Author Topic: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou  (Read 27208 times)

Alfred F. Jones

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Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« on: September 13, 2013, 07:37:47 AM »

(previous NDK threads: 2010, 2011, 2012)

"But Ruro!" you say, "You can't shoot cosplayers with a camera! That's too punny violent!"

I can and I will. It might be a bit hard with this big ol' cannon on my arm, though.

It's that time of year again and as always, your constant corvid commentator and camerawoman is heading to Denver's only major anime convention worth writing home about, NDK 2013. Last year it was Hatate. The year before that, Aya. And now, it's time for Utsuho to round out the awesome bird trio. Lesser bird youkai need not apply.

Though, not to brag. This convention is going to be hella hard on me. My large black wings are going to make it rather difficult to move, I fear, so I expect that I shall be spending a lot of time out of doors. And walking sideways through doorways. And generally being opportunistic about lulls in the crowd rather than in the thick of it the way I prefer. There's also been a fair amount of extreme weather and flooding, making this my first rainy con. Hooray.

I also recently had two biking accidents, resulting in a sprained right wrist, a very sore jaw where I landed on my chin, and two scraped shins, so this is also going to be a test of endurance. Thankfully, the arm cannon is as much armour for my wrist as it is a prop, but I'm not sure how my photo-taking will be affected as yet. Fingers crossed. But not the ones on my right hand because that would hurt.

And yes I cut my hair to become the Utsuho. Lemme tell ya, it feels hella weird to have bangs for the first time since middle school.

Is anyone else going to NDK? I've run into some magical girl fandom folk on Tumblr who are going, but it's always nice to hear of more Touhou fans too.

Either way, as per usual, this thread will fill up with a ton of photos over the weekend in a hurry, so people with slow connections be warned!


Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Shooting with an Arm Canon
« Reply #1 on: September 13, 2013, 08:01:19 AM »
Aw hell yeah Utsuho \o/

Looking forward to the photos and stories! Have a great time, but do be safe as far as the weather goes >.<

Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Shooting with an Arm Canon
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2013, 02:13:12 PM »
Waiting warmly for photos, and hoping you stay safe and have a good time.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Shooting with an Arm Canon
« Reply #3 on: September 13, 2013, 08:28:12 PM »
a thousand hours in MSPaint

[x] ford the river

Here we goooooooooo!

Zengar Zombolt

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Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Shooting with an Arm Canon
« Reply #4 on: September 13, 2013, 08:41:27 PM »
I would totes play a Ruro Trail game on RPG.
Good luck, and have fun!


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Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Shooting with an Arm Canon
« Reply #5 on: September 13, 2013, 10:10:33 PM »
It's that time of year again and as always, your constant corvid commentator and camerawoman is heading to Denver's only major anime convention worth writing home about, NDK 2013. Last year it was Hatate. The year before that, Aya. And now, it's time for Utsuho to round out the awesome bird trio. Lesser bird youkai need not apply.

Does this mean you're doing Byakuren for 2014? =D
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


  • Holy mother of Hijiri
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Shooting with an Arm Canon
« Reply #6 on: September 14, 2013, 02:56:19 AM »
Super excited! Can't wait to see you in your fabulous cosplay~!
... and a toilet seat!

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #7 on: September 14, 2013, 04:10:50 AM »
Baaaaaaaaaaack for the day. Thread title changed to more accurately reflect the cosplay of the season.

Does this mean you're doing Byakuren for 2014? =D
Mayhaps I should! But I'm not sure I could get my hair that long in a single year.

Super excited! Can't wait to see you in your fabulous cosplay~!
Hope to see you tomorrow, then!


Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #8 on: September 14, 2013, 04:23:24 AM »
I get the reference, but at the same time, I can't help but see it as some sorta Fox News style headline: FASCIST COMMUNIST REIMU DEMANDS HIGHER DONATIONS, THIS IS AN ATTACK ON TOUHOU

Hope it went well today~


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Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #9 on: September 14, 2013, 05:28:39 AM »
I have a friend that will pay top dollar for any pictures of Levi you can get. Just don't show her any pictures of Eren or she'll kill me. (Not you, me.)
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #10 on: September 14, 2013, 06:57:21 AM »
[23:48] * Sakura-Rurouni comes in to the tune of muffled Solar Sect of Mystic Wisdom playing in the distance

Okay, so, to fill folks in who might not be following the news, yesterday (Sept 12) we had the worst storm in Colorado's front range for 10+ years, easily. Streets were flooded, the city ground to a halt, the works. Some towns/cities got hit really bad (Lyons, Boulder, Estes Park) but Denver and Aurora managed to escape the worst of it, though several streets were still underwater (hence the "South Havana River Crossing" picture).

Today, the bus was really late in getitng me to NDK-- at least 40 minutes just to arrive, and then another 35 to actually get to the hotel. While no streets around here are totally inaccessible, plenty of them have been forced into two or even one-lane crossings so that the civil service and engineers can work on the overflowing sewer grates. As such, arriving later than usual, there aren't as many photos on day 01 to compare to the previous years.

Anyway, arriving at the convention (with an umbrella, just in case), I continually struggled my right hand out of my arm cannon to take photos. This was definitely not the greatest cosplay choice for a photographer-- I've found that it does discourage me from taking all the photos I can. Though, I didn't put on the full Utsuho regalia until I found my way to the video game room, sat in one of the booths, and equipped all my gear.

After taking a pause to take a bunch of photos of a bug that was flitting around some shrubs (it was seriously adorable, you guys), we're off to see the con!

And whom should I find coming out of the artists' alley but Ringo and Himari from Penguindrum?

I know I definitely saw a Chihiro cosplay in the artists' alley too. I have a special interest in meeting a certain Chihiro cosplayer too. This geas will likely activate tomorrow and then I will be able to fill you in on the details.

Even this early into the con, Sasha wasn't the first Attack on Titan cosplay I had seen, but now that I had stuffed my large canvas bag under the table in the rhythm games room after changing, I was free to take photos.

I really have no idea how this person managed to make their coat flip up like that. Internal wiring?

Simon, spotted on my way out of the gaming room.

Yuuki Cross! Always take photos of Vampire Knight cosplay.

The Kiyoshi warriors are back~ (I saw a Korra around too but I wasn't able to take her photo because I couldn't pull my hand out of my arm cannon in time)

Heading back to the artists' alley (people were taking photos of me for the first time I am so HAPPY), who should I run into but....

Yukari! Er, not Yukari, she was Yukari last year. Now Kate is Raiko Horikawa!

I hung out with her and her companion, a sweets-loving friend who shared some ramen chips with me (surprisingly yummy) for a while. I had heard that there was a Patchouli running around, but I never saw her.

Anyway, Kate will not be around on Saturday because of family time, but she will be around on Sunday! I said my goodbyes to her and sweets friend, and headed off to try and find more photo opportunities.

Shinji and Kaworu here actually seemed quite happy that I took a photo of them. I am more than happy to oblige, you lovely folks!

Heading out of the atrium to the courtyard (where the big brony meetup took place last year) yielded nothing. I went around the hotel and found Levi standing on a balcony yelling down at Christa after confusing her for Annie from that high up, and then ran into:

Levi yelled at her to give him a salute. She did. Also, I left my Third Leg in the picture.

Bakura actually recognized me and took a photo of me right after this!

Mandoka. After this, I went upstairs to see a panel called intro to Japanese theatre! It was pretty informative and run by the same lady who did the Takarazuka panel last year, and I quite liked it.

Then I went back to the rhythm games room to drop off two programs I had picked up. The first was for me, the second is for another geas that was placed on me that you will hopefully see fulfilled tomorrow. But once I got there, something sounded... oddly familiar.


Ahhhhh. That's why.

Another group of Shingeki no Kyojin cosplayers! We will be seeing plenty of these, in groups or as individuals.

Raven and Starfire from the Teen Titans cartoon!

Sailor Moon. Always a mainstay of cons.

Izanagi from P4.

Khaleesi from Game of Thones, with one of her pet dragons.

I actually have no idea who this is! Lem insists it's Ridley, whoever that is.

Kyouko forever best meguca. She mentioned that there were other megucas running around that she was in a group in, and that hopefully I'd see them too.

.... which I did, right after I left her.

God I don't even watch this show and yet I know all the characters.

"Keep calm and make a wish" is the button on Kyubey's shirt.

The Madoka group, together!

And right after them, male megucas. I think Mamiya here is pretty cute, myself. E-Mouse dared me to try and seduce magical girls at the con, but I think I might just go for the guys instead.

Minato and Akihiko from P3.

I ran into these ladies as I left the atrium, and they found the room to put down their swords and give me a salute.

This was some impressive (and slightly unnerving) makeup, good on ya!

Taiga from Toradora! I saw a Minori walk past me earlier, but couldn't catch her. Taiga was actually very sweet, but as soon as I asked for a picture, she put on a pout, and as soon as I was done, she went back to being all smiley.

These three geeking out together was pretty adorbs.

And these two were recently arrived at the hotel! They put down their luggage when I asked to take a photo and were very nice and also really cute.

This Dalek kept telling me that it was going to EXTERMINATE me, but I asked that it wait until after the con and then I would go peacefully.

Anyhow, that's it for day 01. Stay tuned as your corvid commentator has more nuclear adventures tomorrow!


  • I take many forms, and this won't be my last.
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #11 on: September 14, 2013, 07:10:44 AM »
Wow... I must really be getting into cosplay photography if I actually gave a little cheer out loud when I saw photos posted here on this thread from Friday~ :blush:

Great photos, by the way~! Among them, I think that has to be the best Seto Kaiba cosplayer I've ever seen yet; that coat of his is just AMAZING here. Also, a Raiko?! Wow, and only a month later, too~! Though, I guess I shouldn't be surprised at this point, considering that AX had both Sekibanki and Hata no Kokoro only a month after they respectively debuted~ :o
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 07:12:38 AM by BL2W »

Now, you can follow my art studio, KyokoPro Studios, on deviantART, Facebook, and YouTube~!


Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #12 on: September 14, 2013, 07:37:58 AM »
After taking a pause to take a bunch of photos of a bug that was flitting around some shrubs (it was seriously adorable, you guys), we're off to see the con!

Eeeeh, bugs are adorable. What was it? :o


And whom should I find coming out of the artists' alley but Ringo and Himari from Penguindrum?

Oh my gosh they're perfect :*

I know I definitely saw a Chihiro cosplay in the artists' alley too. I have a special interest in meeting a certain Chihiro cosplayer too. This geas will likely activate tomorrow and then I will be able to fill you in on the details.

I am looking forward to this. :>

I really do have to wonder how many Dangan Ronpa cosplayers there'll be this year, especially since it's really popular right now. :O


I really have no idea how this person managed to make their coat flip up like that. Internal wiring?

From the way it looks, yeah. Nicely done, really.

Heading back to the artists' alley (people were taking photos of me for the first time I am so HAPPY), who should I run into but....

Congrats! Did you get to strike any fun poses? ^_^


Yukari! Er, not Yukari, she was Yukari last year. Now Kate is Raiko Horikawa!

I hung out with her and her companion, a sweets-loving friend who shared some ramen chips with me (surprisingly yummy) for a while. I had heard that there was a Patchouli running around, but I never saw her.

Anyway, Kate will not be around on Saturday because of family time, but she will be around on Sunday! I said my goodbyes to her and sweets friend, and headed off to try and find more photo opportunities.

Heeey, I remember her. :D


And right after them, male megucas. I think Mamiya here is pretty cute, myself. E-Mouse dared me to try and seduce magical girls at the con, but I think I might just go for the guys instead.

He is really cute, wow. :>

(Though now I can't unsee Madoka with a beard. Super kawaii, yo.)


Taiga from Toradora! I saw a Minori walk past me earlier, but couldn't catch her. Taiga was actually very sweet, but as soon as I asked for a picture, she put on a pout, and as soon as I was done, she went back to being all smiley.

Wow she's adorable~


This Dalek kept telling me that it was going to EXTERMINATE me, but I asked that it wait until after the con and then I would go peacefully.

Anyhow, that's it for day 01. Stay tuned as your corvid commentator has more nuclear adventures tomorrow!

I know little about Doctor Who. Would a Dalek be able to defeat a yatagarasu of your caliber? D:

Glad to see you're havin' fun! Looking forward to more. :D


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Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #13 on: September 14, 2013, 11:44:44 AM »

I actually have no idea who this is! Lem insists it's Ridley, whoever that is.

Ridley's a mainstay major antagonist in the Metroid series with probably the most iconic music the franchise has to offer as his boss theme. That's an impressive getup, if a little darker than what I'd expect of a Ridley cosplay.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2013, 11:50:29 AM by Kilgamayan »
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"

Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #14 on: September 14, 2013, 02:54:45 PM »
These are great photos and amazing cosplays from just the first day alone. Looking forward to what Saturday and Sunday has in store.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #15 on: September 14, 2013, 02:57:19 PM »
Eeeeh, bugs are adorable. What was it? :o
What are these things called? I've never seen them before in my life. Even at 1/2000th of a second, their wings move ridiculously fast. I thought they looked like a cross between a hummingbird and an insect. But they're not birds, birds don't have abdomens like this. They were hella cute tho.

And thanks, Kilgang, another mystery solved!

Anyway, off to another day of NDK fun! Saturday is likely to be the busiest day of all, so expect lots of photos!


Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #16 on: September 14, 2013, 02:59:51 PM »
It looks like some sorta moth, but I'm no expert in these matters... on the other hand, the antennae aren't all fuzzy so it may be some variety of butterfly...? It's really cute, either way. :D

Anyway, have fun~


Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #17 on: September 15, 2013, 12:34:27 AM »
It's a hummingbird moth. I think I told you that when we saw them in the flowers today though. Exact species, based on some quick Googling, seems to be a white lined sphinx moth (Hyles lineata).


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Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #18 on: September 15, 2013, 12:06:40 PM »
Yesterday must have been a hell of a day if there was no update. :0
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #19 on: September 16, 2013, 02:16:58 PM »
It was, but that wasn't the reason there was no update. On Saturday, there was a really bad hailstorm in my neighbourhood while I was out at the con, and our internet was out from Saturday to Sunday. It should be up when I return home this afternoon (I'm posting from work atm), and then I can start posting day 2 photos.


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Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #20 on: September 16, 2013, 04:54:39 PM »
Glad to hear you're okay. I admit I was a little worried when your login time didn't change from Saturday morning, given the conditions in the area.

Looking forward to more Ridleys!
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


  • Holy mother of Hijiri
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #21 on: September 16, 2013, 10:28:04 PM »
Unfortunately, our darling Ruro is unable to update thanks to the hailstorm that knocked out her internet, so I'll be posting my images!  Edit: Oh hey, she already managed to tell you guys that... oh well, anyways...

Hello there everyone! For those of you who do not know, I cosplay as Sakuya, Murasa, and occasionally Parsee at NDK (Yeah I kinda stink, same three) You may remember me from last year!   And a warning to you all, if you have adverse reactions to puns of any sort, please stop reading now.

My adventures were obviously a lot different than Ruro's and I don't have nearly as many pictures but I hope I can at least entertain you guys until she gets back!

Lucky me, I started out the day by finding this lovely Reimu. She was such a sweetheart and had apparently seen me a year or so ago and asked for a hug when I was Sakuya. Her entire cosplay was hand done.

"I'd anchorage you to be careful around my anchor, Miss Hakurei."

Invasion! Invasion! Invasion! Squid girl! I met this lovely Ika Musume early on in the day and she ended up tagging along with me a bit later.

"I'm an inkvader from the sea!"

Satori with her beautiful hand painted third eye; Yuyuko from the previous year. She, Ika, and I ran around for a while, doing this that and the other, mostly hunting for more Touhous.

This very silly Captain Jack Sparrow came up to me, noticing that I was also a captain and wanted a picture with me. Captains unite!

"Why's all the rum gone?"

Here's our little absent birdy! Hi Okuu!

Ika, what in the name of Byakuren Hijiri do you think you're doing with my anchor... actually that looks good with you, keep up the good work.

"I'm the only other one that's allowed to touch the anchor!" -Ika Musume
"Yeah, seriously guys it's not that hard to swing around, you should feel how heavy it really is." -Captain Murasa Minamitsu to just about everyone

Gorgeous Black Rock Shooter. (Then again, in my eyes all BRS cosplayers are gorgeous *7*)

There.... just is no explanation for this... other than I took a photo because I couldn't stop laughing

Here's our cute little group! Gosh why are Touhou cosplayers so adorable?

We headed out for our photoshoot after Miss Birdy finally showed up! She apparently got caught in line for autographs. Reimu unfortunately had to go before she could join us for the shoot but we gave her hugs and said our goodbyes.

I'm gonna let Ruro go ahead and post all of the photoshoot images, but I'll put up some previews at least.

That's all I've got! I'll let Ruro take it away once she gets her internet back. See you all next time on Touhou Adventures in Colorado!
... and a toilet seat!


Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #22 on: September 17, 2013, 01:55:33 AM »
Oh hey there I am :3 I'm the Satori who was Yuyuko last year~

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #23 on: September 17, 2013, 02:14:49 AM »
NDK Day 02, or: Mikasa en tu Casa
(note: this post was written on day 02 even though its posting has been delayed until today for previously stated reasons.)

After a morning with several false starts, I made it to the hotel (while missing a photo op with an adorable Seychelles walking to the hotel, damn) and headed to the video game room to get equipped, as per usual, and then headed to the panel on intro to independent filmmaking, run by the assistant vice director of Harmony Gold, Kevin McKeever according to the guide, and it was very informative, if also terribly intimidating. He called it the "crush your dreams" panel for a reason, even if that reason was a joking one.

After that, I headed off to find where Hidenori Matsuhara's autograph signing. I've never been to a signing, so I really had no idea what I was in for. I was hoping to remove one of the geas (what is the plural of geas? Geass? Geasses? Wikipedia says "gaesa", but I like geassessesss better.) that was placed upon me. I haven't managed to remove it just yet, but I will tomorrow.

Anyway, on my way there, I ran into Yuyuko from last year, but she wasn't Yuyuko anymore!

She was there along with Murasa/Sakuya from last year! I threw out a nice round number for the Touhou cosplayers to meet up in the atrium, 1PM, and then kept trying to find the autograph line for Matsuhara.

Caught a Sailor Chibi Moon on the way there.

My interest in Matsuhara's presence is that he was the character designer for a number of big-name anime of the 90s, like Evangelion, Ah! My Goddess, and.... Sakura Taisen. I got him to sign my copy of the Sakura Taisen movie's sleeve, and its booklet.

The line was really slow because a number of people were making him sketch. He was doing short personalized sketches, or two autographs. So I was standing around in line for quite a bit. At least I got to take some more photos.

The most impressive Mikasa I've seen yet. There were sooooooooooo many Mikasas, but I kept running into this one in particular. I shall call her Kansas Mikasa Mikansas because she told me that she was really just here for Matsuhara, and was driving back to Kansas tomorrow (Sunday). Her getup is ridic impressive, though. Her jacket was commissioned, but everything else she did herself.

While my spot was being held by some very nice people in line, I dashed off to take a few photos of cosplayers who walked past us.

Sailor Saturn! Seems to be a different one from the Saturn I irritate year in and year out.

Sailor Pluto. We will see her again later, this time with the big-ass key.

Princess Tutu went past us. Her book reads "Princess Tutu". This is where I confess to Iced that I still haven't gotten past episode 7 of that.

Kirito and Asuna from Sword Art Online were also behind me in line.

Anyway, after a way longer line than I had anticipated, I had my autographs and headed off.

I was late to the meetup I had set the time for as a result, and only just managed to catch Reimu before she had to go.

With Satori.

I am still hella sorry about this. I really should have shown up to autographs earlier, or just set the meetup time later.

Also ran into Patchouli and Murasa again. I asked everyone if they wanted to go to lunch or photos first, and the consensus was photos, so off we went!

The YuGiOh folks were using the grassy water fountain area everyone uses for photos, including us. We just waited for them to leave.

Patch! She was really nice, even though I didn't to talk to her for very long. She had with her an Aleister Crowley book, to look the part of a proper western magician.

Murasa has anchor socks. She was very proud of them.

And then she took them off, to head into the water.

A terrifying sinker ghost.

This setup is intended to be Satori mimicking Murasa's drowning powers.

But Murasa isn't the only one who can summon up water!

Note: the page she had bookmarked was that iconic kabbalistic image of God, the Sephirot, the one you see splashed all over the place in Evangelion. She thought it fitting.

Summoning up metal.

But then, humanity received a grim reminder. We lived in fear of Ika Musume.

Even the ghosts.

Ika Musume came along with us, being Murasa's friend, and then they staged this fight for us. A fight I am pretty sure Ika Musume won.

Touched by Her noodly appendage.

Satori's mum offered to take photos of me, and Patchouli wanted photos of me too before she left, so I took them up on that.

This is probably the clearest shot I've come across of my cape. All those constellations are valid ones*, with my right hand side having the northern hemisphere and my left hand side having the southern hemisphere.

*Except for one on my left shoulder, which is the rotated moon sign from Kingdom of Loathing. (There's only one constellation, they just rotate it.)

Some group shots!

Now with attempted photobomb.

Since Utsuho is Satori's pet and all....

Last year Murasa got a photo of me looking ridiculous on the ground, so she repaid that before we headed to lunch.

Lunch was at Taco Bell, stuffing our faces after a walk across the highway. Had a good talk with Satori's mum! What a swell lady. Murasa, Satori and I all exchanged info, and drew some cute doodles. I will scan them later, because they are seriously adorbs.

Next is the danmaku tunnel!

SFX: Pichuu~n

I like how every character in this shot spent some time underground.

Satori wanted this shot because the danmaku looked like an eye.

Murasa versus Utsuho! There are also some shots of a Satori and Utsuho combination attack versus Murasa, but those are on Satori's mum's camera, I believe.

I said my goodbyes to Murasa and her father, then headed the other way up to the Marriott across the highway. I was the only one returning to the con, everyone else was leaving. I bade Satori and her mum farewell as well, then crossed the street.

From across the street we had seen that there was a massive crowd outside, but since most of it was blocked by cars and trees, we couldn't see just how big the crowd was. We thought it was the line for the dealers' room, swelled to obscenely large levels. But no, it was not. As it turned out, someone had pulled the fire alarm (without cause, we later found out) and everyone had had to exit from the hotel in a hurry.

I took this shot of Kenshin while waiting, and then the fire department left and we could all go back inside.

I quickly got out of the way of the cosplayers sprinting for the dealers' room line, and began the long process of taking off my wings, which takes a fairly lengthy time because of the way they're tied into my outfit. Of note: I saw Yuko Ichihara here, but wasn't able to take a photo of her. A regret, because she had an amazing outfit.

In general, I think that while Utsuho is great fun to cosplay, she is an absolutely terrible choice for a photographer like me. I spent more time concerned with my wings and hauling around a huge canvas bag of gear than taking photos. Next year, I am certain to choose someone else whose outfit is way less unwieldy.

An adorable Taiwan!

The Powerpuff girls, looking dangerously adorable.

Everyone likes crossovers! Shingeki no Gate, anyone?

Homura and Charlotte. Lookin' excellent, ladies.

One of various Jack Frosts I saw running about.

A Seychelles! I don't think it was the same one I missed from the morning though. I distinctly remember her being so happy with her friends afterwards, with her friends saying, "look, people think you're adorable!" :3c

More Sailor Moon is never unwelcome.

As per my usual, I avoided taking photos of Homestucks because I am not familiar with the series, but there were a few here and there that were too good to pass on.

Almost to a person, a lot of the Attack on Titan cosplayers did this salute.

Om nom nom, those are some cute taiyaki outfits!

Ladies of Naruto.

Speaking of nice Homestuck cosplay!

Now, here is a surprise! Sakuya le bel Shirogane, from Hatoful Boyfriend.

Some Vocaloid cosplay I caught outside the video game room.

A very adorable Mami.

Team Rocket, always nice.

Wandering back through the lobby, I heard shouts and cheers and turned to look:

Homestucks playing spin the bottle and approaching each other for hugs.

This appeared to be the crowd organizer.

Just then, though, I saw the condition to lift my second geas!

This is Chihiro Fujisaki from Dangan Ronpa, who is also a friend I know on Tumblr. After she took a selfie of us, she let me take a photo of her.

That's the end of batch one. Now, when I came home several hours later, I discovered that while it had been raining and drizzling at the tech center, my neighbourhood had been hit with rain and hail. So at the time of writing (11:34 PM 9/14/2013), my internet is out. I hope this post can go live soon.

Batch two of day two coming up when it can!

[X] Fast Forward.

It is now 8:13 PM 9/16/2013 that this post is going up. Siiiiiigh, I am late. Also, hi, Sakuya and Satori!


  • Wolf It Down!
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #24 on: September 17, 2013, 02:21:05 AM »
Oh gosh, I forgot to tuck in my hair for the Raiko picture. Super sorry! And it was already such a hasty, kinda terrible cosplay anyway... orz (I'll definitely have to improve it a million times over for AWA... or perhaps focus entirely on Kagerou and leave Raiko improvements for less Touhou-focused time. We'll see!)

Oh hey there I am :3 I'm the Satori who was Yuyuko last year~

Holy biscuits, you were Satori this year? You cosplay all of my favorite Touhous.  :D

Also, I have the pictures of our nuclear friend that she wanted!
First, immediately before the picture above of me as Raiko.
*klaxons* Then we have this! The crowded tables with people wandering between them may as well have been Hell's Tokamak...
Sorry to post links, but I'm stalling homework and need to get back to it!
« Last Edit: September 17, 2013, 03:07:18 AM by Wolfie-Kate »

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #25 on: September 17, 2013, 04:45:19 AM »
NDK Day 02, or: Mikasa in the Casa, continued

After saying goodbye to Chihiro, I didn't have any Touhou cosplaying friends left that day so I decided I'd just spend the rest of the day taking random shots. So I turned right around to see Black Rock Shooter--

--and her enormous cannon!

This was a really fun group of megucas. They were all wearing shutter shades in their colour, save Homura who dropped hers in the parking lot, and Madoka who... I never did get an explanation. But, anyway, glasses.

And without glasses. A moment before this photo, Kyouko dropped her pocky on the floor, and everyone reminded her not to waste food.

Zero Requiem Lelouch.

And now with a friend who I am pretty sure I have photographed other years prior.

Another Madoka! Why are they all so cute?

Jack Frost. I know I later saw a Pitch cosplay on Sunday, but I didn't see much RotG cosplay other than Jack.


As promised, Setsuna, this time with the big-ass key.

Minori from Toradora! I distinctly remember that she was REALLY happy to be recognized. I told her that I had actually seen her on Friday, but that I hadn't gotten the chance to slow her down. As someone who also cosplays characters who never get recognized, I know that feel sis.

Speaking of non-recognition, I really have no idea what character this is. But she was the next cosplayer's friend, and she really wanted me to take a photo of her.

Attack on Vocaloid.

Vincent Valentine! I have never actually played this game, it's just that the video game room booth I would always change into my Utsuho outfit in had a huge poster of him hanging on the wall.

Sailor Venus.

San, or Mononoke-hime from the titular film!

A strawberry-haired Kyouko! She was really nice, what a cool person. :3c

Stocking! I know I saw a Panty too, but they were in line for the dealers' room and I couldn't get a photo.

To fight titans and germs.

For the Adventure Time fans! They asked if I wanted to take a photo of them standing, but I said no, they were already adorable as is.

These two were really tall. Then again, I am short.


Junko, from Dangan Ronpa. Again, I know I saw another Junko, but I only saw her in line for the cosplay contest once and then I was not able to catch up to her anymore.

Sailor Soldiers! Uranus and Neptune.

Shingeki no Kyojin ladies again, and an alpaca.

The Ouran High School host club.

Ed and Al from Fullmetal Alchemist.

Dark Magician Girl from Yu-Gi-Ou.

Wedding Chii! It took me so many tries to get the lighting remotely good and even then I'm still not pleased. Her wedding train was ridiculously long.

Disney Princesses! And Ariel with legs.

Attack on Titan was definitely a commanding force at the con this year.

Yoko from Gurren Lagann!

This looks more like renfair clothing, but who even cares, it's gorgeous.

I helped Kuroko get her hair bow on, and she struck a pose for me after that.

White Rock Shooter! And her friend, another Shingeki no Kyojin cosplayer.

By this time, I was getting bored with no one else to hang out with, so I decided to go home.

But not before running into Madoka on my way out.

A second shot, because that's one sweet bow.

Anyway, that's it for Saturday! You can see that the photo yield was not good at all. In many respects, Sunday was a much better day for me all around, and you will hopefully see why in short order! For now, however, sleep.


Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #26 on: September 17, 2013, 06:02:46 PM »
Hello there everyone! For those of you who do not know, I cosplay as Sakuya, Murasa, and occasionally Parsee at NDK (Yeah I kinda stink, same three) You may remember me from last year!   And a warning to you all, if you have adverse reactions to puns of any sort, please stop reading now.

You should come hang out with us at #scarlet-library sometime. You'd fit right in with all the puns. :P

Very nice photos, as well. :D

then headed to the panel on intro to independent filmmaking, run by the assistant vice director of Harmony Gold, Kevin McKeever according to the guide, and it was very informative, if also terribly intimidating. He called it the "crush your dreams" panel for a reason, even if that reason was a joking one.

Just the phrase 'independent filmmaking' sounds intimidating enough as it is. I can't imagine how difficult it actually is to do...

After that, I headed off to find where Hidenori Matsuhara's autograph signing. I've never been to a signing, so I really had no idea what I was in for. I was hoping to remove one of the geas (what is the plural of geas? Geass? Geasses? Wikipedia says "gaesa", but I like geassessesss better.) that was placed upon me. I haven't managed to remove it just yet, but I will tomorrow.


Anyway, on my way there, I ran into Yuyuko from last year, but she wasn't Yuyuko anymore!

She was there along with Murasa/Sakuya from last year! I threw out a nice round number for the Touhou cosplayers to meet up in the atrium, 1PM, and then kept trying to find the autograph line for Matsuhara.

A satori and her pet, reunited once again ;w;


Caught a Sailor Chibi Moon on the way there.

Huh, I think this is the first time you've got a Chibiusa photo, isn't it?. I think you've seen all the senshi at this point now! :D

My interest in Matsuhara's presence is that he was the character designer for a number of big-name anime of the 90s, like Evangelion, Ah! My Goddess, and.... Sakura Taisen. I got him to sign my copy of the Sakura Taisen movie's sleeve, and its booklet.

The line was really slow because a number of people were making him sketch. He was doing short personalized sketches, or two autographs. So I was standing around in line for quite a bit. At least I got to take some more photos.

Whoa, that's really cool! Out of curiosity, how fast was he sketching? I suppose it'd all be second nature to him by now...


The most impressive Mikasa I've seen yet. There were sooooooooooo many Mikasas, but I kept running into this one in particular. I shall call her Kansas Mikasa because she told me that she was really just here for Matsuhara, and was driving back to Kansas tomorrow (Sunday). Her getup is ridic impressive, though. Her jacket was commissioned, but everything else she did herself.

She came just to see him? That's pretty dedicated fandom there. And she looks badass, too! :>

While my spot was being held by some very nice people in line, I dashed off to take a few photos of cosplayers who walked past us.

Sailor Saturn! Seems to be a different one from the Saturn I irritate year in and year out.

She looks pretty familiar, actually. From last year:


I was late to the meetup I had set the time for as a result, and only just managed to catch Reimu before she had to go.

A shame she couldn't stay and fight all of you. Maybe next year!


Murasa has anchor socks. She was very proud of them.

And then she took them off, to head into the water.

A true captain cannot part with water for long, I see. (Seriously though those socks are adorable and I love your anchor too :D)


This setup is intended to be Satori mimicking Murasa's drowning powers.

But Murasa isn't the only one who can summon up water!

Note: the page she had bookmarked was that iconic kabbalistic image of God, the Sephirot, the one you see splashed all over the place in Evangelion. She thought it fitting.

Summoning up metal.

Gotta love the creative use of the stuff around you. :D


Touched by Her noodly appendage.

* Yumatsuri Okazaki chokes

...yes, how fitting.


This is probably the clearest shot I've come across of my cape. All those constellations are valid ones*, with my right hand side having the northern hemisphere and my left hand side having the southern hemisphere.

*Except for one on my left shoulder, which is the rotated moon sign from Kingdom of Loathing. (There's only one constellation, they just rotate it.)

KoL moon signs are perfectly valid! :colbert:

Seriously though your costume turned out fantastic. Nice work :D


Now with attempted photobomb.

Seems pretty successful to me. Should've caught him, Eevee is a pretty rare pokemon :O


Since Utsuho is Satori's pet and all....

Oh my gosh this is adorable <3


SFX: Pichuu~n

Nice motion shot. :D


Satori wanted this shot because the danmaku looked like an eye.

It never fails to impress me how versatile this tunnel actually is, and how you come up with new ideas every year for it.


Murasa versus Utsuho! There are also some shots of a Satori and Utsuho combination attack versus Murasa, but those are on Satori's mum's camera, I believe.

Who won? :P

In general, I think that while Utsuho is great fun to cosplay, she is an absolutely terrible choice for a photographer like me. I spent more time concerned with my wings and hauling around a huge canvas bag of gear than taking photos. Next year, I am certain to choose someone else whose outfit is way less unwieldy.

Props in general seem pretty cumbersome with a cosplay, regardless of if you're taking photos or not. Especially since you have to carry 'em around all day. >.o


A Seychelles! I don't think it was the same one I missed from the morning though. I distinctly remember her being so happy with her friends afterwards, with her friends saying, "look, people think you're adorable!" :3c

And she is :D

I'm seriously surprised how there seems to be at least one Seychelles every year. I didn't know she was that popular of a character :)


Now, here is a surprise! Sakuya le bel Shirogane, from Hatoful Boyfriend.

I really do need to sit down and read that sometime.

Just then, though, I saw the condition to lift my second geas!

This is Chihiro Fujisaki from Dangan Ronpa, who is also a friend I know on Tumblr. After she took a selfie of us, she let me take a photo of her.

Chihiro~ :*

NDK Day 02, or: Mikasa in the Casa, continued

After saying goodbye to Chihiro, I didn't have any Touhou cosplaying friends left that day so I decided I'd just spend the rest of the day taking random shots. So I turned right around to see Black Rock Shooter--

--and her enormous cannon!

Whoaaaa. Really well done on that one. o__o


This was a really fun group of megucas. They were all wearing shutter shades in their colour, save Homura who dropped hers in the parking lot, and Madoka who... I never did get an explanation. But, anyway, glasses.

And without glasses. A moment before this photo, Kyouko dropped her pocky on the floor, and everyone reminded her not to waste food.



Minori from Toradora! I distinctly remember that she was REALLY happy to be recognized. I told her that I had actually seen her on Friday, but that I hadn't gotten the chance to slow her down. As someone who also cosplays characters who never get recognized, I know that feel sis.

I wonder if she got to hang out with Taiga at all. :o


A strawberry-haired Kyouko! She was really nice, what a cool person. :3c

I'm happy you're finally seeing Kyoukos around. I remember how disappointed you were a couple years ago because you couldn't find any. :)


Junko, from Dangan Ronpa. Again, I know I saw another Junko, but I only saw her in line for the cosplay contest once and then I was not able to catch up to her anymore.

Excellent. :D


Sailor Soldiers! Uranus and Neptune.

Always photograph HaruMichi :>

Anyway, that's it for Saturday! You can see that the photo yield was not good at all. In many respects, Sunday was a much better day for me all around, and you will hopefully see why in short order! For now, however, sleep.

It wasn't a bad photo yield at all! You got some really good shots.

Lookin' forward to Sunday's though~


Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #27 on: September 17, 2013, 07:35:40 PM »
Yaaay! I really like how all the Touhou photoshoot pictures came out. So may other cool people too~ It was pretty great.

Also I'm an awesome Satori. My mom and I stayed up really late finishing my skirt, which does have a really nice rose print on it up close.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #28 on: September 18, 2013, 04:08:28 AM »
While I am working on getting day three photos up, I should mention to Murasa that she made it to Westword's collection of NDK cosplays!


  • Subconscious Rose Girl, Koishi
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2013 - Attack on Touhou
« Reply #29 on: September 18, 2013, 04:12:12 AM »
Then I went back to the rhythm games room to drop off two programs I had picked up. The first was for me, the second is for another geas that was placed on me that you will hopefully see fulfilled tomorrow. But once I got there, something sounded... oddly familiar.


Ahhhhh. That's why.


Oh god

That's MY FILE

That's my chart. I stepped that song and made those graphics. I recognize it easily.

Oh god yes.