Author Topic: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!  (Read 199757 times)

Iced Fairy

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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #60 on: April 15, 2013, 05:35:54 PM »
2.  We can steal more land when we need it.  I figure much more and we'll just end up getting it stolen while we're noobs.

And sure.  Moordoor.  Let's go with that.

Hello Purvis

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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #61 on: April 15, 2013, 05:36:47 PM »
The clan's name shall be One-Winged Stab Bat

As for land, anything that's not choice 1.

Edit: Okay, so APPARENTLY there's some commie character limit. So instead, let's have the clan name be DefLeppard
« Last Edit: April 15, 2013, 06:09:34 PM by Anpurvis »

Dead Princess Sakana

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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #62 on: April 15, 2013, 06:41:41 PM »
I'm sorry Purvis, I can't hear you over the sound of Moordor. And I figure we may take option 2 for the land, we need some room for those horses and cows after all.

Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #63 on: April 15, 2013, 11:54:37 PM »
Alright Clan Moordor, I'mma move us into our room to grow tula, actual gameplay update will be ready when it's ready. (Which may take a bit because I'll have tons of "need to take a ton at the start but not much later on" screenshots to take and crop, but should still probably get finished tonight.)

I'm just gonna fiat all the sim actions in the first year to set us off on the right foot and also try to introduce a good variety of our options. (Anything I don't do in the first year I'll cover near the end of the year, just to hit all the bases.) Unless I run into some needs-clan-input issue with organizing my clan ring, this means you'll probably only get to vote on events for the first year, but we still shouldn't have more than a season to worry about before that happens anyway.

Just to finish off the "so what do all these options do" clan formation questions, our starting amount of land is a pretty cut-and-dry tradeoff between space for crops/pasture/hunting vs. defensibility - larger and/or more heavily forested tulas make it easier for your enemies to sneak up on you.

Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #64 on: April 16, 2013, 02:22:17 AM »

One does not simply ride into Moordor... unless they are Moordor, I suppose.

So the game starts us out in 1329 at Sacred Time, the two-week period at the end of the Gloranthan year. (The Gloranthan year consists of five seasons of eight weeks each, plus the two weeks of Sacred Time.) Each Sacred Time we get a screen much like this, though future Sacred Times will give us an update on various clan numbers instead of the fixed background blurb. You can also hover over basically any feature here to see various things about our tula, like the little Elmal shrine, our cows, our weaponthanes, etc. (Our Uralda shrine is hiding behind the text. =P)

Every Sacred Time we allocate our magic reserve for the year. The nobles present on the clan ring affect the amount you have available to spend and how much you can put into each category. The omens for the year (the first of which is always harvest-related) are to the left, and our reputation meter is in the middle. Also, along the bottom you can see some at-a-glance numbers of for the clan, along with the current members of the clan ring, which is sort of the clan government. (You can click on them on nearly any screen for advice, but it tends to not be very useful outside of events.)

Children gives us more mouths to feed until they grow up. No one ever put magic in this so they took it out for the iOS version. :V
Crops gives us a higher crop yield. (Increased by Ernalda and Barnar worshipers.)
Diplomacy helps any emissaries we send out and also boosts the background reputation-maintaining of our traders. (Increased by Issaries and Lhankor Mhy worshipers.)
Health makes the sick and injured recover faster. (Increased by Chalana Arroy worshipers.)
Herds makes our herds (of all animal types - cows are sort of the gold standard but we also have horses, sheep, and pigs) more fertile. (Increased by Uralda worshipers.)
Hunting increases the yield of our hunters. I'm seeing one source say this was also removed for iOS but all I'd heard about from most was Children, so I'm not sure. (Increased by Odayla worshipers? The wiki says nothing but I don't see why they wouldn't...)
Mysteries raises the chance of success when we sacrifice to learn the mysteries of the gods. The bonus decreases the more we try in a given year. (Increased by Lhankor Mhy worshipers.)
Quests makes it way, way more likely for our first heroquest of the year to succeed (and you generally don't want to try more than once a year anyway, preferably once every other year). (Increased by Eurmal worshipers, and oh hey we actually have such a trickster right here... :3)
Trade increases basically everything trade-related: the income of our market, the number of routes we can support, the profit of any specific trading missions... (Increased by Issaries worshipers.)
War takes a little explanation, though I'll mostly cover war later on when it comes up - you can also spend magic in individual battles, and every point of magic spent here at the start of the year acts as a point spent in every single battle that year.

For now I put two points each into Crops and Herds, and one in War. (Most games I'd put one in Herds and maybe two in War, but I also tend not to start with a second checkbox of Herds available in the first place.) I actually don't intend to go on the offensive for raiding in the very first year (though if anyone really wants me to, just mention it during this voting period, I'll squeeze one in anyway), but that point will be useful when we inevitably get raided outselves.

It's not a good idea to spend every single point of magic you have available each year. Many events allow you to spend some magic on them (or just remove a few points as a side effect!), and your free magic also acts as the luck stat for your clan.

And thus, we enter the first "month" of Sea season. (While the Gloranthan calendar lacks months per se, as the seasons are eight weeks long, they effectively have two months each, and the game grants two actions per season.) Sea season is the time for planting, and all your farmers will be needed to help out - don't go raiding during Sea if you value your food income! It's fine to send small bands out exploring or accompanying a trading or diplomatic mission, and it's usually a good time to do so.

The various little carvings along the top banner serve as our menus - the currently glowing one of two people in the middle tells us we're on the Clan screen. Along the left, we can see the general state in numbers of our clan, and the slightly-raised-looking ones let us tweak some numbers. We'll probably see all the dialogs for that aside from probably hunters in the near future, so I'll cover those then.

The rock with th ecarvings in the middle appears on many of the screens, with a different configuration of carvings. These tell us about our relevant known and active blessings. Uncarved (grey) are ones we don't know, carved are ones we do, glowing are active. (I didn't check which one this known one is, but it's from our Ancestors, my guess is Divination since I know we have to sacrifice to learn Protection.)

To the right, we can reorganize our clan ring/change our clan orientation, throw a feast, or give gifts to the farmers or weaponthanes. We'll be reorganizing our ring in a moment, but first I'll show a couple other screens!

The circle with the lines across brings up our map. There's actually a fair bit more than this shot shows, you can scroll around by clicking near the edges, but this covers all of our currently known area, with a couple spots of unknown mixed in. We can also send out explorers from here, so don't expect it to say quite this fogged for long! You can press M to show clan borders (which I forgot to do for this shot). The clan names are color-coded to show the relationships:

Blue (ally) > light purple > dark purple > pink > red (feud)

I've usually seen it start off with two feuds and two allies, I guess we got unlucky. :( One of the two feuds (the Elkenvali) is a neighbor, they'll probably be our main punching bag for raids. (Speaking of people we hate, that barest sliver of a location name you can see off to the east is Prax.)

The background screen lets us look up myths and other background info. (I've chosen to screencap these later on, since I had a lot to cap for this update already - they'll be added to the second post of the thread once I do.) The History and Culture sections we just always know everything, but we don't start out knowing all the myths - the double circle marks myths of which we know the details, the rest we'll have to sacrifice for. This is because all the ones we don't know (plus Elmal Guards the Stead, granted because our main god is Elmal) are myths we can perform heroquests for - basically our clan gets together and LARPs the myth! A number of questable myths also have deeper secrets, some of which we can get via sacrifice, others we have to get in other ways.

The scroll at the very far end of the menu bar brings up the clan saga. We're not very interesting yet.

Now, to go rearrange that ring!

... damnit game, not only is Dorasor not our best leader, he's not even our best Elmal-worshipping leader. >=|

The reorganization screen lets you sort your nobles by skill in a given stat or in chunks of the alphabet. Hovering over a noble displays their stats in the box on the right. Skill levels proceed from unlisted to Fair, Good, Very Good, Excellent, Renowned, Heroic - there is some variation within a given tier, though. Anyway, there ended up being some fiddly bits, but nothing I felt was major enough to merit a vote. Points of interest:

- The second-best in our clan at Combat is our trickster (Orlgard is best though.)
- We have an Uroxi, those are kinda rare. =O (He's only third-best at combat and otherwise unremarkable, Orlgard is better in basically every way)
- Iskalli is actually also the best we have at Custom. (Harsaltar is second-best, I figured we probably want a lawspeaker who's not also our chief. No Lhankor Mhy dudes spawned though. :()
- ... every single femal noble in our clan worships Ernalda or Uralda. Uneven (well, un-as even as you can get with an odd number) gender ratio makes our fertility take a hit, but doubling up on gods makes our magic take a hit - I'll keep the magic please.
- We have no one better than Very Good at Magic - our best is a different Ernaldan but Iskalli is still in that range, so I dedicated the Ernalda slot to our best Plants chick instead (at Excellent)
- Engarna is only second-best at Animals but out best is a guy (worships Odayla), she's a notch lower but again, gender balance.

Our ring:

And our Uroxi just in case anyone's curious:

Reorganizing the ring takes an action, but we don't end up getting an event for the first month of Sea anyway, so let's see to some farming!

You can see on the rock our active Milk Blessing. We can slaughter some of our animals for food, but hopefully we'll never have to. We can adjust our amounts of fields, pasture, and woods here. I crank the fields up enough that our estimated crop yield is ~1000 units of food (one person eats one bushel per year) and our pasture is roughly double what we need (leaves room for growth, and unused pasture gradually returns to wilderness anyway).

I also adjust the ratios of the various crops - wheat is very fickle, yielding lots when the weather's good but almost none when it's bad; rye is very hardy and should be increased when the omens are bad; barley is sort of in the middle and when the omens are average I'll probably be running mostly that. Barley also gets the highest boost from Bless Crops and makes your clan extra-happy because it makes good beer (which is precisely the advice tricksters give here). You should still grow some of every type of grain no matter what, Ernalda isn't happy if you neglect any of her children. Most people say 15-20% of each, I tend to err on the side of more.

And then, when I move away from the Farming screen, we get our first event!

Orlkensor, a thane of the Kardavi clan, comes to you to ask for information about Arkilla, chief of the Grey Fox clan. "We intend to enter into negotiations with Arkilla, and hope that you know something about her personality, so that we will be well prepared for our parley with the Grey Foxes. You owe us a favor, and we will consider your obligation discharged if you give us good information."

1. "Arkilla? We know her well."
2. "Let us give you a gift, instead of information."
3. "We don't know anything about Arkilla."
4. "We'll try to answer your questions, but do not guarantee our answers will be right."
5. "What do you take us for? A pack of tattle-tales?"

Events all let you toggle the text box (with Space) to see the lovely art~. For each event I'll be including the advice from each ring member, though sometimes they give duplicate advice. They usually also favor a specific option or options, which are highlighted blue, but frequently their advice text doesn't obviously correspond to any option, which is the primary reason I'm including the numbers for all options, so I can tell you which they support easily. =P

Better to give Orlkensor a gift than information we are unsure of. (2)
It is wise to gather intelligence on one's neightbors. (No suggestion.)
The best gift of all is... well, a gift. (2)
Arkilla is so silver-tongued she could convince a man to slit his own throat. (1)
Answer his questions; it is good to give him words instead of cows. (1, but apparently neither one has any actual information about Arkilla to give us. >=| )
Just tell him what we think of him, as if we were speaking about Arkilla. (No suggestion.)

It's worth noting that the question could be any of several, but we only have the information on one possibility - clicking the ? button off to the left does let you view information on other clans during events, but the blurbs are not useful here.

Von Stein

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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #65 on: April 16, 2013, 02:47:08 AM »
I am gonna guess that putting an arrow through the shmucks' heads and just klingon promoting ourselves to the heads of the new clan is not viable?

I'm personally leaning 1 then.

Let them walk into another death trap. >=)
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?

Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #66 on: April 16, 2013, 03:33:15 AM »
I am gonna guess that putting an arrow through the shmucks' heads and just klingon promoting ourselves to the heads of the new clan is not viable?

Nope. :V

And even if it were, then we'd probably just have more people hating us already. =P


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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #67 on: April 16, 2013, 04:39:51 AM »
option 4 like any sane old person would

just to see the results, of course. for DIPLOMACY

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Dead Princess Sakana

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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #68 on: April 16, 2013, 06:41:58 AM »
Well, that's a tough one. Gonna go with option 4 here as well, let's be honest with the little bits of info we have at all.


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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #69 on: April 16, 2013, 07:07:01 AM »
I'm voting 1.  That's coming from our Diplomat, afterall - if anyone would know about her, he would.

Zengar Zombolt

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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #70 on: April 16, 2013, 02:12:05 PM »
Do we even know anything about them anyways :v
Let's go with 4.

Iced Fairy

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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #71 on: April 16, 2013, 02:36:30 PM »
2.  4 is sensible, but we could use some more allies.


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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #72 on: April 16, 2013, 04:40:07 PM »
Voting 1; as Garlyle said, dude's our diplomat. If he's wrong at least we'll know that we need a better person for that position.
Peketo's Drawing Stuffs
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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #73 on: April 16, 2013, 07:21:05 PM »
Well we do know their chief is silver-tongued. Normally we'd have more than one damn ring member contributing useful info though.

Also Sartark is our best diplomat. He has the most Bargaining. It's him. :V

Hello Purvis

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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #74 on: April 16, 2013, 09:36:03 PM »
#1. Our diplomat knows best. Or at least he better.

Also, don't forget to tell folks how you want your council to be composed of followers of the seven major gods for proper mirroring of the divine, and thus bonuses!

Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #75 on: April 16, 2013, 09:54:29 PM »
Also, don't forget to tell folks how you want your council to be composed of followers of the seven major gods for proper mirroring of the divine, and thus bonuses!

It's doesn't actually matter which seven gods, as long as they're seven different ones - the ring of seven members is supposed to mirror the Lightbringers (which is also where we get the gender balance from, though for that it doesn't matter which gender our 4 vs. 3 is), and two of the Lightbringers (Flesh Man and Ginna Jar) aren't even represented in KoDP.

I did mention when I was putting together our ring that we want no repeats - though failing to do so is a penalty, rather than a bonus for doing it. Well, whichever way it counts, we want ALL THE MAGIC. :3
« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 09:57:42 PM by Arashuu Iwabara »

Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #76 on: April 17, 2013, 12:04:12 AM »

I took the really waffly middle option because this isn't the whole one possible question we know the answer to.

... I know y'all that voted for this option said that our diplomat should know best on this stuff, but don't blame him for this, the dude's not psychic to know which question we were going to be asked. I blame the earth chicks who also said to pick option 1 but didn't actually have anything to say about Arkilla.

Anyway, now that we've pissed these guys off, it's Fire season. There's nothing to do for the crops except let them sit and grow, but the weather's good, so Fire's the traditional season to raid the crap out of everyone. But we're not going to this year. :V

We will increase our weaponthane count from 10 to 14 though. Hiring weaponthanes, as it says, costs 3 cows' worth of goods immediately and a cow a year, and you have to have horses for your weaponthanes (though this doesn't "spend" horses, unlike goods). Our nobles also need horses, by the way.

We've still got plenty of horses and such but the game typically only lets you increase weaponthanes by so much at a time - while I didn't spend the second month of Fire hiring more, I did check to see that we could, and we can. I probably will come back to weaponthane hiring later in the year, but I have other tasks I want to take care of first.

Here's the War screen without the weaponthane hiring dialogue in the way. Like on the Clan screen, the button-label on the weaponthanes count here brings up the "have more/less" dialog. Below that we have the number of people on patrol which I'll have to adjust all the damn time because new weaponthanes and ones returning from guarding trade/diplomacy missions or exploring don't get added immediately. The outer patrol spots raids earlier but will be too far away to respond if a raid does slip past them, whereas the inner patrol gives another chance to spot them and will be there and ready to fight.

If you do leave a number of dudes off patrol your weaponthanes will be happier (the off-duty ones rest and practice and can be assumed to rotate duties among them, though the game doesn't track each dude individually), but keeping weaponthanes happy is hilariously trivial so who cares.

Also on the left there's the buttons to launch cattle raids and regular raids. I'll cover these in more detail when we actually do launch a raid, in the meantime I think they're pretty self-explanatory aside from the fact that a cattle raid is much smaller and just to go steal some cows with. On the right there's options to build various fortifications. The watch tower helps spot dudes (and is super-cheap so I do intend to build one soon), the stake perimeter impales mounted enemies, and everything else is hilariously vague "helps against raids" stuff.

The first half of Fire went by without an event again (no I'm pretty sure I'm not running into the save loading bug Mystic Mongol had early in his LP, since I'm using a virtual machine and its own savestates to let me save and exit the damn game during events for y'all to have a voting period).

I took this month to go increase my crafters to the max for delicious delicious goods. I also reallocate one bit of production from plain goods to fancy goods. We'll be able to get some more specialized crafting categories (for example, ivory) by finding them when exploring our own tula, but in the meantime I want to start raking in the wealth. (I may feel the need to go hiring farmers soon after depending on how many dudes we actually need to farm all our fields.)

Crafters are capped relative to your population, but pretty much everyone always maxed them out anyway, so in the iOS version they're always pegged at max. :V (IIRC it also eliminated the management of crop ratios, for an action we did last update and I forgot to mention it for.)

Also apparently I forgot to toggle off Orlgard's advice bubble for this screenshot. This is even more useless than the noble advice on most screens tends to be.

Killer-Gustand of the Six Brothers comes seeking your help with a raid against the Rakstanti. He reminds you of the obligations you owe to the Six Brothers, and tells you that the storehouses of the Rakstanti are like a tantalizing fruit, ripe for the picking.

1. Offer sacrifices to a war god of Gustand's choice.
2. Politely decline his request.
3. Send a full war party.
4. Send only a token force.

Clans that answer such requests are respected, and follow Orlanth's way. (3)
The Rakstanti are unpredictable. Sometimes they fight poorly; sometimes, ferociously. (3)
An appeal to the gods might be just as useful as a provision of soldiers. (1)
Even if we send more warriors than the Six Brothers, Gustand will have cause to be offended if we try to take most of the loot. (4)
If he's so big, why doesn't he do it himself? (No suggestion. From now on I'm just gonna note this by not noting things. =P)

Oh look it's an event with the exact same art as last time. A lot of events will have an option that launches you into a full-on raid but I'm fairly certain this one just auto-ships off some dudes and brings them back immediately if you pick one of the "send dudes" options. I'm not even sure this one has you actually pick numbers like most of those do.

Iced Fairy

  • So like if you try to hurt alkaza
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    • Daisukima Dan Blog
Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #77 on: April 17, 2013, 12:23:34 AM »
Once again diplomacy has failed us.  Time to stack the corpses high.



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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #78 on: April 17, 2013, 12:27:41 AM »
Do we even have enough dudes to send? Lik,e, if a number of them die in this, how defenseless will we be?

If we can afford to send them, I'll go with 3 as well; if not, 4

EDIT: Considering Shuu's post I'll go and vote only for 3
« Last Edit: April 17, 2013, 10:57:32 AM by Sagus »
Peketo's Drawing Stuffs
Despite the name, it's mostly 3D models.

My fanfics.

Von Stein

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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #79 on: April 17, 2013, 12:28:52 AM »
I've consulted with my oldpal Arengee, and we cam eto the conclusion that we should Just offer some sacrifices and shoo the clowns out of here.


Be weary of Arengee's advice of course.
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?

Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #80 on: April 17, 2013, 12:56:33 AM »
Do we even have enough dudes to send? Lik,e, if a number of them die in this, how defenseless will we be?

If we can affordo to send them, I'll go with 3 as well; if not, 4

I don't think we're likely to suffer any deaths here, and even if we do we've got some seasons before we're likely to see any combat anyway.


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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #81 on: April 17, 2013, 01:00:02 AM »
[23:02] <~Iced> You have sown the seeds of your own destruction Amra.
[23:20] <Stuffman> enjoy your personally crafted hell Amra

Dead Princess Sakana

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  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #82 on: April 17, 2013, 05:49:47 AM »
How could we not help a man with a trustworthy name like Killer-Gustand? I say we send so many soldiers that the Rakstani will have to build new store houses just so everyone can have something to raid! Option 3


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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #83 on: April 17, 2013, 06:39:09 AM »
... and two of the Lightbringers (Flesh Man and Ginna Jar) aren't even represented in KoDP.

I am pretty sure the Flesh Man is represented in the game as a
lovingly useless
treasure. :V But you would be correct in that the thing can't be worshipped. So there is that!

Toss up between 1 and 4, but in these sorts of situations this early in the game it is usually more rewarding to go with 1, so 1 it is.  :moogy:

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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #84 on: April 17, 2013, 07:02:48 AM »
#4.  We'll give 'em a hand but no sense risking more lives than necessary when we're still getting on our feet.

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #85 on: April 17, 2013, 03:12:58 PM »
Fight the fight!
Let's go with 3.

Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #86 on: April 18, 2013, 12:34:18 AM »

oh no we lost one weaponthane whatever shall we do (answer: just recruit more later in the year like we were probably going to anyway)

You can see that when we gain or lose things during events, the numbers down by the clan ring flash into red for loss (and blue for gain, but we didn't gain in this event).

And now it's Earth season! This is the season for bringing in the harvest, and so again pretty much all hands are needed. Thus, like Sea season, Earth is pretty much "do anything but raid" time.

I start out by having our Uroxi dude explore our own tula with a small defensive party (and I remembered to turn the borders on on the map so you could see them! Pretty much the only option here that might need some explaining is the travel speed - logically, it's a tradeoff between speed and thoroughness, with slower travel revealing more of the map... but any exploration of your own tula is instantaneous game-wise at any speed, so I'm not even sure slower is more thorough here either.

Success! We found one of the various crafting materials. I'm going to wait until we have some more before I spend a turn switching any of our crafters over, though.

I spend the other month of Earth breaking shit for Storm Bull (and a hefty amount of shit, too, since I wanted to be sure but couldn't really spare the point in Mysteries back in Sacred Time). Earth isn't typically the season for sacrifices, but I wanted to make sure to fulfill that omen from the start of the year. I believe I covered Berserker in one of the "so what the hell did y'all vote for" posts, but suffice it to say if Urox is gonna make me learn a blessing, I'd rather get either of the others.

Dorasa introduces the ring members to Orlkensor Bronzebones, a warrior of the Six Brothers clan. Orlkensor has been outlawed by Rostalos. Dorasa says she knows Orlkensor well. "Orlkensor doesn't want to say why he was outlawed, but he is a true and just fellow, so the ruling must be political. We should take him in."

1. Demand that he explain why he was outlawed.
2. Find another clan to take him in.
3. Give him quarters in Dorasa's stead.
4. Give him quarters in the chief's hall.
5. Refuse him.

We can always use an extra weaponthane. (3)
Orlkensor carries himself as a true warrior. The weaponthanes will be offended if he is not treated well. Or, on the other hand, if he is treated better than they. (3)
People sometimes get outlawed for no good reason. Orlkensor probably offended his chieftain. (2, 3, 4)
When Oskul the Brave slew the seven Weeping Knights, he aroused the jealousy of Bad King Urgrain, who then outlawed him.
Orlkensor carries himself as a true warrior. The weaponthanes will be offended if he is not treated well. (4)
  Why does he come running for another clan? He should exult in his opportunity, for now he can experience freedom from all entanglements. (1)
He must have killed someone, or committed some gross act of adultery. (1)

Oh wow this is way earlier than I usually see this event pop.


  • Spin, Hina, spin
  • Spin like there's no tomorrow
Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #87 on: April 18, 2013, 05:25:50 AM »
Who's Dorasa anyway?
Peketo's Drawing Stuffs
Despite the name, it's mostly 3D models.

My fanfics.

Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #88 on: April 18, 2013, 05:38:52 AM »
Who's Dorasa anyway?

Some thoroughly uninteresting noble we have sitting around not on the ring. She might've been the Ernalda worshiper with the Magic that I passed over in favor of Enerin and her Plants?

p.s. I finally cropped my screenshots of the blurbs about the other clans in the pass, they're in the second post of the thread.
« Last Edit: April 18, 2013, 06:19:11 AM by Arashuu Iwabara »

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #89 on: April 18, 2013, 07:11:22 AM »
Poor Dorasa, a good junk of the clan ring is shipping her with Orlkensor.

While I am highly tempted to a) torture him to a slow death with Teletubbies, to find out why he was outlawed, and b) find out how exactly we would find him another clan (I mean it's not like you pick up to call some central baby sitter clan agency, or the baby sitter clan down the road who might bring their clan friend over and then spend the whole night ignoring their weaponthane baby while making sweet, sweet babysitter clan love.), I think I shall say... let's jump on the shipping bandwagon.

Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?