Author Topic: Touhou Score Thread III  (Read 46647 times)

Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #150 on: April 30, 2012, 05:43:25 AM »
1 billion on TD Easy! Dream Dweller has finally done it!

That's just, wow. Amazing to do all that and still have a life in stock to suicide for millions more at the end. So early to max out point value as well O.o

Also, just checked through the scoreboards on a whim tonight and saw this:New SA Normal WR with ReimuC

Haven't watched it yet but I'm sure it's pretty awesome as it's over 1 billion and knocks off the old score by ~100 mil

« Last Edit: May 01, 2012, 04:23:51 AM by Chalros22 »
Current Goals: Clear all games on hard with every shottype (or team, not all solos in IN)

Remaining: EoSD 0, PCB 3, IN 0, MoF 3 (Marisa B doesn't count), SA 4, UFO all B types, TD Youmu, total 14.

Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #151 on: May 01, 2012, 12:16:11 PM »
Any suggestions how to improve my score?
The deathbomb in stage 6b cost me hitting the 2,1b mark

Thinking is hard.

Seppo Hovi

Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #152 on: May 02, 2012, 09:05:47 AM »

Stage 1
  • You might want to start with a bomb to instantly get -80%. I believe it's part of the newest route.
  • You can point-blank the fairies familiar fairies unfocused within stage 1 for extra timepoints.
  • Leave one of the fairies before midboss Wriggle alive! You can use it's familiars to cancel the first waves of rice bullets Wriggle shoots, giving you a massive amount of early-game timepoints. I'll take a screenshot if you want me to.
  • You might want to graze midboss Wriggle a bit more. It's not important, but not too hard either.
  • Do NOT stay focused during the wait on the final phase of the midboss non. Spamtap shift on the bottom to stop your phantom gauge from falling. You also seem to finish it rather swiftly, I usually wait to the moment when she has shot the second wave of blue ball bullets.
  • You might want to safespot Wriggle's first noncard for extra graze. Or at least the first wave, since you have some extra time to position yourself during the dialogue.
  • You probably should not wait for Wriggle to spawn extra set of familiars after the first card, but shoot her down instantly with or without familiars on screen. You will lose some extra timepoints from waiting here.
  • Also, you should be a bit higher. Try to maintain three streams hitting Wriggle all the time from Reimu's shot. But two is fine too, if you can't move high enough to get the third to hit.
  • if you have troubles with staying "above" -80% during the second noncard, I suggest you to misdirect the third wave by standing above Wriggle when she spawns the familiars, then quickly swapping down. It's not necessary.
  • Again, don't stay fully focused when you are waiting for the corrcet moment during the final noncard. Spam shift instead, and quickly shoot down Wriggle when you think it's the time.
  • There are to possible spots to end this noncard on. #1 being when she spawns the second 6-familiar wave. (However, wait for a bit to let the familiars shoot some bullets before killing her for some extra bullet cancel.) #2 needs a bit more precise timing, but you can get the two final familiar waves she shoots to be on the screen simultaneously, thus resulting in six familiars to pop.
  • I usually move right on Wriggle's final card, but misdirecting her to the left side seems to work as well.

Stage 2
  • The bomb-item dropping fairy after the stage 2 opener doesn't have a collision box. You can stand on it as Reimu and shoot unfocused for timepoints.
  • Don't wait for two waves of blue shotgun bullets on the fairies after the bomb-item dropping fairy; you get more fairies to spawn by killing them faster. I think the optimal would be to kill every single other one just as the first wave of blue shotgun bullets appears, but the final one, which should be killed when it has shot both shotgun waves. I usually start shooting around when the third familiar has been spawned, it should do the trick as Yukari.
  • The first one of them fairies seems to last a bit longer, so you should probably get on it almost immedeatly.
  • The latter fairy which is similar to the bomb-item one doesn't have a collision box either. Feel free to hug it.
  • Optimal timing for the pre-Mystia fairies would be to kill them right when they've spawned the bullets for the cancel timepoints. It, however, never seems to work 100% correctly for me, so you should just aim for it and be pleased with less time if it seems like it.
  • Try not to fall "below" -80% during Mystia.
  • You end the second noncard too hastly. You can wait for one more wave.
  • You can also graze the noncards a bit more, but it's not important unless you're playing a youkai solo.
  • Oh, nifty work on the penultimate card. I myslef rarely want to do that since it feels scary. You can do the dodging with tapping focus while moving for extra precicion. Watch a Heartbeam replay, I think he does it.
  • You could wait for the familiar wave to spawn before ending the pen-ult card.

Stage 3
  • Again, don't let the phantom gauge falter. Spam focus if you have to stay a moment without doing anything.
  • The first thing you come across within this stage is three familiar spawning fairies. You can kill the two first ones immediately, but wait for the final one's demise until the two fairies above it have shot their aimed bursts towards you. Then, when the bursts are at the fairy, pop it, resulting in some well-welcome time.
  • Then, the waves of two-and-four-familiar fairies. You could wait for the two-familiar fairies from the sides to shoot some bullets before you shoot them down.
  • The curved familiar-spawning fairies on the sides. You should wait for them to fire full eight familiars (seven sometimes, if the timing is blargh) before killing them, Also, to stop the familiars from exploding, you can stand above them. Consult a superplayer replay, or I can produce one off stage 3 stage practice whenever I have time.
  • You can use a "familiar doubling" trick for Keine's midboss non. You will see the familiar circles lighting up extraordinally, which means that there are two familiars on top of each other. When that happens, deplete the health.
  • Try to damage Keine's midboss card hastly enough so you can end it when the three extra familiars are on the screen.
  • You can use a bullet cancel trick for the fairies after the midboss. Move to the upper right side, about on the same level as the fairies spawn on. Let the aimed bursts be fired until moving. Then, wait for the two four-familiar fairies to spawn, and shoot them down while the bullets are above them. Bullet cancel timepoints, so delicious.
  • Again, you can stand on top of the pre-boss fairies unfocused for extra timepoints. Also, don't gather any of the two last fairies focused, since six familiars are not enough to take you from 100% to -80%.
  • For the first noncard, you can use the double familiar trick again. It's a bit more precise this time, so be ready to shoot almost immediately when you see the extra familiars.
  • Your route for the first spell card should be optimal, but I'm a bit unsure. Copy st or ask Heartbeam on IRC or something. I'll do some testing when I have more time.
  • You can wait on the second noncard a bit more before depleting the healthbar, Keine spawns the final wave around 01sec.
  • Be ready to PoC right after the penultimate Spell Card. After the point items have been gathered, swap to Yukari and let the remaining spell card capture bonus timepoints to change you from -100% to over 80%, since you probably want to supergraze the final spell card.
  • Shooting unfocused works as well, but I don't remember what's the optimal way again. Something about shooting the familiars on sides after xx seconds to maintain as much familiars on screen as possible.

Gah, I've got a job interview to take. I skipped a class, but seemingly seventy minutes was not enough to write this. Gah, I'll continue with the stage 4b soon.

Let's continue. Also fixed some errors.

Stage 4b
  • Your route for the opener fairies seems a bit bad. You're missing almost two waves. One of the easiest ways to do this part is to stay as Reimu and circle around the left corner. If you want to do something different, pay it some stage practice.
  • While killing the 8-familiar fairies, or big fairies, you can spamtap focus, while mainly staying as Yukari to do some damage as Reimu for extra timepoints, but still keep the familiars in the youkai form - invulnerable.
  • I think Heartbeam occasionally uses (IIRC) some weird way of waiting with the first double-spawn big fairies and letting them stack on each other, for "double cancel". I never bothered learning it myself.
  • After the first big fairies, you will meet again some simple streams and four-familiar-spawners. You can use the four familiar fairies to cancel the slow rice bullets the simple streams shoot, but it needs some practice to learn correctly, and is not too important. Try to do at least one wave a run in such way, to slowly learn.
  • It's extremely important to remember the spawnpoints of the six big fairies before the midboss, since you want to PoC between every two fairies (a.k.a. one wave). I usually bomb if I fail the last wave, but it might be stupid.
  • You can wait until 00 on the first noncard. Spam focus on the bottom and dodge.
  • The higher you are the faster Marisa tries during the first spell card, since you'll be shooting her more and the familiars less. However, the higher, more dangerous, so I usually stay rather low for safety unless I'm clinging really close to KWS or something.
  • You will want to move a bit higher on the screen when you finish Marisa's final midboss spell. Preferably to the PoC.
  • You can visit the PoC a bit more during the latter stage if you follow my route.
  • Instead of standing under Marisa on the first boss non, you could stand on the sides and shoot the familiars. You can't really farm anything on Reimu, but you'll end up getting a bit more timepoints, since you won't damage the boss, but the familiars.
  • Again, you finish the noncards too early. Especially the latter one, since Marisa spawns up to seven familiars during it IIRC. So at least wait for the seventh.
  • Misdirect Master Spark instead of letting Marisa shoot it under her. Then move under her yourself and shoot for some extra damage.
  • Stay under Marisa during the final card.

Stage 5
  • The opener fairy doesn't have a collision box. Move on top of it and shoot unfocused. Don't finish it too early, but a bit above the PoC so you won't gain the items under max value.
  • You can kill the four-familiar fairies within the following waves focused (remember to be unfocused while gathering the time, tho'), since unfocusing usually leads to some lost familiars.
  • Again, the following three big fairies don't have a collision box. Move on top of them as Reimu and shoot away. Memorize the spawnpoints, which are Middle - Left - Right.
  • For the three "aimed red" big fairies that come after the no-collision box ones, the spawnpoints are Middle - Right - Left. You can also spamtap focus here while staying as Yukari for extra time from damage dealt as Reimu.
  • For midboss Tewi, you can somehow maintain -80% on every shot, but I have NO IDEA how it is done. (I do know how it is done on Youmu.) I suggest you to do this part just normally, or possibly consult someone with knowledge beyond me.
  • You might just want to use the safespot for the second noncard instead of moving around, it helps focusing for the timing a lot. (Optimal would be 34 familiars at screen, 30+ is okay)
  • Again, you might want to do the four-familiar fairies (fff's) as Yukari to ensure that you won't lose any familiars. It requires some practice, so I suggest trying it out a bit within stage practice.
  • For all the final "big" fairies, you can spamtap focus again for extra time.
  • Try not to kill the final two fairies that drop the bomb items simultaneously, but let the one you kill as the latter one shoot a few bullets on the screen before you finish it - extra timepoints from bullet cancel.
  • Again, you may wait for the noncards to almost end until moving forwards.
  • End the first card right as a new wave spawns.
  • For Reisen's second card, try staying as much under her as possible. She follows you, and moves right after moving the bullets.
  • Be ready to PoC immediately after the second card, since you want to handle the third noncard as Yukari. (use the time from capturing the spell card to swap between your phantom and human gauge) Graze it, and wait for almost the end until you deplete the healthbar.
  • For the penultimate Spell card, try to ensure that you hit something with every stream. Two streams on Reisen and one on familiar or three streams on Reisen would be the optimal, I believe. End it right as she spawns a new wave.
  • You can supergraze the final card. There are two styles, one being "st's", which I have no idea how to do it, or the old way, which is a lot safer. Again, end the card just as a new wave spawns.

Stage FinalB
  • Practice the opener a bit until you are consistent with it.
  • If possible, you can just be under PoC as a human (and "above" -80%) along the leftmost edge of the screen, and wait for Eirin to spawn and kill the fairies for some bullet cancel. It's requires good RNG, or awesome streaming skills.
  • Try to finish Eirin's noncard just as she spawns a new wave of familiars.
  • You can supergraze Galaxy in a Pot. I don't know how it works, since I never really tried it, but Heartbeam seems to do it, so you could probably consult him.
  • Again, noncards could be timed out. And you can even milk the second one for time by going near the edges and making it so that your homing shot will hit the familiars instead of Kaguya. I usually don't timeout third, and if it starts feeling too frightening, just shoot down the fourth one as well.
  • You can shotgun Kaguya during the first card. I, however, rarely do that since it feels rather hard.
  • Sticking to the bottom with Kaguya's second and fourth Spell Cards feels really unsafe to me. I like to have some space to back into in case of "ohhshit, it's a star."
  • You gain the most valuable point-items in the game after Rainbow Danmaku. I'd suggest you to be a bit higher when you end it, so you can visit the PoC, swap into Yukari and return to the bottom for the first Last Spell.
  • You can be a bit more aggressive with the first Last Spell. Try to memorize some spot regarding the background.
  • Unless you want to hug Kaguya, handle the third Last Spell totally unfocused and shoot as Reimu.
  • In the case you want to safespot the fourth last spell, learn the safespot within spell practice. Try leaving the spot a bit after when you stop hearing the grazing sound from the third wave.
  • The final last spell is optimal when unfocused for the whole time. If you feel uncertain about it, however, don't do it. I suggest the right corner-middle for dodging.

Hurr, I think that's all.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2012, 08:29:27 AM by Seppo Hovi »

Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #153 on: May 02, 2012, 12:10:46 PM »

Seppo help me on how to improve my score.


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Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #154 on: May 02, 2012, 10:20:45 PM »
1 billion on TD Easy! Dream Dweller has finally done it!
Awesome! The way he did it in stage 4 is just beyond awesome. Also scoring in TD easy is special compared to other difficulties because you most likely max your point item out way earlier and have to plan the following route considering that.

Also Youmu is a
living cheat against those poor fairies.
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Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #155 on: May 03, 2012, 12:21:09 AM »
  • Again, the following three big fairies don't have a collision box. Move on top of them as Reimu and shoot away. Memorize the spawnpoints, which are Middle - Right - Left.
  • For the three "aimed red" big fairies that come after the no-collision box ones, the spawnpoints are Middle - Right - Left. You can also spamtap focus here while staying as Yukari for extra time from damage dealt as Reimu.
Um, the first set of fairy spawn points is middle-left-right. The second is indeed middle-right-left.

And where is this Heartbeam replay you mentioned? I didn't find one on Royalflare, and the one for Easy Reimu/Yukari in this thread is 108 million lower than my own score (which doesn't do a lot of the things in your post).
« Last Edit: May 03, 2012, 12:34:08 AM by Karisa »


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Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #156 on: May 03, 2012, 12:35:07 AM »
I have a 2.2b and Seppo has a 2.3b that have been posted in the thread, Sapz is just bad at updating. The replay should be on the uploader somewhere, although I couldn't find it at a glance. Seppo probably has the link.

Seppo Hovi

Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #157 on: May 03, 2012, 08:28:38 AM »
We're talking about Mystia's penultimate card, right?

He got rid of the replay. I assume he doesn't want to be into publicity that much, and I believe he didn't find the run as good as it should've been, since he never posted it anywhere.

He does it in his Magic team run, but it's not done to the extent you could do it with. It's rather hard to pull off consistently, especially if you want to be completely optimal.

If you wish to see border team scores, you could look into the uploader. I rarely do anything too haphazard, especially late in the game, but the 2.3b route is a 2.3b route. Maybe it'll become better if I'll play more. However, the currently top-scoring scores on the uploader are very beatable indeed. (especially since the best score fails one of Kaguya's cards) Go for it, if you want to, I'd enjoy some competition, even while I don't really have time to put into it at the moment.

Um, the first set of fairy spawn points is middle-left-right.
That's what I was supposed to write. Brain malfunction, I'll fix it, thanks!

Cactu. I'll be editing this post for some notifications about your replay. But I'm not really that pro with IN extra, so you probably should ask Nereid or Random, if they knew better.


  • The pre-Keine portion seems a bit shabby. First of all, you drop a few point items (?), and seem to be rather unsure of the ASL-style. I'm not 100% sure how to copy him, but I think you need some more experimenting with this part. Watch ASL alongside your replay, and think what you did differently.
  • The first large fairies with familiars can be shot totally unfocused. And you should PoC faster after you kill the last one. You dropped some point-items.
  • If you can handle the supergrazing of the first  midboss card, then do it. Don't end the card that fast, but milk it for extra bpv (Base point value).
  • I don't know what you did with the second midboss card, but it seems interesting. I usually just stream it. ASL style in it is incredibly hard, so I suggest not even trying to milk this one unless you're rather consistent with it.
  • Same thing with Keine's final card as the first card - if you can handle the supergraze, don't end the card immediately, but milk it instead.
  • I don't know why you are exploding familiars in the latter part with those big fairies before the jellybeanshit. Don't do that.
  • If you can handle the supergraze of Mokou's first noncard, you probably should not end it right away.
  • I don't know what the fuck you were doing with the second spell card, but it seems to work just fine.
  • If you're going to supergraze Xu Fu then..... learn it and keep a watch for the rice bullets.
  • You could try learning Honest Man's Death supergrazing. I have no idea how it's done, but you could ask Nereid or Random here. Probably something with timed taps, since the red shit is aimed at you and the laser shit is timed. Never gave a fuck about the tentacle shit, I don't know if it does something when supergrazing.
  • Learn how Woo works. Don't run into bullets as they spawn.
  • Supergrazing the second wave of Possessed by Phoenix wouldn't probably be a bad idea.
  • I've never tried supergrazing Hourai Doll, and it probably is hard as hell, but you could at least stick a bit closer to the red arrowheads for extra graze, but end it asap anyway.
  • Capture IS. And graze it a bit.
« Last Edit: May 03, 2012, 09:01:14 AM by Seppo Hovi »


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Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #158 on: May 03, 2012, 10:27:27 PM »
The pre-Keine portion seems a bit shabby. First of all, you drop a few point items (?), and seem to be rather unsure of the ASL-style. I'm not 100% sure how to copy him, but I think you need some more experimenting with this part. Watch ASL alongside your replay, and think what you did differently.
The first large fairies with familiars can be shot totally unfocused. And you should PoC faster after you kill the last one. You dropped some point-items.

How ASL deals with those fairies that shoot 6 familiars:

Stay on one side, wait for fairies to shoot their familiars
Move to the other side, wait for the right moment when the bullets themselves spawn where the familiars traveled
Time when you kill one of the fairies so that some of the familiars turn the bullets where your current position was into time orbs
Wait until the other fairies release their second round of familiars, then kill those

Try not to kill one of those fairies if there are no familiars on the screen.

In the beginning, when 4 fairies with familiars circling them appear, try to kill the 2nd one late, and the 3rd one asap, so that you get a higher bpv for more items. On the final familiar-circling fairy, whittle down its HP to as low as possible, and when the first wave of enemies that come out from both sides start shooting. Then, kill the enemies on the right side, so that you get power items to reach max power with a bunch of star items on the screen for more points.

If you can handle the supergraze of Mokou's first noncard, you probably should not end it right away.
You can circle around her just fine, but you're so far from the bullets that you're not really getting much graze out of it at all. Stay as close to one of the streams of bullets as you possibly can.

Also, be careful when you switch from Reimu to Yukari. At some parts, especially Flaw of Forgiving Shrine, your gauge goes above -80%, which means that it'll take a bit of time to get it back to that number, which means less point items for you.

You could try learning Honest Man's Death supergrazing. I have no idea how it's done, but you could ask Nereid or Random here. Probably something with timed taps, since the red shit is aimed at you and the laser shit is timed. Never gave a fuck about the tentacle shit, I don't know if it does something when supergrazing.
It's timed taps. The best place to do it is around the top part of 方 under Mokou, between the small slash and the horizontal line. Tentacles contribute to graze if you're going that close.

Supergrazing the second wave of Possessed by Phoenix wouldn't probably be a bad idea.
If you're going to be focused when you do it, then by all means do it. Stay at the bottom of the screen, then slowly tap up to get a shitton of graze and time orbs for score. I've heard of people doing it by tapping up with the music, but I always get hit or move too much when I do it :V

And what's left is the obvious stuff: Learn how to handle every attack and spell card, be confident with supergrazing, and pick up point items only at the PoC.

Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #159 on: May 05, 2012, 04:03:47 PM »
ゆ~すけ breaks HS' domination over PCB by claiming the SakuyaB Phantasm record, with a solid suiciding (which I don't remember seeing in PCB extra/phantasm before) and bombing route.

Meanwhile, wal achieves the highest UFO Extra score known to man using SanaeB. I'm going to watch this now.
"you never know, you may have the best strats in the world" - Zil

Immortal Momiji!

Seppo Hovi

Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #160 on: May 05, 2012, 04:44:54 PM »
The suicide during the spam portion has been a known part of SakuyaB's Phantasm route for a while, but it is handled in a bit different way here than in the old WR.

The Normalshooter-twitter hasn't seem to be updated, so... has HS-sanbo made any comment on this new WR yet? If he has done (or does), please do inform us.

Nothing much I can say about the replay, apart from maybe... Damn hot stuff. Really, really damn hot stuff.


Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #161 on: May 05, 2012, 06:04:13 PM »
God helped wal with the RNG.

Bad tradeoff for that bomb placement. He must have something in mind while doing that, because 34 grazes is not enough to offset -1.5M before Kogasa.


  • Rice cakes, sea anemones
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Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #162 on: May 12, 2012, 02:02:48 AM »
ゆ~すけ  :V

He gets the PCB SakuyaA Phantasm WR with 1.456 bil, 4.5 mil more than HS's run.


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Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #163 on: May 12, 2012, 09:06:01 AM »
This really has to be mentioned somewhere...

TAS by kopiapoa of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil Extra, scoring 846,061,440 using ReimuA.

44554 rerecords using Hourglass. Replay file and HD version on YouTube are available. Total graze is apparently 66963, reaching the cap of 9999 during Silent Selene...


  • Rice cakes, sea anemones
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Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #164 on: May 12, 2012, 03:35:10 PM »
This really has to be mentioned somewhere...

TAS by kopiapoa of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil Extra, scoring 846,061,440 using ReimuA.

44554 rerecords using Hourglass. Replay file and HD version on YouTube are available. Total graze is apparently 66963, reaching the cap of 9999 during Silent Selene...
So I guess bombing the last wave of books isn't the best idea for ReimuA. Either that or he just wanted 666 point items xD

Glad to see that kopiapoa's doing more EoSD.

Edit: Sapz's finally updating the high score boards! :)
« Last Edit: May 12, 2012, 10:07:49 PM by Random »


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Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #165 on: May 12, 2012, 11:27:46 PM »
Now I'm wondering what kind of possibilities Hourglass would have for the later Touhou games (assuming it even works)... Savestate-assisted grazing like that seems like it could give incredibly high scores in PCB and UFO in particular, though any game would be interesting to watch.


  • Rice cakes, sea anemones
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Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #166 on: May 13, 2012, 02:38:46 AM »
Now I'm wondering what kind of possibilities Hourglass would have for the later Touhou games (assuming it even works)... Savestate-assisted grazing like that seems like it could give incredibly high scores in PCB and UFO in particular, though any game would be interesting to watch.
Here's one for UFO, by Ansa121.


Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #167 on: May 13, 2012, 05:53:43 AM »
I didn't think Hourglass could work with Touhou. If I could get savestates in MoF I'd play VoWG until my face turned green.


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Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #168 on: May 13, 2012, 06:43:19 AM »
Here's one for UFO, by Ansa121.
I thought that one was done with just slowdown, not Hourglass? The EoSD TASes seem to be full of hitbox abuse, while the UFO TAS seems to play it relatively safer. (If you look at, say, the stage portion of stage 2, it seems a lot more grazing could have been done while still killing all the enemies; also, it looks to me that Ichirin's final card was ended early because of getting trapped, which shouldn't have happened if savestates were used.)
« Last Edit: May 13, 2012, 07:08:39 AM by Karisa »


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Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #169 on: May 13, 2012, 06:57:21 AM »
I thought that one was done with just slowdown, not Hourglass?
I have no idea, it just said TAS, and there was no mention of slowdown or Hourglass on the video.

Anyway, here's another demonstration of a Touhou TAS, made by the creator of Hourglass.


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Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #170 on: May 13, 2012, 07:56:52 AM »
Hourglass leaves a distinctive mark on its replays in the form of the date (May or June 1829, due to the way it sets the system time). Based on this Ansa121's run definitely did not use Hourglass, and indeed there are many places where lack of rerecording is obvious (as pointed out by Karisa).

As for PCB TASes, the Stage 4 testrun and Stage 1 WIP by ISM are far better examples than nitsuja's attempt.

(As an aside, I found a blog post by ISM talking about how by focusing and unfocusing with per-frame precision one could achieve a Malice Cannon-like effect with PCB ReimuB, about 20% over UF ReimuB's max damage. Seeing that in action would be crazy.)


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Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #171 on: May 14, 2012, 02:37:32 AM »
This really has to be mentioned somewhere...

TAS by kopiapoa of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil Extra, scoring 846,061,440 using ReimuA.

44554 rerecords using Hourglass. Replay file and HD version on YouTube are available. Total graze is apparently 66963, reaching the cap of 9999 during Silent Selene...
Not only that... but the spot above Flan during nonspells is not a safe!
The person actually jumped across bullets by making precise frame by frame movements,
not unlike how ReimuC Aya speed across white05 or Busy Rod laser skipping.

So I guess bombing the last wave of books isn't the best idea for ReimuA. Either that or he just wanted 666 point items xD
Apparently the bomb is too weak and doesn't kill enough books to be worth it.
Since QED milking gains 10M per bomb, and each point item worth 530k if the clear bonus is factored in,
you need the bomb to kill 2 more books (~20 items) than just shooting. I'd be lucky to even kill 1 with that terrible bomb!


  • Fear The Melon!
  • I would murder all of you for a cup of tea.
Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #172 on: May 14, 2012, 03:38:11 PM »
This really has to be mentioned somewhere...

TAS by kopiapoa of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil Extra, scoring 846,061,440 using ReimuA.

44554 rerecords using Hourglass. Replay file and HD version on YouTube are available. Total graze is apparently 66963, reaching the cap of 9999 during Silent Selene...

First thought, holy hot damn that's a good looking video.

Second thought, what the hell is Hourglass and where can I get it? Because if it functions like I think it does then I want to savestate the shit out of Fairy Wars to try and get Gold Medals and stuff, I desire to see if shit like Open Universe can even be theoretically golded. Found it! And holy hot damn is this cool!

Third thought upon watching the video, lol reimu box. But seriously that's insane to look at even considering savestates, I figure it's gotta take deep understanding of the game to do something like that.
« Last Edit: May 14, 2012, 04:00:25 PM by GamingAwesome1 »

I have no name

  • Dodge ALL the bullets
Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #173 on: May 14, 2012, 06:09:21 PM »
Because if it functions like I think it does then I want to...
...savestate before Virtue of Wind God to make a VoWG spell practice for ease of timeout.  All it does is cut out the (mostly) boring stage beforehand.


  • In Soviet Gensokyo...
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Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #174 on: May 14, 2012, 08:34:59 PM »
...savestate before Virtue of Wind God to make a VoWG spell practice for ease of timeout.  All it does is cut out the (mostly) boring stage beforehand.
Or before ATWTBN to practice it without going through almost whole extra.
My danmakufu thread Most recent - "Kappa Mechanics" (Nitori fight)   My youtube channel Latest update - EoSD extra no bombs clear

Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #175 on: May 14, 2012, 11:54:41 PM »
This might already be known, but for IN easy mode I found an easier way to graze milk Keine's midboss spell. Replay.  It's not as good as hugging her feet/head and doesn't work on other difficulties, but it's an alternative for people who are into IN easy scoring and aren't consistent with the other method.

Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #176 on: May 14, 2012, 11:59:45 PM »
This really has to be mentioned somewhere...

TAS by kopiapoa of Embodiment of Scarlet Devil Extra, scoring 846,061,440 using ReimuA.

44554 rerecords using Hourglass. Replay file and HD version on YouTube are available. Total graze is apparently 66963, reaching the cap of 9999 during Silent Selene...

Can someone link the replay file? I'm back at my house with dialup (HUURRRRRR) which is fine to download replays (since they are like 100kB) but is non-conducive to loading videos
Current Goals: Clear all games on hard with every shottype (or team, not all solos in IN)

Remaining: EoSD 0, PCB 3, IN 0, MoF 3 (Marisa B doesn't count), SA 4, UFO all B types, TD Youmu, total 14.

Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #177 on: May 16, 2012, 02:35:27 PM »
IN got a new WR, but it's not by YASU this time, but by Alan. I don't remember the date, but Alan got a 6.1-6.2b Youmu solo score not long ago. Now he beat the WR. Impressive. I know someone called Alan, it would be pretty awesome if he was the dude.
"you never know, you may have the best strats in the world" - Zil

Immortal Momiji!


  • Fear The Melon!
  • I would murder all of you for a cup of tea.
Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #178 on: May 23, 2012, 11:28:25 AM »
...savestate before Virtue of Wind God to make a VoWG spell practice for ease of timeout.  All it does is cut out the (mostly) boring stage beforehand.

I am considering doing this but I'm wondering if it would be considered legal or something by popular consensus should I actually manage to pull it off (which is incredibly unlikely but I've surprised myself in the past with what I can do if given enough time and patience.)

Not like I've got any chance of hiding it considering how Hourglass leaves the incredibly obvious date-mark on the replay. So, opinions on the matter?


Re: Touhou Score Thread III
« Reply #179 on: May 23, 2012, 02:15:06 PM »
Do it. There is no force on this earth that justifies having the ability to play VoWG at will and NOT taking advantage of it.