Author Topic: The Shorts of Wolfsbane706  (Read 3244 times)


  • Knight of the Accursed Order
  • Boredom is contagious.
The Shorts of Wolfsbane706
« on: September 25, 2011, 04:47:28 AM »
I only found one story featuring Rumia, so I figured, why not just write one myself?  It's just a short, though, so I'm probably gonna end up adding more to this topic.  Probably not very many Rumia shorts, though.

Rumia's Victory

Rumia dodged, left then right.  Unfortunately, moving right put her right in the path of Cirno?s shots.  She tried to go up, but managed to get hit in the legs in the process.  Rumia shouted as the snowballs hit her legs, effectively throwing the darkness Youkai into a spin, and ultimately landing her face-down on the ground.
?Hah!? shouted Cirno.  ?I win again!?  She floated over to Rumia and stood over the collapsed member of Team 9.  ?You did better, but you still can?t beat the strongest!?
Rumia sighed and got back up.  ?I still wanted to win.  It?s not right for a fairy to beat a Youkai!?  Even if the one who?d beaten her was her leader, Rumia still felt it wasn?t right.  ?You didn?t even use a spellcard.?  Cirno was notorious for her brute strength, and most of the time she either forgot to use her spellcards, or just didn?t think she needed them.  She frequently challenged the members of Team 9 to fights, although Rumia was the one who accepted.  Wriggle was too scared of catching cold, Mystia had a cart to run, and Daiyousei usually couldn?t be found.  Speaking of Daiyousei, where was she today?
?Hey Rumia, you okay??  Cirno looked over her friend, a little concerned.  Rumia didn?t answer and just retreated into her darkness to float away.  Cirno, being the general idiot that everyone knew her as, simply shrugged it off to look for Daiyousei.

While Rumia floated, bumping into trees several times, she wondered how she could possibly get stronger.  Strong enough, at least, to beat Cirno.  She floated aimlessly until night fell, and since it was a new moon, Rumia didn?t notice when her darkness suddenly dissipated and she bumped into someone.  Normally she wouldn?t give it a second thought, but since she could actually see the chest of who she?d bumped into, she looked up into the dark eyes of another darkness Youkai.  Waiit . . . .  That didn?t quite fit . . . .  This person, whoever he was, was more than just a Youkai.  He was like, like darkness itself.  Rumia had no idea how she?d come up with that comparison, but it definitely seemed to fit.
?And just what do we have here?? said the dark man.  ?Looks to me like you?ve had a bit of trouble today.?
Rumia flinched a little bit at the man?s comment.  ?Is that, is that so?? she said a little nervously.  ?What makes you say that??
The man tapped his head.  ?Intuition.? He said with a smile.  ?The way you held yourself in your darkness told your emotions.?
?But nobody can see through my darkness!? Rumia exclaimed, a little surprised.  ?Not even me!?
The man shrugged.  ?Either way, I?d like to give you a gift.  For your next battle.?  He reached into a breast pocket and pulled out two slips of paper, giving them to Rumia. Rumia looked them over carefully, and read the words on them to herself.
?Dark Sign: Chaos Claymore, and Dark Sign: Darkness Falls.  What good are these??  When she looked up to talk to the man again, he was gone.  Rumia decided that since she couldn?t give them back, she?d try them out in her next fight against Cirno.

?Ready Rumia?? Cirno asked, eager to start the fight.  Rumia nodded, also eager to begin.  She wanted to try those new spellcards.  ?Alright, then!? she shouted, pulling out a spellcard of her own.  ?Ice Sign: Icicle Machine Gun!?  She channeled her energy into  the card, which glowed before releasing a powerful barrage of icicle-shaped bullets in Rumia?s direction.  Rumia, not one to be outdone, jumped to the side and pulled out a spellcard of her own, quickly getting over the shock of Cirno opening with a spellcard.  She took a quick peek at it, and surprise crossed her face when she realized that it was one of the spell cards she?d gotten from the man the previous night.
With a determined look set on her face, Rumia held the spellcard out in front of her and shouted its name.  ?Dark Sign: Darkness Falls!?  She felt a little bit of energy leave her body as the spellcard took effect.  She didn?t see anything happen, but Cirno?s shots suddenly got a lot wilder.
?Hey Rumia!  Where?d you go??  Rumia could see that Cirno was firing completely blindly, so Rumia started firing danmaku bullets from all directions as best she could.  Unlike Cirno, she was smart enough to spread her shots around, making it hard to tell where she was.  Rumia had only gone around once, though, when the spellcard wore off and Cirno caught on to Rumia?s position. ?Nice trick, but I?M the STRONGEST!!!!?  She drew another spellcard.  ?Freeze Sign: Perfect Freeze!!!!?  Uh oh.  Cirno was really serious if she was pulling her signature move out of her hat.  Er, bow.  Pocket.  Something.
Rumia pulled out her second new spellcard.  ?Dark Sign: Chaos Claymore!?  Rumia waited for the barrage of frozen bullets to impact, but the four swords now surrounding her created some kind of barrier while spewing out danmaku arrows of their own.  Most of the arrows got intercepted by Cirno?s own attacks, but there was still a large number that made it through.  Eventually, Cirno?s spell card wore off while Rumia?s stayed active for another full minute, which tilted the flow of battle and gave the victory to Rumia.
[15:30] * Wolfsbane706 pitfalls Roukan.
[15:30] <Roukan> WHAT WHY
[15:31] * Roukan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*splat*
[15:32] <Wolfsbane706> That's the funniest reaction I've seen yet.
[15:34] * Roukan thumbs-up from beyond the grave.


  • Knight of the Accursed Order
  • Boredom is contagious.
Re: The Shorts of Wolfsbane706
« Reply #1 on: September 26, 2011, 06:49:33 AM »
This next one's only half a short.  The other half will be coming up soon as I figure out how to write it properly.

Marisa's Experiment

   With a rush of air and a resounding clang, Marisa's latest pet project went up in smoke.  Quite literally.  ?No no no!  Not good, da-ze!?  She quickly opened up as many windows as she could (those that weren't covered by various books and other junk) and started fanning the smoke out.  She didn't care how much attention she drew, just so long as she could salvage her project.  She fanned most of the smoke away, but still managed to breath some in.  Coughing, Marisa gave up on salvaging her project and just went outside while the smoke cleared.  She sighed and plopped down a short distance away from her house, irritated that her attempt to perfect a smaller version of her bomb potions failed.  ?I was sure I had it right this time, ze.? she muttered softly, fidgeting with her hair like she always did when she was nervous.  Thankfully, she was pretty much never nervous.  ?I was certain!?
   She recalled the steps she'd used to make the bomb potion.  She'd tried concentrating the stuff she needed at first, but after that proved to be disastrous (nearly catching Marisa in the explosion), Marisa tried different mixtures in different amounts.  This latest one had spilled a little, making the flask slippery and producing the smokescreen effect that had forced Marisa out of her house.  After realizing that the potion?and with it, the smoke?wouldn't dissipate for a while yet, Marisa decided to pay a visit to some of her friends to see if she could get some help.  With a new goal set, she grabbed her broom, hopped on, and flew off towards the Scarlet Devil Mansion.  Maybe I can get some help from Patchouli.  She's always willing to lend out books, so maybe it's the same with advice!
« Last Edit: September 26, 2011, 06:52:48 AM by MFZBdude »
[15:30] * Wolfsbane706 pitfalls Roukan.
[15:30] <Roukan> WHAT WHY
[15:31] * Roukan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*splat*
[15:32] <Wolfsbane706> That's the funniest reaction I've seen yet.
[15:34] * Roukan thumbs-up from beyond the grave.


  • Knight of the Accursed Order
  • Boredom is contagious.
Re: The Shorts of Wolfsbane706
« Reply #2 on: October 08, 2011, 07:34:38 AM »
Short #3 is here, and I'd like to know if any of you want me to actually continue Marisa's Experiment, or leav it as-is with the cliffhanger ending.

Facefull of Furball

Aya turned the wheel on her camera, charging it up for the next shot.  She?d already gotten some exciting pictures of high-profile people such as Keine Kamishirasawa, Patchouli Knowledge, and Alice Magratroid.  She?d just finished changing film, actually, and was getting ready to move on to the next scoop.  Supposedly, there was a cat around here with a penchant for being violent.  Aya wanted to catch that in action.
She got what she wished for, and then some.
Chen came hurtling towards Aya at a speed almost matching her own.  With a yowl, hiss, and a cry of ?CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!? Aya was knocked out of the sky with a face-full of furball.  She made a mental note never again to get involved with violent cats.  More than likely, they would be Chen.  And, more than likely, Aya would ignore that selfsame mental note if it meant getting a scoop.
[15:30] * Wolfsbane706 pitfalls Roukan.
[15:30] <Roukan> WHAT WHY
[15:31] * Roukan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*splat*
[15:32] <Wolfsbane706> That's the funniest reaction I've seen yet.
[15:34] * Roukan thumbs-up from beyond the grave.