Author Topic: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]  (Read 240790 times)

Your Everyday NEET

  • Part time Researcher & Let's Player, full time NEET, also an eel
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #750 on: May 04, 2017, 08:05:55 AM »
The equipments and skills having a new effects and passives are kinda interesting.

Since I haven't played this for such a long time, I completely forgot where to go. I think my progress is after I beat Pandora I think? And recruiting Yumemi.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #751 on: May 04, 2017, 08:47:47 AM »
Pandora isn't even around lol. Yumemi is recruited after Valley of Corpses, so unless you went there last...


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #752 on: May 14, 2017, 06:56:34 AM »

I must question how this took me all day to any case, this is the last BIG map I have to do. There's 2 more maps, one of which is going to be a small room that has the save point, and then the final room which contains the entrance to The Void as well as the boss fight with Yukari (whom I still need to properly test, yay). After that? Not much left here except putting in treasures and sprucing up maps (like this one. Though the big problem with this tileset is I don't think it's actually suited for wastelands at all, since it's a FOREST tileset. But I did what I could with it!).

With this dungeon almost done, that leaves: Hakurei Shrine Forest, The Void, and Heart of Pandora. 3 dungeons in total for the main story. So close...yet still so far because I don't know what tileset to use for final dungeon, The Void is going to be a tough one to map since I want it to be fully explorable (i.e. have to get to specific areas via other areas of the Void), and the Forest is...well, it's a forest. That one shouldn't take long at all.

Once all the mapping's done, I just have to set up treasures, events, and fix up monsters, and game is pretty much done right there! Outside of ending of course which is going to be a pain in the ass to do...

In other news, I am updating characters still amongst other things.


   *Extreme Color Typhoon: 55 MP > 80 MP.
   *All Gear Change and Stock abilities work properly. Still in the process of making them unavailable outside of battle though.
   *Potion Berry now renamed to Large P EX. Large P and Potion Berry now halved in healing.
   *Sky Serpent:
     *Level 1 - 50 base damage > 250 base damage. 3 MP > 7 MP.
     *Level 2 - 100 base damage > 330 base damage. 5 MP > 10 MP.
     *Level 3 - 200 base damage > 425 base damage. 8 MP > 13 MP.
     *Level 4 - 400 base damage > 580 base damage. 12 MP > 16 MP.
     *Level 5 - 700 base damage > 800 base damage. 17 MP > 19 MP.


*Lapis: 500 yen > 400 yen.
*Potion Berry: 1000 HP recovery > 500 HP recovery.
*Sanae's and Suwako's skill scrolls have been updated in the Tengu Village shop, providing more scrolls than before.

Any other suggestions or feedback or whatever is still greatly appreciated! Getting closer to finishing the game once and for all (bar sidequests if I ever do them)! \ o /


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #753 on: May 19, 2017, 09:09:21 AM »

Current update to the game. Nothing new in terms of story, mind you, that's waiting on me to actually finish up mapping. However, all of the previous updates from last update till now apply to this. In addition, the following is now new!


   *Hakurei Amulet:
      *Level 1: Untouched.
      *Level 2: Untouched.
      *Level 3: Untouched.
      *Level 4: 580 base power > 620 base power
      *Level 5: 840 > 940 base power
      *Level 6: 1000 > 1280 base power
   *Rain Dance:
      *Level 1: Untouched.
      *Level 2: Untouched.
      *Level 3: Untouched.
      *Level 4: 320 base power > 280 base power
      *Level 5: 640 base power > 400 base power
      *Level 6: 1280 base power > 600 base power

   *Mysterious Fairy: 1200 base power > 600 base power.
   *Healing Fairy: 2800 base power > 1400 base power.
   *Rainbow Wind Chime:
      *Level 1: 7 MP > 10 MP.
      *Level 2: 11 MP > 16 MP.
      *Level 3: 450 base power > 400 base power. 15 MP > 21 MP.
      *Level 4: 600 base power >500 base power. 19 MP > 26 MP.
      *Level 5: 750 base power > 600 base power. 23 MP > 31 MP.
      *Level 6: 900 base power > 720 base power. 27 MP > 37 MP.
      *Level 7: 1150 base power > 840 base power. 31 MP > 42 MP.
      *Level 8: 1300 base power > 960 base power. 35 MP > 47 MP.
      *Level 9: 1450 base power > 1080 base power. 39 MP > 54 MP.
      *Level 10: 1600 base power > 1200 base power. 43 MP > 60 MP.
   *Extreme Color Typhoon: 2500 base power > 1500 base power.
   *Magicide: No longer Physical attribute.

   *All Armor Bless buffs now last 15 turns instead of 30. All Armor Bless spells now cost 25% Max MP to use instead of 14 MP (18 for Holy/Dark/Gravity).
   *Floral Nirvana: 22 MP.
   *Rise From Delusion: 1000 base damage, 48 MP.
   *Dance of Angels: 22 MP.
   *Double Pain: 20 MP.
   *Insightful Sword: No longer grants Counter: 20 nor 20% chance of Counter activating. Now sets PBlock to 50% for Youmu for 25 turns. 32 MP.
   *Reflection Slash: No longer doubles Counter activation %. Now sets MBlock to 50% for Youmu for 25 turns. 32 MP.
   *Divine Lottery:
      *Level 1: Untouched
      *Level 2: 500 base power > 450 base power
      *Level 3: 1000 base power > 725 base power
      *Level 4: 1500 base power > 1050 base power
      *Level 5: 2000 base power > 1400 base power


*Oni Wine now costs 2500 yen instead of 2000.
*Mortal Soul can only be bought after clearing Hakugyokurou instead of during its events.

*Healing Gohei: +50% power to Reimu's Hakurei Amulet and Rain Dance.
*Grimmerie: +25% Magic damage to enemies, -25% Physical damage to enemies.
*Feu: +50% Fire damage to enemies, -50% Ice damage to enemies.
*Black Pullet: +50% Dark damage to enemies, -50% Holy damage to enemies.
*Eau: +50% Ice damage to enemies, -50% Fire damage to enemies.
*Glace: +50% Water damage to enemies, -50% Thunder damage to enemies.
*Foudre: +50% Thunder damage to enemies, -50% Water damage to enemies.

*Tengu Feather: +20 Speed > +10 Speed.
*Rabite's Foot: +50 Speed > +20 Speed.
*Fury Ring: +15 Speed > +5 Speed.


*Save Point added to base in Tengu Village.
*Gap while Reisen is in the party at Youkai Mountain to Tengu Village removed.
*Many skill shops were updated in Tengu Village.

Of note, Nitori's Stock needs testing in this version, since I don't know if the way I coded them will give her the proper Stock during battle or not with and without specific abilities/equipment. Any bugs related to Nitori's Stock command, please let me know! Same with Youmu's Stance abilities (which I still need to update her Manussya Stance abilities, I don't know what they should do...)

In addition, End of Gensokyo's maps are 100% done, and I'm working on the Hakurei Shrine Forest dungeon (2/5 maps done. 2 of the maps are going to be super easy, so it should be done within the next couple days). After that is The Void (which is gonna be hell to do), and Heart of Pandora (which I still don't know what to do with the tileset), and that's it for the mapping! All that'll be left are the eventing and testing of bosses and enemies, and the game should be done!


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #754 on: May 31, 2017, 10:40:28 PM »
And a sneak preview of what's in The Void!

Shrine Zone:

Forest Zone:

Castle Zone:

Note that these aren't all of the zones. Shrine and Forest are 100% done, Castle has 3 more maps to do, and the Ruins/Village/Lake/Final Floors are not even begun yet. Trying my darndest to get through the rest of these maps so that the game can be put to rest once and for all...would be great, wouldn't it? Then the updates on this thread can finally end after so long...

With that, have the current update on what's being changed!


   *Barrier/Shield Wall: Now gives half of Momiji's default PBlock/MBlock instead of all of it.
   *Armor Bless: Duration of all statuses now set to 10 turns instead of 15.
   *Disappearing Elegance: Inflicts 777 base physical damage and Disable: 10 to all enemies. 57 MP.
   *Dharma of Gumonji: Replaces Wicked Soul from Devaloka Stance. Doubles Counter activation rate at the cost of 25 MP.
   *Phosphoric Slash: Inflicts 800 base Ghost-attribute physical damage and Provoke to one enemy. 48 MP.
   *Insightful Sword: Reverted to original version (grants Counter to Youmu). No longer paralyzes Youmu during the duration of the Counter, and Counter's duration is now set to 60 turns instead of 20.
   *Reflection Slash: Grants 10% chance per turn to give Youmu Reflect status for 30 turns. Now costs 48 MP instead of 32 MP.
  *Spirits of the Firm, Earthbound Souls, Spirit Amulet, Bondage Soul, Lazy Wandering Spirit, and Hatred Sign now deals 165 damage at level 1, up to 705 damage at max level. Requiem Fog, The Endless Way, and Confines of Avici now deals 250 damage at level 1, up to 1375 damage at max level. All skills are reduced from 100% to 90%.
  *Welcomingt Trial: Now gains +200 damage per level up, up to 2300 power at max level.
  *Spirits of the Firm: Now deals Poison-elemental damage.
  *Earthbound Souls/Spirit Amulet/Bondage Soul/Lazy Wandering Spirit/Hatred Sign: Now deals Dark-elemental damage.
  *Requiem Fog: Now deals Water-elemental damage.

   *Envenom: Now deals Poison-elemental magic damage on all levels.
      *Level 1: 400 base power. 6 MP > 14 MP.
      *Level 2: 800 base power. 12 MP > 32 MP.
      *Level 3: 1200 base power. 18 MP > 54 MP.
      *Level 4: 1600 base power. 24 MP > 70 MP.


*Hero's Shield: Now 25% PBlock/MBlock instead of 50%.
*Komachi's Trial Scrolls costs changed, now increasing +5000 yen for each level, up to 45,000 yen at max level.


*Ancient City has been completely revamped, thanks to LockeZ! May need testing to make sure events and the like work properly.
*Human Village is in the process of being revamped. Just need to fix up some tile issues on the destroyed version, then port over all of the events and make sure they work properly. This means that a lot of old stuff from the previous Human Village will be dumped (still in the game, but inaccessible) such as the South Human Village being merged with the North Human Village.
« Last Edit: May 31, 2017, 10:42:35 PM by Xenomic »


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #755 on: June 03, 2017, 08:49:27 PM »
Quick update patch since the equipment that increased/decreased enemy resists were buggy.
« Last Edit: June 03, 2017, 08:56:13 PM by Xenomic »


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #756 on: June 11, 2017, 12:17:49 AM »
Quick update for anyone who hasn't gotten to Hakugyokurou yet on their first time, due to bad coding on my end...without this, can't even progress the game as the boss won't show up due to an earlier event turning the switch on for beating that boss...

And just for the hell of it, here's what's new in this version too.



*No longer loses all summons after Kourindou (2nd). Now loses them after Kraken fight at Misty Lake, but still loses Daiyousei normally.


*Money Talks: Formula changed from 1% of yen player owns to (Total yen + 80000) / 200 for damage formula.


*Demon Lord Walk: All levels now set to 80% accuracy, instead of starting at 80% and increasing +1% per level up.
*Demon Lord Arrow/Ceiling Fear: All levels now set to 80% accuracy instead of starting at 80% and increasing up to 85% max. Now deals x4 damage vs. Flying.
*Demon Lord Cradle: All levels now set to 80% accuracy, instead of starting at 95% and decreasing -1% per level up. Now deals x4 damage vs. Gods.
*Vampire Claw: All levels now set to 75% accuracy instead of starting at 80% and decreasing 2% per level up. Now deals x4 damage vs. Humans.


*Utsuho's resistances fixed. HP increased from 9999 to 18,000.
   *1/2 physical to normal.
   *1/2 magic to normal.
   *1/2 elemental to normal (1/2 for Wind only)
*Lich fight with Utsuho now disables Kamikaze (counts as a wasted turn)


*Oni's Gourd: No longer grants  +20 Attack. Now grants Auto-Bravery. 500 yen > 1000 yen.
*Oni's Horn: No longer grants +50 Attack. Now grants Auto-Bravery and makes regular Attacks deal x2 damage..
*Oni's Rage: No longer grants +100 Attack, +100 Defense, -100 Magic, and -20 Speed. Now grants Auto-Bravery and makes regular Attacks deal x3 damage.
*Magic Potion: No longer grants +20 Magic. Now grants Auto-Faith. 500 yen > 1000 yen.
*Grimoire: No longer grants +50 Magic. Now grants Auto-Faith and increases the power of all secondary commands (Reimu's Pray, Patchouli's Recharge, Sanae's Miracle, Byakuren's Chant, Meiling's Chakra, Remilia's Souleater/Amok, Komachi's Yen Toss/Money Talks, Mokou's Sacrifice, Nue's Morph, Yuuka's Threaten, Hope's Revive) by 25% for the equipped character.
*Grimoire of Alice: No longer grants +100 Magic -100 Attack, -100 Defense, +20 Speed. Now grants Auto-Faith and increases the power of all secondary commands (Reimu's Pray, Patchouli's Recharge, Sanae's Miracle, Byakuren's Chant, Meiling's Chakra, Remilia's Souleater/Amok, Komachi's Yen Toss/Money Talks, Mokou's Sacrifice, Nue's Morph, Yuuka's Threaten, Hope's Revive) by 50% for the equipped character.
*Defense Seal: No longer grants +20 Defense. Now grants Ice/Thunder/Dark Resist -25%. 500 yen > 1500 yen.
*Defense Pendalum: No longer grants +50 Defense. Now grants Ice/Thunder/Earth/Dark Resist -25%.


*The entrance to the final part of Remains of Hell during beta4 has been moved by the save point area before the Forgotten Bridge.

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #757 on: June 17, 2017, 03:09:51 PM »
Got back into the game again and made it past the Meimu plot twist.

I've gotta say, the story turned out pretty well. Things got dark pretty quickly, wow.
The mapping is a bit bland at times, but it's not a huge deal.
The skill system irks me though. I like buying all available scrolls at once so I won't end up forgetting which ones I already bought. Problem is, you have to scroll down all the way past your consumable stuff and equipment to get to your scrolls and even then, you have to repeat that with every scroll you use. It gets a bit tedious... (looking at Komachi and Byakuren...)

And also, would I've gotten a special drop if I beat Remilia before she joined on her own?


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #758 on: June 17, 2017, 08:43:29 PM »
Huh. Sometimes I feel the story is maybe a bit too nonsensical or not really put together, and there's others that agree with me, but nice to see that there's people that thinks the story is fine. Sometimes I feel like going back and fixing up some story segments, if at the very least to give Hope a bit more of a spotlight in the game.

Yeah, some of the mapping you might be able to tell where it was updated and where it hasn't been (such as Human Village or Hakugyokurou in terms of not being updated). Human Village may actually FINALLY be updated here today, in fact, after I test out a few events in the destroyed version, and Marisa's House has already been updated to not look like crap. Still, there's a few other areas that need changed.

That one irks me too, and I don't know of a nicer way of handling it. I was thinking of making a key item, like a Grimoire of Marisa or something, that if you use it will check your inventory for all skill scrolls. The problem is coding that, since there's like....1500 some skill scrolls, so...yeah. You can kinda see why I'm hesitant about that one. ^^;;

You'd get 30,000 yen and a F for beating her, but you could've stolen a Master Scroll Lv2 at a 20% chance (Master Scroll Lv3 if you had Master Thief equipped).

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #759 on: June 17, 2017, 10:06:07 PM »
Eh, I don't use Marisa for stealing all that much. Even though I probably should.
Her ability doesn't feel all that practical if I just steal some generic healing item from a boss. Then again, I never tried her improved stealing.

Oh, regarding the story, I meant the effect of the BGM on the overall mood. I thought that the "deaths" were pretty moving. (...except for Parsee's I guess lol)
The story does need some adjustments when it comes to connection points, though.

Anyway, I'm currently stuck at the SDM part with Koa standing outside. I'm not sure what I'm supposed to do here nor how to lift the magic barrier to the basement.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #760 on: June 17, 2017, 10:27:51 PM »
Bosses usually tend to have something decent on them (for example, Culex has the best accessory in the game, the Quartz Charm, and Hades now has the Running Shoes, which gives +40 Speed. And then sometimes you get equipment/scrolls from specific enemies such as the fairies in Eastern Forest). If you have her with the Bandit ability, it helps her a lot (Double Steal%), which you can get by equipping her with Burglar Garb, Raven Cape, or M Apron. Mist Robe gives the Master Thief ability (improves quality of stolen item by 1 level (i.e. Lapis becomes Large P), but halves the Steal% to make up for it).

Yeah, I tried to use the BGM to capture the mood and fit with each scenario. Not as easy as it seems, and sometimes I think I need to go back and put in some fade outs/fade ins. And make the cutscenes a bit better, like Satori's. Though I'm not that great at cutscenes at all...

By connection points, what do you mean exactly?

Oh right, I think I never actually fixed that part up. You have to go talk to the book on Patchy's table in the center of the library before you can go into the basement proper. That's something I haven't actually figured out how to set-up yet.

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #761 on: June 18, 2017, 06:21:53 AM »
As long as you don't have to find a bunch of keys hidden among an army of fairy maids, I'm fine with anything.  :V

The connection points are the overall flow of the story. It felt kind of weird when I stepped into the school and fell into the hole underneath without a lot of explanations.
And the part where Kaguya nuked Eientei (even though you can still see it on the map...?) so she could go for the Lunarians was a bit sudden.
There are probably more bits where the plot takes awkward or sudden turns.

I wish Advent Cirno's Boost would work every time it's used. I'm not sure what to do with her if she can't attack reliably...
Most other characters can probably do more damage than her over time.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #762 on: June 18, 2017, 06:28:03 AM »
Well, at least the number of maids got cut down by like...half? A lot of them got axed out (and 3 new enemies added in to make the monotony less....monotonous).

Oh, that. Yeah, those are the points I'd like to go back and fix up, but never bothered to do so. Originally, the reason why Eientei was still on the map was because you WERE meant to go back to its ruins at some point in the original beta6 to go to the Moon, but that part of the game was scrapped. The school....I have no explanation for that other than Tenshi probably caused it unintentionally and wasn't lying about doing the earthquake. Sometimes I wish I was better at writing stories hue. And then there are a lot of times where I kinda wish I had made this into more of an original game than a Touhou fangame but...hindsight and all that. It'd be too much work and effort to change everything for that so...Touhou Fantasy it stayed! \ o /

Oh, it works. It just adds 50% to her Limit gauge that you can't see. It can be boosted to 100% with specific equipment on that you can't really get right now. But yeah, Advent CIrno has a lot of issues, I've been thinking of making her not start at level 1 for instance. That might help with her being used a lot more too. But if you get the right skills for her, then it's really hard to outdamage her as her skills DON'T MISS ever, and some like Omnislash Version 9 get ridiculous damage output.

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #763 on: June 18, 2017, 07:56:10 AM »
You can get skills for her? Well, good that I've kept her in my party of op characters. (Yuuka and Byakuren are the MVPs lol)

Also, how are you supposed to beat Suika? Her hugging all major plot places doesn't really help me out and I keep running into her if I exit those.

Maybe I should actually bother updating to the latest version. But eh, halving the power of Potion Berries doesn't sound too appealing, especially since they are the reason I get anywhere in the game.  ::)

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #764 on: June 20, 2017, 02:44:04 PM »
Alright, finally finished the Yuuka part.
Gotta admit, the story is a bit blurry here. Why Mima would seal away her powers (and memories?) isn't exactly explained well.

Also, you not being able to save right after the boss fight is hell. I managed to die to the random encounters and had to redo the boss, review all the scenes etc.
I bought some save crystals afterward but... a save circle would be nice here.
The puzzle with the maze was a nice touch though. Except I mistook "up" as "straight" because the directions being relative to where you come from meant for me that up is the same as straight.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #765 on: June 20, 2017, 08:15:35 PM »
Yeah, the story is kinda not that good in retrospect. It's better in some parts than others, though I think beta5 is the best in terms of story. Shame it's so far deep in...

Wait, where did you die at? In the part after Yuuka's scenario? Because if you died know there was a save point in Patchouli's room, right??

I need to touch up with that maze. I'm thinking of cutting it down by half, and having some flowers give hints (i.e. telling you to go in Yuuka's direction, which flower to start with, etc.).

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #766 on: June 21, 2017, 03:39:46 PM »
I'm not sure what boss it was that I beat before Yuuka's section began. All I know is that there's no save point between them. (I died in the place where Yuuka got tp'ed to, in the dream world/past)

Ah.... and Makai is a huge pain. I found the switch where you fought Elis but I can't find the other two.
The bosses are actually somewhat ridiculous as well, I'm not sure how many resources I wasted in the Alice fights.
Good thing Nitori exists, though.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #767 on: June 21, 2017, 08:42:07 PM »
The only bosses you fight one immediately after the other is Kana and then PC-98 Yuuka.

The other two switches are in the boss rooms of the other two routes you can go on. And yeah, the bosses get a lot more challenging now.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #768 on: August 13, 2017, 08:51:21 AM »
Nope! I'm not dead folks! Just been silently working on this after LPing Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection for a month is all!


   *Speed Drink: No longer can be used on the entire party or all enemies in Mirror Items mode.

   *Flower Shooting:
     *Level 1: 1000 base power > 850 base power
     *Level 2: 1150 base power > 950 base power
     *Level 3: 1300 base power > 1050 base power
     *Level 4: 1450 base power > 1150 base power
     *Level 5: 1600 base power > 1300 base power
     *Level 6: 1750 base power > 1450 base power
     *Level 7: 1900 base power > 1600 base power
     *Level 8: 2150 base power > 1750 base power
     *Level 9: 2300 base power > 1900 base power
     *Level 10: 2450 base power > 2050 base power
   *Dual Spark: Now has 60% accuracy on all levels.
   *Trinity Spark: Now has 50% accuracy.
   *Envenom is now obtained after defeating Kurumi.
   *Intimidate is now obtained after defeating Meira.
   *Sacrifice: No longer kills Mokou on any level. Mokou is no longer healed by the ability. All levels will now remove Mokou. Level 2 now restores all HP and restores MP to the party equal to 1/3rd of Mokou's current MP.

   *Vampire Claw now actually does damage to non-Humans, thanks to fixed coding.   
   *Hell Geyser:
     *Level 1: 300 base power > 700 base power.
     *Level 2: 500 base power > 840 base power.
     *Level 3: 700 base power > 980 base power.
     *Level 4: 1000 base power > 1260 base power.
     *Level 5: 1500 base power > 1680 base power.
     *Level 6: 2100 base power > 2240 base power.
   *Abyss Nova: Now requires 50% Max MP instead of 100% Max MP.
   *Mighty Guard: No longer grants Haste/Protect/Regen/MP Regen/Blink: 50. Now grants Protect/Shell: 50.


*Chen now drops Crescent Scroll Lv3 instead of a 1-Up. Chen now has Frog Scroll Lv2 to steal instead of Apple Gel.
*Ran now drops Serpent Scroll Lv4 instead of a Boundary Barrier. Ran now has Illusion Laser Lv4 (20%) to steal instead of Spell Charm (5%).
*Mokou now drops Gale Scroll Lv4 instead of a Phoenix Feather.
*Donation Box now drops Binding Scroll Lv5 at a 10% chance. Donation Box now has a 90% chance to steal yen and a 10% chance to steal Aura Scroll Lv2.
*Parsee (final) in Remains of Hell now has Flametongue Scroll Lv3 (40%) to steal instead of Healing Potion (50%).
*Kisume (final) now has Icebrand Scroll Lv3 (40%) to steal instead of Rain Plant (50%).
*Tenshi (final) in Remains of Hell now has Thunder Scroll Lv3 (40%) to steal instead of Angel's Prayer (50%).
*Culex now has 20,480 HP instead of 4096 HP.
*Hades' Steal increased from 2% to 15%. Steal now changed to Running Shoes instead of Hermes Sandals.
*Gravity, Gravira, Graviga, and Gravija renamed to Demi, Demira, Demiga, and Demija.
*Iron Golem now has 100% Magic resist instead of 200% Magic weakness.
*Kurumi went from 8000 HP to 16,000 HP. Kurumi now gives 5500 EXP.
*Meira went from 9000 HP to 12,000 HP. Meira now gives 8000 EXP.
*Elly went from 10,000 HP to 13,000 HP. Elly now gives 9000 HP.
*Kana now gives 17,000 EXP.
*Gaia Toad replaced by Exploder. Phantom replaced by Haunted Armor.
*Alice boss fight in Pandaemonium has been updated. Alice's elemental resists are set to normal (bar Poison), Defense Doll's resists are all set to normal. Alice now only uses Little Legion 40 turns after all three Defense Dolls are dead.
*Blue Oni now takes 50% damage from Poison instead of being immune.
*Alice during Iku's scenario no longer will use Summon Defense Doll once every 60 turns unless the Defense Doll is dead. All Dolls now take 50% damage from Poison. Resists have been fixed on all dolls to make them more bearable to fight.
*Order's Law Change now states what the laws do when they're used. If the message doesn't appear, the Law is the same as when used previously.


*All of Marisa's weapons no longer give speed bonuses. Nimbus 3000 now gives +20 speed instead of +30 speed.
*Precieuse: Now has First Strike.
*Oni's Gourd: Changed to ATK +50.
*Oni's Horn: Changed to ATK +100. 4000 yen > 5000 yen.
*Oni's Rage: Changed to ATK +200.
*Defense Seal: 1500 yen > 2000 yen.
*Defense Pendalum: 4000 yen > 5000 yen.
*Running Shoes: New accessory. Grants +40 Speed, and replaces all instances of where Hermes Sandals used to be.
*Rapid Claw set to 60% accuracy instead of 80%. Rapid Claw now only attacks 4 times instead of 6.
*Claws: Critical bonus reduced from 17% to 5%.
*Griffin Claw: Critical bonus reduced from 13% to 3%.
*Typhoon Claw: Critical bonus reduced from 14% to 5%.
*Silence Claw: Critical bonus reduced from 12% to 3%.


*Opening Scroll Lv4, Fireball Scroll Lv1, and Condensed Scroll Lv1 added in Remains of Hell.
*Sun Scroll Lv2 can now be found in area after Palace of Earth Spirits.
*Opening Scroll Lv4 and Sky Scroll Lv3 can now be found in Poltergeist Mansion.
*Cold Scroll Lv3 now found in Road of Reconsideration.
*Blizzard Scroll Lv4 now found in Misty Lake after defeating Adrammalech.
*If Marisa has Orrery's Universe Lv1 learned or the player has Universe Scroll Lv1 in their inventory, then the chest in SDM (after defeating Kraken) will have Sun Stone x4. Otherwise, it will have Universe Scroll Lv1.
*Private Scroll Lv1, Chime Scroll Lv2, Spring Scroll Lv5, Blade Scroll Lv1, and Star Sword Scroll Lv5 can be found in SDM basement (after defeating Culex).
*Rabite's Foot can now be bought at Tengu Village.
*Running Shoes can now be bought at Pandaemonium.
*The pots that gave EXP in Yuuka's scenario have been removed.
*Icicle Caverns and the inside of Tengu Village shops have been remapped.
*Cave to Pandaemonium reduced from 93 maps to 3 maps.
*Cave to Makai has a map completely removed between the main central hub area with the red bats and the save point area, as well as a teleporter by the save point of the Lunatic Path. This may be moved to the switches themselves however.


*Bug with being able to use HRCS during Youkai Mountain with Sanae's group during beta4 fixed.
*Bug with Shizuha and Letty being unable to use skills due to no weapon equipped fixed.
*Music bugs fixed up to Youkai Mountain so far that I've found.
*VIVIT during Youkai Mountain with Sanae now sells scrolls for Sanae.
*Music for boss fights for Hina, Kurumi, Elly, Shingyoku, Sara, Mugetsu, Yumeko, and the first fight with Meimu have all been removed.

The game is nearly done with beta5, just have to finish up the dialogue there, then do testing in the areas left, and that's it for beta5! After that is the final 4 dungeons of the game (1 mini-dungeon, final 3 dungeons). All of those should be very easy to do bar the big dialogues in The Void, but the game is nearly done! Just have to do rebalancing and bug fixes and the like afterwards, and I'll finally be able to put this game down! \ o /


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #769 on: August 15, 2017, 07:02:02 AM »
168 for main game + 276 MB for vanilla music = 444 MB overall. +68 MB on top of that = 512 MB total. That's how big my game currently is. Yes, I cut out a LOT of music. I currently have 105 tracks in the game, cut down from a whopping 180-200 tracks. Is this more acceptable than the 1 GB monstrosity the game used to be? lol

Outside of that...still working on cutscenes for the game and the like, nothing too major. I just really, REALLY wanted to get the music cut down finally, and took the time to sit down and see what really needed to go. ^^;


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #770 on: September 06, 2017, 02:31:15 AM »
New update here:

Quite a bit got changed around, and for the better I think. Mostly dealing with characters and the like, but a LOT of music cut out, as you guys already know. Now you too can see what music got axed out! With this, that leaves Suwako's Seven Stones and secondary command, Utsuho's Fixed Star and Ten Evil Stars, Nitori's Water Carpet, and Byakuren's Cloudy Way in Purple and Star Sword Apologetics left to update (and maybe add a couple new things to Momiji such as Demi Blade, Decoy, Shield Aura, and Avalon). Remilia is not going to get the Millennium Vampire skill, I was thinking about it and she probably doesn't need it with the updates she got. Komachi I'm not sure if she needs anything new, and both Hope/Koishi are going to take a lot to update.


   *Fantasy Orb/Seal/Heaven: Now deals x2 damage vs. Youkai.
   *Youkai Buster: No longer Holy-elemental.
   *Spread Amulet: No longer attempts to reduce all enemies' Holy-elemental resistances. Deals damage only to Undead enemies, does no damage to any other enemies..
     *Level 1: 200 base power. 2 MP > 8 MP.
     *Level 2: 300 base power. 4 MP > 14 MP.
     *Level 3: 400 base power. 6 MP > 20 MP.
     *Level 4: 500 base power. 8 MP > 26 MP.
     *Level 5: 600 base power. 10 MP > 32 MP.
     *Level 6: 700 base power. 12 MP > 38 MP.
     *Level 7: 800 base power. 14 MP > 44 MP.
     *Level 8: 900 base power. 16 MP > 50 MP.
     *Level 9: 1000 base power. 18 MP > 56 MP.
     *Level 10: 1200 base power. 20 MP > 62 MP.
   *Grand Stardust No longer attempts to reduce one enemy's Magic resistance. Now grants buffs to one ally.
     *Level 1: Faith: 5, Shell: 10, MBlock +10%: 50. 2 MP > 10 MP.
     *Level 2: Faith: 10, Shell: 10, MBlock +10%: 50. 6 MP > 14 MP.
     *Level 3: Faith: 15, Shell: 10, MBlock +10%: 50. 10 MP > 18 MP.
     *Level 4: Faith: 20, Shell: 10, MBlock +10%: 50. 14 MP > 22 MP.
     *Level 5: Faith: 25, Shell: 10, MBlock +10%: 50. 18 MP > 26 MP.
     *Level 6: Faith: 30, Shell: 10, MBlock +10%: 50. 22 MP > 30 MP.
     *Level 7: Faith: 35, Shell: 10, MBlock +10%: 50. 26 MP > 34 MP.
     *Level 8: Faith: 40, Shell: 10, MBlock +10%: 50. 30 MP > 38 MP.
     *Level 9: Faith: 45, Shell: 10, MBlock +10%: 50. 34 MP > 42 MP.
     *Level 10: Faith: 50, Shell: 10, MBlock +10%: 50. 38 MP > 46 MP.
   *Icicle Fall/Hailstorm, Cold Divinity, Night Sparrow/Blind Nightbird, and Fluster Escape/Ancient Duper are now physical. Diamond Blizzard, Dark Side of the Moon/Eternal Darkness, Swarm of Bright Bugs/Butterfly Storm, Little Devil/Dual Core, Diamond Dust, and Dragon Envoy are now magic.
     *Level 1: Regain 1 MP every turn for 20 turns. 5 MP.
     *Level 2: Enables Icicle Machine Gun for 50 turns. 15 MP.
     *Level 3: Enables Freeze Atmospherefor 50 turns. 24 MP.
     *Level 4: Regain 5 MP every turn for 20 turns. 45 MP.
     *Level 5: Enables Freeze Blood for 50 turns. 58 MP.
     *Level 6: Enables  Insta-Freeze Beam for 50 turns. 72 MP.
     *Level 7: Regain 10 MP every turn for 20 turns. 80 MP.
     *Level 8: Enables Death Freeze for 50 turns. 88 MP.
     *Level 9: Enables -500 Degrees for 50 turns. 99 MP.
   *Phoenix Spread Wings: No longer grants Regen/Blink: 50 turns. Now grants Shell: 25 turns.
   *New skills due to EYE'M THE STRONGEST!:
     *Icicle Machine Gun: Requires EYE'M THE STRONGEST! Lv2 or greater. 200 base power, Ice-elemental physical damage to one, Freeze: 5, Deprotect: 25, 14 MP.
    *Freeze Atmosphere: Requires EYE'M THE STRONGEST! Lv3 or greater. Grants NulHeat/Freeze: 30 and NulFire/Ice: 10 to the party. 16 MP.
    *Freeze Blood: Requires EYE'M THE STRONGEST! Lv5 or greater. Inflicts Instant Death and Lock: 10 to one enemy. 28 MP.
    *Insta-Freeze Beam: Requires EYE'M THE STRONGEST! Lv6 or greater.  800 base power, Ice-elemental magic damage to one enemy, inflicts Freeze: 5, Slow: 15, and Sap: 15. Ignores Defense. 37 MP.
    *Death Freeze: Requires EYE'M THE STRONGEST! Lv8 or greater. Inflicts Instant Death and Lock: 10 to all enemies. 74 MP.
    *-500 Degrees: Requires EYE'M THE STRONGEST! Lv9. 1400 base power, Ice-elemental magic damage to all enemies, inflicts Slow: 25, Stop: 10, and Sap: 25. Ignores Defense. 68 MP.
   *Glorious Morning Star: No longer reduces physical resistances at 80% chance. Now deals non-elemental magic damage, as well as Debrave/Deprotect/Defaith: 15 turns at level 1, up to 30 turns at max level. Deals x2 damage to Fairies
     *Level 1: 200 base power. 10 MP > 14 MP.
     *Level 2: 350 base power. 20 MP > 22 MP.
     *Level 3: 500 base power. 30 MP > 30 MP.
     *Level 4: 800 base power. 60 MP > 39 MP.
   *Lunatic Red Eyes: No longer reduces all enemies' ATK/DEF/MAG by 50 at a 70% chance for 110 MP. Now inflicts all Lv4 debuffs (20 turns) to all enemies at 150 MP.

   *Soul Cutting Sword: Now starts at 40% chance, to a maximum of 85% chance. MP costs adjusted, starting at 8 MP and increasing +4 MP per level up, to a maximum of 44 MP at level 10.
   *Wicked Soul: No longer reduces one enemy's Ghost resistance. Now targets just Youmu.
     *Level 1: Blink: 10, Haste: 5. 12 MP.
     *Level 2: Blink: 15, Haste: 10. 22 MP.
     *Level 3: Blink: 20, Haste: 15. 36 MP.
     *Level 4: Blink: 25, Haste: 20. 52 MP.
   *Weird Half-Body: No longer reduces all enemies Ghost resistance. Will only harm the specified types, does no damage to any other enemies.
     *Level 1: 400 base damage, Undead. 20 MP.
     *Level 2: 600 base damage, Undead/Fairy. 36 MP.
     *Level 3: 800 base damage, Undead/Fairy/Dragon. 52 MP.
     *Level 4: 1000 base damage, Undead/Fairy/Dragon/Human. 68 MP.
   *Dharma of Jumonji and Double Pain swapped slots in the Stances.
   *Breath of Dying: Now starts at 55% chance, to a maximum of 100% chance. MP costs adjusted, starting at 8 MP and increasing +8 MP per level up, to a maximum of 80 MP at level 10.
   *Soulsplitting Scythe: Now starts at 35% chance, to a maximum of 80% chance.
   *Crackdown: No longer has a 10% chance to deal 9999 damage. Now deals non-elemental physical damage equal to Yuuka's ATK/2 + Yuuka's MAG/4, and deals x2 damage vs. all races. In addition, inflicts Resist: 30 to the target. 35 MP > 50 MP.
   *Demon Lord Walk: No longer Dark-elemental.
   *Demon Lord Arrow/Ceiling Fear: No longer Dark-elemental.

   *Fairy Circle: No longer heals 30% Max HP to the party. Now heals HP to the party equal to half of Hope's current HP.
   *Omikuji Bomb: Renamed Great Misfortune/Misfortune/Fortune/Great Fortune. Grants Regen: 20 on all levels, with a 10% base chance to fully heal target.
     *Level 1: 100 base power > 250 base power.
     *Level 2: 200 base power > 500 base power.
     *Level 3: 400 base power > 750 base power.
     *Level 4: 600 base power > 1000 base power. 16 MP > 18 MP.
     *Level 5: 800 base power > 1250 base power. 22 MP > 26 MP.
     *Level 6: 1200 base power > 1500 base power. No longer cures debuffs. 30 MP > 36 MP.
     *Level 7: 1600 base power > 1750 base power. No longer cures debuffs. 38 MP > 48 MP.
     *Level 8: No longer cures debuffs. 46 MP > 62 MP.
   *Divine Lottery:
     *Level 1: Restores 20% Max HP + 50 HP to the party. 12 MP > 65 MP.
     *Level 2: Restores 25% Max HP + 100 HP to the party. 20 MP > 80 MP.
     *Level 3: Restores 30% Max HP + 200 HP to the party. 36 MP > 95 MP.
     *Level 4: Restores 35% Max HP + 250 HP to the party. 50 MP > 110 MP.
     *Level 5: Restores 40% Max HP + 350 HP to the party. 64 MP > 125 MP.
   *Cobalt Spread: No longer grants Absorb Resist Up.
     *Level 1: -20% Fire/Earth/Wind/Water damage for 50 turns. 12 MP > 8 MP.
     *Level 2: -25% Fire/Earth/Wind/Water damage for 50 turns. 16 MP > 14 MP.
     *Level 3: -30% Fire/Earth/Wind/Water damage for 50 turns. 20 MP > 20 MP.
     *Level 4: -35% Fire/Earth/Wind/Water damage for 50 turns. 24 MP > 28 MP.
   *Omikuji+ passive now implemented, adds +10% to full heal rate of Omikuji Bomb. At a later date, may affect Max HP recovery of Divine Lottery.
   *Gold Rush: Now inflicts Protect/Shell: 50 and NulStatus: 30 to one ally.


*Spread Scroll:
   *Level 1: 50 yen > 400 yen
   *Level 2: 150 yen > 1450 yen
   *Level 3: 450 yen > 3800 yen
   *Level 4: 1000 yen > 5000 yen
   *Level 5: 0 yen > 8150 yen
   *Level 6: 0 yen > 9900 yen
   *Level 7: 0 yen > 11500 yen
   *Level 8: 0 yen > 14250 yen
   *Level 9: 0 yen > 18700 yen
   *Level 10: 0 yen > 22600 yen
*Atai Scroll:
   *Level 2: 200 yen > 1000 yen
   *Level 3: 400 yen > 2000 yen
   *Level 4: 800 yen > 4000 yen
   *Level 5: 1600 yen > 6000 yen
   *Level 6: 3200 yen > 8000 yen
   *Level 7: 6400 yen > 12000 yen
   *Level 8: 12800 yen > 24000 yen
   *Level 9: 25600 yen > 48000 yen
*Morning Scroll:
   *Level 1: 3000 yen > 2500 yen
   *Level 2: 6000 yen > 5000 yen
   *Level 3: 12000 yen > 7500 yen
   *Level 4: 24000 yen > 15000 yen


*The following themes have been removed: Rika's Boss Theme, Sariel's final two themes, Maribel/Renko's Boss Theme, Shou's Boss Theme, Medicine's Boss Theme, Rin's Boss Theme, Flandre's Boss Theme, Yuugi's Boss Theme, Rumia's Boss Theme, Mystia's Boss Theme, Louise's Boss Theme, Yuki/Mai's Boss Themes, Eirin's Boss Theme, Mamizou's Boss Theme, Futo's Boss Theme, Seiga's Boss Theme, Kyouko's Boss Theme, Yoshika's Boss Theme, The Three Fairies Boss Themes, Shikieiki's Boss Theme, Rikako's Boss Theme, Gengetsu's Boss Theme, Yamame's Boss Theme, EX Tenshi's Boss Theme, Parsee's Boss Theme, Ran's Boss Theme, Prismriver Sister's Boss Theme, Kana's Boss Theme, PC-98 Yuuka's Boss Theme, Young Alice's Boss Theme, Elis's/Kikuri's Boss Theme, Satori's Boss Theme, PC-98 Marisa's Boss Theme, Kanako's Boss Theme, Yuyuko's Boss Theme, Saigyou Yuyuko's Boss Theme, Byakuren's Boss Theme, Suika's Boss Theme, Miko's Boss Theme, Kasen's Boss Theme. Human Village's theme, Inferno's theme, Myouren Temple Graveyard theme, Mushroom Groove's Theme, Limestone Cavern's Theme, Reimu's Psyche Theme, Palanquin Ship's Theme, Ruins of Vina's Theme, Remains of Hell (2nd part) Theme, Dimensional Tear Theme, Pandaemonium-R Theme, Pathway to the Moon's Theme, Gapland's Theme, Youkai Mountain (Moriya Shrine half)'s Theme, Remains of Hell (Extended Music) Theme, Bamboo Forest's Theme, Forest of Magic's Theme, Winter Forest's Theme, Kappa Cave's Theme, Lunarian Palace's Theme, Cave to Pandaemonium's Theme, Alice's House Theme, Maribel's Theme, Final Sariel's Theme, Final Kaguya's Theme, Final Konngara's Theme, Yorihime's Battle Theme, Iku's Battle Theme, Final Tenshi's Theme, Wonderland's Theme, Great Mausoleum's Theme, Bhava-Agra's Theme, Sea of Cloud's Theme.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #771 on: October 14, 2017, 11:11:21 PM »
New update:

This does enable you to go to almost the end of the game. However, it is not 100% tested and whatnot. In any event, here's the updates:


   *Clairvoyance: No longer doubles Momiji's PBlock/MBlock values. Now increases PBlock/MBlock by +30%. 80 MP > 45 MP.

   *Water Carpet: No longer increases Water-elemental resistance.
     *Level 1: Restores 5 MP. Grants Replenish MP and Absorb Damage: 10%.
     *Level 2: Restores 10 MP. Grants Replenish MP and Absorb Damage: 10%.
     *Level 3: Restores 15 MP. Grants Replenish MP and Absorb Damage: 10%.
     *Level 4: Restores 20 MP. Grants Replenish MP and Absorb Damage: 10%.
     *Level 5: Restores 25 MP. Grants Replenish MP and Absorb Damage: 10%.
     *Level 6: Restores 30 MP. Grants Replenish MP and Absorb Damage: 10%.
     *Level 7: Restores 35 MP. Grants Replenish MP and Absorb Damage: 10%.
     *Level 8: Restores 40 MP. Grants Replenish MP and Absorb Damage: 10%.
   *Focus: Now has a level 2 (increases Focus counter by +2) and level 3 (increases Focus counter by +3) when equipped with specific equipment (Raven Armor and Spirit's Vest for level 2. Funeral Gown and Wigar for level 3).
   *Cloudy Way in Purple: No longer increases the party's Ice-elemental resistance.
     *Level 1: Blink: 10, Auto-Esuna: 10 to one.
     *Level 2: Blink: 15, Auto-Esuna: 20 to one.
     *Level 3: Blink: 20, Auto-Esuna: 30 to one.
     *Level 4: Blink: 25, Auto-Esuna: 40 to one.
     *Level 5: Blink: 30, Auto-Esuna: 50 to one.
     *Level 6: Blink: 35, Auto-Esuna: 60 to one.
   *Star Sword Apologetics: No longer reduces all resistances on all enemies. Now grants Doublecast: 10 to the party. 50% Max MP > 80 MP.
   *Fate's skillset (Hellfire, Aurroa Freeze, Skygate, Meteor Blast, Aerial Slash) now deal 800 base damage instead of 500 base damage.
   *Seven Stones:
     *Level 1: Increases the party's healing potency by 10% for 30 turns. 10 MP.
     *Level 2: Increases the party's healing potency by 15% for 30 turns. 22 MP.
     *Level 3: Increases the party's healing potency by 20% for 30 turns. 34 MP.
     *Level 4: Increases the party's healing potency by 25% for 30 turns. 46 MP.
     *Level 5: Increases the party's healing potency by 30% for 30 turns. 58 MP.
   *Fixed Star: No longer reduces one enemy's Fire resistance.
     *Level 1: Inflicts a fixed 1111 Fire-elemental physical damage and Sap: 25 to one target. x2 damage vs. Plants. 48 MP.
     *Level 2: Inflicts a fixed 2222 Fire-elemental physical damage and Sap: 25  to one target. x2 damage vs. Plants. 82 MP.
     *Level 3: Inflicts a fixed 3333 Fire-elemental physical damage and Sap: 25  to one target. x2 damage vs. Plants. 125 MP.
     *Level 4: Inflicts a fixed 4444 Fire-elemental physical damage and Sap: 25  to one target. x2 damage vs. Plants. 164 MP.
   *Ten Evil Stars: No longer reduces all enemies Fire resistance.
     *Level 1: Inflicts 400 Fire-elemental physical damage, Lock: 20, and Sap: 25 to all enemies. x2 damage vs. Plants. 12 MP > 33 MP.
     *Level 2: Inflicts 800 Fire-elemental physical damage, Lock: 20, and Sap: 25 to all enemies. x2 damage vs. Plants. 24 MP > 50 MP.
     *Level 3: Inflicts 1200 Fire-elemental physical damage, Lock: 20, and Sap: 25 to all enemies. x2 damage vs. Plants. 36 MP > 64 MP.
     *Level 4: Inflicts 1600 Fire-elemental physical damage, Lock: 20, and Sap: 25 to all enemies. x2 damage vs. Plants. 48 MP > 80 MP.
   *Autumn Sky: No longer increases Physical/Magic resist to the party. Now grants NulPhysical: 10 and NulMagic: 10 to one ally. 100 MP > 58 MP.
   *Misfortune's Wheel: No longer lowers one enemy's ATK/DEF/MAG by 20. Now inflicts Disable: 20, Silence: 25, Lock: 25, and Fear: 25 to one enemy. 20 MP > 32 MP.
   *Cursed Field: No longer reduces all enemies' elemental resists. Now grants Return Damage: 25% and Absorb Damage: 25% to the party. 38 MP> 57 MP.
   *Dragon Fish's Wrath: No longer increases non-elemental resists. Now grants Return Damage: 25% to self. 40 MP > 22 MP.
   *Elekiter Dragon Palace: No longer increases non-elemental resists to the party. Now grants Return Damage: 10% to the party.
   *Pearl of the Five-Clawed Dragon: No longer reduces all enemies' non-elemental resists. Reduces Fire/Earth/Wind/Water damage by 100% for 10 turns to the party. 68 MP > 40 MP.
   *White Album: No longer increases Defense by +50 to Letty. Now grants Absorb Damage: 25% to one ally. 40 MP > 18 MP.
   *Lingering Cold: No longer reduces all enemies' ATK/DEF/MAG by 50. Inflicts Slow: 20 to the enemy party. 45 MP > 30 MP.
   *Great Fortune Crest: No longer reduces all resistances to all enemies. 50 MP > 20 MP.
   *Wild Phantom Spirit: No longer reduces Ghost resist and inflicts Berserk: oo to one target. Now grants Doublecast: 5 to one ally. 22 MP > 14 MP.

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #772 on: October 19, 2017, 04:19:55 PM »
Hi, I was new to this game and I ran into a weird problem, when I go for the meeting at Tengu Village, there are no dialogues of it, even I pay 500 yen, retry, swapping characters etc.. but it doesn't work, how can I do to solve this ?
« Last Edit: October 19, 2017, 04:29:19 PM by BananaCupcakey »
Just keep it neutral :3


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #773 on: October 20, 2017, 01:52:41 AM »
Fixed in latest update. It may play the scene weirdly now if you saved inside the meeting place, but otherwise should work as intended.

Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #774 on: October 20, 2017, 02:15:17 AM »
(Edited to nothingless) =v=
« Last Edit: November 10, 2017, 04:46:30 PM by BananaCupcakey »
Just keep it neutral :3


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #775 on: December 02, 2017, 04:47:07 AM »

I'm slacking a bit here and there, eh?


  *Can now equip the Demon Charm.


*Sara's 40% resist to Instant Death is now immunity to Instant Death.
*Mirror Hope's Speed reduced from 125 to 60. Can no longer use Haste, Bravery, Protect, Faith, Regen, Mind Blast, or Cura. Now mirrors what mode Hope is in. Mirror Hope now gains Angelsong, Wall, and Fairy Circle.
*Gloom's Speed reduced from 110 to 60.


*Night Goggles and Enchanted Choker reduced from 4000 yen to 2000 yen.
*Defense Pendalum reduced from 5000 yen to 3500 yen.


*All status animations fixed, save for characters without proper status animations for some statuses.
*Row has been removed from the game. Make a backup of RPG_RT.exe just in case any bugs occur!

Outside of that, not much has happened. Been busy playing a lot of Final Fantasy Brave Exvius and just procrastinating. I have all the dialogue written up, including the ending and credits stuff, just have to put it all into the game. Following that is just touching up on events/bosses, and then finally adding in more sidequests.

Now, here is where I am asking for help: As you probably have seen, Hope has a couple sprites done by Graphicus; her idle animation, and her skill use animation. However, I am still missing animations for her to be complete for the game (Walk Left, Walk Right, Defend (I may have this one already though??), Dead, Use Item, Damaged, Attack, Victory. Other extras may be things like Confusion, Petrify, etc.). On top of that, I also need to get Chaos some sprites. So, is there anyone willing to try to help finish sprites for the game? It's honestly not very many animations/sprites. In fact, this is about how many there are in the game total:

Note: The sprites are sized down versions of the original. If the sprites are done, they'd need to be of the original sprite sizes that I use that's not on the sheet. This is done so they can be resized down properly, and the sprites may be reused elsewhere at some point too).

These are examples of what would be needed for both. For reference, here's what's shown on Marisa's spritesheets.

1) Idle, KO, Defend, Damaged, Walk Right
2) Attack
3) Skill Use, Item Use
4) Victory

The amount of sprites per spritesheet is 25 max. The frames don't need to be that long either.

Now, you may be wondering, what about compensation? Sadly, I cannot gift nor pay anything to anyone, so it would have to be for the sake of wanting to help or just to be nice. Which would be very, very welcomed to help finish this nearly 11-year old game off once and for all.

Thank you all, and hope the game turns out to be something worth the 11 years of work!


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #776 on: January 28, 2018, 04:19:43 AM »
Almost 2 months later, and a new update! The game is nearing ever closer to completion, as the final dungeon is mapped out and ready to do eventing for! In addition to that, all characters (bar one skill on Hope) are done! The only real things left are to do the final dungeon/ending sequence, maybe update a couple more maps, and finish the crafting shop (if it's even needed). Oh, and getting battle sprites for Hope and Chaos. So close, everyone!


*Nue and Youki have both been dummied out of the game. Nue and Youki are only usable during the battlefield event during beta5

*Marisa: Master Thief has been removed.
   *Icicle Fall/Hailstorm:
      *Lv5: Power increased to 320.
     *Hailstorm Lv1: Power increased to 480.
     *Hailstorm Lv2: Power increased to 660.
   *Dark Side of the Moon: Blind: oo > Blind: 20.
   *Night Sparrow: Confuse: oo > Confuse: 20.
   *Blind Nightbird: 1200 power > 600 power. Confuse/Blind: oo > Confuse/Blind: 20.
   *Swarm of Bright Bugs: Poison: oo > Poison: 20.
   *Butterfly Storm: 1200 power > 600 power. Poison/Sleep: oo > Poison/Sleep: 20.
   *Fluster Escape: 750 power > 450 power. Paralyze: 50 > Paralyze: 20.
   *Ancient Duper: 1500 power > 900 power. No longer inflicts Berserk. Paralyze: oo > Paralyze: 20.
   *Little Devil: 1500 power > 600 power.
   *Lure: Inflicts Provoke: 30 to all enemies. Only usable when equipped with all Shields, bar Aegis/Svalinn. 45 MP.
   *Shield Aura: Grants Protect/Shell: 25 to Momiji. Only usable when equipped with Bane Shield or Hero's Shield. 45 MP.
   *Charge!: Grants Haste: 5 to the party, in addition to Bravery: 5 and Faith: 5. Only usable when equipped with Maple Shield or Hero's Shield. 8 MP.
   *Spirits of the Firm, Earthbound Souls, Spirit Amulet, Bondage Soul, Lazy Wandering Soul (originally Lazy Wandering Spirit), and Hatred Sign reduced from 10 levels to 6.
      *Level 1: ~345 base power, 20 MP, statuses last 20 turns.
     *Level 2: ~405 base power, 25 MP, statuses last 25 turns.
     *Level 3: ~465 base power, 30 MP, statuses last 30 turns.
     *Level 4: ~525 base power, 35 MP, statuses last 35 turns.
     *Level 5: ~585 base power, 40 MP, statuses last 40 turns.
     *Level 6: ~705 base power, 50 MP, statuses last 50/oo turns.
   *Life Aura: Restores ~1100 HP and grants Absorb Damage: 10% to on eally. 42 MP.
   *Dispelga: Moved from default skillset to Pestilence's skillset.
   *Tetra Elemental: Replaces Meteor Blast. Grants Fire/Earth/Wind/Water -100% for 10 turns to one ally. 48 MP.
   *Threads of Fate: Replaces Mind Blast in Fate's skillset. Revives all KO'd allies to full HP, but KO's any allies alive at the cost of 50 MP.
   *Drain: 400 power > 700 power
   *Osmose: 20 power > 100 power
   *Fearsiphon: 38 MP > 8 MP.
   *Pain Focus: Sap: 45 > Sap: 25, MP Regen: 45 > Haste: 25.
   *Jealousy Grasp > Grudge: Grants Return Damage: 100% for 20 turns to one ally. 68 MP.
   *Soul Sphere: Grants Shell: 50 to the party.
*Rinnosuke: Bribe has been removed.
*Koishi: Blue Magic has been completed revamped.
*Nue: Morph has been removed.
*Tewi: Bribe has been removed.


*Magic Book: Now only has Fire, Blizzard, Thunder, Aero, Drain, and Quake.
*Frozen Sap: No longer uses Mighty Guard.

*Protostar is now weak to Wind, halves Dark/Holy, and takes normal damage from Fire/Ice/Thunder/Water.
*Chaos no longer has Ruin or Galaxy Stop. Chaos will now use Bomb Charge > Megaflare/Gigaflare/Teraflare/Exaflare > Black Hole.
*Fate now uses Barrier Shift every 20 turns.


*All data related to Bribe and Morph has been removed.

Download link here!:


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #777 on: February 20, 2018, 09:17:55 PM »
So, I wish to discuss something here, and would like to get some opinions on the matter. What is everyone's opinion on the following two things?

*There is an attack that hits very hard (at level 1, does 2000 Mystic-elemental damage to all enemies, at max level roughly 5000) but has 60% accuracy.
*There is a weapon that gives the user 4x Attack, but has -50 Speed and 60% accuracy. Combined with an Auto-Berserk accessory, it can give roughly 3x normal damage, but due to 60% accuracy + accuracy loss from Berserk, hits don't hit as much. Plus it's Dark-elemental, which is the most commonly resisted element.

Do you think that such things should exist in games at all? Or do you think they should be done away with and not used? I know that everyone has their own playstyle, and some would rather something like this not exist, either it being overpowered 90% of the time but useless 10% due to specific circumstances, or because of RNG, or whatever else.

In other news, weapons are being heavily remodeled! Some weapons will outright disappear, and weapon shops may not even be around as much, but I think I'm liking how these are turning out!


*Gohei: 10 ATK, 4 DEF, 2 MAG, non-elemental.
*Ying-Yang Orb: 22 ATK, 10 DEF, 30% Crit, Mystic-elemental, Ignores Evasion, Dark Resist +50%.
*Adventia: 50 ATK, Holy-elemental, First Strike.
*Healing Gohei: 40 MAG, Holy-elemental, Boost power of Reimu's heals by 50%.
*Nirvana: Enables Full-Life. Begin battle with MP Regen: 50. Mystic-elemental.


*Besom Broom: 18 ATK, non-elemental.
*Black Cat: 34 ATK, 20 MAG, Dark-elemental, Blind +35%, Ignore Evasion, enables Mug. Received from Nitori at Youkai Mountain.
*Starlight Broom: MAG +50, First Strike, Mystic-elemental.
*Nimbus 3000: 20 ATK, 30 SPD, Slash-All, Thunder-elemental.
*Dark Nebula: Lowers all enemies Magic resistance by 20%. Mystic Resist +25%. Dark-elemental.


*Hauchiwa: 14 ATK, 5 DEF, 5 SPD, non-elemental.
*Fujin: 30 ATK, 12 SPD, 35% Crit, First Strike, Wind-elemental.
*Princess's Iron Fan: 70 ATK, 25 DEF, 25 MAG, 10 SPD. Party starts with Haste: 5. Non-elemental.
*Zephyrus: 100 ATK, 2x Attack, Slash-All, Slow: 10. Wind-elemental.
*Tenma's Gale: -150 ATK, -35 DEF, -25 MAG, 50 SPD, start battle with Blink: 50. Wind-elemental.


*Gojou: 28 ATK, non-elemental.
*Gauntlet: 35 ATK, non-elemental.
*Kiaiissen: 43 ATK, First Strike, Earth-elemental.
*Poison Knuckles: 49 ATK, 12 MAG, Poison: oo +70%, Poison-elemental.
*Force of Qi: 50 ATK, 25 MAG, Enables Chakra Lv2.
*Hakuraimononofu: 80 ATK, Thunder-elemental. Bought at Pandaemonium.
*Dragon Claw: 112 ATK, 15% Crit, Debrave: oo +30%, Ignore Evasion, Wind-elemental.
*Godhand: 255 ATK, Holyproof, Holy-elemental, Enables Chakra Lv3, start battle with Auto-Life.


*Magician's Book: 4 ATK, 12 MAG, non-elemental.
*Grimmerie: 6 ATK, 24 MAG, +25% Magic/-25% Physical.
*Feu: 10 ATK, 50 MAG, Berserk: oo +40%, Fire-elemental, +50% Fire/-50% Ice.
*Black Pullet: 6 ATK, 19 MAG, Stop: oo + 40%, Dark-elemental, +50% Dark/-50% Holy.
*Eau: 10 ATK, 65 MAG, Freeze: 50 +40%, Ice-elemental, +50% Ice/-50% Fire.
*Glace: 10 ATK, 89 MAG, Sleep: 50 +40%, Water-elemental, +50% Water/-50% Thunder.
*Foudre: 10 ATK, 95 MAG, Paralyze: 50 +40%, Thunder-elemental, +50% Thunder/-50% Water.
*Clavicula Salamonis: -20 ATK, 20 DEF, 157 MAG, 15 SPD, Lock: oo +40%, non-elemental.


*Traitor: 16 ATK, 10 MAG, Confuse: oo +70%, Dark-elemental.
*Blindside: 25 ATK, 5% Crit, First Strike, Dark-elemental.
*Silencer: 45 ATK, 5 DEF, Silence: oo +70%, Dark-elemental.
*Bio Blaster: 59 ATK, -17 DEF, 8 MAG, 5% Crit, Poison: oo +70%, Poison-elemental.
*Bio Blaster+: 59 ATK, -17 DEF, 8 MAG, 5% Crit, Poison: oo +70%, Slash-All, Poison-elemental.
*Mad Hare: 66 ATK, 70% Crit, party starts with Sanity buff, Dark-elemental.
*Calamity Trigger: -500 ATK, -30 SPD, Poison: oo/Blind: oo/Silence: oo +50%, Slash-All, non-elemental.


*Silver Knife: 12 ATK, 3 DEF, 1 SPD, Undead Slayer, non-elemental.
*Spring Blossom: 20 ATK, Plant Slayer, non-elemental.
*G-Force: 25 ATK, 12 SPD, Flying Slayer, First Strike, Gravity-elemental.
*Kingslayer: 40 ATK, Human Slayer, non-elemental.
*Angel Kiss: 60 ATK, God Slayer, non-elemental.
*Dragon Tooth Dagger: 80 ATK, 20 DEF, Dragon Slayer, non-elemental.
*Dagger of Time: Doubles Critical: Haste passive.
*Quantum Leap: 0 stats, Enables Haste/Hastega, non-elemental.


*Bastard Sword: 28 ATK, 5% Crit, Beast Slayer, non-elemental.
*Precieuse: 45 ATK, 5 DEF, First Strike, Beast Slayer, non-elemental.
*Tyrfing: 140 ATK, 50 DEF, Beast Slayer, non-elemental. HP is halved at start of battle. Earth Resist +50% to party, Earth Resist -50% to Momiji.
*Ragnarok: 180 ATK, Youkai Slayer, non-elemental. Start battle with Return Damage: 20%. Bought at Pandaemonium.
*Durandal: 225 ATK, 94 DEF, Dragon Slayer, non-elemental. Start battle with Protect: 50.
*Excalibur: 400 ATK, 255 DEF, God Slayer, Holy-elemental. Start battle with full HP. Mystic Resist +50%.


*Wrench: 10 ATK, 15 SPD, 25% Crit, Slash-All, Ignore Evasion, First Strike, non-elemental.
*Techno Glove: 22 ATK, 8 DEF, Machine Slayer, Water-elemental. Thunder Resist +50%. Doubles amount of Base Metal found from passive.
*Kaiser Gauntlet: 40 ATK, 10 MAG, 60% Crit, Machine Slayer, Water-elemental. Increase Physical damage by 10% to all enemies.
*Warlock Gauntlet: 70 ATK, 35 DEF, 25 MAG, Machine Slayer, Dark-elemental. Start battle with MP Shield.
*Hisoutensoku: 165 ATK, Machine Slayer, non-elemental. PBlock +33%. Start battle with random Nul- element buff.


*Hakurouken: 22 ATK, 15 DEF, 5 SPD, 25% Crit, Ghost Slayer, non-elemental.
*Roukanken: 30 ATK, 10 DEF, 12% Crit, Slash-All, Ignore Evasion, Ghost Slayer, non-elemental.
*Cloudcover: 57 ATK, -12 DEF, 15 SPD, 5% Crit, First Strike, Ghost Slayer, Wind-elemental. Sold at Hakugyokurou.
*Dragoncrest: 82 ATK, 50 DEF, 18% Crit, Ghost Slayer, Dragon Slayer, Earth-elemental. Start battle with Lv3 Focus. Enables Bonecrusher Lv2.
*Mournblade: 56 ATK, 22% Crit, Instant Death +50%, Ghost Slayer, Dark-elemental. Increases HP threshold for Bonecrusher to 50% HP.
*Muramasa: 104 ATK, 20 SPD, 100% Crit, Ghost Slayer, non-elemental.  Grants Doom: 20 and Haste: 20 at the start of battle.
*Masamune: 220 ATK, 35 DEF, 20 SPD, 70% Crit, non-elemental. Start battle with all Stance abilities. Enables Bonecrusher Lv2.
*Murasame: 190 ATK, 30% Crit, non-elemental. Start battle with max level Focus. Enables Bonecrusher Lv3.


*Testament: 32 ATK, Death +5%, Ghost Slayer, non-elemental.
*Charon: 45 ATK, -5 DEF, 14 MAG, Death +10%, Ghost Slayer, Dark-elemental. Enables Money Talks.
*Cerberus: 55 ATK, Death +15%, 3x-Cut, Ghost Slayer, Dark-elemental.
*Deathbringer: 80 ATK, -50 SPD, Ghost Slayer, Dark-elemental. Start battle with Instant Death immunity to the party.
*Undertaker: 104 ATK, 25 DEF, 25 MAG, Ghost Slayer, Dark-elemental. Revives all KO'd allies at the start of battle.
*Apocalypse: 340 ATK, PBlock +20%, MBlock +20%, Ghost Slayer, Debrave/Deprotect/Defaith/Fear: 50 +100%, Dark-elemental.


*Parasol: 80 ATK, non-elemental.
*Sunflower Umbrella: 120 ATK, 50 DEF, 10 SPD, 45% Crit, Earth-elemental.
*Hir'rokane Umbrella: 300 ATK, 75 DEF, 10 MAG, 20 SPD, 60% accuracy, 36% Crit, Ignore Evasion, Earth-elemental.
*Twinkle Star: 100 ATK, 50 MAG, Wind Resist +50%, Wind-elemental.
*Riviera: 50 ATK, 50 SPD, 25% Crit, Water Resist +50%, Water-elemental.
*Infernal Geyser: 180 ATT, 25 DEF,  Fire Resist +50%, Fire-elemental.
*Perfect Green: 255 ATK/DEF/MAG, 50 SPD, 100% accuracy, First Strike, Earth-elemental. Always enable Auto-Regen and Auto-MP Regen for Yuuka regardless of terrain.


*Claws: 50 ATK, 5% Crit, non-elemental, Human Slayer.
*Griffin Claw: 77 ATK, 10 SPD, 3% Crit, Ignore Evasion, Wind-elemental, Human Slayer.
*Rapid Claw: 80 ATK, -40 DEF, -50 MAG, -50 SPD, 60% accuracy, 15% Crit, 4x Cut, Ignore Evasion, Dark-elemental.
*Daybreaker: 75 ATK, 20% Crit, Ignores battle passive. Grant Regeneration Lv2, Human Slayer. Enables Vampirish Night.
*Midnight Requiem: 84 ATK, Blind: oo + 100%, ignores battle passive, non-elemental, Human Slayer. Enables Remilia Stoker.
*Crimson Twilight: Ignores battle passive, Fire-elemental, Human Slayer. Enables "Millennium Vampire".
*Queen of Midnight: 99 ATK, 70% accuracy, 50% Crit, Dark-elemental, Human Slayer. Grants Regeneration Lv3. Enables Hell Catastrophe.
*Gungnir: 400 ATK, 100% accuracy, Omni Slayer, Disable: 10 +10%, Mystic-elemental. Two-handed weapon. Grants Regeneration Lv3 and Amok.


*Brave Knuckle:
*Ghost Shell:
*Flare Arms:
*Flames of Niflheim:


*Sorcerer's Sutra:
*Mysidian Scroll:
*SOS Scroll:
*Diamond Scroll:
*Cosmic Mind:


*Onusa: 22 ATK, 5 SPD, 30% Crit, Dispels buffs when attacking, non-elemental.
*Star Rod: 32 ATK, 35% Crit, First Strike, Holy-elemental.
*Magical Girl's Stick: 10 ATK, 50 DEF, 80 MAG, 25 SPD, 50% Crit, Ignore Evasion, Holy-elemental. Changes Miracle to MP recovery only.
*Omikuji Onusa: 89 ATK, 30 MAG, 12 SPD, Holy-elemental. Healing +25%. Enables Omikuji+ Lv2.
*Vajra: Dispels buffs when attacking. Party starts battle with Shell: 50.


*Iron Ring: 45 ATK, 20 DEF, -10 SPD, non-elemental.
*Toad Ring: 52 ATK, 25% Crit, First Strike, Water-elemental.
*Venom Wheel: 65 ATK, Poison: oo +100%, Poison-elemental.
*Eclipsed Vision: 65 ATK, Blind: oo +100%, non-elemental.
*Silent Voice: 65 ATK, Silence: oo +100%, non-elemental.
*Deadly Sin: 80 ATK, -20 DEF, -20 MAG, -10 SPD, 100% Crit, Dark-elemental.
*Rings of Faith: 92 ATK, 100 MAG, +30 SPD, MBlock +33%, Mystic-elemental. Starts battle with Faith: 50. Holy Resist +33%. Enables Lv3 Hibernate.

Advent Cirno:

*Watermelon Blade: 35 ATK, 5 DEF, 5 SPD, 25% Crit, non-elemental.
*Lucky Popsicle Stick: 30 ATK, 75% Crit, First Strike, Ice-elemental.
*Buster Sword: 160 ATK, non-elemental. Grants SOS Protect.
*Materia Blade: 100 ATK, PBlock +10%, non-elemental. Doubles power of Boost. Grants SOS Shell.
*Tsurugi -EASY-: 285 ATK, 2x Cut, Ice-elemental. Grants SOS Regen.
*Ultima Weapon: 500 ATK, 4x-Cut, non-elemental. Increases HP threshold for Limit (75% instead of 150%).


*Bento Box: 15 ATK, 5 SPD, Paralyze: 50 +20%, non-elemental.


*Nuclear Cannon: 84 ATK, -40 DEF, -20 SPD, 10% Crit, Slash-All, Gravity-elemental.
*Cannondorf: 92 ATK, -95 DEF, -20 SPD, Slash-All, Gravity-elemental.
*Nuclear Flare: 116 ATK, -40 DEF, -20 SPD, Sap/MP Sap: oo +50%, Slash-All, Gravity-elemental.
*Bahamut's Breath:
*Yatagarasu's Eye:

Note that this list is still in the works!

R. P. Genocraft

  • Craftsman of absolute unpredictability
  • Boundary of productive and lazy
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #778 on: February 20, 2018, 09:26:14 PM »
These sound interesting and it's kinda funny to have
as a weapon. Dunno about
Reimu and Sanae having Buddhist ultimate weapons


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Touhou Fantasy [New Topic]
« Reply #779 on: February 20, 2018, 09:28:53 PM »
Yeah, I had no good names to give to them because I don't know Shinto stuff. One is pulled from the FF series since it's usually the ultimate staff, the other is actually pulled from GoS. I couldn't think of an ultimate weapon for Nitori lol.