Just don't shoot danmaku in the world of Pokemon...
I want ideas, not restrictions!

Danmaku could, if you look at it one way, actually fit in well in the Pokemon world.
Whether or not I'm going to actually do that is completely unknown at this point, however, so I may not.
Dropping off the second chapter. :X
Chapter 2
Sigh ~ The Obligatory Rival
Surprisingly, it isn't all too difficult sleeping inside the bag at all.
What I mean is, you would think that air would run out fast.
But that isn't the case at all.
Since it's as spacious as my basement inside the bag, there's more air than you know what to do with.
And when I reach into the bag, it's like it knows exactly what I want.
I don't know what exactly she did to this bag, but it sure kicks the blood out of any lame purse.
I could easily live in this bag!
I very well could.
Oh wait,....
I do now!
Well, I guess that means I won't need to set up camp or pay for lodging very often, if at all.
And I'm sure I don't need to mention that since vampires are creatures of the night, I don't really need a source of light inside this thing either.
...There isn't one anyway.
Anyway, I need to get dressed.
For some reason I get the feeling my mop hat will fit right in here in this world.
Donning it, I unzip the bag to discover that it's twilight right now.
The sun's light is very weak right now so I should be fine.
At most it may merely sting a little.
I step out into the open and stretch, then look down over the cliff upon the town below as I let out a yawn.
I pick up my bag.
Night descends upon the world as I descend upon the town.
Now that I've a better look at it, perhaps 'village' would be a more appropriate word to use?
Merely four houses stand before me.
The town's sign reads:
"Twinleaf Town ~ Where new leaves breathe."
...Well there doesn't seem to be anything here, so I'll just leave.
Or well, that's what I was GOING to do.
But, apparently, that's not going to be the case...
This is due to the fact that, just as I turn around and begin walking away from the four houses that supposedly can be called a town, I am stopped by the voice of another girl.
??: "Hm? What's a little girl like you doing in a small town like this?"
I think even calling it a "small town" is being generous.
"I'm not really IN the town. I'm technically just outside."
She is merely a meter or so behind me.
...Just where did she come from, anyway?
I don't bother turning around to face her, and instead continue walking.
If she were using magic, I would have sensed it.
She couldn't possibly have just walked up behind me without me knowing, and certainly not in that very small window of time.
Even Izzy isn't that stealthy.
With a mere blink of my eyes, she has appeared before me.
She definitely caught me off guard, as I'm stopped in my tracks.
??: "Hehe~, am I too fast for ya?"
That can't be it. Playing ball requires much faster eyes than tracking this person.
Even so, those with abilities like this are usually stage five bosses.
I'm technically Ex-rank, but that's only if I'm not the player character...
At least I'm cuter as the player character!
Wait, that's totally irrelevant.
"Not really. But I suppose I can admit you surprised me."
I may as well take this moment to case her.
Just looking at her, she's cocky and determined.
Short, black hair with blonde highlights.
Blue jeans and a gray inner t-shirt, and a hoodie-jacket blue on the outside with a yellow interior, the hood down.
I assume she rarely actually uses the hood.
A small Pokeball hangs from her necklace.
Probably the Pokeball for her Starly, which I do realize I've not mentioned it.
Her Starly I noticed first before going down the hill, and again when I half-entered the set-of-four-houses-which-can-apparently-be-called-a-town.
It perched on her shoulder just after she appeared in front of me.
For some reason, she pisses me off.
てきば たかこ
的場 鷹子
Tekiba Takako
The Typical Rival
テーマ: 不退の翼 ~ 鷹飛行始
Theme: Wings of Determination ~ The Hawk Takes Flight
Takako: "Sou~ nano ka~?
Maybe I should surprise you a bit more while you're still stricken with awe!"
...An opponent?
I'm expected to defeat a stage five boss on the first stage?
Not even my sister is that cruel...
Honestly, I've only a level five Eevee!
Well... Complaining aside.
Gotta start somewhere I suppose, but I didn't expect a trainer battle right away.
I grip at Ui-chan's ball in my hand, my thumb placed on the button and ready to release her.
"Maybe I was mistaken.
With a line like that, you're more like a stage one boss!"
Takako: "Stage one boss? What are you talking about, some kind of STG?"
My finger presses the button on the ball, releasing Ui-chan.
I don't let go of the Pokeball, because the effect in the anime that you can throw it and it just magically come back to your hand is obviously fake.
Well, I probably could make it come back to my hand magically... but it's easier to just not throw it.
Ui-chan appears before me in flash of bright light.
Takako: "An Eevee? That's unusual for this area..."
??: "It certainly is."
??: "Eevees never appear around here. Curious you would find a specimen such as this one around our little Twinleaf Town."
I don't know who this guy is. And I don't like how he used the word "specimen" either.
Takako doesn't seem to be surprised by him at all...
He caught us, or at least me anyway, off-guard. Just like she did...
Surely they can't border. The only one who can do that is, HER.
He's an old man too... Grey hair and matching optimal grey mustache. A strapped briefcase. And a white coat.
Oh. This guy must be a professor.
Nanakamado: "Ahem, my apologies. My name is Prof. Nanakamado.
I am the leading Professor here in the Sinnoh region, based here in little Twinleaf Town.
I see you've met young Tekiba-san here. I hope you two will get along just fine, but she is a bit of a troublemaker."
Takako: "Mou, Nanakamado-hakase, that's so mean!"
Nanakamado: "Oh, and who was it that broke one of the lab windows last week?"
Takako: "Uuu..."
Nanakamado: "You should come to my lab sometime. I'd like to hear more about you, and I don't think you're from around here either."
Well, while he did use the word specimen, he doesn't seem like a bad person. And he's got an up on Takako, so that should be useful too...
"Yeah, I might stop in sometime. Ok."
Nanakamado: "Splendid! Off we go then!"
I introduced Takako the same way characters are in the normal Touhou games, with their name and title appearing over the conversation, rather than them actually exchanging names in the conversation. Not only is this nice because it's a nod to the games, but it also allows me to avoid trying to fit an exchange of names into the conversation somewhere. :V
I think only opponents will be introduced this way, though.
And obviously "Border of Duel" is from the fighting games.
I think I'll use this too.
Also if you haven't noticed, I'm using the Japanese names for characters from the Pokemon world, but English names for the Pokemon themselves.
Even though I always watched the English Pokemon anime, I write using Japanese names for people.
So I just felt I had to.
Speaking of which.
About Takako's name.
Her surname, Tekiba, is written with the Kanji 的場. 的 means "typical", and it's reading (てき, teki) is also the reading for 敵, which means opponent, rival, or adversary. And 場 (ば, ba) means place or occasion.
As for her given name, Takako, it's written with the Kanji 鷹子. 鷹 (たか, taka) means falcon or hawk, and 子 (こ, ko) means child (typically girl) and is a very common ending of girls' given names.
Hawks are a natural enemy of bats.
Thus her name means "The hawkling at the usual spot", but you could just say she's the typical(/annoying) bird(brain) or typical(/annoying) rival.
If I say she's an annoying bird though, she's more like a second stage boss.
Or maybe it's fourth!
Well, she's not a sparrow or a crow, though.
I'll say fourth, since that's where rival player characters always show up (not future player characters, except for a originally red-haired magician), and that Flandre just isn't very good at gauging other people's abilities yet, at least not in this world.
Oh yeah, and to be clear, Takako's Starly isn't the same Starly seen in Prof. Nanakamado/Rowan's lab in the first episode of the Diamond and Pearl season of the anime.
She caught it nearby a while back and they've been inseparable since.
Also. Chapter one was written and completed within February of 2010.
Chapter two. Written in the time after that, the stalled all the way to February of this year, 2011, when it was finally completed. :derp:
Personally I don't think this setup is that amazing to be worth a year-long wait.
I know I sure as hell wouldn't wait that long if I wasn't the writer.
But, oh well. Motk just gets the special treatment.
Except for the fact that this is now caught up, which means now I need to write chapter three like right away.
Hopefully posting the story here will help me gather ideas so I can figure out where the hell I want this thing to go.