Author Topic: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)  (Read 42900 times)


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« on: September 23, 2013, 07:55:05 PM »
In this scenario, the point of divergence is that Seiga Kaku decides to move back to China to help save the Song Dynasty from the Mongol Invasions. This will lead to an expansionist China later on, among other things.

(Note: The Chinese Calender is used here. The Georgian Calender will be displayed aside of it in parentheses.)


It is turning night, and yet another day passes by as the Mongol Empire begins to conquer more of Song. Soon, Kaku Seiga arrives in the capital of Lin'an (modern day Hangzhou), and soon reaches the palace of where the Emperor is.

She enters the palace using her hair stick to open a wall and go through, and goes look for the Emperor. Soon,  Emperor Gaozong manages to spot her first. "You! How did you get in here?"

"It was easy. I went through a wall using my hair stick." she responded.

The Emperor, feeling a bit cautious, then exclaims "Who are you? Are you perhaps a spy? What have you come here for?"

Seiga nods. "I am Huo Qing'e. I've arrived to save Song from the Mongol Invasions."

Emperor Gaozong is relieved that he isn't threatened. "Really? Well be my guest, you mustn't need my permission."

Seiga begins thinking a bit more. "Actually, I was wondering if not only if I push them out of Song, but to invade their nation in revenge and bring them under control of the Song."

"Wouldn't that be too much?"

"Not really. I can quell any rebellions."

"But their Empire is quite huge, and stretches all the way to Europe. You simply can't bring all their Empire under control."

"We'll see about that. For now, how about I conquer their lands all the way to, but excluding, Central Asia?"

"Why don't you just push the Mongols out of Song, and then conquer what used to be the Jin Dynasty?"

Seiga becomes a bit disappointed. "Sure, I can do that. But can I conquer some more later?"

Emperor Gaozong becomes a bit more concerned. "I'll think about it."

"Thanks. Well, I shall be on my way now."

"Bye, and be sure to get some rest."


Morning approaches all over the Song. Seiga prepares herself, and sets off to defeat the Mongols.  She begins to reach one of the battle sights, and launches a huge attack. Much danmaku is fired, and manages to destroy a horde of Mongols. This surprises them, as the Mongols have never seen something like that. Nevertheless, they launch attack back with their weapons. It mostly is unsuccessful, as Seiga is quick to block them, though an arrow manages to pass by and cut her arm.
Roughly fifty minutes later, the remaining Mongols begin to retreat and head back. Seiga continues on to catch up to a few other battle sights. More hordes are defeated here and there, and some manage to retreat. By the end of the day, she manages to secure half of the Northern Border.

A few Mongols soon meet with Oghul Qaimish and tells her of their encounter. "Well, she is just one person out of many. She might manage to secure a few victories, but we can still manage to conquer the Song if we invade through places where she isn't at the moment. Show her no mercy!"

However, the Mongols are unaware of what else Seiga is capable of, and she begins reviving a few soldiers as Jiang Shi to use in her next battles.

The next day, Seiga begins launching her Jiang Shi hordes to fight more invaders. The Mongols are once again shocked and attempt to strike back. Despite managing to defeat a few of them, the Jiang Shi hordes proceed to fight and defeat the Mongol hordes. This continued for a few days, with the Northern and Northwest Borders being well fortified.

Meanwhile the Mongol Empire comes up with a new strategy, and decides to launch an invasion of the Kingdom of Dali, and try to use that as a base to invade the Song from the south. This invasion partially succeeds, but the Dali Kingdom manages to defend itself well thanks to the Erhai valley. Wasting no time, another multitude of Mongols begin invading via the Southwest and West Borders of Song. From there the invasion begins to advance for now.

By next year, in 3947 (1250/1251), parts of the western part of Song is conquered, including Chengdu. The advancement wouldn't last long, as the Song launches a quick counterattack which then leads into a stalemate. The stalemate only lasted for a few hours as Seiga managed to finally reach the area and begun helping the Chinese army defeat the hordes. Seiga decides to use a spellcard, and launches another attack. This ultimately defeats much of the hordes, but they still continue to march on.

Over the course of a few years and with the help of Seiga, the Song manage to recover their conquered territories, and manages to annex the former Jin Dynasty. An alliance with the Kingdom of Dali was also signed. Finally, by year 3957 (1260/1261) the Mongol Empire soon gave up on conquering China, and a non-aggression pact along with a peace treaty was signed between the two nations.

With this victory, a huge celebration was held in Lin'an, and Kaku Seiga was hailed as a hero. After a huge meeting in the palace, Emperor Gaozong announced his abdication, and with support of the people, Kaku Seiga was promoted to Empress. This brought an end to the Song Dynasty, and the beginning of the Chinese Empire. This was only the beginning, and in the years to come, China would later become a Great Power of the World...
« Last Edit: September 24, 2013, 05:53:12 AM by Karafuto »


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #1 on: September 24, 2013, 05:51:32 AM »
It has been thirty-three years since Kaku Seiga took power in China. Between this time frame, the Mongols attempted to invade Japan in 3965 (1268), but ultimately failed. However they managed to succeed in taking more of Europe, and parts of Indian Subcontinent (but not the Himalayas). The Kingdom of Dali merged into the Chinese Empire in 3970 (1274) and became an autonomous region. In South East Asia, Taoism spread to Đại Việt and relations with China improved, the Srivijaya Empire had grew in strength and had conquered Majapahit along with expanding more into the Malay Archipelago, and the Sukhothai Kingdom declared independence from the Khmers.

Lastly, the Mongol Empire had finally collapsed in 3981 (1285) shortly after the death of Kublai Khan, who was killed in a battle against the Siberian tribes. The new nations that arose from the fallen Empire is the Golden Horde, Ilkhanate, Chagatai Khanate, and the Khanate of Mongolia.

By Year 3990 (1293/1294), times were getting uneasy for China. In the North, the Chinese-Mongol relations became strained ever since Tem?r Khan took power in the Mongolian Khanate. In the West, the many small Tibetan Kingdoms had merged together and established a strong Buddhist Kingdom. In the South, battles against the spread of Taoism by the Buddhists and Hindus were not unheard of. Despite the growing tensions, Empress Seiga managed to gain a new ally - Goryeo. Goryeo had converted to Taoism a few years after Seiga became Empress of China, and had begun to grow in power. As a result, she gifted some lands from the former Jin Dynasty to her ally and had supplied them with many weaponry the Chinese invented, along with the secrets of gunpowder.

Meanwhile, tensions between the Khanate of Mongolia and the Chinese Empire intensified and grew quickly over a few months. The intense militarisation and build up from the Khanate had grown concerns in China. In response, Empress Seiga begun to fortify the Chinese-Mongolian Border, and many watch towers were set up. In the eleventh month, Empress Seiga send a few spies to Mongolia. By the last week, the spies brought back news that Tem?r Khan has plans to invade the Chinese Empire with a few years. Taking advantage of this news, Empress Seiga put more funding into technology and weapons, and ordered a mass military build up.

Around Year 4000 (1304), Tem?r Khan launched an invasion of the Chinese Empire. As the hordes crossed the border, they begin travelling pass by abandoned towns. Tem?r Khan grew suspicious and wondered where all the Chinese had went. One horde managed to reach Beijing, which was also empty. The horde begin checking the city, and without warning, a few Chinese soldiers came out of hiding and managed to destroy them by surprise. A few other hordes that ran into abandoned towns also suffered a similar fate, though some of the Mongol soldiers that managed to either survive the ambush or avoid it, flees.

Soon, Tem?r Khan reached Shijiazhuang, and saw that the city was one of the few that was not abandoned. However he noticed that the population was quite low compared to the number of buildings he saw, and begins to inspect the area. A few minutes later, he hears an explosion, and decides to run to the scene. He sees that some of his soldiers have been destroyed. He then looks up and spots Empress Seiga in the distance.

Seiga laughs. "Well well, it seems your invasion has heavily gone wrong hasn't it?"

Tem?r Khan was disgusted in hearing this. "This wasn't supposed to happen. I had planned this for quite some time, and hoped to take the Chinese Empire by surprise. How could you manage to pull off something like this?"

Seiga shakes her head. "I developed new plans and tactics to better protect China from invaders like you. Need I say more?"

"Very clever. So you had some towns and cities be abandoned, to try to slow down the invasion..."

"Actually, it was that, and, a sneak attack at every corner. When you least expect it. Many of your hordes have died in abandoned cities and towns this way. I think I saw a few of them flee and gave up. Such a shame. Anyway, I had enough talking. It's time for me to end you and your nation."

Following this, she begun firing lots of danmaku. Tem?r Khan begun running and attempting to dodge as many danmaku as he could. Another horde manages to make it to the battle and launch their own attack. Seiga responds by dodging some of it,  but gets struck with an arrow or two. She launches a huge counter attack and manages to destroy the horde. By that time, Tem?r Khan seemed to be nowhere in sight.

Some of the remaining hordes begin to retreat back to the Khanate as fast as they could. However they run into some Chinese blockades, and manage to get passed some. Finally, Tem?r Khan and his last soldiers manage to run back into the Khanate of Mongolia safely.

Despite the somewhat successful retreat, a huge amount of Chinese army begins crossing the border into the Khanate, including Empress Seiga herself. More battles take place, and soon the Mongolian Khanate is reduced to only Avarga. The capital is surrounded by Chinese soldiers, and Seiga begins walking to the palace. Once there, she uses her hair stick to open the wall, and enters. Tem?r Khan, seeing that he is surrounded, decides to offer a peace treaty. Seiga, however, declines and proceeds to fire some danmaku at him. A few minutes later, Tem?r Khan finally is destroyed, and all of the nation is annexed into the Chinese Empire.

Following the defeat of the Mongolian Khanate, China became more powerful, and manages to spread its influence. Taoism begins to spread in the Empire of Tibet and some of South East Asia. Most of the Buddhists and Hindus in South East Asia begins to cease attacking the Taoists, however the tensions against the Taoists continue. The Srivijaya Empire however, had managed to grow in power even more and had expanded to include the rest of Our Timeline (OTL) Indonesia and Papua New Guinea.

Meanwhile in the Kamakura Shogunate (Japan), some Japanese begin to notice a growing powerful Chinese Empire and Goryeo. Mononobe no Futo hearing about this, decides to plan to take a trip to China sometime later.

Failure McFailFace

  • I'm h...a...p...p...y...
  • Impor
Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #2 on: September 24, 2013, 10:13:46 PM »
Hmm, interesting. A history crossover? Seems interesting.

I wonder how Siega will be. Is she already a hermit? Or still a human?

Anyway, nice work. Can't wait for more. (I love alternate history)
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #3 on: September 25, 2013, 03:27:29 AM »
I think it's safe to say that she's a hermit, since her life was for the most part the same before the point of divergence (which is around the ~1240s) took place.

And thanks. ^^


It's now forty more years later, and East Asia continues to look more different each time. Empress Seiga launched an expansion campaign into Siberia, which is going very slowly, due to many of the deadly winters that continues to be an obstacle. The Island of Kuye (Our Timeline (OTL) Karafuto/Sakhalin) has been colonised and split between China and Goryeo. 

Elsewhere in the World, the Ashikaga clan had emerged and took control of Japan, after the Kenmu Restoration had failed to bring the nation under an Absolute Monarchy. The Srivijaya Empire continues to be one of the most powerful Buddhist and Hindu nations in Asia, and had supplied the Sukhothai Kingdom (now called Siam) [Buddhist] and the recently emerged nation in India, the Vijayanagara Empire [Hindu] to help unite the other Buddhist and Hindu states in South and South East Asia, to prevent Taoist Đại Việt and Taoist/Confucian China from controlling the area. Hindu Champa had already fallen to Đại Việt, with the aid of Empress Seiga.

Since the 4020s (around ~1320s) the Empire of Tibet had grown more authoritarian following the spread of Taoism inside. The Buddhist Theocracy had begun suppressing the existing Taoists, and had funded and armed the White Lotus Society in China to help in overthrowing the Taoist and Confucian politicians. Buddhist rebellions became commonplace in South-Western and Western China, especially around the Tibetan-Chinese Border. Empress Seiga went on to make Buddhism an official religion of China, alongside Taoism and Confucianism, hoping to stop the rebellions. It had little effect, and the White Lotus Society continued to launch attacks against Taoists and Confucianists.

In the second month of Year 4041 (1344/1345), some of the White Lotus Society members had started a fire in Lin'an, which grew to devastate the city and burnt down the palace. Empress Seiga manages to escape the palace unscathed, and also moved to Beijing. From there, she launched a huge attack against the White Lotus Society, and thus begun the Chinese Religious Civil War. In this Civil War, it is the Taoists and Confucianists, the Chinese Army, and Empress Seiga herself, along with the military support of Taoist Korea and Taoist Đại Việt, against the White Lotus Society/Buddhist Rebels which was funded and supplied by Tibet. Many towns and cities in Western and South Western China held by Buddhists became either levelled or partially destroyed, including Chengdu, Guiyang, and Yunnan-Fou (modern day Kunming). However they weren't the only sites of focus, as some battles took place by the Coastal Region, and in the North West area of China. Casualties grew quickly on both sides, into the millions. Even Seiga herself got injured in a few battles, but managed to keep on fighting.

The Chinese Religious Civil War had lasted for ten years and rocked the nation greatly. Empress Seiga, the Taoists, and Confucianists managed to emerge victorious, with the remaining Buddhists fleeing to the Buddhist states in South East Asia. With the civil war over, China begun reconstruction of its devastated cities and town. However, Tibet was not to be spared, and Empress Seiga begun plotting an invasion of the Buddhist Theocracy.

Jumping ahead twenty years, China has for the most part been rebuilt. Plenty of buildings and towns had to be torn down and new ones were built. Lin'an was also rebuilt and had been restored to its former self, except the palace. In Beijing, the Forbidden City was built, and it became Empress Seiga's new home. Shortly after the completion of the Forbidden City, Beijing became the new capital of China. The military had also been heavily built up in preparation for the planned invasion of Tibet. Meanwhile in Goryeo, the Singijeon and the Hwacha had been created, and was shared with China. 

In the first month of Year 4072 (1375), Empress Seiga officially declared war against the Empire of Tibet. Chinese soldiers marched into the Buddhist Theocracy, and was met with a huge blockade. Tibet was already prepared to fight against the Chinese invasion, as the border had been guarded heavily. They also were not going to surrender easily, and most would fight to the death, doing anything to defend their nation. The new Korean weapons were put to the test, as the Chinese used the Hwacha against the Tibetans and managed to do a decent amount of damage. Seiga and a few other Chinese Generals led the Chinese Army across the rough terrain, including through the mountains. Many towns, villages, and Buddhist Temples were raided and burned to the ground. Eight months later, Seiga and some Chinese soldiers managed to reach Lhasa, the capital of Tibet. Much resistance was fought against, and Seiga flew to the palace. She entered via using her hair stick and entered. Upon exploring it, she noticed that the Emperor had managed to flee elsewhere. Angered, she decided to destroy the palace, and continued to lead the invasion.

She wasn't going to give up yet, and had begun to search for the Tibetan Emperor. More of Tibet was invaded, soon reducing the nation to OTL Ngari Prefecture. As the invasion was coming to a close, Seiga knew that the Tibetan Emperor had to hide somewhere. A few hours later, she managed to reach the town of Zanda, and had searched there. The Tibetan Emperor attempted to launch a surprise attack by launching an arrow at her calf. The arrow ended up passing by, but the side of her left leg got cut deep. Seiga, now tearing up in pain and anger, turned around and saw the Tibetan Emperor. He attempted to flee yet again, but Seiga, despite her pain, chased after him via flying and used a spellcard. Much danmaku and lasers were fired all around, and some hit the Tibetan Emperor, thus killing him.

The war against Tibet finally came to a close. Much of the former nation was in ruins, and became annexed into the Chinese Empire. Some of the Prisoners of War were executed, while some others were exiled into Chinese Kuye. Following the fall of Tibet, much of the Buddhist and Hindu states begun to fear China. In the Ashikaga Shogunate, many Japanese, including a few of the Daimyo, took notice of the rising Chinese Power, and fear against the Chinese begun to rise in Japan...

Map of East, South East, and South Asia as of Year 4074 (1378)

Blue - China
Dark Red - Goryeo/Korea
Yellow - Ashikaga Shogunate/Japan
Olive Green - Đại Việt
Red - Khmer Empire
Purple - Siam
Lavender - Vijayanagara
Dark Blue - Srivijaya
White - Other Nations
Light Green - Wilderness/Tribes


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #4 on: September 25, 2013, 11:13:24 PM »
The 4100s (~1400s) have arrived. In China, there is much peace and prosperity, though at the same time they continued to expand in Siberia, along with some expansion toward Central Asia. The Chinese have also colonised Taiwan and the islands of Luzon and Mindoro, with the latter becoming the Prefecture of Mai (麻逸).

Elsewhere in Asia, the Vijayanagara Empire continued to unite the Hindu states in India, and also invaded non-Hindu states, such as the Delhi and Bengal Sultanates. Siam had grew greatly in power, and had absorbed the Burmese states. Srivijaya had begun expanding in Australia, which the Srivijayans had called the new continent Teṉ Maṉai (Tamil: தென் மனை, Thai: แผ่นดินภาคใต้; meaning South Land). This land was kept a secret from the other powers, except Siam, Vijayanagara, and the Khmers. The Ashikaga Shogunate launched an expansion campaign against the Ainu of the North, and soon enough, all of Hokkaidō was brought under Japanese control. The Ainu that survived fled to Kamchatka, but as the Japanese continued expanding across the Chishima (Kuril) Islands, they had again fled further north.

Back in China, with the support and funding by the Chinese Government, including Empress Seiga herself, Zheng He had prepared a fleet to travel across the Ocean. He set sail on the third month of Year 4104 (1407/1408), and begun to travel across the Pacific Islands. Within a few months, Zheng He and his fleet managed to land in a new land (at OTL Antofagasta Region, Chile), that was never seen before. The crew had explored around for a while, before heading back a few weeks later and mapping the area.

Upon his return to China, Zheng He explained his discoveries to Empress Seiga. Impressed by this discovery, Seiga decided to begin sending some more fleets to the new lands, as part of China's expansion campaign. Following this, China would become a colonial empire. Zheng He helped with the next fleet, and went back to the new lands. Soon the first colony was set up, called Zh?l? (智利). Soon, Empress Seiga had spread the word to Goryeo and Đại Việt about this new discovery, and soon enough, Korean and Vietnamese ships had set sail to the new lands and established their own colonies. The new continent was later named Ming (明).

The colonies in Ming had expanded decently, but soon enough, by Year 4136 (1440), the Chinese colony of Zh?l? came in contact with the Tawantinsuyu (Inca) Empire. Not taking these visitors lightly, the Tawantinsuyu begun to invade the colony, and sought to push them out of the area. Unfortunately, the plan didn't work, and the Chinese colonialists managed to strike back and used the Hwacha to destroy the Incans. After a few weeks, the Tawantinsuyu decided to retreat and left the Chinese alone.

The news soon spread to China about the Tawantinsuyu encounter. Empress Seiga had brushed it off and considered the Tawantinsuyu, despite their large empire, quite weak. After reports of the Incas dying from the diseases the colonists had brought, Seiga thought even less of them, and considered them a joke. However, she does send more military supplies to the colonialists to aid them in helping taking out any other aggressive natives.

By the late 4180s (~1483-1493) and the end of the century, the Tawantinsuyu was still around but was reduced to half its size. The Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese colonies had expanded some more, though not by much due to the terrain. Christopher Columbus had reached the Caribbean and claimed it for Spain, and colonisation soon followed.

The Ashikaga Shogunate had fell into a Sengoku Era since the 4160s (~1460s) and continues to rage on. The Bengal Sultanate finally had fell to the Vijayanagara Empire, and unification of the Indian subcontinent was achieved. Vijayanagara Emperor Saluva Narasimha Deva Raya met with Empress Seiga to discuss a buffer zone to be established. The talks were successful, and China sold some land to Vijayanagara, and with that, had merged into the Kingdom of Nepal, a Vijayanagaran vassal state. Tensions against the Taoists had reached low levels throughout the Buddhist and Hindu nations for now.

By the end of the century, the Portuguese and Spanish begun arriving in Asia looking for new trade routes.


Advancing on, towards the 4200s (~1500s). With the appearance of Europeans now in Asia, many Empires took notice. The Portuguese were the first to go, following their attempt to conquer Goa from Vijayanagara. The Portuguese fleet was destroyed was wiped out by the Vijayanagaran Navy, and those that tried to flee were caught and held as prisoners.

Soon, another Portuguese fleet made its way, this time with a Portuguese diplomat. They arrived at the city of Kochi (Cochin), and was met with the Vijayanagaran Army. The Portuguese diplomat tried to speak with them, but denied him entry into the nation. Disappointed, the Portuguese continued on, hoping to establish a port. The Portuguese were denied in Siam, Srivijaya, Khmer Empire, and Đại Việt. Next up was China, and the Portuguese diplomat had managed to meet with Empress Seiga. She thought for a while, and decided to grant the Portuguese a port in Macau, and signed a trade deal with them. However, she warned them that if they decide the mess around with China, war will ensure. The Portuguese took the warning well, and it was noted.

Shortly after giving the Portuguese a port, Empress Seiga begun to take an interest in Europe, and had an idea of spreading Taoism there. She soon sent a fleet to travel to Europe, along with Taoist missionaries. It first reached Lisbon, and then Gij?n. Upon entering Spain, the Chinese had offered a trade deal and wanted to establish a port. The Spanish agreed to it, and soon gave them a part of Gij?n. Meanwhile, the Taoist missionaries had begun to spread Taoism in Spain, with little success. Taoism was soon introduced in Portugal from Macau, and had quickly spread throughout the nation.

Soon the Buddhist and Hindu nations became aware of Seiga's idea of spreading Taoism in Europe. Siam, Srivijaya, and Vijayanagara begun to send Buddhist and Hindu missionaries to Europe to counter Taoism, along with establishing trade deals with a few European nations. By the 4250s (~1550s), the Asian presence and influence in Europe was great while in Asia, European presence was small, and influence was non-existent.

The Spanish colonisation of the New World continued on and already have conquered the Aztec Empire. Meanwhile in the continent of Ming, the Tawantinsuyu Empire continued to shrunk some more, as the Chinese colonialists had a desire to conquer them. Teṉ Maṉai continues to be colonised by Srivijaya, though some Teṉ Maṉai Natives begun resisting Srivijayan rule.

Later on in Year 4289 (1592/1593), a fateful event occurred: Toyotomi Hideyoshi had launched an invasion of Goryeo, aiming to conquer the nation along with China. Empress Seiga was enraged by this, and declares war on Japan in defence of Goryeo. While the Koreans were pushing the Japanese out of Korea, Seiga helped the fleets destroy the Japanese ships, and soon Chinese soldiers landed in Kyūshū, while the Koreans launched an invasion into the Chishima Islands and Hokkaidō. The Japanese fought well, but the Chinese and Korean forces continued to advance. Within a few weeks, all of Kyūshū and parts of Shikoku were under Chinese control while Hokkaidō was under Korean rule.

However, in Sado Island, someone wasn't going to let Japan fall and become annexed between China and Goryeo. She made her preparations, and soon headed out to save the Island Nation....

Failure McFailFace

  • I'm h...a...p...p...y...
  • Impor
Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #5 on: September 26, 2013, 12:29:34 AM »
Hmm, someone from Sado Island....


Also, shame the Asians didn't conquer South America before Columbus arrived. I wonder how far the Asians will expand... Once the get past the Andes, they're free to roam the (relatively) flat rain forests...

Again, great work. Perhaps this dynasty will be called the Huo Dynasty (霍朝)?
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #6 on: September 27, 2013, 12:11:38 AM »
Correct, it's Mamizou that's going to appear.

The Spanish nor the Portuguese really won't be able to expand much in Ming (South America)
, and will be pushed out by the Asians eventually.

It can be called the Huo Dynasty (and is used as an alternate name), although Seiga is the only Empress so far. Hence why it's just called the Chinese Empire instead, as it has only one ruler.


The Koreans continued on advancing down on Dewa and Mutsu Provinces, but soon much of the invasion force got stuck out by danmaku. One Korean General looked up ahead and saw something unusual. "A Raccoon? But how?" he thought. The Raccoon begun to walk towards the Korean General, and soon launched more danmaku. He tried to flee but got killed by danmaku in the process. Soon, the Raccoon transformed into the Korean General, and proceeded to direct the Korean Army out of Northern Japan. The Koreans were confused as to why. "You see, if you had continued to advance you would have met a powerful person to fight against, and it would have resulted in many deaths. I've seen it myself and it was scary!" the faux Korean General said. With that, the Koreans left Japan from the North. With that taken care of, the faux Korean General transformed back into her normal form. She now started flying towards the Chinese invasion.

The Chinese Army continued advancing in Honshū, and begun storming into the Harima and Tajima Provinces . Meanwhile, without warning, the Raccoon arrived at the scene of the battle and proceeded to launch a huge attack. This took out a huge majority of the Chinese army, and pushed them back by quite a bit. Seiga, while searching in one of the buildings, went back outside and was shocked at what she saw. She then knew that someone of a great power had done this, and proceeded to look around. Soon the Raccoon landed on the ground. Seiga realised that this was no ordinary person. "Just what are you?"

"I'm none other than Mamizou Futatsuiwa. What brings you and your Chinese army here, hmm?"

"Well, first off, Toyotomi Hideyoshi started the invasion of Goryeo. I stepped in to defend my ally, and we both launched an invasion of Japan. We are on a quest to find and capture Hideyoshi, along with dividing some of Japan between me and Goryeo. We'll leave Honshū as a part of Japan."

"I figured as much.  But, I simply can't allow Japan to be divided, and will not have that happen. Yes, Hideyoshi made a mistake of invading Korea. However conquering and annexing parts of Japan in spite, is a bit too extreme."

"Your point? I would not want such an event happen again, so to make sure of it, me and Korea will split the land up, and keep a close eye on the remains."

"Look, how about this. I'll allow you to capture Hideyoshi, as well as any of his soldiers that aided the invasion. Also, instead of annexing parts of Japan, why not just have them pay reparations?"

"Well, fine, but if in the future Japan has another leader that attempts another invasion of Korea or China, just remember that you will be held responsible. Not for the invasion, but your decision to not let us split Japan earlier."

"That sounds, again, a bit extreme, but I'll note your warning. Let us head to Kyoto, and discuss this with the Emperor."

The next day, the leaders of the war, along with a few other generals, met in Kyoto. Present, was the Emperor Go-Yōzei of Japan, Tokugawa Ieyasu from the Tokugawa Clan, King Seonjo from Goryeo, Empress Seiga of China, and Mamizou Futatsuiwa. After a lengthy discussion, the Treaty of Kyoto was created. In it, Hideyoshi and those who aided in the invasion of Korea were to be searched for and handed to Korea as prisoners and Japan would pay reparations to both China and Korea, along with paying tribute to both nations for the next ten years. It was then signed, and peace in East Asia was achieved for the most part. Toyotomi Hideyoshi was found and captured a few days later by the Tokugawa clan, and was sent to Korea.

A week later, Tokugawa Ieyasu went on to fight and defeat the remaining few clans, and by 4297 (1600), the Tokugawa Shogunate was established, with Tokugawa Ieyasu becoming the first Shogun.

Meanwhile in Ming, the Tawantinsuyu Empire finally collapsed and was conquered by Zh?l?, and the Chinese, Korean, and Vietnamese colonies managed to cross the Gāo Bōfēng (高波峰; OTL Andes) Mountains, and begun exploring the other side. The Portuguese colony of Brasil had expanded quite well. The Spanish begun expanding in Northern Ming, via Panam? and down from the Caribbean. Soon the Spanish came into contact with Zh?l?, and later a few conflicts arose between China and Spain.

By the 4320s (~1620s), colonisation of the New World was going to heat up. The Dutch had established their New Netherland colony in Vinland (North America), Spain continued to expand as usual, England also established a few colonies, and France was planning to join in. On the Pacific side, the Japanese expanded into Kamchatka and conquered the rest of the Far North East not under Chinese control, including OTL Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. From there, the Japanese begun colonising Alaska, known as Hondo (本土), and later established one further down in Vinland (around OTL Del Norte County), and named it Wa (和), after the old name of Japan.

In Eastern Europe, the Tsardom of Russia went on its quest to expand across Siberia, and soon came into contact with China. Wanting to reach the other side of Siberia, the Russians invaded China. A few hours later, news came of the Russian invasion, and Empress Seiga responded with war against Russia. The Chinese Army and Seiga fought against the Russian Army, However the winters had made it difficult, not so much for the Russians but for the Chinese. Despite this, Seiga managed to push back the Russians and kicked them out of Chinese Siberia. After this event, the Russians ceased to expand any further in Siberia, for now anyway...

With much tensions between China and Spain in Ming, a colonial war broke out in Year 4370 (1673/1674), as the Spanish invaded Zh?l?. Unfortunately for the Spanish, the Chinese were decently advanced in technology, and proceeded to destroy much of the Spanish army. Within seven years, the Spanish was pushed out of Ming and suffered heavy losses. King Charles II of Spain, not wanting to lose its remaining colonies, decided to sign a peace treaty with China. This war sparked an independence movement in New Spain, which would grow slowly over the course within a few decades.

In Teṉ Maṉai, the Srivijayans continued advancing and launched a few attack against the natives who tried to stop Srivijayan expansion. Aside from the few European expeditions to Teṉ Maṉai, the continent remains unclaimed except for Srivijaya.

Peace continued in Asia for the most part. Thankfully, aside from the attempted Portuguese conquest of Gao from Vijayanagara over one hundred years ago, the Europeans had no interest nor even dared to try to colonise the area. Instead, trade agreements were signed with the Asian nations.

The 4390s (~1690s) were coming to a close. The Chinese continued to make new achievements and breakthroughs in technology and science. It seems that a special event will be happening soon. Really soon.

Failure McFailFace

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Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #7 on: September 27, 2013, 08:00:21 PM »
Great job, once again. Great fanfic.  :]

On the Pacific side, the Japanese expanded into Kamchatka and conquered the rest of the Far North East not under Chinese control, including OTL Chukotka Autonomous Okrug. From there, the Japanese begun colonising Alaska, known as Hondo (本土), and later established one further down in Vinland (around OTL Del Norte County), and named it Wa (和), after the old name of Japan.

Welp, there goes Canada.

Also, another map update would be nice. My question about where England is at will probably be answered there...
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #8 on: September 28, 2013, 12:43:20 AM »
Thanks very much. ^_^

As for the map update, there will be two in this post.


The 4400s (~1700s) are kicking in, and the first ten years of it starts with a bang! In China, Goryeo, and Đại Việt, the Industrial Revolution has arrived! The Taoists now have an advantage, for now. Soon this glorious event would spread to the Hindu and Buddhist states thirty years later. In other parts of the World,  the Act of Union occurs in England and Scotland, uniting the two nations into the Kingdom of Great Britain. In Japan, Mount Fuji erupts.

In Ming and Vinland, the Asian colonies expand greatly, as do the European colonies. The Portuguese colony of Brasil becomes mostly populated by Portuguese Catholics wanting to escape the now mostly Taoist Portugal. Meanwhile New Spain falls under heavy Chinese influence, and many Taoist missionaries were sent there, along with the funding of the independence movements.

In Europe, the Taoist, Hindu, and Buddhist missionaries become successful, except around most of the Mediterranean, in Spain, and in Italy. The missionaries also made it to Eastern Europe but were not really successful there.

Africa has caught interest to Asian travellers and missionaries alike. Soon, Madagascar becomes colonised by Vijayanagara. China and Siam also begins to establish colonies in Africa. With this, Taoism, Hinduism, and Buddhism begins to spread from there.

At Teṉ Maṉai, it has been more or less conquered by Srivijaya, though most of the centre remains unclaimed for now. A few coastal parts of Teṉ Maṉai remain free, but became under the rule of Srivijaya within the next few decades. The Srivijayans had also landed at Aotearoa (New Zealand), and begun colonising the area as well, along with spreading Hinduism and Buddhism.

Tensions between the Taoists and the Buddhist-Hindus begun to rise once again.

By the 4450s (~1750s), the Holy Roman Empire had collapsed completely. Hindu-Buddhist Preu?en (Prussia) begun expanding to absorb the small German states with support from Vijayanagara and Siam, while the Roman Catholic Habsburg Monarchy obtained Bayern (Bavaria) as a protectorate. Wars within Germany would become frequent, with the Habsburgs losing most of the battle. Taoist Danmark-Norge also took advantage of this and had annexed Slesvig-Holsten (Schleswig-Holstein).

A small uprising occurred in Vinland in the early 4470s (~1770s) in the lower British colonies. The Brits however, managed to crush the rebellion, and George Washington was executed. In New Spain, independence movements caught on, which would later lead to the Mexican War of Independence by the late 4480s (~1780s). On the tenth day, fourth month, of Year 4488 (roughly around May 15th 1791), Mexico had ceded from Spain, and the Mexican Empire was established. It was quickly recognised by China, Goryeo, and Đại Việt, and the three nations offered the new nation an alliance and trade agreement, in which the Mexican government had accepted.

In Europe, the French Revolution was in full effect, and by the end of the century, war was going to brew up.

Map of the World around the end of the century.


Flipping to the 4500s (~1800s), the Napoleonic Wars had begun and raged on. Even more, China, Vijayanagara, Siam, and Srivijaya had supplied various European nations that followed either Taoist, Hindu, or Buddhist faiths. Empress Seiga however had originally supported Napoleon, until he decided to invade Taoist Portugal. Following this, Seiga had China switched to the Coalition side.  Meanwhile Hindu-Buddhist Preu?en had prevented the French from advancing beyond their borders. The French were successful in conquering Northern Italy, Switzerland, and the Lowland Countries, though Hindu Netherlands became a thorn on their side. Parts of the Rhineland were also conquered and made into a puppet by France. The French also launched an invasion of the British Isles, and managed to conquer Lower England along with Cornwall and London. The huge war soon became deadlocked as the French and its Allies were not able to advance against the Coalition, and vice versa.

With nothing else to gain, the war came to an end in Year 4512 (~1815) by the Congress of Hannover. In it, the French would be able to keep Belgium and Luxembourg, but had to give independence to the Hindu Netherlands, Switzerland, and Northern Italy, and give back French England to Britain. A few other border changes occurred, including Buddhist Sweden losing land to both Orthodox Russia and Taoist Danmark-Norge.

In Year 4554 (~1858), the British would launch an invasion of Vijayanagara, to attempt to establish the British Raj. The invasion went horribly wrong, and the Vijayanagarans had surprised them with a new weapon: Mysorean rockets. Most of the British Invasion was destroyed by this new weapon, along with most of their fleets. Soon, with the support of Siam, Srivijaya, and the Khmers, Vijayanagara had sent fleets to invade Britain itself along with her colonies. As a result, the British Isles became under Vijayanagara rule, and the Dominion of Vilāyata (Hindi:ब्रिटेन की डोमिनियन) was established. The former British colonies in Vinland also went to Vijayanagara and the Dominion of Samajhautā (Hindi:समझौता की डोमिनियन) was created. Other parts of the former British Empire were split between Siam and Srivijaya, while some of the British colonies in Vinland, specifically British possessions in the Caribbean and Central Vinland, were sold to Mexico.

In Japan, the Meiji Restoration had occurred. Empress Seiga didn't take too kindly of this, but decided to brush it off. However China and Korea would continue to keep an eye on Japan, making sure it does not try to invade. In Year 4575 (~1879), the Ryūkyū Kingdom was annexed by Japan, which caused more concerns. Elsewhere in Japan, Reimu Hakurei was assassinated, and the Great Hakurei Border was not established.

In other news, the Scramble for Africa went underway, and many Asian nations, and some European nations gone on to colonise the continent. In Oceania, Srivijaya had finally conquered all of Teṉ Maṉai and Aotearoa.

By the end of the century, tensions had begun to reach a whole new level and new alliances were formed.

Map of the World in Year 4595 (~1899).
« Last Edit: September 29, 2013, 09:33:26 PM by Karafuto »


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #9 on: September 29, 2013, 03:44:09 AM »
The 4600s (~1900s) came around. Tensions continued on, especially in Europe. In China, Empress Seiga had reformed the government a bit turning it into an Executive Constitutional Monarchy and the Prime Minister office was established. Soon, Sun Yat-sen becomes the first official Prime Minister following an election.

In 4611 (~1914), Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria was assassinated by Gavrilo Princip. Austria-Hungary then responded by invading Serbia. Shortly afterwards, Russia came in to aid Serbia, and Hindu-Buddhist Germany, along with Bulgaria, stepped in to aid Austria-Hungary. Vijayanagara and Siam gets dragged in to help Germany, and France jumps in helping Russia. Seeing as France joined the war, Hindu Netherlands declared war on France. Thus begun the European War.

The war looked favourable for the Central Powers, mostly thanks to Vijayanagara and Siam. Germany managed to fight off France, with Vijayanagara's help, and the invasion of Russia went smooth. Austria-Hungary and Bulgaria managed to defeat and split Serbia, while parts of Greece were annexed by Bulgaria (as Greece had joined in with France and Russia). Russia had withdrawn three years into the war due to the revolution and civil war, though not before having to give Ukraine, Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Belarus, and Finland independence. The Alexandre Telegram, dispatched by the French Minister of Foreign Affairs,  Alexandre Ribot, was decoded by the Vijayanagaran intelligence before it made its way to Mexico. In the letter France had offered Mexico a military alliance and asked it to join the Entente Powers and invade Vijayanagaran territories in Vinland. After hearing this news, Mexico joined in the war, helping the Central Powers.

The war came to an end in Year 4615 (~1918), with victory for the Central Powers. The Treaty of Dresden was created. In it, France had to give up Belgium and Luxembourg to the Netherlands, while the French holdings of Africa were split between Germany and Vijayanagara. Montenegro was annexed by Austria-Hungary, while Romania became a vassal state. The independent states that emerged from Russia were turned into German protectorates. France also had their military restricted quite harshly.

A few months after the war, Austria-Hungary was reformed into the United States of Greater Austria. Meanwhile in Russia the civil war raged on, with the Communists gaining the upper hand. By the end of Year 4618 (~1922), the Communists managed to gain control of Russia. With this, the Soviet Union was established. Empress Seiga grew suspicious about the new Russian regime, and didn't trust them one bit.

Elsewhere in China, a few revolutionaries had appeared.

(World in 4621 (~1925).)


The 4620s (~1920s) were perhaps one of the difficult times in parts of the World, while other experienced a great time. In France, anger and dissatisfaction led to a rise of Fascism in the nation. Ren? Mayer managed to gain popularity and was the leading force in the French Popular Party. A similar occurrence happened in Italy, with the Italians want the peace of Italian speaking land that Austria holds. Sweden had experienced similar movements, wanting to take revenge against Danmark-Norge, and a desire to take Finland. In Ming, Brazil declared independence from Portugal. Japan underwent intense militarisation and begun having its eyes on Korea. In Vinland, Mexico's economy was booming and flourishing like never before. In Asia, Vijayanagara was renamed to the Empire of Bhārat (India).

Near the end of this decade, a Civil War occurred in China once again, this time its the Communists, along with the Manchus, against Empress Seiga and the Republicans.


Moving quickly to the 4630s (~1930s). A Fascist Regime took power in France, with Ren? Mayer as the Dirigeant (Leader) of France. Sweden and Italy also have Fascist Regimes, as Sven Olov Lindholm and Benito Mussolini came to power, respectively.

In China, the long and bloody civil war continues, and became China's biggest headache ever since the Religious War that happened more than five hundred years ago. Casualties built up on both sides, and soon enough, surpassed the total casualties from the old civil war. Later, in Year 4633 (~1936), Japan took advantage of the Chinese Civil War and launched an invasion of Korea. The news came to Empress Seiga, but there was little she could do to save Korea, and had sent a few military divisions to help them against the Japanese invasion.

Mamizou Futatsuiwa, having remembered Seiga's warning from the last time Japan invaded Korea, went on to deal with the Japanese Government. Much of the Japanese Government, including Prime Minister Fumimaro Konoe, refused to pull the Japanese Military out of Korea. With this, Mamizou had launched a coup against the government successfully and installed herself as leader. Shortly afterwards, she managed to halt the invasion and pulled the Japanese out of Korea. She also formally apologised and had Japan pay reparations to the Koreans.

In 4635 (~1938), France launches an invasion of Netherlands, igniting a war that would engulf most of the world.


Continuing down this decade and going into the 4640s (~1940s), France had managed to steamroll through the Netherlands and most of Germany. Meanwhile Sweden conquered Danmark-Norge itself, though the government had fled to Iceland. Italy came storming into the Balkans and also invaded Ethiopia via Italian Eritrea. The Soviet Union at first participated on the Axis side, and had managed to annex Ukraine and Belarus, but was betrayed and soon switched to the Allied side.

With the Japan's invasion having been stopped, Empress Seiga had to no longer worry about Korea nor a Japanese invasion, and continued to fight against the Communists. A few weeks later, the Chinese Civil War had finally came to an end as Empress Seiga and the Republicans had destroyed most of the Communist rebellions, and had killed many key Chinese Communist Leaders. The remaining Communists soon surrendered and were arrested. Meanwhile Mao Zedong, the one who started this rebellion, was executed. With the civil war over, Seiga had decided to focus on rebuilding her nation, but had sent a few supplies from Zh?l? to help Danmark-Norge against Sweden.

In 4643 (~1946), Mexican, Bhārat, Siam, Khmer, and Srivijayan forces finally managed to invade Normandy, and launched a successful invasion of France. Meanwhile German and Austrian forces begun pushing back the French and Italian invasions, while Finland had pushed back the Swedish forces. A year later, the Axis had finally been defeated, and now occupied by the allied forces.

The League of Nations was also created shortly after the war, aiming to prevent another catastrophe like this from occurring again. The permanent members of the Security Council are Mexico, Bhārat, Germany, Austria, Srivijaya and China.

By the end of this decade, a Communist Revolution had occurred in Persia, soon bring the country under Communist rule. Soon enough, the Allies would have to deal with yet another threat, the Soviet Union.

The Cold War has begun.

(World by 4649 (~1952.)
« Last Edit: September 29, 2013, 04:03:02 AM by Karafuto »

Failure McFailFace

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Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #10 on: September 29, 2013, 11:43:07 AM »
Yay, World Wars! (That was a large time skip....)

Also, perhaps a little guide or chart of the country names used in the fanfic would help the people who first read this.

Perhaps something like this?

Country Name      Location (Present Day)

(Countries)              (Places)

Aside from that, great job. Looking forwards to the time paradoxes in the 1990's when ZUN decides to make Touhou....
Reimu Hakurei was assassinated a few posts back....
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #11 on: September 29, 2013, 10:29:31 PM »
That is a good idea. I'll do one every time a new country is mentioned (and maybe again if the same nation has border changes?). Also, where should I put it? In the middle of the story once a country is mentioned, after the end of the chapter/section/etc., or do it all at the very beginning?


Walking into the 4650s and 4660s (~1950s-1960s), we see that the Soviet Union begins backing a few revolutions. Ethiopia and Brasil were the next to go communist, after revolutions in said countries managed to succeed. The Khmer Empire fell into civil war, along with Đại Việt. Empress Seiga, not wanting to lose her ally, goes to Đại Việt and helps them fight against the Communists. Siam intervenes in the Khmer Civil War and aids the Monarchists.

Independence movements have occurred in parts of Africa. A few nations had decided to give a few of their colonies independence, and the African nations that did were kept an eye on by the original holders to make sure Communism doesn't gain a hold in the nation. Here is a list of African nations that gained independence:

CountriesOur Timeline (OTL) Location(s)Year of Independence (from main country)Government TypeMain Religions
ZaireDemocratic Republic of the Congo4651 (~1955) (from Khmer Empire)Parliamentary RepublicBuddhism
West African FederationMost of French West Africa, Algeria, parts of Morocco, Chad, and Central African Republic4652 (~1956) (from Germany)Constitutional MonarchyBuddhism, Hinduism
SēnēgalaSenegal, Gambia, Guinea, Sierra Leone4652 (~1956) (from Bhārat)Semi-Presidential Constitutional RepublicHinduism
Nā'ijīriyāNigeria, Benin, Togo, Ghana4652 (~1956) (from Bhārat)Federal Parliamentary
Constitutional Republic
SimbạbweMozambique, Malawi, Zambia, Zimbabwe, parts of Botswana4655 (~1959) (from Siam)Unitary Parliamentary Constitutional MonarchyBuddhism
Kām?il?ngCameroon, Equatorial Guinea, S?o Tom? and Pr?ncipe, Gabon, Republic of the Congo4658 (~1962) (from China)Semi-Presidential Constitutional RepublicTaoism
N?mǐbǐyǎSouth Africa, Namibia, Swaziland, Lesotho, most of Botswana4663 (~1967) (from China)Constitutional Parliamentary RepublicTaoism
KhenỳāTanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya4663 (~1967) (from Siam)Presidential RepublicBuddhism

Francoist Spain and Portugal were the only ones that didn't give their African holdings independence, China continued to keep H?jiāo Hǎi'?n (OTL Liberia), and Madagascar, Djibouti and Somalia remained a part of Bhārat.

In Europe, the European Economic Community was established by Germany, Austria, Danmark-Norge, Finland, Netherlands, and Portugal. Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania also joined later on, as did Greece.

In Western Asia, the Ottoman Empire continued to hold strong, and managed to help Oman suppress a Communist Rebellion there.

In Vinland, a revolution occurred in Cuba, and the fight for independence begun. Spain went on to attempt to crush the rebellion, while the Soviets and Brazilians had sent support. A few months later, Cuba managed to gain independence under a communist government. Mexico wasn't too keen of this, and launched the Bay of Pigs Invasion, which didn't work out well, as the Cubans had managed to repel their invasion. Puerto Rico also ceded from Spain and became Communist.

Back in Đại Việt, most of the Communists, including Hồ Ch? Minh, attempted to flee to Vietnamese R?o de la Plata in Ming, but were caught and arrested by the Vietnamese and Chinese navies. In the Khmer Empire, the Siamese and Monarchist forces managed to defeat the communist rebels there, and had captured Saloth Sar (Pol Pot).

The Space Race had begun between the Soviet Union, China, Bhārat, and Mexico, with the latter three working together. By 4655 (~1958), the Chinese, Indians, and Mexicans had managed to launch Sat?lite One, which was the first artificial Earth satellite. The Soviets, fighting to gain an upper hand, had managed to create and release Vostok One two years later, and Yuri Gagarin became the first human to explore outer space. Following this, the Chinese, Indians, and Mexicans begun establishing the Coyolxauhqui Program, aiming to go to Luna before the Soviets. Meanwhile the Soviets did however achieve another few firsts, such as the first dual-piloted flights, Vostok Three and Vostok Four, and also having the first woman and civilian in space, Valentina Tereshkova.

By the end of the 4660s, in Year 4668 (~1972), the Chinese, Indians, and Mexicans managed to get the first humans on Luna. Lu Xiangxiao, Rakesh Sharma, and Rosario Green were among those who landed and explored there. With the race to Luna having been a loss for the Soviets, they concentrated on other space projects, though soon the whole 'race' begun to settle.


By the 4670s and 4680s (~1970s-1980s), the Cold War would loosen and Communism would be on a decline. Independence movements occurred in Portuguese Angola quite violently. When the corporatist authoritarian regime in Portugal was succeeded by the Third Portuguese Republic in 4675 (~1978), Angola had been granted independence by the new government. Angola would be the last African nation to gain independence for quite a long time.

In Year 4682 (~1986), Mikhail Gorbachev became the General Secretary of the Soviet Union, and made some major reforms. However it would lead to the instability of the nation, and finally, by 4690 (~1993), the Soviet Union had collapsed. Ukraine, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan had gained independence, and the Soviet Union became succeeded by Russia. Ethiopia and Persia also saw the fall of the Communist governments, and were succeeded by a Democratic Republic and Monarchy respectively. Brasil experienced the Cathedral Protests in Bras?lia, which later led to a coup of the Communist regime and the establishment of a Federative Republic. The Communist governments that remained were Cuba and Puerto Rico.

Moving on to the 4690s (~1990s), with the Cold War finally ended, tensions had been eased worldwide. Especially in Asia, as the Taoist Bloc (China, Korea, and Đại Việt) and the Buddhist-Hindu Bloc (Bhārat, Siam, Khmer Empire, and Srivijaya) had  co-operated with each other.

Meanwhile in Japan, ZUN goes on to create the Touhou Project. The first game he releases, Highly Responsive to Prayers, stars Marisa Kirisame as the main character. Soon in the next game, Story of Eastern Wonderland, Shrine Maiden Mima and Ghost Reimu Hakurei were introduced. He then went on to make three more games until 4695 (1998), in which he took a break for a while.

By the end of this decade, the European Economic Community became succeeded by the European Union, and a new currency, the Euro, was introduced. Germany, Austria, Danmark-Norge, Finland, Netherlands, Portugal, Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania were the first to adopt the new currency.

(World by 4699 (~2003).)


At last, the 4700s have arrived. In the first ten years of this century, the European Union gained new members. Among those are Ukraine, Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, Poland, Sweden, France, Cyprus and Italy. These new members all adopted the Euro later on, except for Romania, Sweden, and Poland for now.

ZUN resumes to create more Touhou games. Reimu Hakurei and Mima, who had appeared in PC-98, never made an appearance in the Windows games. Rin Satsuki (introduced in EoSD) and Marisa Kirisame goes on to be the main two playable characters. A new Touhou game appeared between Ten Desires and Hopeless Masquerade that focused on Hinduism. With this, Hopeless Masquerade contained two additional characters that followed the Hindu faith.

This century continued on, and by 4757 (~2060), Albania, Russia, Kazakhstan and Belarus had joined the European Union. All members of the union except those four had adopted the Euro. In Africa, most independent nations had merged to form the African Federation, except Egypt, Sudan, and Libya. In Asia, the last Burmese Kingdom and the Khmer Empire had merged into Siam. New technology was advancing decently, though the idea of Terraforming planets would still be decades away.

Meanwhile, rumours about life on Luna had emerged.
« Last Edit: September 29, 2013, 11:41:07 PM by Karafuto »

Failure McFailFace

  • I'm h...a...p...p...y...
  • Impor
Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #12 on: September 30, 2013, 01:40:27 AM »
Meanwhile, rumours about life on Luna had emerged.

Ooh, here come the Lunarians!

As for the chart, perhaps put a link in the OP to a new, separate post, where you write and type all the countries in the format you had last post, with a post number when the country was introduced.

I wonder how HRtP was in this universe... Maybe Marisa was Air Jousting a gigantic Mini-Hakkero? Along with that, it would be interesting to see Rin's shot types... Maybe they're the same as Reimu's? And what does Rin do when there's not an incident?

Oh, the speculation that arises.
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #13 on: October 01, 2013, 01:43:56 AM »
Sounds good. I shall post it once I'm done with the story (which will end next post, not this one). Another idea that I thought of last night, was that the end of each story post, I could add the county tables there for any new countries mentioned, and maybe some nations that gained new territory, an update for the old nation but including the new lands it gained. (Though that's something I could do in my next Touhou/Alternate History Mix).

HRtP is pretty much that in this universe. As for Rin Satsuki shot types, I was thinking a mix of Reimu and Eirin (though with the latter it would be toned down quite a bit) more or less. As for what Rin does when there's no incident, she would usually work in a hospital or something (since she's a nurse).


Travelling into the 4800s (2100s), technology continues to advance at an enormous rate. The European Union became succeeded by the European Federation as all the member nations had merged into one. All former European nations become states within the Federation. Russia and Kazakhstan remained out of the Federation for now, Switzerland expressed no desire to give up its independence, and the Dominion of Vilāyata (British Isles) continued to remain as a part of Bhārat. The Spanish and Portuguese territories in Africa, and Dutch Suriname in Ming, remained as part of their respective states and thus is included in the European Federation.

In Vinland, the Communist States of Cuba and Puerto Rico had finally fell, and were absorbed by Mexico. Soon, the rest of the Caribbean including Haiti and Dominican Republic, also joined with Mexico though as autonomous states.

In Africa, Libya, Egypt, and Sudan had merged into the African Federation. In Asia, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, and Kazakhstan had merged into one nation, the Central Asian Union. Oman had merged into Arabia. The Kingdom of Nepal had merged into Bhārat.

Meanwhile in China, a Space Ship had been prepared, and Empress Seiga herself, along with a few Chinese officials, goes on to visit Luna.  Once there, Empress Seiga goes on to explore around Luna, but sees nothing so far. She films her visit, and after a few hours of searching, Seiga and the Chinese officials return to the Space Ship and head back to Earth. However, she makes plans to return there again.

By the 4880s (~2180s), Terraforming technology begins in production, starting in China, and later the rest of the World.


Going through the 4900s (~2200s), Earth sees a few more nations merging into larger nations. Russia and the Central Asian Federation merges into the European Federation, which in turn is succeeded by the Eurasian Federation. In Ming, the French Guinea Republic merges into Brasil.

In Year 4958 (~2262), a huge celebration occurs in China, celebrating Empress Seiga's 1000th Year rule. Soon, Seiga goes on to make a special speech in Beijing, discussing and remembering China's past, and how powerful China had become.

Terraforming technology is completed by the last twenty years of this century. Maribel Hearn becomes scared by this, especially since she never got a chance to see the Lunar Capital.

Mexico, Bhārat, and China goes on and begins Terraforming Luna. However an unexpected attack somewhere from Luna had went on the destroy their attempts. News arrived quite quickly of this event, and had shocked the World Governments. Empress Seiga decides to travel back to Luna once again.

Upon revisiting, Seiga notices a huge defence that had built up on Luna. She was surprised to discover that people have inhabited on Earth's natural satellite. Soon, a Lunarian comes up and speaks out. "What gives you the right to invade Luna!? Who are you!?"

"I am Huo Qing'e, Empress of China. Why are you angered? The people from Earth just want to expand in space, including myself. Anyway, who might you be?"

"I'm Watatsuki no Yorihime, in charge of the Lunar Defence Corps. We are here to prevent Humans from invading Luna, especially you. If you so desire to colonise space, do it elsewhere. If you or other Humans dare try to colonise Luna again, there will be worse consequences!"

"Aye. Got it. I'm terribly sorry about this. Though I had suspicions there were life here, hence why I inspected the place earlier, but saw nothing."

"Hmm...well then. Now you know. Go on and warn other people back on Earth that there are inhabitants here, and tell them of my warning."

"I shall."

With this, Seiga goes back to Earth and has a meeting with the World Leaders in the League of Nations, warning them of Luna. The other leaders also takes the warning, and a amendment to leave Luna alone was passed.


Continuing into the 5000s (2300s) and up to the 9000s (6300s). Maribel Hearn is relieved that the World Governments will not colonise Luna. China leads the world in Space Expansion and Colonisation, and the nation is renamed into the Chinese Stellar Empire (中華恆星帝國).

By the 7000s (4300s), the nations that remain are the Chinese Stellar Empire, the Buddhist-Hindu League (composed of Bhārat, Siam, and Srivijaya), the Afro-Eurasian Federation (composed of former European Union, Russia, Central Asian Union, Ottoman Empire, Arabia, Persia, and the African Federation), the Mexican-Brazilian Empire (composed of Mexico, Brazil, and French Guinea), Viet-Korean Empire (composed of Korea and Đại Việt), Japanese Empire, and Switzerland.  All nations by now have reached Type III Civilization on the Kardashev scale.

Empress Seiga, getting a bit tired of staying on Earth, decides to relocate to Neo-Nanjing (OTL HD 209458 b, an extrasolar planet), and continues to control China from there. 

From here on out, new events would begin to spring up in the far future, some of which will be disastrous.

The final chapter is next.


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #14 on: October 01, 2013, 08:14:11 PM »
Year 10,000 (~7304/7305) had rolled around. In this year, China experienced the 10,000 Year Bug. Some computers and software data had suffered quite a bit by this problem. However it was soon fixed and life continued on in China. Similar problems would occur in other nations that have yet to reach Year 10,000 in their calenders. Empress Seiga expressed her concerns and ordered for the computers and software data to undergo a major revision so to prevent future bugs, such as the Year 32,768 and 65,536 problems, from occurring.

Meanwhile Earth had gotten colder thanks to special technology that cools the Earth down to an average of ten degrees Celsius. However, by Year 22,695 (~20,000) Earth had undergone a new ice age. By then, all of the World Governments had moved their capital to a new location elsewhere in the Universe. The old cities of Amsterdam (Afro-Eurasia), Tokyo (Japan), Beijing (China), Delhi (Buddhist-Hindu League), Mexico City (Mexico-Brasil), Seoul (Viet-Korea), and Bern (Switzerland) become nothing more than provincial capitals for their respective countries. Population of Earth has also dropped quite significantly as many people go on to live elsewhere in the Universe. However, a good two hundred million people remain on Earth.

Gensokyo had grown to compromise Kamchatka Prefecture (ie Japanese lands in OTL Russia), Chishima Islands, Hokkaidō, and all of the Tōhoku Region. Minor skirmishes between Yōkai and Humans persist. Meanwhile Nitori Kawashiro begun a huge project that aimed to take all of Gensokyo and its inhabitants on an enormous Space Ship and relocate to another part of the Universe. It took roughly fifteen hundred years to complete, though once done, all of Gensokyo was able to set sail and went elsewhere.

Around four hundred million years later, the last of the people on Earth go on to move elsewhere. All the cities by then have been in ruins and fell apart due to earthquakes, movement of plates, and such.

Seven billion years later, seeing as the Sun had turned into a Red Giant and is slowly expanding, Watatsuki no Yorihime leads the Lunarians out of Luna and relocates to Titan. They also had stayed to see Mercury, Venus, Earth, and Luna being engulfed by the Sun.

One hundred trillion years later, the Great Empires from former Earth goes on to create new stars with their technology, as natural star formation had ended. By now, the Empires had managed to continue shaping the universe to their liking, and life will continue on forever, to no end.


Here is a list of nations that were used in the story. Some defunct nations are also included and are marked with a * beside the name. All nations on this list are as they are during the Modern Era (~2000s-2010s), and future nations beyond this are not accounted for. Also, nations that were mentioned but have no change from Out Timeline (ie Estonia) are left out. African nations are also not included, and can be found in the Eighth Post.

CountriesOur Timeline (OTL) Location(s)Main ReligionsIntroduced
ChinaMost of China, Mongolia, huge portions of Siberia, portions of Central Asia, Taiwan, Northern Philippines, Northern Karafuto (Sakhalin), portions of South America, LiberiaTaoism, ConfucianismFirst Post
Mongol Empire*Mongol Empire without Southern ChinaBuddhismFirst Post
Kingdom of Dali*YunnanBuddhismFirst Post
Đại ViệtVietnam without Mekong Delta, Laos, portions of Siam, Cambodia, and BurmaTaoismSecond Post
SrivijayaIndonesia, Southern Philippines, OceaniaHinduism, BuddhismSecond Post
Khmer EmpireCambodia and Mekong DeltaBuddhismSecond Post
SiamThailand, Burma, Peninsular Malaysia, Singapore, Cambodia, and Mekong DeltaBuddhismSecond Post
KoreaKorean Peninsula, Southern Karafuto (Sakhalin), portions of Manchuria and Russia, and portions of Chile and ArgentinaBuddhismSecond Post
Khanate of Mongolia*Mongolia and portions of RussiaBuddhismSecond Post
JapanJapan, Takeshima (Liancourt Rocks), Senkaku Islands, Chishima Islands, portions of the Russian Far East, Alaska, Western Canada, Northwest United States, HawaiiShinto, Buddhism, TaoismSecond Post
Vijayanagara (Later Bhārat)Most of Indian Subcontinent, Maldives, Sri Lanka, Somalia, Djibouti, British Isles, Eastern Canada and United States, Falkland Islands, Guyana, and MadagascarHinduismThird Post
Tibet*Tibet, Qinghai and portions of XinjiangBuddhismThird Post
SpainSpain, Western Sahara, portions of MoroccoChristianityThird Post
PortugalPortugal, Macau, Guinea-BissauTaoismFourth Post
RussiaEuropean Russia, Azerbaijan, Armenia, Georgia, parts of SiberiaOrthodox ChristianityFifth Post
BrasilMost of Brazil, French GuineaChristianitySixth Post
Preu?en (Later Germany)Prussia and Northern Germany, minus Schleswig-HolsteinHinduism, BuddhismSixth Post
Habsburg Monarchy (later Austria-Hungary, and later Austria)Former Austria-Hungary, plus Montenegro and most of SerbiaChristianitySixth Post
MexicoFormer First Mexican Empire, Spanish Louisiana, Florida, and CaribbeanTaoismSixth Post
FranceFrance without French Guinea, Andorra, MonacoTaoism, BuddhismSixth Post
NetherlandsNetherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, SurinameHinduismSixth Post
SwitzerlandSwitzerlandHinduism, Taoism, BuddhismSixth Post
British Empire*British Isles, most of Canada and United States, Guyana, Falkland IslandsHinduismSixth Post
SwedenSwedenBuddhismSixth Post
Danmark-NorgeDenmark, Norway, Iceland, Greenland, portions of SwedenTaoismSixth Post
Serbia*Serbia and MacedoniaOrthodox ChristianitySeventh Post
BulgariaBulgaria, portions of Serbia and Greece, MacedoniaOrthodox ChristianitySeventh Post
UkraineMost of UkraineOrthodox ChristianitySeventh Post
BelarusMost of BelarusOrthodox ChristianitySeventh Post
PolandSome of Poland, and portions of Belarus and UkraineChristianitySeventh Post
FinlandFinland before Second World WarChristianitySeventh Post
ItalyMost of Italy, San Marino, Vatican CityChristianitySeventh Post
GreeceMost of GreeceChristianitySeventh Post
PersiaIranIslamSeventh Post
KazakhstanMost of KazakhstanIslamEighth Post
UzbekistanMost of Uzbekistan, small portions of Kyrgyzstan, portions of TajikistanIslamEighth Post


Meanwhile in another universe, it is around the 580s, in the Sui Dynasty. Another day went by, and life went on as normal. Seiga got up and decided to visit Japan, and upon going through Kyūshū into Honshū, she noticed the Temples along the way in Kyūshū was not the same as the Temples on Honshū.

Seiga, quite curious, goes to see a Temple in Kyūshū, and notices that it is indeed, quite different. This Temple isn't a Buddhist Temple at all.

In this next scenario, the point of divergence is that the Hindu traders had made their way to Japan, and introduced Hinduism there.  Soon enough, Hindu culture makes its way though Japan, and Japan falls under Indian influence instead of Chinese.
« Last Edit: October 01, 2013, 10:10:35 PM by Karafuto »

Failure McFailFace

  • I'm h...a...p...p...y...
  • Impor
Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #15 on: October 01, 2013, 10:48:59 PM »
Yay, sequel! With a ridiculously large time skip!

Although, the Empires of Earth did have some trouble with aliens, right? Considering they've been there for millions, possibly billions of years...

Oh, the speculation, if Hinduism was introduced first to Japan...

May the Gensyoko gods multiply!

Great fanfic. I can't wait for more!  :)
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Hindu Japan (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #16 on: October 03, 2013, 12:11:15 AM »
They did had some trouble with aliens along their expansion, and managed to make peace with some.


Seiga continued to explore around Kyūshū to find some answers. After talking with a few locals, she found out that Hinduism had been introduced from Champa and other Hindu Kingdoms. Shocked in hearing this, she goes back to Honshū, and soon enough, she saw both Buddhist and Hindu Temples in the area. After a while of exploring, Seiga decided to head back to China for now.

Buddhism in Japan was slowly disintegrating. Introduced a few hundred years after the introduction of Hinduism, Buddhism at first managed to gain a foothold in a few parts of Honshū, but with the increasing Hindu influence, Buddhism begun to lose ground. It didn't help when Soga no Umako had made the acceptance of Hinduism, and later when Suiko had became the first Hindu monarch of Japan.

In Year 620, Kaku Seiga decided to move to Silla, having developed a plan. She soon went on to meet the King. "Greetings madame, what brings you in from China?" King Jinpyeong of Silla had spoke.

"Ah. Well, you see, I would like to help to unite the Korean Kingdoms under one ruler, so Korea could develop to be very powerful."

"Really? Thanks! So how much support will you send?"

"Ah, you are sort of mistaken. I'm not a diplomat from the Tang Dynasty or anything. I came here on my own free will. However I am quite powerful myself!"

"Hmm...fair enough then. I'll send out a few military support to help you out. Don't disappoint me now."

"No need to worry, I won't let that happen!"

With this, Seiga goes on to fight against Baekje and later Goguryeo, and attacks them by surprise. Their armies were no match for Seiga's power, and ended up getting easily crushed by her. Fifteen years later, Silla was able to move in and annex Goguryeo and Baekje.

Back in Japan, Hindu influence had grown greatly. The Japanese also had adopted the Sanskrit script to write their language. Buddhism has declined more and more, and by Year 700, only small pockets had remained. Japan also grew in strength, and begun expanding Northward, fighting against the Emishi peoples. Mononobe no Futo, feeling out of place in Japan, moves elsewhere to practice her Taoism in peace. She later arrives in Geochilsan (modern day Busan), and goes on to travel around Silla looking for a place to stay.

Going back to Silla, the Koreans have also grown in power quite well. Hinduism from Japan had attempted to spread via a few trade ports, but was unsuccessful in spreading as it wasn't able to compete well with Confucianism, Buddhism, and Korean shamanism, along with Korea being under heavy Chinese influence. The Koreans and Chinese would later become ill of their Hindu neighbours, and tensions between the Sinosphere and Hindu/Indian Sphere will rise...

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #17 on: October 03, 2013, 03:27:58 AM »
Oh my god this alternate history + Touhou stuff is fucking delicious I just want to sit here and bask in it all day please marry me

ps Galactic Empress Seiga oh my gosh YES PLEASE


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Hindu Japan (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #18 on: October 03, 2013, 11:29:23 PM »
With a greater, more powerful Korea secured, Kaku Seiga went back to the Tang Dynasty. She would keep both the Tang and Silla in check and would deal with possible rebellions and conflicts. After all, she didn't want Indian/Hindu influence to spread into the Sinosphere, and end up like Japan.

In Japan, most of Honshū was brought under control, except for the OTL Aomori Prefecture area, which was heavily defended by the Ainu. Not too long afterwards, the Ainu had gathered together and established the Kingdom of Aynu-Mosir, which compromised part of Northern Honshū, Hokkaidō, Karafuto (Sakhalin), the Chishima (Kuril) Islands, and the tip of Kamchatka. A few years later, the Ainu came in contact with Silla as they were expanding northwards. Looking for protection and aid in helping fend off the Japanese, the Ainu asked for an alliance with Silla. The Koreans took no time and had quickly accepted the alliance with them. Soon enough, news of the Ainu had reached the Tang Dynasty. Chinese diplomats were sent over there asking for an alliance, which they had accepted. The Ainu would become influenced by both China and Korea, later bringing them into the Sinosphere.

The Tang Dynasty sought to expand its influence elsewhere and begun expanding into Central Asia and Siberia, to bring more areas under the Sinosphere. Tibet quickly became a hotbed for conflict, as Chinese and Indians fought to expand their influence there. South East Asia also suffered a similar fate, mainly around the Kingdom of Dali and Vietnam.

By the 1200s, the Chola Dynasty managed to unify most of the Indian Subcontinent, except the areas where the Ghurid Dynasty had ruled, while the Tang Dynasty had defeated the Mongols and expanded greatly across Central and Northern Asia. The Japanese-Ainu Wars had been deadlocked with neither side gaining anything. The Indians went on to fight the Ghurid Dynasty, however China decided to enter the war on the Ghurid's side, making the war into a large stalemate. Despite China's best attempts, the Indians managed to make a breakthrough and went on to defeat the Ghurids.

In the 1220s, the Chinese, with the help of Seiga, managed to storm their way into Eastern Europe. Vladimir and Novgorod were quickly crushed, and soon a domino effect occurred for the other nations. The Chinese managed to expand all the way to Sweden, Poland, and Hungary. Parts of the Holy Roman Empire were also invaded and conquered. By this point, China had reached its greatest extent.

Chinese rule in Eastern, Northern, and parts of Central Europe would be one huge headache to deal with. Rebellions were frequent, and the other European nations made their attempts to push the Chinese out of the continent. Seiga however did her best to keep the conquered areas at bay, but over time, it became increasingly difficult.

Back in Korea, Futo decided that enough was just that, and went to speak out about this seemingly endless Chinese-Indian conflicts, and demanded peace between the two spheres. Mamizou also spoke of this situation in Japan, as did the Buddhists in South East Asia. At first, calls for peace were ignored, but eventually it would grow to catch on. About eleven years later, the Khmer Empire became the first to pull out of the conflict, followed by Japan, Aynu-Mosir, Srivijaya, and Champa.

By 1320, major protests and some rebellions against both the Chola and Tang Dynasty occurred in the respective nations. While the Chola had called for peace, the Tang Dynasty had refused and continued this 'Cold War'. Soon the Tang Dynasty had collapsed into a very bloody civil war.

The Chinese controlled part of Europe had greatly weakened, despite Seiga's attempts. She continued to fight against the Europeans, but soon became very exhausted. Realising she can't keep up defeating the rebellions and invasions, Seiga finally admits defeat, and she leads the Chinese out of Europe. When she got back to China, she seen it fell into civil war. Despite wanting to take part in this, Seiga had no energy to fight and went on to deal with whatever the result of the war came to be.

In 1345, the Tang Dynasty was finally defeated. China had shrunk and was limited to OTL China without parts of Tibet, but plus Mongolia and most of Siberia. The Ming Dynasty granted the minorities rights, and made peace with the Chola Dynasty in India. Following this, the Sino-Indian 'Cold War' came to a close and cooperation between both spheres would begin.

Failure McFailFace

  • I'm h...a...p...p...y...
  • Impor
Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #19 on: October 04, 2013, 01:11:20 AM »
WOAH, that was fast!

Yay, new story!  :)

And, same suggestions as before, but add a link to the OP to the new post so that one can just skip the first one and read the second one, if they want to, instead of having to scroll all the way down/turn pages to get to the newest story.
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Hindu Japan (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #20 on: October 05, 2013, 12:31:38 AM »
Sounds good. Though, should I move the introduction of the Hindu Japan timeline (which was posted in the same post of the ending of the Greater Chinese Empire timeline) to the post where I actually begun the new timeline, and link there? Or should I just link to the post where the first timeline had ended (where the new timeline had begun under it)? Also should I change the first post title as well to the current timeline I'm writing (and do that for each new timeline I write)?

On a side note, I've decided to do the tables of nations mentioned at the end of each timeline. It's easier to do it that way instead of putting it on the first post, and plus, some nations gain and lose territory over time during the timeline, so I don't want to spoil it for those who are reading it the first time.


Back in Europe, some of the continent was reduced to nothing, even more so after the Black Death had came and went. Sweden had collapsed, and was absorbed by Norway. Finland had declared independence and begun to unite the other Baltic Finns around the area. What remained of the Russian states went to unite and form the Duchy of Novgorod-Moscow. The Holy Roman Empire had also collapsed, and some smaller German states were soon absorbed by larger ones. Poland and Lithuania went and merged to form the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. The Teutonic Knights also collapsed into nothing, and soon Norway and Poland-Lithuania expanded into the area. A hate for China, especially Kaku Seiga, had emerged and became quite strong in Russian lands. Other parts of Eastern Europe saw something similar.

In Asia, most of the continent was at peace. Meanwhile the Ming Dynasty had discovered the New World by 1365, and begun expanding into Ālāsījiā (Alaska). The Majapahit expanded across Indonesia, and later into Australia. The Kingdoms of Hokuzan, Chūzan, and Nanzan had unified to form the Ryūkyū Kingdom, and expanded across the Ryūkyū Islands and later into Taiwan as well. Japan went on to colonise Hawaii and later discovered Nankaidō (South America), eventually expanding there as well. The Philippines were colonised mostly by China except for Mindanao, which was colonised by the Majapahit.

By 1470, Europe managed to rebuild itself, and in some areas, experienced a small population boom. Norway united with Denmark, and the nation was renamed Scandinavia. Finland continued expanding and soon annexed Estonia. Poland-Lithuania had emerged as a Great Power, as did Hungary. Back in China, after resting for quite a while, Seiga went back to help her nation, and aided them in taking out the Maya and Aztec civilisations in Vinland.

In 1492, Christopher Columbus had landed in Cuba and explored the area, and later found some Chinese settlers on the island. During his next three voyages, he managed to find more Chinese settlers in other parts of Vinland and the Caribbean, but found no such settlers in Nankaidō. Spain's attempts at colonising the Caribbean would fail, as the Chinese managed to successfully defend them off. Soon Spain went on to colonise Florida and parts of Southern Vinland not under Chinese control, and Venezuela in Nankaidō.

By the 1500s, the Spanish and Portuguese had arrived in Asia, and went to set up trade ports, They made no attempts to fight for land, as they noticed that the nations around here were quite powerful. Instead, they managed to sign trade agreements with India and Majapahit. The Portuguese later also obtained Macau from China in 1537.

When the Portuguese arrived in Japan in 1549, they saw a remarkable difference compared to its neighbours. The Japanese used a modified Sanskrit script to write their language, most of them followed the Hindu faith, and there was no sign of any Chinese influence. The Portuguese were quite confused of this, but at the same time amazed. The Portuguese continued on sailing northward, and landed in Hokkaidō. There, they met the Ainu people, and noticed that Chinese influence were strong there, they wrote their language with a modified Chinese Characters, and practised Buddhism and Taoism, along with their native beliefs. The Portuguese took note of their discoveries, and sailed back.

In Eastern Europe, the Duchy of Novgorod-Moscow had been renamed into the Tsardom of Russia, and begun an aggressive expansion into Siberia. Having been quite prepared for this campaign, the Russians went on to defeat anyone in their way quite harshly.

However, their desire for revenge would soon backfire. Horribly so.


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Hindu Japan (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #21 on: October 05, 2013, 11:35:38 PM »
The Tsardom of Russia continued its expansionist terror into Siberia, and soon the Russians reached and invaded Chinese Siberia. The Ming Dynasty didn't waste their precious time, and declared war against Russia. Quickly enough, Kaku Seiga flew to the scene and begun launching a huge counter attack against the invasion, and proceeded to push them out of Siberia. Along the way, Seiga did get hurt quite a bit, but had brushed it off. Once the Russians were pushed out of China, the Chinese continued to invade Russia itself.

Two years later, the Chinese once again reached Moscow. The city itself was heavily fortified, but that didn't stop them. Seiga proceeded to use a spell card and destroyed most of the Russian military. Seiga then headed to the palace and barged in. Tsar Ivan IV looked in disgust. "How could you manage to pass by the prepared invasions?"

"It was difficult, but I managed to defeat them with spell cards and danmaku. Anyway, this revenge was quite uncalled for. I know you Russians were mad about what happened about two hundred years ago, and I apologise. But going on to attack China after that event has been long over was unnecessary. We were sorry, can't you just move on from the past?"

"No. We Russians hate China, and especially you, very much."

"Well then. Will you surrender now, or should we go on to annex all your lands?"

"Try as you must, but the Russians will not tolerate and eventually revolt against your rule!"

"Right you are, and we will release some of Russia in due time. For now, we will occupy your lands and make sure you don't try anything like this again. Fear not, if it makes you feel better, we will leave behind an independent Novgorod Republic, but kept an eye on. If you're good and don't declare war, we might release some of Russia early and transfer it to you."

"Ugh, fine. I give in. No use to try to fight against a powerful person such as you."

"Much better. Now, you go relocate to your new capital. I said Novgorod for a reason."

Following this, Tsar Ivan IV had surrendered to China and relocated to Novgorod. Most of Russia except the Novgorod Republic became annexed into the Ming Dynasty. Seiga decided to stay in Chinese-occupied Russia for the time being.

Chinese presence in Europe once again caused some concerns. After a while, they found out that the Chinese are not interested in expanding any further, and only had annexed most of Russia because they attacked China. Tensions between the other Europeans and Chinese had lessened. However some hate towards Seiga herself still remained.

Meanwhile in the New World, China had managed to take over half of Vinland while Japan took over half of Nankaidō. Colonial Wars between China and Spain in Vinland, and between Spain and Japan in Nankaidō were not uncommon. The Spanish continued to try and take over parts of their colonies from time to time, though by the 1650s, the Spanish were forcibly pushed out of the New World for good. On a side note, the Dutch managed to achieve victory in the First and Second Anglo-Dutch Wars, and had pushed the English out of New England, leaving them with only Canada.

Peace remained in Asia for the most part, and a large Khanate had formed in Central Asia, covering most of said area. Meanwhile India (formerly the Chola Dynasty) went on to conquer the Maldives and Sri Lanka. All of Taiwan finally became under rule of the Ryūkyū Kingdom. By the 1720s, the Industrial Revolution emerged in the Khmer Empire, and begun to spread from there.

Tensions between Finland and the Novgorod Republic had rose as the Russians wanted their former lands held by Finland. Soon enough, by 1730, a small war broke out between both. Scandinavia and Poland-Lithuania had quickly sided with Finland, while China only sent supplies. The war only lasted a year and resulted in a Russian defeat. Seiga spoke out against the Novgorod Republic and threatened to take action if they tried again. The Russians decided to take the warning and backed down.

Elsewhere in Europe, Germany became divided by three large states: Hannover, Bayern, and Prussia. Hungary had declined in power slightly, while Poland-Lithuania stood strong and powerful. Spain held grudges against China and Japan, and had begun plotting another Colonial War. Scotland continues to maintain its independence, having not merged with England back in 1707.

Another few wars are around the corner, and independence movements have yet to appear all over Vinland and Nankaidō.


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Hindu Japan (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #22 on: October 07, 2013, 04:55:51 AM »
In 1755, the Corsican Republic declared its independence from the Republic of Genoa. It remained unrecognised for a while until 1769, in which it defended itself successfully against France. It was later invaded by France again in 1780, in which the French managed to succeed this time, and annexed the nation.

Meanwhile the Revolution broke out in France nine years later. A small revolution broke out in Chinese Russia as well, but was put to rest by Seiga. Shortly afterwards she had security increased and would put down any other revolutions or protests quickly before it could spread.

Soon in 1803, the Napoleonic Wars started up as France and her allies (Spain, Naples, Scotland, and Hungary) begun invading and conquering some of Europe. The Dutch Royal Family had fled to New Netherland, while the Portuguese Royal Family fled to Brazil as France and Spain invaded Netherlands and Portugal, respectively.

Hannover, Bayern, and Prussia had a hard time with France and soon was knocked out, one by one. Austria was conquered by Hungary, while most of England was conquered by Scotland. Taking advantage of this situation, the Irish and Welsh rebels took arms and revolted against English rule successfully.

In 1809, France and Hungary launched a huge invasion of Poland-Lithuania. Not wanting to let France and friends to go on invading China, Seiga herself declared support for Poland-Lithuania, and flew to help them out. After a few months of fighting, the French and Hungarians retreated from the area and a peace treaty was signed.

While Poland-Lithuania managed to win the battle, most of the war was a victory for French and allies. As a result, the Netherlands, Switzerland, Hannover, Bayern, Prussia, and Northern Italy was annexed by France; Portugal was annexed by Spain; Austria was annexed by Hungary; and the rest of Italy was annexed by Naples. Ireland and Wales merged with Scotland to form the Celtic Kingdom. England was reduced to a rump state, and barley could manage to hold onto Canada and Guyana.

In Vinland, New Netherland declared independence with the Dutch Royal Family in rule. Brazil also did the same, with the Portuguese Royal Family in rule, and all former Portuguese colonies were also transferred over. New Netherland and Brazil's independence was quickly recognised by the Asian powers.

Later, in 1820, Spain declared war against China and Japan once again, to regain land in the New World. Mamizou Futatsuiwa, hearing about Spain's actions, goes on to help the Japanese and convinces both Japan and China to invade Spain itself. They both do just that, and soon Spain itself is invaded. Brazil joins in on this war, hoping to regain Portugal. France and Italy declares neutrality, not wanting to be conquered themselves. The war ends in 1822, with Brazil gaining Portugal and Galiza (Galicia), Japan and China gaining Northern and Southern Spain, respectively. Madrid is split between China and Japan.

In the 1840s, the Scramble for Africa takes place and soon the continent is divided between France, Italy, India, China, and Japan. In Asia, Korea undergoes a Meiji Restoration-like event. The Kingdom of Aynu-Mosir also quickly industrialise with the aid of China.

By the 1880s, independence movements occurred in Vinland and Nankaidō. Here's a list of nations that became independent:

CountriesOur Timeline (OTL) Location(s)Year of Independence (from main country)Government TypeMain Religions
M?izhōuMexico, Central America, portions of Southern and Eastern United States, Caribbean (minus Haiti and Puerto Rico)1885 (from China)Parliamentary RepublicTaoism, Confucianism, Buddhism
Y?ngzhōuNorthwest and Central United States, Western Canada, parts of Nunavut and Northwest Territories, Alaska1889 (from China)Semi-Presidential Constitutional RepublicTaoism, Confucianism, Buddhism
CanadaEastern Canada, portions of Nunavut, portions of Midwest United States, Kentucky, Tennessee1893 (from England)Federal Parliamentary Constitutional RepublicChristianity
TōsandōChile, Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay, Falkland Islands1893 (from Japan)Parliamentary Constitutional RepublicHinduism, Taoism
AomoriBolivia, Southern Brazil, portions of Southeast and Central-West Regions of Brazil1894 (from Japan)Parliamentary RepublicHinduism
KarenkōPeru, Ecuador, Colombia, Venezuela, portions of Northern Brazil, slice of Panama1896 (from Japan)Presidential Constitutional RepublicHinduism

In 1885, Reimu Hakurei became the first Prime Minister of Japan, and she didn't create the Great Hakurei Border. However her rule wasn't very pleasant, and had launched an invasion of the Ainu nation. Quickly enough, Mamizou went to Tokyo to talk to Miss Hakurei. The Raccoon soon barged in the office, quite angrily. "Why are you invading the Ainu?"

"It's because I want their land, especially their slice of Honshū."

"But that part of Honshū had been Ainu for centuries."

"It won't stop me, especially since its bothersome."

"You do realise that if you continue this invasion, Korea, and China will intervene. They will launch an invasion of Japan, and occupy it."

"I can deal with them myself."

As they speak, the Koreans and Chinese had begun aiding the Ainu, and a few fleets begun invading Japan. Lots of Japanese protest outside of the Prime Minister's Official Residence.

"Yeah, I didn't think so. This war seems to be very unsupported by the people."

"Eh, I'm not leaving."

"Oh, you will, weather you like it or not."

With that, Mamizou begun fighting Reimu. After a lengthy battle, Reimu was defeated and fired from her job. The invasion of the Ainu ended and a status quo ante bellum was signed, along with Japan paying reparations to the Ainu, Korea, and China.
New elections for Prime Minister were held, with Itō Hirobumi becoming elected for the position.

A few months later, Seiga had heard of Japan's attempted invasion of the Ainu, and nodded her head in disappointment. Brushing the small conflict aside, she went back to keeping an eye on the Russians.

Meanwhile, tensions arose in the British Isles.

Failure McFailFace

  • I'm h...a...p...p...y...
  • Impor
Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #23 on: October 08, 2013, 01:44:25 AM »
Great post.

But this:
Semi-Presidential Constitutional Republic

How the heck does that work?
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Hindu Japan (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #24 on: October 08, 2013, 04:05:13 AM »
It functions like Our Timeline's Republican China's (Taiwan) government, which has a Unitary Semi-Presidential Constitutional Republic.


In 1907, the Celtic King was assassinated by an Englishmen, which directly leads to the Celtic invasion of England. However the English managed to hold the invasion, and begun pushing them back. France decides to join in on the war and invades England from the Channel. The war only lasted for a few months and with that, the remains of England were annexed by France.

Later, in 1915, Serbia declared war against Hungary, hoping to gain the Serbian lands it held from them. Hungary however managed to brush it off and begun invading Serbia. Montenegro and Bulgaria then entered the war to help Serbia, while France and the Celtic Kingdom entered the war in support for Hungary.

The Russians in Chinese Russia, not wanting to see Serbia become annexed by Hungary, urged the Chinese Prefectural Government to do something. Eventually Seiga gave in and allowed Russian volunteers to partake in the war. Soon enough, the Novgorod Republic also was able to send aid to Serbia. However even with the additional support, it didn't help by much. Within four years, Hungary managed to conquer Montenegro and Serbia. Bulgaria soon surrendered and the war was brought to an end.

(World by 1920.)

Uneasy peace soon followed throughout Europe. In 1921, China decided to give a few lands back to the Novgorod Republic, including Moscow. However the remaining former Russian lands remained as a part of China, and was divided into three prefectures. Romania and Bulgaria both signed an alliance. Poland-Lithuania soon abandoned the monarchy and became communist, as did Hungary. France however was not trusting of the communist regime in Hungary, and the alliance between them was made null and void.

Another European War broke out upon Hungary's invasion of Romania and Bulgaria in 1937. Greece and Poland-Lithuania joined the war on Hungary's side, while France, Celtic Kingdom, Novgorod Republic, and Italy joined on Romania-Bulgaria's side. A  few months later, China was dragged into the war as Poland-Lithuania launched a major offence against them. Seiga went on to deal with the invasion, and begun taking them out.

This war lasted a good five years and resulted in a major defeat for the communists. Most of Hungary was annexed by France, while some of it was given independence as Yugoslavia. Poland-Lithuania had ceded lots of land to both Novgorod Republic and China, and became a democracy. A mini Cold War between France and Russia-China also emerged, fighting for control over Europe.

Through the 1950s and 1960s, India, Japan, Brazil, and China gave independence of their African holdings. A list of the independent African countries are as follows:

CountriesOur Timeline (OTL) Location(s)Year of Independence (from main country)Government TypeMain Religions
South AfricaSouth Africa, Namibia, Lesotho, Swaziland, Botswana, Zimbabwe1953 (from China)Constitutional Parliamentary RepublicTaoism, Confucianism, Buddhism
AngolaAngola (minus Cabinda Province), Zambia1955 (from Brazil)Unitary Presidential RepublicNative African Religions
East African FederationMozambique, Madagascar, Malawi, Tanzania, Burundi, Rwanda, Uganda, Kenya1956 (from India)Federal Parliamentary Constitutional RepublicHinduism, Buddhism
CongoDemocratic Republic of the Congo, Angola's Cabinda Province1959 (from Japan)Semi-Presidential RepublicHinduism
NigeriaGhana, Togo, Benin, Nigeria, Cameroon, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Republic of the Congo, S?o Tom? and Pr?ncipe1963 (from China)Democratic Semi-Presidential RepublicConfucianism, Buddhism
Raionesu Sanmyaku (ライオネス山脈)Sierra Leone, Liberia1965 (from Japan)Presidential Constitutional RepublicHinduism
Guinea-BissauGuinea-Bissau1968 (from Brazil)RepublicNative African Religions

Meanwhile Chinese and Japanese-held Spain is also given independence, and both are merged to form the Spanish Republic.

By 1980, major protests and rebellions occurred all over France. Soon Haiti, Morocco, Germany, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Netherlands, England, and Switzerland declared independence while French held Italy merged with Italy. France managed to keep the remaining African territories it had, but had given independence to it in 1985.  Italy gave independence to Libya, while Italian East Africa was ceded to Ethiopia.

With the Netherlands finally independence once again, the Dutch Royal Family travelled back to their home, and New Netherland became a part of the Netherlands.

(World by 1989.)

Next up, the 1990s and beyond.

Failure McFailFace

  • I'm h...a...p...p...y...
  • Impor
Re: A Greater Chinese Empire (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #25 on: October 08, 2013, 10:41:40 PM »
Hmm... Not a lot of activity in the Americas....

And looking back in previous posts... Reimu was prime minister of Japan for a while, so will ZUN have Reimu as a staring character in HRtP?

My mind is fried.
1cc Easy: DDC (all) | 1cc Normal: UFO (SanA autobomb),  DDC (ReiA, SakA) , LoLK (Sanae PD)| EX clears: DDC (MarB Ultra) | Puzzle Games: StB: 10-X, DS: Hatate unlock, ISC: All clear


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Hindu Japan (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #26 on: October 09, 2013, 06:51:36 AM »
The Twentieth Century was pretty much peaceful for them, and there was really nothing much to get them involved in anything (I think).

Yes, she'll be a playable character at first, so she remains the starting character in HRtP.


In the late 1990s, ZUN creates the Touhou Project. Soon, Highly Responsive to Prayers is released, featuring Hakurei Reimu as the main character. However Reimu would not be a very popular person, as she was remembered long ago for attempting to invade the Ainu during her short time as Prime Minister of Japan. However, in the next four games, she would be a playable character, though by the Windows Era, Reimu was replaced by Rin Satsuki.

The series main theme is Hinduism (with Japanese characteristics), while Buddhism. Taoism and Confucianism are also featured. By 2013, the whole series has over two hundred and fifty characters.

In 1993, the European Union was formed by Scandinavia, Finland, Germany, Austria, Czechoslovakia, Bulgaria, Romania, and Yugoslavia. Netherlands, England, Portugal, and Spain joined the union in 1999, Albania, Russia, Hungary, and Italy in 2004, Russia and the Celtic Kingdom in 2007, and France in 2013. China was made an observer as they had land in Europe.

In 2004, the Vinland-Nankaidō League was formed between the nations on Vinland and Nankaidō, and is structured like the European Union, though slightly more unified.

By 2040, Kaku Seiga decided to resign from being Governor of Ukraine Province, and later went on to run as Premier of the Ming Dynasty in 2044. She managed to hold that position ever since. Meanwhile in Korea, Futo manages to become elected for Prime Minister.

Soon by the 2150s Terraforming technology was completed, and the various nations went on to expand across the Galaxy. Luna was spared from being colonised, due to it being defended by the Lunarians.

In 2300, the First Human-Extraterrestrial War took place between the Sinosphere (composed of China, Korea, Ainu, Ryūkyū, M?izhōu, and Y?ngzhōu) against the Gliese Empire (Extraterrestrials from Gliese 581), which unfortunately ended in a slight Gliese victory. However the Sinosphere later launched a second war against them, this time with support from the European Union and Japan, and managed to win.

Later on, the Earth was moved far away from the Sun, into the Outer Solar System. With that, Earth was not engulfed by the Sun many years later, and the Human nations continued to operate from the Planet.


The following is a table mentioned in the Hindu Japan timeline. Any defunct nations are marked with a *. All nations on this list are as they are during the Modern Era (~2000s-2010s). All post numbers listed here refer to posts that have the "Hindu Japan" title. A table for independent nations in Vinland and Nankaidō can be seen in post five, while the table for independent African nations is seen in post six.

CountriesOur Timeline (OTL) Location(s)Introduced
ChinaMainland China, Mongolia, huge portions of Siberia, Philippines (Minus Mindanao), portions of Russia, most of UkraineFirst Post
ChampaSouthern VietnamFirst Post
JapanJapan without Aomori Prefecture, Ryūkyū Islands, Hokkaidō, Chishima Islands, and Senkaku Islands; plus Hawaii and Puerto RicoFirst Post
Silla (later Korea)Korea with portions of ManchuriaFirst Post
Aynu-Mosir/AinuAomori Prefecture, Hokkaidō, Karafuto (Sakhalin) Island, Chishima (Kuril) Islands, small portions of KamchatkaSecond Post
Chola Dynasty (later India)Indian Subcontinent, Afghanistan, portions of Persia, Maldives, Sri LankaSecond Post
Novgorod/RussiaSome of European Russia, BelarusSecond Post
Sweden*Sweden and FinlandSecond Post
Poland (later Poland-Lithuania)Portions of Poland, Lithuania, Kaliningrad OblastSecond Post
FinlandFinland, Karelia, Ingria, St. Petersburg, Estonia, portions of Latvia, and Murmansk OblastThird Post
MajapahitIndonesia, Papua New Guinea, Australia, New Zealand, MindanaoThird Post
Ryūkyū KingdomRyūkyū Islands, Senkaku Islands, TaiwanThird Post
Norway (later Scandinavia)Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Iceland, Greenland, Schleswig-HolsteinThird Post
SpainSpain without Galicia/GalizaThird Post
PortugalPortugal plus Galicia/GalizaThird Post
NetherlandsNetherlands, Belgium, Thirteen Colonies minus Georgia (US State), North and South CarolinaFourth Post
Khmer EmpireBurma/Myanmar, Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Peninsular Malaysia, SingaporeFourth Post
Scotland (later Celtic Kingdom)Scotland, Ireland, Wales, and Northern EnglandFourth Post
EnglandSouthern EnglandFourth Post
FranceFrance, Andorra, Monaco, LuxembourgFifth Post
Naples*Most of ItalyFifth Post
SwitzerlandSwitzerland, LiechtensteinFifth Post
BrazilPortions of Brazil, parts of Guyana, Suriname, and French GuineaFifth Post
Serbia*Serbia, MacedoniaSixth Post
BulgariaBulgaria and portions of GreeceSixth Post
CzechoslovakiaCzech Republic, Slovakia, and a slice of UkraineSixth Post
EthiopiaEthiopia, Somalia, Djibouti, EthireaSixth Post


In another completely different universe, it's Year 587. Kaku Seiga had remained within the Sui Dynasty and doesn't come to Japan. Meanwhile, Mononobe no Moriya was working to counteract Soga no Umako's efforts. Soon enough, the Battle of Shigisan would occur, and is where the next point of divergence took place.
« Last Edit: October 10, 2013, 01:01:34 AM by Karafuto »


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Isolation (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #27 on: October 10, 2013, 03:19:07 AM »
In July of 587, the Battle of Shigisan occurs, between Soga no Umako and Mononobe no Moriya. With enough pure luck and strategy, Mononobe no Moriya had managed to defeat Umako. However, his forces had ways to go from there. Though with the Soga clan taking a huge hit, they begun losing some of their influence.

Moriya went on to lead his forces onward, continuing to fight against the remaining members. Eventually he managed to vanquish the rest of the Soga clan, and confronted Prince Shōtoku. After a few minutes of silence, both went on to fight each other. It went on for hours in a perpetual stalemate, but Moriya managed to launch a final attack, and destroyed Shōtoku. After this defeat, Moriya went on to install Prince Anahobe on the throne of Emperor.

With the Mononobe now ruling Japan, they begun to isolate the nation and issued the Sakoku policy. The Mononobes also worked to prevent any further spread of Buddhism, along with stopping the increasing Chinese influence. This brought concerns to Emperor Yang of Sui, and attempted to send a Chinese Diplomat to the island nation. However, the diplomat was refused entry, and soon arrived back to China. Emperor Yang expressed his disappointment, and hoped that this isolationist policy would be only temporary. By the time of his death, Japan remained isolated.

In 618, the Sui Dynasty had fallen and was replaced by the Tang Dynasty. In Korea, the smaller Korean kingdoms were invaded and annexed by Goguryeo. Japan continued to be isolated, but took notice of a possible Korean threat. Thus, they went on to build their military and patrolled the waters around Japan.

The Tang Dynasty later attempted to send diplomats to Japan, but they weren't able to even land. Instead, they were stopped by the Japanese Navy, and forced to turn back. Soon, Seiga herself decided to go to Japan on her own free will, and proceeded to fly over the navy patrols unnoticed. However, upon landing in Honshū, she was almost immediately attacked by the Mononobe clan. Seiga proceeded to block the attacks and tried to talk with them.

"Hey there, why the heavy resistance? I mean no harm."

One of the clan members spoke in anger. "Yeah? Regardless, we are here to keep our nation free from foreign influence. Visitors like you are not allowed here!"

"You shouldn't be worried at all. I'm not here to fight."

"Just leave now!"

Disappointed, Seiga went on to leave Japan for now. She would not give up though, and begun plans to try and convince the ruling Mononobe clan to reopen their nation.

Later, in Year 730, Seiga travelled back to Japan again, this time with a few Tang Dynasty ships. They took another route and had landed the ships around Koshi Province. From there, the Seiga and a few Chinese Diplomats made their way into the nation, though a few kilometres in they were soon attacked by the Mononobe clan. She made her attempt to speak with them again. However after a while, the talks were unsuccessful and she, along with the Chinese Diplomats, went to return to their nation.

In Year 840, Seiga returned to Japan yet again. This time, she went alone, and flew directly to Japan's capital, which was Heian-kyō. This was a bit of an unwise move on her behalf, and was soon heavily attacked by the Mononobe clan. While she managed to block most of the attacks, she got herself injured in the process. Not wanting to retaliate, she attempted to reason with them. The clan said nothing and continued launching their attacks. Sad and frustrated, Seiga flew back to China.

Mononobe's continued isolation of Japan would soon suffer heavy consequences in the future.


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Isolation (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #28 on: October 11, 2013, 03:32:05 AM »
A few years later, the Mononobe clan launched a huge invasion northwards, soon bringing the rest of Honshū under their control. With that, the Japanese Navy begins patrolling around the Tsugaru Strait, and military is improved overall to better withstand an invasion.  However as time went on, Japan was lagging a bit behind in technology and are less advanced than China and Korea. To attempt to improve this issue, the Mononobe clan scouted for valuable resources to build their own weaponry from.

Across the Sea of Japan, the Tang Dynasty was already succeeded by the Song Dynasty. Both Song China and Korea went on to conquer the Liao Dynasty and was split between both nations. However, Chinese-Korean relations would soon turn cold once Korea fell under a feudal military dictatorship in the early 1190s. Conflicts between the two nations rose, and skirmishes were not uncommon. By the time of the Mongol Empire, both nations temporarily set aside their issues and went on to fight against the Mongol hordes. After winning over the Mongols many times, and their collapse in 1294, the Chinese-Korean tensions rose once again. Kaku Seiga also tried to calm relations between the two, but to no avail.

In the 1300s, the Mononobe Clan begun a new expansion campaign, and invaded the island of Hokkaidō. They fought against the Ainu with their semi-improved weapons quite well, and managed to secure the island by 1380. The remaining Ainu fled to Karafuto (Sakhalin) Island, and to Kamchatka. Natural resources on Hokkaidō were soon dug up as well.

Korea's feudal military dictatorship was interrupted in the 1340s, when the King of Korea attempted to restore a civilian government. This however failed, despite being backed by China, and by 1353, Korea was under a new feudal military dictatorship. Tensions between the two nations grew even worse, and a few wars broke out every now and then. Luckily, China was able to win every single battle with the help of Seiga. Peace efforts, however, was not successful, until at least 1468, in which a treaty was signed between China and Korea, which would end the constant skirmishes and wars.

By the 1500s, Portuguese ships arrived in Asia, and in 1542, a Portuguese ship landed in Japan. Within a few minutes, the Portuguese ship was quickly under fire, and soon sunk at sea as they attempted to flee. A few years later, some more Portuguese ships arrived, but suffered the same fate. Japan's contact with the West went quickly cold, especially with their continued isolation.

Japan's defences would face a tough challenge as Korea launched an invasion of the nation in the 1580s, which was partially successful. With much better weaponry and enough strength, the Koreans managed to at least capture Kyūshū, and annexed it. Mamizou was also unsuccessful against pushing the Koreans out, and was unfortunately later assassinated by Yi Sun-sin at sea in one of the battles. However, she managed to at least prevent the Korean advancement further into Japan, for now anyway. Shortly after the Japanese loss, some Daimyo across the nation begun to question and grew discontent with the Mononobe rulers. In China, many begun to fear Korea's power. Even Seiga herself was having the chills when she heard the Korean success against Japan.

Nevertheless, the Mononobe Clan put harsher restrictions and continued to have Japan isolated. In the early 1600s, the Tokugawa Clan led a huge rebellion against their rule, and soon enough, a few other clans followed. This sparked the Japanese Civil War which would last for quite a while. The Mononobe Clan did all they could to try and suppress the revolt, but they were inevitably outnumbered. The ruling clan would finally collapse in 1643, when the Mononobe Shogun was captured and destroyed. The Tokugawa Clan then took control of Japan, with Tokugawa Iemitsu becoming the first Shogun. He went on and ended Mononobe's policies of isolating Japan, along with reopening the nation.

The new regime and the reopening of Japan brought much joy, especially to China. Soon a few trade agreements were signed with the Dutch and Chinese, and Japan's foreign relations would also improve. People were even allowed to visit the nation. Soon Seiga made her visit to Japan, and went to meet with the Tokugawa Clan.

Korea's military regime wasn't too fond of Japan's reopening, and relations between the two remained tense. Meanwhile, Russia's expansion across Siberia would eventually meet up with China, Korea, and Japan.
« Last Edit: October 11, 2013, 03:33:36 AM by Karafuto »


  • Ah, but there is a point, after all.
Isolation (Touhou/History Mix)
« Reply #29 on: October 12, 2013, 05:06:24 AM »
In the 1700s, the Russians had managed to reach the Pacific Ocean, and expanded in the rest of Siberia that wasn't under Korean control. Meanwhile the Koreans by now had Karafuto (Sakhalin) Island and Kamchatka under their domain, along with Taiwan. Japan had improved greatly, and now with trade, the Japanese have access to better weaponry. Unfortunately, they became semi-isolated again during the later stages of the Tokugawa Shogunate. The Ming Dynasty stands strong with Seiga's support, and prevented the Manchus from taking control of China.

In 1712, the Koreans established their first overseas colony at OTL Vancouver Island, and was named Hwacheon (Korean: 화천). However the colony didn't expand by much as it soon came in contact with New Spain and later on Canada, though it managed to occupy a decent portion of the Pacific Northwest. Once Mexico declared independence in 1821, Korea signed an alliance with them.

Korea soon became the first nation in Asia to industrialise, starting in the early 1830s. The Ming Dynasty followed suit, having their industrialisation start in 1840, followed by Siam in 1847. With this, they were able to fight against the other Europeans who attempted to take over nations near their area, especially in South East Asia, where the French tried to take Indochina, and the British tried to take Burma. Kaku Seiga managed to scare the Europeans into not taking any ports or land from China. Meanwhile in Vinland, the Texas War of Independence broke out. Korea went to support Mexico, and helped them defeat the rebellion. Later in 1866, the Koreans had beat the United States to the punch and managed to purchase Alaska from Russia.

With the increasing European colonialism in Asia, the Koreans had grown sceptical of them. In 1868, an armed encounter occurred between Korea and Japan at Rokkō Island. The incident was a Korean victory, and soon led to the signing of the Korea-Japan Treaty of 1870, which was one of the unequal treaties that Japan signed from them. Hakurei Reimu decided that something much be done, and soon managed to convince Emperor Meiji to have a new government installed.  By 1884, the Tokugawa Shogunate was dissolved and Emperor Meiji declared the establishment of the Empire of Japan. Elections for Prime Minister were held, with Reimu managing to win the election.

During her reign as Prime Minister, Hakurei Reimu went and made reforms and begun to modernise and industrialise the nation. This move brought a shock to the Koreans, and the military government decided to move their plans to annex Japan much sooner.  When Reimu refused to sign any more treaties with Korea, the Koreans launched another invasion of Japan in 1900. The Shrine Maiden tried her best to fight against the invaders, but was unfortunately destroyed in the Siege of Kyoto. The war would last for four years, and ended with the Korean capture of Tokyo in March 1904. Following this, Japan was fully annexed by Korea.

The Korean annexation of Japan brought horrors to its neighbours. The Chinese, despite being at peace with them, were getting increasingly worried. Seiga grew even more afraid of Korea greatly, especially with Mamizou and Reimu out of the picture, though she kept herself together. The Russians also were a bit fearful, though continued to maintain cautious relations with them. Mononobe no Futo went on to leave Japan and move to China.

Much fear even arose in Gensokyo itself, being in the heart of Japan. Despite the Great Hakurei Border not being established, they managed to remain free from Korean rule for now. Yakumo Yukari begun to gather an Yōkai Army and prepared them to defend against any possible invasions. News Reporter Aya Shameimaru went on to investigative and make recordings of this event, and would record further events as years went on.

Chinese-Korean relations once again turned sour during the 1910s, though peace between them remained, though a bit uneasy. In 1914, the First World War broke out, and Korea went on to side with the allies. All German Pacific Territories were captured by them, and were able to keep them after the peace treaty was signed in 1918.

In the early 1920s, tensions were quite high in Asia at this point. The Ming Dynasty was beginning to weaken quite a bit. At the same time, Korea begun to turn its eyes on South East Asia and China. It wouldn't be long before it all erupted.

(World by 1920.)