Author Topic: Sugoicon 2011 and Purvis: A Tragedy of Errors.  (Read 7004 times)

Hello Purvis

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Sugoicon 2011 and Purvis: A Tragedy of Errors.
« on: November 07, 2011, 04:43:15 AM »
So, Sugoicon and I have a long history. I've gone to it every year since 2002. Back in the day, in another lifetime, a lot of my friends from an old internet forum would gather that at the home of someone who lived in town, and for the whole weekend we'd party hard and be the biggest damn nerds ever. Then she moved out, and for a couple years we'd get hotel rooms and nerd it up. But time, poverty, and distance have made it a one day affair for me, now.  Still, it's been a big deal; back throughout the aughts when I was stuck on dial-up it was my main way of seeing new stuff. I watched stuff like Azumanga, Gurren Laagan, FMP: Fumoffu, and so on there. Lovely times, all of it.

Sugoicon's smalltime stuff. Only a couple thousand attendants at best, only a few panels and viewing rooms going on at once. It's an easy con to take a break from, as you'll likely find some time where there's nothing much happening. And at other times there's hella stuff you want to see at once. So my, my little sister, and her boyfriend all caravaned down there.

Anyways, I went back this year on Saturday, and decided yalls might enjoy some cosplay pictures from a shitty 5 year old digital camera I borrowed for the event!

I met this fine gentleman standing in line in the dealer's room. I could not resist his oozy charms.

I met this Kiki several times, she was very polite.

This befezzed and hep cat I found in the halls and fell in love at once. Also, that sonic screwdriver does indeed light up and make sonic screwdriver noises. He demanded a hug for the picture, and he didn't expect me to agree (and expected from my little sister). Well I showed him! And he has a sharp as fuck chin.

I didn't see a single damn Sephiroth this year, but I sure as hell saw this guy! He had a great Mark Hamil voice, too.

Remember when I said the camera was shitty? Yeah. But I can't say no to a Seventh Doctor. And look at that fucking sweater vest!

Nor can I saw no to a Rory the Roman, even though this also got blurred as fuck. Even though it's not proper anime, I like this Dr Who trend a lot.

Many people did not get this dude's costume. I was not one of them; I immediately demanded a photo, saying, "Phoenix Wright! I must have your picture!" and others looked around, saying, "Phoenix? Where?" Oh those fools.

Now, we had been wandering between panels and the dealer's room for awhile, now. But there was one main event that we (in particular, my sister's boyfriend) had come for.

We got Nabeshin. Fuck yeah. That dude beside him is his translator. Despite having a translator, Nabeshin knew what we were saying; he'd react to questions well before they were translated. And at least a half dozen times, the translator would break out laughing when Nabeshin gave him a reply, and have to take a few moments to compose himself. I tried to catch him head-desking, but it never happened.

Here we see Nabeshin calling up an Excel Cosplayer and instructing the poor girl on how to be a proper Excel.

"And you must always be loyal to Il Palazzo and never get a boyfriend. But Nabeshin is okay."
Sadly, I wasnot able to chase down the Excel cosplayer afterward. She had a great, simple costume. Just she never turned toward us for more than a moment!

Then he called out some Daikon Brothers cosplayers. Informing them that they were all based on him. Except for Mako, who was based on his sexual fantasies; he then chided the cosplayer for wearing shorts rather than a mini-skirt. The mini-skirt is very important!

The next question he was asked was who his favorite character is, to which he replied "Weren't you listening to me a minute ago?!"

These three, I was able to chase down.

E Honda was also there! Nabeshim was impressed with his costume, but stated he would be a hundred times more impressed if the cosplayer were female. You may note this is a trend in Nabeshin's responses.

My sister's boyfriend caught him in the halls and got him to sign his copy of the Excel Saga set! You may note this angle is awkward, that's because this was in a super crowded hallway, and people were not even trying to stop. Have a bonus Derp face caught on a previous attempt to photograph him!

Then we went to Burger King and found the cast of Hellsing. Reminds me of the late Mid aughts when there were Alucards fucking everywhere. They wanted to stand up. I think this was a way funnier picture.

There were trolls everywhere this year. Some really good ones, actually! But, my sister and I made a vow. No troll pictures. It would only encourage them. However, we could not separate out the Gamzee from this lovely Rose and Jade, so we accepted one.

So there was this lovely Rydia cosplayer, but I could never get a picture of her! At one point I chased her down the hall after passing her, and lost her into a viewing room. But I found this lovely Relm, and that made it better.

This dude was a prince. Note the belt; he was actual security, watching the exit to the dealer's room. He was also a great talker; went on about how he whupped a Hitmonlee's ass last year, and how there ain't no thunder kick to save him.

I don't know who this dude is supposed to be. But he's wearing actual ring mail, so I had to get his picture.

And...finally, the two I've been holding out on.

My sister caught this one. I didn't notice until it was pointed out.

And this cool cat I met at the Touhou panel. He lamented they weren't selling fox tails in the dealer's room anymore (they did years ago). Still, I liked his robes.

Next time, I'll tell you about the Touhou panel and how one person ruined it for the rest of us. And I'll show you the swag pics.


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Re: Sugoicon 2011 and Purvis: A Tragedy of Errors.
« Reply #1 on: November 07, 2011, 04:52:28 AM »
Many people did not get this dude's costume. I was not one of them; I immediately demanded a photo, saying, "Phoenix Wright! I must have your picture!" and others looked around, saying, "Phoenix? Where?" Oh those fools.
Purvis, that is very clearly Feenie, why would you lie to the people like that! I like how it looks like you caught him mid sneeze.

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Re: Sugoicon 2011 and Purvis: A Tragedy of Errors.
« Reply #2 on: November 07, 2011, 04:53:32 AM »
I guess I should plan to go next time. I always seem to miss this due to either forgetting about it or being just too busy that weekend.
I'll come up with an evil scheme later. First, it's time to build a giant robot!

You can't have a good evil scheme without a giant robot!


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Re: Sugoicon 2011 and Purvis: A Tragedy of Errors.
« Reply #3 on: November 07, 2011, 05:36:40 AM »
suwako cosplay

A Colorful Calculating Creative and Cuddly Crafty Callipygous Clever Commander
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Re: Sugoicon 2011 and Purvis: A Tragedy of Errors.
« Reply #4 on: November 07, 2011, 05:40:28 AM »
It's actually Pyonta evolved again

Dead Princess Sakana

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Re: Sugoicon 2011 and Purvis: A Tragedy of Errors.
« Reply #5 on: November 07, 2011, 07:01:57 AM »


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Re: Sugoicon 2011 and Purvis: A Tragedy of Errors.
« Reply #6 on: November 07, 2011, 08:10:59 PM »
That is a very smart approach to Homestuck cosplay. I think I'll be following it in the future.

I also cannot wait for the story about the panel-ruining fellow.
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Sugoicon 2011 and Purvis: A Tragedy of Errors.
« Reply #7 on: November 08, 2011, 12:29:57 AM »
I also cannot wait for the story about the panel-ruining fellow.
Me too, stories are always the best part of any report.
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Re: Sugoicon 2011 and Purvis: A Tragedy of Errors.
« Reply #8 on: November 10, 2011, 08:09:09 PM »
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


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Re: Sugoicon 2011 and Purvis: A Tragedy of Errors.
« Reply #9 on: November 10, 2011, 08:16:00 PM »
Excel cosplayer
...Why do I never get to go to cons? >.<

Ah, well, it looked like fun, so, um...
The solution to all of life's problems!

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Hello Purvis

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Re: Sugoicon 2011 and Purvis: A Tragedy of Errors.
« Reply #10 on: November 11, 2011, 08:14:29 PM »


So, there was a Touhou Panel, the first time I ever noticed one at Sugoicon. Being Purvis, I felt it was my duty to attend. The panel was pretty small, just a little room, with about fifteen people. For a little side panel at Sugoicon, this is about right. (The viewing rooms and such tend to be more popular.) Two people were running the panel, and they were gleefully plagued by technical problems. Their projector didn't work; the replacement projecter didn't have a remote, so on. Also, it was pretty much their first panel, so they were hella nervous; though they did a good job not showing it. In the end, they turned one of the laptops toward us so we could see what they wanted to show, and just lectured a bit. The main subject of the panel was fanon vs canon, and they did a pretty good job on it. Went through some major fan memes, how they went with and against canon at various points. Their canon research was pretty good; they were very familiar with the stories ZUN has written, as well as PMiSS and BHiJR. They also were quick to acknowledge that the former had an unreliable narrator and that the latter may have had some instances of people not being entirely truthful.

We covered Reimu (easy-going when not on the job in canon, vs destitute and scheming for money in fanon, though the scheming part has been partially added in in WaHH), Marisa, (Hardworking magician and thief vs The []D[][]\/[][]D and stealing everything not nailed down), Meiling (Well-liked by people and a well-rounded fighter vs narcoleptic and completely useless), and so on. I can't recall all of them. They went in kinda order of release, so we didn't have time to get much further than Yukari and Chen. We also had some fun, while they were still trying to get the projector to work, trying to figure out how to pronounce things correctly despite our riot of accents (Sugoicon is right off the Ohio/Kentucky border, so we have several distinct accents in the region). As well, we tried to figure out who the most crazy broken IN-style pairing would be (I suggested the Watatsuki Sisters for one and Kisume and length of rebar for another) Overall, we had some really good discussion going, I think, save for one thing...

One person there was...the epitome of everything bad about the fandom. We are reasonably sure he was developmentally challenged in a literal sense, or at least aspergered to hell and back. He was a loud person, in the never ever modulating one's voice fashion. He had two topics of interest; one was Flandre and whether she'd come back or not and that she should definitely come back. He could not go a literal five minutes without talking about Flandre. He would derail as many conversations of various characters toward Flandre. There were people making strangling motions at him from behind. The other thing was that he kept asking people how to download the games, EoSD in particular. He actually got the answer, in terms of googling whatever he wanted and Megaupload together several times, to which he'd get argumentative and say that what this got him wouldn't work. (I had a sneaking suspicion he was using a non-standard platform).  As well, when the guys running the panel ended up having to just turn their laptop toward us, this guy's response was to get to the seat right in front of it. When asked not to, so others could see, he sat on the floor in front of it. For about five minutes, until he jumped back up into the seat. Then at the end of the panel, without asking permission, he got on their laptop to look at the rest of the slides while they were packing up their stuff to clear out for the next panel, while asking them if they'd send him some download links if he gave them his email.  My little sister told me he also accidentally kicked her swag back on the way out.

I could have been cruel, but I held back. The presenters themselves showed the guy a saint's patience, and tried to ignore him. Overall, I thought they did pretty well. Had a moment to talk with them after the panel, they told me they weren't really affiliated with any particular forums or corners of the fandom, and seem to be impressed when I mentioned I was a moderator from here. Didn't have time to invite them over properly, sadly, but they were in a hurry to get out. Possibly before the panel lamer could resume hassling them.

It was a good time, though. And now, swag!

A general look at the things I picked up. And this would begin Purvis' War again the shitty Flash!

I'm particularly pleased with this Saber, as I managed to get the guy selling her to give me a 12% discount due to the fact I've known him from prior Sugoicons and convinced him that I wanted to get something from him, and also be able to afford gas. I also managed to get my little sister a 20% discount on a Seolla Schweitzer figure she wanted by pointing out damage to the box.

I paid way too much for these, but how could I say no to Helmeppo and Gaimon? I couldn't, that's how. Though looking back, I remember the person working that booth was a black lady, and now I kinda wonder what she thought of me for getting that Gaimon? Heh...

I also can't say no to the Xeno series.

These I got on a friend's recommendation, and all manga being sold was 20% off at that booth. I've yet to read them, so I've yet to figure out if I've regretted the choice.

Stylin'. I was a little disappointed to get a swimsuited KOS-MOS at first, as I'd prefer a proper costume. Then I recalled that I would always put all Xenosaga characters into their swimsuits ASAP and leave them in them, so I think this is appropriate for me.

Best buds~

And finally, the signed Excel Saga.


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Re: Sugoicon 2011 and Purvis: A Tragedy of Errors.
« Reply #11 on: November 12, 2011, 01:26:20 AM »
Nice. I swear I ran into the panel crasher's cousin at Otakon; guy walks up to me, stares, then goes "Hey, I saw you at the Touhou Panel!" He continued to stare and talk, while drooling slightly, before his buddy/assumed guardian figure got him. (Note I'm in my Momiji cosplay at this point in time.) Thanks for sharing the adventure with us!

"I don't have anything against you, but I hope you're ready to die a dog's death!
Oh, don't worry, that cat will carry off your body, so you'll be able to live in our place!"

Re: Sugoicon 2011 and Purvis: A Tragedy of Errors.
« Reply #12 on: November 12, 2011, 02:51:00 AM »
Me and my friend are still making fun of that guy with such sayings as "How does I google the internet" and "I hide under my parents bed so I can find out my dads computer password while my mom talks on the phone."  It was great for amusement afterwords, but it was easy to tell everyone wanted to lynch him.
I was the beerless ZUN sitting in the back and my friend was the one with the Kyubey shirt holding up a "FREE CONTRACTS" sign.

Alfred F. Jones

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Re: Sugoicon 2011 and Purvis: A Tragedy of Errors.
« Reply #13 on: November 12, 2011, 03:31:13 PM »
Make a contract with me, and you'll be in one of ZUN's new Touhou games!

Looks like you had fun, Purvis. :3c