Author Topic: Your proud collection!  (Read 4010 times)

Your proud collection!
« on: September 14, 2013, 08:15:42 PM »
So, I was told by akj that I should start a thread here in TARC about sharing and asking about things you're proud of owning in your Touhou collection. With that being said, let's get started.

I have hardly any collection right now, with literally one item. And I'd like to expand it, vastly. But, with me knowing not even one hundredth of a percent of the stuff that's out there, I'd like to ask all of you for some help. Obviously, my favorite character is Flandre Scarlet, and that's the bulk of stuff that I would like to know about so I can try to get them. But I don't want everyone to think that this is only for me and finding out about Flandre. This is for everyone who wants to share their hordes of treasure, and to those that want to start on their journey to having their very own horde of treasure.  :D


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Re: Your proud collection!
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2013, 08:25:54 PM »

Got this at Otakon '09. It may be the only game that won't run on my machine without freezing between stages at random, but it is the first Touhou game I bought, and will thus always have a special place in my heart.

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Re: Your proud collection!
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2013, 08:59:10 PM »
I have nothing, but i would be very happy to be the possessor of any kind of thing.
Do paperchild counts?  :V

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Nothing will die.


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Re: Your proud collection!
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2013, 09:02:24 PM »
I actually don't own a lot in the way of fan material, just a few CDs and Defiant of Shrine Maiden(which I can't play since I forgot when I bought it that there was no translation yet)but I DO own a good portion of the mainline official games.  (more specifically, I own all six of the ones I have an interest in thus far.)  Picture will be incoming of my stuff soon, but...yeah. 

As for Flandre, well, you can probably find quite a few things featring her.  I believe she's got a Griffon figure or two, plus plushies and stuff.  Just try looking around!  Never know what a bit of Google-fu can turn up.  Good luck!

P.s.  Try sites like JList or AmiAmi and the like for merch if you can't get to an anime convention or something.  (cons are great places to hunt for Touhou stuff!)

EDIT:  Official games
Doujin music.  DoSM game not pictured since I can't seem to find the case right now.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 09:15:59 PM by Jq1790 »
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Re: Your proud collection!
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2013, 03:20:02 AM »
I have a Reimu plushie, then I got her a Yukari for company/drive her crazy.  And I have most of the games which I keep secured away in my game drawer so they don't break.


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Re: Your proud collection!
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2013, 04:01:28 AM »

Unfortunately not what I purchased by my own money. Both the nendo and donjon are gifts from my friend who currently lives in Japan.
However special it is, I cannot consider it as my first Touhou goodies since I spent no money nor effort. It's always been my plan to purchase anything related to Kasen for my first Touhou collection, and I'm still sticking to it.

Re: Your proud collection!
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2013, 09:30:08 AM »
I'll post my loot when I'm not as busy with stuff. I'm pretty proud of them!

It's always been my plan to purchase anything related to Kasen for my first Touhou collection, and I'm still sticking to it.

Personally, my recommendations (figurine-wise) are either Ibarakasen Vol 3's limited edition that comes with an adorable Kasen figure, or this Griffon's 1/8 figure.

I haven't seen much in the way of Deru's works, but reviews of his 1/8 figure are generally positive, and they're selling quite well. That's to say, the more you wait, the harder it may be to get one.
There's also the alt coloured version that's much, much rarer and in higher demand.


Scarlet, I don't know about you, but daaayum, I think this Flandre figure by quesQ is just amazing.
« Last Edit: September 15, 2013, 10:15:32 AM by akj »

Re: Your proud collection!
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2013, 04:54:08 PM »
Scarlet, I don't know about you, but daaayum, I think this Flandre figure by quesQ is just amazing.

I thought about it, but when looking through the pics on AmiAmi, one of the faces gave me the creeps... unfortunately...

Re: Your proud collection!
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2013, 05:43:24 PM »

I concur.  :V


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Re: Your proud collection!
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2013, 03:49:18 AM »
These are all I've got. For now. Roommate gave them to me for Christmas.
Next convention I plan on getting some figures, even if they jack up the prices to almost double...
I finally got my first Normal 1cc. ReimuA, TD.
I have a noob stream now. Mostly Touhou, fangames, Warframe and League of Legends.
Currently playing: Nothing until ESO is out.


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Re: Your proud collection!
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2013, 05:53:52 AM »
These are all I've got. For now. Roommate gave them to me for Christmas.
Next convention I plan on getting some figures, even if they jack up the prices to almost double...
Please tell me those are cuff links.

I have a copy of Imperishable Night. In my opinion, the best game.


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Re: Your proud collection!
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2013, 09:28:14 AM »
Personally, my recommendations (figurine-wise) are either Ibarakasen Vol 3's limited edition that comes with an adorable Kasen figure, or this Griffon's 1/8 figure.
If I had the money, I would shrug the language barrier off and proceed to purchase all volumes of Wild and Horned Hermit.
Bonus pre-painted figure does sound like a steal. This Limited Edition of Vol.3 is a sure target once I have enough money to spare.

Griffon's Kasen looks undoubtedly pretty, but the price label kinda burns my eyes.

Do you have either in your possessions? I would like to see the real deal.

Re: Your proud collection!
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2013, 10:56:16 AM »
These are all I've got.
Those look sweet~ And pretty unique too.

The Griffon figure is no doubt pricey, but the limited edition of Vol 3 is pretty affordable. It's like 17 USD, but that's before you factor in shipping costs.
Also, limited edition = can only get rarer and pricier with time yo.

I don't own the Griffon figure, but...

Behold: Crappy, blurry, phone camera photos!

Comic bundled with box

Front and back of box, respectively.

Made by Ichijinsha

She's adorable! And about 5 cm / 2 inches tall.

There are a couple more shots by others of this chibi one over here, and a couple for the Griffon figure here.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2013, 11:00:35 AM by akj »


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Re: Your proud collection!
« Reply #13 on: September 17, 2013, 06:34:45 AM »
She's adorable! And about 5 cm / 2 inches tall.
G-gimme your exact address so I can eat you alive! No objection there, sir. I'm sold and tempted.
I think I'm going to target that limited edition first while it's still hot and available. How could I not buy it after seeing that adorable collection of yours, Ojou-sama.