Author Topic: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!  (Read 63697 times)


  • Seg Fault
Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #90 on: February 05, 2015, 04:37:13 AM »
>Withdraw. We've got enough information and any further pressing is going to make things ugly.
>You relinquish your hold on Tewi, and extinguish the flame in your hands.

>"Oh, hey. What does Eirin need?" Dodge the question for now.
>"You didn't answer my- you know what? Nevermind. What Eirin needs is more important at the moment." says Reisen, "She urgently requires your presence. Come with me."

Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #91 on: February 05, 2015, 05:09:06 AM »
>"Lead the way. I'll see you later, Tewi."
>Follow Reisen. Keep an eye for anything suspicious in the area.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #92 on: February 05, 2015, 05:27:05 AM »
>"Lead the way. I'll see you later, Tewi."
>"Whatever..." you hear Tewi say.

>Follow Reisen. Keep an eye for anything suspicious in the area.
>You follow Reisen back inside Eientei. The two of you walk through the foyer and down a couple of hallways, passing several rabbit youkai in the process. During your walk you keep an eye out for suspicious activity, however, you spot nothing of note. After a couple of minutes, the two of you reach a room filled with lots of strange equipment you've never seen before. You see Eirin in the center of the room, pacing back and forth with a troubled expression in front of a low table with some odd doohickey on top of it. Kaguya is standing in the far corner of the room.

Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #93 on: February 05, 2015, 05:52:15 AM »
>"I'm here. What did you need me for, Eirin? Any leads on what exactly happened to us?"
>Glance at Kaguya and see if she's alright. "And it looks like you're here too, huh?"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #94 on: February 05, 2015, 06:09:08 AM »
>"I'm here. What did you need me for, Eirin? Any leads on what exactly happened to us?"
>"I think I may have found out what happened to the two of you, but... what I found was... something I had previously thought impossible..." Eirin replies, her expression growing more serious.

>Glance at Kaguya and see if she's alright. "And it looks like you're here too, huh?"
>Kaguya seems fine from what you can tell by just looking at her.
>"Yeah." she responds, "Hopefully this thing will be over quickly so I don't have to see your stupid face anymore today..."
>"Now, Kaguya. Let's keep our insults to a minimum for now," says Eirin, her tone becoming slightly more annoyed, "I don't want you two having a full-on brawl in my lab, especially considering what's happened to the both of you!"

Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #95 on: February 05, 2015, 06:16:19 AM »
>Sigh and keep quiet. A pissed off Eirin is not something we need to see.
>"What exactly happened?"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #96 on: February 05, 2015, 02:00:27 PM »
>Sigh and keep quiet. A pissed off Eirin is not something we need to see.
>"What exactly happened?"
>"I was analyzing the blood samples I collected from both of you, and I found an unknown substance. Upon closer inspection, I realized that this substance was... somehow... neutralizing the essence of the Hourai Elixir in your bloodstreams." Eirin began.
>"What!?" Kaguya interjects, "are you saying that we're going to actually die!?!"
>"No. The outcome actually appears to much worse." Eirin continues, "You see, the substance I found appears to be imperfect. It seems to be unable to completely neutralize the Elixir. I did some calculations, and it appears that once it is unable to neutralize the Hourai Elixir any further, the concentration of the Elixir in your system would be too low to completely revive your body. In essence, you'll be stuck in a sort of 'vegetable state', unable to permanently die, but unable to revive as well. A fate worse than death."

Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #97 on: February 05, 2015, 04:07:18 PM »
>"What about taking another dose of the Elixir? Will that help?"
>"Can that substance be neutralized, extracted or anything?"

Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #98 on: February 05, 2015, 08:57:06 PM »
>"What would the attacker gain from this? Is it possible that she took some of our powers as well?"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #99 on: February 06, 2015, 12:20:09 AM »
>"What would the attacker gain from this? Is it possible that she took some of our powers as well?"
>"I'm unsure about what your attacker's true motives are, but for now it seems like she wants the two of you dead, permanently." Eirin replies. "I'm pretty sure your powers are fine. If your attacker's intentions were indeed to kill you, there would be no point in stripping your powers from you."

>"What about taking another dose of the Elixir? Will that help?"
>"Can that substance be neutralized, extracted or anything?"
>"Yes, I do believe that if you and Kaguya consumed the Hourai Elixir again, its initial effects might be enough to purge the substance from your system." says Eirin, "However, there are some complications to that plan. You see, the last dose of the Elixir I made was the one that you consumed roughly 1300 years ago. I did not intend to make any more of it since then, so I currently lack some of the ingredients required to create it. An alternative solution would be for me to try to synthesize something to neutralize the substance. However, in order to do that, I'll need to analyze a pure sample of the substance that has not come into contact with essence of the Hourai Elixir."

Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #100 on: February 06, 2015, 03:52:41 AM »
>"What ingredients do you need for the Hourai Elixir?"
>Think about anyone who may know of Medicine's whereabouts.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #101 on: February 06, 2015, 04:35:48 AM »
>"What ingredients do you need for the Hourai Elixir?"
>"Why? Are you considering fetching them for me?"Eirin asks, "If so, it's a moderately long list. Would you mind if I wrote it down?"

>Think about anyone who may know of Medicine's whereabouts.
>You already know that Eirin knew Medicine at some point, perhaps she could give you clues to where she likes to frequent.
>Also, considering that Medicine is a doll, someone with a connection to dolls, like Alice Margatroid, might also be able to provide some clues.
« Last Edit: February 06, 2015, 04:39:30 AM by Evil_Nazgul0616 »


  • something seems fishy
  • paranoia 4 lyfe
    • Ask an Oarfish!
Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #102 on: February 06, 2015, 04:49:00 AM »
>"Its either that or try to get more information about our attacker from Tewi, or sit around doing nothing. I'm not very good at the second, and terrible at the third."
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #103 on: February 06, 2015, 05:20:44 AM »
>"Its either that or try to get more information about our attacker from Tewi, or sit around doing nothing. I'm not very good at the second, and terrible at the third."
>"Alright then." Eirin replies before grabbing a pen and a piece of paper from a nearby desk and hastily scrawling down a note. "Here." She says as she hands the note to you, "Be warned that some of these items may be a bit hard to find."

> OBTAINED: Eirin's List:
>>A list describing the ingredients Eirin needs to create the Hourai Elixir, it reads:
  >One half gallon of pure mercury.
  >Cinnabar crystal.
  >Essence of concentrated souls.
  >Lapis lazuli.
  >Essence of pure sunlight.
  >Blood of a ningyo.
  >Sap from a yew tree.


Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #104 on: February 06, 2015, 05:46:46 AM »
>Oh god that looks difficult. "Thanks, I'll do my best. Is anyone else able to come along with me?" The more the merrier.

Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #105 on: February 06, 2015, 08:23:21 AM »
>Suicide upon seeing the requirements
>"Are those the requirements for a single dose or more?"
>"Why is only the quantity of mercury stated here?"


  • Seg Fault
Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #106 on: February 06, 2015, 02:11:35 PM »
>Suicide upon seeing the requirements
>"Are those the requirements for a single dose or more?"
>"Why is only the quantity of mercury stated here?"
>"The ingredients on that list should be enough to make a dose of the Elixir for both you and Kaguya." says Eirin, "As for the quantities, just get a reasonably large chunk of the minerals, since those have to be powdered to very specific measurements that I'm more comfortable performing myself, and it's good to have a little excess just in case. The mercury, on the other hand actually has room for measurement errors people may make, so you could get that quantity right off the bat. For the essences, sap, panacea, and ningyo blood, any quantity will do. "

>Oh god that looks difficult. "Thanks, I'll do my best. Is anyone else able to come along with me?" The more the merrier.
>"Well, I was actually going to suggest that Kaguya goes with you." says Eirin. You find yourself almost wincing as those last words leave her mouth.
>"Wha- Me!?!" Kaguya responds, shocked, "Why can't you send Reisen to do it!?"
>"Because this is just as much your problem as it is her's!" Eirin points at you, "Besides, this provides a perfect opportunity for both of you to put your differences aside for once and finally absolve some of this wretched bad blood between the two of you."

Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #107 on: February 06, 2015, 10:08:26 PM »
>"Ehh, alright, I'll take her with me. Just make sure you don't get in my way."
>"Also, before we go, would you happen to know where Medicine frequents? I would like to see my other options for neutralising the poison first."
>"Another thing, how many more deaths do we need until we enter that vegetable state?"
« Last Edit: February 06, 2015, 10:11:31 PM by Randomizer »


  • Seg Fault
Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #108 on: February 06, 2015, 11:04:22 PM »
>"Ehh, alright, I'll take her with me. Just make sure you don't get in my way."
>"Me? Getting in your way? I say that the opposite is-" Kaguya began, before being silenced by a quick glare from Eirin.

>"Also, before we go, would you happen to know where Medicine frequents? I would like to see my other options for neutralising the poison first."
>"I'm afraid not." says Eirin, "I know she used to live in a poisonous, lily-of-the-valley-infested place called Nameless Hill, but she has since relocated. She probably left some sort of clue to her current whereabouts behind when she moved."

>"Another thing, how many more deaths do we need until we enter that vegetable state?"
>"At the current rate of neutralization, I'd say about ten." Eirin replies, "And remember, the more you die, well IF you die, the longer you will take to revive, and you will regenerate from injuries slower."


  • something seems fishy
  • paranoia 4 lyfe
    • Ask an Oarfish!
Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #109 on: February 06, 2015, 11:24:28 PM »
>at Kaguya: "Should we set off, or search for clues here first?"
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #110 on: February 06, 2015, 11:38:47 PM »
>at Kaguya: "Should we set off, or search for clues here first?"
>"I honestly don't care." says Kaguya.

Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #111 on: February 07, 2015, 12:01:19 AM »
>"Useless... Well, let's go to the Forest of Magic. Maybe that doll girl has some ideas about Medicine, and if not, we can always ask them about how to get some of the ingredients."
>Make our way to the Forest of Magic!


  • Seg Fault
Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #112 on: February 07, 2015, 12:11:32 AM »
>"Useless... Well, let's go to the Forest of Magic. Maybe that doll girl has some ideas about Medicine, and if not, we can always ask them about how to get some of the ingredients."
>Make our way to the Forest of Magic!
>"Fine. Lead the way." Kaguya replies.
>You depart from Eientei with Kaguya in tow, and the two of you begin flying in the direction of the Forest of Magic.
>After several minutes of silence Kaguya eventually speaks.
>"Sooooo.... How long is this list ingredients we have to find anyway?" she asks.

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #113 on: February 07, 2015, 12:33:29 AM »
>Show Eirin's list to Kaguya


  • Seg Fault
Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #114 on: February 07, 2015, 12:40:05 AM »
>Show Eirin's list to Kaguya
>You fly over to Kaguya and hand her Eirin's list.
>"Wow..." she remarks after scanning the list for a few seconds, "I don't even know what half of these things are!"
>Kaguya hands the list back to you, saying "This is going to be a loooong day..."

>After a few more minutes of flight, the edge of the Forest of Magic comes into view.

Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #115 on: February 07, 2015, 12:46:29 AM »
>"Yeah, well, no helping it."
>Locate Alice's house.
>Knock on the door.


  • Seg Fault
Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #116 on: February 07, 2015, 12:54:09 AM »
>"Yeah, well, no helping it."
>Locate Alice's house.
>Once the two of you are over the forest, you begin scanning for the residence of Alice Margatroid.
>You eventually find two houses in clearings not too far from each other. You're not entirely sure which one is Alice's house.

>Knock on the door.
>You don't know which house's door to knock on.

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #117 on: February 07, 2015, 01:17:25 AM »
>Knock on the smallest, dirtiest, messiest house
>Knock on the bigger house amongst the two houses


  • Seg Fault
Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #118 on: February 07, 2015, 01:27:29 AM »
>Knock on the smallest, dirtiest, messiest house
>Knock! Knock!

>Knock on the bigger house amongst the two houses
>You fly to the biggest house out of the two, with Kaguya following you and knock on the door.
>After a few minutes, the door opens and you are greeted with the familiar face of Alice Margatroid. A small doll is hovering near her shoulder.
>"Mokou? What are you doing all the way out here?" she asks, before noticing Kaguya, "Wait a second, why is she here? Don't you two hate each other?"

Re: Immortal Quest - "Death" is a Slap on the Wrist!
« Reply #119 on: February 07, 2015, 02:22:51 AM »
>"... It's a really long story. The thing is, we're in a bit of a troubling situation, and we need your help. Could you spare some time?"
>Be as polite as possible. We don't need more enemies in this state.