Author Topic: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet  (Read 240236 times)


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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #210 on: November 06, 2013, 04:00:30 AM »
> "Fine. We'll settle this like gentleman."

>Correction: 'We'll settle this like gentlemen. And women. And women who dress like men!'
>Gilgamesh pose
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #211 on: November 06, 2013, 04:34:35 AM »
> "Fine. We'll settle this like gentleman."

> Time to bring out the children's card games.
>Correction: 'We'll settle this like gentlemen. And women. And women who dress like men!'
>Gilgamesh pose
>Get ready to D-d-d-d-ddddd Duel!
> You try to issue a duel challenge to Miss Easily Offended here, but to your horror, it's disabled!

Code: [Select]
* nyanNekomata1313 blinks.
nyanNekomata1313 said: A level zero player issuing a PVP request? Do you even know how to play this game?

>Blame Reako
> Who is this Reako you speak of

>'I'm not, but I don't care much about apologizing for mean jokes, ze!'
Code: [Select]
nyanNekomata1313 said:
nyanNekomata1313 said: Marisa, is that you?

>Neglect the tantruming catgirl to talk to the bear NPC and get this quest advanced. And get some idea of what our equipment situation will be like, presumably.
> You speak to the bear, whose name is HAMMER.

Code: [Select]
"...Another human? Yeesh, it's like they're migrating...I keep hearing stories about a boat lost in a storm, and
judging by your hair and smell of sea water...Well, at any rate.

"I run this here armory. I sell weapons and armor for adventurers to use. I can even craft new stuff, with the right
materials... But I'm getting ahead of myself. I can't do business with anyone that doesn't have a [Guild Liscense].
It's against the law. Come back when you've gotten one, then we'll talk...And make sure you bring a full wallet, this
stuff ain't cheap."

>Hopefully that goddess won't be too important if she's that boring.
> Just for that, the NPCs will mention the gods ten times more frequently while you're playing. PRAISE ERDA!!

>Were those card-playing characters NPCs, or players? Does nyancatgirl have an actual catgirl character, or is that just the name?
> They were just NPCs, though nyanNeko herself is an actual player avatar. Speaking of which, she's pretty much hovering behind you now, while you're busy talking to a weapon-smithing bear.

>How does that time-passing exhaustion from turning away compare to typical I'm-playing-more-than-I-should-cause-it's-fun experiences we've had?
> You haven't really experienced something like that before. You're not sure if it's a result of being linked to Medicine, or the game affecting you.

>Check a clock either way, to get an idea of how long it's been. Compare likewise.
> Let's see...You got back around noon, and the clock on your computer says...3:50 PM.

>Make sure it's possible to get up and stretch.
> You can, though you feel so light and carefree with this spirit link going on. You deliberate on whether you should actually get up or not...

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #212 on: November 06, 2013, 05:02:46 AM »
>To she-that-is-possibly-Chen: 'Go farther and fare worse, eh?'
>In the future, we will light Erda's statue on fire.

>Does it usually take us four hours to get this far into a game? That's suspicious, even with the time we spent beforehand. It's like there's some sort of time manipulation in effect... that rewind effect may have been a hint. Make a note to check the time before and after the next in-game death.
>... something happened to Sakuya according to Flan, right? Maybe that IS important. Keep tabs on her window for word on that.
>How quickly does the game run? Is the action particularly slow-paced or anything? If it's going at three frames a second and using time tweaking to look like it isn't...
>That said, take a moment to get off the chair and stretch as Medicine, to make sure it's possible to move away from the screen. Let's try not to get her trapped if we can help it.
« Last Edit: November 06, 2013, 05:04:53 AM by E-Nazrin »
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #213 on: November 06, 2013, 05:55:59 AM »
> Apparently not, Google failed to return anything of use to me >_>

>To she-that-is-possibly-Chen: 'Go farther and fare worse, eh?'
Code: [Select]
nyanNekomata1313 said: OMG, it is you, nya!
nyanNekomata1313 said: I dunno if I should hug you or scratch you! How've ya been?

>In the future, we will light Erda's statue on fire.
> Your inner vandal plots to set the statue of Erda on fire. A perfectly reasonable goal!

>Does it usually take us four hours to get this far into a game? That's suspicious, even with the time we spent beforehand. It's like there's some sort of time manipulation in effect... that rewind effect may have been a hint. Make a note to check the time before and after the next in-game death.
> Nah, you just got a little too click-happy with the character creator and looting the first town. :V Time flies when you're having fun!

>... something happened to Sakuya according to Flan, right? Maybe that IS important. Keep tabs on her window for word on that.
> You switch over to Skype to see how Flan's doing. She hasn't said anything since you last talked, but she appears to be online.

>How quickly does the game run? Is the action particularly slow-paced or anything? If it's going at three frames a second and using time tweaking to look like it isn't...
> No, it's running pretty smoothly, even on your connection. The action is about as fast as you'd expect from a platforming game; the closest comparison you can make is Kirby's Return to Dreamland (just with less inhaling things and floating around).

>That said, take a moment to get off the chair and stretch as Medicine, to make sure it's possible to move away from the screen. Let's try not to get her trapped if we can help it.
> You do just that, even dolls need to stretch after all.
> That being said, Medicine's been oddly silent...You give her a mental poke.
> "Bwuh? Are we done playing already?"

> _

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #214 on: November 06, 2013, 06:19:52 AM »
Code: [Select]
Oh, just back from Eientei. Somehow they all got brain cancer at once. Weird, huh?
> Wonder if there is a place we can take a laptop and play video games with people in the same room.


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #215 on: November 06, 2013, 06:44:28 AM »
>Okay, more seriously, probably not done, but I'd rather not get you stuck if I can help it. Maybe that link thing is working after managing to get up and look away for a bit.
>Does the Pocket Medi(c) approve of igniting Edna?

>'Depends on whether you let me rub your tummy'
>To Chen: 'Eh, nothing too special, ze. Howsabout you?'
>What're our relations with the Yakumos like? And how Alice handles them?
>Is it unheard of to find Chen browsing the interwebs?
>See if we can look up Chen's character profile.
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #216 on: November 06, 2013, 07:51:23 AM »
Code: [Select]
Oh, just back from Eientei. Somehow they all got brain cancer at once. Weird, huh?
> Wonder if there is a place we can take a laptop and play video games with people in the same room.
Code: [Select]
nyanNekomata1313 said: o.o I'll say, nya! How does that happen?!
> The first place that comes to mind is Eientei, but good luck getting anyone there to play with you now. The Human Village is a possibility, as well as Myouren Temple, where HijiriNet is located. You MIGHT be able to get access at Yukari's place if you can find it, and the Earth Spriit Palace is...Out of the way, but doable. Taoists are out of the question, as are the Scarlet and Youkai Mountain crews. You're not sure about Reimu, you haven't talked to her since the Shining Needle Castle incident.

>Okay, more seriously, probably not done, but I'd rather not get you stuck if I can help it. Maybe that link thing is working after managing to get up and look away for a bit.
> "Aw, thanks for thinking of me. I think a break might be nice for you as well."

>Does the Pocket Medi(c) approve of igniting Edna?
> Um, you're asking me if I'd like to light a statue of a goddess on FIRE. How the hell would I NOT pass this up?!

>'Depends on whether you let me rub your tummy'

> Chen's COMFY COVERING takes a hit at the prospect of a nice tummy rub

>To Chen: 'Eh, nothing too special, ze. Howsabout you?'
Code: [Select]
nyanNekomata1313 said: We've been trying to get our own private server running, nya!
nyanNekomata1313 said: But it's a lot harder than it looks...I had to learn a lot of coding and whatnot from the kappa.
nyanNekomata1313 said: It was like relearning magic all over again, nyaaaaa... XwX

>What're our relations with the Yakumos like? And how Alice handles them?
> Aside from you and Reimu beating the ever-loving crap out of Ran and Yukari for messing with the boundary years ago, they've been..Affably neutral. Yukari won't help or hinder you unless she has a reason to, she usually bothers Reimu most of the time. Ran and Chen pretty much stick with Yukari; Ran acts as the counterbalance to her master's antics, and Chen is the cheerful tagalong kid that wants to be a part of whatever's going on. You don't have a particularly close relationship to the trio, but they're always willing to socialize if you cross paths with them. Alice tries to act polite around them, but they seem to put her on edge, especially Yukari. You recall Alice acting nervous around Yukari every time the Harvest Moon rolls around, and the youkai gather to celebrate...The Yakumos always attend that. However, you have no idea why Alice is nervous around them, and she never answers your questions about them when you ask.

>Is it unheard of to find Chen browsing the interwebs?
> Nah, you friended her on Skype ages ago, but you don't talk very much. One of the conversations you did have, though, involved the ratio of funny cat pictures to funny human pictures...That was the chattiest you've ever seen her at.

>See if we can look up Chen's character profile.
> No problem, a double-click on her character shows she's a Level 0 character just like you. She seems to have the cat ears thing going on her character, but no tail, though she managed to find a cute black and blue dress.

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #217 on: November 06, 2013, 04:22:59 PM »
>Didn't Eirin want us to keep that emergency a secret...? Oh well, too late now...
>Hey now, I'm not a COMPLETE jackass. Though I think I'll hold off on breaking until we can at least find Alice. Which means shaking off Chen sooner or later, so not out of the woods yet.
>To the catgirl: 'Private server, eh? Anything special ya planning to do with it, ze?'
>Remind her that there is no Darwin Awards for cats, summarizing where all the funny human pictures went
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #218 on: November 06, 2013, 06:05:46 PM »
To double medis: > Hey, Chen here's talking about a private server for Guildies. I'm thinking if the problem right now's server-side, then their idea to get a gensokyo private server up and running might just work for the whole mess right now. Your thoughts?
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Third Eye Lem

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Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #219 on: November 07, 2013, 03:11:45 AM »
>Didn't Eirin want us to keep that emergency a secret...? Oh well, too late now...
> ...Craaaaaaap, the parser you totally forgot about that. Looks like the cat's out of the bag now.

>Hey now, I'm not a COMPLETE jackass. Though I think I'll hold off on breaking until we can at least find Alice. Which means shaking off Chen sooner or later, so not out of the woods yet.
> "Oh, right, that. Sorry...I'm not much of a people person unless I have to be. Alice mentioned something about mining ores, right?"

>To the catgirl: 'Private server, eh? Anything special ya planning to do with it, ze?'
>Remind her that there is no Darwin Awards for cats, summarizing where all the funny human pictures went
> Chen is heartbroken, this was her thesis, she spent months researching it

Code: [Select]
nyanNekomata1313 said: It's just a LAN server, I think...Yukari-sama didn't want to connect to someone else's net...
So she made her own, nyah.
nyanNekomata1313 said: She's also been testing games and stuff on her network, so she can play online with others.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Ran-sama says it's against the law to have your own network access without paying for it, but...
Since when has Yukari-sama played within the law, nyah?
risingstar82 said: She makes her own laws, ze!
nyanNekomata1313 said: >w< Hehehe, good point!

To double medis: > Hey, Chen here's talking about a private server for Guildies. I'm thinking if the problem right now's server-side, then their idea to get a gensokyo private server up and running might just work for the whole mess right now. Your thoughts?
> "Did she actually say that? I don't recall her saying anything about Guildies specifically..." Medicine has a point, so you ask her about it.

Code: [Select]
risingstar82 said: Quick question while we're on the subject...
risingstar82 said: Is Yukari interested in Guildies at all?
nyanNekomata1313 said: Hmmm? owo
nyanNekomata1313 said: She was looking at it, nya...But since you told me about the brain cancer stuff...I dunno if I
nyanNekomata1313 said: If I do, she may mark it as a you-know-what and go bug Reimu-chan about it.
nyanNekomata1313 said: I dunno about you, but this game doesn't sound that bad, nya. I want to keep playing without
those mikos walking all over everything... >m>
nyanNekomata1313 said: I wonder...Are you investigating this game too?
risingstar82 said: For the most part, yes. But I'm having more fun than I expected, ze!
risingstar82 said: I spent a good hour or so just tinkering around with my character. XD
nyanNekomata1313 said: Geeze, you too?! I was almost tempted to buy the hair style editor! But then I realized I had
to spend money for it so...Nyo. -m-

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #220 on: November 07, 2013, 03:24:01 AM »
>wait there are laws in gensokyo other than the spellcard rules
>Knowing Yukari, it's entirely possible that she expected this mind-messing thing somehow... the timing of her attempts is slightly suspicious, as well. Though maybe she's just being stingy. Uncertain!
>'Don't worry, ze. I'm already here, and if Armpits doesn't know about it already, I'll steal the glory this time! Just gotta figure out who to Spark.'
>'So, are you on a different connection somewhere, or does Yukari's network already work for this?'
>During lulls in conversation, move character to try and look like we're chewing on nyanNekomata's cat ears.

>Briefly ponder the merit of learning programming enough to fiddle with our own magic. Maybe we can upsurp Alice with that... and maybe Patchouli, even. Well, maybe later. Or have we fiddled with programming before already?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #221 on: November 07, 2013, 04:42:07 AM »
>wait there are laws in gensokyo other than the spellcard rules
> Only the laws of physics

>'Don't worry, ze. I'm already here, and if Armpits doesn't know about it already, I'll steal the glory this time! Just gotta figure out who to Spark.'
Code: [Select]
nyanNekomata1313 said: Mew! That's good to hear! *purrs* It's been a while since you did anything big.
risingstar82 said: What, that duel against Cirno wasn't big enough for you? =P
* nyanNekomata1313 chuckles.
nyanNekomata1313 said: I'll keep this between us, then! ^w^
risingstar82 said: That's a good kitty, ze.

>Knowing Yukari, it's entirely possible that she expected this mind-messing thing somehow... the timing of her attempts is slightly suspicious, as well. Though maybe she's just being stingy. Uncertain!
> Your mind boggles with possibilities. However, one thing sticks out...How long has Yukari been working on this server? Has it been recently established, or has it been worked on over the past few months? You decide that...

>During lulls in conversation, move character to try and look like we're chewing on nyanNekomata's cat ears.
>'So, are you on a different connection somewhere, or does Yukari's network already work for this?'
> ...It's time to get it straight from the horse's cat's mouth. You try to butter her up with a virtual ear scratch/nibble, but it's hard to do without the proper emote.

Code: [Select]
* risingstar82 scratches behind the ears, somehow.
* nyanNekomata1313 purrs regardless.
risingstar82 said: Since we're swapping secrets already...
risingstar82 said: How long have you been working on this server anyways.
* nyanNekomata1313 mrowrs?
nyanNekomata1313 said: A couple months, nya.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Yukari-sama was gonna do it before this internet think happened, but she never got the
inspiration to do so. Nyow she has a good reason, nya!
risingstar82 said: Just in general?
nyanNekomata1313 said: Nyes...You sound kinda suspicious of me. owo
risingstar82 said: I just want to rule out that she might have been watching us all this time.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Wow, you're acting really paranyoid lately, LOL!
nyanNekomata1313 said: Just chillax, nya!
risingstar82 said: I guess I should...But can you blame me?
nyanNekomata1313 said: I guess nyot. -w-

>Briefly ponder the merit of learning programming enough to fiddle with our own magic. Maybe we can upsurp Alice with that... and maybe Patchouli, even. Well, maybe later. Or have we fiddled with programming before already?
> Not once have you considered any serious programming. That set of skills would come in handy in today's increasingly technological society, but you're not sure where to start.

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #222 on: November 07, 2013, 04:45:39 AM »
So. Open question. Is risking proximity to Yukari (and thus, Problems) worth offering Chen earscritches for advice picking up programming to try and surprise Alice with?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

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  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #223 on: November 07, 2013, 08:22:25 AM »
So. Open question. Is risking proximity to Yukari (and thus, Problems) worth offering Chen earscritches for advice picking up programming to try and surprise Alice with?
I'd say it is. Even if Yukari would find out, she might just write it off as "Marisa being Marisa."


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #224 on: November 07, 2013, 05:40:26 PM »
Thing is I'm not sure how much it's in Marisa's character to openly ask for advice like that... well, I guess it isn't immediate anyway.

>'Y'know, now you got me curious about the programming stuff, ze. Where'd you get started with that, once I got time to play with it?'
>'And for later, I'm tryin' to meet up with Alice in-game; last I heard she was mining or somethin'. I bet I still gotta sit through the rest of the tutorial, but where d'ya think I should head after that?'
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #225 on: November 07, 2013, 08:17:22 PM »
Thing is I'm not sure how much it's in Marisa's character to openly ask for advice like that... well, I guess it isn't immediate anyway.
This is just me, but I'd think that Mari would ask about something beyond her understanding. Computers are complex things. :V

>'Y'know, now you got me curious about the programming stuff, ze. Where'd you get started with that, once I got time to play with it?'
Code: [Select]
nyanNekomata1313 said: Where do ya think, silly? The kappa!
nyanNekomata1313 said: Specifically. Nyitori-sama.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Nitori* >w<;; Sorry, force of habit, nya.
risingstar82 said: Ok, I knew she was pretty smart, but I didn't know the limits of her smartness, ze.
nyanNekomata1313 said: You know that backpack she carries?
nyanNekomata1313 said: She figured out how to fit more stuff into it than normal, nya.
nyanNekomata1313 said: That got Yukari-sama's attention, so she asked how she did it.
nyanNekomata1313 said: But...We're not supposed to talk about that, nya. >w>;;
risingstar82 said: Lemme guess.
risingstar82 said: It's a Youkai Mountain secret?
nyanNekomata1313 said: Pretty much, nya.
nyanNekomata1313 said: But damn if I'm gonna keep quiet about it!
risingstar82 said: That's what I like to hear, ze!
nyanNekomata1313 said: It'll take me a while to dig the documents out tho, nya...
nyanNekomata1313 said: Yukari-sama put it on her Dropbox account.
risingstar82 said: Oh shit. That's gonna be a nightmare to nyagivate, ze.
risingstar82 said: ...Now you got me doing it, lol. My catness has increased!
nyanNekomata1313 said: LOL!!
nyanNekomata1313 said: Dun worry about it, I can figure it out.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Somehow. >w>;;
risingstar82 said: =P

>'And for later, I'm tryin' to meet up with Alice in-game; last I heard she was mining or somethin'. I bet I still gotta sit through the rest of the tutorial, but where d'ya think I should head after that?'
Code: [Select]
nyanNekomata1313 said: Well, according to the site...
nyanNekomata1313 said: Mining spots are usually in hunting zones, like the catacombs here. Did you try using the /find
risingstar82 said: Nope.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Just type /find (Alice's name) and you'll find out where she is, nya!
risingstar82 said: Got it. Thanks for the tip, ze.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Hey, since we're both newbs right now...Why don't we team up?
nyanNekomata1313 said: Maybe we can even join a guild together or something! owo
risingstar82 said: Hmm...Lemme think about this, ze.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Okie-dokie!

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #226 on: November 07, 2013, 08:31:23 PM »
nyanNekomata1313 said: A level zero player issuing a PVP request? Do you even know how to play this game?

>... didn't think Chen was completely new to this game. Huh!
>'Y'sure? I got the impression you were a bit ahead of me, ze!'
>'This spot was my first visit for the newbie quest, so you'll be sittin' through me doing that, but I guess we can stick together for a bit! Bearbutt over there said I need a guild card to get anything, so I'm guessing that's something you get later in the newbie quest line?'
>If nothing of importance comes up, head out (with Chen tagging along, presumably) to the next stop we're supposed to go to! Or check out those card-playing NPCs on the way. Whichever.
>Go ahead and /find Alice's account to get an idea. Hopefully it's something we'll be able to reach in short order.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2013, 08:41:43 PM by E-Nazrin »
There was something here once. Wonder what...

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #227 on: November 07, 2013, 08:44:28 PM »
> Find Alice.

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #228 on: November 07, 2013, 09:01:21 PM »
>... didn't think Chen was completely new to this game. Huh!
>'Y'sure? I got the impression you were a bit ahead of me, ze!'
Code: [Select]
nyanNekomata1313 said: I'm only ahead because I read up on the game, silly! >w<
nyanNekomata1313 said: There's a little how-to guide and everything!
nyanNekomata1313 said: I got into the habit once we started playing other online games. Yukari-sama wanted us
to see what's good and what's crap.
risingstar82 said: Ah, no wonder.
risingstar82 said: I thought there was a beta before the beta.
risingstar82 said: Like, an alpha, ze!
nyanNekomata1313 said: Sadly, I didn't make it in, mew...
nyanNekomata1313 said: Probably for the best, because if what you said is true...
risingstar82 said: What bugs me is how the afflicted got sick to begin with.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Nya? How so?
risingstar82 said: From what I heard, the inaba were dropping like flies before they really got into the game.
risingstar82 said: Kaguya-sama on the other hand, she played it for so long without stopping...
nyanNekomata1313 said: Omg, is she ok?!
risingstar82 said: Yeah, we got her to Eirin's lab and she's undergoing treatment, ze.
nyanNekomata1313 said: ...I hope something like that doesn't happen to me, mew...
risingstar82 said: I can't guarantee anything, but if you start feeling...Strange, I'd suggest logging off ASAP.
risingstar82 said: I dunno how long or even if it'll affect me and Alice, ze. We're taking precautions.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Like what? ono
risingstar82 said: Dolls, ze. We're letting them be our eyes and ears while we control them.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Ooooh! ouo
nyanNekomata1313 said: That's pretty nyeat!
nyanNekomata1313 said: Maybe I should try that myself sometime, I've been wanting to learn some new magic
for a while now!
nyanNekomata1313 said: But Ran-sama said I shouldn't push myself too hard, or my brain would explode.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Not sure if she's joking or not... >w>;;
risingstar82 said: Heh, well if you need any help learning some magic, I'm your girl, ze.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Sure! *purrs*
risingstar82: So, are we actually gonna form a party or whatever?
nyanNekomata1313 said: Nya! Of course!
* nyanNekomata1313 sent you a party invite! Accept? (Yes) (No)
* risingstar82 joined nyanNekomata1313's party.
nyanNekomata1313 said: So what do you have to do now, nya?

>'This spot was my first visit for the newbie quest, so you'll be sittin' through me doing that, but I guess we can stick together for a bit! Bearbutt over there said I need a guild card to get anything, so I'm guessing that's something you get later in the newbie quest line?'
Code: [Select]
nyanNekomata1313 said: Oh, that's easy.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Once you visit all the vendors and talk to Otto...Well, lemme show you!

> Chen leaves the armory, and you follow her. She heads for the jewelery store next.

>If nothing of importance comes up, head out (with Chen tagging along, presumably) to the next stop we're supposed to go to! Or check out those card-playing NPCs on the way. Whichever.
> You start to follow her, but the card-playing kids catch your attention again.

Code: [Select]
* Children Playing Card Games *
These kids are playing the latest card game to hit the Guildies world...MONSTER CRUSH!
You ask them if you could join their game, but they just ignore you...
Perhaps if you had your own Monster Cards, they'd be more inclined to listen to you.

> Find Alice.
> You input Alice's username into the text box, and find out she's in "Erddite Catacombs B2F."

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #229 on: November 07, 2013, 09:11:37 PM »
>Guess we'll probably be headed to the graveyard for our first dungeon, then!
>Follow nyanChen into the jewelry store. There was a special spot for that in our character stuff, wasn't there? Maybe they're used for skills?
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #230 on: November 07, 2013, 09:36:46 PM »
>Guess we'll probably be headed to the graveyard for our first dungeon, then!
> Better than a goddamn cheerful forest or grassy plain. Those kinds of intro levels always annoyed you, because they're fucking EVERYWHERE.

>Follow nyanChen into the jewelry store. There was a special spot for that in our character stuff, wasn't there? Maybe they're used for skills?
> Yeah, you have an inventory just for Gem Ores. Clearly, they're important, so you decide to ask Chen how important they are.

Code: [Select]
risingstar82 said: So these gems, what're they for?
risingstar82 said: I saw something about "Gem EXP" while looking at the achievements, ze.
nyanNekomata1313 said: You seriously don't know? o~o
nyanNekomata1313 said: They increase your stats, among other things.
nyanNekomata1313 said: And when you make one, it gains EXP while you're questing and stuff.
nyanNekomata1313 said: I'm sure that surprised a few folks when the game originally said "no level grinding-based
gameplay!" >w<
risingstar82 said: Aren't all RPGs just big grinds?
nyanNekomata1313 said: Nyot really! Lol.
risingstars82 said: I was joking with you, ze.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Of course. XP
risingstar82 said: Besides, you know me, I learn by doing, not just by reading, ze.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Eh, you gotta read to know what to do first...But I can see what you mean.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Here we are!

> You're standing outside the jewelery store, so you and Chen go in and talk to the clerk there. Unlike the last NPC, he's human.

Code: [Select]
* Robert *
"Oh, welcome! Come to buy something, I bet?...No? That's a shame.
Why can't people keep their money in a bank account like sensible people, instead of
letting their funds get washed out to sea? It's baffling, I tell you! People these days...

"At any rate, I sell gems here, as well as gem molds. You can use the ores you find to
make new gems, which increase your stats and even add new skills!...Sometimes.
However, only those with a [Guild License] are allowed to craft gems. I humbly apologize.
Come back later, won't you?"

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #231 on: November 07, 2013, 09:59:56 PM »
>Obviously, there is no choice to heckle the shopkeeper about where you'd get a Guild License, so he is useless to us for now.
>'Kourin, stop parroting what Chen already told me!'
>'Definitely more helpful than these bozos! What should we expect from the next one, ze?'
>Let's get this NPC talk quest over with!
There was something here once. Wonder what...

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #232 on: November 07, 2013, 11:06:07 PM »
> Our net total assets are one rusty sword.

> Attempt thievery.
« Last Edit: November 07, 2013, 11:09:22 PM by capt. h »

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #233 on: November 08, 2013, 12:40:10 AM »
> Our net total assets are one rusty sword.

> Attempt thievery.
> Two things are stopping you from doing that: A, most of the stuff in the store is just graphical assets, and B, stealing from shopkeepers usually results in extremely painful death.

>Obviously, there is no choice to heckle the shopkeeper about where you'd get a Guild License, so he is useless to us for now.
>'Kourin, stop parroting what Chen already told me!'
Code: [Select]
*Robert* said: I beg your pardon, there's no need to be so rude! And who is this "Kourin" you speak of?
>'Definitely more helpful than these bozos! What should we expect from the next one, ze?'
Code: [Select]
nyanNekomata1313 said: Pretty much the same "this is what I do, but you can't do anything unless
you join a Guild" nyonsense. You don't have to listen to these guys if you don't want to, nya.

>Let's get this NPC talk quest over with!
> You take Chen's advice to heart and skip over the NPC dialogue. The General Store sells consumable items, the Inn allows you to rent a house for you and your party members, and the Guild Hall lets you start and manage a guild. It also serves as a training ground for each of the four classes, to help you get more accustomed to them.

> Just as you turn to leave the Guild Hall, you notice Professor Otto enter. How convenient! Now you Chen can turn in the quest.

Code: [Select]
*Prof. Otto* said: Oh good, you're here, Miss Suzutan! Sorry for giving you the runaround, but did you
visit the places I mentioned earlier?

risingstar82 (Suzutan) said: Yeah, ze. So what was the point of all this, aside from info dumping?

*Prof. Otto* said: Well, to be frank...We're in a bit of a bind. Things have been progressively getting worse in
our humble corner of the sea. At first it was just a minor quake or two. Now, we're hearing reports of
storms, wildfires, plagues and famine...Not to mention hordes of monsters and wild animals getting
more aggressive by the day!
By any chance, did you know what your parents did for a living?

risingstar82 (Suzutan) said: Um...Not really, ze! I thought it was just a normal cruise!

*Prof. Otto* said: I see...Well, they were first-class explorers. I used to work with them back in the day,
as I researched ancient ruins around the world. I can't really fight on my own, you see, so I hired them
as bodyguards. They were a fine young couple, and tough as nails when it came to fighting, but after I
finished my expedition, I paid them for their services and we parted ways. Years later, I heard rumors
that they got married and had a child...I had no idea that child was you! Looks like they raised you well!

risingstar82 (Suzutan) said: Uh, yeah! I spent years learning magic and how to swing a rusty sword, ze!

*Prof. Otto* chuckles.
*Prof. Otto* said: Everyone has to start somewhere, eh wot! Speaking of starting...
*Prof. Otto* said: When I heard that you and your parents were coming to Erddite to visit, it was almost
perfect timing. The disasters were getting worse, and by now we asked any and all worthy adventurers
to come to the Thousand Islands to aid us...Someone organized a special cruise for adventurers only,
and your parents were invited. The cruise was meant to be incognito...But sadly, it looks like the storms
got to you first.

risingstar82 (Suzutan) said: So this wasn't a vacation at all, ze?

*Prof. Otto* said: They couldn't leave you behind...Not in these dangerous times. Your parents thought
you could stay in the hotel while they were out "sightseeing."

risingstar82 (Suzutan) said: Geeze, my parents must've been really lousy to come up with a plan like

*Prof. Otto* said: I must admit, I wasn't keen on the plan either, but I heard the mainland wasn't any
better off...But let's get down to brass tacks. You must join a guild, and help us get to the bottom of
this incident! It's the only way to unlock your true potential...Something about "levels" and "divine
protection," but I think it's a poor excuse to grant you protagonist immunity, if you ask me!
*Prof. Otto* said: ...I humbly apologize for breaking the fourth wall, there.

risingstar82 (Suzutan) said: No skin of my back, heh.
risingstar82 (Suzutan) said: So can I get a damn Guild License now?

> The Guildmaster you spoke to as part of the previous quest turns to you now.

Code: [Select]
*Guildmaster Carrot Top* said: But of course. However, you must either join a guild, or establish
one of your own. It is the law of our land, passed down for many years...But enough about that! Talk
to me again when you're ready to begin.

Code: [Select]
risingstar82 said: Sheesh, no wonder you suggested I skip the dialogue, ze.
risingstar82 said: The story is absolute crap!
nyanNekomata1313 (Cheeeeeeeen) said: It's called being self aware, nya.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Most MMO stories aren't good anyways, so I think they're embracing that.
risingstar82 said: Eh. I think it could have been executed better, but whatevs. At least we can interact with the NPCs.
nyanNekomata1313 said: IKR? It's fun!

> Suddenly...!

Code: [Select]
* Starbroker495 wants to be friends with you!

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #234 on: November 08, 2013, 02:24:03 AM »
>The hell?
>Look up the character, if we can from here. Ask Chen how if it isn't immediately obvious. Who do we know that might use a star theme? Eirin? Kaguya? That one fairy?

>A moment of puzzlement, then revelation! Flan's joined up? Huh! Go ahead and accept. Send her a ':rose-emote: ooo la la' in retaliation.
>Remain surprised that the NPC responded to our quip. Most games don't pull off that sort of stuff!
>Let's find out what Flan's doing and warn her about Chen and our current questing before trying to juggle the guild acceptance stuff as well.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 02:32:58 AM by E-Nazrin »
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #235 on: November 08, 2013, 03:00:20 AM »
>Remain surprised that the NPC responded to our quip. Most games don't pull off that sort of stuff!
> Yeah, how does that even work? Is the AI smarter or something? You ask Chen about this, but she's just as befuddled as you are. Either way...You decide to address Flan's request.

>A moment of puzzlement, then revelation! Flan's joined up? Huh! Go ahead and accept. Send her a ':rose-emote: ooo la la' in retaliation.
> You're such a flirt when you put your mind to it.  ;)

Code: [Select]
* Starbroker495 has been added to your friends list!
risingstar82 said: :rose: Ooo la la, you found me, ze!
Starbroker495 said: LOL! Bonjour, monamie! How's the game so far?
risingstar82 said: It is...A thing.
risingstar82 said: And I haven't even finished the tutorial yet, ze!
Starbroker495 said: XD You haven't even gotten to the best parts yet!
Starbroker495 said: But I won't spoil it here. :X Did you get into a guild yet?
risingstar82 said: Not yet. I need to ask Alice if she's in her own guild or what, ze.
Starbroker495 said: o.o Por que?
risingstar82 said: Because I have no idea otherwise? I was just about to search for her guild...
Starbroker495 said: Save yourself the trouble, she already joined mine! =D
risingstar82 said: What? Aw shit, so much for us teaming up.
Starbroker495 said: Yeah, she sounded a wee bit upset when she joined...But maybe thinks will get
Starbroker495 said: things*
Starbroker495 said: Come to think of it, I haven't heard a peep from her. Is she ok? o_o
risingstar82 said: She said she was mining for ore, and she was using those dolls...It wouldn't be unusual
if she kinda spaced out while doing so.
Starbroker495 said: Well, you can sort it out on your own terms, she is your roomie after all. Just search for my name
and you'll find my guild on the list thingy! Savvy?
risingstar82 said: Yeah, I got it covered, ze.

>Let's find out what Flan's doing and warn her about Chen and our current questing before trying to juggle the guild acceptance stuff as well.
Code: [Select]
risingstar82 said: Speaking of people missing in action...Is Sakuya ok, ze?
Starbroker495 said: Merde...I thought you wouldn't ask. -___-
Starbroker495 said: Sakuya fell down and broke her crown.
risingstar82 said: Oh no, is she ok?
Starbroker495 said: Patchy said she suffered a skull fracture...And possible brain damage.
Starbroker495 said: But she stopped the worst of it with a heal spell, all that's left is for her to recover.
Starbroker495 said: I really hope we don't have to turn to Eirin for this.
risingstar82 said: I hope not either, ze. Hmmm.
risingstar82 said: Maybe I should get in touch with her later, and see how Kaguya's doing.
risingstar82 said: On that note, I have a favor to ask you, ze.
Starbroker495 said: Oui?
risingstar82 said: Yukari's cat is accompanying me, she knows about the weird things going on with the game, but...
risingstar82 said: I'd rather not let the old hag herself get wind of this, ze. So please try to keep this to yourself.
Starbroker495 said: VIVA LA JAPAN! Your secret is safe with me, monamie! >u<7
risingstar82 said: (chuckles) You're so adorable when you act all gung-ho like that.
Starbroker495 said: LOL, thanks. :3
risingstar82 said: What level are you, ze? I'd like an idea so we can catch up.
Starbroker495 said: Niveau dix! I mean, level 10.
Starbroker495 said: It's not too bad, the questing goes by faster than one would think.
Starbroker495 said: And before you ask, I'm a mage!
risingstar82 said: Eh, that shouldn't be a huge issue, ze. I dunno what Chen is, but knowing her, she might be a
magician too, ze.
Starbroker495 said: It's not a huge deal! XD We can cover our bases later. For now, just focus on catching up!
risingstar82 said: Will do! o/ And...I pray Sakuya gets better.
Starbroker495 said: Me too, monamie. Me too. (hugs)
* risingstar82 accepts le hug.

> _

capt. h

  • Only sane townie
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #236 on: November 08, 2013, 03:03:33 AM »
> A bunch of talking animals panicking over natural disasters. Are we playing pokemon mystery dungeon Explorers of the MMO?

That isn't a criticism; I enjoyed that game and actually want to know if we can recruit cute little talking animal NPC companions to our party.

> "Hey Flan, does this game have pets?"

> Join the thieves guild (As soon as possible).
« Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 03:19:01 AM by capt. h »


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #237 on: November 08, 2013, 03:18:37 AM »
>Sakuya getting injured isn't good! But it doesn't make much sense for that to connect to the game? Maybe just coincidence? Ahh, whatever.
>Guess we're going too slow to really surprise Alice at this point. Darn. Maybe we should just PM her again and apologize for overestimating our haste.
>Yeah, let's tell Flan that we'll try to catch up and do that!
>Join up in Flan's/Alice's player guild and see if Chen's already also there, or somewhere else. We'll think about factioning into a real mage's guild after the Gensokyo crew gets established!

Capth if it makes you feel any better we can make a point to steal the entire house of whoever's responsible for this; in-game mechanics are rarely kind to indiscriminate robbery!
« Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 03:21:54 AM by E-Nazrin »
There was something here once. Wonder what...

Third Eye Lem

  • Time Ticker
  • Castle Bal
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #238 on: November 08, 2013, 05:51:07 AM »
>Sakuya getting injured isn't good! But it doesn't make much sense for that to connect to the game? Maybe just coincidence? Ahh, whatever.
> While part of you says it's just coincidence, it does sound pretty suspicious. Sakuya's got an incredible sense of balance and dexterity, the ability to fly, and even teleport short distances. So what the hell happened...?

>Guess we're going too slow to really surprise Alice at this point. Darn. Maybe we should just PM her again and apologize for overestimating our haste.
> You decide an apology is in order, so you shoot Alice a message...She doesn't respond immediately. Understandable, you think.
> ...And then you realize you're texting from a few feet away. Shame on you!

> A bunch of talking animals panicking over natural disasters. Are we playing pokemon mystery dungeon Explorers of the MMO?

That isn't a criticism; I enjoyed that game and actually want to know if we can recruit cute little talking animal NPC companions to our party.
> It's more like Animal Crossing style-wise, but yes...The similarity is totally unintentional, though. :V

PMD is also way harder than AC :sadfaec:

> "Hey Flan, does this game have pets?"
Code: [Select]
Starbroker495 said: Why yes!
Starbroker495 said: I haven't seen any yet, though. >.> I'll let you know if I do!
risingstar82 said: I'll see about sorting things out with Alice, too.
Starbroker495 said: That's good. :3 Friends like you two should stick together!
risingstar82 said: Heh, that's true I guess.

>Join up in Flan's/Alice's player guild and see if Chen's already also there, or somewhere else. We'll think about factioning into a real mage's guild after the Gensokyo crew gets established!

> Join the thieves guild (As soon as possible).
Code: [Select]
nyanNekomata1313 said: Sooooo...
nyanNekomata1313 said: Didja find a guild yet? owo
risingstar82 said: Yes! In fact...We can both join it, it's run by a friend of mine, ze.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Alice?
risingstar82 said: No, Flandre.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Oh, you're friends with her??? ono
nyanNekomata1313 said: This I didn't know, is she friendly?
risingstar82 said: Yeah, she has her fits now and then, but she's not gonna kill ya.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Ran-sama said she was dangerous...But...If she trusts you, I feel safer already!
nyanNekomata1313 said: ^w^ What's her usernyame, nya?
risingstar82 said: Starbroker495, ze.

> You're not sure about establishing a guild of magi or thieves yet, but right now it's a guild of FRIENDSHIP. Because FRIENDSHIP IS--nope. You can't say it. You just can't. Not with the weight it carries. Not here. Not now. Not in front of all these people. You forbid it! FORRRRRRRBIIIIIIID IIIIIIIT.
> ...
> You can feel the dolls staring at you mentally, so you decide to get a move on.

Code: [Select]
*Guildmaster Carrot Top* said: So, what do you want to do?

> Join Guild

*Guildmaster Carrot Top* said: Very well, then! Here's the list of available Guilds...

> Search by Player: Starbroker495
* This player is the leader of RAINBOW_NIGHT.
* Send an request to join?
> Yes
* Your request has been sent. Please note that the player may not respond to you right away.

> In spite of that warning, Flan replies to you lickety-split. And soon...
> GUILDIES QUEST COMPLETE! "Lern2Soshulize" -- You're now the member of a Guild! This qualifies you for a Guild License!
> In-Game Item Acquired: Guild License -- Important Item, Cannot Be Dropped -- This ID allows you to gain levels from quests and be recognized as an official adventurer of Guildies!

> There's a surge of power around you (and Chen, whom just got her license). Sparks fly up above your head, and form together into a large, golden "+1" above your head. The number zooms over to your level indicator on the UI, and increases it by one. You are now Level One.
> Another button lights up on the UI now, it's the "Skills" button.

Code: [Select]
*Guildmaster Carrot Top* said: You feel that? That is the power of SKILL POINTS flowing through you!
*Guildmaster Carrot Top* said: You earn Skill Points by gaining levels; you currently have six of them to spend.
*Guildmaster Carrot Top* said: Open up the Skill Web by clicking on the "Skills" button, and see what you can
learn! Don't worry, you can reset your skills for free!
*Guildmaster Carrot Top* said: I must warn you, now that you're an Adventurer...If you die, you lose coins, and
your equipment durability goes down (cosmetic items are not affected). You'll also loose any buffs, Gem EXP or
Motivation you had active at the time of death, so be careful!
*Guildmaster Carrot Top* said: Feel free to use our training halls to hone your skills before heading out. If you
want to get on with your adventure, speak with Professor Otto, he knows more than I do about what's going

> Quest Received: Dangerous Depths -- Speak with Prof. Otto about what's going on here on the island.

Code: [Select]
nyanNekomata1313 said: Meowwww! That felt so good! I'm not a newb anymore!
nyanNekomata1313 said: Did you feel it too when you leveled up?
risingstar82 said: I guess? It was nice to get out of that tutorial, at least.
nyanNekomata1313 said: Yeah, you have a point.

> _


  • .... what're you looking at?
  • fuwafuwa pachipachi
Re: MarisaStory: A Certain Magical Internet
« Reply #239 on: November 08, 2013, 06:56:56 AM »
>Hey now, Alice contacted us like that too...! And she's asleep! Talking in the room wouldn't work too well!
>Thankfully the junk cutlass we have is unbreakable, so that's a little less to worry about. I guess.
>What do we have in the way of in-game cash? Could we sell off those drops yet?
>'Finally, time to get to the magician's guild and start blowing things up! What were you planning on, Chen?'
>We probably have a guild chat now. Use that if we can, and see if there's any chatter there already.
>If nothing of importance, head for the mage's guild/teacher/whatever to cash in those skill points, or however that system works. We need more ultraviolence.
« Last Edit: November 08, 2013, 07:07:38 AM by E-Nazrin »
There was something here once. Wonder what...