Author Topic: [TouhouxSkyrim]The journal of Izayoi Sakuya  (Read 2811 times)

Forte Blackadder

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[TouhouxSkyrim]The journal of Izayoi Sakuya
« on: November 08, 2014, 05:07:12 AM »
Hi, long time no see.

I've been playing a lot of Skyrim lately and I think some RP would be nice. It shouldn't be anything much if I didn't get a mod called "Take Note!". It lets me write down whatever I want in the game. So I start writing my adventure... and I thought "Hey, I can make a crossover fanfic with this". And here I was, playing the game as Izayoi Sakuya. Why Sakuya? I think someone who can blend in the world would be best. And in Skyrim, it's somewhat Western medieval era with vampires, dragons, witches and wizards and warriors. There are also nobles and national conflicting. What could be more fitting than the crew of  EoSD?

I wanted to choose Flandre, but I got sick of playing vampire already. And I'm kinda wanting to understand more of Sakuya now, so why not? Here is my start:

I would like it very much if you can give me some feedbacks. It'd been a long time since I wrote my last story, my pen (and my English) is dull now (sad face). Please don't hestitate if you think it sucks, just give me construtive comments. I know everyone here are great writers and your opinions will be treasured by me.

For people that plays Skyrim: My game is heavily modded, so there will be many thing you don't expect to be there. I must assure you that I won't make anything up (apart from Sakuya's thoughts and some dialogue modifications because you know, immersion)

Now, I must make one thing clear: due to real life work and the concept of the journal (writing down whatever happens as I play Skyrim), this "fic" doesn't have a plot. I have no idea how it will end or how long it will be. Maybe this evening I'll make a mistake and Sakuya get killed, thus end at Day 2. Or I'll keep playing, getting new ideas, exploring new places, doing new quests and it gets to Day 9001. Or maybe I get stuck in a project at work or my computer explodes and the whole thing ends aburdly. So please don't expect too much (a sadder face)

That's it. Please tell me how you think. I can also take up requests such as what Sakuya will do, which faction she should join, etc. just comment in this topic. Thanks

P/S: my mods that currently are affecting Sakuya:
- Live another life: so Sakuya can begin the game in a realistic manner
- Uchiha clan + Naruto Ultimate: Just for the Sharingan power that "freezes time"
- Apachii Hair + Pretty Face + UNP: so she is Sakuya
- Throwing Knives: WHAT DO YOU THINK
« Last Edit: November 08, 2014, 07:15:53 AM by Forte Blackadder »

Forte Blackadder

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Re: [TouhouxSkyrim]The journal of Izayoi Sakuya
« Reply #1 on: November 13, 2014, 05:32:33 AM »
Hi everyone, sorry for the "absence". Apparently there is a new epic mod called PerMa for Skyrim which basically changed all the gameplay so I had to remake my character. But no worry, I backed up my work and will continue from there. Hopefully later this weekend.

I'm still trying to stick with Sakuya being some sort of traditional assassin (unarmed/dagger + bow/throwing knives) though, but now a "bounty hunter" is very viable.

Forte Blackadder

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Re: [TouhouxSkyrim]The journal of Izayoi Sakuya
« Reply #2 on: November 15, 2014, 09:25:09 AM »
Yay, new chap

The "play and write" thing is harder than I expected. I wanted Sakuya to keep being elegant and using fancy words (my ideal image of her was like Jeeves, in P.G Wodehouse series, or better portrayed by Stephen Fry in the wonderful "Jeeves and Wooster" series). But I guess the game pace doesn't allow me to do it, and I'm not that good yet. Sorry Sakuya, I'll try my best to make you a perfect maid... later.

Forte Blackadder

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Re: [TouhouxSkyrim]The journal of Izayoi Sakuya
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2014, 04:31:42 PM »
---Last Seed, 23st, 4E 201---

The road to the Grotto was longer than I expected. Even though I began my journey at dawn, darkness fell as I arrived. The entrance was not different than that of an usual cave?s, but there was a distinct atmosphere from it. Something sinister, yet tempting, a call. Should I not have met Lord Hircine and taken this quest, I would still understand as the Moon started to show herself through the night.

The hunt was about to begin.

There were various people in the grotto. Hunters, it seemed. Some are injured with wounds caused by animals. They all didn?t look like amateurs, but still not at the level you?d call professional. I asked a cougar-man (they are called ?Khajiit? here, but I?ll write down their appearance to avoid unneeded questions from annoying people) what happened and it looked like the hunters were being hunted. Sinding was strong.

I checked my gears the last time before proceeding to the hunt: new and shiny armor, poisoned knives, tempered nodachi and cure potions, wouldn?t want to face a werewolf without those.

As I went further I met many other hunters and wildlives. Enraged bears, wolves, even elks were fighting to their death. That wasn?t a hunt at all. There was no tactic, no trap, no hide and seek, no run and chase. Everything was gutting everything fair and square. Then I saw him. A big furry dog standing on two with bloody eyes. He was indeed stronger than what I?ve encountered for the past days, but still nothing. Just a little time trick and I would rip off his heart.

Or so I thought. My ability didn?t work.

Sinding jumped at me when I surprised myself. His claw slashed at my chest and it was nearly my heart that would be ripped off. I rolled and reached for my knives, which to my regret, not made from silver. The mouth was right in front of me, I could see his teeth. I plunged into his neck from the side, there was no other choice. The beast flinched, but quickly recomposed and dashed to the rocky stairs. I heard voices. The other hunters were giving chase. I touched my chest and felt the scratch. If I kept using the leather armor, I?d have been dead. What happened to my powers?

I tried to sprint to the stairs, but my speed was no longer what it used to be. I didn?t feel poisoned, nor cursed. I was normal, and still am. That?s when I understood: I was too comfortable with this world and I am adapting to it.

I am becoming a Skyrim-er.

P/S: the last picture of our beloving Sakuya before she entered the cave.