Author Topic: Gensou Shoujo Taisen You, Ei, Yume - Gameplay Translation into deep Dreams  (Read 383044 times)

can you tell me how to do it please i don't see a thing in the game :o

Alas, I do not know how tabs are called in English. But I hope you understand.

This might seem a little off-topic, but does anyone have the English patch for GST -Kou-? . I know that -You- and -Ei- in the GST series has yet to have a translation patch, but from what I can understand, -Kou- seems to have one completed. However, the links to the patch on that thread are both dead.

Does anyone have the link to the patch? I've been trying to fix some of the broken download links to translation patches for Touhou fangames on THWiki, but this one seems to be missing.


  • The coldest chill,
  • in the emptiness of reason.
-You- does have a patch, although it's missing some stuff that they couldn't figure out how to change (like battle scene dialogue and the win/loss/WP conditions).

Sidenote: even though I know that's not what it's called, I pretend Chen's "+10% damage at 130 will" skill is called "HONKING MAXIMUM".
Sidenote 2: Is there a version of Chen's theme that's done entirely in (bike?) horns?
I need an option, a reason, and some hope.

can anyone help me how to clear stage 48 ? the girl with katana 1-hit-K.O an allies and she can go 2 times in a turn D: and is there anyway to get her ? her evasion too high i can't even hit her


  • The Hidden Truth
  • Dreams are your hidden futures.
can anyone help me how to clear stage 48 ? the girl with katana 1-hit-K.O an allies and she can go 2 times in a turn D: and is there anyway to get her ? her evasion too high i can't even hit her

Woo she's hard but there's a way to beat her and her 4 phases.
1st. Bring your best characters, try not to bring characters who have low HP base(less than 4000).
Characters recommended:
SDM cast, Reimu, Marisa, Alice, Keine, Sanae, Youmu, Prismriver Sister and The Three Fairies of Light.
You can't have all of them together so try to choose the most useful ones.
Okay first rule when Yorihime's(girl with katana) power reaches 130 her evasion and accurary will increase to the point where you won't be able to hit her, also she has Shrine Maiden Lvl9(same ability as Reimu and Sanae) so that's why her evasion is incredible.

Now Yorihime will move on turn 2, so try not to be close in her range, since her attacks have high base damage.
Try to take her first HP bar, use characters that have great evasion or characters that have Bunshin(Youmu) or Sakuya who has Private Square(you can increase the effect to 50%) so they won't receive damage, remember to use skills to evade.

When she declares her first spellcard, the one where she uses her sword fire, use characters that have high defense such as Meiling.
Now after declaring her spellcard possibly her power is above 130, so its time to use seishin skills like focus(increase evasion and accurary in 30%) and strike(full accurary for one attack).

After she declares her second spellcard, the danmaku area of the spellcard will ignore the effects of boosting your accurary and evasion(i think so), try to not be in the danmaku area or use a bomb, here she doesn't have a new attack until the next spellcard.

For the third spellcard Yorihime gets a new attack which is the most powerful one, Yorihime accurary will surpass the 100% accurary, so try to use the seishin skill that make you evadeful for 1 attack or you will meet with the terrible fate of your character getting attacked by a 10k attack. Also in this spellcard the danmaku area ignores the effects of Grit(skill that makes you only receive 10 damage), so try not to get the Palanquin Ship near her.

Now the last spellcard, if you saved a bomb its the time to use it here. She gets now Amaterasu in attack and MAP attack, and she will now move 3 times instead of 2. The first 2 to attack your team and the 3rd one to use the MAP attack, so try to bomb the danmaku area and start attacking with your most powerful attacks.

And if you done well you will have captured her 4 spellcards.


can anyone help me how to clear stage 48 ? the girl with katana 1-hit-K.O an allies and she can go 2 times in a turn D: and is there anyway to get her ? her evasion too high i can't even hit her

You're meant to trigger the first spell card, then time out her cards. If you'll notice, the WP bonus condition is to capture TWO spellcards. Every other major boss has a condition of capture all spellcards, so this gives you some reference as to how unreasonable the fight is meant to be.

That said, it may be impossible to capture even two without a well-optimized team, even on normal.

Biggest thing you need is some way to conserve SP for the final spellcard; yeah, her accuracy and evasion are nuts, but you can't waste all your strikes/alerts/grits early on or you will absolutely get wrecked on the third and fourth card. A good tactic is to stall with support defenders and the prismriver sisters to reduce power. Basically, you do this:

-Box her in with tanky people so she can't run around murdering everyone
-Have your softest character, always Dai for me, stand next to your tankiest (probably Meiling)
-Yorihime ends up wasting her attacks on your tanks. Swap out support defenders as needed for healing.
-Meanwhile, Lunasa  (violinist) is going to spam her power-reducing song on Yorihime to keep her power down. She'll run out of mana awfully fast, however .  . .
-Have the other prismrivers stand near Lunasa. When her mana is low, have her combine. Have Koakuma renew the combined prismrivers. Because combining sets the unit's mana to the average of the three sisters' percentage of full mana, this renew will restore mana to full. Split up on the same turn and Lunasa's mana is back to full at the cost of 10 power. Takes two turns before she has to renew again, and her sister's power-boosting song can raise 5 power per round. This lets you keep Yorihime's power low.

You want to keep this going long enough to set up for actually killing her. What does that entail? It means time for your other characters to reach 150 or 170 power. Flandre especially wants 170 power for her insane personal skill that gives +30% damage. If you're using Sanae (you should be!), set her personal skill to Maximum God  and build her faith up to 100%. Once everyone is powered up, you'll find it much, MUCH easier to kill her.

On player phase, Meiling can support defend with that one personal ability. Take advantage of that so your close-range attackers don't get damaged too badly.
Yorihime's power will increase way faster than Lunasa's song alone can keep up with once you start actually fighting her. This is why I gave Lunasa several SP ups, the Mystic Soul (if you have it), and SP restoring items: so she can spam daunt and keep her from being at 150+ power by the third and fourth card.
Speaking of the third card, it's definitely the one you want to power through in one turn. It's what you saved your alerts for, since she'll literally one-shot your low mobility characters, i.e. the tanks she could barely scratch before. Not fun.

tks both of you for the note i finally beat her up at the cost 2 units Dai and Lorelei >_< her starting power is sometimes like 130 150 and 170 O.o


  • The coldest chill,
  • in the emptiness of reason.
I'm surprised nobody bitches about how this game is full of questionable design decisions, but I guess it's a mix of you guys being Touhou players (I'm not; I don't delude myself into thinking I'll be any good at reflex-based gaming) and probably not many of you being regular SRW players (like myself; I'm talking nine years of experience here, and I STILL think FMW is insane and unreasonable at times).

I think part of it is that I'm not used to an SRW where the highest base value on an attack is 4200 (Four of a Kind), and only six attacks break 5k at 10 upgrades. I even played Winkysoft SRWs that use an absolutely bugnuts insane damage formula (Stats increase base power by 1% per point, Will increases that derived value by 1% per point, so at 150 will and 200 in a damage stat  your pre-armor damage is TRIPLE the base value). I suppose it's because this is a doujin game and they don't have to worry about sales, that Sanbondo can get away with the sort of shit he does.

I'd still like to know why the *string of expletives* that combo attacks are weaker than finishers. The whole schtick of combos in SRW is that they're the strongest attacks in the game. In this way, they're not even cost-effective. But then again, very little in FMW is, because it has almost classic-tier EN costs.
I need an option, a reason, and some hope.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Goodness, I am a Touhou player that knows SRW, and I don't find any real issues even on hard mode. 
Now that I played on Lunatic, it is not that bad either.  It is good to get used to Dream's Hard mode where (most) Stage Boss will cast Spirits.

The first real hard Stage on Lunatic is 40M, that stage is truly hell incarnate.  Everyone have their good danmaku fields on, and everyone jumps after you save the boss and the ship.  Like on hard, you can make Yukari disappear due to a glitch, but the stage is still terrible otherwise.

Yorihime is drastically different on Lunatic; they basically went full retard with this stage and make it a total beginner's trap.  She no longer runs after you, she moves now if you run into her range, which you think might be a good thing... if not for ALL NINE OF HER SNIPERS are parked right NEXT TO EACH OTHER, all have Support Defend, and she just chilling behind them.  The idea is that the sniper bunnies all have -2 Movement fields, and if Yorihime also moves with her -3 field, you cannot move and she pretty walks over one by one and destroy you.

 :o :o :o :o :o

Well, I managed, there is only 1 MAP attack available on this Map, and as long as I don't into her range.  I have all the time in the world.  She also waste her SP on the first couple of turns, so that is not even an issue.

Also, have any of you seen >100,000 HP in this game yet?  Me Neither:

Also, I have found a bug/break in Berserk Utsuho's AI on Lunatic.  Video:

She moves 3 times a turn here (her MAP is also post movement), but for some reason if there is 1 lone unit that has Alert on and that unit is the only unit in Utsuho's range, this happens.

EDIT: oh dear, it seems like she casts Peta Flare (Ideon Gun) twice in a turn instead of once.  What do.
« Last Edit: October 09, 2015, 09:27:40 PM by c l e a r »

I'm surprised nobody bitches about how this game is full of questionable design decisions, but I guess it's a mix of you guys being Touhou players (I'm not; I don't delude myself into thinking I'll be any good at reflex-based gaming) and probably not many of you being regular SRW players (like myself; I'm talking nine years of experience here, and I STILL think FMW is insane and unreasonable at times).

I think part of it is that I'm not used to an SRW where the highest base value on an attack is 4200 (Four of a Kind), and only six attacks break 5k at 10 upgrades. I even played Winkysoft SRWs that use an absolutely bugnuts insane damage formula (Stats increase base power by 1% per point, Will increases that derived value by 1% per point, so at 150 will and 200 in a damage stat  your pre-armor damage is TRIPLE the base value). I suppose it's because this is a doujin game and they don't have to worry about sales, that Sanbondo can get away with the sort of shit he does.

I'd still like to know why the *string of expletives* that combo attacks are weaker than finishers. The whole schtick of combos in SRW is that they're the strongest attacks in the game. In this way, they're not even cost-effective. But then again, very little in FMW is, because it has almost classic-tier EN costs.

To my mind SRW-OG-series (not second) is somewhat more "complicated" than the GST.
But the fact that the Ex (Lunatic) is more difficult than in the rest of the series Ex, then I would agree ... Have you tried it on the Dream?) You'd be surprised.

In addition, there is no ower 300кНр bosses with 30% HP regen ...

The main challenges:
1) combo attacks, but you're right - they are poorly implemented. They can not act in a support, in fact they are just "slightly more favorable" ordinary attack.
2) There are quite weak super-type units. They can not boast of any good defense or attack.
3) No As-bonuses ... very, very disappointing.
4) The cost of the characters ... you deploying 1/3~1/4 of all available characters on stage. WHY?!

Goodness, I am a Touhou player that knows SRW, and I don't find any real issues even on hard mode. 
Now that I played on Lunatic, it is not that bad either.  It is good to get used to Dream's Hard mode where (most) Stage Boss will cast Spirits.

You should play, at least in other SRW pretty boring fights with bosses near the end (do not have any special conditions) but skill-points are much harder than the GST. And there is much more difficult to work with the Twin-team because of all-attack.

Although you can meet with the bosses 2-moves and P-MAP (dekrease SP / EN or 50% stats) in SRW-Z... At such moments, I would argue about the "questionable design".
« Last Edit: October 09, 2015, 10:49:19 PM by Nikkanoffun »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
You should play, at least in other SRW pretty boring fights with bosses near the end (do not have any special conditions) but skill-points are much harder than the GST. And there is much more difficult to work with the Twin-team because of all-attack.

Although you can meet with the bosses 2-moves and P-MAP (dekrease SP / EN or 50% stats) in SRW-Z... At such moments, I would argue about the "questionable design".

Bruh, the only thing to actually look out for in that fight are your supers getting hit.  He has like a 30/70 to hitting reals for me, and I finish him off in 2 turns on Rand route.

What I like about GST is how they make bosses into more interesting adversaries instead of a huge absurd HP tank, it really urks me in SRW when I see reals like Lancelot, Destiny, or anything from Macross, take like multiple Super Robot sword strikes in the face and they will fine.  The one that bothers me the most is Miverva (the ship from GSD), it took something like 4 Gravion Heavy Blade Combination (2 Zeals, all charged with Valor), and it was at half health after all that, lolwut.

The spell card idea is fresh, and I like the idea of them having multiple health bars and going into different phases.  I always like a challenge that raises the bar higher.  The idea of AI actively using Spirit Commands intimidated me at first, but after understanding that, it is just another level of AI I would have to predict.  I understand why it would turn off people by not giving them enough resources, but I know this is basically part of the game.

I have to restart the final level though, I need to set up to prepare for 2 Peta Flare MAP shots.  To give you an idea how ridiculous that is: My Fully upgraded Prismriver Sisters survived Peta Flare x2 with 27 HP remaining.

The one that bothers me the most is Miverva (the ship from GSD), it took something like 4 Gravion Heavy Blade Combination (2 Zeals, all charged with Valor), and it was at half health after all that, lolwut.

I think worth mentioning chapter in the Dark Brain (OGG) ... absurd two forms at ~500kHP +5 Swordian Guard at ~ 300kHP with skill-points where you have to first kill the guardians.


  • The coldest chill,
  • in the emptiness of reason.
I think enemy Minerva at the end of Z1 has an abnormally-high armor stat. Talia might have the Guard skill, too. Being 2L doesn't matter when the person has Ignore Size Modifier or an attack with it . JP Wiki's telilng me the Minerva is Space S so that might mean Talia is S+S=S, which means an extra 10% pre-damage armor. And Prevail will also increase armor. As a boss, she'd have a squad leader skill, although I don't remember what it is.

As for Dark Brain, he's only bad on Ex-Hard and if you don't have SP Regen and at least one or two people who can cast Rally. I also do High Spirits (+2 will/turn), but that's entirely personal preference and I'm not going to pretend it's the "best" thing, but it works for me. His second form on Ex-Hard has so much HP I couldn't even one-turn him by repeatedly casting Zeal and hitting him with a Valored Over Kaiser Sword.

Stern Neue Regisseur (aka Einst Wakamoto) in OG2s is probably just as bad (not doing OG2s EX-Hard until I finish doing OG1s Ex-Hard + Special), with the added caveat that you can only use barrier-piercing attacks on him due to the Warp Field (halves all damage; the final bosses of OG1s, OG2s, and OGG have this, but OGG's has less than 400k HP unless you're on Ex-Hard). OG2 does have a higher reachable level than OGG, but you can't get 140 SP on Ryusei uniess he's level 54-56 (for two Zeals). 112, if he has Concentration (reduce SP cost by 20%), is reachable (I want to say 42). Anyway, on Ex-Hard, Einst Wakamoto has, bare minimum depending on skill points (1-39), 540k HP. At 40-47, 575k. And he tops out at 632.5k at 48/49.

Goodness, I am a Touhou player that knows SRW, and I don't find any real issues even on hard mode.
Yes, well, you're quite psychologically-different from me, I'm sure. I'm excessively-cautious, overprepare for things that aren't going to happen, and I get nervous and frustrated VERY easily when gaming.
I need an option, a reason, and some hope.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Talia does have Prevail L8 and Guard, with a 2L battleship with something like 95,000 HP, which is only trumped by the next "Real" Ship in the next stage driven by pedo lord Dewey (he also have Prevail L8 and Guard)  :V

Back to GST... To me, if I know what they will do and I know when it is coming, it is nothing to worry about.  The game gives you tools to survive those instances.

The only variable that I cannot figure out is when any AI uses Fury when they have it.  I do know that AI use that specifically to past Support Defend, but it is not used all the time.  It really really urks me to blow 50 SP off Yukari just to survive 2 Ideon Gun shots.  I will figure something out later on in the week when I am not lazy.

Yes, well, you're quite psychologically-different from me, I'm sure. I'm excessively-cautious, overprepare for things that aren't going to happen, and I get nervous and frustrated VERY easily when gaming.

I think you have noticed that even Hot Blood does only final 150% damage. But not 200% ... (GSTE was 200% ...)
Maybe they just do not like the numbers in 30k damage per hit? You could one shot any spell card...

But here it is very cheap Fury. And it is much more useful than any other SRW.

The idea of AI actively using Spirit Commands intimidated me at first, but after understanding that, it is just another level of AI I would have to predict.  I understand why it would turn off people by not giving them enough resources, but I know this is basically part of the game.

I've actually always been a bit disappointed that the bosses not free to use the Spirit Commands. Basically, your only problem is to push a massive regen HP. And in rare cases, the boss can be really dangerous for your characters ... they are just waiting for their inevitable death.
« Last Edit: October 12, 2015, 09:24:47 PM by Nikkanoffun »


  • The coldest chill,
  • in the emptiness of reason.
Maybe they just do not like the numbers in 30k damage per hit?
The attack power in FMW is early-2000s level, but without the Winkysoft damage formula, which I detailed above. And the enemy HP is also early-2000s (a single HP bar never exceeds 99999), but bosses have so many life meters that their total HP ends up being 6-digit. And then it has ????? HP over 9999, which I've always thought was freaking stupid. Just let me know how much HP the damn thing has. It's something Winkysoft did and then Banpresto never let it go, although thankfully, they only now do it when HP is over 99999. You know, Alpha 2 actually doesn't even have that. You can see 6-digit HP without needing to reduce the boss to less than 100k. Z3.1 has a way to subvert that. Press square when you're viewing the enemy's unit status to look at its upgrade amount, and the game will display its maximum HP even if it's 6-digit. They took that out of 3.2, though, which at least has more than two bosses with over 200k HP.

In any case, I like high damage numbers, and FMW does a really bad job of scratching that itch, but at least I have lots of other games that do. The thing with me is, I like to feel powerful in games. FMW and old SRWs don't give me that feeling at all. I feel like I'm always one RNG hiccup from losing a unit, and I can't deal with that kind of stress.
I need an option, a reason, and some hope.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
If that is all that it is, I'm sure we can just add an extra 0 at the end of every damage and Enemy HP and we can all it a day.  :V

I find Valor to be very, very, very useless in FMW.  As said, before, it is only 50% more, and cannot land a crit.  Personally, I much rather have Fury in this game, the reason for this is two-fold.  First, most difficult bosses in this game have armor ability buffs, Fury + Triumph can easily out weigh that damage and cost much less.  Second reason is cost, most difficult bosses beyond hard mode needs Strike in order to even hit them. 

Lunatic Berserk Utsuho has a sky high Evasion of 278, there is not much you can do against that other than casting Strike and Alert, which further dips into the SP cost.  There is simply no luxury to do 50% more damage as there are still that many phases in the fight waiting, and you cannot afford to have a unit having no SP.

That being said, I will promise to (try) capture all her spells.  I think I need to drag Suwako back into the team so I can cast armor break (idk how she will hit her with no strike, but I think I can figure something out).  Berserk Utsuho Lunatic retains Guard L1 from earlier patches, and her armor is pretty much the same from the stage before (1800), I am dreading from the thought that it is possible for her to use her MAP twice in Heaven and Earth Meltdown phase, as I know already that she shoots Peta Flare TWICE on her turn.

The main problem is her last phase is a HP tank of 84,000, Morale Limit Break to 1000, I'm pretty sure you know this is an actual problem.
« Last Edit: October 13, 2015, 06:44:26 PM by c l e a r »

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Disregard that, I did it.  The End.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
Bumping a dead topic?  Yes, sir.
I bring you, no Save/Load Lunatic Stage 55.  Yorihime Omega would be next when I am not lazy to replay it.

c l e a r

  • Carousel of Agony
So I stopped being lazy and finally got a nice roll with RNG with the Sniper Bunnies, and figured out Yorihime's AI.

MANoBadAssGar Jr.

  • look at dat pose, look at dat face
Are the trans patch from akurasu net safe to use for 1.2.0 Kou(Scarlet) ?
or if not what will i missed ?

also anyone have Scarlet v1.02 eng patch? akurasu only have 1.01
« Last Edit: June 25, 2016, 12:43:53 AM by MANoBadAssGar »

Today released patch 1.2.0 for 幻想 少女 大 戦 妖

I have seen the changes:

Shizuha Aki:
Aki sisters kick - Now he uses 射 撃

Spirit 突撃 changed to 必中 (20)

Gets Spirit 閃き

Moriya Amulet - Range 2-4 changed to 1-4

Fixed Item Scarlet Soul, now gives X1.1 damage at 120 power

All bosses and mini-bosses get special blok 特殊耐性 (prohibits lowered power below 100)

There were a few changed requirements for WP
At some stages to change number of deploy-points on the characters

Some of these changes we have seen earlier in 幻想 少女 大 戦 夢, they seem to have decided on the final set of the Spirits Command for the all characters. But add in the possibility to Combo Attack to Support Attack is still under consideration for 夢.
« Last Edit: November 11, 2016, 11:34:54 PM by Nikkanoffun »

First off I have to thank you everyone whow as doing these translation + putting into these 2 games. I was really waiting that for a long time ( never mind the battle lines story is really enough for me) I got  one question here:

The WPs ( wife point??) Do they carry over from You to Ei ornot???I am thinking here of using them if they are not carry over. It seems so far that WP will kinda min-maxing your damage from your character????

Anyway thanks a lot for the translations ( playing through You with Reimu route)

First off I have to thank you everyone whow as doing these translation + putting into these 2 games. I was really waiting that for a long time ( never mind the battle lines story is really enough for me) I got  one question here:

The WPs ( wife point??) Do they carry over from You to Ei ornot???I am thinking here of using them if they are not carry over. It seems so far that WP will kinda min-maxing your damage from your character????

Anyway thanks a lot for the translations ( playing through You with Reimu route)
Yes the wp do carry over. Unlike in You in Ei wp does not affect the max power a unit can have ( there is a skill for everyone that rises the power cap), it will only boost your characters upgrades by one rank per wp level up.

Has there been any news regarding Gensou Shoujo Taisen Dream?
Extra Mode: Ran Yakumo, Okina Matara

Has there been any news regarding Gensou Shoujo Taisen Dream?

This year it definitely will not be released. Most near a patch for Ei.

What do all of the new updates for FMW E do? I've been cautious about downloading them because Sanbondo uses sketchy sites.

What do all of the new updates for FMW E do? I've been cautious about downloading them because Sanbondo uses sketchy sites.

Basically, making adjustments in the text and change old arts.

07/01/2017 come to a little surprise from the developers. You can watch this event here:

UPD: Release the game is scheduled in May 2017.
« Last Edit: January 06, 2017, 03:46:48 PM by Nikkanoffun »

I'm surprised nobody bitches about how this game is full of questionable design decisions, but I guess it's a mix of you guys being Touhou players (I'm not; I don't delude myself into thinking I'll be any good at reflex-based gaming) and probably not many of you being regular SRW players (like myself; I'm talking nine years of experience here, and I STILL think FMW is insane and unreasonable at times).

I think part of it is that I'm not used to an SRW where the highest base value on an attack is 4200 (Four of a Kind), and only six attacks break 5k at 10 upgrades. I even played Winkysoft SRWs that use an absolutely bugnuts insane damage formula (Stats increase base power by 1% per point, Will increases that derived value by 1% per point, so at 150 will and 200 in a damage stat  your pre-armor damage is TRIPLE the base value). I suppose it's because this is a doujin game and they don't have to worry about sales, that Sanbondo can get away with the sort of shit he does.

I'd still like to know why the *string of expletives* that combo attacks are weaker than finishers. The whole schtick of combos in SRW is that they're the strongest attacks in the game. In this way, they're not even cost-effective. But then again, very little in FMW is, because it has almost classic-tier EN costs.

Forgive me for quoting a months old post but I'd like to chime in on this as an SRW player as well

For starters, you have spellcards that make every boss fight a time attack (this tends not to matter in newer SRW games since you can dish out 200k-300k hp across 1 or 2 turns).
Post-moves are also King in GST because of Danmaku fields and Focus movement. Setting up your positions in SRW is piss easy when every unit is packing 6-8 movement, but here we're talking about 2-3 spaces, while attacks remain just as large in scope, with bosses usually being able to target 8 panels around them. It's ridiculously painful trying to use medics and resupply in the middle of a boss fight unless you use SCs because you can't easily move units in and out of the battle lines, same goes for Mystia's buffs, which I've found extremely useful but also put her in incredible danger even with a support defender. Also, even on normal it seems like supers have it really rough in Ei, as most bosses will deal somewhere in the range of 3000+ unless you cast Guard which always feels excessive in SP cost.

Someone said under me too, you'll usually have to sink SP for both strike and alert and that's just too much for bosses with 3 or more spellcards. If you want to pop Valor and its ridiculous cost (Zeal is even worse, since you pay for 2x the Alert, EN on top of 90 or 100 SP or whatever) you're just burning yourself out twice as fast. GST's early game (or rather, GST Kou) is absolute hell because of the lack of damage on everyone's part, low SP from being low level nor having their SCs, and for some fucking reason there's no resupplier, it makes every fight a war of attrition, Power gains also working like Classic SRW Will did too.

I've found Malice cannon to be... okay? for it's EN cost, especially considering Marisa and her ZZ level EN consumption, I didn't use Alice on my team though but maybe I will when I do a fresh playthrough of the game all the way starting from GST Kou, as much as I don't want to play Kou. Meanwhile, Reimu+Marisa's Rampage Ghost is actually heartbreaking on so many levels, though as an Ammo attack it's great for Marisa... but that range is just... ugh.

In any case, I agree with you, even if the closest I've played to classic SRW was SRW D and bits of Alpha Gaiden.