Author Topic: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power (0.66)  (Read 59482 times)


  • Lunatic Programmer
  • Got squid, will travel.
    • Ethan Silver's Junkpile - Hacks and translation patches
Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power (0.66)
« on: August 14, 2012, 12:07:19 AM »

(Current progress can be seen here.)
(Instructions can be read here.)

In the Endless Youkai thread, I discussed with a few other members making a browser-based Touhou rogue-like. I figured I'd give this project its own thread, given that it's become more than just sparse ideas now. So far the account/character management section is essentially done. Feel free to play around with it (passwords are optional). Accounts and characters will probably be dumped by the time the final game is released so go wild.

Here's an overview of what's planned. The project is still somewhat in its infancy so I'm very open to suggestions right now. Note that I'm also trying to keep the scope of things manageable so I can't accept every single suggestion made, even if they're really good. ;)

Note that like Endless Youkai, this game is not intended for Internet Explorer. It will work with Firefox. I have no tested it with Chrome yet but it should work with that too.

Account/Character Management

To play, a player must first create an account. This allows the game to track what belongs to who. Each account allows for up to 8 characters, though any number of account can be created if 8 slots isn't enough.

Once logged into their account, a player can either select an existing character to continue playing or create a new one. Character creation is a very simple process where the player specifies a name, picks a race, and customizes the appearance of their new character.

The game world (Gensokyo)

The player can pick between different locations to explore. Aside from the Hakurei Shrine, all locations are presented to the player in the form of a dungeon. The world map serves mainly as a hub between these locations.

Town (Hakurei Shrine)

The Hakurei Shrine serves as the player's main base of operations. Items can be purchased, crafted, or sold and equipment can be identified or upgraded using items found in the dungeons. Additionally, a simple messaging system allows players to communicate.

Though not immediately available, players will eventually be able to fight one-another. Three modes exist: free combat allows fighting just for fun, without any penalty for losing. In ranked combat, the player maintains a score which increases or decreases based on their victories/defeats and which can be viewed by all other players. Finally, wagers allow players to put up money or items as a bet; other players can challenge one-another if the money or item seems interesting.

In the distant future, organizing parties may become a possibility.


Each dungeon features a randomly-generated layout consisting of a series of rooms. Each room can contain items, enemies, traps, and various others. Dungeons have a certain depth (say, 20 floors) but every 5 floor contains an exit, allowing the player to leave and return at any time.

A dungeon can also randomly contain bosses, each of which is a familiar Touhou character. Bosses can no longer be encountered once defeated but will drop rare and powerful items. Defeating all bosses will "reset" the game, increasing the difficulty of dungeons and enemies as well as the rewards and allowing a character to progress further.

Character growth

Characters obtain experience points for defeating opponents. Consequently, they also gain levels. Gaining a level will increase the character's stats and give them Skill Points, which can be spent on a number of things.

Characters can unlock spellcards by spending skill points on them. Unlocked spellcards can also be upgraded by spending additional skill points. This adds various bonuses, such as reducing the cooldown, increasing the damage, so forth.

Characters can also obtain various bonuses, again by spending skill points on them. Bonuses can range from increased proficiency with a certain weapon type to changes to the character's base melee attack.

Finally, skill points can also be spent on stats to further increase them. While the increase is small, it stacks up over time.


Like any self-respecting rogue-like, equipment found in the dungeon is randomly-generated. Aside from its base type (ex, "Gohei"), equipment can have various enchantments (ex, "Blazing", "Sharpened", etc.). Each enchantment has its own level (ex, "+3"); the higher, the stronger the enchantment's effect. A piece of equipment can have up to 5 of these effects, though most equipment will rarely go much further than 2-3.

Equipment can be enchanted at the Hakurei Shrine using loot obtained in the dungeon.

A player can exchange items between their characters for a cost. A storage service is available at the Hakurei Shrine but it will cost money to store and retrieve the item with a different character.
« Last Edit: January 30, 2013, 12:39:39 AM by EthanSilver »

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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #1 on: August 14, 2012, 12:39:44 AM »
I think there should be a limited chance to run into Rinnosuke in the dungeon and be able to buy items with indeterminate and/or unique properties. items that wouldn't otherwise be available at the Hakurei Shrine.


Also also,
make Mari and Renko the final bosses.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2012, 12:46:01 AM by Blissful Beleaguered Buddhist »


  • Lunatic Programmer
  • Got squid, will travel.
    • Ethan Silver's Junkpile - Hacks and translation patches
Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #2 on: August 14, 2012, 12:50:46 AM »
I think there should be a limited chance to run into Rinnosuke in the dungeon and be able to buy items with indeterminate and/or unique properties. items that wouldn't otherwise be available at the Hakurei Shrine.
Rinnosuke is a planned character (well, sorta - you've probably seen how it goes - I have ~65 planned "characters" though only a few will be available at first. This data doesn't write itself and these images don't edit themselves on their own ;) ), which also means he'll be a randomly-encounterable boss. Though that doesn't exclude him from playing other roles...

So, yeah, that's a good idea. I'm hoping to avoid making dungeons too repetitive and the more types of "events" the player can run into, the more interesting a foray into some dungeon will turn out. Perhaps the player can purchase enchanted items or crafting/enhancement items in limited supply from these shops.

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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #3 on: August 14, 2012, 12:51:13 AM »
It never seems to load for me.

(I've tried in both Chrome and Firefox, so I know it isn't browser)

I choose a character and it gives "Loading, please wait..." forever.


  • Lunatic Programmer
  • Got squid, will travel.
    • Ethan Silver's Junkpile - Hacks and translation patches
Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #4 on: August 14, 2012, 12:54:25 AM »
I choose a character and it gives "Loading, please wait..." forever.
Quote from: Ethan Silver
So far the account/character management section is essentially done.
I've only been working on this for a day or so. I don't code that fast. :)

I expect the game to be playable with the majority of the above implemented in about a month or so. Seeing as it's in progress, I figured I may as well see how you guys would like it to turn out. I'm also making whatever I have available - it won't be playable for a bit but more and more stuff should come together in the coming days (next bit's the Hakurei Shrine and, before that, the menu screen (status, items, equipment...)).
« Last Edit: August 14, 2012, 01:03:03 AM by EthanSilver »

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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #5 on: August 14, 2012, 01:01:48 AM »
I've only been working on this for a day or so. I don't code that fast. :)
Ah, so there's nothing to load yet.
A message saying as much would be nice. (in the actual game)


  • Lunatic Programmer
  • Got squid, will travel.
    • Ethan Silver's Junkpile - Hacks and translation patches
Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #6 on: August 14, 2012, 01:08:01 AM »
A message saying as much would be nice. (in the actual game)
Done. :)

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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #7 on: August 14, 2012, 01:13:22 AM »
I think there should be a limited chance to run into Rinnosuke in the dungeon and be able to buy items with indeterminate and/or unique properties. items that wouldn't otherwise be available at the Hakurei Shrine.


Also also,
make Mari and Renko the final bosses.
What, Labyrinth again?
Seriously looking forward to this. I've somehow managed to make Satori Komeiji despite the character creation system being really limited at the moment. Are there any other races (though they're more like classes) on the table? Maybe some unlockable classes?


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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #8 on: August 14, 2012, 02:22:35 AM »
Sucks that this is starting now, when my activity on the forum will probably be limited. Wish I could give this more attention.
Have you ever played Diablo? You might take a hint from their item system.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #9 on: August 14, 2012, 02:56:56 AM »
Well, this is a nice little surprise to wake up to. I'll be waiting eagerly for the first dungeon.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

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  • Lunatic Programmer
  • Got squid, will travel.
    • Ethan Silver's Junkpile - Hacks and translation patches
Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #10 on: August 14, 2012, 04:09:15 AM »
Are there any other races (though they're more like classes) on the table? Maybe some unlockable classes?
I haven't considered a class-unlocking system but current I have 65-ish "classes" planned out. I also don't expect to see all 65 done for a LONG time. ;P I guess it's more a matter of what gets prioritized and what doesn't. Unlockable classes, I haven't considered; I'm not sure what criteria could lead to unlocking the classes though. Maybe defeating their respective "boss"?

I've thought about making some "dungeons" only accessible through other dungeons, rather than the overworld. For instance, if you go to the SDM, around floor 10 you can find the entrance to the Great Library (where you can fight Koakuma and Patchy, and get good magic-oriented items). I suppose "completing" these "optional" areas could unlock classes...?

Quote from: Imosa
Have you ever played Diablo? You might take a hint from their item system.

Hmm, Diablo? Never heard of it. ;o

I'm aiming for a system that allows for more bonuses though. Diablo uses a system of prefixes and suffixes to give its items bonuses. But this only allows for two bonuses. I'm considering that a player may want to go beyond the scope of what I've planned (let's face it - I can't keep this game going for infinity levels), so having more than two possible upgrades seems like a way to go beyond that. Plus, the "+" system allows these upgrades to scale with the player's level.

Diablo is certainly an influence for this. I'm not going to be providing dungeons in "real-time" with enemies moving around the map (this is just JS, after all... then again... maybe next project ;D), but the mechanics behind all of this have been heavily influenced from most rogue-likes. :)

(I should note I'm somewhat drunk at the moment (STFU, it's monday!), so my appologies if I've said anything offensive. :x)

I should also direct your attention to this, by the way. I'm not going for this, but if you don't know about it you're a retard. (HEY, calm the heck down, I already said I was drunk. :/ I can be a jerk for ONE friggin' SENTENCE, yeah? ;) )
« Last Edit: August 14, 2012, 04:12:19 AM by EthanSilver »

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Hanzo K.

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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #11 on: August 14, 2012, 04:20:03 AM »
That could work. It'll be something to work towards to get a remi/flan playable.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #12 on: August 14, 2012, 04:20:54 AM »
Speaking of drunk, if you fail to somehow implement alcohol into the gameplay in some meaningful manner I will forever shame you in the name of Almighty ZUN. :P


  • Lunatic Programmer
  • Got squid, will travel.
    • Ethan Silver's Junkpile - Hacks and translation patches
Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #13 on: August 14, 2012, 04:53:57 AM »
Speaking of drunk, if you fail to somehow implement alcohol into the gameplay in some meaningful manner I will forever shame you in the name of Almighty ZUN. :P

...Ahem. Yeah. Still drunk. (Edit: How's that for a tribute? Part of the game was coded under the influence of oni sak? several pitchers of 8% canadian beer. >_> )

I suppose I could take suggestions for items. Alcohol (sake) could be a great idea as an item (maybe to restore MP?).
« Last Edit: August 14, 2012, 05:10:13 AM by EthanSilver »

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Hanzo K.

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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #14 on: August 14, 2012, 05:08:24 AM »
That'd do it, since in stuff like nethack, wines are a restorative that seem skewed towards mp. (According to my notably spotty memory.)
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #15 on: August 14, 2012, 06:40:31 AM »
Rouge-likes are some of my favorite genre of games (my favorites being Fushigi no Gensokyo and Izuna) so I have a few ideas.

This is a question: If you die, do you lose all of your items and money that you are carrying?

If you want wines in you can add a hunger and/or fatigue gauge. You get hungrier/more tired as you progress through the dungeon and when the gauge hits zero you will slowly lose HP and have all stats halved. You can have it so the wine or some food fills up the gauge.

Regarding spell cards, you can add an MP stat or use a "special gauge" that allows you to use a spell card in return for using up a percentage of the gauge. Or you can have it so the spell cards are actual items.

Regarding the dungeons, a common one in some games are the 100-floor ones that only allows one character in, prevents you from bringing in items and money, temporarily drops your level to one, and has no way of allowing you to exit or escape except by beating the dungeon. They usually have unique items, traps, or enemies, so you can have this as an extra dungeon with the reward being something like a super rare item or having the chance to fight the true last boss. Or if the dungeon contains rare and unique items anyway they don't need a reward since they got a lot of good items anyway :P.

Regarding the whole idea, I like these types of games so I'll support this. These are only a few ideas and I have more if you want them.


  • Lunatic Programmer
  • Got squid, will travel.
    • Ethan Silver's Junkpile - Hacks and translation patches
Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #16 on: August 14, 2012, 06:54:39 AM »
Hi. Still drunk.

This is a question: If you die, do you lose all of your items and money that you are carrying?
You'd lose everything obtained since you entered the dungeon. I intend to make this a somewhat "casual" game, but rogue-likes always have pretty hard penalties for dying. So in the spirit of this, death isn't without its consequences, but it's not the end of the world either.

If you want wines in you can add a hunger and/or fatigue gauge. You get hungrier/more tired as you progress through the dungeon and when the gauge hits zero you will slowly lose HP and have all stats halved. You can have it so the wine or some food fills up the gauge.

I've never cared much for hunger in rogue-likes - it's an annoyance that offers no real benefit. But I suppose that could work - exploring a dungeon could be limited by your character's stamina (kinda like Labyrinth's TP). I could easily picture Suika clamoring for some sake in the middle of a deep, long dungeon... :)

Regarding the dungeons, a common one in some games are the 100-floor ones that only allows one character in, prevents you from bringing in items and money, temporarily drops your level to one, and has no way of allowing you to exit or escape except by beating the dungeon. They usually have unique items, traps, or enemies, so you can have this as an extra dungeon with the reward being something like a super rare item or having the chance to fight the true last boss. Or if the dungeon contains rare and unique items anyway they don't need a reward since they got a lot of good items anyway :P.

I'm thinking Lufia (took me like 2 minutes to type that, wtf...) II's Ancient Cave, here. Only Lufia II had those Iris items that had no purpose whatsoever, so not QUITE like Lufia II. :D

I suppose some area could serve as an "infinit dungeon" - maybe once the player has beaten everyone they are given the option to travel to Higan for rebirth prior to the game "resetting" itself?
...Wait, not thinking here. How is the player supposed to clear a dungeon like that? :x

Well, scrap that. But the player could unlock dungeons as they go along. Maybe some remote recess of Gensokyo could serve as an "infinit dungeon", like some gap created by Yukari or something.

These are only a few ideas and I have more if you want them.

The more the better. It will be hard for me to take into account ideas as the game comes together, too, so the sooner I hear them the sooner I can try to find a way to work them in. :)

Man, these oni are onto something. Now if only I could keep my keyboard from moving around... Also my walls are yelling at me. Wtf was in that beer? :/

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Hanzo K.

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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #17 on: August 14, 2012, 07:02:25 AM »
I actually have an idea for deaths.
You do lose some things, but if you manage to get back to where you last died, you can reclaim the item/s, and a portion of the lost cash.

I've been playing Soma Bringer lately, and dying in that carries an EXP penalty.
But you leave behind a Gravestone, which, when you reach, can return some of the lost exp to you.
This is the sort of thing that I think would be well-suited to a game like this.
Maybe call 'em 'Soul Fragments'. Basically, the Fragment carries the lost loot for you, and if you find it, you reclaim most of what you lost!
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #18 on: August 14, 2012, 10:10:58 AM »
Surprisingly...I understood all the references. Does this mean I play video games too much.   orz

I've never cared much for hunger in rogue-likes - it's an annoyance that offers no real benefit. But I suppose that could work - exploring a dungeon could be limited by your character's stamina (kinda like Labyrinth's TP). I could easily picture Suika clamoring for some sake in the middle of a deep, long dungeon... :)

This is usually a measure to discourage level grinding. These types of games are supposed to be hard, but I agree they are annoying at times, especially in the higher difficulty levels if you're under-leveled.

Monster houses or monster house floors are also popular mechanics.

Concerning items, you can include throwing type items (I guess they would be amulets or yin-yang orbs in this case or even just stones for that matter), another common item. you can also have cursed items. An item will sometimes be cursed and you will be unable to remove it until it is exorcised via item or some service (Reimu or Sanae). On the flip side you can have blessed items that have special properties/better stats then most weapons and can be a super rare drop item.

If you choose to include status ailments, here are a few ideas:
poison - lose HP after a predetermined amount of steps. Does not disappear over time.
strong poison - lose HP (more than poison) after a predetermined amount of steps (less than poison). Does not disappear over time.
silence/sealed - prevents the use of of magic/skills.
confused - movement becomes erratic and you will be unable to properly control your actions (for some reason lots of games have throwing as an exception to this).
sleep - cannot perform any action for a predetermined amount of time or until attacked (attacking has 100% accuracy).
fear - all actions except movement are unusable.
slow - actions take two turns to use.
weakness - halves all stats.
immobilized - you can't move for a period of time
blind - you can't see anything around you.
paralysis - you lose a few turns.

haste - two actions can be taken in one turn.
focused - increases critical hit rate.
counter - automatically attacks target when attacked but does not take up a turn.
guts - survive with one HP until it wears off.
invisible - you cannot be seen by enemies until it wears off.
sure hit - attacks will always hit until it wears off.
buffed - doubles stats.

I'll talk about some other things later like traps and such. I need some sleep.


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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #19 on: August 14, 2012, 02:25:27 PM »
I actually like the idea of high death costs in most games. However, if you wanted to do something you could have there be some interaction with Komachi, Shikieiki, Orin, and Yuyuko


  • Lunatic Programmer
  • Got squid, will travel.
    • Ethan Silver's Junkpile - Hacks and translation patches
Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #20 on: August 14, 2012, 05:14:27 PM »
I actually have an idea for deaths.
You do lose some things, but if you manage to get back to where you last died, you can reclaim the item/s, and a portion of the lost cash.
I was lukewarm at first because the penalty's kind of tame to begin with (seeing as many rogue-likes just perma-death your ass and leave it at that..). But the idea of temporarily losing XP or even a level as a result of death (on top of the items and XP obtained in that dungeon) until the player can retrieve their corpse/soul/power crystal/hovering mass of sentient bee-like cogs/spirit, sounds pretty good. If a bit harsh on the player, but that's a roguelike for ya ("NOEZ WTF lost all my levels trying to get my corpse back :(:(:(").

Quote from: Genso
...cursed/blessed items...
Would you believe I actually forgot about those? Yeah, this is kind of a staple of rogue-likes. Can't leave out cursed items that randomly teleport the player into walls! ;)
Blessed items, I'm not sure how that would work. Items already do come with the occasional enchantment, each of which can have various "+" bonuses, so they're already "blessed". Having the occasional out of depth item could be neat though.

Quote from: Genso
...status ailments...
Touhou features an immense cast of characters, each with a wide range of spellcards. I don't intend to use a fixed pool of status ailments as this would lend itself to a lot of repetition; there's only so many "cause damage and status ailment 'x'" abilities you can make before they start to repeat. Instead skills determine their effect themselves (think League of Legends). Effects are still grouped in general categories so restorative items can be used (eg, damage-causing, stat-reducing...) but the specifics can differ completely from spellcard to spellcard.

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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #21 on: August 14, 2012, 10:20:09 PM »
I actually have an idea for deaths.
You do lose some things, but if you manage to get back to where you last died, you can reclaim the item/s, and a portion of the lost cash.

This is a good idea and I would normally be fine with it but I always hated this thing. Games like this always had that level down trap as well which resulted in losing 3 levels just to get one level back. OTL
As long as there are no level down traps it's all good. Fushigi no Gensokyo was super brutal in dying. You lose everything you are carrying and your level is reduced back to one, basically a resetting the game.

there's only so many "cause damage and status ailment 'x'" abilities you can make before they start to repeat.

I meant status effects caused from traps and items if I wrote something weird. Rouge-like like to use that weird item naming system where they name things like bubbly potion like red potion ("insert adjective, insert noun"). In Fushigi no Gensokyo they used スキマ/sukima (yukari gaps) items for things like attacking and storing items (awesome backpack!). So some common items can have these effects and can be used on yourself or thrown at enemies. ex. a sealing talisman prevents the opponent from using spell cards or skills if you throw it at them. As for spells, you can always have the "affects a certain area" (entire room/whole floor/straight line/ 3 panels in front of you).

For spell cards you can have them as items for use. Certain spellcards can only be used by certain classes and other prerequisites may be needed. This way if you find a rare spellcard you can trade with other people or fight for one.

Regarding the blessed items, I meant like they are rare items that automatically have five slots and have one or a few uncommon abilities (ex. at full HP, normal attacks cause a shockwave that travels in a straight line to attack an enemy, normal hits strike two times in one turn, or +100 attack). Or you can do what Tales of the World 3 did, you have extremely low odds to find legendary items (weapons/armor) that have 6 slots as opposed to the usual 5 slots and all the slots are filled with the highest/unique types of upgrades (class restrictions prevent some classes from using it).

You can add traps too like Fushigi's system: character traps. (ex. Yuyuko traps causes eats all the food in your bag.) Maybe you can have a Suika trap that causes you to get drunk (confused). Or you can use generic traps. Anyway traps are a must have. As a side note, sometimes enemies can trip traps in some games.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2012, 10:26:47 PM by Genso »


  • Lunatic Programmer
  • Got squid, will travel.
    • Ethan Silver's Junkpile - Hacks and translation patches
Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #22 on: August 14, 2012, 10:52:59 PM »
Oh hey, time to show off something new (not uploaded yet).

Click me for a bigger image.
« Last Edit: August 14, 2012, 11:56:52 PM by EthanSilver »

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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #23 on: August 14, 2012, 10:58:56 PM »
From Nitori's workshop's identify option, I'm guess that unidentified items can be found in dungeons? I shall donate to the offertory box if you add the option.  :derp:


  • Lunatic Programmer
  • Got squid, will travel.
    • Ethan Silver's Junkpile - Hacks and translation patches
Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #24 on: August 14, 2012, 11:13:20 PM »
From Nitori's workshop's identify option, I'm guess that unidentified items can be found in dungeons? I shall donate to the offertory box if you add the option.  :derp:
Yep. It wouldn't be a proper rogue-like if everything a player finds is identified. ;) Plus cursed items wouldn't... really work too well if the player knew right off the bat that their "Parasol of Weakness" would only give them penalties and can't be removed. Unless the player's a masochist (ohai Tenshi!)

Here's a quick overview of the options.

Buy: Purchase basic items. Available items are loosely based on the player's level - the really good stuff won't be available right at the start.
Sell: And of course, the junk you find in dungeons can be sold.

Nitori's Workshop
Identify: Allows you to work out an item's purpose. I may move this option to Kourindou however (isn't that Rinnosuke's ability, after all?)
Upgrade: Allows you to enchant items or increase the enchantment on them. Kourindou's equipment quickly becomes outdated since you start finding magic items eventually, but you can buy regular equipment from there and enchant it to a greater level of usefulness if you have the right enhancement items.
Craft: Various rare items can be created by combining loot obtained in the dungeon. This is mostly for consumables and upgrade items, though unique equipment may also be craftable.

Offertory Box
Uncurse: Cursed items cannot be removed once equipped. Various in-game effects can also curse your equipment, imposing penalties on it. The item can be removed or uncursed (if it wasn't originally) for a fee based on the strength of the curse.
Storage: Allows you to trade items between characters. An item in storage does not belong to any of your characters specifically and can be retrieved with anyone. This costs money based on the item's strength however, so using a high-level character to help a low-level character cheat their way through the game with uber equipment is very unlikely.

Social Area
Chatbox: An in-game chatting system. Players can communicate and organize PvP matches through this.
Send/Read Mail: A private messaging system.

Scores: Lets the player review the PvP leaderboard.
Challenge: Used to challenge another player to PvP through one of the game's three modes.
Wager: Lets a character put up an item or money for PvP bets. When challenging a player to a bet, all bet items can be seen and the player can select another player with an interesting item to challenge.

And of course, the player can leave the Hakurei Shrine or go to the menu screen (status, equipment, etc..)
« Last Edit: August 14, 2012, 11:15:18 PM by EthanSilver »

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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #25 on: August 14, 2012, 11:35:09 PM »
Cursed items work by telling you they are cursed after you equip them.

This may be unrelated but I always found it weird that you can sell your stuff at any random shop. It's like selling your weapons to a grocery store.

Hanzo K.

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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #26 on: August 15, 2012, 01:19:49 AM »
I had an idea for equipment too.

See, equipment comes in a couple varieties. Two of which are General, and Magic-Sealed.
Magic-Sealed is kinda like Unidentified, but better.(And yes, these too can be unidentified themselves.)

And then on the general items, there's a scale, going from -2, to +2.

-2: Damaged(Penalties for using this, better off selling it.)
-1: Used(Average stats for an item of the type, but no bonuses.)
0: Normal(Average stats, some possible bonuses.)
+1: Fine(Better than a normal example, with a few more slots and stats.)
+2: High-end(The best prefix modifier for non-enchanted items you can find, bar none.)

And for magic-sealed items, you can like, take 'em to Reimu and have her remove the seal to see what sort of enchants the item has, like in Dungeon Fighter Online.
And then, if you have more than one Magic-Sealed item, you can take 'em to Kourindou, and combine up to two of them to try to get something better.

Gohei of Flames B + Ribbon of Flight C = Any Other Magic-Sealed item, already unsealed for the player's enjoyment.

They do this same thing in Dungeon Fighter Online, and you're encouraged to combine Magic-Sealed items that aren't you class to try for getting better gear.
It's all totally random, so you could combine a sword and a piece of armor to get a pair of handcannons.
But they also have strict combining templates. such as Heavy Armor, Gunner Weapon, Slayer Weapon, Leather Armor, Light Armor, Cloth Armor, Priest Weapon, Mage Weapon, Fighter Weapon, and so on.

So for example, they'd show up as 'Magic-Sealed Gohei', and so on, when you look in your inventory.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #27 on: August 15, 2012, 06:49:50 AM »
I've made a few additions. Namely, the entire "Social Area" section is done (ie, the chat system and the private messaging system).

Chat is not in real-time yet. Right now, you'll have to hit the refresh button to reload the contents of the chat window. The window is also reloaded when you make a post. The last 6 posts are displayed but you can scroll through the last 60 posts via the arrows.

The private messaging system is pretty straightforward. You are identified by your account name, not your character name, as are others. For instance, if my account name is "Ethan Silver" and my current character is "Rumia II", the message must be sent to "Ethan Silver".

Next up will be the menu screen. It'll be necessary to have an inventory system before I can have shops and item-crafting systems. Gonna get some rest though. Will comment some more tomorrow. :D

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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #28 on: August 15, 2012, 07:05:51 AM »
Oh man. This is chugging along pretty damn fast eh?
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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Re: Touhou - Birth of Unyielding Power
« Reply #29 on: August 15, 2012, 07:35:51 AM »
It's good it's moving along.

maybe 20 items in a bag is enough.

Also I was wondering, can you see the current accounts right now. I want to delete mine because I got the password wrong. That's what I get for typing in the dark at three in the morning.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2012, 07:47:58 AM by Genso »