakurei Sayuri was taken from the Shrine about a week ago by a small team led by Yumeko, Shinki's servant.?

?How was she even able to set foot on the grounds?? Remilia asked. ?Sayuri's holy power is so much that I can't even go near the Shrine.?

?That's the thing,? the youkai shaman said. ?Sayuri was sickened recently, and became weak, just enough for Yumeko to infiltrate. Sayuri is still sick, however, and she... probably does not have much time left. But her young child will be the key to defeating Shinki. I suspect Shinki figured this out long before we did, which is why she kidnapped Sayuri.?

From behind Kaguya, a small chuckle.

?Eirin? Do you have something to say??

?Just that now, you're confusing even me,? the white-haired woman with the nurse cap said, laughing slightly. ?Yakumo-san, please explain, in short, declarative sentences, just what has happened and what we need to do.?

?All right,? Meimu agreed, turning to the table at large. ?Sayuri's daughter will be the key to defeating Shinki. With the power of the Hakurei bloodline, we can drive Shinki out of Gensokyo entirely, and possibly seal Makai away from Gensokyo altogether. We need to get to Sayuri and get her daughter out of there, then raise her someplace safe, away from Shinki's reach, until she is old enough to defeat Shinki.?

?... hmm.? Yuyuko rested her chin on her hands-- Yumemi realized just then that her hands were semi-translucent in the dark. ?Where is Sayuri at the present??

?Hokkai Prison,? Meimu replied. ?In the south of Makai.?

?Why haven't you gone there yourself?? Yuka asked, raising an eyebrow. She looked truly fiendish in the candlelight, the shadows playing on her face, but somehow Yumemi was no more scared of her than she had been before.

Meimu sighed. ?Yukari-sama has told you this before, Kazami, but let me explain again. Shinki is the unmatched, absolute ruler of Makai, much like a Yama's dominion over Higan, and like Yuyu's control of Hakugyokurou.? She nodded to the woman in question, who responded in kind.

?It is as Yukari said in the past,? Yuyuko continued, taking up the conversation. ?Once we enter into Makai, we will be in Shinki's absolute domain. The only reason Yukarin can visit me in Hakugyokurou is because I let her.?

Meimu smiled at her.

?Unfortunately, this means that my master can't just gap straight into Hokkai Prison and pull Sayuri and her daughter out of there. Not to mention that Hokkai Prison is hermetically sealed off from the rest of the world on the surface to begin with... We're going to have to do it manual--?

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: The White Rose of Chireiden - Satori Eye Z
« Reply #59 on: November 04, 2009, 09:08:25 PM »
?Wait, wait,? Kaguya interrupted. ?What do you mean, 'we'? I still haven't heard why exactly you need all of us.?

?I hate to say it, but I agree with the moonbitch,? Mokou added. ?Why the hell would I wanna go to Makai to bust out some little girl to 'save Gensokyo'? I'm fuckin' immorta-- OW! Keine, that hurt!?

?Don't swear,? Keine reprimanded, releasing the spot on Mokou's arm where she had pinched her.

?She's right, you know,? Mima said, crossing her arms and leaning back in her chair. ?What's in it for us??

?Freedom,? Meimu replied. ?Plain and simple. Complete sovereignty over your respective lands and territories. And to assure this, my master has promised that she will take Mayohiga completely out of Gensokyo and watch the land's affairs from afar.?

?A life without Sukima?!? Yuka mock-exclaimed, much to Flandre's evident amusement. ?Surely you jest!?

?My master does not joke around when it comes to Gensokyo's safety.? Meimu smiled.

Yuka scowled, apparently not pleased at how easily Meimu had deflected her accusation. ?Tch. Yukari always tries to act all mysterious and dramatic, and then she does shit like this,? she scoffed and met Meimu in the eye. ?She's one crazy bitch.?

?My master would do anything for Gensokyo.? Meimu grinned again, accepting the accusation. ?Actually... she is...?

Meimu glanced at her scroll once more, drawing out the moment. Everyone looked at her intently.

?It seems... my master has written that... she is willing to give you one more concession, and that if this doesn't prove that she serious, she has nothing else to offer and you can all turn her in to Shinki as a traitor to Makai's throne.?

?Oh?? Remilia raised an eyebrow. ?And what does the high and mighty Sukima have to say??

?The chance for each of you to cause an 'incident' in Gensokyo.?

A collective gasp of shock went up from the table. Remilia turned to her servants and gave them a fanged grin; Kaguya raised an eyebrow and waved Eirin down to whisper. But as usual, Yumemi had no idea what was going on.

Fortunately, she didn?t have to ask, because neither did Tenshi.

?What the hell are you talking about, Meimu?? Tenshi asked, blunt as a spoon. ?An ?incident?? We?re not going to kidnap a ton of Lunarian noblewomen, are we??

Kaguya scowled; Meimu laughed. ?No, no. I forgot Bhava-Agra doesn?t have incidents. Let me explain--? She glanced at Yumemi, who was watching her intently; the professor flushed red, realizing that she had been caught-- ?For the benefit of those who don't know.

?An ?incident? in Gensokyo is a chance for each great house-- the Scarlet Devil Mansion, Eientei, Mugenkan, et cetera-- to cause? shall we say, a *problem* in Gensokyo.?

?It?s a chance to show off how awesome we are,? Remilia put in, smiling so wide that Yumemi could see the candlelight reflecting off her fangs. ?Though we?d have to abide by the new Spellcard System that Sayuri and the Shinigami thought of, right??

?Well, yes,? Meimu replied, glancing at the scroll again. ?She wrote that she was thinking that the first few incidents could be a chance to try out the new spellcard system, and different forms of combat. They might end up even being a sort of prototype for future Gensokyo. And of course, they?ll be used to train the new Hakurei Miko.?

?How do you mean?? Mima asked. ?And what kind of incidents are we talking about here??

?Well, the Hakurei Miko wouldn?t be much use to anybody to overthrow Shinki and seal Makai away if we killed her ourselves,? the shaman replied with a wink. ?As for the type of incident? eh, it says that you have to think of those yourselves. Nothing terribly drastic, but nothing too weak, either. Mess with the weather, wreck the Shrine, whatever you want, so long as it?s training for Hakurei and doesn't upset the balance of Gensokyo.?

?Wrecking the shrine, eh?? Mima tapped a finger against her chin.

?Oh, yes,? Tenshi said, cracking her knuckles. ?This sounds like a refreshing change of pace. Heaven is just so boring without a bad guy to beat??

?Excellent,? Remilia laughed. ?I?ve been thinkin? of a few ways to cause a bit of mischief, myself??

?I wonder,? Chiyuri noted, leaning down to Yumemi's ear. ?If we agree to this, then maybe you could think of some spectacle so we could get to see the power of magic firsthand.?

?Like what?? Yumemi whispered back.

?I dunno, like a tournament or something,? Chiyuri suggested. ?A contest. And while everyone's busy fighting each other, we could gather data on them, maybe even video... or bringing the winner back to our world with us.?

?Hmm,? the professor thought aloud. ?So... should we agree to it??

?I don't see why not, but it's your call, boss,? Chiyuri replied.

?So? Do we have a deal?? Meimu asked, calling attention up to the front of the room again.

?Not... just yet,? Yuyuko said. ?What precisely needs to be done in the meanwhile? The new Hakurei miko, assuming she lives through this, is just a little girl, isn't she??

?I believe she is seven years old at the moment,? the youkai clarified.

?All right then. How are we supposed to take care of her for a year at the bare minimum while Shinki tracks her down? Because that's exactly what she's going to do.?

?My master planned for such a thing,? Meimu replied. ?And now I would like to introduce you all to two very important humans here tonight. Hirano, if you would.?

?Certainly.? It was the voice that Yumemi had heard earlier but hadn't been able to pin down. Now the owner of that voice stepped into the light. Dressed in a white kimono and red hakama, with long black hair pulled back into a loose ponytail, she was a young woman, no older than twenty-five. But her voice was strong and confident.

?I am Hirano Sakurasaki, of the Sakurasaki Shrine in the west,? she said, bowing. ?The Sakurasaki are a branch house of the Hakurei; Sayuri and I are effectively cousins.? She stood straight, allowing Yumemi a view of the quiver of arrows on her back. ?Yukari has asked me to take Sayuri's daughter to live in the Sakurasaki Shrine until she is old enough to return safely.?

?That... would probably be best for everyone,? Kaguya observed. ?If we can whisk Hakurei-san's daughter outside of Gensokyo's borders and let her train in peace, we can make Shinki think the Hakurei daughter is dead. Not to mention that she'll be raised by a human...?

?During the course of this year,? Remilia began, ?We could be preparing. The Tengu only need a leader to make them rebel against Shinki. Eientei can begin fighting back intrusions into the Bamboo Forest. We need to destabilize Shinki, catch her off guard. We can start a revolution... a revolution in slow motion.?

?We?? Meimu asked. ?So does that mean you're in??

Remilia looked at her askance. ?Yukari just gave me a golden opportunity to kill time and obtain more power in Gensokyo. Do you even have to ask??

?Yuka?? Meimu asked.

The woman with the short green hair nodded. ?Very yes.? She chuckled in a way that made the hairs on Yumemi's neck stand on end.

?Can my master count on support from the Heavens?? Meimu asked.

?Bhava-Agra has no army or initiative,? Tenshi sighed. ?I, on the other hand, am bored as hell, so if you need me, just ring me up. I'm in.?

?Similarly, the Dragon Palace cannot afford to take an official position regarding affairs on the surface world,? Iku put in. ?But this messenger, at least, shall do what she can.?

?Wonderful.? Meimu turned to Kaguya. ?So, my dear Lunarian? What shall it be??

?Hmm... Eirin, what do you think?? the princess asked, turning to her tall assistant.

?I think it would be a wonderful opportunity to experiment with a few things, hime-sama,? she replied with a smile that vaguely reminded Yumemi of Yuka's slasher grin. She shivered.

?Well then. It appears that you can count on us, Yakumo-san,?

?Mima?? Meimu asked, looking at the green-haired woman. But Mima, alone of all the people at the table, was distracted; she was tapping her chin impatiently.

?Um, Mim--?

?Two humans,? Mima cut her off, saying what was on her mind. ?You said you would introduce us to two humans tonight.?

?Ah, that's right...? Meimu nodded. ?But first, I would have to get her to agree.?

?What're you talkin' 'bout?? Mokou said. ?I'm in, damnit, d'ya even hafta ask??

?Not you, actually,? the youkai replied. ?This woman will also have to help rescue Hakurei's daughter, and help raise her up as a normal human being. Hirano will teach her how to be a miko; this woman will have to teach her combat, and the spellcard system as well.?

?Well, who is it?? Mima asked.

?Alone of all the people here, she's the only human who's earned the right to sit at this table,? Meimu said, and that's when Yumemi realized who she was talking about.

?Okazaki Yumemi, we need your help.?

All eyes turned to her.

Yumemi could only stare back in shock.
