Author Topic: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword (Complete)  (Read 33604 times)


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #60 on: February 27, 2013, 06:23:18 PM »
> "Ah, so it's about that is it?"

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #61 on: February 28, 2013, 07:43:11 AM »
> "Ah, so it's about that is it?"

> "Oh, certainly," she says, smiling eagerly, "it is going to be a great day indeed!"
> Excited whispers ripple over the congregation. Despite seeming random, the motion of courtiers and nobles across the reception room floor has cleared a space in its centre, with you right in the middle of it. Brilliant-Castle is on the edge of the circle, smiling enigmatically.
> The pale lady in jet-black steps into the circle, stopping just out of range so as not to provoke an instant strike from Youmu.
> "Aichi, daughter of the Hieda clan, daughter of Are of the Celestial Chosen, I, Black-Jade-in-the-River, hereby challenge you to a Trial of Possession," she says, her clear voice ringing out across the room. "The stakes, of course, are the sword named Gathering-Clouds-Of-Heaven. The precedent is well-known."

Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #62 on: February 28, 2013, 10:04:47 AM »
Can I retroactively >To Brilliant-Castle, "Whom is mistress of these strange circumstances that we find ourselves guests of?"

>How much do we know of our own past? Family tree?
>"Forgive me, but I've lived a life bereft of such formalities.  What's your grudge?"
>Examine the sword.


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #63 on: February 28, 2013, 12:46:44 PM »
Can I retroactively >To Brilliant-Castle, "Whom is mistress of these strange circumstances that we find ourselves guests of?"

> "The Mistress wishes to remain anonymous. It is a political play, I am sure you understand."

>How much do we know of our own past? Family tree?
>"Forgive me, but I've lived a life bereft of such formalities.  What's your grudge?"
>Examine the sword.

> You know nothing of your family. You have lived under the care and tutelage of Youki for as long as you can remember.
> A surprised muttering rises from around the circle when you ask your question. Brilliant-Castle speaks up.
> "We have visitors from far away, honorable Messenger, such as the esteemed Captain Honey-of-the-Water from far West. One would do well to inform everyone present of the precedent you state. For clarity, of course."
> "Of course," Black-Jade mutters,  frowning at Castle, then turns to you.
> "Territorial Law states that an Artifact that has laid unmoved and untouched for over fifteen years will shift the Dragon Lines to form a well of power. The ruling power of the affected territory then has claim on the Artifact. This claim can be contested by the Artifact's true rightful owner, who Aichi of the Hieda is as daughter of the Celestial Chosen Are of the Hieda. That she is even permitted to contest this claim as a mortal is proof of this Court's magnanimity and respect for Are of the Hieda's heroic deeds."
> You have never seen the sword except for in your dreams. It is still presumably safe in the hands of the Lady Saigyouji.


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #64 on: March 01, 2013, 04:36:25 AM »
Fortunately, cutting concepts is a technique that is just as effective against celestials as it is against humans (if not moreso) :V

> Birthright aside, retrieving the sword is a task given to us by our Master. There is no way in hell we are going to let somebody take it.
> "I accept your challenge for this Trial of Possession, whatever it is."


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #65 on: March 01, 2013, 08:57:58 AM »
> Your resolve is, of course, unshakeable. Youki taught you far better than to be browbeaten by saber-rattling and officious jargon.
> "I am glad to hear that," says Black-Jade.
> She draws her sword, a thin blade of gleaming steel five handspans long and a finger wide, its guard elaborately woven from golden wire, the handle wrapped in polished red leather. Youmu steps back to the edge of the circle.
> You can hear quiet chuckling from around the audience. You know why - the sword Black-Jade drew against you may be razor-sharp and beautifully-crafted, but you can tell by its falsehood that it is purely an ornamental blade.
> She is not even giving you the time of day.


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #66 on: March 01, 2013, 03:19:47 PM »
> Frown a little.
> "Are you sure you want to use that blade?"

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #67 on: March 01, 2013, 03:31:01 PM »
> Frown a little.
> "Are you sure you want to use that blade?"

> "It should be more than enough," she says, smirking.
> "Duel proceeds to first blood," says Brilliant-Castle to the congregation, "contestants may begin!"


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #68 on: March 01, 2013, 04:28:08 PM »
Initially I was tempted to say we should just break her dumb sword and call it good, but I think it'd be better to make a reputation for ourselves and show we mean business.

> Fight seriously.
> Note that pride of hers is a pretty fat target.

Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #69 on: March 02, 2013, 10:19:34 AM »
>What are we dueling with?
>Gauge opponent while fighting.


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #70 on: March 03, 2013, 01:09:53 AM »
>What are we dueling with?
>Gauge opponent while fighting.
> Fight seriously.
> Note that pride of hers is a pretty fat target.

> You have your Jian, a light, two-edged, one-handed sword, five-and-a-half handspans long and three fingers wide.
> Black-Jade is clearly a competent fighter, but her stance seems somewhat blurry, as if foreign combat styles have wormed their way into her technique. You're quite certain you see hints of staff-fighter and what looks like kusari-gama expertise. What is surprising is that even someone like her is not covering herself properly - her pride is wide open, her eyesight is undefended, as well as her will to fight - you can spot weaknesses in that from a mile away - and her loyalty. You are certain you would be able to find more weaknesses if you knew what to look for. The less said about her sword, the better.
> All this you see in the blink of an eye, before even Black-Jade makes her first step to lunge with her rapier.
> You are about to stop her sword with your open hand - a bloodless weapon like hers could never cut you - but instead you parry the lunge properly.
> And even in the parry you hold back - a careless motion might brush the sword's already weak sense of being a weapon and shatter it to pieces.
> She is aggressive at least, and throws out a flurry of lunges and slashes, that you gently block.
> You are not used to fighting like this, like you are the only one in the fight who is not blind. At least the audience sounds entertained, from the murmurs you hear all around.
> You pick a moment between Black-Jade's strikes, a difficult timing when she subtly adjusts the sword's weight as she pulls her arm back, and flick your sword at her face, where her pride shines brightly.
> She is quick enough that her eyes widen as the flat of your blade connects with her left cheek, and an angry welt soon forms afterwards. Anger blazes in her eyes.


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #71 on: March 03, 2013, 04:33:26 AM »
her will to fight - you can spot weaknesses in that from a mile away - and her loyalty.

I get it. She's using the shitty sword because she doesn't want to win.

I think we have two choices:
a) help her keep up the ruse and beat her fast, to make it look like we legitimately overpowered her.
b) just come right out and ask her who told her to take the sword from us.

What do you guys think?


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #72 on: March 03, 2013, 05:27:11 AM »
I get it. She's using the shitty sword because she doesn't want to win.

I think we have two choices:
a) help her keep up the ruse and beat her fast, to make it look like we legitimately overpowered her.
b) just come right out and ask her who told her to take the sword from us.

What do you guys think?
Aichi seems like the blunt type to me, so b) sounds pretty good.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #73 on: March 03, 2013, 05:51:07 AM »
Yeah, I agree.

Actually, let's kill two birds with one stone here.

> Attempt a decisive strike against her loyalty.
> Ask who sent her to challenge us.

Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #74 on: March 03, 2013, 09:16:00 AM »
Aichi : blunt
This tickles my humor; agreed with current course, but it is interesting that she was eager to fight at her introduction.
Hmm, thinking about these concepts as motivation, would it be easier to slice her loyalty by gashing her will to fight ?


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #75 on: March 03, 2013, 02:01:53 PM »
> Attempt a decisive strike against her loyalty.
> Ask who sent her to challenge us.

> You take no heed of Black-Jade's anger and the wild attack that follows. It is a simple matter to twist, turn and let her sword's point brush along your chest without the tip ever connecting.
> You take aim just off-centre of her heart and stab.
> A shattering sound resounds throughout the reception room. It looks like Black-Jade was able to bring her sword back just in time to hit yours away, but that was the last strike the weapon would make, as it floats to the ground in pieces.

> You are now briefly Youmu.
> Brilliant-Castle has maneuvered her way through the crowd to stand next to you.
> "She is very skilled," she says quietly to you. "I daresay Jade is in trouble."
> It is quite embarrassing to watch for you, actually. Aichi is barely holding back to stop herself from cracking her opponent in half.


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #76 on: March 03, 2013, 08:13:41 PM »
Youmu probably hasn't let go of her suspiciousness.

> Aichi has the duel under control, but what do we sense from the audience?


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #77 on: March 04, 2013, 08:15:28 AM »
> Aichi has the duel under control, but what do we sense from the audience?

> Despite Aichi being the guest of honor, you have been getting the feeling up until now that many of the audience merely view her as a village girl to be used and thrown away. It is quite clear that plots and schemes run deep at this congregation, all centred on the handover of Aichi's Sword.
> Unfortunately, you do not have the court savvy to grasp any more than that.

Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #78 on: March 04, 2013, 08:26:39 AM »
>"What's your angle on this? Surely our host hasn't gone through the trouble of summoning Aichi and I just for a duel. Are you on our side, or scheming against us as well?"


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #79 on: March 04, 2013, 10:49:36 AM »
>"What's your angle on this? Surely our host hasn't gone through the trouble of summoning Aichi and I just for a duel. Are you on our side, or scheming against us as well?"

> Brilliant-Castle gives you a friendly smile.
> "I am only acting in the best interests of my Mistress, nothing more. There are many who would want to take advantage of the situation, as esteemed Black-Jade has made so clear, but one has as much control over that as one does over the river's finally reaching the sea."
> She leans in to whisper at your ear.
> "Black-Jade resents having to serve here. She fell in disfavour with the Dragon Palace, and now she has to answer to the Mistress out here in the sticks. What a fall, from Divine Messenger to court lackey."
> Indeed, despite the opulent dress and educated manner of the courtiers here, Black-Jade stands a cut above the rest, that much is plain for you to see.
> "This challenge is a transparent play initiated by the Dragon Palace, no doubt," continues Castle, "our Mistress would not have a guest challenged to a duel at her own welcoming reception."


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #80 on: March 04, 2013, 10:50:33 AM »

Black-Jade-in-the-River, picture by Stuffman.


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #81 on: March 04, 2013, 02:02:28 PM »
> Frown a little.
> "A play?"

Black-Jade-in-the-River, picture by Stuffman.
Oh! I definitely wasn't expecting this~

Great work Stuffman!

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #82 on: March 04, 2013, 04:05:06 PM »
> Frown a little.
> "A play?"

> "Yes, probably to put Jade in her place. Embarrass her some more. That she might acquire the Sword is a fortunate bonus, of course. Ah, I think something is happening."

> You are Aichi once again.
> Black-Jade does not answer your challenge. Incensed, she snatches her scarf that had been gently floating around her and whips around, sending the cloth streaking at you with an unnatural momentum.
> You are briefly fascinated by how the scarf's nature as a weapon was so well-concealed that you could not even see it before. You quickly parry the scarlet razor edge - this is something that could definitely cut you - and note that the leading edge of the scarf is coming around behind you. This is a fight that needs to be ended quickly, before Black-Jade's sudden advantage in reach pushes you out completely.
> You drop all defenses, focus on her will to fight, and lunge!
> It is a good, precise hit.
> The congregation gasps. Some faint. There is a scream.
> You realize a fraction too late that to them it looks like you buried your sword to the hilt in Black-Jade's neck.
> But you are no butcher. You are precise enough to deeply wound her will to fight, located in her throat chakra, without harming skin, muscle, bones or nerves. You gently slide your sword out without spilling a drop of blood.
> Black-Jade sinks to her knees.
> "I concede," she says, sending the congregation into a stunned silence.


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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #83 on: March 04, 2013, 04:17:47 PM »
> Sheathe our sword.
> Grin a little. "That was a neat thing you pulled off with your scarf."

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Hanzo K.

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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #84 on: March 05, 2013, 02:55:07 PM »
>"I'm impressed. Had the fight gone on any longer, I might have actually been in a bad situation. So I can safely say that that is a rather high compliment."
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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #85 on: March 08, 2013, 12:59:15 PM »
> Black-Jade does not move, does not look at you. Shame burns within her like a torch.
> "Just go," she says.
> Before you can answer you are swept up in the crowd of courtiers who pepper you with a barrage of questions, invitations and flattery. You do not see Black-Jade again. Brilliant-Castle serves as a buffer between you and the rest of the court, so you are able to actually understand some of what is going on.
> You learn that the sword that you are to receive from the Lady Saigyouji, your mother's sword, is a very big deal in this region. It is nicknamed Gathering-Clouds-of-Heaven for her last, greatest achievement - bringing a great storm to the region when it was parched in drought and defeating a great Dragon Serpent who came to challenge her.
> While many saw the event, the details are extremely hazy - most witnesses saw everything from far away as they were too afraid to approach for a closer look.
> Some time after her heroic deed - and nobody knows why, although everyone was keen to offer their interpretation - she threw into a river the sword that she forged from the scales on the Dragon's tail.
> Of course, that river was the very same one where you are now.
> A few hours pass, during which you learn that Youki has left a huge, potentially life-threatening gap in your education by omitting matters of court and proper manners in such. You note that Youmu seems slightly better-off - her calmness and reserve allow her to keep a clear head in the situation.
> Eventually the reception comes to a close, guests start to leave, and Brilliant-Castle offers to escort you out.
> "I am certain you already realise," she says, "but there are many eyes on you, Aichi of the Hieda. There are far worse attacks than strikes of a sword."
> She does not elaborate on her words, but sets the water around you whirling in swift currents. Your vision is obscured by the turbulent flow and you are caught up in the stream.
> You come to your senses on a grassy riverbank. On your right Youmu is pulling river weeds out of her hair. You are utterly soaked, but otherwise none the worse for wear.
« Last Edit: March 08, 2013, 01:01:51 PM by Fightest »

Hanzo K.

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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #86 on: March 08, 2013, 03:33:26 PM »
>Remark in a nonchalant tone. "Well, this has been quite a day hasn't it? I can only expect it to get more interesting."
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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #87 on: March 08, 2013, 04:24:57 PM »
>Remark in a nonchalant tone. "Well, this has been quite a day hasn't it? I can only expect it to get more interesting."

> "You are my best friend, Aichi," says Youmu, "and I will stay close no matter what, but please do not invite more misfortune. It is starting to become uncanny. I am starting to think-"
> You do not hear the last part of her sentence because you're too busy being distracted by the giant tiger materializing out of thin air no more than a few feet away from you.

Hanzo K.

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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #88 on: March 08, 2013, 04:28:53 PM »
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
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Re: The Legend of Hieda II: Her Mother's Sword
« Reply #89 on: March 08, 2013, 04:38:19 PM »
Same tiger from the dream?

> "I know you..."