Author Topic: ZUN at AWA - Spam Yo Pics (& Encounters) Yo! ~ Oh shit, found his favourite pose  (Read 54247 times)

From the sounds of it, I think I'm going to have to "get on their level" because from the sounds of it none of my contacts could get me a Tenshi shirt.

I break my back and melt in the Comiket heat and this is the thanks I get? :colbert:
Don't sweat it, Forza! You're already awesome enough!

On another note, lots of Jojo posing there. Wonder if anyone will ask ZUN who his favorite character is(aside from Rohan's quote).


  • Subconscious Rose Girl, Koishi
Yeah none of my contacts could get me a shirt either because they were only giving one per person, which makes sense.

Ah well :(

From the sounds of it, I think I'm going to have to "get on their level" because from the sounds of it none of my contacts could get me a Tenshi shirt.

I break my back and melt in the Comiket heat and this is the thanks I get? :colbert:

They limited the shirts to one per person, yes.  Also they sold out in the first 30 minutes of the convention. >_>


  • Chill - just chill
  • Keepin' it vanilla smooth all indications, this looks like it was an awesome event. Sure wish I was there!


  • Red shroom
  • *
  • Smooth Charisma
    • Sanmaat (site of personal tat)
Uploaded my phone pics from the con while we wait for Suzuran, Murein, and others to upload their higher-quality photos and videos. Enjoy!

Too tired to make highlights, so I'm just bundling them for the time being.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


From the sounds of it, I think I'm going to have to "get on their level" because from the sounds of it none of my contacts could get me a Tenshi shirt.

I break my back and melt in the Comiket heat and this is the thanks I get? :colbert:
Ouch, that's a bummer, sorry to hear.  :ohdear: The sad part is that I foresee people selling those shirts post con at an exorbitant price.

Uploaded my phone pics from the con while we wait for Suzuran, Murein, and others to upload their higher-quality photos and videos. Enjoy!

Too tired to make highlights, so I'm just bundling them for the time being.
Sweet! Thanks for the upload! I'll check them out when I get back home later.
Looking forward to your highlights / stories when you have the time!


  • Wolf It Down!
Well, I got this...
...and I figured it would be the best picture I got of him.
But boy was I wrong!  :D

Though, sorry, those pictures aren't too terribly different from what's already been going around, so it won't be anything particularly new, but it's still some more ZUN stuff for this big collection of photographs~


  • Radio Personality at Gensokyo Radio and their Resident Touhou Music Reviewer
  • Music and Games keep me alive.
    • Gensokyo Radio
I got to watch ZUN in the Arcade on the TH machine in there, this was on Friday shortly before the arcade closed.


  • Give me love and money. I have the rest already.
  • *
  • Love and money coming from you is what I need.
THANK YOU, THANK YOU. It would have been criminal to go the entire weekend without some pics of people JoJo-posing with ZUN.
...and I figured it would be the best picture I got of him.
But boy was I wrong!  :D
That Kagerou was pretty cool and answered one tough trivia question. I gave her and her boyfriend the last of the maple candy we had.

TA-DAAAAAAA! 61 blood donations and counting! 
Best Mile: 5:30
Best 5k: 18:07
Best Marathon: 3:23:16


  • Do not go gentle into that good night
I saw him going up the escalator behind me in the hotel section of the con, so I got a pic with him! Alas, I'm at work so I can't upload it from here, but I'll edit this post later. :P He was such a good sport about all these things -- I'm thrilled that people got pics with him, and that he did so much stuff with us.

So, this looks remarkably cool... I didn't realize this was a thing! Does anyone know who compiled this?
ZUN: こんな豪華な本を頂いちゃいました。世界中のファンからのメッセージがハードカバーの本に! いやー感動しました。よーし、英語を勉強して僕もグロおじさん(グローバルおじさん)になるぞー

Golden tickets:
I got one for being first in room to his final panel

I got one for being second in room to his final panel

Youtube vids, no panels yet:
Hot ZUN action at 32 minutes in.
Remember ZUN tweeting about that Aya with them getas? 7:50.
These next few days, I will cover my experience with the AWA convention, how the con turned out, my impression on the events, and my overall thoughts on my con experience! There will be a lot to explain, but the picture before you all represents the most important part of the event that stood out for the Scroll Project!
Totaku's update on incoming updates .

Also, apparently the AWA shirt smells pretty rank.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 09:04:51 PM by akj »


  • Lab Syndrome
  • "Even a failure produces valid results."
    • Ruka Sari Sari
Also, apparently the AWA shirt smells pretty rank.
The shirts were of a thin fabric so smells got through them pretty easily. They also shrank easily once I got them in the wash. Good thing I got one a size bigger.

The shirts were of a thin fabric so smells got through them pretty easily.
Which raises the question, what on earth did they soak them in!? Also, looking forward to your pics!

Pic of Aya + geta, courtesy of The_EP!:
« Last Edit: October 12, 2013, 07:35:07 PM by akj »

Footage of ZUN congratulating the PoFV tournament winners and giving his blessing to a North American Touhou convention can be found at 11:30 in.

« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 09:34:41 PM by Youkai Chili »

Thanks for uploading these videos!
Aww, his entrance is adorable.  :ohdear:

Skip to 15:00 for question about American Touhou convention. It's a little hard to hear ZUN's replies at parts though.

Also, random thoughts:
- Guy on left looks like a younger Robin Williams dressed as a butler.
- Guy leading questions to ZUN. I cringed when he put his hands together and bowed.
- It was soooooo awkward when ZUN was trying to return the mic.
- 「じゃね!」 as he left waving.  BV
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 09:36:34 PM by akj »


  • Lily White Mage
  • Spring Time is Healing Time~
So, this looks remarkably cool... I didn't realize this was a thing! Does anyone know who compiled this?

I remember it was shown towards the end of the Touhou Fan Panel, but they couldn't get the scroll segment done to show it off. I think it was mentioned who did it, but I don't have a recording to check.

[⑨] Suzuran

  • Neko Neko Wai~
So apparently a bunch of people are waiting for me to post pictures. I have a few things that might disappoint you guys.

First, I took about 40GB of RAW images at the con, 32GB of which was on Saturday. These can't be viewed as normal images, they're just raw data. Think undeveloped exposed film. I have to process those into actual viewable images, which may take a few days.

Second, this was my first con with my new camera, and I didn't shoot with plans to show the results to anyone else. If I had known people were actually expecting me to take actual pictures worthy of public posting I would have been more serious about things. All I really did was take pictures of whatever amused me or looked like it would make an interesting picture. A good number of them are pictures from private events and thus are absolutely not for public consumption. The stuff that's left over really might not be worth writing home about, but I'll see what I can do.

Maybe next year I'll have a costume that's easier to take pictures in (how do you take pictures in cat paw gloves?) and I'll be more serious about it.


  • Lab Syndrome
  • "Even a failure produces valid results."
    • Ruka Sari Sari
Sorry for the off-topic question but what exactly is happening in AB '14?

Pics are still uploading. I took a lot of pics, but only some made the grade. They're also not all Touhou just so you know.

In the meantime, post shoot video.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 10:58:47 PM by Ruka »


  • Amateur Touhou Piano Player
  • *
  • イケメンFlan is the new hype
    • Touhou Piano Project
It's great that they asked for ZUN's blessing on North American Reitaisai-like event for Anime Boston.  My concern is, do we have enough North American artists to fill the booth?  I have yet to see a realistic amount of number of people willing to prepare for a convention by spending their money for their own creation of artbooks, doujins, music CD, derivative games, or any of that sort, and carry them to the convention for sale like how these Touhou-only events should be.

I find it much more realistic for American Touhou communities to grow by having an online convention, like Air Reitaisai.  However, ZUN's policy forbids selling of doujin activities through online means, as they are meant to be sold in a convention, printed in a physical form. The conventional distribution of doujin can happen in Japan because the land is small and population is dense.  America is not Japan.  It's a big country spreading from coast to coast, and such vastness is a limiting factor towards growth Western doujin community.  The right question that should have been asked to ZUN is, "after now realizing the big fandom in North American community, will you condone Western Touhou doujin activities to grow and mature, perhaps starting by encouraging online Touhou doujin distribution for Western community, as this is unfortunately necessary for how vast and sparse the communities are spread apart from each other?"

However, this whole AWA is an incident of unprecedented scale, and was nothing short of a miracle.  I have my hopes up on people being inspired for our Western Touhou communities to grow and mature in our Western derivative works, and create another miracle.
« Last Edit: September 30, 2013, 11:27:49 PM by Sedrife »

My concern is, do we have enough North American artists to fill the booth?
My thoughts exactly. I don't foresee America being able to support a doujin event like Japan can, just because America just doesn't have the ability / right factors to support doujin creation.
At the most, a Touhou con would be just panels, competitions, cosplays, general sillyness, because they're plausible to carry out.

Actual doujin? Naw. Not only do you need people willing to spend effort and time creating stuff, you need a community willing to support that creation.
And from the general nastiness surrounding the AWA scroll... I doubt attitudes are changing any time soon.

Formless God

Sedrife, you brought up a lot of points that have been bugging me for a long time. Speaking only of geography, 30% of Japan's population lives in the Kanto Plain, an area the size of New Jersey. This makes events like Comiket and Reitaisai feasible commercial endeavors, because most of your customer base lives only a train ride away. I love Montreal and I would love to visit Boston, but finding time and funds for even a weekend trip is (as I'm sure it is for most us) a huge opportunity cost. Even the most popular western doujin circles (I'm thinking of people like Odyssey and Leo Modesto) might find it hard to recoup their travel costs. That's why your idea of a virtual doujin event makes the most economic sense. To do that requires someone to have a real heart-to-heart with ZUN about relaxing restrictions on online sales of derivative works. AWA, as it happens, was not the right time or place to do that, but could provide the necessary impetus.

On a lighter note, I really enjoyed your piano CD! It makes me want to practice the piano more to get up to your level, and that's a good thing.


  • Behind each smile
  • is ten thousand sorrows
Hokay! Image time!

I'm the Lily White who almost bumped into him while coming into the con center.

After the Sayonara AWA panel...


And I managed to keep my promise.

There were other fun moments :V

Impromptu midnight Touhou photoshoot. We didn't have many people but still had fun XD

The monumental moment

Aaaand the unforgettable tourneys :3

Thank you to everyone who showed up to make this con an awesome experience and I look forward to seeing you guys again at your next con! :3
« Last Edit: October 08, 2013, 04:24:52 AM by DeltaSierra4 »
"Times will bring that up over and over again. It's like I'm dying from my mental hemophilia... Forgetting the past is easier said than done. You know it dies hard, and when it dies, it dies with you."

HOKAY I'M BACwell technically I'm actually not back yet, Gandalph and I are at Silentsword's house.  Sweeeeet jeezus the video I got this con... well, sweet jeezus this con in general.  I've taken to referring to AWA 2013 as "The 72-hour sprint" because that was about the tempo from Friday morning to Sunday evening.  I think this time around I'm gonna prioritize uploading the stuff you guys care about, probably starting with... well actually apparently I'm being requested to get the 108 Touhou March up asap, so that'll go up tonight hopefully as an appetizer.  Lemme get that going now, actually.  Okay folks, stay tuned!~

I have to say, ZUN is a chill man.

Sitting there, drinking Sam Adams, full draft, at 4:00 in the afternoon.

In a Hawaiian shirt and caddy cap.

The guy is a boss. First time EVER seeing him. I've never even seen pictures.

I feel honored. And he came to my home state for his first visit.


  • Youkai Jesus, Queen of the Monks
    • Animu List

I thank my friend for the sig <3
My noob replays :V
Tumblr (I post NSFW stuff there)

One of these days my spending money won't be super-tight, and maybe I'll be able to actually go to a con or something. :V Sounds like you guys had loads of fun though. That's great to hear!
You know, I'd have given ANYTHING to go to AWA, but I couldn't go at all *cry* Soon enough though, I suppose!

HOKAY I'M BACwell technically I'm actuaylly not back yet, Gandalph and I are at Silentsword's house.  Sweeeeet jeezus the video I got this con... well, sweet jeezus this con in general.  I've taken to referring to AWA 2013 as "The 72-hour sprint" because that was about the tempo from Friday morning to Sunday evening.  I think this time around I'm gonna prioritize uploading the stuff you guys care about, probably starting with... well actually apparently I'm being requested to get the 108 Touhou March up asap, so that'll go up tonight hopefully as an appetizer.  Lemme get that going now, actually.  Okay folks, stay tuned!~

Heya, I've probably said it before, but thanks for always recording these! Con videos are always a great thing.
Time to watch warmly as videos are preparing and such.


  • True
  • *
  • The Real Treasure Is You
    • Let's Play Super Marisa World
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"

Crosspostan' in an epic bread: OKAY I've managed to get two up with the third and the fourth of the march on their way; go here and keep checking for updates

EDIT: NEVERMIND apparently Silentsword's internet is a billionty times superior to mine; all the Touhou march vids are up.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2013, 05:05:18 AM by Murein »