Author Topic: Touhou 14.5: 東方深秘録 ~ Urban Legend in Limbo. is HM sequel, demo at Comiket 87  (Read 816434 times)


  • 0 - The Fool
  • Pave your own path
By the way, can I just delete env_check? Not exactly keen on Avira nagging me every time I turn my laptop on.

By the way, can I just delete env_check? Not exactly keen on Avira nagging me every time I turn my laptop on.
It should be okay. All env_check does is tell you the files the game doesn't like. You'll still need to patch th145.exe if it complains or flat-out doesn't run, and I haven't heard of any problems playing the game without env_check.

Some numbers, courtesy of Nanashi and his Tenco online record-keeping system.

The recent statistics of ULiL:

No. of Accounts: 535
Total no. of player-character pairs: 929
No. of game outcomes: 25420
No. of reported games (for reference only): 74479

Table headers: Character / No. of players / No. of games / Victory rate
Marisa confirmed top-tier :V
« Last Edit: May 30, 2015, 08:42:34 PM by aUsernameIsFineToo »

Has anybody noticed that in VS battles, Mokou even in Lunatic is no trouble to beat? I hope they update the A.I. so that she uses ressurection more often, since right now...
Extra Mode: Ran Yakumo, Okina Matara


  • I live to protect those dear to me,
  • as a good friend would.
Has anybody noticed that in VS battles, Mokou even in Lunatic is no trouble to beat? I hope they update the A.I. so that she uses ressurection more often, since right now...
I thought the AI suddenly got worse. Because I beat her with Koishi pretty easily...

I thought the AI suddenly got worse. Because I beat her with Koishi pretty easily...

Mokou seems to use the attacks that drain her health, pretty often, and usually you can beat Mokou, without seeing a single ressurection.
Extra Mode: Ran Yakumo, Okina Matara


  • DJ FlanFlan
  • Too lazy to type long sentences.
Is it just me, or is Tasofro's site down again?
I can't get 1.03b even with the updater

"You ought to watch out, yourself. Even a high-school girl can make her own weapons these days, after all..."


  • 0 - The Fool
  • Pave your own path
Is it just me, or is Tasofro's site down again?
I can't get 1.03b even with the updater
Nope, not just you. Can't open the site either.


  • Subconscious Rose Girl, Koishi
Is it just me, or is Tasofro's site down again?
I can't get 1.03b even with the updater
Nope, not just you. Can't open the site either.
Probably just you two because I can access the website just fine.


  • 0 - The Fool
  • Pave your own path
Huh. I think I might have an idea what may be wrong...
What area do you live in, Gamer251?

EDIT: Managed to open it after connecting through a proxy. Yup, it's that problem again.
« Last Edit: June 04, 2015, 01:29:22 PM by Leon゠Helsing »

Can't be accessed from Indonesia.


  • DJ FlanFlan
  • Too lazy to type long sentences.
The site is blocked again for most Asian countries, isn't it?

"You ought to watch out, yourself. Even a high-school girl can make her own weapons these days, after all..."


  • 0 - The Fool
  • Pave your own path
Yep, you'll have to connect through a proxy or VPN.

So, Miko still shit tier?

*checks tenco*


wow I just realized the part before the guitar solo in the remix of Mamizou's theme is actually 1:27 from Futatsuiwa from Gensokyo

reminder that all the people who don't like her theme in this game have terrible taste

E: oh probably cuz it's a remix of that and not her original theme... now I feel dumb but anyway Mamizou has the best themes, haters ain't shit, etc
« Last Edit: June 06, 2015, 01:00:21 AM by huh what »

passing along since one of the jp iamp crew's been linking it around recent netplay tournament finals semifinals


  • Moon Tiara Magic
passing along since one of the jp iamp crew's been linking it around
as much marisa as I expected after seeing the character roster

It's neat to see what people who actually know what they're doing use for combos and blockstrings, though. Sukuna's needle loop is funny, and I totally didn't expect some of Marisa's stuff to chain together like that. The video pretty much only had Marisa/Sukuna/Mokou/Ichirin, though ;_; And one Miko. Since it was semifinals, I shouldn't expect to see a big variety, I suppose. If I want to see jp play I should actually look for jp play instead of hoping it'll drop into my lap like this >:V
<mauvecow> see this is how evil works in reality, it just wears you down with bureaucracy until you don't care anymore


  • Heartwarming ★ Miracle
Are Shinmyoumaru's specials actually that bad? Because that tournament player seems to use literally none of them other than the bait and just mashes melee to combo and melee + needles to pressure. :derp:
Well, other than that and Miko looking dangerously close to a punching bag, this is awesome. Is there any more noteworthy 1.03b jp tournament footage?

Oh, and just accidentally, if anyone has that video with all timeout loss poses, please share. I'm sure I saw it somewhere, but cannot find it again for the life of me.  :derp:
« Last Edit: June 08, 2015, 02:59:10 AM by Critz »

Are Shinmyoumaru's specials actually that bad? Because that tournament player seems to use literally none of them other than the bait and just mashes melee to combo and melee + needles to pressure. :derp:
Well, other than that and Miko looking dangerously close to a punching bag, this is awesome. Is there any more noteworthy 1.03b jp tournament footage?

Oh, and just accidentally, if anyone has that video with all timeout loss poses, please share. I'm sure I saw it somewhere, but cannot find it again for the life of me.  :derp:

The second ULiL tournament:

Facebook :
Original Nico video :

If I want to see jp play I should actually look for jp play instead of hoping it'll drop into my lap like this >:V
rest of the tournament's here

if you just want general tournament footage, this link should do but there isn't much up yet.

game's more interesting than soku was to me, at least


  • Retired
Hmm, let's see... Completely unnecessary cape? Check. Lives in outside world? Check. Came to Gensokyo for unreasonably selfish reasons? Check. Kept coming after being defeated? Check.

Sumireko is Yumemi.


  • Subconscious Rose Girl, Koishi


  • Ambitious Youkai
Hmm, let's see... Completely unnecessary cape? Check. Lives in outside world? Check. Came to Gensokyo for unreasonably selfish reasons? Check. Kept coming after being defeated? Check.

Sumireko is Yumemi.
Wait, how is Yumemi coming to Gensokyo to prove magic exists and to integrate it into the outside world selfish?
Technically speaking she put her own life at risk with the unknown to introduce a new/forgotten force.
That's borderline selfless.
Sometimes Streams at


  • *
Well, she kind of came to take revenge on the colleagues that made fun of her, and she made up the whole "granting a wish" plot to gather a bunch of magical people and kidnap something magical (Reimu) to take back to the outside, which is pretty selfish, and also similar to Sumireko using the Occult Balls to bring magical people outside to her.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • Ambitious Youkai
Well, she kind of came to take revenge on the colleagues that made fun of her, and she made up the whole "granting a wish" plot to gather a bunch of magical people and kidnap something magical (Reimu) to take back to the outside, which is pretty selfish, and also similar to Sumireko using the Occult Balls to bring magical people outside to her.

She never made up the granting a wish thing though, She kept her promise.
Chiyuri was the one who spread misinformation, promising presents which really wasn't apart of the plan at all.
The whole point was to prove people wrong yes, but in her defense she did this so she'd have irrefutable evidence, hence her wanting to bring them back with her.
They not only denied her theory they practically made a joke out of her.
I'm pretty sure once she studied enough and proved her point she would've sent them back.
Sometimes Streams at


  • *
None of that makes her actions not selfish, though? Do you understand that she was trying to kidnap people, intended to drag them back while unconscious if they lost and gave people a wager to come back outside that she wouldn't let them reject anyways? How is saying that the wish-granting scheme wasn't her idea any sort of defense? If that wasn't even part of the plan, clearly the only thing she really did have planned was to take people by force from the beginning.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 06:27:20 AM by Drake »

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -


  • Ambitious Youkai
None of that makes her actions not selfish, though? Do you understand that she was trying to kidnap people, intended to drag them back while unconscious if they lost and gave people a wager to come back outside that she wouldn't let them reject anyways? How is saying that the wish-granting scheme wasn't her idea any sort of defense? If that wasn't even part of the plan, clearly the only thing she really did have planned was to take people by force from the beginning.
It's no different from taking a new species in for examination when it comes down to it, remember that this is all for science and knowledge.

But yes, by it not being her idea it's not exactly her fault these things occurred, it's actually Chiyuri's fault.
She just ran with it once she realized a prime specimen is right in her face, on her ship and ready to go.

Though maybe we're just looking at things differently.

And I could be wrong but her main intention anyways was supposed to be inviting people to experiment,
if this is really the case then it's really just their fault if they go to the ship if things go as planned.
« Last Edit: June 13, 2015, 07:05:46 AM by Reu »
Sometimes Streams at


  • Subconscious Rose Girl, Koishi
So I made a second Koishi combo video, this one being smaller but it does feature a kill combo!

Also, when will the thread move to HME? Seeing that the game is released and it's mostly used for discussion now I figured it should be moved there now :V

Doing some investigation as to why it's not running into wine, pretty sure I know why it's not working on some nvidia setups now. There's a startup anti-hacking check to make sure that all the dlls are contained within the windows system directory and not elsewhere, so If you have a hex editor, here's a thing to try on th145.exe:

At address 00257e16, you will see
Code: [Select]
0f 83 d8 00 00 00change this to
Code: [Select]
e9 d9 00 00 00 90
If this fixes that, I'm gonna die of laughter.

Unfortunately I didn't see anything similar....  the only match I found is at 257bxx, it just crashes after I tried to do the same thing.. Is there a specific version of th145 to make it work?

Suspicious person

  • Just a humble wanderer
  • How suspicious~

Buta otome already made a vocal arrange of Sumireko's theme

Just sharing  :3


  • 0 - The Fool
  • Pave your own path
Unfortunately I didn't see anything similar....  the only match I found is at 257bxx, it just crashes after I tried to do the same thing.. Is there a specific version of th145 to make it work?
Try using this:
Run it in the same directory as th145.exe, and a new th145_fix.exe will be generated.