Author Topic: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard  (Read 172577 times)

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #540 on: December 25, 2013, 12:31:38 AM »
Holy wow! That is an awesome stash there!

And I shall now quickly jump in with my thing; providing that what I'm about to show is indeed from my Secret Santa, and not someone on my Facebook wall. (If that's the case, I'm going to throttle them by not saying anything about it.)

It was delivered to me via Amazon; hence my utter confusion when I was like 'this isn't like my previous Secret Santa lot at all.' The item in question is...

Yep, Bravely Default.

Puppy seemed quite stunned by this too; at the time, she thought it hadn't been released it. (In the UK, it had; States don't get it till later, for once.) I was happy to receive this...
Then not so much when I played it and didn't like it. Puppy, however, is enjoying it, so the game became a gift for her. All is well in the end.

So whoever sent it, thank you; Puppy-chan thanks you greatly.

Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #541 on: December 25, 2013, 12:34:50 AM »
Merry Christmas from the UK!

Well i wonder what was in the box i got?

A very suspicious parcel, no return no name no clues at all >:[

Time to open this bad boy up! Please hope i don't damage the gift >_<

Ehhh whats this!? a blue box!

Is that what i think it is!?


But wait there is more!

Guess i'll wait till the 2nd part arrives!

Whoever you are John, i will find you  :V


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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #542 on: December 25, 2013, 12:40:47 AM »
Lulz Hella-police.

Note to self: Roll N-Forza next year.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16


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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #543 on: December 25, 2013, 12:42:16 AM »
Quote from: Helepolis
I laughed for a good minute when I got to this part. Also, that Marisa CD you got is one of my favorites, NForza has good taste :V.
4.5 hours! I can hardly stand the suspense.
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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #544 on: December 25, 2013, 01:06:06 AM »
Well, it's been a pretty quiet night, and The Box has been sitting peacefully on one of the living room chairs, watching with reproachful eyes. As fun as Dungeons of Dredmor is, it's past midnight now. Pardon my Sony Ericsson POS quality.

I was pretty surprised by the postage, considering how light the box felt. A box which was, incidentally, wrapped in tape crafted from laboratory-produced elements.

The first thing I saw was this:

My holiday is NEET, sender, thanks for the well wishes. Over Christmas I am categorically NEET. I appreciate the thoughtfulness, and this adorable card. Further into the paper in the box, I discover:

First, I have never had bacon jerky before, but I am having it now, and it is amazing. The Cool Ranch was a great addition, too; as he points out in the card, these are my favorite flavor, but are called Cool American over here, and I feel like a tool buying them. Now I can truly be free of guilt when eating Doritos!

A fully functional Magic 9 Ball. I laughed for a solid minute when I saw this. I am going to get a lot of good use out of this, I assure you. I anticipate interesting changes in my life!

Inside a cardboard scroll, we have these:

I am floored by these, sender. I don't know how long it took you to pull these off, but I am seriously impressed here. Thank you, very much for taking the time to make these.

This is seriously one of the best presents I have ever received. Thank you for adding some extra cheer and good tidings to my Christmas. Oh my god I have to start making my own bacon jerky this is too good!

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #545 on: December 25, 2013, 01:42:52 AM »
Eh, there's no point in hiding it was me, it should be obvious as soon as anyone sees the pictures (and has seen any of my drawings before). Package-tan is very reliable! I know this because she once delivered an important gift to me.

I took some scans before sending those pictures off so I could show them in full resolution.

Aya: I decided to draw her doing some actual journalism and wasn't sure if she should be holding her camera or her fan or her notebook or what and realized she actually carries quite a few things she needs to juggle. Decided to go for the hard-working tengu look.

eXceed: This was in your list of interests but I wasn't really familiar with it, I wound up buying the series (mercifully cheap) during the Steam Autumn sale to get a feel for it, and wound up drawing those two. I actually was not intending to display that much of Rayne's ass, but I realized as I was getting close to finishing that her hips were misplaced and I needed to lower them, so I redrew her legs but didn't think I could fix the hemline without making a huge mess.

I'm not really satisfied with them - it made me realize how dependant I am on doctoring my pictures in photoshop after scanning to fix errors - but I'm glad you like them.

The Magic (9) Ball (always wrong!) was kind of annoying to make because I bought paint that said it was glossy acrylic but it was CLEARLY MATTE and I had to bust out some old model paint to give it another coat and smooth it out. I would've liked to do more work on it but I ran out of time.

Also I gotta tell you, it was hella tempting having that bag of bacon jerky sitting in my apartment. Anyway, Merry Christmas!


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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #546 on: December 25, 2013, 01:49:11 AM »
I do like them! You also captured my favorite version of Aya. And I am really happy to join the few who own hand-drawn eXceed series fan art.

e: By favorite version of Aya I mean both her design, and Aya at work. Her reputation for embellishment, and the fact that she's a major material source for canon, is one of the paradoxes in Touhou that I most enjoy. Aya in the process of reporterating always makes me smile.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2013, 01:56:27 AM by Tengukami »

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #547 on: December 25, 2013, 01:55:12 AM »
I'll post my pics once I get some sleep and my phone is charged. Now I haven't opened my gift but that doesn't stop me from figuring out who sent it and what's inside.

 When YJ gave me my parcel, the box gave away that it was an ordered item. The 'Fragile' label printed on the side indicated that it was sent from Japan, bought from AmiAmi. The shipping label was obviously a fountain of clues. The parcel was addressed to 'Pesco the stupid rabbit', which immediately limits the possible senders to our group of dota players. Hele would call me something like that but he'd say 'stupid inaba' instead of 'stupid rabbit'. Next hint was the product number stated on the waybill. A search for it on the site revealed it was a Kamen Rider OOO figurine. This was a curious pick for a gift because I had neglected to mention Kamen Rider in my list of interests and my sender happened to know OOO was my favourite. The final clue to confirm the identity of my sender was the price tag. The figurine itself costed 2984 yen and shipping was 2100 yen.

ahaha the shipping like doubled the total price fml

Amra is indeed the only person on the SS participant list that knew I liked Kamen Rider and which one was my favourite. Thanks for the gift bro! :D

Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #548 on: December 25, 2013, 02:01:11 AM »
Ohh my gosh, it's already Christmas in other parts of the world! (duh). Merry Christmaaas~!

Pretty sure this post will give away my ~identity~ and my partner's Santa won't be so secret anymore. But I need to clarify this (?) because I probably won't be present when my partner opens

Dear Partner,
I'm so sorry ;A;. I originally planned on sending more stuff (a hand drawn calendar actually, but the deadline was approaching so quickly that I barely could make some sketches ;___;. I couldn't even make you a decent Christmas greetings card, I'm so sorry ;___;), even food, but the shipping price was ridiculously high DDD:. I should have looked for alternative options, but it was an emergency and well :v... anyway. I hope you like what I did :3! One of the things looks... kinda ugly, because the printers didn't tell me the exact dimensions I should have used beforehand. The other thing looks rather meh because the printers didn't allow me to choose any other color :(.

At least you can use it as... a pajama <piece of clothing> :D! lol

Oh, and everything is girly as fuck. I can't help it. I'm truly sorry u___u.
Merry Christmas ;D!!

Also, apologies if what I said earlier annoyed anyone/seemed selfish. I know that  the fun of this is indeed seeing the reactions of our partners. But some of my friends+family are pressuring me with annoying comments like 'Are you sure you're gonna get a gift too? YOU SUUUURE? It's internet!' and they make me worry ;___;.

춤추는 작은 까탈레나~


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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #549 on: December 25, 2013, 02:11:58 AM »
One other thing about the drawings: if I don't spray them with fixative, I have a friend who's a great illustrator. Maybe she'll ink them for me if I cook her dinner.

some of my friends+family are pressuring me with annoying comments like 'Are you sure you're gonna get a gift too? YOU SUUUURE? It's internet!' and they make me worry ;___;.
Yeah, this is a regular thing from parents and CPSS. Maybe next year Vic could have a group Skype chat with the parents to put their minds at ease.

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #550 on: December 25, 2013, 02:16:10 AM »
Merry Christmas, all! Now, time to get that package open!

*Tries to carefully tease it open......RRIIIPPPPP*
Oops! Oh well.....Let's see what's inside!
Entry No.1: 2 badges!
Patchy and Alice, both reading. Awesome! Now, just need to find a good place to stick 'em....

Entry No.2: A Touhou Calendar
Frontpage Kasen......Really good artwork, too! Very nice bunch of pics. Should make a nice fixture on my desk!

Ohohoho, and what's this? Entry No.3: Touhou music CD!
Orchestral arrangements! My favourite kind of music, especially during downtime! Great choice!

Well, that's it! Thanks a bunch, Secret Santa! Although I already know who you are due to your *personal* delivery......Welp, listening time!


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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #551 on: December 25, 2013, 02:42:17 AM »
5 and a half hours >_< Being in the past sucks

Also, thanks
Hyna totally didn't read your wall of text because
I figured it out after like 2 minutes of searching after I got it

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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #552 on: December 25, 2013, 03:58:05 AM »
We came back from triangles' parents' place just a few minutes ago and nothing for me has arrived ;_;


Vic, I ask you grill the sender as to when they sent the package, and if it was too late for the deadline, I demand the sender be faced with a mod challenge ;_; 


jk jk srsly but mod challenge plz

Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #553 on: December 25, 2013, 05:17:58 AM »

The box, taunting me with its contents.

"Dear 800 vitality girl,
Merry Christmas!"

And it's an actually pretty adorable toy pigeon. Clearly St. Pigeonation's has a new enrollee!

Many thanks to, I'm fairly certain (just from the address alone),

Merikuri! Merikuri!

* Arashi Kurobambi steals everyone's Christmas trees and runs


Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #554 on: December 25, 2013, 05:45:04 AM »
Let's have a look at this, shall we? I have here a box to a 'Matsuri MotK SS' with little smiley face stickers all over it. Looking inside...

There appear to be two boxes in here! Let's open the first one~

Oooooooh, jasmine tea! (It smells heavenly, by the way.) I approve!
(fun fact: the kanji for the Matsuri my username refers to actually means jasmine, not festival. (though I can't find the reference or proper kanji right now. Whatever. How fitting though!)

Next up:

It appears to be a mug with smaller presents inside! Let's see...

Oh my gosh is this hand-painted? That's adorable :D

it is! A very nice touch, I must say~

And now there are three little packages here. Let's see wha--


no seriously this is great I love it <3

and I have to wonder if one of the others hav--


I swear I absolutely adore Mai and Saki. Nice choices~

and the last one:

Ooooh, this sounds tasty. I look forward to trying it!

finally, everything all together:

Thank you so much, whoever you are! These are fantastic. :*

Merry Christmas to you, and everyone else~
« Last Edit: December 25, 2013, 05:46:57 AM by Yumatsuri Okazaki »


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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #555 on: December 25, 2013, 06:39:33 AM »
As it is christmas, it is time for present opening! This year- CONTAINING MY TRUE FORM.

BEHOLD! This is the package I came home to this christmas eve, it's fairly heavy. I have positioned myself for this gift selfie so that I block out the address.

Moving on, there was only one large package inside. Wrapped and everything. I have once again positioned myself to block the address. (also I missed the card inside with the message inside, to which I'll reply afterwards.)

Opening the package....


And it's Edible! I can play mafia with it!

Joking aside it's a nice build your own gingerbread house, which will lead to some fun shenanigans later tomorrow and a bunch of delicious gingerbread nomming. (Hell in this house we may have to worry about the entire thing being devoured before we build it).

While it's store bought and you obviously seem a bit worried about that, It's fine and I do appreciate it! It's pretty awesome and plenty festive, it's definitely a cool thing to get for secret santa.

To all else, MERRY CHRISTMAS! Your lord and savior bunnydragonjesus shall deliver presents after he's done being completely plastered.


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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #556 on: December 25, 2013, 07:36:13 AM »
Pics as I promised.


The distinct label that started the investigation snowball.


Didn't have to look further than the front of the box to already know everything behind it.


Opened it from the bottom instead. Cleaner and less having to rip up the waybill just to open the box.


Kamen Rider OOO in his standard form :*


Comes with a stand and a whole bunch of extra accessories.


All movable parts to enact the kickass poses, including a signature one from JCVD :V

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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #557 on: December 25, 2013, 07:59:06 AM »
Oh, boy, christmastime!

For about a week, this package has been sitting under our fake trees. I bring it to my computer chair, though:

I cut open the box and lo and behold, newspaper supporting a bunch of boxes in reflective wrapper! They could be anything, really! Good thing I'm home by myself atm, because I did say yes to NSFW this year...

I open the smaller ones first. From the size, shape, and mass, it's got to be...

Chocolate! In both milk and dark varieties! I'm going to savor these... literally! ...Well, after I refrigerate them back to hardness that is.

The next two boxes contain, from what I can immediately dicern, something that rattles when shaken. That turns out to be...

Creme cookies! In lemon and... zomg, maple. These are gonna be great!

And, lastly, a box that wasn't like the others. Oh god, it could be anything! A petit nendo! A novelty item! An onahole..?

Novelty item, indeed! FINGER LIGHTS. :getdown: How wacky! How odd! How wonderful!

I put them on! So cool! And then I uploaded the pics and made this post while wearing them.  :3

Thanks aplenty, whoever you are! This is a very thoughtful gift. Sadly, it'll take Vic making the reveal for me to figure out who you are. ^^;
Did you bring a light?

Smash the Fash; The far right belongs in the TRASH.


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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #558 on: December 25, 2013, 08:06:26 AM »
It's finally time for the unboxinating. I have no idea who sent me this so, thanks Secret Santa!

Hark, a box. I had to open it when it arrived because I wasn't sure why it was being delivered. Fortunately, I managed to figure it out before anything was spoiled and resealed it.

OK, well, if you say so...

But if I don't open it, how will I find out what's inside? ???
We press on, in the name of satisfying my damned curiosity Christmas spirit.

Oh, it's a hand fan, Yuyuko style! Nice!

Cue haughty laugh, dohohohoho~

What's that, Billy Mays? There's more you say?

The other package! It's a ... bag?

There was a box inside. Holy cow, when I opened the bag, it smelled like strawberries.

Oh shit, Marisa stowed away! On top of a bed of sweets.

The whole kit that was accompanying her on the voyage across the Atlantic. There's some strawberry laces and straws, and some chocolate bars. Everything looks delicious, I'm especially eying that Lindt vanilla bar.

Once again, thanks again Santa!
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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #559 on: December 25, 2013, 09:04:23 AM »
Novelty item, indeed! FINGER LIGHTS. :getdown: How wacky! How odd! How wonderful!

I put them on! So cool! And then I uploaded the pics and made this post while wearing them.  :3
This instantly reminded me of this game

Holy shit lots of unique and awesome presents everybody so far sent each other. Stuffman personal drawings; Hand painted mugs with tea; Pidgeons; Action figures; Calendars to anticipate for next christmas!...  Great succes so far.

And poor MJP, proper BANS will be given out unless the parcel arrives delayed and makes up for your broken heart :V
« Last Edit: December 25, 2013, 09:06:53 AM by Helepolis »


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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #560 on: December 25, 2013, 11:42:12 AM »
My main gift was late but they did gift me a copy of Cherry Tree High Comedy Club over Steam so I'd have SOMEthing to do on Christmas. :V

Hele: I'm glad that it turned out that you did play mahjong, since I couldn't remember if it was you or Pesco or both, but I figured you'd like Remilia anyway.

The CD with Yuuka on the cover is by one of my absolute favorite circles ever, Hatsunetsu Mikos. They crank out some incredible house arrangements.

Also you didn't show the best part about the DVDs (YES, PLURAL), in that I sent you the whole season of this previously unknown show.
« Last Edit: December 25, 2013, 11:44:16 AM by N-Forza »

Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #561 on: December 25, 2013, 12:31:58 PM »

This is the only photo that didn't decide to flip itself. So don't be alarmed when all the other ones are sideways.

Here we get a glimpse of the contents. What is inside? Let's find out!

ALL THREE HOENN STARTERS OH MY GOSH. And a really nice letter! The letter informs me that my mystery giver did not know what starter to give me for my pok?mon journey, so they gave me all three! I suspected there was something plush inside the box, but I didn't imagine this! (I actually was suspecting a Yuyuko doll but my actual gifts were better so I am not disappointed.)

The letter also informs me that there are more gifts inside! Let's see...


Also, Pok?mon card! I actually have a story related to this ? and there's no way my secret santa would have known this, so that makes it even more special ? but I've been depressed lately, and I decided to take up a hobby to try and help with my depression. I decided on collecting, to celebrate me getting a new source of income (aka: a job). What am I collecting, you may ask? Why, Pok?mon cards!

So this is really great is what I'm trying to say. I will add it to my collection at once.

One last pic of everything together:

Thank you, secret santa! These are absolutely excellent!
well I haven't been here for a while

My avatar was commissioned from this fine person here!

Rin Kagamine

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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #562 on: December 25, 2013, 01:06:43 PM »
Welp, hope this year goes well for everyone yet to post.  I'm off to visit the family with a bottle of schnapps for myself, then I'll wind down back here afterwards with some Im@s.  Happy Christmas for all!  Have some Eurobeat christmas songs~


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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #563 on: December 25, 2013, 01:42:33 PM »
Also you didn't show the best part about the DVDs (YES, PLURAL), in that I sent you the whole season of this previously unknown show.
Argh you are right. Angle of the photo at midnight was annoying to take due to reflection and such. It is indeed the full set of Tsukihime anime.

Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #564 on: December 25, 2013, 01:52:42 PM »
Well, it's now Christmas in America! Merry Cirno Christmas, everyone! (Or a belated Merry  Christmas to those of you who have already celebrated).

I think my package is still straggling by. If possible, can I get the tracking number via message?The post office guys have a tendency to send packages across the street by mistake. The guy who gets my packages happens to be a frequent customer at my job.  :V But hey, I think the package will be worth the wait!~

I like the Skype idea.  :derp:

Also, Rin Kagamine. Dat playlist. Where do people find/discover these glorious things?


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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #565 on: December 25, 2013, 02:54:31 PM »
I opened up all my stuff. Ooohhh...thank you Larky!

*gives very big hug*
You got me a Reimu plushie!

Thanks for all the gifts. I'm kinda busy at this moment and will be today (It's in the afternoon, so I get to do all my Christmas stuff first, then make money!). If I can't get it all thrown up here shortly, it'll be thrown up here tonight.

If I can't throw up all the awesome things you gave me soon, you guys will have to wait until tonight. Larky, I got everything, and I love it all.
(My secret santa wasn't much of a secret for us. We both had eachother)


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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #566 on: December 25, 2013, 03:08:45 PM »
Twas the morning of Christmas and under the tree

A package for MJP
from Reddit SS ;___;
and a package for me!

Presents have appeared! 

I Double <3 NY bag!  I've actually never had one before :o which seems really weird since I've lived all my life like a half hour drive away and my husband working there for ?? years.
ALSO BONUS I'm actually not in mismatched PJs FOR ONCE and almost ready to head to my folks for ~the festivities~

Here's the whole spread.  All of the labels are wonderful so that's why there's so many photos they need to be shared.

create.swf featuring Kyouko this is acceptable she is the bestest Touhou don't you know.

The label is To: "I heard you liked cats" From: "shamelessly stolen from last year's pictures" and as true to form, 3 catnip mousies have appeared!  Taters instantly darted over and began snuggling them.

Ceci on the other hand is pretty dumb and runs over to catnip mousies after Taters only to not acknowledge them good job cat.  At least she didn't smack Taters this year over them!

Speaking of Kyouko being da best Touhou...

A copy of Ten Desires!


Mozart's Clarinet Concerto! (and bassoon and oboe whatev double reeds are silly)  I had to play this piece for an audition back in high school when I thought I was going to be a music major, it did not go very well.  Needless to say, I did not become a music major but that's ok I still play for fun and that's what matters :toot:

In the package To: "Om" From: "Nom Nom Nom" was a cookie cookbook!  PREPARE YOURSELF NEXT YEAR'S SECRET SANTA so I'll make my cookies from this book instead of ??? something I find online randomly like we did this year :V

The card at the bottom said "Mid of Feed" uhoh someone's instalocking in champ select  :ohdear: and enclosed was a League of Legends RP card!  Enabling me to buy adorable skins yessss.

I think this wins the prize for the shortest package delivery, something like 30 miles.  :V
I used my powers of deduction to figure out Cirno Claus.... thank you so much yuyukos :toot: :toot: (and the cats thank you too)  That was some pretty thorough detective work for gift selection!

Poor Taters is so tuckered out, snuggling with catnip mousie.  Her life is so hard.
Merry Christmas everyone!!!!

Rin Kagamine

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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #567 on: December 25, 2013, 03:09:16 PM »
(My secret santa wasn't much of a secret for us. We both had eachother)
Wrong. Guess again!


Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #568 on: December 25, 2013, 03:25:23 PM »
Reporting in! o7 Sorry for the mishap two weeks ago, everything should be mostly in order now. Protip: If a one-eyed back alley Chinatown merchant offers you a bootleg time travel belt, DO NOT TAKE IT. Those things are cheap for a reason.

Anyway, let's get crackin'. First up is this adorable Madoka mug. Meduka become Mug-uca.

Next, a stylin' hand-drawn sketch of Reisen.

Also included was a card with a thoughtfully written note and a hefty money order for $50 - a very kind gesture indeed. The air freshener mentioned in the card unfortunately didn't seem to make it. Alas. :fail: Either way, awesome! The generosity here is very apparent. Even just the mug would've been plenty.

Finally, I put my hardened PI skills to work and deduced who my Secret Santa was:
Wasn't much of a challenge this year, as I immediately recognized the art style. Thanks very much and have a Merry Christmas, amigo.

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Cirno's Perfect Secret Santa 5: A Good Day To Secret Hard
« Reply #569 on: December 25, 2013, 03:32:47 PM »
... Am I having a case of deja vu here, or have I seen this before~  :V

Anyway, great collection of stuff shown so far, everyone. Hope you are all having a good time, wherever you are, and whatever you celebrate~ XD