I did it, it only took a number of tries which I forgot didn't count. That said, it was a pretty cool looking memory game.
Congratulations, Molten! You have successfully repented for your sin, and have been absolved. Go forth now, with a pure heart, into Paradise.
My greatest desire is to be punished mercilessly by Eiki-sama.
What a strange sin to confess. So be it - your penance is to draw the Punisher and the Yama having a picnic.
Well, it took a while but I managed to think of a great vegan recipe!
The Macguffin
- A potato
- 100 grams of imagination
1) Take a potato
2) Put it on the plate
3) Voil?!
Wow. That is one half-assed don't-care "attempt". Clearly, you are a person who wants to go to Hell. Wish granted! Away with you, to the howling depths of the abyss, where demons will tear your soul apart forever.
Yama-sama, you skipped me... :I Stop being so drunk
The Yama apologizes. A good penance idea was raised for you - making an arrange with those two songs. Bear in mind that it need not be mindblowing, Alstroemeria Records-level remixing; just so long as you try.
Congratulations, Dular! You have successfully repented for your sin, and have been absolved. Go forth now, with a pure heart, into Paradise.

c-close enough right
Congratulations, kinoko! You have successfully repented for your sin, and have been absolved. Go forth now, with a pure heart, into Paradise.
Congratulations, Raikaria! You have successfully repented for your sin, and have been absolved. Go forth now, with a pure heart, into Paradise.

Can't win with this chick unless I find an altar to sacrifice for a decent artifact weapon...
Nonetheless, you did as asked. Congratulations, NekoNekoRex! You have successfully repented for your sin, and have been absolved. Go forth now, with a pure heart, into Paradise.



Congratulations, MJP! You have successfully repented for your sin, and have been absolved. Go forth now, with a pure heart, into Paradise.
Judging by how much I like to tease my friends, I have come to the conclusion I am a slight sadist. What do
For your penance, you must draw a picture of Tenshi punishing you. Bonus points if a soup ladle is involved.
I still burst out laughing every time I read this.
Understandable, but very regrettable. For your penance, you must write an IRC conversation involving at least five members of #s-l wherein the actual Komachi shows up mid-conversation.
This, despite not being exactly what I asked for, amused the Yama enough to qualify. Congratulations! You have successfully repented for your sin, and have been absolved. Go forth now, with a pure heart, into Paradise.
I play Touhou for the characters and the dialogue...I actually despise STGs! Please forgive me for this deception Yama-sama.
The sin of deception shall be treated with the virtue of honesty! For your penance, you are to make an honest attempt of a Lunatic pacifist run of UFO, going as far as you can without continues, and then upload your replay here.
It's becoming a habit to use the 10 hour loop of BrodyQuest x I'm so fresh you can suck my nuts as background working music.
This isn't a sin so much as a clear sign of something malfunctioning. You are in need of immediate medical attention.
OK, here's a real sin. Fuck nun-bludgeoning, Yeah, that's right. Feel that edge.
Oh, no. Not you, JT?! Very well - for your penance, you must compose, record, and upload a song using voice and acoustic guitar with lyrics that fawns over Mugi.
I think my sin is the opposite; I don't love enough to have a list full of animated ladies! doushio
Ah, the sin of being a casual. For your penance, you must watch both episodes of Eiken and write a review not exceeding 400 words that employs the words "nipple-bleedingly" at some point.
Congratulations, Beats! You have successfully repented for your sin, and have been absolved. Go forth now, with a pure heart, into Paradise.
Congratulations, Purvis! You have successfully repented for your sin, and have been absolved. Go forth now, with a pure heart, into Paradise.
Lady Enma, I have sinned! Despite being a fan of the games, I've yet to score a no-continues non-easy clear in any touhou game! Well, except PoFV
Wow, not even Imperishable Night - but you could with PoFV? How curious. For your penance, you must then attempt IN Normal, using Border Team, and upload the replay here.
In my youth, I once believed the Go-Bots cartoon was superior to that of the Transformers.
A hipster at such a tender age, eh? Let's see if you can identify your own kind.
This website takes photos of people walking through Williamsburg, New York, one of the glowing meccas of hipsterdom. For your penance, you must find a photo of someone you consider a hipster, and explain what makes them one.
Okay, let's give this a shot.
I.....um.....let me see.........okay, how about this? I got distracted playing mahjong when I was supposed to be playing with my clan in MWO.
Ah, the sin of distraction. For your penance, you must play
Concentration on Hard mode, and post results when you win more than $10,000.
That is indeed a salad! Congratulations, Iryan! You have successfully repented for your sin, and have been absolved. Go forth now, with a pure heart, into Paradise.
Congratulations, Rou! You have successfully repented for your sin, and have been absolved. Go forth now, with a pure heart, into Paradise.