Author Topic: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?  (Read 7895 times)


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Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
« Reply #30 on: May 14, 2014, 03:20:59 AM »
The way I got into Touhou was as follows:

A few years ago I was looking up Gradius bosses on youtube. It was then that I stumbled upon a freeware create-your-own-boss shmup by the name of Fraxy, as I watched videos of Fraxy bosses, some of which were bullet-hell bosses, I gradually became introduced to the Danmaku genre of shmup games. Then, through Fraxy, I learned of the bullet hell games Ketsui and DoDonPachi by CAVE. It was by watching videos of the true final bosses of those games that introduced me to the word "Touhou," as one of the comments on the video was comparing it to the boss on screen. It was then that my curiosity made me look up Touhou bosses and I ended up watching a playthrough of EoSD's Extra Stage. But that didn't get me into Touhou entirely. It was my eventual stumbling upon this infamous IOSYS song during the week that followed that hooked me completely.

Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
« Reply #31 on: May 18, 2014, 10:40:09 PM »
I got in to Black MIDI on an iPad:

I saw Bad Apple!! feat. nomico as one of the black MIDIs and soon I found the actual video. I got into Touhou and ended up becoming a fan.


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Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
« Reply #32 on: May 21, 2014, 03:30:28 AM »
I already posted my story on the other thread BUUUT I don't see why can't I post it again here, so lettuce begin.
My good old friend that I still talk to frequently to this day randomly came up to me late 2010 talking about this "Touhou" thing. He showed me some videos, and that Summer day anime (which somewhat impressively, the very same video he showed me STILL IS UP on youtube, I'm just too tired to go and get it now) and tried to convince me to play the games. It wasn't until March 2011 that I actually did it. I liked the game (specifically, EOSD) but frankly I didn't think it was worth my time to actually get invested into it, so I forgot completely about it.
UNTIL OCTOBER 2012. Let's say I was wandering about some... dodgy site we all know of, and I was noticing too many images had the tag "Touhou" in them. "Huh, I know this series!" I said. I then clicked on the name tag of the girl on the picture this tag was in, which was "ibaraki_kasen", and that's how I met mai waifu.
After that, I decided to go back and play the game again, and really enjoyed it! This time around I actually decided to stick around and play this game more seriously, especially because at the time, Black Ops 2 was near and anything that would make time pass by faster was a godsent to me.
The rest is mostly history, and is either stuff unrelated or unnecessary detailed.

The nova of the ocean of the cleverness

Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
« Reply #33 on: May 21, 2014, 05:00:18 AM »
Back in February 2011, a friend of mine was all excited about finally getting a "game called Touhou" to work on his Mac, he was like "you should try it", and I did. Now I know that game was Mountain of Faith, but then I was just like "yeah okay", I started the game, chose Lunatic (laughing off the difficulty tag), chose the "Red girl" and I got killed instantly and gameovered not even 30 seconds into the game.

A month later, we were in computer class, and my friend was like "do you remember that game Touhou? this is another one", it was Fairy Wars. Seeing I was so into the game, my friend lent me his USB to play it at home. I played it everyday, until I beat the Extra stage. Eventually I remembered the first Touhou game he showed me (MoF), got to play it, and... I got "stuck".

I also came across the McRoll video, but that had little influence...

Things I've done (and maybe will improve):
SA L6MNB | SA Lunatic 3b Scorerun | MoF LNB | PCB LNB |DDC LNB

Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
« Reply #34 on: May 21, 2014, 07:09:40 PM »
a friend showed me some gameplay back before i even knew what the shmup genre was.

it was all downhill from there


    • My Let's Plays!
Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
« Reply #35 on: May 24, 2014, 04:44:12 AM »
...Didn't I start this exact thread?

Oh, I did. It was just locked.

Copy-pasta time!

For me, it was this playthrough of Touhou Mother Absolutely freaking awesome. My first completed LP. And back then, half the references flew over my head :(

I have to use completed, because I was playing a platform hell game earlier known by a simple little moniker of I Wanna Be The Guy. ...YEAH, Touhou was a welcome RELIEF to that...

If anyone wants to watch it, it is here.

And my playthrough of the sequel (which is still in beta even as of this copy and paste): CLICK ME
« Last Edit: May 24, 2014, 04:46:12 AM by Cybeast710 »
My fanfics: Touhou Wrecks X!
What happens when Nue's in a pranky mood and at the same time, Yukari's bored? Pokemon XD: Impostor of Darkness
I made this cool matrixy eye:

Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
« Reply #36 on: May 25, 2014, 02:19:33 AM »
I discovered Touhou via YouTube Poop. I was browsing the YouChewPoop forums one day when a pooper (I believe his name was Nuthead) posted a YouTube Poop Music Video (YTPMV) that combines Dr. Rockso and a remix of "U.N. Owen Was Her". (The original video is long gone but someone saved the mp3.) I was amazed by what I heard, so I decided to type Touhou into YouTube. I then found this. I loved it. I even made a YouTube Poop based on the animations I found. I then did some more searching and came across all the sexy fanart. (Oh, I found the games, too.) The rest is history.

Nash Fais

  • The brightest light, cast the longest shadow.
Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
« Reply #37 on: May 27, 2014, 02:07:38 PM »
Mine started during the late 2012. I was searching random stuff that day to stave off my boredom, when I suddenly remembered about a game called "Touhou" that a friend mentioned being hard. So, I decided to download the latest Touhou game, which was during that time, was TD. I liked the game so much that I quickly started to download the whole windows era  :3.
Pwuaahh, where am I?

Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
« Reply #38 on: May 31, 2014, 01:24:50 AM »
I've always thought shrine maidens were cool ever since watching Sailor Moon as a kid, so one day I googled "shrine maiden games" or something along those lines and found Touhou.
I ran in to Touhou  few times before that though. Like the M-1 Grand Prix, some of the yukkuri videos and ofcourse the Mcdonald thing but I never investigated them further. I'm pretty ashamed of myself for that mishap.


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Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
« Reply #39 on: June 01, 2014, 03:29:37 PM »
I found out about touhou after watching that top 300 memes in under 40 minutes and I saw the reimu night of nights in the video, and that suddenly sparked my interest.


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Re: How did YOU became a Touhou fan?
« Reply #40 on: June 01, 2014, 03:33:57 PM »
I saw a ton of art of it so i just decided to look it up.