Author Topic: Touhou Dream Thread  (Read 321035 times)


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #510 on: July 22, 2015, 11:01:15 AM »
I had a dream where a guy wanted me to try and get Mamizou to go out with him. I got them to the point where they met each other but afterwards I woke up inside the dream. I went to write down the dream but never got round to it.

I had another where I was looking at touhou doujins. Looking at how inappropriate they were and whoo was involved made me angry.
« Last Edit: July 23, 2015, 10:49:33 AM by aListers »
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #511 on: July 25, 2015, 09:24:43 PM »
It wasn't too long ago that I had a Touhou-related dream. I'm pretty sure it was a lucid one as well and I rarely ever have the chance of experiencing those. Weird thing is, I know it's a lucid dream while experiencing it, but once I wake up, I don't know if it was lucid or not.

Either way, in that dream, I went home from school as usual. I was waiting for the tram in order to get home, but it just didn't come for a long time. After waiting for far too long, a run down old tram came around the corner at ridiculous speed and rammed someone who was just crossing the street. I heard a voice say "Free one-way trip to the eastern abandoned station! All aboard!". At that point, I knew where this was going, so I entered the tram (and was the only one to do so). And at ridiculous speed, it departed into a portal and crashed right in front of the Myouren Temple. Not sure if it damaged anything, but what I remember is Shou coming towards me. Then there was a black void of absolute nothingness and then I was inside the temple, with a few of its residents in front of me (Byakuren, Shou, Nue, Kyouko and Kogasa for some reason). They asked me where I came from, what I was doing here, etc. etc., as if I just broke into there, but they offerred me to stay at the temple for the time being.

Considering this was a dream, I tried to enforce my "authority" over it, which would make me the most powerful individual in all of Gensokyo. Byakuren labeled my ability as "being able to manipulate normality and abnormality" and stated, that those who gain a special ability upon entering Gensokyo are destined to achieve enlightenment. She then challenged me to a spell card duel with taking turns in being the boss and the player in order to train my abilities. She also wanted me to hold back on using my ability too much, because it'd be "gamebreaking". Byakuren won, but it was my first time using danmaku, so I have an excuse. :V

Afterwards, Nue and Kogasa brought me to the Hakurei Shrine to introduce me to Reimu, because apparently, she needs to keep track of any "weird people" in Gensokyo. I had to fill out a couple forms and have them be signed by the shrine maiden. Once that was done, Reimu told me to come back later after Eiki and Yukari checked over the papers and sent me out of my dream. At least the it didn't end too randomly, although I would've liked to hang around a little longer.
Have a look at my truly scrumptious scripts!.


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #512 on: July 26, 2015, 01:55:06 AM »
I dreamt of Meiling a few days ago, but I have no idea what I dreamt of. I just remember her looking at me.

The nova of the ocean of the cleverness

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #513 on: July 28, 2015, 04:33:01 AM »
Welcome to the club Python!  I remember my first encounter with danmaku...  I had to survive Yukari's last spell!  Somehow I managed but yeah...  Oh well, the way she looked at me seemed like I impressed her.

This Saturday I had an amazing sequence of dreams meeting all of my favourites in turn.  Things that most stand out are the kiss with Yuyuko and the time I spent with Yukari.

And last night I had another dream where I took some strange spacecraft into orbit and Yuyuko was with me for some reason (not complaining).

Abraham Lincoln

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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #514 on: July 28, 2015, 02:45:27 PM »
I wonder if Doremy is responsible for all these Touhou-related dreams...


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #515 on: July 29, 2015, 12:23:06 PM »
I had an... interesting one, today. The dream was pretty long, and just like with almost every single long dream I've ever had in my life, it can't stay on track for more than 5 minutes, so I'll just tell you guys the Touhou bit.

So I was walking around this random city when suddenly I see a Mission Marker straight from GTA3 in front of a house and step on it. For whatever reason, it was Alice's house (yes, in the middle of a city). I knock on the door an Alice comes out, but for whatever reason she had long hair, lipstick and was wearing a somewhat different dress. She tells me that she's angry that the houses in the neighbourhood are as beautiful as hers despite the people inside them being poor and tells me I need to do something about it. Then she slams the door in my face and I walk away. Then my alarm clock sounds and I wake up. I just said my longer dreams can't stay on track for very long so I doubt the dream was going to progress much farther than that.

Also, something tells me I'd have to burn down poor people's houses with Molotovs, yep, not too big on dreaming about that. And this is the second Touhou dream in a row that has something to do with GTA as well. (Unless you count that Meiling one I had during a nap.)

The nova of the ocean of the cleverness


  • pichuun
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #516 on: July 29, 2015, 06:39:00 PM »
I was at some type of festival in te human village.
People were gatherin in front of a stage to hear a comedian. I like to laugh, so I climbed up a tree to view it from there. I'm rather short, so standing in the crowd wouldn't be a good idea.

When I got good balance on a tree banch I see Kyouko on stage. She was dragging a cord to the center, but the cord didn't reach the center.
She exits the stage quickly and brang back an extension cord that was way too long.
Nevertheless she plugged it in and dragged the cord off stage.
She came back with the mic.
"Hello everybody!" she says into the mic, but it didn't amplify her voice at all. She taps it a few times and it suddenly says, "HELLO EVERYBODY!"
Kyouko jumped and almost dropped the mic. Some of the audience laughed.
"Hello?" she says into the mic and after a short delay the mic responds, "Hello?"

She repeats this a few times with the mic constantly relaying her voice late. She tries holding it far away from her and really close, but the result always had her voice coming out late.
"Okay the mic isn't work- Okay the mic isn't working" she says, while the mic cuts her off with the delay.
Mystia comes on stage and tells Kyouko to give her the mic. She examines it for a few seconds then sings into it, "Checkiiiiiiing ♪"

The mic delivered her voice perfectly. "What are you talking about it works!" she says. Kyouko grabs the mic again. "Checking." she says.
5 seconds later...
"Checking." says the mic.
"Yup it's not working." she says, which the mic repeats later. Mystia yanks the mic out of her hand and sings into it again. Once again the mic delivers her voice perfectly.

Kyouko seems to groan (couldn't tell from I sat) and takes the mic again.
Kyouko now sings into the mic, "Maybe I have to siiiing! ♪"
This time the mic didn't even respond, well at first it didn't. After about 30 seconds Kyouko's voice came out of it.
Kyouko turns to the backstage, "IS SOMEONE BACK THERE MESSING WITH THE MIC! I'M TRYING TO DO A SHOW!" she yells at whoever was back there, which the mic then repeats moments later. Mystia grabs the mic again and goes back stage to have them check on it.

When Mystia was gone, Kyouko turned back to the crowd and points backstage and laughs a silent laugh. Some of the audience were laughing too. At this point I could tell, it wasn't the mic that was screwing up. This was all Kyouko's doing.

Mystia comes back, "Nothing is wrong with it." she tells Kyouko.
Kyouko takes the mic and says into it, "Please work this time."
The mic responds, "No"
I start laughing here. Kyouko makes a surprised face and holds the mic away from her.
She looks at Mystia and she shrugs, so Kyouko slowly brang the mic close to her lips and says, "Okayyyy?" dragging out the word.
The mic responds, "I don't like you!"
Kyouko immediately shoved the mic into Mystia, who fumbles with it for a bit.

What was really perfect about this was that the mics voice sounds completely different than Kyouko's voice. Plus, it sounds male.

Mystia awkwardly hums into the mic (i think it was the Border of Life theme). The mic delivers the voice on time, but then it says, "See, I like your voice."
Mystia let's out a scream and drops the mic.
The mic even said 'Ow!' when it hit the floor. The whole audience was laughing, even Kyouko was laughing. Mystia ducking behind the stage and peeks over it.

Even though Kyouko was audibly laughing, the mic says, "I can see you."
Mystia freaks out and shoots danmaku at the mic, destroying it. I was laughing so hard I fell out the tree.

When I hit the ground I woke up.
« Last Edit: July 29, 2015, 06:43:53 PM by Tribow »

oh look at that, new gifs
(I apologize if I made you constantly reload)


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #517 on: August 01, 2015, 07:47:27 AM »
I actually just had a partially surreal 2hu dream about two nights ago, sort of.

I was told that I was going to be extra in a television show about violent white-collar crimes, and then I watched the previous episodes to see how it was like. This show, for whatever reason, had Touhou product placements (despite being an American show) with various easter eggs of the games being played or fanvids being broadcast across large screens. Then came the day that I was to be an extra, which involved me (playing a suited-up nameless criminal) being shot in a shootout in some sort of strip mall/convention center hybrid with various Touhou posters and advertisements strewn about the lot.

Oh wait, I'm not done.

Then, I began to resume my actual job of selling flavored ice in plastic bottles to various people, vendor-style. I then proceeded to notice that ZUN, in his Let's Play Resident Evil get-up (even though it was a hot-ass summer), was wandering around. I asked the guy I was working with to keep an eye on the stand while I tried my best to offer ZUN a bottle. He was a very fast walker, as I found out, but I finally managed to catch up to him in this steakhouse which also had some sort of 'ice maze' attraction (more or less a long pathway of connected meat lockers), and I conversed with him about if he wanted the flavored ice bottle. He said he would think about it after he finished his beer, and I then went through the ice maze for whatever reason. After getting out of the maze, I asked ZUN if he made up his mind (as he was being served a ribeye), but he forgot I ever spoke with him and laughed it off. I respected his reply, and then I left to go back to the vendor. I only then realized that we were selling bizarrely-flavored ice bottles, such as pickle juice and Mitarashi sauce.

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #518 on: August 02, 2015, 10:16:15 PM »
I had a rather strange instance where I kissed and then MERGED with Yukari...  I even remember at a later point in the dream having a purple dress on.  Weird...


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #519 on: August 06, 2015, 10:58:11 AM »
Alice appeared in my dream again. We were in a mix of my high school and my primary school. It was the last few days of it. I was looking after a few people for Alice as she was busy with work. We had an idealogical discussion about the internet war against tumblr and the broader gamergate incident - the details of which I'll keep quiet about to avoid uproar. There was also talk of an "eight headed dragon" which was 8 places on tumblr which I advised not to go on to the children I was talking to not to go on. Nonetheless our conversation stayed friendly as Alice worked.

Later I was wondering who I'd miss when I was  away. Transport drones later started picking up classmates to drop them off at meetings.  One with a guy called Yuuta (I've just finished watching chuunibyou) got driven by and I thought "I'd like to meet him again." I knew that I'd be meeting Alice again.

Eventually the drones returned with their 3DSs. I had positioned myself in front of them waiting to welcome everybody back but that didn't seem necessary seeing as they didn't return. The 3DSs were on when the drone opened so I took care of the in-game characters of Alice, me and a friend. I decided not to read Alice's notification because she'd probably be best knowing it - also just incase it's somthing private. Eventually I came across a time travel device in the game. It was some oidz (those magnetic things) that took you back in time when you activate them. They were in the game so that you could do the library's boss battle again. I eventually thought that I could use it to avoid messing up the relationship between me and Alice (albiet it seems that I didn't mess it up) and one guy shouted constant warnings to my character. Just as I used it, the dream ended.

Doremy Sweet must've ended it before I actually went back in time. Either way, it seems that my relationship with Alice is still good. She seems to be working in my dreams now so hopefully I'm no longer a bother to her now.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


  • Lifeless Energy
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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #520 on: August 08, 2015, 07:48:22 AM »
I remember dreaming about taking lessons on how to be a good servant from Sakuya, to which she would come by weekly to check on my progress.  Being the perfect and elegant maid that she is, she was a very strict teacher.  My dreams and... Just visions in general are incredibly vivid and clear, and I even find myself practising the things that I have learned in the dream.
« Last Edit: August 08, 2015, 08:10:24 AM by Boomer »
I just know what I know...

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #521 on: August 09, 2015, 08:36:47 AM »
I had a lucid dream where I actually found the entrance to the Yume no Sekai in LoLK and went through it to try and get to the moon but I got woken up before I could actually get there, right as I was about to reach it, too...  I was gonna give the Lunarians a rude awakening for the glory of Yukari-sama but NOPE!


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #522 on: August 09, 2015, 07:48:38 PM »
I dreamt that Reimu, Marisa and two others where living in the same house, and then someone broke in... So naturally they decided to talk to him and act like they didn't know he was going to steal their stuff, so they could kill him later (or something like that)

Later they begun asking people that was coming out of a small store, if they had seen the theif (i remember Mokou was one of them)...

And at last, Miko and Futo was in the basement of Mikos house, while there was another Miko on the ground floor, and when she figured out that there were someone in the basement, she begun screaming, causing the Miko in the basement to be paralyzed (?) in schock, due to her very sensible ears (and she was still wearing her earmuffs), and meanwhile Futo was just like: Dafuq is happening?


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #523 on: August 10, 2015, 04:13:48 PM »
I believe that I had a dream in which I was arguing with Reimu and Marisa. I don't remember what it was about though and I think there may have been another person there.

I had a dream that I found a Touhou "anime" on youtube. It was more like a parody than anything else. It was live action and had nothing to do with touhou. It was entertaining in it's own right (with a story of 2 guys coming across a magical artifact) but it didn't have anything to do with touhou. It was made by Matt Lees when he was still in videogamer. I actually questioned why I was watching it until I looked at who made it. Afterwards I played runescape, got lured and lost my adamant maul.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2015, 07:28:50 AM by aListers »
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #524 on: August 14, 2015, 09:01:13 PM »
Oh how ironic that I found out that the theme song for stage 3 references the Apollo craft.  I was flying the darn thing through it in that dream I had in there without the knowledge that the theme was called that.  XD


  • Doremy-rekt
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #525 on: August 16, 2015, 05:21:00 PM »
Had a fun dream today, in which I played a spin-off series featuring Eirin as the protagonist solving moon-related incidents, this was before she made the hourai elixir and moved to Gensokyo.

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #526 on: August 17, 2015, 09:08:40 PM »
I just had some...  fun...  with Yuyuko...  that is about all I will say because it was very NSFW.  Seriously, Yuyuko is freaking amazing and I love her!


  • pichuun
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #527 on: August 20, 2015, 05:30:00 PM »
This is officially one of my favorite dreams.

I was in a barren area, it was covered in grass, but there were several patches of dead grass. I was sitting on a rock with Suika and Yuugi.

In front of me, there was Mamizou and Meiling. They were standing maybe 20 meters away from each other. For some reason or another, I knew with no explanation that they were about to fight with no spellcard rules for the hell of it.
Also, ever since the dream even started, the song Cheatreal by t+palozite was blasting from somewhere, this is important because what happens is pretty much in sync with the song, link to it.

The fight starts 20 seconds into the song. Mamizou seemed to be good enough to keep up with Meiling's martial arts and they landed a few blows on eachother, but they were small blows, they just seemed to be testing each other.
This only went on for 20 seconds until they both stopped to take a breather. (im keeping time here before this whole this whole thing is in sync and it blew my mind.)

Meiling cracked a few knuckles and stretched out a little while Mamizou just basically stood there.
58 seconds in the song and they went at it again. This time Meiling went faster with her attacks, throwing Mamizou off guard. She lands one good hard punch on her at 1:08 which completely broke her guard and only led to a chain of kicks from Meiling.
This went all the way up to 1:38, where Mamizou finally caught Meiling's foot and a second Mamizou took Meiling from behind and threw her at a third Mamizou that slammed Meiling to the ground. Meiling recovered quickly and fought her hardest to fight all three.

I was wondering, how the heck could Mamizou clone herself? Unless the 2nd was Nue and the 3rd was just Koishi fooling people, but that was proven wrong when a fourth showed up.
It was hard to see with them all fighting Meiling, but one of the Mamizous would pull out a little paper manikin (i think that's what they're called) that would transform into another clone of Mamizou.

These paper clones couldn't actually take much hits before they turned back into paper, but they were quickly replaced as soon as Meiling destroyed one. Meiling was fighting up to five at one point, but she managed to defeat them all until the original Mamizou was left right at 2:16

Here they both stopped to take another breather. After 20 seconds, they both whipped out spellcards and flew at eachother. I don't know what Mamizou's spellcard was since I've never actually gotten to her yet (I've just recently gotten Ten Desires), but I knew Meiling's. It was the spellcard she uses as a midboss in EoSD.
Either way, this part was beautiful, what made it crazy was the fact they fought eachother in the middle of the chaos that was their danmaku, and they were dodging it all.
From where I was sitting they were a little far away, so I couldn't see the details of the figt, but I could see where they were and the danmaku.
At some point Meiling pichuuned, as soon as that happened Mamizou knocked her around for a little while, but she soon pichuuned too.
Nevertheless, they kept fighting each other. At around 3:15 the danmaku stopped.
They were still pretty far away. Yuugi actually said it was hard to see them from where we were, which startled me because I completely forgot Yuugi and Suika was there.
At 3:24 they both seemed to land really hard hits on each other and were both launched in opposite direction from their fight.

Mamizou flew right past us, tumbling on ground trying to slow down her momentum. She finally caught herself when she tumbled a good way from us. she stood up and tried to catch her breath.
Once she did, she sprinted towards Meiling's direction. I look ahead of her to see if I could see Meiling and oh boy I did.

Well, she was too far to see, but at 3:32 some blue energy bursted from that direction and 2 seconds later, the ground exploded from that same direction (right on the 'WOO' in the song too) and Meiling shot at Mamizou and was on top of her almost instantly, (Is that tengu speed? I think that's tengu speed). This brang the fight back in front of us.

From here it was really one-sided. I couldn't even see Meilingn, but I could see Mamizou being launched around and trails of blue energy, which I'm pretty sure is Meiling's qi. Mamizou seemed to find enough time make some more paper clones while being launched around. At frst it was only four, but it quickly escalated to about a hundred.
Despite all that

it didn't change a thing.

Meiling destroyed the clones effortlessly, dare I say elegantly. She showed off attacks from the fighting games, but they looked like they were greatly amplified to very destructive proportions. Eventually once again, at 4:12 the original Mamizou was the last one left, she felt around her clothes for anymore, but she ran out.

With hesitation Meiling continued her assault of attacks until 4:21. From there she let her get launched away. Mamizou caught herself when she hit the ground and tried running away, so Meiling swoftly ran in front of her and acted like she would punch her as hard as she could in the face, but instead flicked her in the forehead at 4:32

Flicked her hard enough to backflip twice before hitting the ground.
Mamizou at this point and Meiling just stood over her.
I could see Meiling much better now and she looked different, her face seemed to have patches of scales instead of skin and her eyes looked much more fierce, her blue qi still burst from her body. She seemed more youkai-like that way, which was pretty badass, (I'm actually going to try drawing that).
She only stood there for a little while before going back to looking like good ol' Meiling. Just as the song ended.

Then the song switched to some soeedcore all of a sudden and a I woke up.

I had earbuds in my ear the entire time.

oh look at that, new gifs
(I apologize if I made you constantly reload)

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #528 on: August 23, 2015, 08:37:47 PM »
I had a dream a night ago where I was Flandre and I and another girl had escaped from a mental institution. I remember that we were at a set of forested hills near a highway and that I possibly escaped the same way Lucy from Elfen Lied escaped the facility holding her.

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #529 on: August 23, 2015, 11:14:55 PM »
In all my years of Touhouing, I've still only had one Touhou-related dream that I can remember :(

Most of the dream was just me and my friend walking through a forest, but eventually we found that the forest met the coastline. So then were at a beach, and near the beach was a huge mansion, which I didn't even get to see inside of, because Remilia came out and met us outside. I think we talked for a little while, standing in the sand, and we seemed to be on friendly terms even though we'd just met. Anyway, we decided that we were going to hang out at the beach for a while, and I took my shirt off, hoping to impress the mistress with my bod or something. Then my friend took his shirt off, and for some reason he was super ripped. There was a moment of shock and horror as I realized that he had a better bod than me, and that's when I woke up :derp:


    • My Let's Plays!
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #530 on: August 24, 2015, 05:41:45 PM »
I had a lucid dream last night.

...........I unfortunately didn't have any Touhou in it, but I thought you might just want to hear that.
My fanfics: Touhou Wrecks X!
What happens when Nue's in a pranky mood and at the same time, Yukari's bored? Pokemon XD: Impostor of Darkness
I made this cool matrixy eye:


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #531 on: August 25, 2015, 07:20:20 AM »
My dream last night was weird. I was wandering around in a forest of cherry blossoms in full bloom, nothing else in sight. The sky was black.
All of a sudden, Yuyuko -she was very beautiful!- appeared and approached me.  I was unable to move.
She whispered something in my ear, and then went inside me (as ghosts do when they possess things). The world faded to black, and the sound of someone crying filled the emptiness that I was in.


  • Lifeless Energy
  • Attributes and weaknesses are the same.
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #532 on: August 26, 2015, 06:27:04 AM »
My dream last night involved me taking a walk after finishing a training session with Sakuya.  I eventually ended up at an school that was locked despite there still being people in there.  Thanks to my overwhelming curiosity, I broke into the building to see what was going on, and there was an attempted serial killing within the cafeteria.  I thought this to be a good time to put my past lessons to the test, and so I went into the kitchen and grabbed 2 knifes (for dual-wielding purposes) so that I can combat the attacker, which he was a lot more formidable than I thought.  By the end of the battle, I was left with a leg handicap, unable to continue fighting effectively.  Before the attacker was going to kill me next, Sakuya burst through the roof and proceeded to mercilessly beat on him using her knives while assuming a look of amusement on her face.  Then she turned around, threw a knife at me, and that's when I woke up.
I just know what I know...

Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #533 on: August 30, 2015, 06:08:04 AM »
I ran out of a house where FMA peeps were hiding out to help Yukari against Pride but didn't have to...  Yukari is just...  well she is Yukari...  and apparently in my dreams she is the most powerful being second only to God himself.


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #534 on: August 30, 2015, 12:11:07 PM »
In my last dream I was in sword art online I think. Nonetheless, Me, Reimu and Lisbeth were at the hakurei shrine. Me and Reimu were both friends of Lizbeth and were protecting her from a monster who's pathfinding was glitched - causing it to keep following her despite being ages away (or being in a safe place). Reimu put a seal on the living room of the shrine but it just walked through it unharmed. I also tried to move her to a different place while discussing the monster and a rare item.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


  • Lurker and poster
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #535 on: August 30, 2015, 12:17:01 PM »
I once dreamed I was in Gensokyo and walking down the path from the Hakurei Shrine to the human village, but EVERYONE around me was wearing a Kagamine Len mask. I saw Reimu, Marisa, Cirno, Daiyousei and Yuuka (Why Yuuka anyway idk) wearing those masks, as well as all the HM extras. Literally everybody was wearing a Kagamine Len mask over their faces.

...I wonder what Hata no Kokoro would have been wearing.

EDIT: To avoid double-posting, I'm editing this.

Last night, I dreamed that I was playing SA as Reimu, and for some reason I knew my shot type was Tenshi for some reason. It turned my bombs into forward-directed fissures that were unnamed in-dream because dream text is vague. I'll call it "Earthquake Spark" for simplicity. I think I beat every single boss with it until I got to Okuu, and then I died.

I think that's because I've never beaten Okuu.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2015, 03:39:37 AM by LawfulInsane »
I have the tendency to call everything from my side of the world "Eastern" (with the characters in "Touhou", I'm Chinese).


  • pichuun
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #536 on: August 31, 2015, 04:38:18 AM »
...I wonder what Hata no Kokoro would have been wearing.

I bet it would look something like this

oh look at that, new gifs
(I apologize if I made you constantly reload)


  • Lurker and poster
Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #537 on: August 31, 2015, 09:37:02 AM »
I bet it would look something like this

Quite likely.

On another note, I once dreamed that I was sitting at the edge of the Misty Lake and Lunate Elf was playing. Then, Daiyousei flew up to me and...pulled off her face. Turns out "Daiyousei" was actually do I describe it? Her real face was like Yukari's gap dimension given form. Purple and otherworldly, with eyes everywhere like Argus Panoptes. It looked like it was a hole in the fabric of time and space, as when I, startled in-dream, stumbled to the side, Daiyousei didn't move, so I was looking at her from different angles, but the facial features remained identical, akin to the Unmoving Plaid trope. I woke up after that.

Why Daiyousei was an Eldritch Abomination in my dreams I have no idea.
« Last Edit: August 31, 2015, 11:31:59 AM by LawfulInsane »
I have the tendency to call everything from my side of the world "Eastern" (with the characters in "Touhou", I'm Chinese).


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #538 on: August 31, 2015, 11:33:29 AM »
In my last dream, I was playing a game which seemed to be a touhou mod for a GTA like game. I had a few missions to do so I did them but I also had the power of possession. It stsrted off with me having a sword fight with my friend Ethan. Then we had a spar with our fists (my HEMA club did dutch bar brawling last week and we wanted to spar with it) and I won them. Afterwards we discussed a bit of playground politics (even though it's pretty much non-existant for us) and mentioned a new girl. I believe that at this point I also burned the chicken I was making. I then did a mission where you had to put all these fridges into the back of a van. In the middle of doing that, I spotted Reimu. There seemed to be a touhou party on this rock on the beach. Remilia (it wasn't sunny) and Marisa were there too. I used my possession power on Reimu for fun really. I didn't do anything embarassing as her though, just checking the controls. After that I finished the mission with about a second left to go. I then went back to the rock. I found the Moriya shrine and people taped to rocks below it. I saw Kanako and Reisen taped to the rocks. Kanako was naked (the tape covered her rude parts though) but more importantly asleep so I possessed her and screamed through the tape till a civillian heard her. I didn't know how to get her down but the civillian saw some rope and pulled it to get her down. I then did the same thing with Reisen and civillians did the same with everybody else. Unfortunatley 2 people were dead on those rocks - they weren't touhou characters though. When I went up the stairs to the Moriya shrine, Gordon Ramsey (a famous cook anyway) arrived with an army. He said he needed my burned chicken so I gave it to him and he unburned the chicken to sell it at his restraunt.
???-2004?=dark ages, 2005?=atomic betty era, 2006=red dwarf era, 2007-2009=newgrounds era, 2009-2014= anime era.

Been good talking to you all. Gensokyo gu braith!


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Re: Touhou Dream Thread
« Reply #539 on: September 01, 2015, 03:15:07 PM »
In my dream last night, I was with Aya, helping her to gather scoops for her new article.  During our voyage, we were for some reason attacked by Cirno (no doubt trying to imitate Hong Meiling).  Being an outsider to Gensokyo with no special ability, I was unable to assist Aya in the fight (she had no problem defeating Cirno, but I still felt useless).  I didn't find this to be much impressive information, but Aya decided to use it anyway.  The next day, Meiling came to where Aya and I were staying with an unconscious Cirno in hand, no doubt pissed at Aya's new article for it was a very crude portrayal of Meiling's job.  In order to satisfy her anger, I offered to duel her in a match of close combat, obviously getting my ass handed to me in the process.  It was at the final blow that I finally woke up with a huge headache afterwards.
I just know what I know...