Author Topic: Strongest Touhou Character  (Read 4282 times)

Strongest Touhou Character
« on: March 23, 2013, 09:32:24 PM »
I think this topic should go here.
I can't find a topic like this so I decided to make one.
So, the general question is: Who is the strongest character in Touhou.
You can discuss who is the strongest character, but keep in mind:
1: Only rely on canon works. Cirno having over 9000 power is fanon, so don't bring that up.
2: These are people's opinions. Don't say bad things about their opinion.
3: We would really like it if you included reasons to support you strongest character.
4: This is if the spell card system was off.

So, I'm going to start:
I think Alice Margatroid is the strongest character.
Reason 1: Mass attack. She can control a lot of dolls at the same time. Imagine having 100 dolls shooting a bullet at you from all directions.
Reason 2: I already have trouble beating her, even though she doesn't use all her power in battle.

Other than Alice, I think Yukari Yakumo is the strongest.
Reason 1: She is the only boss to be in a phantasm stage.
Reason 2: Her ability to gap things or herself lets her easy to evacuate and or get more items that will help her.
Readon 3: Ran and Chen will help her, 3 against 1 doesn't seem that fair.
Currently a normal player


  • Charisma!
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  • O-ojousama!?
Re: Strongest Touhou Character
« Reply #1 on: March 24, 2013, 12:01:48 AM »
Well, sorry to disappoint you Lavalake but powerlevel threads are kind of no-no. We have had them in the past, and they met their same fate.
