Author Topic: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!  (Read 199639 times)

Welcome to Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!

King of Dragon Pass is a curious mishmash of simulation and choose-your-own-adventure originally released in 1999 by A Sharp. It takes place in Glorantha, the setting for the tabletop RPGs RuneQuest and HeroQuest. It got a release on iOS in September 2011 (updated in September 2012 to include a higher-res version optimized for iPad) with a number of new events and some streamlining of other elements, and the original version saw a release on GOG in August 2012 - I'll be playing off the GOG release, which to the best of my knowledge is identical to the original 1999 version sans needing the CD to run.

It's also full of lovely (and frequently badass) artwork, and a nicely atmospheric soundtrack.

This LP will be quite heavy on audience participation - while voting on every single action I take would bog things down considerably, general goals for each year (except maaaaaaaaaaaaaaaybe the very first year, both to get some pretty stock setup that most people do the same way close to every time squared away and to make sure I show off most if not all of the options available) and all special events (which are quite frequent!) will be up to you guys!

I'm thinking the general, unless-otherwise-noted rule on voting periods are going to be voting cuts off at 7:00 PM my time (US Eastern, currently GMT -4) of the day after I post an update. (Though we're talking days that end when I go to sleep, so e.g. 1 AM technically-Sunday-morning counts as Saturday.) This should always give at least 12 and usually closer to 24 hours for voting, and hopefully give people in a wide variety of timezones a chance to provide input.

Hopefully I can keep to a daily or nearly-so schedule for updates, otherwise the LP might get quite extended, but if I don't expect to get an update in I'll try to let you all know so you can keep on voting!

I don't care how you phrase your votes, as long as I can tell what option you're voting for, but please bold your votes when you vote for things. The game does number each option in events and I do plan to include those, so you'll usually have a clarity fallback if you're being a bit goofy with your vote otherwise. :3

Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #1 on: April 11, 2013, 05:33:07 AM »
Our ring (stats captured in Sea of 1330):

Other potentially notable nobles:
Rostandos died you guys ;_;

Other Clans

Everyone Else:

Myths: (* denotes myths with corresponding heroquests)
How Things Began, The Sword Story, The Contests, The Storm Age, *The Making of the Storm Tribe, *Humakt the Champion, *Issaries the Conciliator, *Lhankor Mhy Finds the Truth, *Orlanth and Aroka, Orlanth the Justice Bringer, *Chalana Arroy Heals the Scars, The Great Darkness, *Elmal Guards the Stead, *Uralda's Blessing, *Ernalda Feeds the Tribe, The Lightbringers Quest: The Journey West, The Sea Journey, Luathela, The Underworld, Orlanth and Yelm, The Ritual of the Net, The Return

History, The Dragonkill War, The Pharaoh, Early Settlements

Calendar, Chaos, Deities, Foreigners, Glossary, Heortland, Law, Map, Runes
« Last Edit: August 05, 2013, 09:14:16 PM by Harukarashi Barami »

Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #2 on: April 11, 2013, 05:34:36 AM »
Before we start managing our clan, we have to make them! We do this by way of a questionnaire that's not very long but I'm still going to split it over multiple updates with their own voting periods because reasons.

While I am eager to get started, this stuff's the actual lifeblood of our clan. We'll be expected to follow in the ways of our ancestors, and well-rewarded when we do! Because of that and because I'm posting this initial update fairly late at night, I will provide an extra day for at least this very first couple questions - any votes after April 12 at 7:00 PM (GMT -4) will not be counted. Even though I won't be home for another couple hours after that. This is a Friday-only problem. =P

Depending on participation, future setup questions may keep this extended voting period or may return to the default voting schedule of 7:00 PM the day following an update.

There once was a time when gods and people walked the earth together. Your clan traces its ancestry back to those times. Your clan history begins when you joined the forces of the storm god Orlanth. Back then, Orlanth was simply one of many upstart, rebellious gods bent upon conquest of the world. Orlanth's unique contributions at that time were personal honor and a close kinship to the other deities who seemed to be on the winning side.

After many tribulations, adventures and discoveries Orlanth proved himself worthy of marrying Ernalda, the Earth Mother. The two of them created the Marriage Ring and established great harmony in the world through this sacred bonding. Our clan took part in the wedding ceremony. Most clans either whooped with Orlanth or learned a secret from Ernalda. A few clans stood with Elmal, God of Horses and the Sun, as an honour guard.

How did our clan prepare for the great marriage?

1. Our men and women donned gleaming armour and stood guard with Elmal to protect the celebrants from Orlanth's many enemies.
2. Our men whooped with Orlanth and drank the Eight Known Drinks, so that their heads would hurt during the ceremony.
3. Our women withdrew with Ernalda and learned a List of Names, which they promised not to repeat to the men.

Orlanth's struggle to remake the world was just beginning, and many other gods joined him in it. Orlanth undertook many wars of conquest. Other more peaceful deeds were just as important.

Our earliest Famous Event was:

1. The Battle of Extinguish Field, when Orlanth's forces defeated those of his worst enemy, Yelm the Bright Emperor.
2. The Hundred-Day Hunt, when Orlanth's brother Odayla tracked the Sky Bear.
3. Jested's Settlement, when Issaries the Talking God outwitted foreign deities in a difficult negotiation.
4. The Procession of Animals, when Uralda, the Cow Mother led the sacred herds into Orlanth's stead.
5. When Barntar, son of Orlanth and Ernalda, harnessed oxen to plow.
6. When Ernalda and her daughters went to the Hidden Place, and then came back with many secrets.
7. When Lhankor Mhy , the Knowing God learned how to use the marking bone, which could mark signs of power upon anything.
8. When Pella, the pottery goddess, made the first pot to store grain in.
9. When Roitana, lady of dance, performed the Clan-making Dance.

Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #3 on: April 11, 2013, 08:00:50 AM »
Never heard of this game, but seems like it'd be pretty cool.  Also enjoying the linked soundtrack.

Voting for 1. Our men and women donned gleaming armour and stood guard with Elmal to protect the celebrants from Orlanth's many enemies.

Not sure about the second, but # 4, 8, or 9 sound amusing.  Thinking nomads, merchants, or fertility.


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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #4 on: April 11, 2013, 10:27:40 AM »
How did our clan prepare for the great marriage?

3. Our women withdrew with Ernalda and learned a List of Names, which they promised not to repeat to the men.

Our earliest Famous Event was:

The Procession of Animals, when Uralda, the Cow Mother led the sacred herds into Orlanth's stead.

Let's mix things up a little  :3

Never heard of this game, but seems like it'd be pretty cool.  Also enjoying the linked soundtrack.

It is pretty badass. The entire setting is basically powered by myths. So you can imagine all the potential badass and hilarity that can come of it.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 10:52:12 AM by trancehime »

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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #5 on: April 11, 2013, 01:24:47 PM »
Oooh, this game! I always wanted to play it, but never quite got around to actually trying. I remember a review in the most popular gaming magazine in my country. The reviewer (very briefly) bashed pretty much every single aspect of the game and gave it the lowest possible mark, but personally I found the idea and drawing style quite appealing, so I concluded that they probably never actually bothered to play the game and reviewed it based on screenshots and press release material instead.

Voting #1 (Our men and women donned gleaming armour and stood guard with Elmal to protect the celebrants from Orlanth's many enemies) for the marriage preparation and #1 again (The Battle of Extinguish Field, when Orlanth's forces defeated those of his worst enemy, Yelm the Bright Emperor) for the Famous Event.


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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #6 on: April 11, 2013, 01:30:51 PM »
Let's go with #1 and #7.

[09:46] <theshim|work> there is nothing like working for a real estate company to make one contemplate arson


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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #7 on: April 11, 2013, 03:03:22 PM »

Also good that you're offering us several choices at once.

Zengar Zombolt

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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #8 on: April 11, 2013, 04:34:25 PM »
I'll go with The Eight Known Drinks(2) and The Battle of Extinguish Field(1).
We Nordic now.

Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #9 on: April 11, 2013, 05:33:53 PM »
We Nordic now.

I mean, we pretty Nordic no matter what y'all pick. :V (Or maybe more like Germanic. Or something.)

Also good that you're offering us several choices at once.

Yeah, the past LPs on SA did a single question per update but they also had enough people around to get a decent number of votes in a fairly short time. There's only one damn thing keeping me from putting up the entire questionnaire at once, and it's sadly placed that I can't reeeeeeeally break it in just half either, but since none of the questions are predicated on prior ones I can at least get a few at a go.
« Last Edit: April 11, 2013, 05:40:43 PM by Arashuu Iwabara »


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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #10 on: April 11, 2013, 05:38:31 PM »
1 and 7!
[23:02] <~Iced> You have sown the seeds of your own destruction Amra.
[23:20] <Stuffman> enjoy your personally crafted hell Amra

Dead Princess Sakana

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  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #11 on: April 11, 2013, 07:32:39 PM »
Man some of those "Famous Events" sound ridiculously trivial. Hmm, I guess my votes will be 1 and 2

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #12 on: April 12, 2013, 02:35:57 AM »
I vote for getting drunk and having food.

2, and 8.

Edit: No, I never wrote 1. Choosing 1 seems very dangerous and reckless of me. I could not fathom why I ever would write 1. It's a terrible number. Only bad things come from it. And everything else. I guess the number is ok. Maybe. I'unno. Don't judge me! ;_;

PS: Whoops.
« Last Edit: April 12, 2013, 02:41:54 AM by Irmingard von Stein »
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?

Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #13 on: April 12, 2013, 02:39:28 AM »
I vote for getting drunk and having food.

1, and 8.

Stein 1 is not the get drunk option, it's fine if it's what you want but your text implies you want drunk. :V

Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #14 on: April 12, 2013, 05:47:55 AM »
1. Our men and women donned gleaming armour and stood guard with Elmal to protect the celebrants from Orlanth's many enemies.
2. The Hundred-Day Hunt, when Orlanth's brother Odayla tracked the Sky Bear.

SKY BEAR. I was really tempted to vote for drunk option too but I liked the first one just a bit better.

Hello Purvis

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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #15 on: April 12, 2013, 08:32:31 AM »
#3 and #5.

Fuck your wars. Peace Clans are where it's at!


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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #16 on: April 12, 2013, 06:18:22 PM »
2 and 9

Drinking and dancing, what the hell else do you need?  (Well, maybe some sleep when you're too drunk to dance, but there isn't an option that involves sleeping so drinking and dancing it is.)
Whether you're on Easy or you're a Lunatic, be damn proud of your accomplishments.  Don't let anyone convince you otherwise, for it's when you lose faith in your own achievements that those victories become defeats.


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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #17 on: April 12, 2013, 08:42:35 PM »
3 and 6, Matriarchy goooooo!

Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #18 on: April 13, 2013, 01:18:08 AM »
Well it looks like our clan's main god is Elmal and our earliest Famous event was Orlanth at the Battle of Extinguish Field! (What those choices mean along with the options we didn't choose once I get a writeup done. >_>)

From here on out I'm just gonna do the next day by 7:00 PM GMT -4 limit for voting. Next questions:

Orlanth succeeded in remaking the world, and thus began the golden era called the Storm Age. Orlanth's son, Vingkot was a famous warlord during this time. Most of the people in the area were among his followers. Many people who would not have survived joined his tribes. He was a great organizer and helped the many scattered people form into new clans and tribes. Your clan was one of those aided by King Vingkot. After you proved yourself robust and capable of survival, Vingkot placed a remnant people under your protection. They were the Nalda Bin, or "Stick Farmers." You had a choice whether to make them into thralls (slaves) or adopt them as members of your clan.

How did you add these strangers?

1. Adopted Family
2. Thralls

The foes of the Vingkotlings were many, and our people fought hard against them.

Which one in particular did we fight?

1. Boztakang, the Troll Lord
2. Ukka Gra, King of the Basmoli Beastmen
3. Chinkis Mor, the Elf Warlord
4. Tada the Green, champion of the flat land called Prax
5. Faralinthor, Salty Lord of the Sea
6. Ves Venna, Son of Valind, Warlord of the Ice Tribe

(One of these is so dumb they took it out of the iOS version altogether. Another is significantly more likely to help us than harm us if we don't choose it as our ancestral enemy. Which ones are these two? NOT TELLING. :V)

The Storm Age ended in disaster when the gods and creatures of Chaos came and destroyed nearly everything. Orlanth and his allies fought hard against them, but Chaos almost always won. Catastrophes shook the world, such as the Sun Fall, the Rain of Blood, and the terrible Laughing Tsunami. In this era many gods died, and many new ones rose to prominence. The Darkness got so bad that even Orlanth and his companions had to abandon humans to their own destiny. Only a few deities, either small or weak ones, remained at all. The world stagnated and died. Our clan was diminished to a ragged handful of hardy survivors.

Heort the King was the leader who emerged amid the turmoil of the Darkness. The combined efforts of Heort and his companions helped set the world in order again. He created the laws that we follow to this day. One of the great distinctions which Heort discerned among his clans was that some of them tended towards either peace or war, while others maintained a balance between these two principles.

Which kind was your clan?

1. War
2. Balanced
3. Peace
« Last Edit: April 13, 2013, 01:23:00 AM by Arashuu Iwabara »

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #19 on: April 13, 2013, 01:28:45 AM »
Let's go with Adopted Family(1), Ukka Gra(2) and Balanced(2).


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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #20 on: April 13, 2013, 01:32:28 AM »
Adopt 'em! (1) Kill 'dem elves! (3) Let them know Peace AND War! (2)
« Last Edit: April 13, 2013, 04:30:47 AM by Amra »
[23:02] <~Iced> You have sown the seeds of your own destruction Amra.
[23:20] <Stuffman> enjoy your personally crafted hell Amra

Iced Fairy

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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #21 on: April 13, 2013, 01:48:27 AM »
1 - Adopted Family
4 - Human on Human violence!
2 - In all things Balance.

Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #22 on: April 13, 2013, 02:47:15 AM »
So! To provide some more substantial content during the early bits where we're just making the clan, I'll follow up each voting period with just what the hell you guys got me into.

Question 1: Main God
While our peoples in general are known as the Orlanthi, and the vast majority do worship Orlanth as the main god of the pantheon, many individuals and even some clans do hold other gods more dearly. We'll see once we start playing that each god's worshipers have certain things they're particularly good at, and thus, some stats higher than others.

But more importantly, as a clan, we'll be expected to have our chief be a worshiper of our main god, or else our magic will suffer. (Admittedly, while the penalty does hurt, the events for having someone who's not high Leadership as your chief are irritating enough that if I don't have a main god worshiper in my top 2 or 3 leaders, I'll typically just suck it up and put the best leader as chief while I try to train a main god worshiper up a bit.) We'll also be expected not to have any shrines to other gods larger than that to our main god. (I'm not sure what the penalty for not doing so is but I don't really have any desire to find out!) It's not all bad, though, as we do get to start with a shrine already active granting us a constant blessing.

Orlanth, god of storms, is the king and main god of the pantheon, and us being Elmali does nothing to change that. His followers tend to have particularly good Leadership, so it's not unlikely that we might run with one as chief despite penalties (and yet whenever I'm an Orlanth-main clan all my best leaders are Ernaldans). All Orlanth worshipers are men, but his daughter Vinga, the goddess of women who take up men's role of warrior, has female devotees and is treated as equivalent to Orlanth for the purpose of main god-ness. Our initial shrine would grant the Rain blessing, which helps raise our crops and is probably the best of his blessings by far, though none of them are bad.

Elmal is a defensively-oriented war god, and the Orlanthi god of the sun. As befitting a war god, his followers tend to be particularly strong at Combat. His devotees are all male, and I don't think I tend to see a lot normally so this playthrough may end up accounting for more Elmali than I've seen otherwise combined. :V There's usually one other Elmali clan floating around the pass, so we're only mostly the weirdos in town. His initial shrine grants Steadfast, which improves our combat chances when defending, and IMO out of the 3 options here his overall blessing quality is the best.

Ernalda is the queen of the gods and the primary earth goddess. Her devotees get a bonus to Plants skill, and are all female. (There is a god in the setting who is to Ernalda similar to what Vinga is for Orlanth, but there's no Nandan worshipers in KoDP.) We'd also have no clans around that are weirdos in the same way we are. :( Though I don't think it actually matters too too much. Her initial shrine provides Bless Crops, which good lord it is the best crop blessing I am getting this early anyway, but her other blessings are two mediocre ones and one actively detrimental one.

Question 2: Earliest Famous Event
The majority of these choices give all nobles in your clan a boost to a particular stat, and provide knowledge of (but not a shrine maintaining) a particular blessing.

The Battle of Extinguish Field, naturally, provides a bonus to Combat. This is probably one of the top couple choices for the stat boost, since the Combat skill is used frequently and you don't always get to pick who's trying to use it. The blessing it provides is Thunderstone (makes skirmishing more effective), which is pretty soundly mediocre - you'll see why when I'm actually explaining combat. Overall I'd say y'all did OK. :3

The Hundred-Day Hunt boosts Combat, Animals, and Plants, but none of them by as much as any of the other events. Its blessing is Tracking ("helps find things" - yes a lot of blessing descriptions are vague and unquantified, though this is still more explanatory than a lot of 'em), which is possibly Odayla's best blessing but still thoroughly expendable. Not particularly worth it, but still not the worst option here.

Jested's Settlement boosts Bargaining. A good trader will help you profit (and thus prosper!), and since I'm generally more inclined to send out my trading missions back-to-back than many seem to be, I do tend to like having multiple strong bargainers more than a lot of people. Plus it helps out in explorations. Its blessing is Silvertongue, which helps traders and negotiators.

The Procession of Animals boost Animals skill. While all the skills are valuable, some are slightly more expendable than others, and this is one of them - but anything that helps our herds is a good thing, since cows are sorta the basic unit of wealth in Dragon Pass! Also though, you usually only need one noble really good at it at any one time. The blessing it teaches, though, Calf Blessing (increases the fertility of our cows), is an absolute must on par with Bless Crops.

Harnessing oxen to plow doesn't have a snappy name grants Plants skill - like Animals, anything that ups the harvest is a good thing, but also like Animals, you probably don't need more than one person who's good at it. Plowsong (allows oxen to plow more) is a really good blessing though.

The Hidden Place boosts Magic skill. This is fantastic, much like Combat it will kick in quite often, and also nobles with high Magic will give valuable advice in quite a lot of events. Bless Children, though, is horrible kids eat food and don't make food. If you need more kids for god knows what reason, recruit some adult farmers who bring their kids along.

Knowing how to use pencils (no really) boosts Custom. This is pretty much the skill of history and legal precedent - more useful than it sounds, a good lawspeaker is an advice dispenser of similar quality (but usually for different situations) to a high-Magic noble. It's another one that you don't really need more than one of, but quite possibly more vital of a one than Animals or Plants people. The Literacy blessing helps our dealings with other clans, it's also a good one to have around, especially approaching the midgame.

The first pot teaches the Preserve blessing (reduces food spoilage) and gives 5 more farmers and crafters thank god you guys didn't vote for this. You always want all the crafters you can get but not to the point of giving up a more useful choice here. The blessing's fine but not particularly urgent or exciting - since we're not an Ernalda clan I may never even expand a shrine for it.

The Clan-Making Dance boosts Leadership - another "you really want a good one but probably don't need more than one good one" skill, though it is more likely to come up in varied situations than a lot of the others. Instead of a blessing, it gives us knowledge of a heroquest - we'll need to godLARP plenty to win the game, and even before it's actually required we'll likely want to do plenty!
« Last Edit: April 13, 2013, 08:21:33 AM by Arashuu Iwabara »

Hello Purvis

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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #23 on: April 13, 2013, 03:26:37 AM »
Adopt them; destroy those Praxite bastards, and Peace Clan!


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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #24 on: April 13, 2013, 04:44:38 AM »
1, 4, 3

The Doodle Way is to be friends to all, so long as they don't get in the way of drinking and dancing.  But that Tada.  Oh, that Tada.  Championing those flat lands.  Those flat lands must be conquered so that there is sufficient open space for drunken dance parties.  Tada is an obstacle to this grand vision.  We will conquer all that is flat.
Whether you're on Easy or you're a Lunatic, be damn proud of your accomplishments.  Don't let anyone convince you otherwise, for it's when you lose faith in your own achievements that those victories become defeats.

Dead Princess Sakana

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  • E is for Elodie, who swims with the fishes.
Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #25 on: April 13, 2013, 05:38:59 AM »
#1 Adopted - #5 Death to the Salty Lord of the Sea - #2 Balance Edit: Actually, let's change that last one. There.

Also... the "Laughing Tsunami"? O___o
« Last Edit: April 13, 2013, 05:41:40 AM by Fujisakana Nageki »

Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #26 on: April 13, 2013, 05:55:50 AM »
Oh yeah p.s. Elmal is also the god of horses but I don't feel like editing my post again. But it's not really that important. Just an "oh hey also".

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
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Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #27 on: April 13, 2013, 06:03:49 AM »
Just to be contrary I'll say get Thralls as our meatshields! We have a defensive war god, let's get some defense going!

But yeah, we clearly *must* have the flat lands. I mean look at those flat lands. They are so... flat. o/` I like flat lands and I cannot lie, you other farmers can't deny, when a land shows up, with no tree poppin' up you get plow'ng! o/`


2, 4, 2
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?

Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #28 on: April 13, 2013, 06:07:00 AM »
Just to be contrary I'll say get Thralls as our meatshields! We have a defensive war god, let's get some defense going!

Thralls don't get to fight, in fact if you give a thrall a weapon he becomes a free man :V

But they do make 90% of the food a regular farmer does and eat only 50% of what farmers do. :3

Von Stein

  • Just some insane airhead.
  • What's this newfangled stuff?
Re: Propitiating the Dread God Arengee - Let's Play King of Dragon Pass!
« Reply #29 on: April 13, 2013, 06:15:16 AM »
Thralls don't get to fight, in fact if you give a thrall a weapon he becomes a free man :V

But they do make 90% of the food a regular farmer does and eat only 50% of what farmers do. :3

Did I say anything about them fighing? No. I said we hold them in front of us as shields. :V (But yeah, I get your point. =p)
Can't think of a good signature.
More lilies maybe?