Author Topic: [RPG Maker VX] Touhou - 天空奇怪 ~ Sealed Sanctuary in Forgotten Heaven  (Read 4570 times)

I am proud to present Touhou Tenkukika? (translates as "mysterious heaven") ~ Sealed Forgot Sanctuary in Heaven, my current project.
(I 'am frenche, so, this post can be confuse ^^').

Gensokyo, an Eastern Japanese world who can be fantastic and dangerous, is populated by divine beings, youkais and humans. Many conflicts have places in this wonderful world ... but fortunately, there are temples with Shinto priestess called Miko restore peace by exterminating the evil beings of this world.

This is the story of this chapter of this world (天空 奇怪 ~ Sealed in Forgot Heaven Sanctuary):

The celebration of the summer takes place in the temple Myouren, temple wich Youkai and humans can get along. The leader of this temple is called Byakuren Hijiri, a magician with peacefully ideas . But suddenly, right in the circles of the celebration, divine beings are unknown surfaces and spread chaos throughout the country! Their intentions are still unknown ... Byakuren and his band of priestesses were trying to retaliate, but the power of these beings was unknown, and it was impossible to know their weaknesses. All the fighters fought. But after a long battle, the enemy triumphed, and steals the temple Myouren in the ascendancy in the air, their intention was that ...

Morning comes, and all Gensokyo is still in shock from the violent attack of the night before ... the enemy were left with the temple ... and impossible to find them. Byakuren Hijiri was weak when she had more strength, more temple priestess and all were hurt... then she went to ask our heroine, Hakurei Reimu, Miko Hakurei the temple to find the responsible disaster that night and recovered the temple Myouren.

Character (artwork to come):

Reimu Hakurei: This is the main heroine of the series touhou project. Miko is a temple and leads the Hakurei. To cut off the youkai and solve conflicts in Gensokyo. In the event of this game, she went to investigate Byakuren Hijiri order to find the temple Myouren. Reimu is rather strict in the youkai and human relations, for her, the youkai must be exterminated! His color is red.

Byakuren Hijiri: is a magician possessing Myouren the temple. It is a pure pacifist, she wants humans and youkai can be together ... but it was sealed in the Makai (hell) by humans, used to these ideas.

Sanae Kochiya: is also a miko, it maintains the temple Moriya. As it must Miko Reimu help in this venture even though they are rivals of temples first! Its color is green.

Marisa Kirisame is a blonde witch like gold! It is quite unstable and sometimes steals things. But it is a friend of Reimu, and this assistance each major conflict.

Other characters will be present, but they will not be disclosed here as they are key to the plot

The project is still on paper, so everyone is welcome to participate. I need a programmer.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 08:06:00 AM by Chester-low »

Re: [RPG Maker XP] Touhou - 天空奇怪 ~ Sealed Sanctuary in Forgot Heaven
« Reply #1 on: September 03, 2011, 02:55:24 PM »
Interesting. I can probably program, depending on what kind of stuff you want.

Re: [RPG Maker XP] Touhou - 天空奇怪 ~ Sealed Sanctuary in Forgot Heaven
« Reply #2 on: September 03, 2011, 05:39:22 PM »
Il you want join the project(thaaaaaaaaaaank you), you will:

- Animate battlers sprites on battle (players and ennemys).
-Create effects on players and ennemys's spell card.
-Effects on somes cinematics.

But you will can participate at scenario and characters concepts etc... ;P

So you join me?


  • catnapping
  • three dots connect to rectangles
Re: [RPG Maker VX] Touhou - 天空奇怪 ~ Sealed Sanctuary in Forgot Heaven
« Reply #3 on: September 03, 2011, 10:38:08 PM »
Hm, I'm not a spriter so I wont be able to help you. I'll note some other things though.
I know you're French like you said, so I wont Nazi all over you, but the title, I feel, is important so I'll point out that Forgot should be Forgotten.
I feel that there's strange about the kanji, though it may be just me. There's a rather nice ring to it though.
Also, I'd like to point out that you really shouldn't ask for programmers in a fan game of your own creation, unless it's some huge project that requires a lot of programmers to do certain aspects of the gameplay such as the engine, battle, scripted events, etc. RPG Maker is simple enough that you should be able to learn it rather quickly. The more you do stuff on your own, the more control you have. Then you wont have to start cattle prodding when your workers start losing interest. If you do it by yourself, then it's just a matter of how long you retain interest in your own project. Although it is nice to have a good friend as a partner, so both of you will remain motivated.
In that regard, what are you doing in this project? As far as I can tell, you're only doing the character portraits and the storyline, though correct me if I'm wrong. The programmer needs the storyline to start programming the game, so all that you'll have left to do is character portraits. And once that's done, you'll be done with your work while "your" project suddenly just gets thrown onto the back of someone else to do the main hard work.
I suggest that you learn RPG Maker if you're interested in this. Like I said before, it's not that hard. Especially with whole communities out there that supply sample effects and ready made game engines. Then its just a matter of using those as reference to make your own.
Well, that was a long post. However you decide to do it, good luck.

Oh, and I like the effect you put on 東方 for the title card. The other four kanji look rather boring with just simple flat colors, so try and put that same texture(with the different colors) for those other four kanji as well. It might look better. Unless you like it that way.
« Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 02:32:58 AM by EdibleGhost »
Naked expression; purple raspberry flavour

Re: [RPG Maker VX] Touhou - 天空奇怪 ~ Sealed Sanctuary in Forgot Heaven
« Reply #4 on: September 04, 2011, 12:04:23 AM »
Um, I can only code. I can't do any effects. Sorry. :(

Re: [RPG Maker VX] Touhou - 天空奇怪 ~ Sealed Sanctuary in Forgot Heaven
« Reply #5 on: September 04, 2011, 08:04:31 AM »
EdibleGhost---> Thanks for yours advices ;P I change the title -__-. And the title card is provisory.

Supreme GameMaster---> Don't worry, if you can program on Custom Battle system, it's the more imortant. ;P
« Last Edit: September 04, 2011, 08:09:32 AM by Chester-low »