Author Topic: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!  (Read 45821 times)

Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #30 on: September 18, 2012, 01:33:04 AM »
Welcome to MotK! Just from these pictures here, it sounds like you had a great time as well.

Murasa's pinup calendar

Oh god, Ruro, did this really happen?

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #31 on: September 18, 2012, 02:38:55 AM »
Oh goodness me, you really were right about that other Sakuya and I... perhaps my girlfriend will roleplay as Parsee sometime soon because of this! *laughs*

You should totally try! And then I will ship Sakuya and Parsee too.

Oh, I should I see about uploading the video of me throwing the plushies at Yukari, and the plush tower, but I may need to fiddle around a bit with how to attach things on this.
Go for it! Also, you should upload your Murasadance.

Oh god, Ruro, did this really happen?
LIES AND SLANDER! O-of course it never happened. Hmph.

Currently uploading Sunday's photos. They will be up in short order.


  • Holy mother of Hijiri
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #32 on: September 18, 2012, 02:51:14 AM »

You should totally try! And then I will ship Sakuya and Parsee too.
Oh dear, don't remind me of when I used to have a crush on Parsee... (I crush on all the Touhous. All of them.)

Also... how do I go about attaching videos and photos? Eep... I really am such a noob at this stuff OTL
... and a toilet seat!

Hello Purvis

  • *
  • Hello Jerry
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #33 on: September 18, 2012, 03:05:53 AM »
Quote from: Hatate Himekairurou

Quote from: Hatate Himekairurou


Why hello there, I am the Sakuya from all of this madness~ (You'll have to excuse my lack of forum knowledge, for this is actually my first time using them) Oh goodness me, you really were right about that other Sakuya and I... perhaps my girlfriend will roleplay as Parsee sometime soon because of this! *laughs* These are all fantastic. Oh, I should I see about uploading the video of me throwing the plushies at Yukari, and the plush tower, but I may need to fiddle around a bit with how to attach things on this. Also, when shall you be posting Murasa's pinup calendar? Fufu~

Oh hey, welcome to the mess. =]

You don't get to attached videos, I don't think, and as far as pictures go just put 'em on Imgur

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #34 on: September 18, 2012, 03:07:53 AM »
Also... how do I go about attaching videos and photos? Eep... I really am such a noob at this stuff OTL
I am... not entirely sure that Tourists can upload photos or videos. This was a measure we had to take to stop spambots, but it does mean that people with less than three posts can't upload things like avatars and suchlike. Thankfully, mystical moderator hax (courtesy of me) can screw with some things like post count, so go ahead and give yourself an avatar if you want.

That said, I'm not sure the forum software even allows for video uploads, though I guess you could try. Failing that, you could always upload it on Youtube and make it an unlisted video for privacy's sake. As for photos, I prefer just uploading them to imgur en masse and posting them that way.


  • Holy mother of Hijiri
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #35 on: September 18, 2012, 03:11:41 AM »

Oh hey, welcome to the mess. =]

You don't get to attached videos, I don't think, and as far as pictures go just put 'em on Imgur

Well I have some uploaded onto Photobucket, so maybe I'll be able to upload them... nngh... though first I must finish uploading all of my photos onto it in the first place! There were something around 270 files... I kind of went camera happy... o-o but I'll see what I can do. So for now

... and a toilet seat!


  • Holy mother of Hijiri
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #36 on: September 18, 2012, 03:15:15 AM »
I am... not entirely sure that Tourists can upload photos or videos. This was a measure we had to take to stop spambots, but it does mean that people with less than three posts can't upload things like avatars and suchlike. Thankfully, mystical moderator hax (courtesy of me) can screw with some things like post count, so go ahead and give yourself an avatar if you want.

That said, I'm not sure the forum software even allows for video uploads, though I guess you could try. Failing that, you could always upload it on Youtube and make it an unlisted video for privacy's sake. As for photos, I prefer just uploading them to imgur en masse and posting them that way.

Oh yay! Thank you so much! ^^ I think with the videos, I might just be able to link them or something. Meh... we'll figure it out! *giggles*
... and a toilet seat!


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #37 on: September 18, 2012, 03:23:10 AM »
*eschews linking to pictures because my god that'll take forever*

omg I ship those two Sakuyas so hard now. :* And how do they make holding a pocketwatch so...alluring? o-o

 That Marisa is also very nice. Chubby in just the right way that makes her look really huggable. :3

And my god that Suwako just has such an infectious and wide smile. It makes me smile too.

Those non-cosplayers look very nice nonetheless. :o

That lady Kenshin has the Kenshin Smile (tm) down pat. Almost sad...

Dat Zelda in the tapestry just don't give a fuck.

Looking forward to more. :>
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet

Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #38 on: September 18, 2012, 03:33:51 AM »
I don't think I'll get over how amazing the two Sakuyas are (and that photo with the steampunk goggles just feels so *right* for whatever reason).

Looking forward to the last update(s).

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #39 on: September 18, 2012, 04:12:57 AM »
And here are Sunday's photos, which are less in number than Saturday's, by far. Let's get started!

Day Three, Part One

I got up early again, since the bus ride to the convention takes me about 45 minutes. I had to make it at 9am to the Takarazuka panel I missed last year. I made it just in time, and it was a good panel, though I had to leave early to make it to the Sailor Moon 20th Anniversary panel.

On my way to that line, I encountered another magical girl, Mew Ichigo!

Unsurprisingly, there were quite a few Sailor Moon cosplayers in the Sailor Moon line.

Prince Demando, also in line.

Sailor Jupiter. At this point, I walked right into some kind of trivia contest ("What was the only one of the exam battle stories that was animated?") and won almost immediately ("Ami's First Love.") I received a cute ribbon as a reward. :3c

I don't actually read comic books, so is there a proper name for female Robin?

Super Sailor Moon. I think I ran into her on Friday.

Then I got into the line, which was enormous. Unfortunately, I didn't get in. It was a PACKED panel. As disappointing as that was, I now had two hours of time in my schedule I hadn't expected to have, so I decided I'd at least put that to good use.

Took this one of Super Sailor Moon, Ciel Phantomhive, and Sailor Jupiter, as I headed out of the atrium.

Captain Shunsui Kyoraku from Bleach. At this point, Murasa was sneaking up on my right, and I pretended not to notice her.

The Ouran High School host club.

After this, I went to the cafe to chill with Murasa (who was Sakuya the day before) while she ate a muffin. After agreeing that we'd find each other later for a photoshoot by the fountain right outside the main doors, I headed off to try and find Suwako, who was also supposed to be around on Friday. (And also Komachi, but that search proved fruitless.)

Rise from Persona 4.

Phoenix Wright with an :objection!: sign.

At this point, I ran into Yukari and Randy again. I invited them to join me on my search for Suwako; Randy decided to hang out with his Brony friends, but Yukari decided she would accompany me. (I should mention, she decided to wear her pajamas all day Sunday instead of her Yukari outfit, but I don't really like calling cosplayers by their real names unless they give me explicit permission to do so.)

We found Suwako rather quickly, since she was in the Artist's Alley, which was about two meters away from us. Yukari and I went to kidnap her from her friends, and she quite happily went along with us to the fountain.


Now presenting: Suwako of the adorable smile.


While I enjoyed these photos, I wanted to do something else while I had Suwako around. But I couldn't walk two blocks away to the big fountains when I hadn't asked her beforehand. Besides, she needed to get back to her friends, so I wanted to stay on the hotel grounds. Hmm, what to do...

Well, there are some reeds around the front entrance of the hotel, so let's give those a shot.

Yes perfect.


I think the reeds serve well enough as a background. (In fact, I liked them so much that I ended up returning to them later on Sunday.)

On our way back to the doors of the hotel, I found some pretty red flowers in a hanging flowerpot from a series of poles that had a fair resemblance to torii shrine gates. I figured they'd be worth a try to use as a backdrop.


I think they worked quite well!


And back to my favourite kind of backdrop: flowers.

After this, me and Yukari went back inside with Suwako and returned her to her friends, and bade her farewell. We went back to the atrium where Randy was hanging out with his Brony friends. I didn't have much to do, so I decided to hang out with them for a while. Plus, I was coming down with a headache and didn't want to get up and walk around the entire hotel again.

Makise Kurisu from Steins;Gate.

Gendo Ikari from Eva.

Alucard from Hellsing.

I don't believe this is any particular cosplay.

I have no idea what series these two are from, unfortunately.

Princess Uranus and Princess Neptune from Sailor Moon!

Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop.

Queen Beryl, also from Sailor Moon! Later on I would see her posing with Sailor Jupiter (attacking her) but I had taken enough photos of poor Jupiter by this time.

Spain from Hetalia.

In between this photo and the next, there's about a two-hour gap. I accompanied Yukari and Randy and the rest of the Bronies to the Pizza Hut, where we had lunch. It was a big relief, and my headache began to go away. It was pretty great getting to hang out with those two all weekend, they are wonderful people to know and chat with.

When we came back, we decided to get in line for the dealers' room, since it was a long line, and Yukari needed to catch her flight back to Chicago, so we wanted to get our buying done sooner rather than later.

We ran into this cute Pokemon trainer, a bit ahead of us in line.

Then we headed into the huge crush that was the Dealers' Room, where we found a grand total of two Touhou artbooks in the entire dealers' room. I've said it before, but NDK dealers are really lacking in Touhou merch. (Which is good, or my wallet wouldn't hear the end of it.) We actually ran into Murasa while we were there, which was good because I had wanted to find her again for a photoshoot.

After we were done finally getting through all the booths, one of Yukari and Randy's friends wanted to go back in to try and get more candies and a Sailor Moon wallscroll. I declined this go-around, and instead stayed right outside the dealers' room, in a small alcove with Murasa and her new soft plushie cat. We decided that her plushie alpaca (which had pink fur) should be named Satori, and that she should make a Third Eye and a heart headband for her.

Sango from Inuyasha.

Two superheroines! Sailor Moon in her school uniform from Stars, and Supergirl.

Hello Kitty Samurai! Awesome. 8)

A young man we didn't know then came over. Apparently he was a big fan of plushies and wanted to see Murasa's cat.

At some point, I had borrowed Murasa's cap and put it over my tokin hat, and while they had all their plushies in one place, I decided I would pile them onto my head.

Adding a pony to the tower of plushies.

External bonus: the Squishy photographer came over, and added his signature octopus plushie to the pile.

Protoman! Not Protoman.EXE, he doesn't have a sword.

At this point, Yukari came out and Murasa surprise attacked her with her plush cat. It was great fun.

After that, we decided it was time for the Murasa photoshoot and so we started to make our way out to the fountain again.

Lord Death from Soul Eater.

I don't know if this is from any particular series, unfortunately.

I think this is Fumika from Shigofumi.

Coming up next: Captain Murasa's Pin-up Calendar! Complete with posing on cars and the baring of midriffs, and the launch of a new ship:
Yukari x Murasa x Hatate.
And the rest of Sunday's photos.


  • Holy mother of Hijiri
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #40 on: September 18, 2012, 04:32:23 AM »
Captain Shunsui Kyoraku from Bleach. At this point, Murasa was sneaking up on my right, and I pretended not to notice her.

The Ouran High School host club.

After this, I went to the cafe to chill with Murasa (who was Sakuya the day before) while she ate a muffin. After agreeing that we'd find each other later for a photoshoot by the fountain right outside the main doors, I headed off to try and find Suwako, who was also supposed to be around on Friday. (And also Komachi, but that search proved fruitless.)
??? Y-you mean... I wasn't an awesome ninja capn'? I seriously thought you didn't notice me. Dang I stink at sneaking up.

We found Suwako rather quickly, since she was in the Artist's Alley, which was about two meters away from us. Yukari and I went to kidnap her from her friends, and she quite happily went along with us to the fountain.


Now presenting: Suwako of the adorable smile.


While I enjoyed these photos, I wanted to do something else while I had Suwako around. But I couldn't walk two blocks away to the big fountains when I hadn't asked her beforehand. Besides, she needed to get back to her friends, so I wanted to stay on the hotel grounds. Hmm, what to do...

Well, there are some reeds around the front entrance of the hotel, so let's give those a shot.

Yes perfect.


I think the reeds serve well enough as a background. (In fact, I liked them so much that I ended up returning to them later on Sunday.)

On our way back to the doors of the hotel, I found some pretty red flowers in a hanging flowerpot from a series of poles that had a fair resemblance to torii shrine gates. I figured they'd be worth a try to use as a backdrop.


I think they worked quite well!


And back to my favourite kind of backdrop: flowers.

I was never told of this... these are FANTASTIC <3

Then we headed into the huge crush that was the Dealers' Room, where we found a grand total of two Touhou artbooks in the entire dealers' room. I've said it before, but NDK dealers are really lacking in Touhou merch. (Which is good, or my wallet wouldn't hear the end of it.) We actually ran into Murasa while we were there, which was good because I had wanted to find her again for a photoshoot.

After we were done finally getting through all the booths, one of Yukari and Randy's friends wanted to go back in to try and get more candies and a Sailor Moon wallscroll. I declined this go-around, and instead stayed right outside the dealers' room, in a small alcove with Murasa and her new soft plushie cat. We decided that her plushie alpaca (which had pink fur) should be named Satori, and that she should make a Third Eye and a heart headband for her.

Mr. Kitty Floof and Satori are the best plushies ever.

A young man we didn't know then came over. Apparently he was a big fan of plushies and wanted to see Murasa's cat.

At some point, I had borrowed Murasa's cap and put it over my tokin hat, and while they had all their plushies in one place, I decided I would pile them onto my head.

Adding a pony to the tower of plushies.

External bonus: the Squishy photographer came over, and added his signature octopus plushie to the pile.

All the plushies. All of them.

At this point, Yukari came out and Murasa surprise attacked her with her plush cat. It was great fun.

There is even a video, that SHALL be uploaded once my computer stops being a butt.

Coming up next: Captain Murasa's Pin-up Calendar! Complete with posing on cars and the baring of midriffs, and the launch of a new ship:
Yukari x Murasa x Hatate.
And the rest of Sunday's photos.

Capn' on a Hot Tin Car.
... and a toilet seat!


Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #41 on: September 18, 2012, 05:06:51 AM »

On my way to that line, I encountered another magical girl, Mew Ichigo!

So many adorable pink magical girls this year. :3


Unsurprisingly, there were quite a few Sailor Moon cosplayers in the Sailor Moon line.

Prince Demando, also in line.

Sailor Jupiter. At this point, I walked right into some kind of trivia contest ("What was the only one of the exam battle stories that was animated?") and won almost immediately ("Ami's First Love.") I received a cute ribbon as a reward. :3c

Super Sailor Moon. I think I ran into her on Friday.

Then I got into the line, which was enormous. Unfortunately, I didn't get in. It was a PACKED panel. As disappointing as that was, I now had two hours of time in my schedule I hadn't expected to have, so I decided I'd at least put that to good use.

Took this one of Super Sailor Moon, Ciel Phantomhive, and Sailor Jupiter, as I headed out of the atrium.

So many fantastic costumes here, I love it :*


The Ouran High School host club.

Perfect <3

After this, I went to the cafe to chill with Murasa (who was Sakuya the day before) while she ate a muffin. After agreeing that we'd find each other later for a photoshoot by the fountain right outside the main doors, I headed off to try and find Suwako, who was also supposed to be around on Friday. (And also Komachi, but that search proved fruitless.)

Rise from Persona 4.



Now presenting: Suwako of the adorable smile.


While I enjoyed these photos, I wanted to do something else while I had Suwako around. But I couldn't walk two blocks away to the big fountains when I hadn't asked her beforehand. Besides, she needed to get back to her friends, so I wanted to stay on the hotel grounds. Hmm, what to do...

Well, there are some reeds around the front entrance of the hotel, so let's give those a shot.

Yes perfect.


I think the reeds serve well enough as a background. (In fact, I liked them so much that I ended up returning to them later on Sunday.)

On our way back to the doors of the hotel, I found some pretty red flowers in a hanging flowerpot from a series of poles that had a fair resemblance to torii shrine gates. I figured they'd be worth a try to use as a backdrop.


I think they worked quite well!


And back to my favourite kind of backdrop: flowers.

She really is a fantastic Suwako! <3


Princess Uranus and Princess Neptune from Sailor Moon!



Queen Beryl, also from Sailor Moon! Later on I would see her posing with Sailor Jupiter (attacking her) but I had taken enough photos of poor Jupiter by this time.

Wow, she looks fantastic!


We ran into this cute Pokemon trainer, a bit ahead of us in line.

What an adorable Leaf~


Hello Kitty Samurai! Awesome. 8)

Ahahaha, this is excellent 8)

A young man we didn't know then came over. Apparently he was a big fan of plushies and wanted to see Murasa's cat.

At some point, I had borrowed Murasa's cap and put it over my tokin hat, and while they had all their plushies in one place, I decided I would pile them onto my head.

Adding a pony to the tower of plushies.

External bonus: the Squishy photographer came over, and added his signature octopus plushie to the pile.

omg it's like HATCEPTION, part II-- now with plushies instead of tricornes :*

Coming up next: Captain Murasa's Pin-up Calendar! Complete with posing on cars and the baring of midriffs, and the launch of a new ship:
Yukari x Murasa x Hatate.
And the rest of Sunday's photos.

Oh my, oh my. Wonder what this is all about~

Also! Welcome to MotK, Sakuya :D

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #42 on: September 18, 2012, 05:24:26 AM »
"Captain Murasa is the biggest ham out of all the Touhou cosplayers. Even hammier than Aya. Dear lord."
- The Kakashi Nenpo, "Crackshipping and Cosplay in America: Causes, Practices, and Effects, or: The Captain's Midriff is Hotter than the Cars She Sits On", by Himekaidou Hatate, published 17 September 2012.

Day Three, Part Two

We're off to the fountain.

Must adjust light for the outside.

Maybe that was too far in the other direction.

Found my stride.

I don't usually like dutch angles, I think they are annoying. But I was trying to keep the people in the background out of the shot.

I should mention, this kind of posing on the fountain is probably not allowed. But the hotel staff all kept looking away right as they were about to see her, which was super lucky for us.

Too bad there are no ponds or lakes around this area.

Now she just needs an anchor to throw at people.

Let's head off to see if the reeds will be a kind backdrop to us again.

This will work nicely.

This is the last sane picture of Murasa I'm going to take.

Courtesy of Randy: Captain Minamitsu Murasa, harem captain of the high seas.

Let's throw in sunglasses. 8)

Immediately after this photo, Murasa groped us both. Damnit, I should have seen that one coming.

Since we were already in the parking lot, we headed to Randy's car to pick up the last few bottles of ramune before Yukari's flight.

We ran into the Meguca team again right before they left.

And then Captain Murasa decided to ham it up and pose on the car.

Satori the llama is a good companion for this kind of thing.

Murasa's primarily white outfit combined with the bright sunlight outside and her light skin make her look almost ghostly.

This entire time, I said "I can't believe we're actually doing this" approximately every twenty seconds.


Let's try the shrine gate background again.

If she posts it, you'll see the corresponding photo of me looking like an idiot on the ground taking a photo of her.

I have no idea how she manages to keep a straight face.


Back to the flowers.

At this point, Murasa handed over her video camera and had me take video of her dancing to a song going in the background. Hopefully she will upload that, because it was great.

Let's wrap things up.

I thanked Murasa very much for coming along with me to take photos, and walked with her back to her mom after I found out where Yukari would be later. After I delivered Murasa safely, I heard a commotion right behind me.

NDK conga line!


Damn, that is a nice-looking Toph.

Juliet Starling from Lollipop Chainsaw.

Hungary from Axis Powers Hetalia.

Right after this, I went to the bathroom, but on my way there I ran into a man brewing some tea. At this point, the only panel I was considering going to was British Afternoon Tea at 5pm. I asked him what the teas he had lined up were, and they were a decent selection, but nothing exceptional. And the huge line I saw just outside was all for the panel. There was no way I was going to make it in, so I decided to just hang out with Yukari and Randy and Carter until Yukari went to catch her plane. We shared one last ramune soda: Taiyaki flavour. It was as awful as it sounds, but at least Yukari liked it. It was still fun.

My wonderful convention friends! Hope to see them again.

Kaito, with enormous platform shoes.

Chibiusa and Venus.


I don't know who the other dancer is, but they were having so much fun, I couldn't pass up on a photo.

This looks much creepier than it actually was in real life. This person was very nice.

I know this is Kuroshitsuji, but damnit I keep thinking that the girl on the left would make a perfect Youmu.

The main character from Assassins' Creed and Spain having an arm wrestling contest.

Kaito and Rin.

Zhang Jiao from Dynasty Warriors.

More Hetalia cosplayers.

The lead character from Princess Mononoke.

Rena Ryuugu from Higurashi. Next to her, her friend offered to hand over her blue baseball bat for her to use as a weapon.

Princess Peach, and her companion doesn't seem like he's cosplaying any character in particular.

A Starcraft Space Marine, with an interesting helmet.

Caught this lovely lady outside on the terrace as I was finishing my last go-round of the hotel.

This is just steampunk in general and not a particular character, I believe.

And two last lolitas to finish the day.


Item collection! I didn't find too many things I wanted in the Dealer's Room this time around. I got a nice grab bag on Friday, which is where I got the Clamp no Kiseki book, the Pokemon in the top right, that postcard right beneath it, a Slayers card pack, and the card next to it. I got the Sakura Taisen cards on their own, and Mami and Kyouko pins on Sunday, as well as my new Utena bumper sticker. The ramune I was given from the shmups panel. A quiet ending to a very action-packed weekend.

And that's it for my photos of NDK 2012. Hope to see you good folks next year!


  • I take many forms, and this won't be my last.
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #43 on: September 18, 2012, 05:48:24 AM »
Blimey, what is this? I spot a lovely Murasa cosplay off the port bow, Cap'n~!

Lulz. In all seriousness, though, thank you very much for sharing your snapshots with the rest of us~!  ;)
« Last Edit: September 18, 2012, 05:52:26 AM by BL2W »

Now, you can follow my art studio, KyokoPro Studios, on deviantART, Facebook, and YouTube~!


Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #44 on: September 18, 2012, 06:12:06 AM »
"Captain Murasa is the biggest ham out of all the Touhou cosplayers. Even hammier than Aya. Dear lord."
- The Kakashi Nenpo, "Crackshipping and Cosplay in America: Causes, Practices, and Effects, or: The Captain's Midriff is Hotter than the Cars She Sits On", by Himekaidou Hatate, published 17 September 2012.

Day Three, Part Two

We're off to the fountain.

Must adjust light for the outside.

Maybe that was too far in the other direction.

Found my stride.

I don't usually like dutch angles, I think they are annoying. But I was trying to keep the people in the background out of the shot.

I should mention, this kind of posing on the fountain is probably not allowed. But the hotel staff all kept looking away right as they were about to see her, which was super lucky for us.

Too bad there are no ponds or lakes around this area.

Now she just needs an anchor to throw at people.

Let's head off to see if the reeds will be a kind backdrop to us again.

This will work nicely.

This is the last sane picture of Murasa I'm going to take.

Dear god, these are all absolutely fabulous. I suddenly like Murasa more. 8)


Courtesy of Randy: Captain Minamitsu Murasa, harem captain of the high seas.

Let's throw in sunglasses. 8)

Immediately after this photo, Murasa groped us both. Damnit, I should have seen that one coming.

I like how Yukari's in her pajamas in these shots. Nice touch for a sleepy youkai. :P

and yeah maybe D:

Since we were already in the parking lot, we headed to Randy's car to pick up the last few bottles of ramune before Yukari's flight.

We ran into the Meguca team again right before they left.

I do like how there is no shortage of megucas this year. Makes up for not finding any Kyoukos at all last year, yeah?


And then Captain Murasa decided to ham it up and pose on the car.

Satori the llama is a good companion for this kind of thing.

Murasa's primarily white outfit combined with the bright sunlight outside and her light skin make her look almost ghostly.

This entire time, I said "I can't believe we're actually doing this" approximately every twenty seconds.


Let's try the shrine gate background again.

If she posts it, you'll see the corresponding photo of me looking like an idiot on the ground taking a photo of her.

I have no idea how she manages to keep a straight face.


Back to the flowers.

At this point, Murasa handed over her video camera and had me take video of her dancing to a song going in the background. Hopefully she will upload that, because it was great.

Let's wrap things up.

I thanked Murasa very much for coming along with me to take photos, and walked with her back to her mom after I found out where Yukari would be later. After I delivered Murasa safely, I heard a commotion right behind me.

That is one photogenic ghost! I can see why you took so many photos of her. :D


Caught this lovely lady outside on the terrace as I was finishing my last go-round of the hotel.

Lovely indeed~


This is just steampunk in general and not a particular character, I believe.

Particular character or not, she looks totally awesome. Love it. :D


And two last lolitas to finish the day.

D'awww. :3


Item collection! I didn't find too many things I wanted in the Dealer's Room this time around. I got a nice grab bag on Friday, which is where I got the Clamp no Kiseki book, the Pokemon in the top right, that postcard right beneath it, a Slayers card pack, and the card next to it. I got the Sakura Taisen cards on their own, and Mami and Kyouko pins on Sunday, as well as my new Utena bumper sticker. The ramune I was given from the shmups panel. A quiet ending to a very action-packed weekend.

And that's it for my photos of NDK 2012. Hope to see you good folks next year!

>Ohtori Academy Alumni

omg that is the best thing ever next to 'My Other Car is Utena' :*

I'm happy to see that you had so much fun this year! Thanks for postin' all the photos, and such~

And hello again to all the NDK folks who stopped by to look through these!


  • Time expired: 121:45
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #45 on: September 18, 2012, 11:46:14 AM »
Very awesome.  Looks like y'all had a lot of fun.

Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #46 on: September 18, 2012, 03:34:15 PM »
All I could think of during the Murasa shots besides the immediately obvious was "black car on a summer afternoon? Damn, that would be hot..." Hopefully that wasn't too uncomfortable.

Looks like you had a lot of fun and took a lot of great photos. Can't wait for all the stories and pictures this time next year.


  • Holy mother of Hijiri
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #47 on: September 19, 2012, 01:03:09 AM »
Tee hee! Thank you all for your friendly welcomes!

I'm sorry about the videos, they haven't finished uploading yet! Pesky things! But there's like... one...

Update: Yay! All my videos are up now!

"Captain Murasa is the biggest ham out of all the Touhou cosplayers. Even hammier than Aya. Dear lord."
- The Kakashi Nenpo, "Crackshipping and Cosplay in America: Causes, Practices, and Effects, or: The Captain's Midriff is Hotter than the Cars She Sits On", by Himekaidou Hatate, published 17 September 2012.

If you look up "ham" in the dictionary, right under it, it says "Murasa"

Must adjust light for the outside.

Maybe that was too far in the other direction.

Found my stride.

I don't usually like dutch angles, I think they are annoying. But I was trying to keep the people in the background out of the shot.

I should mention, this kind of posing on the fountain is probably not allowed. But the hotel staff all kept looking away right as they were about to see her, which was super lucky for us.

Too bad there are no ponds or lakes around this area.

Now she just needs an anchor to throw at people.

Well if we're not supposed to play on it, then what's the point of it being there? Gosh, if you're going to let it be in my range of vision, then it has to be something that I can play with.  (That sounded so much more like Flan than intended...)

And oooh good idea... how about a ladle to smack people on the head with, too!

Let's head off to see if the reeds will be a kind backdrop to us again.

This will work nicely.

This is the last sane picture of Murasa I'm going to take.

Wait wait wait... are you trying to tell me... that to begin with, those pictures were supposed to be sane? Dang it, I didn't try hard enough.

Courtesy of Randy: Captain Minamitsu Murasa, harem captain of the high seas.

Let's throw in sunglasses. 8)

Immediately after this photo, Murasa groped us both. Damnit, I should have seen that one coming.

Oh please, that wasn't even a grope. +w+

Since we were already in the parking lot, we headed to Randy's car to pick up the last few bottles of ramune before Yukari's flight.

We ran into the Meguca team again right before they left.

And then Captain Murasa decided to ham it up and pose on the car.

Satori the llama is a good companion for this kind of thing.

Murasa's primarily white outfit combined with the bright sunlight outside and her light skin make her look almost ghostly.

This entire time, I said "I can't believe we're actually doing this" approximately every twenty seconds.

Of course we were actually doing that. It was awesome.


Let's try the shrine gate background again.

Capn' fanservice for you, there. She doesn't show off her armpits to just anyone.

If she posts it, you'll see the corresponding photo of me looking like an idiot on the ground taking a photo of her.

The most fabulous tengu in Gensokyo. I think this pose is supposed to be something like "Draw Me Like One of Your French Girls" mixed with "I'm About to Die, Someone Get Me a P Block" but I can't tell for sure.

I have no idea how she manages to keep a straight face.

Don't worry, me either.


Back to the flowers.

At this point, Murasa handed over her video camera and had me take video of her dancing to a song going in the background. Hopefully she will upload that, because it was great.

Capn does not know how to dance, but she will try it anyway. Also, sorry about not being able to post the video right now, but you can have Parsee spinning like a Hina instead. (Sideways even)

Capn attempts to dance.

Let's wrap things up.

I thanked Murasa very much for coming along with me to take photos, and walked with her back to her mom after I found out where Yukari would be later. After I delivered Murasa safely, I heard a commotion right behind me.

I was a lost widdle Capns. But the nice birdy took me back to my ship.  :derp:

NDK conga line!

I took a video of this. According to my Mother, it started out as just Kuroshitsuji running around, and then everyone else joined in.
But unfortunately, after that, we had to leave because she was starting to get a headache.

And two last lolitas to finish the day.

I just so happen to know those two. I met them at a lolita tea at the County Fair. Very sweet girls. <3

Jeez, that was a really fun year! Also, I have some photos from photoshoots of Parsee and Sakuya that my Mother took at our hotel if anyone wants those to be uploaded. And then I just have my bunches of pictures that I took. Eheheh...  a lot of them are homestuck though...   :ohdear: I hope no one hates on me too much...

Well how about I upload some of the things that Hatate didn't really get to!

Here is the promised plushie tower. I seem to have an affinity for stacking plushies up (I do it at home too)

Hatate, are you having troubles? It doesn't look like you can see very well with all those stuffed animals making my Cappy Hap (I call the hat that due to an incident where I just could not seem to speak correctly) cover your eyes.

Oh no! :ohdear: Our beautiful tower is gone! What ever shall we do?!
Well... you can at least see properly now, right?

Oh yes, and now here's the video of me throwing plushies at Yukari. It was so epic...

Oh, in case there wasn't enough fluffy, have some Sakuya in a fluffy bunny jacket. Oh my goodness is that jacket warm!
Everyone at school wants to steal it though QAQ so I have to be really careful!

Silly tengu! What are you doing on the ground? Oh that's right!

More angle trickery.


Hatate wasn't the only one on the ground! Everyone was on their stomachs or backs, trying to take pictures of Suika! It was really funny!

Oh yeah! And I'll upload the rest of the videos when they're all uploaded! ^^

Next year... y u so far away?   ???

« Last Edit: September 19, 2012, 01:36:49 AM by 3yoyo333 »
... and a toilet seat!

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #48 on: September 19, 2012, 01:37:48 AM »
The most fabulous tengu in Gensokyo. I think this pose is supposed to be something like "Draw Me Like One of Your French Girls" mixed with "I'm About to Die, Someone Get Me a P Block" but I can't tell for sure.
Good lord, I started choking on my almonds when I saw this. Damn you. Wow, I look even weirder than I thought I would!

Jeez, that was a really fun year! Also, I have some photos from photoshoots of Parsee and Sakuya that my Mother took at our hotel if anyone wants those to be uploaded. And then I just have my bunches of pictures that I took. Eheheh...  a lot of them are homestuck though...   :ohdear: I hope no one hates on me too much...
No worries about Hamsteak photos. I'd love to see the photos you took as well! Though, you might need to resize the bigger ones, otherwise it'll be image murder on people with slower connections.

Well how about I upload some of the things that Hatate didn't really get to!

Here is the promised plushie tower. I seem to have an affinity for stacking plushies up (I do it at home too)

Hatate, are you having troubles? It doesn't look like you can see very well with all those stuffed animals making my Cappy Hap (I call the hat that due to an incident where I just could not seem to speak correctly) cover your eyes.

I remember seeing a Saber cosplayer walk past us into the dealers' room, but not being able to see anything other than the bottom of her dress.

And damnit, did you take a photo of all of us lying on the ground trying to take photos of Suika? Or did you just get me? >.<

Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #49 on: September 19, 2012, 02:04:32 AM »

Then I ran into Suwako and Sakuya! Apparently Suwako will be here tomorrow, and so will Sakuya, but she will be Murasa this time.

That Suwako is my friend! :D

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #50 on: September 19, 2012, 05:25:01 AM »
That Suwako is my friend! :D
Excellent! Do forward this to her, I would like her to have the photos I took of her. =]

Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #51 on: September 19, 2012, 08:14:46 AM »
Very cool stuff! Saw a few familiar faces in those pics too. That Yukari from Chicago is a good friend of mine, and had really been the only other person in Colorado I knew that had any idea what Touhou was for a while. I also know the Suika and a few of the bronies from the second group of images. It's good to see so many were able to make it!
I'll have to squirrel away some money for next year. I'm gonna make it to one of these things, one way or another~

Thanks for sharing the pictures!


  • Wolf It Down!
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #52 on: September 19, 2012, 09:06:57 AM »
Yukari here! Or pajama girl... er, well, Yukari's sleepy enough to wear them around, so I'm still her (though they're actually supposed to be used for My Little Pony outfits, but hey--border of ponies and Touhous, you shall be altered!).  :D

At this point, I ran into Yukari and Randy again. I invited them to join me on my search for Suwako; Randy decided to hang out with his Brony friends, but Yukari decided she would accompany me. (I should mention, she decided to wear her pajamas all day Sunday instead of her Yukari outfit, but I don't really like calling cosplayers by their real names unless they give me explicit permission to do so.)

Kate versus Randy! Her boyfriend is dressed as one of the guards from Friendship is Magic, hence the spear.

Hahah, sorry, but I had to tease and point this out. :P (Incidentally, using my real name's perfectly fine. Not like it's obvious from my forum account or anything, hahah.) Also, I love your photographs. So much. ;-;

And on the topic of photographs, here are mine!

(A lot of mine randomly got deleted, sadly... but fortunately, our hero Hatate got a lot of the same ones as me, with her much better camera and photo-taking skills!)
Here are Randy's, too!
*Sorry if you have issues with Facebook links. I can try to figure something else out if it's a problem, but these should be public...

Incidentally, I apologize for my acne and chapped lips making my Yukari look kinda bad. I mean, wait, the acne's on purpose, so you'll all finally believe I'm only seventeen years old!  :V (The chapped lips are because crossing the border from humid Chicago to dry Colorado is insane, hahah.)

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #53 on: September 19, 2012, 04:46:19 PM »
I'll have to squirrel away some money for next year. I'm gonna make it to one of these things, one way or another~
Yes, absolutely. Even if you only make it on Saturday, that's quite enough. Everyone who can't stay the whole weekend comes on Saturday, so that day is packed, which is why that day had the most photos by far.

Hahah, sorry, but I had to tease and point this out. :P (Incidentally, using my real name's perfectly fine. Not like it's obvious from my forum account or anything, hahah.)
That was deliberate! I wanted to see if you would come back and point that out. :D

And thank you for the links to your photos! I've been wanting to see those. (Sakuya arm-wrestling KD!Sakuya is adorable.)

Now begins the task of uploading particularly good individual shots to DA.


  • Holy mother of Hijiri
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #54 on: September 20, 2012, 11:12:01 PM »
Good lord, I started choking on my almonds when I saw this. Damn you. Wow, I look even weirder than I thought I would!


No worries about Hamsteak photos. I'd love to see the photos you took as well! Though, you might need to resize the bigger ones, otherwise it'll be image murder on people with slower connections.

Mmkays, I'll see what I can do. I just... blah... forums, how use... meh I'll figure it out eventually.

And damnit, did you take a photo of all of us lying on the ground trying to take photos of Suika? Or did you just get me? >.<

Sorry, I was only able to get you. I also got a picture of you taking a picture. I think that I should sell those pictures to Aya *smirks* I kid, I kid~

And on the topic of photographs, here are mine!

(A lot of mine randomly got deleted, sadly... but fortunately, our hero Hatate got a lot of the same ones as me, with her much better camera and photo-taking skills!)
Here are Randy's, too!
*Sorry if you have issues with Facebook links. I can try to figure something else out if it's a problem, but these should be public...

Oh cool! You got me and the other Sakuya arm wrestling! Tee hee, that was fun~
Also... I do hope that you and your boyfriend realize (in regards to the comments on the timestop picture) that both me and the other Sakuya are 13... ._. I may not look or act it, but I am. (And yes, I was the one that only likes girls)
Anyway, you guys got some great pictures! X3

I will dump all of my pictures sooner or later, since I'm currently "doing my homework" (I am so totally not doodling on the sides either) So, I'll get those up whenever. I seriously hope you guys like Sakuya and Parsee though...
... and a toilet seat!


  • Wolf It Down!
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #55 on: September 21, 2012, 03:54:17 AM »
Also... I do hope that you and your boyfriend realize (in regards to the comments on the timestop picture) that both me and the other Sakuya are 13... ._. I may not look or act it, but I am. (And yes, I was the one that only likes girls)
Anyway, you guys got some great pictures! X3

Hah, we were kidding. At least, I was. I'm pretty sure Randy was, too. We tease each other by calling other people attractive, especially if it's something way out of the other's league (in this case, being young).  :V Also, I'm usually among the younger members of any Touhou group, so now I feel old...
But yeah, thanks! Glad you liked them.  :3

Also, this is way late, but upon re-review, I think the person who had a lot of hard work on scale-y armor was supposed to be Articuno, asking a friend that's also a friend with the cosplayer.
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 04:00:45 AM by Wolfie-Kate »


Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #56 on: September 21, 2012, 11:15:31 PM »
What happened to the Yuyukozilla you promised me? ;^; I see no such thing.

(in case you couldn't tell, hi I'm the Yuyuko.)
« Last Edit: September 21, 2012, 11:18:52 PM by TCA »

Zengar Zombolt

  • Space-Time Tuning Circle - Wd/Fr
  • Green-Red Divine Clock
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #57 on: September 25, 2012, 08:16:58 PM »
Aaaaah it took me so long to load all this. But as promised, I have seen them! I hope next time I'll have a decent and stable connection, Ruropon.

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #58 on: September 25, 2012, 09:49:12 PM »
What happened to the Yuyukozilla you promised me? ;^; I see no such thing.

(in case you couldn't tell, hi I'm the Yuyuko.)
Hi, Yuyuko~ I just need to have the time to do that, but I will get around to that soon, I hope.

Aaaaah it took me so long to load all this. But as promised, I have seen them! I hope next time I'll have a decent and stable connection, Ruropon.
Yaaaaay, I wanted you to see some of the really nice ones. :)