Author Topic: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!  (Read 21346 times)


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2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« on: December 24, 2012, 03:10:36 PM »
2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!

Alright Touhou players, it's the end of the year so it's a great time for a retrospective as well as a time for setting future goals. I don't think we've had one of these threads before but it seems like a nice idea, so here's how this is going to work!

Personal Favourite Achievements of 2012: As the name suggests, post the stuff you're the most proud of here, whether you're an Easy mode survival player or a Lunatic scorerunner. Anything that stands out to you is what you want here, no matter how silly it may be!

Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2012: This is for those very special moments when you screw up a NMNB of PCB Phantasm right near the end by, say, ramming Yukari. Whatever comedies/tragedies pop up most clearly to mind go here!

Favourite Achievements by Others of 2012: Whether it's a long-time goal achieved by a close friend or a new WR set in one of your favourite games (or both at the same time!), you can post whatever stuff you enjoyed seeing other people do this year here!

Goals for 2013: What do you have your eyes set on achieving next year? List all the clears, scores, and crazy challenges you want to achieve next year here. Be ambitious!

[OPTIONAL] CHALLENGES TO OTHER PLAYERS: The fun one. Throw down the gauntlet and challenge someone else to something! This might be to beat one of your scores, or a race to a certain clear, or whatever you like. Remember to keep it a little friendly, but on the other hand, go totally nuts!

Write as little or as much as you like, and this should become a nice thing to look back to in times to come. Merry Christmas, and have fun. :toot:
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Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #1 on: December 24, 2012, 03:18:25 PM »
Personal Favourite Achievements of 2012: Perfect Byakuren no contest, but not sure on my 2nd favourite. Maybe Eirin?

Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2012: First perfect UFO Extra run to make it to Grudge Bow, death to the very first wave of the very first phase. Can't think of one more stupid than that. <_<

Favourite Achievements by Others of 2012: Sakurei's 1DNB GFW Extra, because NDNB is one of my eventual goals and it's nice to see someone else try the same thing even if they don't pull it off flawlessly. Honorable mention to Zengeku's perfect Byakuren that only happened because I motivated him. <_<

Goals for 2013: Perfect EVERYTHING Whatever I feel like, really, as long as I keep knocking stages off my list I'll be happy.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2012, 03:21:02 PM by Seiga Kaku »
Aiming to perfect every stage in Touhou. loljk don't care anymore You can find my perfects here or here.
Best perfects so far include UFO 6, MoF 4 and IN 6A.

formerly known as Seiga Kaku


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Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #2 on: December 24, 2012, 03:35:24 PM »
Favourite Achievements: MoF Lunatic 1cc is my greatest one so far, but I expect another one (two?) to join it before the year's over, so I'm not certain.
Biggest Screw-ups: Eh, nothing really stands out. The closest I've ever been to succeeding at something without actually succeeding at it is certainly SA Hard 1cc, with Utsuho clipping me when her health bar wasn't actually visible anymore.
Favourite Achievements by Others: I'm not sure. I guess everyone who's done all of the lunatic 1cc's, like Nindella and Coreven? I'm not so involved here.
Goals for 2013: I want to have all of the lunatic 1cc's down by January, because (counting periods of total hiatus) that'll settle me at having cleared them all in five months time. After that... eh! Who knows!

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Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #3 on: December 24, 2012, 03:44:00 PM »
Personal Favorite Achievement of 2012: I can't really think of anything as awesome as perfecting MoF extra stage that I've done, and that was back last December I think...(checks date)...February 9th, 2012.  Yep, still that, even after all this time.  Though my GFW lunatic 1cc, done on 9/9/12, comes pretty close (if you haven't seen it, my first clear ended with over 800 motivation).

Personal Biggest Screw-up of 2012: Hands down getting completely walled off on Kagome Kagome, dying, continuing the run and perfecting the rest of Flandre, resulting in a very very painful 1DNB EoSD extra.  Also up there is dying 3 times to Subterranean Rose after perfecting Koishi outside of Rorschach, and blowing an MoF lunatic no bombs attempt on Sanae by getting hit 4 times.

Favorite Achievements by Others of 2012: I think Funen got his MoF lunatic no bombs this year?  I don't expect mine to be as awesome as that, but I'm hoping I get a certain stage perfect in mine that he missed  ;)  Seppo Hovi's IN ultra Stage 4 lunatic spellcard captures let me know they were all possible, otherwise I would have taken 1 look and gone "no".  SirChaotick's MoF lunatic 1cc, along with everyone else who got a first lunatic clear this year, because I remember what it was like to manage that for the first time.

Oh right, this section can't be done without an extra shoutout to EVERYONE who participated in Double Spoiler Done Quick and especially also ARF for singlehandedly doing/saving Shoot the Bullet Done Quick.   :toot: :dragonforce:

Goals for 2013: MoF lunatic no bombs, UFO lunatic, actually getting that perfect run of Youmu, beyond that we'll see what I end up doing.  Maybe PCB lunatic no focus?

[OPTIONAL] CHALLENGES TO OTHER PLAYERS: Hey Seiga, go get that perfect of Nitori, I think I remember you saying you don't have that one yet and I perfected Stage 3 in my last no bombs try so  :getdown:
Zengeku: play a credit of Ten Desires and enjoy it.  That should be a nice challenge  :getdown:
Nindella: go an entire stream session of your standard 5 hour length without mentioning Orin.  Or is that impossible?  :getdown:
Riz: Get those last 3 LNBNUFO runs before next year.  You can definitely do it and they're really awesome to see.  :getdown:
Everyone on MoTK: let's get that replay uploader to 50,000 replays by this time next year!

Hey Sapz what are your picks for each of those categories?  :V


Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2012, 03:58:00 PM »
Personal Favourite Achievements of 2012:In PoFV, I got a 1cc with all characters without focus, charge or pacifism (on lunatic)
Don't think anything else I've done could even come close to that. I worked hard on it and it was extremely difficult. Shikieiki with those conditions and with a low-tier character is a goddamn nightmare.

Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2012: Probably the off-screen amulet that ended a Lunatic run at LFS. I was too close to the bottom and an amulet sniped me from off screen. This was before I had an 1cc of the game, so it really ruined my day. Today I also did a live PCB Extra run, It's a stage I never play... Unless I forgot a border break somewhere, I believe the Ran fight was NMNBNBB until a very late death on her last card. Don't know how to safespot it. Not at all worked up about it, but since it happened today, It's easy to recall.

Favourite Achievements by Others of 2012: My memory isn't the best, so I'm probably forgetting lots and lots of things, and since I didn't actually start using this forum until fairly recently anyhow, I must've missed a lot of stuff. I would say Seiga's Perfect Byakuren fight, since It's such an impressive feat and I didn't even know who the player was, and It's something I want to do as well in the future. I'm sure people have posted some harder things (Zil's PoDD videos spring to mind) but I don't know what I'd be most impressed by of those. Scoring in that game is a bit too abstract for me to fully comprehend how difficult it is. Also have to mention Namusan's work on StB ILs. Trust me when I say that those are fucking amazing.

Goals for 2013: 100 million in GFW A-2. Tough as hell, I think I could do it though. Also, 1 billion in UFO Lunatic, a VoWG capture (seriously... I never captured that damn thing), a decent-ish score in PCB and EoSD on lunatic (say, 1,5b and 300m respectively) and also possibly something on Normal (maybe in PCB or IN)
Also boss perfects: Remi and Sakuya since I've been so close already, and Byakuren as I mentioned. If I have most of these done by the end of 2013, I'll be content, but some of them might be too hard, such as the very ambitious GFW goal. We'll see.

[OPTIONAL] CHALLENGES TO OTHER PLAYERS: Any kind of score competition in the games mentioned above. I'm mostly feeling GFW at the moment.

The all characters without focus, charge and with constant shooting... I'd recommend people to not do that unless you value your sanity, or unless you're Zil.


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Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2012, 04:11:17 PM »
Haha, let's see... I sorta had a year off from shooting games this year for the most part to focus on learning Japanese, but let's do this anyway.

Personal Favorite Achievement of 2012: I guess tying in with the above, it's that I can now go ahead and know what's going on in Touhous without needing them translated. Also, not strictly Touhou, but I have to mention winning STGT 2012 with my Touhou is Harder teammates. You guys are the best!

Personal Biggest Screw-up of 2012: Not shooting up enough fairies/spaceships/dragons/aliens/other miscellaneous stuff. I got a little burnt-out after 2009-2011 and didn't really do much in the way of achieving my STG goals this year. I guess another one is always being late with the Touhou Tournaments. :V

Favourite Achievements by Others of 2012: Nereid achieving a WR in MoF! Now I get to kick a former WR-holder around in IRC. :getdown:

Goals for 2013: Play STGs again. The specifics are pretty much going to be my former goals from 2012; those are largely non-Touhou so far but I'm considering picking a Touhou up for score beyond those. And of course, post Touhou Tournaments on time!

CHALLENGES TO OTHER PLAYERS: I challenge all of you who enjoy shooting games to branch out from Touhou from time to time. There's a huge amount of great shooting games out there I'm sure you guys would enjoy, and Touhou is just the tip of the iceberg. Go explore! Feel free to PM me if you want some recommendations. :V
Let's fight.

Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2012, 04:14:34 PM »
Personal favorite achievement 2012: It's hard to say, mostly because I don't really do anything special yet. No bomb runs, timeouts, no vert/hori captures, scoring even? None of that. Actually I can't even play on Lunatic yet even though I've been playing so long. :V I'm still a Hard Mode player~ If I could lump a few things together though, it's that I've been getting better at the games, which I consider an achievement. Now I've improved enough to capture Last Words as I unlock them, and I don't have to give up and try later anymore. Deflation World, Ancient Duper, and Phoenix Rebirth were the captures I was most happy about iirc, each taking less than 20 attempts which was a great surprise to me considering I don't think I'm that good of a player to be honest.

Looking back on when I first started out, when I couldn't beat easy mode with continues :V I'm happy that I've come this far and hope to keep improving. So I say my favorite achievement, though not related to one event in particular, is "Achievement of Higher Skill" I suppose~
2nd choice: The fact that after all these years I finally got off my butt and made myself an account here at MotK. Not sure why I didn't before really, and the fact that I know all of you yet you've no idea who I am is kinda... I dunno. Achievement get: lurk less

Personal biggest screw-up 2012: Oh that happened today. :V I've screwed up plenty of times in the past, but this year NOTHING I've done beats getting to Youmu (PCB, normal) with max lives/tons of bombs, then leaving the stage with nothing but 4 bombs. :getdown: I guess I just didn't feel like bombing at all ever that run, and got tired of dodging by the time I made it to her. :V

Favorite achievement by others 2012: Well now. This is a very hard decision to make, you guys have been doing crazy things, awesome things, and everything in between.

Instead of something crazy, awesome, or crazy-awesome, I think I'll go with MoteofDust who was just starting out, and was happy about beating Meiling (eosd, normal) only 5 days after starting. This one really got to me; it reminded me very much of when I first started out, and all the good times I've had since then, and I couldn't help but feel happy too after reading that. Nothing amazing, but this must be my favorite achievement by others, 2012.

Goals for 2013: Mostly I just try to go with the flow, and get better as it happens, but if by the end of '13 I could manage to start playing Lunatic successfully, I'd be happy with that. Beating PoFV Extra (shikieiki side) would be nice too but Reimu just isn't losing. Even when I somehow made it there with like 5 lives.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2012, 04:17:41 PM by SirBlueberry »


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Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2012, 04:17:07 PM »
personal favorite achievement of 2012: my all clear of StB 90 fps. it looks badass as fuck and some scenes were crazy difficult. followed by my perfect MoF stage 4 and IN stage 6A.

personal screw up 2012: during my IN 6a perfect attempts, I died to hourai elixir at 00 seconds left. it's a common death time, but after flawlessly doing the whole other stage with all it's apollo 13 and astronomical entombing, it's really soulcrushing. and additionally there was the retard death in GFW extra. what seiga loved, I hated :V I will come back to it, eventually and do a perfect run of that stage.

favorite achievement of others: definitely cactu's NBNUFO run. that was a really really crazy run and I am amazed at it. kudos to you. on top of that seppo's WRs. I am amazed at how much dedication he can put into that game and I respect his WRs for that a LOT.

Goals for 2013: a few lunatic 1cc on 90 fps. I think I can pull off every game over the whole year, but it'll be tough. I also wanna finish the DS all clear, as well as perfect the remaining stages in the windows series I have left. extras are mokou, yukari, marisa and mamizou. as you all know marisa was pain, but I feel I can go back to her once I feel like I have played enough 90 fps. she will be the first extra. shou is probably the first regular stage. I also want to start doing no bomb lunatics.
SO MANY GOALS, SO LITTLE TIME :V. DS will fall quickly in early january. I can't imagine myself taking longer than the first week.

challenges to other players: I knw you're already at it, but I want to see more WRs from you, seppo. go get them!
zengeku go do a NBNUFO lunatic. I know you can if you gain some consistency on stage 5.
seiga: go back to touhou first, then good luck with the remaining stages you haven't done yet! a lot of them are real beasts and from what I have seen you're trying UFO stage 5 right now? nice! go do it.
and everyone who is trying to get some first clears: gogo. you can all do it and it's really great once you managed.


Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2012, 04:23:44 PM »
Myself: PoDD crap.

Screw-ups: The fact that it took me forever to focus all of my attention on PoDD. That one death to Remilia was pretty harsh too.

Everyone else: Seppo and Nereid's world records. And Seppo's SFN timeouts. K.B.'s PoDD clears. Malkyrian's VoWG timeout. ARF's DS/StB speedrunning. Chirpy and Karisa's PC-98 scoring. I'm probably forgetting a lot. That's all I can think of for now.

Goals: Play PoDD. Avoid everything else.

Challenges: I kind of want everyone to beat (or at least play) PoDD Lunatic at least once. I don't expect it though.

The all characters without focus, charge and with constant shooting... I'd recommend people to not do that unless you value your sanity, or unless you're Zil.
I'm all over it! Been meaning to try it anyway.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2012, 05:03:08 PM by Zil »


Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2012, 04:32:40 PM »
I love this thread! 2012 was actually my first year as an active Touhou player. Let's see what I got.

Favourite personal achievement: a choice between clearing PCB and IN on Hard, and getting a two billion score in IN Easy. Because my PCB clear feels like a horrible letdown in a way, I'm inclined to choose the score. But my latest timeout of Mountain of Faith Easy deserves a special (if tiny) mention.

Personal biggest failure: YOUMU. Youmu in general. In PCB, I just kept getting humiliated by her, dying to spells and nonspells alike, all the time. What a runner of ruins... err, ruiner of runs. In Imperishable Night I couldn't even handle solo Youmu propely, which is why I achieved my two billion score using solo Reimu. I hate you, Youmu, you're a nice character, your theme is excellent, but stay away from me in-game.

Favourite achievement of others: Karisa's no focus Lunatic IN 1cc, I guess. Going no focus on Lunatic is extremely impressive. And Vee's Imperishable Night scoring spree is rather outstanding. Note that this is a very selective and incomplete list, though...

Goals for 2013: A Lunatic 1cc in any Touhou game. It really shouldn't take more than another full year, even if my progress is slower than average. Plus I should finally break my bad streak with games 11-13 and get at least a Normal 1cc of each one. And stop clinging to PCB and IN so desperately...

Challenges for others: Please do a perfect pacifist run of PCB Stage 5 Lunatic, anyone. I'm far too weak to exact my revenge, so all I can hope for is to watch someone else do it.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2012, 04:37:26 PM by redlakitu »

Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2012, 04:34:24 PM »
Personal favorite achievement of 2012 : Well, it was my first (not even full) year playing Touhou, so I didn't do anything really fancy. I'm really happy with this 4-miss-no-bombs of EoSD normal, though.

Personal screw-up of 2012 : 250 attempts at UFO Extra before clearing it. Getting to Kaguya at the third ever attempt on Lunatic, and being unable to do it again since then.

Favorite achievement by others 2012 : Oh so much. Cactu's LNBNUFO, Nindel's LNBs, everything ARF has done in DS/StB, and possibly lots of others I can't remember. Also, watching the new UFO WR made me speechless.

Goals for 2013 : one word. Lunatic. For some silly reason, I'd like to complete everything (lunatic and extras) with Laser Marisa, so we'll see. Also, getting better at the other shmups I tried, at least 1cc some first loops or something...


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Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2012, 04:45:37 PM »
Personal favorite achievement 2012: PoDD Easy Mode 1cc with all characters. My only achievement of 2012, to be honest, and I hardly think of it as a true achievement :V

Personal biggest screw-up 2012: Not playing Touhou at all for months. Now I'm constantly ramming fairies on TD Normal Mode Stage 1 :colonveeplusalpha:

Favorite achievement by others 2012: I'm at a loss here. I really don't know. I don't follow WR stuff and the likes, and nobody I know has played Touhou lately. Sorry.

Goals for 2013: Play more Touhou. 1cc Normal Mode SA and UFO, reclaim some Normal 1cc's I've done before, achieve my first Extra clear ever, 1cc Hard Mode MS.
<-- Sig by Suikama


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Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2012, 05:01:51 PM »
2012? Wow, it's still the same year as most of my first Lunatic 1ccs. It's been an interesting year.

Well, for my personal favorite achievements... I think I'll go with reaching the TD 20 and MS 600 extends. The reason being that they're actually something I've accomplished without seeing someone else do them first. TD Hard 1DNBNT comes very close though. And this may not be gameplay-related, but can't forget that I finally found a forum community that I feel like I'm a part of.

Biggest mistake: Failing Seiga's midboss card (and therefore a full-game Hard perfect run, though I didn't know it at the time) in that TD Hard 1DNBNT, definitely.

Favorite achievements by others of 2012: Wow, too many to choose...
You know what? Instead of repeating something that several others have already said, I'll go with Pirx/redlakitu's IN 2 billion Easy score. Seeing upcoming players take an interest in scoring instead of ignoring it like so many others do is nice.

Goals for 2013: Claim a record in every possible Mystic Square scoring category... oh wait, that's my goal for the next month or something. Improve my Lunatic scores, I guess, which would also involve learning how to capture more Lunatic patterns with reasonable consistency, something I'm currently lacking in. Succeed in at least one Lunatic no-bombs 1cc and at least one Lunatic 91fps 1cc. Also, get that TD Hard no-death 20 extend run that's been in my signature for months, or maybe even get a no-death and/or 20 extend run on TD Lunatic.

Challenges to other players: Score more in the PC-98 games. They seriously do need more competition.
« Last Edit: December 27, 2012, 06:45:37 AM by Karisa »

Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2012, 05:08:39 PM »
Personal Favourite Achievements of 2012: Me timing out SFN.

Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2012: Failing TD extra when FMP had almost no HP left.

Favourite Achievements by Others of 2012: Malky's VOWG timeout.

Goals for 2013: To timeout more spells and 1cc MSD -Absolution- on revelation mode.

Getting clipped since Feb. 2012.




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Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2012, 05:14:23 PM »
Personal Favourite Achievements of 2012: Perfecting MoF stage 4 lunatic. Out of all the things I had left to do, this was the last big one that was eating at my mind. Well, there's also the matter of being selected to work on a project that I have dreamed of being a part of for years now, but that's a secret for now~

Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2012: Letting my all-perfect victory go to my head Mmm, nothing really stands out. Though, I remember getting pretty steamed when I screwed up a perfect Eirin plus last spell on the last second on Hourai Elixir...and then dying again even earlier the next time I got that far.

Favourite Achievements by Others of 2012: In general, watching the community rise up the way it has the past year has been a real treat. Accomplishments that used to be considered one-of-a-kind are now accessible to many, all because of the great shmup community that has formed. ^.^

Goals for 2013: I should really get around to finishing Uwabami Breakers. ;;

CHALLENGES TO OTHER PLAYERS: Sapz I'm still waiting for that pinky clear of EoSD extra.
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


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Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2012, 05:55:05 PM »
Achievements would have to really  be getting my first Hard 1ccs and Extra clears within months of picking up Touhou. I'm amazed at myself for what I've managed to accomplish so far, even if it is just stuff that other people have done millions of times/with challenges attached, like pacifist, perfect, 90 FPS, etc.

In terms of screw ups, doing pretty well on UFO Extra and then losing most of my lives to Danmaku Chimera is a major screw-up and a half.

In terms of other people's achievements, I'm pretty amazed at all of the 90 FPS stuff that has been done, along with all of the timeouts and such. Really, I'm glad anything anyone has done has been done.

My goal for next year is continue 1ccing games on Hard and clearing Extra stages. If I can get them all done, then I'd consider 2013 to be a pretty damn good year.

I don't want to challenge anyone with anything, mainly because I'm a pure survival runner, not a score runner. Plus I'm still not quite ready for challenge runs, though I might do some on Easy, just because I could do it.
Derping at Touhou since June 2012, derping at RPing Touhou since Feburary 2013.

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Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2012, 06:07:41 PM »
- Getting my first Lunatic 1lc with MoF, and also winning Week 25 in for the Lunatic category just because of how much I went back and forth with Nyaaa~.
- Dying on Hell's Tokamak during an SA Lunatic 1lc attempt. I never did get that far again.
- Haven't been paying much attention lately, and those I do remember are pretty numerous and too long to list here.
- Still don't know when exactly I'll feel like playing Touhou extensively again, though when I do it'll be about time I got back to getting that SA Lunatic 1lc.
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Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #17 on: December 24, 2012, 06:54:09 PM »
Personal Favourite Achievement
Probably my Lunatic 12.3 1CC, even if that's just because it was the last Lunatic Clear I needed to consider all games for Windows cleared. Aside from that, reaching 1000 captures of Wild Carpet, mainly because it defines me as the patient grinder that I am.

Personal Biggest Screw-Up
Hard to say, the biggest one I can remember was last year, but this year, maybe one of the really derped Normal runs where I lost six Extra Lives or more in Stage 6.

Favourite Achievements by Others
Again, hard to remember everything, but I still recall being very impressed by Zil's EoSD 90 FPS Clear and his Extra NDNBNF run as well as the World Records we saw, of course.

Goals for 2013
Finishing the second half of my goal to clear all games on all difficulties with all characters/shottypes and Finals, if applicable. Then again, it's hard to refer to Hard and Lunatic as the second "half", I'd rather refer to Lunatic as the second half. Reminds me of that famous line about the last kilometer of a marathon being the second half. Also, NDNBing as many stages as I can.

Challenges for Others
There aren't many challenges that suit my character that I could offer to others, but if everyone captured his favourite Spellcard 1000 times, that would be cool. Grind what you love, then you'll know if you truly love it.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2012, 06:56:12 PM by Lepetit89 »

Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #18 on: December 24, 2012, 07:01:25 PM »
Personal Favourite Achievements of 2012: Winning the weekly low scoring special in the Extra category with the sub 6 million MoF extra clear, maybe not my most fought for or the hardest thing ever, but Suwako's fight is the reason I even play touhou and I put some effort into doing it in a cool way. I also spent around 250-300 hours of gameplay across StB (~50,000 photos) and DS but no single achievement in all that stands out from the others to me.

Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2012: Spending 3-4 hours beating Reimu with a level 2 Marisa in Pesco's Diablo 2 mod. lol that was so retarded :V

Favourite Achievements by Others of 2012: First I want to say thanks to all of you who listed my DS and StB speedrunning in this ;~; That's very touching and nice!!!!!!! I l liked it when Shin broke 3  billions in lunatic UFO. Within the community Nereid and Vee, and you PC-98 lunatics who fought hard and achieved WR's really stand out to me, also Chum displayed amazing and consistent skill level by clearing PoFV without focus or charge on lunatic with all characters. But kudos to all of you who continue to work hard and wear out your keyboards/input device of your choice by destroying these games!

Goals for 2013: NMNB timeout of Suwako's opener (the nonspell) with ultra patch applied and wearing a blindfold, all while saving the world from a space-whale vampire apocalypse and multi-track drifting a roller coaster and reciting the whole old testament in the original language at the same time, bonus swag-points if I catch it on a livestream as well xDDDDD

CHALLENGES TO OTHER PLAYERS: Get a triangle (third place) or better with a royalflare replay submission, any category.

Merry Christmas fellow Maidens!
"you never know, you may have the best strats in the world" - Zil

Immortal Momiji!


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Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #19 on: December 24, 2012, 07:53:01 PM »
Instead of breaking bones trying to figure out what I'd list, I'm just gonna say that I have an immense admiration for all you people that consistently grind their hearts out for these games. Seiga for his perfection spree, Nindel for anything and everything SA-related, ARF for, well, everything he does, all of you who went out of their way to clear the photography games with them limitations, of course all of you scorerunners and your WRs. All things I'd never have the patience for.

As for me, I'm going to do much of the same - play what I like and see what happens, so I'll mostly be a bystander and cheer you folks on while you perfect entire games and shit in 2013.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2012, 08:28:10 PM by BT »

Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #20 on: December 24, 2012, 08:12:24 PM »
Personal Favourite Achievements of 2012: Probably the Virtue of Wind God timeout, though perfect running MB Normal and getting a 90FPS StB all clear both come pretty close, still.

Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2012: I'll go with this because it's funny.

Favourite Achievements by Others of 2012: Good question. Saku's 90FPS StB all clear because I know from experience how hard that is to do, Bang Jan's SFN timeout, Zil's EoSD 90FPS Lunatic, Cactu's UFO NBNUFO Lunatic, PMW's Breaking Critical Point timeout, there's probably plenty more that I'm not thinking of at the moment.

Goals for 2013: A Fantasy's Transience timeout. Other than that, my biggest goal for 2013 would probably be finding goals for 2013 :yukkuri:

CHALLENGES TO OTHER PLAYERS: Someone go perfect Mikoto Yaobi. :trollface:

Failing that, if you're reading this and you haven't played Marine Benefit, go do it.

Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #21 on: December 24, 2012, 08:22:34 PM »

Personal Favourite Achievements of 2012:Finding Touhou 2 weeks before it became 2013!!!

Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2012: Not finding Touhou earlier  :smokedcheese:

Favourite Achievements by Others of 2012: Still getting to know everyone sooooo >.>;;

Goals for 2013: 1cc both EoSD and PCB or ATLEAST normal. being so new to the game, not sure if this is really easy or not for a whole year. If so, switch it to hard mode :P

[OPTIONAL] CHALLENGES TO OTHER PLAYERS: All of us artists on Shrinemaiden have to create a giant end of the year/Xmas picture for next year that we all contribute to. In fact I might make a thread for this.

for the art and stuff! :3

Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #22 on: December 24, 2012, 08:34:03 PM »
Someone go perfect Mikoto Yaobi. :trollface:

Persuade someone like Jaimers to do that. :trollface:
Getting clipped since Feb. 2012.




  • =.=
Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #23 on: December 24, 2012, 08:44:35 PM »
Personal Favourite Achievements of 2012: UFO lunatic 1cc, SFN timeout!

Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2012: AAAHHH Marine Benefit. I let the bubble close in and kill me in the last spell :derp:

Favourite Achievements by Others of 2012: kudos to DSDQ, StBDQ, and all the 90fps clears!

Goals for 2013: perfect a few extra stages  :getdown:


  • Too lazy to make this a gif right now
  • Still scumming for a good pull
Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #24 on: December 24, 2012, 09:42:31 PM »
Personal Favourite Achievements of 2012: Umm, I don't know. Maybe clearing EoSD Stage 4 with no lives and one bomb left?

Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2012: EVERYTHING.

Favourite Achievements by Others of 2012: I don't know if this was 2012 or not, but some people in the high scores board 1cc'd IN Lunatic with Alice solo.

Goals for 2013: Finally 1cc'ing a game on normal.

By the way, I think posting Yuka's theme is appropriate right now.
My Youtube Channel. I mostly upload Hisoutensoku videos.


  • *
Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #25 on: December 24, 2012, 10:11:52 PM »
Personal Favourite Achievements of 2012: In March I toppled the UFO Lunatic 1cc and cleared the board. That was basically my only real accomplishment anyways lol.

Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2012: Bombing early in VoWG when I didn't need to, and then proceeding to time the rest out. Goddamn it.

Favourite Achievements by Others of 2012: I haven't been following these threads much lately, but probably some of the various WRs achieved throughout the year.

Goals for 2013: Same as always.

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
- original art by Aiけん | ウサホリ -

Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #26 on: December 24, 2012, 10:20:28 PM »
Personal Favourite Achievements of 2012: I haven't done much but I'm happy about finally knocking down Byakuren and Seiga Kaku is to thank for that since I didn't want to lose to a TD character.  :V I probably have some other small victories here and there but they are all just minor improvements of what I already have. Gaining better consistency on things and every time I score a NMNB on Shou it's of course quite dope even if it's never good enough before it's consistent.  :3

Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2012: There are many. Too many gameplay related things. I guess my biggest failure this year is having been so damn lazy. I just haven't felt like playing much even though a state of unemployment has left me a lot of time to do so. Motivation has basically been throw out of the window. Too many personal issues bogging me down too and I'm sure that has affected my performance through the year since I play better when I feel happy.  :) Oh well... here's hoping for a nice 2013 with less misery and more actual shmup playing. :)

Favourite Achievements by Others of 2012:

I greatly admire many things done by users here. Especially those things that are outside my areas of operation like Sakurei's 90 FPS accomplishments, same thing applies for the others who've walked down that path. I also greatly admire the scoring folk's efforts, most particularly Nereid and Seppo's WR claimings. (even though they are both Iji-modo/Normalfags). The most important one must be Riz' work with UFO though. Very impressive with getting NBNUFO on 4 characters in the game. Especially given how I personally witnessed the SanaeB one in the very first of his streams I watched.  :V Given that UFO is the best game that would probably be my favorite accomplishment this year. Aside from Shin's crazy UFO scores of course.

Goals for 2013: I'll be a bit ambitious then. So here's a few things I'm hoping I can get myself into actually playing. I am thinking that I want 40 oku on IN Lunatic, 15 on MoF Lunatic and 10 on UFO Lunatic. I don't know how much work those things would require or if i can conjure up the motivation to get them rolling but it would be nice to enter some scoring in some of the games i like. Other than that, my goals would include a NBNUFO and possibly improved NB's runs of MoF and PCB since the runs I have of those are embarassing to a fault.


Zil go back to UFO, I know you like the little girls so play a game with some good ones in it instead of PoDD. :V
Sakurei, do a NMNB Shou. On Lunatic or face holy justice. Do it at 90 FPS if you can't stand 60.
Sapz. Have UFO or MoF be your game of choice or I'll cross the sea and destroy you.
Chirpy: You know what you have to do.
The rest of you: Keep kicking ass. It can sometimes motivate me :3


  • Ehhhhh...
  • Pale Apple
    • My youtube channel
Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #27 on: December 24, 2012, 10:38:47 PM »
Personal Favourite Achievements of 2012: Beat Ran in PCB Extra, my first extra clear :)

Personal Biggest Screw-ups of 2012: Maybe to die to Utsuho's first non spellcard attack :V

Favourite Achievements by Others of 2012: I don't follow this area news so maybe Malkyrian's Virtue of God timeout and Nereid's MoF WR I think.

Goals for 2013: Clear a game in Lunatic 1CC Beat SA in normal level  :V

CHALLENGES TO OTHER PLAYERS: Hmmm how about timeout some spellcards that give me a lot of problems (without using safepoints):
  • Eirin's Lunatic Curse of heavens: Apolo 13
  • Kaguya's Divine Treasure "Brilliant Dragon Bullet"
  • Nitori's last spellcard (lunatic)

My youtube channel with my creations:
( ゆっくりしていってね)>


  • Whee
Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #28 on: December 24, 2012, 11:25:26 PM »
This year saw most of my progress since I first started, so it could be all the various extras, whatever, but all that was bound to come with time. I'd have to say my most unexpected achievement was no death PCB extra. I really thought doing that well at any extra stage was simply beyond me.

Biggest mistake? Buying a mechanical keyboard. I got caught up in the hype about how great they were, and bought one at a store a couple hours away (wanted to try them in person first to pick a type, and there's nothing like that nearby). I simply could not stand the thing for playing, even after I got used to it for regular typing. Having keys activate part way down turned out to be a horrible match for my very clumsy fingers that shake if they aren't holding a key down firmly, and I couldn't make tiny jumps to save my life. Ended up having to drive all the way back and return the thing, happy to be back to my cheapo garbage keyboard.

My 2013 resolution is to get over my fear of Lunatic and actually play it enough to get a 1cc. I know I'm close on IN, but I keep just playing Hard practice because I'm too wimpy.

Everyone else, just keep being awesome.  :V


  • Lord of all that Bullshits
Re: 2012 in Touhou, Past and Future!
« Reply #29 on: December 24, 2012, 11:31:52 PM »
Personal Favorite Achievements: UFO Lunatic clear, no contest. Perfecting TD Stage 5 was not a huge accomplishment but it felt very good. Other minor things include my SA ReimuB Lunatic clear, impromptu Cat Walk timeout, and Double Black Death Butterfly capture.

Biggest Screw-ups: I would have to say failing every single one of Kaguya's Last Spells in a single run. That was truly humbling. 

Favorite Achievements by Others:
- All the crazy PoDD scoring Zil is doing. His videos are awe-inspiring to watch.
- Funen's MoF no-bomb clear. God damn, son.
- Seppo and Nereid setting WRs.
- Karisa's TD Hard 1DNBNT. Jesus, girl, talk about being in the groove.
- It doesn't count as Touhou but Azinth's S99 western record was one of the best plays of a video game I've seen. IDK how you did that, dude. (sapz, plz beat his score)

Goals for 2013: No-bomb clear all the windows games on Lunatic. TD is first, then MoF and SA. If I spend less of my time watching TAS videos I might actually accomplish some of these things within the year, who knows?

Also I need to score but for various reasons I don't like that as much as no-bomb runs. The idea of playing with 0 room for error frustrates me. I still will though (EoSD or PCB Lunatic probs because not that many Western players do EoSD, and PCB is just cool).


Everyone: First of all, what Sapz said. Lots of arcade shmuppers don't play Touhou, and lots of Touhou players avoid arcade shmups. This is silly. Playing either style of game teaches you new things and makes you better at other shmups.

I'd also encourage everyone to play one difficulty higher than you can do. Or something that you think is just a bit too hard. It might be frustrating but the only limit is yourself. Don't say you can't play Lunatic or clear an Extra mode. Watch videos, practice, and the rest will follow. And you will feel great joy.

Malkyrian, BangJan and all the people who do a lot of timeouts: You're much better players than me. Some of you are younger, too :V Don't spend all your energy on things like timeouts. Show those RoyalFlare leaderboards who's boss. 

Karisa: Do TD NBNT, please. Charged Yahoo should not be a huge obstacle for you. If it is I'll send you a replay for it.

Seppo/Vee: Please stop beating yourself up about everything.

Zengeku: Do UFO NBNUFO. You know you have to.

Chum: draggin blayz