Author Topic: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [Discussion Thread]  (Read 145277 times)

On The Boundary
When the bell tolls,
And Fate calls your name
There you stand, On the Boundary
Between Life and death, Harmony and Chaos
Existence, and Extinction
Which will you choose?


The Hakurei Shrine.
The Shrine on the eastern border of Gensokyo.
As the seasons changed, so did the temperature.
The color of fall slowly began to drain, leaving the trees bare.
As the hues of red, orange and yellow drifted to the ground, an aura of loneliness enveloped the shrine.
Leaves blanketed the ground, making the stone pathway below barely visible. Grass had begun to sprout forth from the various cracks that sat between the stones.
The grass that grew on the sides of the pathway was untamed and overgrown, making it seem more like a forest than a pristine building.
The large red torii still stood proudly in it?s place at the top of the stairs, as if it was watching over Gensokyo, and would continue to for eternity.
The shrine sat silently, as if it had been forgotten by human and youkai alike. The interior was covered in dust, and the exterior worn by weather. This Shrine, whose sole purpose is to protect The Great Hakurei Boundary.
Was without a resident.

A gentle breeze ruffled the leaves that still remained on the trees, knocking one down.
As is slowly floats down, the breeze stops, and silence reigns over the shrine once again.
Eventually, it hovers only centimeters above the ground. Just about to touch.

A sudden gust of wind impacts the walkway, tossing the leaves into the air chaotically.
As the leaves drift towards the ground, the cause of the gust frowns.
?So there?s still no one here??
The girl has short black hair and is wearing an outfit mainly comprised of black and whites with the occasional red.
Hesitantly, the girl lets out a sign and turns to leave.
She casts one more glance at the lonely state of the shrine before leaving in another gust of wind.


The Scarlet Devil Mansion.
The home of the famous Scarlet Vampire.
Despite being late in autumn, the garden was still filled with vibrant colors.

A woman with flowing scarlet hair moved slowly and smoothly in front of the mansion?s gate. To those unfamiliar with this practice, it would appear as if she was dancing.
After a few minutes, she stopped.
?Hah!? She said as she placed her hands on her hips and took a few deep breaths.
As if on cue, a small winged being flew over to Meiling. In her arms, she carried a bottle of water. Without saying a word she offered it to Meiling.
?Ah. Thanks? Meiling said as she took the bottle from the fairy maid and took a large gulp.
?Ah! That?s better?? Meiling says aloud to no one in particular. She hands the bottle back to the fairy maid and the small being retreats back into the mansion.
?Well I best re-? As Meiling is speaking, something catches her eye. She turns her head and gazes in its direction.
There in the garden sits a small girl with wings wider than she is tall. She holds an umbrella over her delicate looking body. Unaware of Meiling?s presence, she continues to mouth words that Meiling can?t hear from the distance at which she stands. In front of her is a large rock.
Meiling?s expression becomes one of worry. Her blue eyes seem pained, as if sympathetic. She whispers as she gazes at her.


The large mansion overlooking the netherworld.
The change of seasons was no exception here.
?Ah~ This is so much better than the summer heat~?
Yuyuko Saigyouji sits on the veranda, watching the autumn scenery.
A moment later, Youmu comes into the room. She?s holding a small tray with two cups of tea on it. She calmy walks over and places it down beside Yuyuko, sitting down beside the tray in an orderly fashion.
?Ah, Thanks Youmu? Yuyuko says as she picks up a cup and takes a sip. Yuyuko makes a pleased sound as she looks out at Hakugyokurou?s grand garden.
After a few moments of silence, Youmu speaks up.
?Lady Yuyuko, you seem very cheerful as of late? She says as she turns her gaze to Yuyuko. ?Why is that??
?Well,? Yuyuko begins, keeping her gaze on the autumn leaves that dance to the ground. ?That?s because it will be a short winter?
Youmu looks puzzled. ?Um?I don?t quite understand?How do you know??
?Well,? Yuyuko turns and smiles at Youmu. ?The flowers are eager to bloom right?? Her smile flickers for a moment. ?Next year will be a fun year?


Moriya Shrine.
Log ago, the Hakurei Shrine was the only shrine in Gensokyo.
But years ago, Kanako Yasaka, the resident god of the shrine, decided to move it to Gensokyo in order to gather youkai faith.
Many years have passed since then, and the amount of faith hasn?t changed very much.
Maybe the concept of Faith has changed since the days of old, when power and dominance gained worshippers. Maybe now faith is more transient, and that the gods will need to work hard to garner faith.
Or maybe, there is no more faith.

The autumn leaves danced gently in the cool breeze.
Sanae watched from inside as they whirled about, a warm smile on her face.
Life had been good to her. She had ascended to godhood at an early age, and even though she had to leave the advanced society of the outside behind, she was able to live normally here in Gensokyo.
As she watched the leaves without any cares, a voice called out to her from the front of the shrine.
Sanae blinked, her awareness returning to the present. She quickly got to her feet and began heading towards the shout.
?Coming!? She called back.


A shop that specializes in goods from the outside world.
However, due to the owner?s poor business sense and no one knowing how to use the items that reside on its shelves, not many things sold.

Rinnosuke sat silently in his store, a book in his hands and a cup of tea within reach. As he flipped through his book, the bell of the shop rung.
Rinnosuke quickly looked up, his words moving faster than his eyes.
?Ah. Is that- Oh, it?s you.?
A small girl with wings came around the corner.
The girl frowns as she flips her hair out of her face. ?You don?t sound to happy to see me? She says as she walks over to Rinnosuke.
?It?s not that, it?s just?? Rinnosuke starts, but the girl cuts him off.
?She still hasn?t shown up?? She asked as if reading his mind.
??Yeah? Rinnosuke says as the girl sits on a near by stool. ?Would you like some tea??
The girl looks at him then nods.
Rinnosuke retrieves the tea and returns soon after. He hands it to the girl and she takes a sip.
?So?? She starts, looking out the window at the sky. ?Has there been any sign of her??
Rinnosuke hesitates, then shakes his head.
?Mr. Kirisame hasn?t heard from her either?
?Oh.? The girl says, lowering her head slightly.
??Are you worried?? The girl says.
Rinnosuke looks at her, then he smiles faintly.
?I imagine it?s natural to worry? He starts, his gaze moving to the window. ?But she?s stronger than I, she can handle herself?
The winged girl looks slightly surprised, but smiles.
?I hope she?s alright.?
?As do I??

?   Year 160, Early Spring ? New Hakurei Shrine Maiden
And this is where our story begins?


1.   I control the world, you control your character.
2.   What I say goes. My final decisions are absolute.
3.   Killing is prohibited unless otherwise stated.
4.   I will be playing with my own character just like everyone else.
5.   Players can, and are encouraged to discuss and negotiate with me. Don?t be afraid to ask if you would like something to happen to your character.
6.   All players will be human.
7.   No one shall be overpowered. This rule will be heavily enforced.


In this role play, there are several roles that have been decided in advance. Please choose one of these roles for your character to fill. These roles are what goes into the occupation field. Striked means the spot is taken

-Hakurei Shrine Maiden
-Moriya Shrine Maiden
-Human Magician
-Aspiring Hermit
-Library Assistant
-Youkai Exterminator

The last two can possibly be stretched for more than one person to occupy the same role. Without further delay?

Name : Self Explanatory
Age : May not exceed 24 years of age.
Gender : Self Explanatory
Ability : Keep it within reason. You?re only human after all.
Occupation : Your job. This is where your role goes.
Appearance : Description and/or picture.
Personality : What your character is like.
Backstory : Their life leading up to the start of the RP.
Other : If there is anything else of note about your Character, place it here. This is also where your combat abilities will go, such as your weapon of choice, skill level with said weapon, and things like that.

?   All player characters are human
?   Abilities will be monitored
?   Combat Abilities will also be monitored
?   If you are unsure about anything, don?t be afraid to ask
?   Be creative and unique. It?s no fun if everyone is the same old boring thing.
?   Give your character life. It?s boring talking to a wall.
?   I will try my best to be fair and equal.

I hope this is sufficient for now....I'll be back in about 6 hours or so...
NOTE: Signs will NOT be done on a first serve basis. I value thought, time, creativity, and effort. So pour your soul into it! Also, Please make sure you will have sufficient online time. Once a week is prolly the minimum I'd want for posting. It's a drag to wait on people for days at a time.

Anyways. Les celebrate with submitted profiles! \o/
« Last Edit: December 15, 2011, 08:31:09 PM by Sonae »


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Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #1 on: December 01, 2011, 07:29:27 PM »
Oh it's ... yea... hmm I would not mind  joining I will just... pre-emptively fill up the thing.

Name : Yoshiko Nakamura
Age : 16-17 (Should this be of any importance?)
Gender : Oh no I am a girl again!
Ability : I will think about this thoroughly later (something about mimicking)
Occupation : Library Assistant(As for now :P)
Appearance : Oh I have a picture (Just not that I updated it for a long time...)
Personality : Personality wise... I would say she would be carefree and curious.
Backstory : Back story? hmmm Gensoykou wise I would say she got into things, lost herself and got forced into the library, enough said there...
Other : Possibly nothing of importance that would not come out later

That's all for now


  • Maru~ Maru~
  • Lurk~ Lurk~
Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #2 on: December 01, 2011, 08:48:55 PM »
Gratz on finally getting this off the ground. Here's my profile, now edited for readability.


Name:真夜 古火 Sanaya Furuika

Age: 20

Gender: Female

Ability: Manipulation of speed which initially manifests as her being able to speed herself up, increasing her movement speed and reaction time. To start off it's only an instinctive reaction that she can not control but as she grows in power she will be able to master it consciously and she might even be able to affect the speed of objects within a certain radius.

Occupation: Youkai Exterminator

Appearance: Black shoulder length hair that is kept in a red headband or hairband, depending on her situation. When off the job she wears a Yukata that is white at the top and fades into a dark purple towards the ground. On the job she wears a hakama and uwagi, similar to an aikidogi (aikido uniform). She also has a harness that holds her weapon, a naginata.

Personality: When not on the job she acts very polite and might even casually interact with youkai. When she has a mission she sets her entire mind to it and takes a considerably more no-nonsense approach to interaction with people, youkai or humans alike. However her temper has a tendency to flare if insulted or if someone messes with someone she knows. She also reacts negatively to people disturbing a peaceful moment, be it training, meditation or just plain relaxation.

Backstory: Born in the human village and at a young age she liked sneaking out on visits to the surrounding countryside. One time she wandered into the bamboo forest of the lost and promptly lost her way. She wandered around, trying to find a way out before getting attacked by a pack of wild youkai.

As she tried to get away from her assailants she experienced a strange feeling of everything slowing down and her suddenly being aware of everything going on. These strange moments of slowdown were the only reason she did not get torn to bits as she ran through the forest as they allowed her to dodge the youkais' attacks. The chase ended when a lady with long white hair and flaming wings swooped down and saved her. Before she could gather her thoughts she had been dropped off outside the forest and the lady was gone, leaving behind nothing but a faint smell of burnt earth. 

The experience made her stop with the random ventures and instead she started putting her time into becoming as strong as the one who had saved her, hoping to someday meet her again. That was when she decided to start practicing using a weapon, soon settling on the naginata as her weapon of choice. She also tried to re-experience the feeling of time slowing down that she had felt during the attack. Sometimes it happened during practice and sometimes it happened while meditating, allowing her to get an hour of meditating done in a few minutes. It also included her starting to listen more to her parents, making her the well behaved lady she is now.

Other: Her fighting style is based on trying to get her opponent into range of her weapon, using its length and balanced center of gravity to block either shots that are close to hitting her or the opponent's own melee attacks. Having trained several years with the weapon her skill with it is quite remarkable, to the level that if the weapon can handle it she could use it as a proper shield in a danmaku fight.

Her calm and polite demeanor has lead to her being liked among the older humans off the village but she does not have many people close to her outside of her family as she lives just past the outskirts of the village, spends a lot of her time training and her trips to the village are usually of a professional nature or occasionally visiting the teahouse on her free time.

« Last Edit: December 06, 2011, 09:59:57 PM by Marokuu »
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.

Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2011, 12:18:24 AM »
For all those wondering what an accepted profile should likely look like, Marou is Accepted.
My Profile wont be up till later, possibly gonna edit it some.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 12:33:50 AM by Sonae »

Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #4 on: December 02, 2011, 04:44:02 AM »
Can we go off the board with jobs? Say, you wanted to be one of Keine's old students who's now become a teacher in their own right? Or would that qualify as 'apprentice'?

Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #5 on: December 02, 2011, 10:12:03 AM »
I'd say prolly everyone was one of Keine's students when they were younger. But to become a Teacher that'd be an Apprentice, and you'd be working with Keine. You don't have to teach the same subject though.

Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #6 on: December 02, 2011, 10:19:30 AM »
I can live with that. I can think of far worse people to work for than Keine.

Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #7 on: December 02, 2011, 10:39:10 AM »
Now that I look a little more. There's other roles that could be possibly used. Aslong as one makes a convincing profile~
Quoted from Touhou wiki

Among the people living at the village are Keine Kamishirasawa and Hieda no Akyu. The village has an as of yet unnamed leader, a florist, a woodcutter, a teahouse, a tofu shop, youkai exterminators, and more.
Some stores stay open late into the night to cater exclusively to youkai

Also, Working for Keine is a definite for a teacher since.
Keine is the owner and history teacher of the Human Village's school.

Also. Your character doesn't NEED to start with any fighting ability if you don't want them to. But they will need to develop atleast some.
Speaking of fighting. There's Melee fighting, much in the style of the fighters. And there's Danmaku. These two are seperate I spose.Everyone will most likely start off with no spellcards, but will gain them as the rp prgoresses
As for Abilities. One can have an ability that, at it's fullest, would be considered overpowered. But the limitations you place on your ability will balance it. Such as Sanaya (Marou)'s manipulation of speed. At its fullest, Manipulation of speed would be quite overpowered. But the limits of it make it balanced.

Also, if you've got a great idea, don't be afraid to try and convince me.

And yet another also. There will be some 'new' characters~ I hope you'll enjoy them~

Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #8 on: December 02, 2011, 01:42:11 PM »
Can we use an occupation that's already been taken?

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • Maru~ Maru~
  • Lurk~ Lurk~
Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #9 on: December 02, 2011, 01:46:11 PM »
From what I've gathered there are some occupations that there can be several off such as the exterminator or various apprentices.

Since the sign-ups aren't first come first serve it's also possible that someone that has already submitted their profile doesn't get accepted, leaving the spot open. I'd guess you can use any occupation that has not yet been confirmed as taken but having a substitute might be good.
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #10 on: December 02, 2011, 02:31:01 PM »
Well, I might get writer's block if I'm in a combat situation, but I shall do my best, and toss my hat in the ring! o/

Name : Takuma Nanbu

Age : 17

Gender : Male

Ability : Able to invoke the power of Runes.

Occupation : Human Magician

Appearance : Mid-length black hair that's generally tied back, hazel eyes, a perpetually cocky grin. Usually seen wearing a beat-up looking set of overalls he got from a Kappa he met as a token of starting a friendship.
He wears it largely because it's comfortable. He also has a collection of clothing from the outside world that he is often seen in just as much as the Kappa-gifted Overalls.

Personality : Hotblooded, brash, easily riled up, Somewhat immature, tends to laugh at things that most others wouldn't. Chaotic Neutral.

Backstory : As a young child, Takuma was always a handful. He was easily considered one of the Village's "Problem Children".
He would often wander beyond the Village's bounds, which is what earned him the nickname "Village's 'Little' Problem".
As he would often start fights he couldn't finish, and end up bringing them back to the village with him.
One fateful day however, he got into a fight that he had no chance of getting away from.
But he ended up being saved by a certain Ordinary Magician. That golden hair, and her flashy style of combat lit a fire in the young child's heart.
It was then that he realized his 'Reason'. Flash-forward ten years, and the child has now become a Young Man well on the path of becoming a Magician.
Could this have been what it was like for 'Her' in the past? He doesn't know, but he doesn't really care. Because he's happy with the runes he can cast, and his hut out on the village's furthest outskirts. Because to him, that is his own personal slice of the heavens.

Other : Currently he runs a sort of Anything-Goes Shop, doing anything from watching the village's kids, to 'punishing' rowdy Youkai partygoers who've had too much to drink.
Though he also occasionally visits the Teahouse, because sweets are an important part of his diet. Well, to him at least.
His specialty of magic is derived from the 18 Runes of Power, the runes that Odin was said to have learned.
His 'Magic Focus' is a pair of gloves inscribed with the rune 'Thurisaz', a rune associated with the Jotun, the race Loki belonged to.
Of course, it is also his go-to Rune for any sort of problem. From dealing with overly rowdy partygoers, to cooking dinner.
Of course, said rune generally manifests it's effect as a fiery explosion. So it's less a case of 'When all one has is a Hammer', and more a case of 'The bigger an explosion is, the fewer problems it can't solve'. A reckless style for a reckless guy.
He also possesses small mahjong tiles with the other 17 runes engraved on them, which he can use as other focuses, particularly in combinations that he refers to as "Hands". A reference to the fact that they could easily pass for Mahjong Tiles.
He has expressed a strong interest in visiting the Underground, for a few reasons.
First off, he's heard rumors that there's a girl down there who's a total babe, and apparently has a power relating to stuff blowing up. He figures that a chick like that's just his type.
How'd he hear about her? The kappa who gave him the Overalls mentioned her in passing.
The other reason is that he wants to have a good brawl for once. and none of the Youkai on the surface have been able to give him a good fight....Of course, they were all horribly drunk, so that likely factors strongly into it. He has heard in passing that the Youkai down in the underground are pretty strong, and that supposedly a city rife with Oni is down there too. What he wouldn't give to have it out with one o' the Oni. Such a fight-happy young man.

His official title is "One who bears the Rune of Giants", another title is "Magician of The 18 Runes". Although he's only been known to use 3.
Thurisaz, rune of the Jotun. Strongly tied to Loki, Norse god of Trickery.
Hagalaz, rune of Hail.
And Isaz, rune of Ice. Generally used in tandem with Hagalaz, which cannot do much on it's own, much like Isaz.
Of course, he is relatively capable should things come to blows. He happens to be a firm proponent of solving problems through force.
Particularly of the facepunching variety.

He's only ever used Thurisaz at 15% power due to not yet developing a spellcard for it.
He's also expressed much interest in developing a Combination Spellcard for his Isaz-Hagalaz runemagic, which can create a localized hailstorm.

In shooter terms, it's something like this.
Bomb: Giant's Rune, Thurisaz
Shot Type: Severe Hail(Spread type, fusion of Isaz and Hagalaz runes.)

(That little dialogue you see when you're picking someone in the newer touhous.)
Flavor Quote: "Hey now, why bother with Danmaku when I can just beat your face in? Come on, it'll be fun! I punch your face, you pass out! It's a win-win situation! I get to beat your face in, you get to take a nap."

Also, wouldn't Ninjas fall under Youkai Exterminator? I'm confirming this for a friend I'm talking into joining.

EDIT: There, I think I've covered all the minor tweaks and edits.
« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 06:51:11 AM by Hanzo K. »
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • White Wolf of the West
  • Must not use military vehicles to ?Squish? things.
Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #11 on: December 02, 2011, 02:42:46 PM »
Wow while typing up my Chara sheet another was posted... well here is what I had for the Mage
Name: Ozz Cogi
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Ability: Die hard. Really hard to kill (for a human that is), Wont stay down, See Sergeant Rock.
Occupation: Magician
Appearance: A medium sized human with brown hair/green eyes. Wears a Brown over coat over white shirt and tan pants with back pack on his back and quiver on his side while ?on the road? and just the white shirt and tan pants while in the village, a wide brim metal helmet from the outside world and found by him is almost always on his head.

Personality: A studious personality with a spark for adventure Ozz is always looking for something, weather a bite to eat to a missing tome he is searching for it, usually solving a problem or dispute along the way. There is few ways to tick him off but his main rule of respect life is one not to be trifled with.

Back-story: Mages are not well known for there tendency to get down and dirty. Ozz Cogi makes an exception. Brought up on the outskirts of the village; His time was spent hunting, field working and practicing spells when possible. One day while running an errand for his mother, he ended up having to locate a lost cave, help a Yokai with her shopping and run from a mob of fairies. Though no Robin Hood with a bow he is quite skilled and can shoot game.

Other: Ozz has a bag of Camping equipment always on hand as well as a spell book. He is a skilled archer with a short bow (as skilled as Mongolians) and also proficient with his spear/staff. He can use various magic spells but is most proficient with Fire, Ice and Healing spells. One of his favorite tricks is to cast a delayed spell onto an arrow and cast it as it hits the target

(I can make adjustments as to job if needed)
There are 2 items I believe can solve any problem
1. The Doctor's sonic screw driver
2. Marisa's 8 trigrams reactor

Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #12 on: December 02, 2011, 03:26:10 PM »
From what I've gathered there are some occupations that there can be several off such as the exterminator or various apprentices.

Yes. This is correct. Though some occupations such as Moriya Shrine Maiden can't be two

Since the sign-ups aren't first come first serve it's also possible that someone that has already submitted their profile doesn't get accepted, leaving the spot open. I'd guess you can use any occupation that has not yet been confirmed as taken but having a substitute might be good.

This is also true.

Well, I might get writer's block if I'm in a combat situation

Ya better not! I'mma be flat out honest here. I don't really give two shits about random anime references. They do absolutely nothing for the RP or it's plot. And most references I wont get.
A few here and there wont bother me too much, but not one every second line.

Ability : Able to invoke the power of Runes.

What's dat mean?

Ability: Die hard. Really hard to kill (for a human that is), Wont stay down,

What are the limits on that, cause that can be overpowered.

Also everyone please note, you are all GENSOKYO Humans. Ones born IN Gensokyo, that have lived their whole life there. So there's like, 99% chance your character is probably Japanese or atleast Asian.

This weekend I'll get around to reading everything. So say if you're planning to join.

Btw. Hakurei miko will be the one CLOSEST to the plot. Due to connections that will be established with Yukari. I'd prefer if the player of said miko is someone I can depend upon to not break rules, be around enough, and write good posts.
Not really a bias, but since I've already chosen my character and I'm not giving her up, I need someone else to fill it.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #13 on: December 02, 2011, 03:37:12 PM »
Rune Invocation is essentially the concept of Rune Magic.

See, the old nordic mages used to believe that each rune had a meaning. A power.
For example, in a rune reading, if Eihwaz shows up, that means that a risk is well worth taking, as it's a rune of risktaking, and being daring.
Its traditional meaning is yew; because of this Eihwaz is associated with hunting and the daring that hunting necessitates. Eihwaz often appears in a reading to tell the querent, "Go ahead, take the plunge, the risk is worth it in the end." Basically, Eihwaz indicates that the querent has set her sights on a viable target and is unlikely to encounter defeat. And even if she does encounter catastrophe, it will be minor and may in fact be to her advantage in the long run.

Basically, he can use the meaning of runes to perform magics based on the rune's meaning.
For example, a localized chill ala Cirno with use of Isuz(Ice), or an icecube shot with Hagalaz(Hail).

As for references, they're more likely to be mythology references this time around.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 03:40:30 PM by Hanzo K. »
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #14 on: December 02, 2011, 03:47:09 PM »
Hmm. I like it, it sounds interesting. Just make sure he can't use a shitload in the start. And everyone will have to train to get better.
Does he have to read the rune from something to use it? Like a book or engraving?

Seems I forgot something

Also, wouldn't Ninjas fall under Youkai Exterminator?

Yes. I actually am hoping for a ninja

spell book. He is a skilled archer with a short bow (as skilled as Mongolians) and also proficient with his spear/staff

Too many weapons.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 03:57:47 PM by Sonae »

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #15 on: December 02, 2011, 03:58:11 PM »
That's what the glove is for, as quick access to his personal favorite. Thurisaz/Thorn/Thurs, rune of the Jotun, and Loki.
He also carries small, mahjong tile sized, tablets with the other runes engraved on them, though he has to fish around for them in the pouch he carries them in.
And different Rune Combinations yield different effects. For example, Isuz, rune of Ice, can combine with Hagalaz/Haga/Hagal, rune of Hail(the weather), to create a localized hailstorm.
Which he uses as his shottype.

He could use all 18 Runes of Power, but he uses the three mentioned in the profile simply because, without Spellcards, the others just take too damn long to cast.
As well as being quite draining. The three mentioned are both quickcast-able, and easy on his magic reserves.
He's an impatient guy after all, but it can't be said that he's an idiot....though he often argues with Cirno for no apparent reason.
But you know what they say, you only argue with those who you are most like.

Essentially, the formula is like this.
1/4th Marisa(Role, and overall job)
1/4th Loki(Trickster, personal rune)
1/4th Odin(the use of runes)
1/4th Myself(Overall personality)
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #16 on: December 02, 2011, 04:18:04 PM »
I stopped for a moment there when I saw Marisa mentioned. But since 10 years is fine, it's okay.

So far your profile is all good. I think I'll likely accept it.

Also, here's an example of a rejected profile. Jacked right from teh bestiary

Name : Kawashiro Mitori
Age : Unknown
Gender : Female
Species : Kappa
Ability : The ability to prohibit anything
Occupation : Unknown
Appearance : Red-white
Personality : Unknown
Backstory : Abandoned and Unloved. Has a grudge against Humans
Location : Undecided
Other : Enemy

I guess it's also a sneak peak at the beastiary. It's similar in format to Player Charas, but it's slightly different.

Hm... I should add a Danger level to it.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #17 on: December 02, 2011, 04:22:44 PM »
The idea was basically like this.

Kid gets into trouble -> Gets Saved by Marisa -> Wants to grow up to be just like her -> Ends up learning Magic to do so

Basically, it was inspired by Kiritsugu saving Shirou, only less death and destruction.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #18 on: December 02, 2011, 04:34:24 PM » Sanaya's sort of.

Also, I can sprite characters in Patchcon Style.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #19 on: December 02, 2011, 04:49:43 PM »
Yeahsure, let's go with that.

Really? Awesome.
Well, the guy I'm trying to get to join used to play Ragnarok Online, and the ninja he's gonna use is based on one of the characters he made based on the RO Ninja a long time ago.
Just edited heavily, downgraded to be brought down to normal, etc.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #20 on: December 02, 2011, 05:32:00 PM »

I'll upload some later. Got to go to class now.


  • White Wolf of the West
  • Must not use military vehicles to ?Squish? things.
Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #21 on: December 02, 2011, 05:47:56 PM »
Die hard basicly means that Ozz will ignore wounds, stuff like blood lose, and over whelming fire power and keep fighting, basicly insane and reckless heroism. In touhou terms, he has alot of lives. I'll drop the spear, I just needed a staff and thought, why not a spear.
I could re-write him into a Hermit type, like a ranger.
There are 2 items I believe can solve any problem
1. The Doctor's sonic screw driver
2. Marisa's 8 trigrams reactor


  • Maru~ Maru~
  • Lurk~ Lurk~
Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #22 on: December 02, 2011, 06:17:08 PM »
Die hard basicly means that Ozz will ignore wounds, stuff like blood lose, and over whelming fire power and keep fighting, basicly insane and reckless heroism.
So he's basically a berserk, ignoring pain and blood loss until his body gives up and collapses or he's incapacitated or otherwise disabled?

(I'm sorta asking questions from the back seat here simply to save some time, smack me atop the head to make me stop.)
My first attempt at storywriting, looking for critique

Avatar schizophrenia? I don't know what you're talking about.


  • White Wolf of the West
  • Must not use military vehicles to ?Squish? things.
Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #23 on: December 02, 2011, 06:24:16 PM »
Basicly though not the beserk part just till disabled.
There are 2 items I believe can solve any problem
1. The Doctor's sonic screw driver
2. Marisa's 8 trigrams reactor


  • The problem is, you're a friend that likes to talk!
  • *
  • ...well, I am too!
Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #24 on: December 02, 2011, 07:15:17 PM »
Oh, why not.
Name: Tetsumaru
Age: Appears to be about 15, assumes self to be so.
Gender: Male
Ability: The ability to give form to ideals

Occupation: Apprentice to a blacksmith in the human village

Appearance: Straight black hair, about shoulder length, but generally kept out of his face with a bandana; the rest of his hair is tied back in a ponytail. Favors the aprons and heavy kimonos of his trade, generally in light colors but often times obscured by the dirt and grime. His eyes are a bright shade of brown, and he has a small scar under his left ear from a stray bit of hot metal. He's taller and burlier than average for his 'age'

Personality: Tetsumaru is softspoken but cheerful, introspective but amicable. He's very withdrawn and doesn't mind large gatherings, but he prefers keeping to himself and quiet surroundings. He's fond of reading and regularity; the pounding of the anvil and the churn of the furnace are comforting sounds for him, and the number of books he's bought amount to most, if not all, of his allowance. He partilarly enjoys informative texts, like ones on youkai or fairies.

Lost as a child, Tetsumaru has no memories of before he was 'five'. All he remembers is a flash of green and voiceless screams, both frequent features in his nightmares. He was found by Matsu Jin, the blacksmith of the Human Village, and taken in as an apprentice, hence his unimaginative name for he doesn't remember his old one. It's been ten years since then. He always had an odd aura around him, as if he affected the air itself as he moved. His favorite ball would bounce a bit higher, his tools would last a bit longer, and other little improvements in the things around him. All unknown and unconscious applications of his innate ability. He's otherwise had a fairly uneventful life.

Other: He's fended off youkai a few times, maybe two or three. He favors a canesword, formerly owned by Jin, that he uses as a walking stick due to his frail constitution. For some reason, he's unaffected by the fumes and hard work of the forge in comparison to other physical activity. Recently, he's also completed a longer, more practical, jian, which he's enthusiastic to use but inexperienced in. He's displayed interest in danmaku, but has only a minor innate potential for it. He's quite good at dodging things though, having spent his entire ten year 'life' dodging things thrown from an annoyed or otherwise playful Jin. At the full application of his power, he would perhaps be able to materialize objects out of nothing: a sword that embodies 'sharpness' or a shield that embodies 'protection', but only ever maybe half a dozen at a time. His personal 'ideal' may differ from what may be obvious, too. Because he may find it 'cool', said 'sword of sharpness' may only cut things a second after attacking, but perfectly so. Or that 'shield of protection' may be pierced if an attack hits it that Tetsumaru sincerely believes would shatter it. It's a power of belief.

Should he develop Danmaku, it would most certainly be based around the various 'ideal weapons' he could create. As examples:

Ideal: 'Spear of Extension' : This spellcard creates a long spear, in effect a laser, that extends forever. Upon reaching the edge of the designated danmaku area, it continues extending...but from a different, random point on the danmaku zone's border. A highly unpredictable, fast, and unorthodox spellcard. Based off Tetsumaru's ideal of 'extension'; 'if it can extend, it should be able to keep extending until it reaches what it needs to reach, right?' He's a very functional lad. Upper difficulties of this spellcard would involve danmaku being emanated from the spear, and possibly two or more spears at even higher levels.

Ideal: 'Four Blades of Seeking' : Four danmaku 'blades' are created around the target, each pointing at it from a cardinal direction. The blades do not attack, but lag behind slightly when the target moves and constantly rotate, creating a psuedo restriction. Along with this, at periodic intervals danmaku is created based on the target's position and centered on his position. Tetsumaru believes, as quoted by him, that 'people who can look for things should help other people look for things!' Does it really count if an inanimate object is helping another similar thing, though...? It's very possible to survive this spellcard outside of the ring, though, if one so wishes, but then one has to contend with the ring of blades homing in on them...

Absolute Ideal: Phantasm Armory : A manifestation of his ideals and essentially his true self, this is his last spell card and a survival to boot. He essentially repeats all of his other spellcards for one iteration, but in a distorted manner. 'Spear of Extension' would shatter before reaching the target, and the fragments would become spears of their own. 'Four Swords of Seeking' would move of their own volition and out of tandom with each other, creating not so much a 'prison of blades' but a 'labyrinth.' And for the finale, he sends each and every one of his 'weapons' in a last ditch, dumbfire assault...for better or worse.

As a player character, he would have two playstyles:

Shot type A
Shot: Ideal: Swords of Seeking (Homing Type) (A simple homing type shot. The knives follow strange trajectories before hitting the target though, meaning otherwise untouchable targets may become vulnerable, and the reverse as well. Higher power levesl result in more swords and different unique trajectories.)
Bomb: Conceptual Ideal: Fortress (Experimentation into his abilities has let him make this spellcard. Tetsumaru creates a barrier around him that catches any hostile danmaku; at the end of the duration, all of this is expelled outwards along with a barrage of his own. 'A fortress made out of your enemies wouldn't have to defend against anything, huh...?'

Shot type B
Shot: Ideal: Spear of Extending (Power Type) (Like its pattern version, Spear of Extending as a shot type merely shoots a spear forward at such a speed that it's more or less a laser. However, it deviates slightly if Tetsumaru moves to the right or left, like SakuyaB from PCB, and maintains the refraction function as well, letting Tetsumaru angle in an attack on things otherwise inaccessible. Higher powers result in the spear emanting a larger radius that deals less damage, and at max it can 'cross the border' up to twice before it ends. Stacking it only improves damage slightly, though.)
Bomb: Conceptual Ideal: Siege Weapon (A variation of Fortress. Up until the release of danmaku, it's identical. However, at the release point, it directs all danmaku forward instead of in all directions. For this reason, it's more powerful, but more dangerous; without the omnidirectional expulsion, far less enemy danmaku is cleared. A high risk, high reward bomb. 'Then again, a fortress that destroys your enemies wouldn't have to defend against anything either...')

This is all theoretical, though. He has yet to really develop his power at all, let alone integrating it into Danmaku play.
« Last Edit: January 19, 2012, 05:19:15 PM by Amra »
[23:02] <~Iced> You have sown the seeds of your own destruction Amra.
[23:20] <Stuffman> enjoy your personally crafted hell Amra

Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #25 on: December 02, 2011, 07:24:02 PM »
(I'm sorta asking questions from the back seat here simply to save some time, smack me atop the head to make me stop.)

Yer fine, I'll need a sort of advisor anyways, so I don't make bad decisions.

  could re-write him into a Hermit type, like a ranger.

Hermit would be better for a high stamina character.
It's just everyone has to have some sort of weak point.

Amra, I'll read yours when I get home in like 40 mins kay~?


I'm still on the fence asbout this one.
But Maybe....just maybe...

Touhous might be obtainable


Can we use an occupation that's already been taken?

I just thought of another thing this could possibly mean. That an occupation owned by a Touhou could be used. and my answer to that is. Well, les say things have happened~

There's a reason why Hakugyokurou Gardener isn't on the list.
« Last Edit: December 02, 2011, 08:21:45 PM by Sonae »


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #26 on: December 03, 2011, 02:43:42 AM »
Name: Laresa Krales
Age: 24
Gender: Female
Ability: Laresa is a mimic, able to copy any ability. She is limited only by proximity, both temporal and spacial. For her to be able to mimic an ability, that ability must have been used within a certain distance of her; the farther away from her its use is, the harder it is for her to mimic it. In addition, she can only mimic that ability for a short time after its use, and the more time has passed, the harder it is.
Occupation: Youkai Exterminator in the Human Village
Appearance: Tall, with long violet hair. Very good-looking. In very good physical shape. Tends to dress fairly simply. Is never seen without her pack. Has several visible scars, most minor. Has one larger scar on her right arm.

Personality: Laresa, it's generally thought, has a fairly questionable grip on sanity. She can often seem unpredictable, and people are rarely sure just how she'll react to anything. She's been known to react with hostility to unexpected physical contact. She's something of a loner. She'll interact with people as needed, but only when needed.
Laresa takes 'over-prepared' to a new extreme. She has at least one plan thought out for every situation she can think of, no matter how unlikely. For most, she has multiple plans. And she often goes to great lengths to prepare them. The pack she keeps on her at all times is magically enchanted to hold an amount far beyond its size. If a plan she comes up with involves an object, she aquires it and keeps it in her pack, which contains a truly impressive amount of stuff. She also, of course, has food and water in the pack, as well as other basics. And she also has a collection of random items in the pack, things meant to be available just in case she encounters a situation she hasn't planned for.

Backstory: Laresa had a fairly normal childhood, or as close to that as one can get in Gensokyo. She was never as afraid of youkai as other children, though. She knew from the start that she wanted to face them, not hide from them. She started training for combat as soon as she could, and decided that if she was going to focus so much on it, it made sense to choose an occupation where she could put it to use. Until a couple years ago, she was just as sociable as the next person, but that suddenly changed one night. Nobody knows why, as she never talks about it.

Other: Laresa's weapon of choice is a bladed staff, which she is quite skilled with. She also has a knife that she's capable with, but she generally uses it more as a tool than as a weapon.

Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #27 on: December 03, 2011, 02:55:39 AM »
Yay another post!

Anyways. It has been decided. Hanzo is Accepted

Hm. I'm seeing a strangely large amount of youkai exterminators or atleast people who are more prohuman than proyoukai.
This is worrying me. The Hakurei Miko is an absolutely NECCESSARY character in the rp. Being somewhat of a plot trigger.
Moriya miko is also needed since She's already been stated to exist because of the prologue/intro.
And I'd personally like to see a Buddhist or Taoist. Or Both.

Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #28 on: December 03, 2011, 02:57:09 AM »
Marokuu, welcome back to Eastern Garden, and, Sonae, here's your pro-youkai.

Name: Kisei Kyoki (狂気 気勢) "Yes, the family name is weird. Whatever."

Age: 15 years old

Gender: Female

Power: "Power? I wouldn't know anything about that. All I know is that when everything hurts, they all feel clear and the same. Cramps and strains and all those stuff don't stop me from moving normally."

(Superhuman pain tolerance. The problem is, Kisei is also extremely receptive to pain, i.e. it does not dull her senses or restrict her movement (like strains and cramps and other things), but the pain is sharper and clearer.)

Occupation: "I'm a thief-in-training, but don't you think eight years is enough to be one already?"

(Apprentice of a thief (of youkai origin), though she's already a full-fledged thief by now.)

Appearance: ?I got this red kimono that?s way too big for me, but only at the sleeves, weirdly. I used to have this deep cut on my left arm, and I wrapped a bandage over it, but I?ve never taken it off. My hair?s red, too, and it?s tied in two pigtails. I don?t like long hair. I don?t wear shoes, either, just white socks. And as you can see, I?m way too short for my age.?

(She wears a light red, oversized kimono; it is only oversized at the sleeves. A bandage is wrapped around a hidden wound. Her red shoulder-length hair is tied into two pigtails. She wears white socks. She is approximately 5' 2? tall.)

Personality: ?Ooh, pretty things! Don?t expect me to do stuff I don?t like, ?cause I hate them. I won?t do anything that isn?t fun. Don?t try sneaking up on me, or else I?ll punch you really, really hard. Just be thankful I miss a lot. And don?t even think about fighting me.?

(She tends to get distracted by new or pretty things. She has absolutely no idea about the concept of urgency, and behaves irreverently when given any task she dislikes (read: a lot). She expects fun at every corner of her life. When she gets surprised by a person, she usually reacts by swinging fists at the person, and fortunately, she misses most of the time, a slight sign of paranoia. In fights, she can get carried away and start attacking like a bloodthirsty killer.)

Backstory: Kisei was born into a family of nighttime shopkeepers. Much like every other child in the Human Village, she woke in the day and slept at night, but in a few occasions, she stayed up long enough to see that her parents' customers were not human, but youkai. This would spark a long, grueling (for everyone else), and otherwise fun journey to learn, from those kind enough to teach her, the art of thievery.

Eight years ago, on one of those times she had stayed up, loitering around her family's shop, one youkai began to cause a big scene among the nocturnal visitors. It was entertaining to watch the victim's things get stolen, and even more fun to watch the ensuing fight. She immediately left the perimeter of the shop, intent on asking the troublemaker how he had done that. Her parents could do nothing but watch the otherwise preventable meeting. The next morning, she decided that she, as a thief, would need a weapon, and a pair of brass knuckles was her first ever loot. Days after, Kisei's sleeping habits began to turn into that of her elders': sleeping in the day, waking at night. When she should have been learning the ropes of the family business, she was learning how to steal.

Being taught by a thief gave her the keen interest of one. She would lock her sights on anything pretty and-or new, and some part of her mind began scheming on how she would steal it.

It was unavoidable that she would, one day, actually lose her restraint and attempt to steal a sword. It looked shiny, she would remind herself. She didn't remember who owned it, a youkai or a human, but it was a very dangerous heist. She did not go unnoticed when she laid a hand on the sheath, and she had to begin fighting for dear life as the wielder unsheathed the blade. The brass knuckles proved to be a reliable weapon as it knocked the blade back consistently, but, eventually, her luck ran out. The blade had caught her by her arm, and the pain was very, very real. However, it did not stop her from smashing the swordsman's arm and running away with the blade in her grasp.

As she ran back home, blood staining undetected across her clothes, she had to wonder why the pain felt ordinary. She was never cut so deeply before, but it wasn't any different from a paper cut. Later on, her parents did find out, and she received the scolding of her life, but it was fun anyway!

She keeps all her spoils hidden in some part of her room, adding to them regularly, but has nowhere to sell them. Every now and then, she begrudgingly mans the store in the place of her mother when she is too caught up with other things. Her internal clock is still nocturnal, but she could wake up at dusk to steal from humans, who were a much easier target than youkai.

Other: ?Everyone doesn?t think I?m 15 because I?m too short for that age. Heck, everyone jokes about it. I?d love to give them a taste of my fists. They have no idea I have knuckle dusters.

?As you already know, I like trouble! No one stops me from stealing, and I steal from everyone. I want everyone to know me and be afraid of me, inside this village and all around Gensokyo! Being stuck here sucks. It?s so boring. I?m afraid I?ll be forced to watch the shop every day for the rest of my life, just like my parents. Also, just going out of line, I hate, hate, hate those goody two-shoes I find everywhere. I don?t understand how they could live like that.?

(No one thinks she's 15 because of her height, and this is a subject of jokes for her friends. She also wields a pair of knuckle dusters hidden by her sleeves, which she uses in impromptu fights and stickups.

Naturally fun-loving, she likes getting into trouble and, despite several warnings, stealing, whether it be from humans or youkai. She likes infamy and being accepted by the vast majority of troublemakers in both the Village and Gensokyo. She hates being stuck in one place for any prolonged period of time, and general boredom. She has the fear of being consigned to one inflexible job, or doing the same thing over and over. Goody two-shes disgust her; she just can't get why anyone would act so nice and proper.)
« Last Edit: December 08, 2011, 04:44:02 AM by Gummi Crow »

Crow's Dumping Ground of Art

"So I never have to worry what tomorrow will bring, because my faith is on solid rock; I am counting on God."


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: On The Boundary ~ Legend of Illusionary Paradise [SignUps OPEN]
« Reply #29 on: December 03, 2011, 02:58:07 AM »
Sonae, I could probably adapt Laresa to the spot of Hakurei miko fairly easily, if you'd like.