Author Topic: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!  (Read 45826 times)

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« on: September 14, 2012, 05:26:09 AM »
I'm just going to haul out this same image every time I want a Touhou-related picture of Denver, yes. Even though NDK takes place in a different part of the city.

2011 thread here!

It's Nan Desu Kan time~
I bothered BM about going (he's the one responsible for that image up top, btw) but he can't attend, unfortunately. I haven't actually asked if Squawkers is going. In lieu of everyone else, VgameT will be at the shmups panel, which leaves me to take all the pretty photos. Which I will do, while cosplaying as Hatate. Hell yeah!

As always, this thread will fill up with images of cosplayers over the next three nights, and I'll try to identify them as I go along.


Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #1 on: September 14, 2012, 05:56:22 AM »

Excellent. >:D

Lookin' forward to the photos! Hope you have a great time. ^_^


  • gotta stock up on dark matter
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Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #2 on: September 14, 2012, 12:16:30 PM »
Awww yeah photos  :dragonforce:

Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #3 on: September 14, 2012, 04:41:48 PM »
Looking forward to the photos; you are the standard I try to meet for my own con photography.

Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #4 on: September 14, 2012, 09:54:56 PM »
Oh lord, I remember that picture, haha.

Sorry again I'm not able to make it, Ruro. I look forward to seeing the pictures though!

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
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  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2012, 05:10:48 AM »
Oh hey BM. Nice to see you around these parts! As promised, here come the photos.

The First Day

(Note: The vertically oriented images can be clicked to make them larger.)

Before I left, I was challenged by Purvis to fulfill two missions. The first one is not actually possible until tomorrow, so I decided to do the first today.

[12:47] <PurvisHasLeftThisTimestreamNWS> *MISSION TWO: You are to bring a can of corn with you. And barter it for an item.*
[12:47] <PurvisHasLeftThisTimestreamNWS> *It does not matter what the item is, only that it is bartered from someone who is not a friend in the know*
[12:48] <PurvisHasLeftThisTimestreamNWS> *If possible, get a picture of the transaction. At least get a picture of the item in question.*

My can of corn. There's also a can of fruit, because I have an idea. We'll see how it goes.

Fortune smiles on me before I even arrive at the con! Sailor Pluto, Hiko Seijurou, and Kenshin Himura outside the Hyatt.

Unfortunately, after this, I missed out on a photo of an awesome Nehelenia with Prince Demand and Saphir, and some other Sailor Moon villains. Hope to catch them tomorrow.

Tenshi from Angel Beats, I think.

And here is my chance to put my can of corn to good use.

Successful acquisition! Mission 2 complete. Mission 1 remains for tomorrow.

In between this and the next photo, I had to get in line for a long while to get my con badge. I saw a bunch of good cosplays go by, including a Mami Tomoe and at least two Sailor Moons, but I hope to find them tomorrow.

And then I ran smack dab into Suika!

Teen Titans Raven!

Furisode Sailor Moon. I love that Sailor Moon is well established enough that doing Steampunk Sailor Moon or alternate versions is completely recognizable.

Stocking! Damn, couldn't get that light out of the way.

Super Sailor Moon.

An interesting change in Vocaloid cosplay this year: less of Hatsune Miku, but more of the other vocaloids. I missed a Koi wa Sensou Kaito at some point.

Genderswap Narukami Yuu from Persona 4.

Tack tells me that these are Une, Zechs, and Treize from Gundam Wing.

Simon from Gurren Lagann, with Kida from Atlantis: The Lost Empire.

Xatu of Pokeymons.

Accompanied by Inuyasha.

There was a decrease in solo Sailor Moon this year; instead she now tends to be accompanied by Tuxedo Kamen or Endymion.

Darth Hello Kitty, accompanied by... Batman, apparently.

Madoka! Appropriately, she's also very nice in real life too.

Amu as Amulet Spade, from Shugo Chara.

Lugia and Snake!

I honestly have no idea who this is, but oh my god she put so much work into her scale armour; she told me that it took like 70-ish hours of work.

I don't actually know my WH40K, just that this is a cosplay from it.

Note the tag on R2-D2.

Scarlet Library tells me that this is from Zone of the Enders.

Rei Ayanami. There's a few running around this year.

Nell, Ichigo, and Ikkaku. His distracted face was deliberate.

Luka! God I want those headphones.

Then I came across a duo, Izaya and Shizuo from Durarara. The first time, they were doing something flirty, but I had bad lighting and had to delete that. While I was adjusting my lighting, I remarked "gosh, you don't ship them at all."

They decided to show me how much they shipped it.

Al from Fullmetal Alchemist.

Serenity from Sailor Moon.

Enma Ai! She complimented me on my tokin hat. :3c

Doc Scratch, Snowman, and Panty. One of these is not like the others.

Kujikawa Rise from Persona 4.

Venus. I don't think she noticed her bow was coming apart, whoops.

Young Justice Robin.

Another Kenshin!

The Hitachiin twins from Ouran Host Club.

Man Rei. I love his beard. He did that pose on his own.

Loki! As expected, a fair bit of Avengers cosplay this year.

Tohsaka Rin from Fate/Stay Night.

At this point, I ran into Yukari from last year! She has dyed her hair blonde this time, so as to better cosplay her.

While waiting for her to put all her ribbons into her hair, I took this photo of her friend, with the Yukari umbrella.

And this is Yukari, returning from last year! She came all the way from Chicago for this. Unfortunately, she had to leave her Satori and Nue cosplays there.

A different take on Sailor Mercury.

Velvet from Odin Sphere, apparently. (I've never actually played it.)

A Prinny. :>

As before, Yukari and I started hanging out after this, and we went into the Dealers' Room with her friend Carter and picked up tons of sweets and ramune (more on that ramune later). I got a grab bag at this point. We were so packed in the Dealers' Room that I felt overheated and pressed, so after we were done there, we went outside to hang out by the flowers near the entrance. We sat down to check out our haul, and while we were doing that, we happened to hear, "Oh, what nice Touhou cosplays..."

"I'm so jealous."

This is Sakuya from last year! She'll actually be coming as Sakuya tomorrow (Koumajou Densetsu Sakuya, I believe), and as Murasa on Sunday. Huzzah!

Minecraft. Tack tells me this is Missingno. Your arcane Pok?mann crap makes little to no sense to me.

Seiba versus Taiga. I think this encapulates the crossover theme of this set of photos nicely.

Saturn! But ugh, this lighting.

Thankfully, I'll get another chance at this later today.

Princess Bubblegum from Adventure Time.

America! After doing this, she walked past me and threw her hand up for a hi5, and I returned the favour.

Oginome Ringo and Takakura Himari from Mawaru Penguindrum!

This was probably the most unexpected outfit I saw: Frodo from Lord of the Rings.

Esmeralda from The Hunchback of Notre Dame.

Sailor Man! Genderswap Sailor Moon is pretty uncommon, actually.

Ah, and here's Katniss from the Hunger Games series!

I caught Carmen Sandiego and I have the photo to prove it.

Kururugi Suzaku from Code Geass.

Russia and Seychelles from Hetalia.

These two Rocket grunts had a lot going for them. In his net, you can see a bunch of captured Pokeymans, and they've even kidnapped Pikachu.

Avatar cosplay. It was such a struggle for Appa to walk through the con crowd.

Kyoukoooooooooooooooooo :* :* :*

Princess Sakura from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle.

This is Yukari and her boyfriend, who is an MLP fan.

Caught up with Sailor Man, Sailor Moon, and Sailor Saturn!

From Darker than Black.

At some point in between this and the next photo, I missed out on Endymion and Serenity, and Chibiusa and Helios. Frustrating. I'll have to try and get them tomorrow.

Yukari is a huge Zelda fan. While I let her take most of those photos, I couldn't pass this up.

Tomorrow there will be a Touhou photoshoot at 4pm! We will meet at the flowers just to the left of the main entrance (you can see them in the Parsee photo above). From there, we will set off to take a bunch of awesome photos. It's gonna rock.

That's it for tonight's update! Hope you continue to tune into Hatate's coverage of NDK weekend. o>


Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2012, 05:40:17 AM »

Fortune smiles on me before I even arrive at the con! Sailor Pluto, Hiko Seijurou, and Kenshin Himura outside the Hyatt.

Oh man, those are perfect *_*


Darth Hello Kitty, accompanied by... Batman, apparently.


seriously that's wonderful ahahahaha


Madoka! Appropriately, she's also very nice in real life too.

Oh my gosh, she's so adorable <3
omg where did you get that coobie i must have him

* Momokasuri Oginome coughs.


Luka! God I want those headphones.

Likewise! I would shamelessly wear them anywhere :*


Al from Fullmetal Alchemist.

Very well done :D


Kujikawa Rise from Persona 4.

Riseeee :*

At this point, I ran into Yukari from last year! She has dyed her hair blonde this time, so as to better cosplay her.

Ah, nice to see Yukari again :D

Are you guys gonna go back to that one place for danmaku photos again? :3


Velvet from Odin Sphere, apparently. (I've never actually played it.)

Whoa, this is excellent :D


Seiba versus Taiga. I think this encapulates the crossover theme of this set of photos nicely.

Ah, these two are perfect in every way and I love it. :>


Oginome Ringo and Takakura Himari from Mawaru Penguindrum!

[00:01:14] <~Sakura-Rurouni> Oh!
[00:01:18] <~Sakura-Rurouni> Matsy guess who I ran into
[00:01:26] <Nadeshiko-Matsuri> Kyouko
[00:01:28] <Nadeshiko-Matsuri> ?
[00:01:30] <Nadeshiko-Matsuri> :D
[00:01:40] <~Sakura-Rurouni> [ ] Kyouko Sakura [ ] Ringo Oginome [ ] Himari Takakura [ ] Seychelles
[00:01:50] <Nadeshiko-Matsuri> Hmmm.
[00:01:53] <T-A-C> all of the above
[00:01:56] <Cassarine``>
[00:01:56] <Nadeshiko-Matsuri> Seychelles?
[00:01:57] <~Sakura-Rurouni> Tack has it.
[00:01:58] <Keine-tan> Title: Do numbers EXIST? - Numberphile - YouTube (at
[00:02:02] <Nadeshiko-Matsuri> :D!!!
[00:02:13] <Nadeshiko-Matsuri> So many of my favorites at once <333


Sailor Man! Genderswap Sailor Moon is pretty uncommon, actually.

But he pulls it off so well. :*


Russia and Seychelles from Hetalia.

I have yet to see a Seychelles cosplay that isn't adorable :)


These two Rocket grunts had a lot going for them. In his net, you can see a bunch of captured Pokeymans, and they've even kidnapped Pikachu.

what there is no way rocket grunts can be this competent

these guys should be the leaders

jessie and james have been trying to capture pikachu for years and haven't succeeded yet, but these guys did it already


Kyoukoooooooooooooooooo :* :* :*


Caught up with Sailor Man, Sailor Moon, and Sailor Saturn!

As much as I like Sailor Moon and Sailor Saturn, Sailor Man is just stealing the show with his oshiokiyo pose :*

That's it for tonight's update! Hope you continue to tune into Hatate's coverage of NDK weekend. o>

I'm happy to hear you're having fun! Lookin' forward to hearing what you see tomorrow :D

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2012, 01:24:33 PM »
Ah, nice to see Yukari again :D

Are you guys gonna go back to that one place for danmaku photos again? :3
That's not Yukari, that's her friend! He rocks that umbrella though.

And I hadn't even remembered that 'till you told me! Thanks, I'll see if we can't do that today; we'll definitely do it Sunday.

Off to cover day two!


Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2012, 01:31:54 PM »
Oh, oops! I meant the picture under that ^^;

(Still, her friend looks good too as Nurse Joy :D)
« Last Edit: September 15, 2012, 01:34:22 PM by Momokasuri Oginome »

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #9 on: September 16, 2012, 05:03:07 AM »
Saturday's photos are going to have to call in installments, because I need to wake up early for a 9am panel tomorrow on Takarazuka.

Before I forget again: The ramune yesterday had a fun story attatched. Yukari bought a ton of ramune from a dealer, all kinds of flavours-- the weird ones. Teriyaki, takoyaki flavours, and so on. We shared the teriyaki ramune first. The taste was... interesting. We should probably drink the rest before she gets on the plane back to Chicago, though...

The Second Day, Part One

As mentioned earlier, before I left for NDK, I was challenged by Purvis to fulfill two missions. I fulfilled the second yesterday. The first:

[12:44] <PurvisHasLeftThisTimestreamNWS> *MISSION ONE: VgameT is to be greeted with a headlock.*
[12:44] <Sakura-Rurouni> Hatate doesn't usually go around headlocking people though D:
[12:45] <PurvisHasLeftThisTimestreamNWS> *You get to be the trend breaker then!*
[12:45] <PurvisHasLeftThisTimestreamNWS> *You may optionally combo this into other wrestling moves, but that is not required. Or combo into the headlock if you so desire.*
[12:46] <PurvisHasLeftThisTimestreamNWS> *Once administered, let 'im know that Purvis says Hi*

The panel he'll be at is the shmups panel, which is the second panel I've decided to attend on Saturday, after the fanfiction workshop. Allons-y!

Madoka here was right on the way to the first panel, which I couldn't pass up.

No-Face from Spirited Away!

At this point I was headed to the next panel, but as it turned out, I had a half-hour left 'till it started. So I decided to wander for that time and see what photos I got.

Then I ran into Suwako and Sakuya! Apparently Suwako will be here tomorrow, and so will Sakuya, but she will be Murasa this time.

Sayaka, of Madoka Magica fame.

Amu from Shugo Chara, with her guardian Su. Note the other two eggs on her belt.

Princess Sakura from Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicle.

Ikuto Tsukuyomi as Death Label from Shugo Chara.

Homura, also from Madoka Magica.

Grell from Kuroshitsuji. Black Butler cosplay is still going strong.

Marceline from Adventure Time, with her axe.

Fem!Prussia from Axis Powers Hetalia. She told me that even her teachers call her Prussia now.

I don't actually know what this is. I will have to ask Scarlet Library.

Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty.

Some returning Sailor Soldiers, some new ones! Sailor Man, Sailor Mars, Sailor Venus, Princess Serenity, and human Luna.

This guy's contraption was really cool. It played that UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ as he cranked the lever of the chest in front of him.

Satoshi from Pokemon.

Also from Adventure Time, presumably. (I don't actually watch the show.)

Same as above.

Korra, from the Legend of Korra.

Princess Merida from Brave.

Toph from Avatar! This isn't the last Toph I'll run into.


This young lady's dress was spectacular. It's made of a bunch of Pokemon cards she glued together. Awesome.

Eri Sawachika from School Rumble.

See what did I tell you about Kuroshitsuji cosplay.

It's that Zone of the Enders cosplayer again! She wanted to put her helmet back on, but I said no, she could use the breather.

A Weeping Angel. Don't blink.

Liara T'Soni from Mass Effect. I only know this because I know someone who heavily ships femShep with Liara.

At this point, I had only a few minutes left 'till the shmups panel, so I started to head to the line for the panel.

Prussia petting someone in a fursuit whose fandom I cannot recognize. They told me who it was, too. Damn.

He asked me not to take a photo of his shoes, because he was wearing tennis shoes and he was embarrassed about it, because he had proper shoes to go with the cosplay, he just didn't have them with him. I told him I was fine with that.

Hailing from Okami! There is actually someone in that suit, by the way.

So I finally reached the line. And who else should be just ahead of me in that line...

But Komachi. Yay, another Touhou cosplayer!

Then we entered the panel: "Before There Was Touhou: A History Of Scrolling Shooter Games." Always good to learn the classics. I confess, while I have heard of many other shmups in passing in my many years in the Touhou fandom, I've rarely played them, so this was a good chance to correct that.

It was a very well-put-together presentation; a powerpoint, but with good graphics, information, and inserted videos to help the audience understand the gameplay of these old shmups.

And of course, there was a game-playing segment.

Fight, Komachi! Graze those bullets!

After she played Space Invaders, I volunteered to play a Toaplan shmup! I got to play some Twin Cobra and crashed and burned in front of everyone. It was awesome and I simply must play it again. Those tanks must burn for shooting me down.

After the panel, I finally got to meet VgameT in person, and in accordance with my mission:

Headlock! I'm the greatest tengu ever, guys. (Also, I think this is the first photo this year of myself. Whoo!)

Next installment: We return to the Danmaku Tunnel, and graze some bullets!


Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #10 on: September 16, 2012, 05:32:26 AM »
Saturday's photos are going to have to call in installments, because I need to wake up early for a 9am panel tomorrow on Takarazuka.

Before I forget again: The ramune yesterday had a fun story attatched. Yukari bought a ton of ramune from a dealer, all kinds of flavours-- the weird ones. Teriyaki, takoyaki flavours, and so on. We shared the teriyaki ramune first. The taste was... interesting. We should probably drink the rest before she gets on the plane back to Chicago, though...

Wait, there are such flavors of ramune? Huh. o_O


Madoka here was right on the way to the first panel, which I couldn't pass up.

She looks too happy. I thought being meguca was suffering D:

(seriously she's adorable though :>)


No-Face from Spirited Away!

I really should watch that again sometime :D

At this point I was headed to the next panel, but as it turned out, I had a half-hour left 'till it started. So I decided to wander for that time and see what photos I got.

Then I ran into Suwako and Sakuya! Apparently Suwako will be here tomorrow, and so will Sakuya, but she will be Murasa this time.

Both very nice! Murasa sounds like fun to cosplay, too, especially if you have an anchor to swing around 8)


Amu from Shugo Chara, with her guardian Su. Note the other two eggs on her belt.

Ah, Shugo Chara! :D

let me know if you find a Nadeshiko somewhere, k? :D


Homura, also from Madoka Magica.

This is very well done! Homura does have a very nice magical girl costume design.


Grell from Kuroshitsuji. Black Butler cosplay is still going strong.

Whoa, this is really good. I know nothing of Kuroshitsuji, but my brother does. Should show this to him.


Some returning Sailor Soldiers, some new ones! Sailor Man, Sailor Mars, Sailor Venus, Princess Serenity, and human Luna.

These are all absolutely fabulous :*


This young lady's dress was spectacular. It's made of a bunch of Pokemon cards she glued together. Awesome.

This is fantastic! I wonder how long that took her to make :o


He asked me not to take a photo of his shoes, because he was wearing tennis shoes and he was embarrassed about it, because he had proper shoes to go with the cosplay, he just didn't have them with him. I told him I was fine with that.

This is totally badass and nothing to be embarrassed about whatsoever. 8)

Then we entered the panel: "Before There Was Touhou: A History Of Scrolling Shooter Games." Always good to learn the classics. I confess, while I have heard of many other shmups in passing in my many years in the Touhou fandom, I've rarely played them, so this was a good chance to correct that.

It was a very well-put-together presentation; a powerpoint, but with good graphics, information, and inserted videos to help the audience understand the gameplay of these old shmups.

And of course, there was a game-playing segment.

Fight, Komachi! Graze those bullets!

After she played Space Invaders, I volunteered to play a Toaplan shmup! I got to play some Twin Cobra and crashed and burned in front of everyone. It was awesome and I simply must play it again. Those tanks must burn for shooting me down.

This all looks like it was super-fun to attend. Arcade shmups are quite fun indeed. What other games did they talk about? :D

(Also, have fun with the Twin Cobra I sent your way :>)

After the panel, I finally got to meet VgameT in person, and in accordance with my mission:

Headlock! I'm the greatest tengu ever, guys. (Also, I think this is the first photo this year of myself. Whoo!)

Ha haaaa, this is perfect. Mission(s) accomplished 8)

All very impressive stuff so far! Looking forward to seeing more later. Have fun tomorrow~

Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #11 on: September 16, 2012, 06:06:44 AM »
Lots of neat cosplay here. Sounds like the shmups panel was pretty fun as well!

A question -- do you keep in touch with some of the people you hang out with at NDK, like the Yukari and Sakuya cosplayers?


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #12 on: September 16, 2012, 06:12:06 AM »
Ooh excellent headlock there at the end.


Then I ran into Suwako and Sakuya! Apparently Suwako will be here tomorrow, and so will Sakuya, but she will be Murasa this time.

Eeh, that Suwako has the perfect smile for the cosplay. :D


Maleficent from Sleeping Beauty.

Tsk tsk, she shouldn't have smiled for the camera. I bet she'd have made a great sneer though. Maleficent was excellent with the sneers.


This guy's contraption was really cool. It played that UNTZ UNTZ UNTZ as he cranked the lever of the chest in front of him.

I said it before, but this is Guru Guru from Legend of Zelda. Wonder if he practiced his evil nightmare-inducing face. :ohdear:


This young lady's dress was spectacular. It's made of a bunch of Pokemon cards she glued together. Awesome.

Hee, that's awesome. It's almost impossible to resist the urge to ask her for a battle. (slaps self)


A Weeping Angel. Don't blink.

Those sinful cosplayers! :(


Hailing from Okami! There is actually someone in that suit, by the way.

Wow, wasn't expecting Princess Fuse (yes she is a minor character in the game and yes I have played it enough to recognize her on sight). And the Ammy fits the prerequisite adorabubbleness. ^_^

Nice set of pictures. Looking forward to seeing the next batch tomorrow.
« Last Edit: September 16, 2012, 06:19:11 AM by nintendonut888 »
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


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Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #13 on: September 16, 2012, 05:08:09 PM »
All those pics...great cosplays! :D

Seems like lots of fun. Let's see what today's batch has in store. :)
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name


Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #14 on: September 17, 2012, 03:00:06 AM »
Wait, there are such flavors of ramune? Huh. o_O
Yes, and today we had the Takoyaki flavour. The taste was ehhh, but the smell... Phreeeeow. Well, at least Yukari liked it.

Re: the Pokemon card dress: I didn't remember to ask how long that took for her, but I did learn that she used velcro to open and close it, so it's effectively a pokemon card corset.

This all looks like it was super-fun to attend. Arcade shmups are quite fun indeed. What other games did they talk about? :D
Hmm... Space Invaders, as mentioned, then Space Invaders clones, then some side-scrolling shmups, then the aforementioned Twin Cobra and we ended on Dodonpachi.

The Second Day, Part Two

A kappa! Not Nitori, though.

Cute Vocaloids! They said they had just taken their wigs off. I said that was okay with me.

At some point here, I got manic and started taking photos of all good cosplays even if I didn't know who they were or what series they were from, and I have Scarlet Library to thank for helping me fill in the names.

The Army of Two characters.

Cloud Strife, Kingdom Hearts costume.

Chii from Chobits, I think.

Yui from Angel Beats.

From the Tales series!

Eureka from Eureka Seven.

Neku Sakuraba and Daisukenojo Bito from The World Ends With You.


The little girl was so afraid of Appa! The Avatar cosplayers were trying to show her that Appa was completely harmless.

Loki from Avengers.

Kaito from Vocaloid.

Muscular man!Toph from Avatar.

Another Chii.

Koi wa Sensou Kaito.

Caught some megucas in the gaming room! But the lighting is all wrong...

Ah, this is much better.

Doctor Horrible from the Sing-Along Blog of the same.

And on my way upstairs to the DDR room, I ran into Yuyuko!

She couldn't stay long on Saturday, though, she had to give her friends a ride back to Castle Rock before the photoshoot was to take place. So I got a photo with her while I could.

She asked if I could photoshop her into a group photo. I asked her if she'd be fine with a Yuyukozilla portrayal (photoshopped into the background, covered in clouds, towering above everyone else). She liked that idea.

And who else should I encounter after bidding farewell to Yuyuko but Koumajou Densetsu Sakuya! As with all the other Touhou cosplayers I ran into, I told her about the upcoming photoshoot at 4pm, so we'll be seeing more of her later.

Kyouko~ :*

Once I reached the DDR room, I found Chris from last year, in the middle of streaming the convention on Nicovideo. The lag made for some interesting effects.

Luka and the Kagamines.

A very cute Stocking!

N from Pokemon Black and White.

Genjo Sanzo from Saiyuki.

To the left, Bleach. To the right, Kuroshitsuji.

I... really cannot identify this, and neither can the library. Any help? I apologize for the lack of focus, but I never got another chance to take this photo :<

For all that I've heard of creepy furries, I realize, looking through my photos, that furries have been nothing but polite and nice to children. This guy was making the kid laugh and giggle, it was so cute.

Wedding Nia!

More Kuroshitsuji group photos.

One of those SEELE black box things I never could understand from Evangelion.

Shirley from Code Geass.

Babydoll from Sucker Punch.

Maka and Stein from Soul Eater.

The female lead from Black and White.

Is this Black Rock Shooter? I thought it was at the time, but now I'm not so sure.

Winry and Al from Fullmetal Alchemist.

Professor Oak doesn't assume your gender from your appearance!

Turkey from Axis Powers Hetalia.

Akihiko and Mitsuru from Persona 4 Arena.

Fem!Captain America.

Pedobear. Every convention has one.

Tony Stark from Avengers/Iron Man.

Sailor Saturn again! I always forget that I've already taken her photo until I'm taking the next one. Damn, I must come off as irritating...

Just chillin with Yukari and Suika on the terrace.

I got an idea for a fun Hatate photo, and I decided to repurpose my shawl as a keffiyeh. And thankfully, Yukari carries frameless glasses for some reason, so...

Look at this hipster tengu. I think that's the only photo of me in glasses you're ever gonna get.

After this, we decided to head out to grab lunch before the photoshoot, since we were getting quite hungry. Instead of heading to the Wendy's, we crossed the highway under the bridge (not over the danmaku tunnel) with Randy's advice, since I'd never taken that path before.


As it turned out, the area under the bridge had enough symmetry to the roof that I wanted to take some photos. Mainly of Suika.

This angle pleases me so much. Giant Suika!

We hit up a McDonalds' for lunch. (Seriously, guys, stop going to the Wendy's down the street, the lines go out the door. Cross the highway, the Taco Bell and the McDonalds' have almost no one in line.) After that, we headed to the Danmaku Tunnel, aka the Tunnel of Love, aka the Danmaku Tunnel of Love, aka the Danmaku Tunnel of Love-Coloured Master Spark.

No particular focus, just testing out the reflections.

Suika attacks!

Yukari returns with a volley of bullets!

Graze that danmaku.

Racking up the score.

Yukari fires some danmaku from the tip of her umbrella.

This is me as Hatate, taking a photo of those pretty patterns.

Now moving out of the way of those bullets.

Aw, crap, it's Suika!

Kate versus Randy! Her boyfriend is dressed as one of the guards from Friendship is Magic, hence the spear.

I cleared the stage, right? ... aw, hell, Suika's right behind me isn't she.

More to come, and I'm not even halfway through Saturday yet, much less Sunday.


  • So those that live now, pledge on your fists and souls
  • Leave a sign of your life, no matter how small...
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #15 on: September 17, 2012, 03:21:14 AM »
Ooh, excellent photos. My favorite is definitely the giant Suika. :3 Also, Professor Oak made me laugh heartily. The Homura is as dorky and cute as the real thing, and that Kyouko certainly knows how to pose with a spear. :3 That Hatate's also pretty nice. I'm waiting to see more!
nintendonut888: Hey Baity. I beat the high score for Sanae B hard on the score.dat you sent me. X3
Baity: For a moment, I thought you broke 1.1billion. Upon looking at my score.dat, I can assume that you destroyed the score that is my failed (first!) 1cc attempt on my first day of playing. Congratulations.

[19:42] <Sapz> I think that's the only time I've ever seen a suicide bullet shoot its own suicide bullet


  • I take many forms, and this won't be my last.
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #16 on: September 17, 2012, 03:36:15 AM »
My, this convention looks like fun~!

I lol'd at the kappa and the Pok?mon professors. It's also so cool that you found that tunnel there and took advantage of it, considering how coincidentally similar the lights look as danmaku~

I can't wait to see what's coming up next~! :D

(As a tidbit, the girl you were questioning whether or not she was cosplaying from Black★Rock Shooter was, indeed, cosplaying from it. She was dressed up as Insane Black★Rock Shooter.)

Now, you can follow my art studio, KyokoPro Studios, on deviantART, Facebook, and YouTube~!


Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #17 on: September 17, 2012, 04:19:37 AM »
So I accidentally modified your post with my responses instead of quoting

I am A+ moderator :persona:

(don't worry I restored it, sorry >.<)

Yes, and today we had the Takoyaki flavour. The taste was ehhh, but the smell... Phreeeeow. Well, at least Yukari liked it.

Huh. Not sure if I'd find that appealing or not >.o

Re: the Pokemon card dress: I didn't remember to ask how long that took for her, but I did learn that she used velcro to open and close it, so it's effectively a pokemon card corset.

Neat! It's a creative idea, that it is.

Hmm... Space Invaders, as mentioned, then Space Invaders clones, then some side-scrolling shmups, then the aforementioned Twin Cobra and we ended on Dodonpachi.

Excellent. Sounds like a good time :D


Chii from Chobits, I think.

It's either Chii or
her sister Freya
. Very nice CLAMP-style costume, too :D


Eureka from Eureka Seven.

Also very nice <3


The little girl was so afraid of Appa! The Avatar cosplayers were trying to show her that Appa was completely harmless.

Awww, that's adorable. Hopefully she warmed up to him. :)

Another Chii.

So frilly! That must have taken a long time to make.


Ah, this is much better.

Lookin' good!

Also another Kyubey plushie. I want. :3


And who else should I encounter after bidding farewell to Yuyuko but Koumajou Densetsu Sakuya! As with all the other Touhou cosplayers I ran into, I told her about the upcoming photoshoot at 4pm, so we'll be seeing more of her later.

This is delightful. :*


Kyouko~ :*

Oh wow :*


Wedding Nia!

Niaaaaaaaaaaaaa <3



Professor Oak doesn't assume your gender from your appearance!

Prof. Oak's a good guy. <3


Turkey from Axis Powers Hetalia.

This is very awesome :D


Akihiko and Mitsuru from Persona 4 Arena.

P4A Mitsuru never fails to look like a total badass :*
king the next one. Damn, I must come off as irritating...

I got an idea for a fun Hatate photo, and I decided to repurpose my shawl as a keffiyeh. And thankfully, Yukari carries frameless glasses for some reason, so...

Look at this hipster tengu. I think that's the only photo of me in glasses you're ever gonna get.

"I was like, SOOOOOOO text messaging before it was, like, cool..."

* Momokasuri Oginome runs.


This angle pleases me so much. Giant Suika!

I love how this one turned out. :D!


Graze that danmaku.

Racking up the score.

Yukari fires some danmaku from the tip of her umbrella.

This is me as Hatate, taking a photo of those pretty patterns.

Now moving out of the way of those bullets.

Aw, crap, it's Suika!

Kate versus Randy! Her boyfriend is dressed as one of the guards from Friendship is Magic, hence the spear.

I cleared the stage, right? ... aw, hell, Suika's right behind me isn't she.

More to come, and I'm not even halfway through Saturday yet, much less Sunday.

Ah, the tunnel again! These were all fun to see-- and it looks like you all were having fun, too :>

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #18 on: September 17, 2012, 04:22:51 AM »
It's also so cool that you found that tunnel there and took advantage of it, considering how coincidentally similar the lights look as danmaku~
We totally lucked out last year when we found it. The 2011 photos are evidence of that. I wonder, if you could get a big metal wall, and use magnets on the bottom of coloured plastic pieces (maybe obtained from a bike shop?), you could make all the patterns you wanted. I wonder if that could work out?

And ah, IBRS! It's been a while since I watched the anime, so I completely forgot her appearance. Thanks for confirming.

To answer a question I missed earlier:

A question -- do you keep in touch with some of the people you hang out with at NDK, like the Yukari and Sakuya cosplayers?
I do! Mostly through DeviantArt. When I'm finished posting all these photos here on MotK, I'll link this thread on my journal so they can find these photos too.

The Second Day, Part Three

On our way back to the Mariott, we encountered Sayaka in the parking lot.

Shepard from Mass Effect.

Sengoku Basara cosplayers! Jana will like this one.

The heroes, Tiger and Bunny!

Sailor Venus! Apparently that wasn't the sword she was supposed to be using, as she borrowed that one.

I wandered back to the terrace, since I didn't actually know it existed until this con.

A Roman gladiator, I believe.

More of the oddly successful Rocket Grunts. These two deserve a promotion so bad.

My wandering instinct satisfied, I went back to chill with Yukari on the terrace. There was a large Brony meetup going on there, and her boyfriend was in the middle of it.

Found Chibiusa and Saturn (again!) on the outskirts of the crowd.

At this point, I actually borrowed Randy's own camera and took shots of the crowd. There's one on his camera, not mine, that really gives off "Brony cult leader" vibes.

This is the best I have on my camera. I think my favourite bit of this is the people watching from their balcony.

Rainbow Dash cosplay meetup.

In context.

See? Cult leader.

More of Neku and Beat, because I honestly forgot that I had taken a photo of these two earlier.

I am not into My Little Pony, so I am going to hazard a guess that this is Princess Luna.

Also on the outskirts of the shoot, Yoko Littner!

Iron Lady! A different one this time from the one last year.

At this point, I left the Brony meetup and went to take photos until the Touhou photoshoot started at 4pm.

Luigi and Princess Daisy!

Adiane from Gurren Lagann.

Flo from the Progressive commercials.

Firo and Ennis from Baccano.

I haven't actually watched the Harry Potter movies, so I have no idea if she is cosplaying as any particular character.

My focus was consistently failing me throughout the day. Anyway, this is Batgirl and Harley Quinn.

Kyouko and Wolverine!

Their gimmick was that they would move the chains around as if they had invisible dogs on them. Is this from any particular fandom? I have no idea.

Ahiru, returning from last year.

Another cute Madoka. :3c

Xatu and Charizard.

Lady Vader.

Man, Death the Kid would be amused if he could see the shadow and light interplay here.

Irisviel von Einzbern! This is the only Fate/Zero cosplay I encountered, except for a Gilgamesh that I only saw leaving the convention on the first day. :<

A Shinsengumi. There are so many fandoms that feature the Shinsengumi that I can no longer tell what series they're from on sight.

Mostly One Piece, with bonus Ieyasu from Sengoku Basara.

Solo Homura. This made me laugh because there was another Homura about two meters to the right of her.

Hairflipping all day every day.

All five Puella Magi in one shot!

Fujiwara no Sai from Hikaru no Go.

At this point, I started to head back downstairs for the photoshoot.

A newly arrived solo Kyouko! Nice props.

The Powerpuff Girls!

I headed outside, and found an ambulance and EMTs trying to get everyone out of the way of the doors; apparently someone had had a panic attack or something, I don't know. In any case, I was separated from the photoshoot meeting, so I had to wait for a while before I could cross over.

When I got there, I found the Marisa I had been hearing rumours off this entire time, and met up with the other Touhou cosplayers too.

Sakuya and KD!Sakuya. "I went to maid college, where they taught me how to cook, clean, and look sexy."

Apparently this is their daughter. They very much enjoyed the idea of crackshipping their two characters.

I tried to find Komachi and Suwako, since they were the only two missing. I later found out that Suwako forgot about it entirely, and Komachi was lost trying to find us, maybe because of the ambulance business. I looked around for the two, since I didn't know this at the time.

Of course I took photos while looking for them. America getting punched by Bane!

Batman and Robin.

And the last photo I took before I headed off to the photoshoot, of Grimmjow and Sailor Moon, since I couldn't find Suwako or Komachi.

Next installment: Touhou photoshoot beside the fountains, and then back to the convention for yet more cosplays!

Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #19 on: September 17, 2012, 04:32:25 AM »
Wow, so many excellent cosplayers.

Even with this many photos, this has got to be only a small fraction of the people who attended, right? How big is NDK in terms of attendance/popularity? Just going by my gut, I'm imagining this has got to be at least two or three times bigger than anything I've attended.


  • Back at it again in the Land of Origin
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  • maior e longinquo reverentia
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #20 on: September 17, 2012, 04:34:18 AM »

Sengoku Basara cosplayers! Jana will like this one.

Oh yesssss
Art Thread -->
Well gee, I have a Tumblr now.  | Twitter
 What a nice day to complain about mobage!


  • I take many forms, and this won't be my last.
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #21 on: September 17, 2012, 04:42:03 AM »
"I went to maid college, where they taught me how to cook, clean, and look sexy."

HA~! :V

Next installment: Touhou photoshoot beside the fountains, and then back to the convention for yet more cosplays!

It's about time for the climax~! :o

Even with this many photos, this has got to be only a small fraction of the people who attended, right? How big is NDK in terms of attendance/popularity? Just going by my gut, I'm imagining this has got to be at least two or three times bigger than anything I've attended.

Last I had read, Nan Desu Kan is about 7,500 attendees large. (Please correct me if I happen to be wrong about that estimate, anyone.)
« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 04:44:26 AM by BL2W »

Now, you can follow my art studio, KyokoPro Studios, on deviantART, Facebook, and YouTube~!


  • Time expired: 121:45
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #22 on: September 17, 2012, 04:42:54 AM »
These are so awesome.  I love all the costumes and people!

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #23 on: September 17, 2012, 05:08:00 AM »
The Second Day, Part Four

This entire post is just Touhou cosplay, so if you're looking for other cosplays you'd best be advised to scroll past this post.

Getting set up in front of the water fountains a few blocks away.

I haven't actually taken a photo of Marisa yet! She's such a cutie. :3c

After my earlier angle fun with Suika, I wanted to take more of his excellent cosplay.

More angle trickery.


A group shot, courtesy of Randy (who we all dumped our cameras onto).

These two were seriously so cute every time they interacted oh man.

Look at them. Cuties.

Shipping it.


Taking advantage of the fountains to show Suika's gourd gushing with water sake.

Marisa is adorable too!

Look at that cute smile.

Sakuya's had enough of your break-ins.

There are actually a few bushes of white roses around the fountains. I took advantage of this.

Yes, I really really like white roses.

Marisa and Yukari, just having fun.

At one point, my hand bumped into Sakuya's chest, and I actually made a pad joke. I had thought that was beneath me. Anyway, as she chased me around, KD!Sakuya threw fruit loop danmaku at me.

Breakfast of champions.

Sakuya was seriously doting on KD!Sakuya's hair.

It was too cute to watch.

Sakuya with her pocketwatch. (They were selling them in the artists' alley.)

KD!Sakuya has one too.

Back to back!

Marisa ponders whether or not to get in the water. It's a hot day outside.

KD!Sakuya does indeed get into the water, because why not?

Meanwhile, Sakuya decides to take revenge on Marisa.

As do we all. (Psst: this is when you bomb, Marisa.) That's an Orin crossplayer down there in the bottom left corner, by the way.

Marisa's gonna keep stealing our precious things, and we're just gonna have to :dealwithit:

And now, back to the con, to the tune of Fly Away Now from Panty and Stocking.

Next installment: The rest of Saturday's photos, and then we can move on to Sunday!


  • I take many forms, and this won't be my last.
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #24 on: September 17, 2012, 05:29:03 AM »
This entire post is just Touhou cosplay, so if you're looking for other cosplays you'd best be advised to scroll past this post.

Oh, the irony of that sentence...

Seriously, though, the small group for this photoshoot at Nan Desu Kan reminds me a lot of my own AnimeNEXT adventures over in Jersey this year; it's the kind of group that, despite the lack of cosplayers, can actually make for a very fun, very loose (and often very memorable) shoot for those involved~ ;)
« Last Edit: September 17, 2012, 05:31:56 AM by BL2W »

Now, you can follow my art studio, KyokoPro Studios, on deviantART, Facebook, and YouTube~!


Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #25 on: September 17, 2012, 05:47:47 AM »
* Momokasuri Oginome makes sure to click 'quote' this time.

The heroes, Tiger and Bunny!

eeeeee heroes :*

They look fantastic, that they do <3


Sailor Venus! Apparently that wasn't the sword she was supposed to be using, as she borrowed that one.

I did not even know Venus used a sword until I saw her use it in the manga. It's a shame that didn't make it in the anime. D:


More of the oddly successful Rocket Grunts. These two deserve a promotion so bad.

More successful in one convention than all of Team Rocket has been in over a decade 8)

My wandering instinct satisfied, I went back to chill with Yukari on the terrace. There was a large Brony meetup going on there, and her boyfriend was in the middle of it.

Found Chibiusa and Saturn (again!) on the outskirts of the crowd.

Ah, Chibiusa looks adorable :D


Also on the outskirts of the shoot, Yoko Littner!

Damn, she looks excellent. 8)


Iron Lady! A different one this time from the one last year.

Also excellent 8)


Adiane from Gurren Lagann.

That looks perfect, wow o___o


Kyouko and Wolverine!

Now let's see who would win in a fight 8)


Ahiru, returning from last year.

This reminds me, I must see the rest of Princess Tutu sometime~


Another cute Madoka. :3c

So many adorable Madokas this year! <3


Man, Death the Kid would be amused if he could see the shadow and light interplay here.

In the most amusing of ways-- it's not symmetrical D:


Irisviel von Einzbern! This is the only Fate/Zero cosplay I encountered, except for a Gilgamesh that I only saw leaving the convention on the first day. :<

next time see if you can't get some photos of her driving 8)

I mean, lovely :D


Solo Homura. This made me laugh because there was another Homura about two meters to the right of her.

Hairflipping all day every day.

Different timelines is the only answer! What would happen if they met D:


All five Puella Magi in one shot!



A newly arrived solo Kyouko! Nice props.

Nice touch with the pocky. <3


Sakuya and KD!Sakuya. "I went to maid college, where they taught me how to cook, clean, and look sexy."

Apparently this is their daughter. They very much enjoyed the idea of crackshipping their two characters.

Awwwww. <3


And the last photo I took before I headed off to the photoshoot, of Grimmjow and Sailor Moon, since I couldn't find Suwako or Komachi.

Next installment: Touhou photoshoot beside the fountains, and then back to the convention for yet more cosplays!

Lovin' that Sailor Moon <3

I haven't actually taken a photo of Marisa yet! She's such a cutie. :3c

Aww, she is :D



Hah, I love it. 8)

Suggestion: Bring some lego people or action figures next year to put around his feet >=D


A group shot, courtesy of Randy (who we all dumped our cameras onto).

Everyone's lookin' great :3


These two were seriously so cute every time they interacted oh man.

Look at them. Cuties.

Shipping it.

It's hard to not ship them after seeing this~ <3


Taking advantage of the fountains to show Suika's gourd gushing with water sake.

Hah, nice idea. :D


Sakuya's had enough of your break-ins.

Next year: Battle in the Danmaku Tunnel 8)


There are actually a few bushes of white roses around the fountains. I took advantage of this.

Yes, I really really like white roses.

As if they couldn't look any more fabulous together <333


At one point, my hand bumped into Sakuya's chest, and I actually made a pad joke. I had thought that was beneath me. Anyway, as she chased me around, KD!Sakuya threw fruit loop danmaku at me.

For a pad joke, you had that one coming :P


Breakfast of champions.

Sakuya was seriously doting on KD!Sakuya's hair.

It was too cute to watch.

Sakuya with her pocketwatch. (They were selling them in the artists' alley.)

KD!Sakuya has one too.

They're so cute. :*


As do we all. (Psst: this is when you bomb, Marisa.) That's an Orin crossplayer down there in the bottom left corner, by the way.

Marisa's gonna keep stealing our precious things, and we're just gonna have to :dealwithit:

By the looks of it, she did bomb, and won. Look at that victory pose 8)


And now, back to the con, to the tune of Fly Away from Panty and Stocking.

Next installment: The rest of Saturday's photos, and then we can move on to Sunday!

Excellent~ I'm happy to see that you've enjoyed yourself these past few days. Looking forward to the rest~

Alfred F. Jones

  • Estamos orgullosos del Batall?n Lincoln
  • *
  • y de la lucha que hizo por Madrid
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #26 on: September 17, 2012, 05:56:38 AM »
Oh, the irony of that sentence...
I should explain that! I link this thread on the NDK forums, and so this thread has quite a few visitors who aren't into Touhou looking for their cosplay photos. I try to make it easier for them to scroll through.

One last update for the night!

The Second Day, Part Five

Returning from the fountains, we went our own ways, but not before we ran into this.

These two are just so perfect. Their headphones!

From Yuugi-Ou, Dark Magician Girl. I think. It's been a while.

Avatar cosplay from three little kids outside on the terrace! Appa wasn't very happy about how hot the costume was, so I told her that when the sun set and the cold came on, she'd be warmest, so chin up.

One of the many, many Ciel Phantomhive cosplayers from Kuroshitsuji.

Sailor Jupiter! I had actually seen her earlier outside of the DDR room, but that time she had been relaxing and I didn't want to interrupt her. So I took my chance when I had it.

Another Ciel, Jupiter's friend.

A tricorne! Flashbacks to last year.

Mami and Madoka being adorable together.

Ami and Su again! Yes, I forgot I had taken a photo of them before.

Another solo Senshi, Mercury this time. Oddly enough, I didn't see the usual group of Sailor Moon cosplayers this year.

Found the White Ranger in the game room.

And of course, where better a place to find Yuugi-Ou cosplayers?

Ran into Suwako and her friends, too. At the time I wasn't sure if I'd see her tomorrow, so I asked one of her friends to take a photo of us now.

Another Grell, in the game room too.

Gumi, Matryoshka-style.

Princess Sakura. I can never remember if I've taken photos of people before, so I do more than one.

I took a few photos that weren't cosplays to my knowledge, they just had adorable clothes on.

Waves and waves of Kuroshitsuji cosplay.

Princess Barbie!

Lolita style.

Notice the photobomb? I didn't say anything, though, I was cool with it as long as it wasn't being disruptive.

Roxas from Kingdom Hearts.

Eri Sawachika from School Rumble, and her friends.

Sailor Mars! And I'm back in the atrium.

Deadpool and Lady Deadpool.

Kenshin, in line for the cosplay contest crowd.

Just as last year, there was a contest as to which room had the best decoration. They were honestly lacking this year compared to last year, imo, but there were a few nice designs. Presenting without much commentary:

Oh huh, I just realized I caught a Mami.

The white sparkles here were christmas lights or something, because they glowed on and off.

Ammy's legs actually moved on this board.

Noel Vermilion from BlazBlue.

Poison Ivy with a fabulous dress. One of my lens lids actually fell right before I took this and rolled under her dress; she said she'd try her best not to absorb it.

This is probably the only large group of senshi I ran into.

The Moonlight Knight from Sailor Moon R, who I encountered on my way out.

Edit: just realized I left out a Luna cosplayer I ran into!

And another Korra from LoK.

And that's the end of Saturday. Boy, that took a while to get through.

Tomorrow: Sunday's cosplay photos, and photoshoots with Suwako and Captain Minamitsu Murasa!


Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #27 on: September 17, 2012, 06:27:28 AM »
I should explain that! I link this thread on the NDK forums, and so this thread has quite a few visitors who aren't into Touhou looking for their cosplay photos. I try to make it easier for them to scroll through.

Hi, NDK people :3


Returning from the fountains, we went our own ways, but not before we ran into this.


Nice touch with the beach ball katamari, too :D


These two are just so perfect. Their headphones!

Oh wow :*


From Yuugi-Ou, Dark Magician Girl. I think. It's been a while.

You are correct :3


One of the many, many Ciel Phantomhive cosplayers from Kuroshitsuji.

I think I might look into Kuroshitsuji sometime. A lot of these costumes are very nice :D


Sailor Jupiter! I had actually seen her earlier outside of the DDR room, but that time she had been relaxing and I didn't want to interrupt her. So I took my chance when I had it.

Makoto <3


Mami and Madoka being adorable together.

This appeals to my MamiMado ship :>


Ami and Su again! Yes, I forgot I had taken a photo of them before.

They're adorable :D

Another solo Senshi, Mercury this time. Oddly enough, I didn't see the usual group of Sailor Moon cosplayers this year.

Even so, all the senshi you've shown us this year look fantastic. :3


Ran into Suwako and her friends, too. At the time I wasn't sure if I'd see her tomorrow, so I asked one of her friends to take a photo of us now.

You two both look great :D


Princess Sakura. I can never remember if I've taken photos of people before, so I do more than one.

Very nice~ (and the mokona plushie is a nice touch too)


I took a few photos that weren't cosplays to my knowledge, they just had adorable clothes on.

They both look lovely-- and I am loving that shade of red hair the girl on the left has. 8)


Roxas from Kingdom Hearts.

A very impressive costume! It looks like he got every last Nomura-level detail down.


Oh huh, I just realized I caught a Mami.



The white sparkles here were christmas lights or something, because they glowed on and off.

Ooh, I really like this one :D


Poison Ivy with a fabulous dress. One of my lens lids actually fell right before I took this and rolled under her dress; she said she'd try her best not to absorb it.

Hee. :3


This is probably the only large group of senshi I ran into.

Only a few shy of the full team, too-- It looks like you found a nice collection of them all :D

Tomorrow: Sunday's cosplay photos, and photoshoots with Suwako and Captain Minamitsu Murasa!

From what I heard you say on IRC, this is gonna be good. Looking forward to it~

The ⑨th Zentillion

  • The impeaches were delicious...
  • Now hungry for conviction!
    • Zentillion's Tumblr
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #28 on: September 17, 2012, 06:48:14 AM »
Man, just a whole bunch of fantastic photos and costumes all around! Dayum, lots of stuff for the Saturday, too. Wish I could have been there, but I'm in Los Angeles, visiting my sister...

However! I DID get to attend a con this weekend, too - Comikze, an all-purpose convention headed by Stan Lee. There were cosplays from plenty of different mediums over there, though comic charcaters made up a good 2/3 of the majority. I, sadly saw no Touhou cosplays... Oh well, seeing the Touhou photos here makes up for the lack of that!
Did you bring a light?

Smash the Fash; The far right belongs in the TRASH.


  • Holy mother of Hijiri
Re: Nan Desu Kan 2012 - Images! Images everywhere!
« Reply #29 on: September 18, 2012, 01:25:10 AM »
Why hello there, I am the Sakuya from all of this madness~ (You'll have to excuse my lack of forum knowledge, for this is actually my first time using them) Oh goodness me, you really were right about that other Sakuya and I... perhaps my girlfriend will roleplay as Parsee sometime soon because of this! *laughs* These are all fantastic. Oh, I should I see about uploading the video of me throwing the plushies at Yukari, and the plush tower, but I may need to fiddle around a bit with how to attach things on this. Also, when shall you be posting Murasa's pinup calendar? Fufu~
... and a toilet seat!