Author Topic: Touhou Fans IRL  (Read 26171 times)


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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #30 on: April 02, 2012, 09:59:26 PM »
Touhou fans? Well, there's this Korean kid who plays it, but he's kinda noobish though. My mistress has some knowledge of Touhou when I mention Flandre. There was one more person who played a fangame of one but has no idea it's originally from Touhou. And my relatives (do they count?) plays it, but talks more about fanon stuff.

It's kinda sad to know only few people around me know what Touhou is...


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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #31 on: April 03, 2012, 08:00:30 AM »
Today, one of my game laboratory faculty supervisors noticed me watching this DDP TLB video and suddenly mentioned "what was that one crazy shoot 'em up game," and idly mentioned "...Touhou?" and in my head I was like "WTF SHE KNOWS TOUHOU?" and then I showed her one of my videos from about eons back when MoF was still new (and I failed hard at MoF Easy, I had lost to Kanako's penultimate Easy card).

She then said "It's a really beautiful game [sic]."

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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #32 on: April 05, 2012, 03:38:52 AM »
I found someone at my school's math club playing some PoFV and Hisoutensoku, then some Tetris and osu afterwards.

Too bad he couldn't beat Aya on Practice Normal :V


Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #33 on: April 05, 2012, 10:31:05 AM »
I meet them all the time, all my friends are touhou fans  :D (except one) and I meet 50% of them for the first time in different conventions.


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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #34 on: April 06, 2012, 09:26:07 PM »
I honestly doubt I'd ever encounter someone at least remotely familiar with the series over here...

Especially since i am the only one who's interested in Touhou here I don't get to talk about it publicly much. The only things that might expose my adoration for the series are two pins on my backpack...

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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #35 on: April 10, 2012, 04:43:03 AM »
oh my god there are no toubros at my  school and whoever friend i show it to they are like "screw this its too hard". i hope when i go to college in like a year my roommate will accept my love for touhou


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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #36 on: April 11, 2012, 11:49:06 PM »
One of my friends came by to my room the other day, saw my Touhou plushies, and recognized it.  I was like "Oh my god, you know Touhou?!??!"  She then told me that she's somewhat familiar with it because two of her friends are absolutely obsessed with it...and apparently they're here at my college too.  I immediately told her to refer them to me, and she said she will.  I'm waiting on a Facebook friend request/email now... :3

Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #37 on: April 12, 2012, 03:04:05 AM »
I was singing Emotional Logic (an arrange of Mokou's theme) and these two girls that attend my school (who were sitting next to me during lunch at the time) immediatly reconized it & were excitedly telling me "THAT SONG'S A TOUHOU ARRANGE!"
Turns out they barely found out about Touhou around two weeks ago, they had no clue what to play the games on (one of them asked me if it were for the PS3, really), until I told them all about, and how the games are (they've only seen a few videos of the gameplay, hardly any though). You couldn't believe how many questions they've asked me, they seemed like they really wanted to get into it.
I can't wait to help them out with the games & what not.

The only people I met IRL that knew about Touhou before I even talked to them. All my other friends know about it because I've told them about it.

Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #38 on: April 13, 2012, 02:44:08 AM »
It may not be much but, I was able to get my friend into touhou today! She said she'd tell me if she likes it (She's playing MoF) . So i'm really hoping she does so I can finally talk to someone about touhou IRL.


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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #39 on: April 13, 2012, 03:07:40 AM »
The guy that converted me and the convert I converted. Yeah, they're both absorbed in the fanbase. Nice to have Touhou friends at school.

Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #40 on: April 13, 2012, 03:57:30 AM »
I envy all the schools you guys attend. At my university, no anime club exists. Everyone watches football and drinks beer like normal Americans.
I am humming various Touhou themes at every time of the day. People shoot confused looks at me, thinking I came from some other planet.
My roommate watches me play Touhou. He has a sadistic urge to see me die, and makes loud noises whenever incoming bullet fields get dense.
I once told a friend about the Touhou Project. I explained how all the characters are young girls. He accused me of being a lolicon.
I often read Touhou doujinshi. When he sees me reading, my roommate encourages me to read more hentai.


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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #41 on: April 13, 2012, 04:10:44 AM »
I once told a friend about the Touhou Project. I explained how all the characters are young girls. He accused me of being a lolicon.
I often read Touhou doujinshi. When he sees me reading, my roommate encourages me to read more hentai.

Heh, yeah when normal people look at me playing touhou, they're either like, why are they all little girls o.o, or they just think i'm a pervert.


Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #42 on: April 13, 2012, 04:29:34 AM »
Nobody's ever accused me of being a pervert for playing Touhou. How ironic

I am so glad I don't have a roommate. That must be awful. D:


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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #43 on: April 13, 2012, 04:57:58 AM »
I envy all the schools you guys attend.
My school is ~70% Asian (Chinese, Korean, Indian, etc.), and they just found out what memes were. I really don't think you want to go to a school with people who are basically shouting "Y U NO" or "ME GUSTA!" all the time and thinking they're funny. I get enough of that from the Internet...

Anyway, that's getting off topic. Whenever I play Touhou in the school library or computer room, I get around 5 people asking me "What the hell are you playing?", as many of you have experienced, I'm sure. I've still yet to find another person in real life who is not me or a good friend that can beat Normal :derp:

I explained how all the characters are young girls.
Yukari :V


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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #44 on: April 13, 2012, 08:31:31 AM »
Kanako and Mokou too

Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #45 on: April 13, 2012, 07:47:37 PM »
Yeah, I've had to explain myself to a few people before, seeing as while the strong female cast is an attraction to me, it's more the fact that I'm a girl who likes playing as a powerful female character for a change (since most games I grew up with had male heroes).


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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #46 on: April 13, 2012, 08:58:24 PM »
There's one friend in my friend's group who I learned until a few months ago loves Touhou. He's still a bit new at it, but he's an ok fan. :3
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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #47 on: April 14, 2012, 12:13:24 AM »
Today, one of my game laboratory faculty supervisors noticed me watching this DDP TLB video and suddenly mentioned "what was that one crazy shoot 'em up game," and idly mentioned "...Touhou?" and in my head I was like "WTF SHE KNOWS TOUHOU?" and then I showed her one of my videos from about eons back when MoF was still new (and I failed hard at MoF Easy, I had lost to Kanako's penultimate Easy card).

She then said "It's a really beautiful game [sic]."

<me> o_________o;~
what is the name of this teacher

please tell me she does freshmen too

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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #48 on: April 14, 2012, 12:40:28 AM »
I once told a friend about the Touhou Project. I explained how all the characters are young girls. He accused me of being a lolicon.

You forgot to explain that the average age of the characters is somewhere around a millennium, and very few are even human. Would it be bestiality if they're youkai?

Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #49 on: April 14, 2012, 02:30:12 AM »
You forgot to explain that the average age of the characters is somewhere around a millennium, and very few are even human. Would it be bestiality if they're youkai?

Somehow, I doubt anyone would believe Tewi's age to be over a million years. She just looks like your typical rabbit-human girl.
Although curious enough, my friend did raise the concern of panty shots for girls flying upright through the air. He concluded I was a total lolicon pervert.

After I discussed the bullet hell aspect of the game, he asked the following question: "What are they, attacking dildos with a homing trajectory underneath your skirt?"
Looking at some of ZUN's danmaku, I can see how he may have a point.


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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #50 on: April 14, 2012, 02:42:57 AM »
A millennium is no where close to a million years. You're about 999,000 years off.
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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #51 on: April 14, 2012, 04:54:31 AM »
Also, even if the cast were all young girls, why would that make you a lolicon? That's like saying playing Halo makes you massively gay for men in uniform.

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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #52 on: April 14, 2012, 04:57:21 AM »
That's like saying playing Halo makes you massively gay for men in uniform.

But we can be massively gay for men in uniform without playing Halo, right?

Oh, I don't play Halo, so never mind :3


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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #53 on: April 14, 2012, 08:03:42 AM »
I envy all the schools you guys attend. At my university, no anime club exists. Everyone watches football and drinks beer like normal Americans.
Envy? I think that is slightly incorrect. Most of the time it is kind of dependant on the culture / society / community you live in.

For example, The standard gamer in The Netherlands hardly knows about Touhou. As it was quoted before: "What is this, this looks shit" is the first reaction you'll probably get. Dutch schools do have clubs, but in the form of social clubs and only on universities. Not like a special "gamer club" or "music club" (at least I haven't ran into them yet)  (They are also around the ages of 19~26, so those are your grown ups). I bet Turkey is even more different. I don't know if there are Turkish people living in Turkey people who know touhou. I'll have to google for it.

I'll tell you, in my last 7 years of studying, I've met 0 people IRL who had a high interest in anima/manga, let alone Touhou. You only run into those if you take Japanese classes or partake in those types of communities.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2012, 08:10:13 AM by Helepolis »


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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #54 on: April 14, 2012, 09:54:50 AM »
@All of you
So. Lucky.
No-one at my school knows Touhou. They say its crap. They just wont stop playing FPS games, football games, pr0nz games you name it.
Anything EXCEPT Touhou. I am actually bullied for it. :(


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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #55 on: April 14, 2012, 11:51:24 AM »
Aside from my brother, who I basically discovered it together with...

Last semester I was playing some 10D on my laptop in-between classes, and one of my colleagues approached me going "oh, is that Touhou? Which one?"
Granted, that was the guy who often walks around with a hen-tie shirt and dropped out of our japanese course because he was already too good at it.  :derp:

Also, even if the cast were all young girls, why would that make you a lolicon? That's like saying playing Halo makes you massively gay for men in uniform.
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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #56 on: April 14, 2012, 12:18:10 PM »
Also, even if the cast were all young girls, why would that make you a lolicon? That's like saying playing Halo makes you massively gay for men in uniform.
This, a million times.

I'm massively gay for buff men in general btw

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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #57 on: April 14, 2012, 06:58:04 PM »
Also, even if the cast were all young girls, why would that make you a lolicon? That's like saying playing Halo makes you massively gay for men in uniform.

In pure theory, yes.

However, in my experience, the effect is similar to being the only person to possess a gun at the scene of a murder. Even though there is no proven correlation, people are immediately going to suspect you were the killer. Yet, take the same situation, except everyone at the scene of the crime possesses a firearm. Everyone is still a suspect, but since having a gun is the norm rather than the exception, the chance of each person being the killer appears to be lower.

My friend concluded the only reason someone would play a game filled with little girls would be to fulfill lustful desires toward little girls. Since no one else on my campus has even heard of Touhou, he figured the game's obscurity was due to how the premise can appeal to a specific demographic, which he envisioned to be male lolicons.

Even though I am not a lolicon, I can understand why he made the accusation. I am sure some Touhou fans came for the little girls (or became lolicons as they engaged with more Touhou material). After reading more than a few perverted Touhou doujinshi, I have no choice but to say he is right in some instances. On the other hand, most Touhou doujin I have encountered are appropriate for all ages, which gives me faith in the goodness of humanity.

I'll tell you, in my last 7 years of studying, I've met 0 people IRL who had a high interest in anima/manga, let alone Touhou. You only run into those if you take Japanese classes or partake in those types of communities.

In my anecdotal experience, I have met many people throughout middle and high school who would have called themselves anime and manga fans. I did participate in my high school's anime club, but for the most part, I found them by overhearing (eavesdropping) on their conversations. Although I can imagine the situation would be different outside of the United States, where anime and manga may not be as common an interest.

Since I found out about Touhou right before I graduated high school, I could not confirm the existence of any fans there. So far, I have only met six or seven people (out of 300) who told me they watch anime at my university, and none of them said they knew about Touhou. This is probably the case everywhere with most niche interests. The "envy" part of my last post comes from the assumption I am in the same culture as most other posters (American), and thus I am jealous of other American schools with larger anime/manga fanbases. I realize I may be making an unfounded conclusion here, so anyone outside of the US should correct me.

But yeah, I guess Japanese culture naturally diffuses to me, being Asian and all.


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Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #58 on: April 14, 2012, 07:07:03 PM »
In pure theory, yes.

However, in my experience, the effect is similar to being the only person to possess a gun at the scene of a murder.

That's not at all comparable. Games have as much to do with being into little girls as reading a book has to do with insider trading.

All I'm saying is, the next time someone's all, "yr games has little girls wat r u a pedo hurrrr" you should respond with "All your games have big burly dudes in uniform running around. What are you, gay or something?"

"Human history and growth are both linked closely to strife. Without conflict, humanity would have no impetus for growth. When humans are satisfied with their present condition, they may as well give up on life."


Re: Touhou Fans IRL
« Reply #59 on: April 14, 2012, 07:15:37 PM »
If someone wanted to "fulfill his lustful desires" he wouldn't do it by playing a shmup with poorly drawn characters and no sexual content.