Author Topic: Xenomic's MUGEN series!  (Read 25776 times)

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #30 on: November 01, 2012, 05:13:47 PM »
Wow, that fight against remi.
As Raocow would say, "That is just nutbars."

That's the sort of pressure game I strive for in my remi play.

That Satori and Koishi match was pretty interesting though.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #31 on: November 01, 2012, 08:16:57 PM »
You'd literally have to read every input to play like that really. Because that's what that AI does is read your input and counters perfectly. Much like how this Marisa with an AI patch later does against Shanghai. And truth be told, NOBODY is that perfect, I don't care WHO you are! You'd have to be a full-bodied machine to do that all the time! I mean yeah, I LIKE tough fights and whatnot, but that was just ridiculous to fight against...

Luckily, again you can cheese those AIs hardcore (like again with Remi, Flan can just Lavaeteinn her to death and back because she'll read the B/C buttons as "bullets", when they're melee instead, and will always try to Demon Lord Walk upon wake-up). I prefer Kurogane's AIs again, mostly because they're legit tough, like how an actual person would probably play (i.e. that Patchouli) as well as Aotsuki's AIs, (i.e. that Suika). And truth be told, I got lucky to even beat Remilia thanks to that random Starbow Break that I didn't know was Starbow Break lol....

Satori really wanted to rush down there in the 2nd round or something, but for some reason Koishi didn't take any damage it seemed, which seemed...odd considering that mad rushdown. Tonight's fight is another one that spurns crazy, since it's Yuuka vs Mima, followed by Medicine vs Alice. I really wish I used nemnin's Alice Dolls though, because it's a really neat version of Alice (I'll fight it or use it at another point in time, just to show it off).


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #32 on: November 02, 2012, 02:44:54 AM »

Yuuka Kazazmi by Moiky
Mima by barai&harudi
Stage: Mugenkan by Luneth
Music: Complete Darkness (don't have the author's name)

Wow...even though I'm using an outdated Yuuka (a year old Yuuka at that), she's mighty powerful if you can get her special up. But that's the HAVE to get that up. Otherwise, she's not going to do anything. And with Mima being super aggressive, well...that's kinda hard to do. You can utilize the laser to keep knocking Mima down, since she seems to like it so much, and then charge up...

In other news, this Yuuka, unlike the current one, didn't have any dash or grazing. Hence, there was nothing I could do against the onslaught of bullets. The new one has this, but she has nothing to attack out of dashing...

Medicine Melancholy by cabbage
Alice Margatroid by Atusi
Stage: Garden of the Sun by Luneth
Song: Doll Judgment ~ The Girl Who Played With People's Shapes (don't have author name)

Medicine is a full-on Soku-styled character it seems, though she's a bit awkward to use. She's really flighty and a lot of her moves require specific positioning to get out right. Still, doesn't matter much as they're all nice, and the poison does deal damage over time. I know she has more supers, but I wasn't able to do them (and the counter super is easiest to do).

I was originally using Mikage's Alice, but I wanted to have something with SOME AI, so I went with ATUSI's. I COULD have gone with Aotsuki's, but ehhhh...didn't want to deal with story mode spellcards!


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #33 on: November 03, 2012, 01:37:04 AM »

Shanghai by Souki
Marisa Kirisame by Fruele, with AI patch
Stage: Marisa's House
Music: Vessel of Stars ~ Casket of Stars by Golden City Factory

You remember when I said Remilia's AI was bad because it mind-read? Well...this AI originally didn't. In fact, the original AI was terrible, and so I gave it this AI patch. And it became....THIS thing. This was not a fun fight at all, simply because if she could, she WOULD counter anything with the appropriate thing. In fact, you'll see that even when I'm NOT near her, she'll attempt to do counters (such as while I'm doing the Spinner Doll, she'll try to Broomryuken, even though I'm nowhere near her).

Shanghai is pretty fun to use actually, even if she is limited to just the Shanghai-type attacks that Alice uses. Still fun though! Wanted to show off that level 3 super, but Marisa stuffed it ;_;

Kanako Yasaka by RicePigeon
Suwako Moriya by Mikage
Stage: Last Blade Shrine
Song: Suwa Foughten Field & Native Faith by ????

I like how you can choose the spellcards at the start instead of being limited to specific spellcards throughout the match, much like Minoo's characters, though I think it'd be interesting to do something like what Som did with his Koakuma and have 4 different preset decks. But oh well!

Again, Mikage's AI is terrible, but there's really no other Soku-styled Suwako, so I was forced to use this one. I wanted to at least get BOTH a specific intro AND specific win in, but I only got the win in. Ah well~

In other news, it might be a bit before I feel like recording more MUGEN. I did record 6 Soku vids, if you guys would like me to post them here to tide you over until the next set of MUGEN vids? Up to you!

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #34 on: November 03, 2012, 03:48:17 PM »
Now that Kanako is a pretty neat one. I like the Shun Goku Satsu element that Mishaguji always carries. Kanako just makes it more badass, because you can hear a snap sound before the hits start coming. So I can only assume she snapped her fingers to signal the funtimes.
And then there was the winpose. Suwako outta nowhere! :]

But if you wanna up a few soku vids, then go for it. I should do that sometime meself.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #35 on: November 04, 2012, 03:58:03 AM »
Well, I'll just post these couple Soku vids for now. There'll be more to upload later, but that'll be when I have nothing else to upload. I HAVE 4 MUGEN vids right now, but they'll take a while to convert cuz FRAPs (and I took like an hour or 2 to fight Tewi...whom while she doesn't mind-read like Remilia or Marisa with the AI patch, she's still terrible to fight against, but I'll go over that when I upload it).


This was a match from last night, one of the few that I played with a few people after not playing in months. No, I'm not back...just something to upload for ya'll to watch. I COULD still play if people wanted to play, but they'd either have to have Direct Hosting or something...

One of the few matches I had with this person on Soku Lobby. Of note, out of the 4 Cirno fights, I think this is the only one I actually won with her. Don't ask WHAT happened in the others ones...either I became a baka playing, or Aoko got smarter with Remilia, or a combination of the two. *Shrugs*

Aoko's not a bad Remilia player either. Some really neat combos, though in my personal opinion, him auto-piloting those combos is what gets him hurt so much in these fights. But that's me so...


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #36 on: November 05, 2012, 02:02:09 AM »
3 new vids in backstock now, and lemme just say now that 2 of the 3 fights took many, MANY attempts. Akakedama's Sanae isn't bad to fight against, since the AI is kinda...odd, but my GOD .Dat's Yumemi was a major pain in the ass to fight. Like I consider her WORSE than Tewi to fight, even though with her I could at least HIT her sometimes unlike that rabbit. Doesn't help that she has so many air unblockable stuff either. And then there was his Nazrin, which was actually a LOT more fightable than Yumemi, though rough to fight (at least Shou had grazing, which is odd since it was Minoo's, unless he added grazing to the later Touhous he made...). But more on those later whenever those are uploaded! I'm kinda going out of order of the list now, just doing whatever, but I have the remaining set of characters in my MUGEN already, ready to go whenever. Gonna have a blast fighting some of them (luckily I'm not fighting .Dat's Yamame and instead using her, but I wonder how Kisume is going to be...).

I'll be uploading a couple more Soku vids here in a few in this post, so look for that later. After tomorrow, I'll be uploading more of these fights. Let's just say, you shouldn't be disappointed with some of these fights.

I could not fight Yumemi at Probability Space Hypervessel, as the stage for some reason refused to even be recognized by my MUGEN sadly ;__;


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #37 on: November 05, 2012, 03:02:54 AM »
I'll just put it here~

I'm honestly surprised that I still have it in me with Reimu. In all of the fights with Aoko with her, and some afterwards and before, my Reimu's pressure was pretty top notch I'd say. I honestly don't even recall if I lost any matches the entire night with her (I know I lost some rounds though).

I also think Reimu is anti-Remilia too. That j.5a pretty much shuts Remilia's air game down a lot...

I honestly don't know WHAT happened with Suika that night. For some reason, she just wasn't working out for me. Or maybe Aoko outplayed her. Either way, I think I could've done a lot better with her, but oh wells! At least she did a LOT better than Komachi did...


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #38 on: November 06, 2012, 06:20:43 AM »
3 more vids in backstock (go die Shinki), so getting closer to getting these out of the way! In other news, have a couple more Soku vids to tie you over with.

Please keep in mind that this dates back to February, when I last actually played a lot of Soku. Also, this is the LAST fight we did...I honestly don't know WHAT I was trying to accomplish in this fight. I already knew that everytime I jumped, he would use 3a, but I did it's a sharp contrast to the FIRST fight we had (and several other fights between those)...

Contrary to the other video, this was the FIRST match we had. And for some reason, I did a LOT better in this than in the last match. I playstyle tends to be awkward and weird from time to time...


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #39 on: November 10, 2012, 06:50:20 AM »

Fujiwara no Mokou by Isu
Kaguya Houraisan by G-Sho
Music: Legend of Hourai by C-CLAYS

One shall shall fall...all however will be lost regardless of the victor...

It's as though they were perfectly made for one another. On another note, without the AI patch, Kaguya's AI is dumb. With it? It becomes this, which is actually fun to fight -I- think. Feels more Touhou-ish than it would've been otherwise!

Hieda no Akyuu by Neneco
Keine Kamishirasawa by Minoo
Music: Plain Asia by dBu

Akyuu is pretty fun, though I wonder if her "super" can be used at any time...because it sure felt like it. If so, then something feels off there as it could just be spammed over and over. I wonder if the AI or any AI patches abuses this fact...

Keine was actually rather aggressive, which is a surprise since it's Minoo's creation, and they generally DON'T have good AI. She seemed rather interesting~

On a sidenote, I have already recorded the remaining fights. These are the next ones to be done on the list now:

Hina (Minoo) vs Nitori (Minoo)
Mima (barai) vs Yuugenmagen (Kurogane)
Reimu (Nachel) vs Konngara
Gengetsu (Pre-To) vs Yuuka (Moiky)
Murasa (Minoo) vs Nue (Suneo)
Nazrin (.DAT) vs Ichirin
Parsee (Hetyo) vs Yuugi (Minoo)
Meiling vs Rumia
Keine (Minoo) vs Eirin (Minoo)
Lunasa (Minoo) vs Mystia (Minoo)
Youmu vs Yoshika (Moiky)

The ones still not introduced into the series as of yet are as follows:

In the actual games:


MUGEN specific

Advent Cirno
EX Keine
Namazu (if it isn't the joke one)
Mugetsu (probably won't use)

So yeah....there's that! It goes up to video 29 btw, if that tells you how much I've put into backstock. I have other videos to upload as well if I run out of these videos, so if you don't hear from me in this topic, that's probably what's up.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #40 on: November 11, 2012, 05:22:50 AM »

Watatsuki no Yorihime by Minoo
Reisen Udongein Inaba by Shiroto
Stage: Sky Shrine
Music: Lunatic Red Eyes ~ Invisible Full Moon by ????

Don't be fooled by it being just Reisen. This one isn't your run-of-the-mill Touhou version. It's in fact based on Melty Blood gameplay, and it's rather lethal up close. Away? Well...seems she likes to spam Eyesight Cleaning a lot for whatever reason, so if you REALLY want to cheese her out, you can just hit her during that attack.

Yorihime is far and away the cheapest out of Minoo's stuff, solely for the fact that she hits REALLY hard if you combo into her special attacks. Fitting, considering how she is in canon. Still, she doesn't have graze, which really hampers her as she need to get in close to do any real damage.

Reisen II by Minoo
Tewi Inaba by Pikapon
Stage: Slayer's Castle
Song: Cinderalla Cage ~ Kagome-Kagome by Ezel-Ash

Reisen II is best played as keep-away from what I'm gathering. Not to say that she can't duke it out face-to-face, but her bullets and her special ability to give herself some power by cocking her gun is best suited for keep-away. However, Tewi here has other things to say about that. I LIKE the ideas behind it and all, I really do, but in the end, it's ridiculous to fight. AI WILL spam stuff that you can't do jack about, ESPECIALLY when Eirin is summoned and traps you. Either you're getting Guitar Thrown, or getting Hole Thrown. And that Hole can be used anywhere on the screen, which makes fighting Tewi even MORE annoying. That, and she has a tendency to button-read and counter perfectly. Want to cheese her? Apparently she spams the same combo in the corner a lot, so there's that...


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #41 on: November 12, 2012, 02:38:02 AM »

Kogasa Tatara by Minoo
Sanae Kochiya by Akakedama
Stage: Moriya Shrine
Music: Faith is for the Transient People by Discord Registrers

Don't ask why the voice patch didn't work. I honestly don't know...

Anywho, Kogasa is a pretty viable fighter I have to say. She has pretty good close-range capabilities, and at least half-decent long-range capabilities (the umbrella move and the umbrella laser both are good). Though I don't know if she has graze or not...

This was the third Sanae I tried I believe? I tried RicePigeon's, but the AI was kinda not there, and the same with another Sanae I tried. Same...would've liked to have tried fighting em with AI. That's not to say that this one was too difficult to fight...but oh well! I'm sure there's AI patches for em all.

Nitori Kawashiro by Minoo
Yumemi Okazaki by .DAT
Stage: The Untrodden Path by Luneth
Music: Strawberry Crisis!! by ????

Crisis in-freaking-deed. Yumemi is what we would call SNK Boss Syndrome, and not in a good way. While I LIKE how .DAT handled his characters, the AIs are just annoying as balls to fight. Yumemi has a LOT of anti-air attacks (as in, you're NOT blocking them in the airs, including a super that she WILL use the moment you are airborne), will almost combo you for 1/4-1/2 your life in one combo, will ALWAYS hit you if you're knocked down with those exploding cars, and if she gets you in the corner? You might as well quit. No, seriously. Unless you HAVE someone that can counter her, which Nitori doesn't, you're done. Jump? Genocide Cutter. Attack? Instant counter with super. Stand there? She will literally just STAND there, waiting for you to do anything at all. I can't stress how long this one single fight took me to actually do. Originally, I WASN'T going to try to win, but after a bit, I decided, screw it, I'm going to try to beat her because she's a jerkface.

Nitori is one of the more unique, and probably harder, characters to use from Minoo, simply for the fact that EVERYTHING she does with her specials requires some amount of power. If you have NO power to do specials, you're going to have a tough time as she NEEDS her specials to get in to do any damage. To top it off, ALL of her special attacks CAN be nullified simply by destroying whatever she sets up. Truly a challenge indeed, but really unique.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #42 on: November 13, 2012, 02:57:35 AM »

Shou Toramaru by Minoo
Nazrin by .DAT
Stage: Mittlebirge Castle
Music: The Tiger-Patterened Bishamonten by TatshMusicCircle

Despite the song name, it's really fighting against Nazrin. And boy, what a challenge she is! She's still pretty tough, but unlike Yumemi, she's a lot more fairer to deal with. Still can combo like a beast though, so be wary of getting in close to her! In addition, she likes to counter air attempts with her gold lasers, and when far away, she'll toss pendalums at you.

Shou is a pretty big powerhouse, especially if she ever manages to get in. Unlike most of Minoo's creations, Shou can graze, which makes dealing with Nazrin easier (unless it's Nazrin herself that gives the graze property??). Her dial A combo though WILL leave her wide open, so use with discretion. As you can see in this video, it's after the 2nd hit that leaves her vulnerable to being attacked, so try to chain into her poking spear move (avoid using the dash back, rush forward spear move though...that tends to get Shou punished quite a bit).

Gotta love that start though~

Momiji Inubashiri by Minoo
Aya Shameimaru by Aotsuki
Tenma by Pre-To
Stage: The Waterfalls of Nine Heavens by Luneth
Music: Awakening Wolf's Instincts

Yeah...I'll just let the video speak for itself. It's actually 2 videos in one so...if THAT says anything...


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #43 on: November 14, 2012, 04:53:57 AM »

Rinnosuke Morichika by KON
Yukari Yakumo by Kurogane
Stage: Kourindou by Luneth
Music: Necrofantasia by O-Life Japan

For being a joke character, Rinnosuke is pretty fun and unique. He's a rather silly fighter...he doesn't dash, but he does have graze. Except in the air...and then there's all of those supers, including one where he can damage himself with. And who can't love but throwing TVs at people!

Yukari was put on the absolute EASIEST AI setting....and well...this is what happened. Rinnosuke just can't deal with these types of characters because he's not built TO deal with them. But what can ya expect? He's a shopkeeper, not a fighter!

Byakuren Hijiri by Gomashio
Shinki by Kurogane
Music: Legendary Illusion ~ Infinite Being by O-Life Japan

And what a fight this is! This actually took quite a few attempts, and I even changed the AI to various settings, and either it got TOO easy, or it was ridiculous. Eventually, I left it on its hardest difficulty, and this is the closest I got to even beating her. Darn!

Byakuren plays much like your standard Soku character, though her C bullet is kinda...a bit much? That's an awful lot of projectiles at once, but they don't actually seem that dense so maybe it's not much of a problem. She has a lot of nice moves too, though her 623 Tiger Knee doesn't seem THAT useful...unless it's a reversal of some kind...I didn't even get to show off the spellcards that I'd like to...but oh well! That'll be for later.

Shinki is terribly difficult to fight. As you can see from the video, she hits hard AND fast, and she loves to spam the Saint Elmo's Pillar move a lot. Worst thing about that is it actually BECOMES Patchouli's spellcard when upgraded even once, so it's pretty evil. And she can upgrade all of her skillcards extremely quickly with a spellcard, so there's that. Oh...and you don't WANT to know how terrifying her spellcards are, you really don't....

On a sidenote, do you guys rather me upload 1 vid per day, or continue with 2? On another note, I finished up the list of fights up I'm not sure WHAT to do now after that. I COULD do non-Touhou stuff, but that seems boring! Or I could show off everything a specific character can do...that isn't from IaMP/Soku/SWR? Such as Yumemi, Yamame, Byakuren, etc.? Up to you guys!
« Last Edit: November 14, 2012, 04:58:36 AM by Xenomic »


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #44 on: November 15, 2012, 03:19:59 AM »

Chen by Gomashio
Wriggle Nightbug by Minoo
Stage: Bamboo Forest of the Lost Night
Music: Stirring an Autumn Moon ~ Mooned Insect by dBu

Chen plays very much like Blanka, if you haven't noticed by her one skillcard image. She's a pretty solid character and is really fun to play with. There's not much to say in the way of her. Same for Wriggle, though surprisingly she was putting up a fight...wasn't expecting that at all.

Lily White by Hetyo
Letty Whiterock by Nemnin
Stage: CVS Kamuikotan
Music: Crystallized Silver by Dark Phoenix

This is an outdated Lily White, as she just got updated with new sprites and new moves. It KINDA felt like she was unfinished in this version, as it didn't feel like she had all of the moves that she should've had, but she's still fun to play as. Although that air combo is pretty hellish if the opponent can't counter it...

Letty is...well...subpar. This IS Nemnin we're talking about here, and his characters aren't exactly known for being super good or anything. The AI was not there, that's for sure...

In other news, do you think I'm doing a good enough job with these videos? Am I showing off the characters well enough at all? Are the fights good enough? Do let me know if I need to improve anything! I try to keep the fights as entertaining as possible (though sometimes that may cost me my sanity a little bit, just saying~).

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #45 on: November 15, 2012, 04:16:57 PM »
Chen certainly looks nice! Wriggle seems well-made too. Overall, you've been doin' pretty good.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #46 on: November 16, 2012, 01:52:11 AM »
You'll be seeing more of that Chen here tonight, seeing as I got a special request to fight it with Yukari, as it has a fun storymode segment to it.

Rin Kaenbyou by Hetyo
Utsuho Reiuji (originally by Biyo) by Aonashi
Stage: Nuclear Reactor
Music: Nuclear Fusion by t=Node

I tried to make this as epic as possible. I did this originally with Biyo's Utsuho, but she didn't have any good AI at all. This one however does, and this was a really fun fight. Rin is a pretty neat character, though I'm not entirely sure on what her 623/236 (I forget which input it was now) Zombie Fairy move is supposed to do...I must be missing something on this bit. though her needle attack that pulls in the opponent is pretty nifty. Especially if they're hit by it, which leaves em open to a good beating if you're close enough.

This Utsuho is one of the original Utsuhos before Soku came out, and probably one of the best sprited ones out there (even better than the Soku Utsuho I'd say). She's pretty damn fast too compared to her Soku version, and can chain combos like a beast. Also, I think I like her C bullet type attacks here more than in Soku...

This may or may not be an attempt to recreate an idea I once had for Touhou Fantasy at a particular scene...

Yukari Yakumo by Gu
Chen by Gomashio
Stage: Hakurei Shrine Boundary (IaMP)
Music: Diao Ye Zong by dBu

On request of Nanshi1337, I did this video. I was told that Chen had a storymode much like in IaMP/SWR/Soku, and that it was actually fun, so I decided to give it a whirl. Turns out, it is pretty fun, if pretty easy due to the lack of AI in Chen. Still, that doesn't distract from how fun the spellcards were. Not overly ridiculous like what you normally see (I dread to see how Kurogane's Flandre's storymode spellcards probably are, if she has them...). Oh, and this Yukari? I chose this one because I wanted something similar to SWR/Soku...I'm much more comfortable with that playstyle than IaMP.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #47 on: November 17, 2012, 05:24:08 AM »

Hatate Himekaidou by Nemnin
Aya Shameimaru by Aotsuki
Stage: Youkai Mountain
Music: Wind Circulation ~ Wind Tour by dBu

There was no way for me to win with Hatate. I have a feeling this is a very old version of her, but my god it's so stiff and bad. Unique idea though...but it doesn't work out too well here.

Yamame Kurodani by .DAT
Kisume by kita
Music: The Dark Blowhole by Ezel-Ash

Yamame is actually really fun to play as, much like .DAT's Nazrin was. However, I dread to think of how her AI is to fight against...and I don't know if I have an outdated version, or if she doesn't have that many moves or what, but it feels like she's missing things. Oh well...also, Shungokusatsu much?

Kisume looks like she'd be neat to play with (no pervertedness intended), though her AI is kinda meh at best.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #48 on: November 18, 2012, 02:11:04 AM »

Aki Minoriko by Moiky
Aki Shizuha by stel2
Stage: The Untrodden Path by Luneth
Music: A God That Misses People ~ Romantic Fall by Kota-rock

Minoriko is a very odd character. Her moveset is not very Soku/IaMP styled at all, and that weird mini-Minoriko, I don't even know what it does. Also, what does firing a Master Spark-type move have to do with fall is beyond me. But I do like the use of fall-like things, such as the hoe and that...spiky ball thingie of which name I cannot think of.

Shizuha I was NOT expecting to be this difficult. This actually took me a fair number of tries, simply because if she gets too close in, you can just kiss your butt goodbye unless you have a counter (which obviously Minoriko doesn't). Shizuha just blitzes continuously without a care in the world...and she really REALLY hurts....oh god does she hurt!

Hina Kagiyama by Minoo
Nitori Kawashiro by Minoo
Stage: Creek of Genbu
Music: Akutagawa Ryuunosuke's Kappa ~ Candid Friend by Sho

Nitori we have already seen before previously against Yumemi. Her AI is a bit more competent than I gave it credit for, as it really utilizes Nitori's abilities quite well.

Hina is pretty damn hard-hitting when she wants to be. Just about everything she does can cause knockdown, and she's got the range to hit far away without being countered TOO easily. She kinda reminds me of Iku a bit...


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #49 on: November 19, 2012, 02:03:19 AM »

Mima by Barai
Yuugenmagen by Kurogane
Stage: Heavenly Ascension
Music: Angel's Legend by ????

Mima we all saw before way back at video #9, so we should know what she's capable of. Though I could've sworn she had cards...hmmm...

Out of all of Kurogane's characters I've fought (Yuugenmagen, Patchouli, Shinki, and Yukari), Yuugenmagen is one of the funnest to fight I think. Feels like a full-blown storymode spellcard battle, which suits it perfectly well considering it's just a bunch of floating eyes...what else can it do!? It did take me a little bit to get used to Mima and her dashing though...there were many times where I went to dash while holding the button, only to find that she didn't like that and just ate attacks...and let's just say, several of Yuugen's attacks hurt...a lot. And don't let the spirit bomb touch the ground EVER! That just makes things worse for you.

Reimu Hakurei by Nachel
Konngara by Nachel & Sunakuzira
Stage: The Silent Shrine by Luneth
Music: Swordsman of a Distant Star by ????

If you can't tell, I can't use IaMP characters worth a lick! Yes, you heard me...out of the three fighting games, IaMP is the only one I never really played nor could get into. It just felt really awkward, and I don't like the changing of attacks between far and close...melee becoming bullets suddenly or vice versa can get really annoying...

As for Konngara? Well, seeing as it uses this Reimu as the base, I can only assume it likes to cheat a lot, basing it off of Nachel's Remilia. And kinda does in a way. You can't get in close, otherwise you're going to get poked. And Konngara (which I also assume Reimu does too) likes to reversal with the kick and/or 2a into Ying-Yang Orb super. Very annoying...but probably more doable had it been not someone that's IaMP style. Maybe...


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #50 on: November 20, 2012, 01:38:13 AM »

Gengetsu by Pre-To
Yuuka Kazami by Moiky
Stage: Mugenkan by Luneth
Music: Faint Dream ~ Inanimate Dream by Freedom

Yuuka we already saw back in the same video as Mima's first appearance. However, her AI surprised me. I didn't expect her to be this tough, though again, much like a lot of things I've fought up till now, it seems that her AI likes to read inputs hardcore. Why else would she perfectly counter things with supers all the time?

Gengetsu I heard was ridiculous OP, and judging from Tenma, I could probably guess why. This is Pre-To after all, though I didn't expect her to have this versatile of moves. Knock down can lead into Gigaton Press move, and afterwards can easily lead into off-screen beating if so desired. And that sword has ridiculous range at that, and combine that with her Chain Gang type move, it's kinda sick. Up close, she hits stupidly hard with her regular attacks, and can just stun opponents with one single move. Kinda sick methinks...makes me afraid to know how her AI is...

Murasa Minamitsu by Minoo
Ichirin Kumoi by Acari
Stage: Black Dahlia Cruiser
Music: Captain Murasa by dBu

Murasa is surprisingly very fluid in her attacks and can chain them relatively well. Top that off with attacks that are great both far range and close range, and she makes a very versatile fighter indeed.

Ichirin I was expecting more out of, but ah well...I know there's another one out there, but I don't have that one so I had to stick with this one that seems to use Yuyuko and Iku as bases for sprites and whatnot.


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #51 on: November 21, 2012, 01:55:49 AM »

Parsee Mizuhashi by Hetyo
Yuugi Hoshiguma by Minoo
Stage: Wadamoya
Music: A Flower-Studded Sake Dish on Mt. Ooe by Neutral

Parsee uses Sakuya as a base heavily, this much is apparent, but she fights completely different, which is as it should be. She really fits the bill of the "trickster" type character, much like Reisen (in fact, she even borrows some stuff from Reisen, such as Illusionary Blast and the split attack of which name I cannot think of (where there's 2 of the character, but only one is real). Although that alt 22 Stun skill is kinda powerful if it locks the opponent in, especially if it's used continuously one after another is gone...

Yuugi we've already seen waaaaaay back when in the Yuugi vs Suika video. Though the AI is also a bit competent...I'm afraid to see how an AI patch would affect her though!

Hong Meiling by Aotsuki
Rumia by Nemnin
Stage: Village of the Dead
Music: Apparitions Stalk the Night by ????

This Rumia...this is terrible I have to say. Bad hit detections (especially on Moonlight Ray and its super equivalent), AI will continuously spam the same thing over and over (even more apparent in EX Rumia mode), and EX Rumia just reeks of that "God" stuff you tend to see in bad characters. Why is she zipping all over the place all the time?! Also, this stage was probably a bad choice, seeing as Rumia's bullets in EX Mode particularly are black...and it's in a dark area. Yeeeah...

Again, if it's not apparent, I do not know how to use IaMP styled characters at all! Though I think I was doing alright with Meiling. Even moreso when I remembered she actually HAD other moves than just regular danmaku and attacks! Took me a bit to remember that initially for some reason...


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #52 on: November 22, 2012, 06:55:25 AM »

Keine Kamishirasawa by Minoo
Eirin Yagokoro by Minoo
Stage: Arianrod Labyrinth
Music: Gensokyo Millennium ~ History of the Moon by dBu

Keine we saw way back in video #14. She's not bad to play as at all, and that counter is extremely nice...not much else to say about her.

Eirin seems to be Minoo's keep-away character, much like Nitori but without the handicap of everything costing power I think. Not much else to say here...I don't think I got to see half of what she's capable of.

Lunasa Prismriver by Minoo
Mystia Lorelei by Minoo
Stage: Forest of Magic Night
Music: Deaf to all but the Song by dBu

Mystia we saw waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay back at video #3. Though I think I gave her an AI patch long ago and didn't realize it, because she was super aggressive...

Lunasa is a peculiar character. She relies a lot on setting herself up with summoning her sisters, and making sure THEY don't get hit. Otherwise, she has a bit of trouble getting in to do damage, especially if it's someone that blitzes like Mystia does. Luckily, Mystia had a unsafe move that I could punish...sometimes...


  • T.G. "Thunder God" Xenomic
    • Xenomic's Lair
Re: Xenomic's MUGEN series!
« Reply #53 on: November 23, 2012, 02:17:26 AM »

Youmu Konpaku by Kurogane
Yoshika Miyako by Moiky
Stage: Graveyard (SWR Youmu Stage)
Music: Rigid Paradise by dBu kinda mean if you let her be. However, she's easily abusable as I found out later on. Not NEARLY as bad as I thought she was, but she's very spammy. Wonder how she plays...

Youmu I think I played better than any of the other IaMP characters, other than Meiling. I don't know why...though I wish her Crescent Moon Slash actually grazed like in SWR/Soku.

And for now, there won't be any Touhou MUGEN vids for a while, since well...I need to decide on what to do next...

Minoo, I think there's a problem here!

The ones still not featured yet...

In the actual games:


MUGEN specific

Advent Cirno
EX Keine
Namazu (if it isn't the joke one)
Mugetsu (probably won't use)

And of course taking requests I suppose. There IS a Daiyousei I wanna see how it fights, but that's for later~ Still not sure if I'll do character exhibitions or not. Depends on how many people care to see those! It'd probably be one video per character...