Maidens of the Kaleidoscope

~Beyond the Border~ => Rumia's Party Games => Mystia's Stored Games => Topic started by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2013, 07:25:14 PM

Title: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2013, 07:25:14 PM

>You are Yukari Yakumo, and you are the Queen of Gensokyo! Well, not really, but it?s nice to to lead others to think you are and pay due respect.
>You are the youkai that stands at the threshold, old as civilization and a witness much of human and youkai history. Indeed, you have been a significant force during much of the latter. Your deeds are many: You have name charted the stars for youkai-kind, you have lead an invasion that shook both heaven and earth, even if it had ostensibly failed to conquer the moon. You have dwelt on the edge of human society, sometimes reaching out to influence it in small ways. However, there was a point when you realized that you had to make a decision, whether you wished to exert your power over all, dominate them, and rule openly (or fall in the attempt), or take a more relaxed role and live as you pleased. You chose the latter with little hesitation. You have watched both humans and youkai throughout history, as youkai took early control over the unseen parts of the world and were slowly driven further and further back as humanity grew in power, technology, and arrogance.
>Eventually, it became necessary to find a new place for the youkai to live, and you took an active role in helping to forge that place with the aid of the Hakurei bloodline and The Dragon itself. Now you watch over that land, serving as both a quiet (and sometimes not so quiet) guardian and observer of its ultimate fate. Already, it has challenged some of your wildest expectations, for both the land itself and its inhabitants...
>More mundanely, you dwell with your shikigami and dearest companion Ran, as well as her subordinate shikigami Chen in a modest fashion, enjoying each day as it comes. Despite your rather fearsome status, which you cultivated as carefully as you care to, you have some friends among others as well. As well, you have a number of rivals; well, something like rivals; that you covertly keep an eye on. However, for the most part, you are content to merely flummox them from time to time, when you pay them any mind, you didn?t get as far as you have by letting things stress you unnecessarily. Your true duty is to maintain the integrity of the barrier that separates Gensokyo from the rest of the world, and make certain that nothing untoward gets in. You?ve had mixed success with this, when you are fully honest with yourself...
>Just recently, you have awoken from your winter?s nap. Right now, you sit at the main table in your home, having just finished your first cup of tea and chased away the cobwebs. Ran is at work in the kitchen, chopping some vegetables and tofu for tonight?s dinner. Chen is off playing  somewhere, and probably won?t be home until it is time for supper. Glancing out the window, you see it is a fine spring day.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on January 20, 2013, 07:57:23 PM
>Give a proper deific stretch after such a long rest! Or short rest, I guess it's kinda relative.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2013, 07:59:34 PM
>Give a proper deific stretch after such a long rest! Or short rest, I guess it's kinda relative.

>You do no such thing. What an insulting thought, liking someone such as yourself to the likes of a deity. You have significantly more dignity than that.
>You do have a nice stretch, though.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on January 20, 2013, 08:02:26 PM
>Well a nice stretch is just as fine.
>Can we deduce what dearest Ran is preparing for dinner?

>Oh yes, the boring bits as well
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2013, 08:19:56 PM
>Well a nice stretch is just as fine.
>Can we deduce what dearest Ran is preparing for dinner?

>Oh yes, the boring bits as well

>A stretch is fine indeed.
>From what you can smell, and from the sound of the blade cutting through the food, you believe she is preparing some variant of tofu. Likely fried, knowing her; as it is one of her favorites.
>Your inventory is immense. You keep quite a number of odds and ends within your grasp that you have accumulated over your lifetime. You have just about any mundane non-technological object that you could want stored somewhere or another. More modern items become increasingly rare, you find them distasteful. You have a supply of sundry enchanted objects as well, enough that you tend to forget what they all are. There are a few other items as well that you less for use, and more to remove them from the use of others. Very recently, you added an interesting and incomprehensible machine to the mix. But, on your person, you have your clothing and your tools, the latter carefully hidden away.
>You have a great many skills. Over the course of your life, you have done many things, and pioneered more than your share of fields from time to time. Of course, this was back before many things were discovered, so you had a relatively easy time of it. But, you do like to consider it a point of pride that you seem to have invented tinsmithing at one point, or at least you'll insist you did. Certainly no one else around was doing it to your knowledge. But, over the course of your lifetime, you've also let many of your skills go to rust through lack of use, and others have changed so drastically that your knowledge of them is archaic and useless in today's context.  However, you do know a few things, still. Few people can hope to match your knowledge of cosmic geography and the nature of the borders that keep it all running as it does.  You know quite a few things that have been forgotten by history, and have personally witnessed and forgotten more history than many youkai could hope to learn.
>Your Quests are:
>Border Patrol
>The Great Hakurei Barrier must be kept intact. Right now, you are not aware of any major problems with it. Ran has not reported anything, either.
>Indulgent Interests
>You have a couple recent romantic interests that you'd like to pursue at one time or another, namely the Hakurei Maiden and a girl from outside by the name of Maribel.
>Have It Your Way.
>You do whatever you damn well please, within limits. You have a very rigorous standard of class to maintain, and you have no intention of sullying yourself by violating that.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on January 20, 2013, 08:27:50 PM
>Go over general classiness. It wouldn't do to violate such in a bit of a pique
>Go over knowledge of Maribel
>Oh, we've been woolgathering a bit, does Ran dearest know we're awake?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 20, 2013, 08:43:09 PM
>Go over general classiness. It wouldn't do to violate such in a bit of a pique
>Go over knowledge of Maribel
>Oh, we've been woolgathering a bit, does Ran dearest know we're awake?

>You have a reputation to maintain. You are above causing problems for the sake of causing problems, most of the time. You generally don't lower yourself to behavior that you see more fitting of your rivals, except when you do. In general, you try to maintain an aura and attitude of proper sophistication, except for when you decide to do otherwise. In general, if you are "doing otherwise", you really aren't and it just seems like such to an uninformed observer. Or you're taking advantage of a situation to have a little fun, such as when you went out to gather liquor for the summer parties that Suika was causing, some time ago.
>Maribel is an interesting person, if only because she very strongly resembles a younger and more modest version of yourself. She also carries a potential within her to become a shrine maiden like Reimu, though she has chosen to follow more pedestrian magic instead and has lost that particular opportunity forever. Still, her attunement with borders and barriers persists, and you find it most fascinating. She lives not too far away with her significant other, a rather uninteresting heretic-cum-magician by the name of Renko. Maribel, left to her own designs, tends to be outwardly meek and inwardly determined. Coming to Gensokyo was a dream come true for her, and she has done her best to make the most of it, serving as a teacher at a recently established university in the kappa village.
>She is aware; right now she is leaving you to waken at your own pace. It is irksome to be confronted with too much activity until you are ready.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on January 20, 2013, 08:47:33 PM
>It would be. Get up at a leisurely pace, unwrinkling my clothes a little and blinking out any remaining fuzzies
>Oh, I have rivals? Go over information of rivals
>As for Maribel, what do I know of the Yuugi/Parsee/Utsuho situation, if anything, and if I am aware of it, how acceptable would such a solution be to me should I successfully court her?

<I'm really bad at using first person pronouns >.>>
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Dormio Ergo Sum on January 20, 2013, 10:01:22 PM
>Slap Kilgamayan.
>Remind ourselves of what we do in order to maintain the border, and how much of our duties are delegated to Ran.
>What do we know of Maribel's relationship with Renko?
>What about Reimu interests us?
>What do we know about Reimu's interest in others?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 20, 2013, 11:15:30 PM
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 20, 2013, 11:31:39 PM
> Most of Gensokyo can't be more than a minor inconvenience as antagonists, but what is our opinion of the Komeiji family?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 20, 2013, 11:38:01 PM
>Or the mountain gods?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 21, 2013, 02:20:11 AM
>When is our next scheduled Old Maids Alliance club meeting?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 21, 2013, 03:30:31 AM
>Have we really been around that long?
>When's the last time we saw Mima?
>Do our powers extend to divination, duplication, increased strength, shapeshifting, telekinesis, telepathy, time stopping, time travel, and breaking the fourth wall?
>We are aware of all residents of Gensokyo, right? Which residents' powers can't we imitate?
>Recall intersections of organized sports and Gensokyo. Tennis, pro wrestling, soccer?
>Relationship with Ran.
>Relationship with Chen.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 21, 2013, 04:51:36 AM
>Oh yeah, difference between Hakurei Barrier and Barrier of Common Sense.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on January 21, 2013, 07:51:22 AM
We're doing this the long way, let's make Purvis do ALL the writing.
Also it makes me happy that one of Yukari's 'quests' is to be Yukari.
> Relationships
> Do we have any favorite objects, like our parasol?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2013, 08:14:48 AM
>It would be. Get up at a leisurely pace, unwrinkling my clothes a little and blinking out any remaining fuzzies
>Oh, I have rivals? Go over information of rivals
> Most of Gensokyo can't be more than a minor inconvenience as antagonists, but what is our opinion of the Komeiji family?
>Or the mountain gods?

>You stand up, feeling quite awake at the moment.
>You have quite a few people you feel the need to keep an eye on. Rival is more a term of convenience than a term of fact:
>If there is any faction that you do not trust, it is the Lunarians, Eirin Yagokoro in particular. They have tried change the nature of Gensokyo before to suit their purposes, to the detriment of all youkai, and you suspect it is only a matter of time until they try again. As well, you do not trust any Lunarian envoys to keep the interest of anyone but themselves at heart.  This said, you do have a soft spot for Reisen, after she helped manage Gensokyo's interests over those of her old home. You want to think well of Kaguya, as well, as she seems to have left a lot of ideology of her people behind, but it is difficult to credit this as a long-term change of heart rather than just a current phase.
>The Moriya Shrine has recently drawn your ire, with their little tricks in regard to trying to write Gensokyo's history to suit their needs. While you confess that they actually did a reasonably good job of it, you are rather incensed that their solution to the youkai issue was to make youkai into humans. Not to mention all the work of yours that the act rendered moot. Thankfully, it was not too difficult to clean it up; you have to acknowledge that Keine did a very good job in undoing their actions. It was bad enough that they infused Utsuho with the spirit of Yatagarasu, but that particular incident has led you consider taking personal and decisive action against them.
>Keine and Mokou are a deep concern of yours. You know Keine has altered the past on at least one occasion, and this bothers you deeply. Time and history are largely outside of your grasp, and you really don't trust anyone who can manipulate it. While they are reasonably harmless right now, they are an earthquake waiting to happen, sooner or later Mokou's immortality and Keine's mortality are going to cause one or the other to do something stupid. Unfortunately, it is also highly problematic to try to nip this problem in the bud, given how obsessed Mokou can be with revenge; you really would rather not have her dogging your steps for the rest of your days.
>The Komeiji family is largely no concern of yours. Koishi, however, demands some special attention for her role in the events of Genoskyo being forced into the outside world. However, you can sympathize with her, the life of a satori is a hard one. Honestly, while the reasons of the Moriya deities were rather petty, you can understand why she would embrace humanity and spread it to the rest of her people. You try to keep half an eye on her, but you aren't really irate with her like you are with many of these people.
>You also keep half an eye on Utsuho, her destructive potential cannot be ignored. However, she herself seems to be mostly harmless. You aren't too worried about her anymore.
>Toyosatomimi's entourage bears some attention; you don't need them trying to whip up old-world ideas about youkai. So far, though, they have behaved themselves.
>Yuka Kazami is as close as you have to a real rival. Her destructive potential, while a great deal more focused than Utsuho's, is also quite considerable. Moreover, she considers you as her rival. It is not a particularly heated rivalry at the moment, which is preferable, but you're well aware she considers your current status something of a chafe against her pride. You don't think the two of you will ever be compatible, she doesn't really have much class, and you don't really mirror her ideals on etiquette.

>Slap Kilgamayan.
>Remind ourselves of what we do in order to maintain the border, and how much of our duties are delegated to Ran.

>You don't slap Kilgamayan, he can't help it.
>Your major duties are to make certain that incoming things do not poke holes into the barrier. Small objects appear all the time. Most of these aren't a great deal of concern, but over time their passing can create clutter in the border. This is magnified when the object in question isn't compatible with Gensokyo. It's one thing for a dropped yen from the outside world to appear, it's another thing if it is something akin to a Geiger counter, and another thing entirely if it is some bit sorcerous material from Avalon. Large objects also sometimes appear, and their passage can need to be treated quickly, even if they are compatible with Gensokyo. Ran generally keeps a log of things that she finds while you are asleep, which helps you identify problems when you've awakened. Compatibility and size are the keys to just how bad it is when a thing enters Gensokyo on their own.
>Another thing that you do is help the border remain intact as Gensokyo grows; letting out its clothing, so to speak. This is something you tend to allow to pile up a little; it's easier and more efficient to do this every so often rather than a little bit at a time.
>The particularly hard part is that you can't fully isolate Gensokyo, it needs to have some connections to other worlds for the dead to use to get to Higan, and it needs to have some physical connections to be a part of the universe. Maintaining a proper balance between having these and not being overwhelmed by them requires some work.

>What do we know of Maribel's relationship with Renko?
>What about Reimu interests us?
>What do we know about Reimu's interest in others?

>As for Maribel, what do I know of the Yuugi/Parsee/Utsuho situation, if anything, and if I am aware of it, how acceptable would such a solution be to me should I successfully court her?

>Maribel and Renko are in love and in a deeply committed relationship. This really doesn't bother your, your desire isn't to break them up, but rather to have Maribel when some time opens up that you both can mutually agree on. You are vaguely aware of the relationship between Yuugi, Parsee, and Utsuho, and you'd be fine with that kind of solution. You don't mind if Renko has primacy, you just want to borrow Maribel for yourself every so often.
>Reimu interests you for a number of reasons. The Hakurei line has been of interest to you since you learned of its existence, centuries ago. Their inherited ability to place barriers makes them a natural antithesis to your own nature as a being on the threshold. This makes them particularly interesting to you. You've had attractions to a few members of the lineage, to be honest, they tend to be strong people, and that is interesting as well. Reimu in particular interests, you however, because youkai have never had a better friend, and you are certain neither side realizes it.
>As far as interests go, Reimu is pretty decidedly not interested in anyone as far as you can tell. You've certainly tried to inflame her interests from time to time, but it's never really worked that you can see. Within the past couple years, she has also picked up a faerie companion who is quite madly in love with her, that Reimu has largely managed to deflect. You would have to have a good laugh, though, if that faerie actually managed to open her heart in some manner.


>By nature, you exist at the edge of this world and the other. The nature of this 'other' is nebulous and ill defined, as the other always is. You are able to go to places where people cannot go, and return from them. You can find the small gaps between things and concepts, and exploit them. You can open the gaps, you can minimize them, you can shift them around to varying degrees. With the aid of the right tools, you can do quite a number of things with these abilities.  By clever use, you can achieve quite a world of effects; though you tend to refrain from those without class.

>When is our next scheduled Old Maids Alliance club meeting?

>What a cruel way to think of Yuyuko! Though she'd likely laugh if you caught her in the correct mood.

>Have we really been around that long?
>When's the last time we saw Mima?
>Do our powers extend to divination, duplication, increased strength, shapeshifting, telekinesis, telepathy, time stopping, time travel, and breaking the fourth wall?
>We are aware of all residents of Gensokyo, right? Which residents' powers can't we imitate?
>Recall intersections of organized sports and Gensokyo. Tennis, pro wrestling, soccer?
>Relationship with Ran.
>Relationship with Chen.

>You have been around for quite awhile.
>You have not seen Mima in years, who knows where that screechy spirit got off to? Or perhaps she was exorcised finally?
>You can use your abilities for a few things, if you can work out a way to do it. As far as divination goes, it's easy to peer through or listen through a gap, assuming you can open one where you need it. Sometimes you can be more creative than that. Increasing strength and changing shape would be difficult, it is very hard to manipulate gaps within living beings without harming them. You wouldn't need to do this anyways, you are already quite strong. You can achieve some effects similar to telekinesis, you suppose, with clever manipulation of gaps, but you would rather just ask someone to bring what you need. You can't really do telepathy, but you could open a tiny gap in someone's ear and speak through it.  Time is outside of your purview entirely, which has sometimes been a source of frustration, but probably for the best. You may not have always been at your best in regards to such things.
>Why would you imitate anyone's power? You have your own.
>There are no Gensokyo-wide organized sports, However, various communities do have their local games. The oni, for instance, maintain several different fighting leagues. The human village has a few amateur sports teams, but these are more of a hobby for after work than anything professional. Every so often, a new game will sweep over Gensokyo; you recall that dominos was popular a couple years ago.
>Ran is your dearest and closest companion. While youkai do not engage in marriage (well, at least not until recently, you suppose), you practically consider her your spouse. She helps bring methods to your madness, so to speak, in the centuries that the two of you have been together. While you have had your many dalliances, she is and will remain the brightest star in your sky and the one that all others revolve around. You love her as no other.
>Chen, you suppose, is rather like a niece to you. She is quite close to Ran, and their love is quite akin to parent and child. But despite your closeness to Ran, you and Chen just don't have that kind of bond. You regard her well, and you know that she respects you greatly, But she just isn't as close to you as she is to Ran, and you're alright with that. So you dote on her like a niece, while letting Ran handle the more important duties.

>Oh yeah, difference between Hakurei Barrier and Barrier of Common Sense.

>At first glance, some think they are one and the same. Nothing could be further from the truth; the concept called common sense often allows for quite a bit of fantasy and magical thinking.  It's quite nebulous!

> Relationships
> Do we have any favorite objects, like our parasol?

>Outside of the above, there is Yuyuko, who is a former lover of yours, and one of your most constant friends. By extension, you know Youmu, although she doesn't care for you and you aren't especially impressed by her.
>You are well acquainted with Marisa Kirisame and Sakuya Izayoi, though neither of them are especially happy with the fact.
>You are acquainted with the inhabitants of Scarlet Devil Mansion, but you aren't particularly welcome there. You aren't especially unwelcome, either.  You think well of Patchouli, though, and feel that it is mutual.
>You regard the inhabitants of the Myouren Temple, and their allies, reasonably well, but you tend not to visit very often, Buddhism doesn't appeal to you very much. You hold great respect for Byakuren Hijiri. If Reimu is the best friend that youkai have known, Byakuren is just behind her.
>You consider Rinnosuke Morichika an interesting and dangerous friend. You've been aware for a long time that there is more to him than meets the eye, and have worked with him to both of your benefits. You were not especially surprised when he finally made his move, nor did you feel the need to move and stop him; it is proper for Gensokyoans to decide their fate. However, you have not seen him more than briefly since the Myouren Shrine have taken him in and started to try to treat his madness.
>You find yourself curiously well-disposed toward Iku, she has impressed you in the past with her compassion toward youkai and her willingness to assist them. You consider her a distant friend.
>By extension, you hold The Dragon in great respact and consider it to be an associate of yours. The two of you worked together to establish Gensokyo, and it is probably the only deity that you truly like. You are aware that it holds some regard for you as well. You could, if you wanted to, easily go visit the Dragon Palace and expect to be granted an audience instantly. However, you would never do that on a whim, you respect The Dragon too much to bother it for anything other than the most important of reasons. And you know it would see you without precondition because you would never come and request an audience without a very good reason.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2013, 08:36:19 AM
>What are the practical limitations on our ability to open gaps for the purposes of transit? Does it require us to be familiar with the destination location? Does physical distance matter in any sense? Is transit through effectively instantaneous?
>Must one end of the gap always be near us, or could we theoretically open a gap between two remote locations?
>How large a volume of things or people could we safely transport, aside from ourselves? Is there a physical limitation in this regard?
>Do we have full control over the position and orientation of the remote gap? ie: whether the exit is vertical or horizontal, whether it appears on the floor or the ceiling and so on
>For that matter, how does gravity interact with gap travel, particularly if the orientation of gaps is different on each end?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 21, 2013, 08:41:25 AM
>How many children have we sired and/or bore?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2013, 08:50:46 AM
>What are the practical limitations on our ability to open gaps for the purposes of transit? Does it require us to be familiar with the destination location? Does physical distance matter in any sense? Is transit through effectively instantaneous?
>Must one end of the gap always be near us, or could we theoretically open a gap between two remote locations?
>How large a volume of things or people could we safely transport, aside from ourselves? Is there a physical limitation in this regard?
>Do we have full control over the position and orientation of the remote gap? ie: whether the exit is vertical or horizontal, whether it appears on the floor or the ceiling and so on
>For that matter, how does gravity interact with gap travel, particularly if the orientation of gaps is different on each end?

>Familiarity helps, but with the proper tools, it is not an issue. Physical distance isn't an issue, but when it comes to moving between worlds, physical distance is no longer involved and it becomes complicated. Transit is effectively instant.
>One end of the gap must be reasonably close to you, generally within range of sight.
>You aren't sure what your upper limit is, you've never felt a need to test it. But, a larger gap tends to take more time to make. There are exceptions, but these are situational.
>You can manipulate orientation so that something comes in upside down, but it is dangerous to do so. Manipulating things in transit like that adds a great deal of complication to the gap, and for the potential of unexpected and typically disastrous side effects. It is better to turn something upside down before it gets where it needs to be, or afterward. Gravity typically isn't an issue, as you've moving between here and there with effectively nothing in between.

>How many children have we sired and/or bore?

>As far as you know, none. And you'd like to think you know pretty well.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2013, 08:53:45 AM
>So, our upper limit is at least high enough that ushering a small party of people through a single gap is not an issue?

>Familiarity helps, but with the proper tools, it is not an issue.

>What sort of tools are we talking about here? And why do they make it not an issue?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2013, 09:33:12 AM
>So, our upper limit is at least high enough that ushering a small party of people through a single gap is not an issue?

>What sort of tools are we talking about here? And why do they make it not an issue?

> Do we have any favorite objects, like our parasol?

>Ushering a small group is no issue.
>Your parasol and your fan are both favorite objects of yours, and you would be unhappy to see them damaged. They also serve as wonderful misdirection tools when you do what you do.
>Your tools are your other prized possessions, and the key to harnessing your power. You have forged each one by hand, taking painstaking efforts to invest them with your own power and using them to refine it. They are so precious to you that you keep the very knowledge of their existence a close secret, not even Ran knows about them.  Were they to fall into anyone else's possession, it could potentially be very bad for a number of reasons. For day to day use, merely having them on your person is enough, but for delicate work you may need to actually employ them.
>Your tools are:
>Yukari's Screwdriver.
>Seemingly a basic screwdriver. With this, you may prise open gaps with much more precision and delicately than you can alone.
>Yukari's Hourglass
>This basic timekeeping device assists in maintaining gaps. With it, you can leave gaps open for longer, and without having to physically concentrate on them.
>Yukari's Wrench
>A simple-looking wrench with an adjustable head. This aids you in moving a gap from one place to another while preserving it.
>Yukari's Mirror
>A hand mirror. With this, you can open a gap to an unfamiliar place safely, and eliminates the possibility of opening a gap somewhere that would cause harm.
>Yukari's Pliers.
>A basic pair of pliers. These assist you in narrowing and closing gaps with far greater ease and speed than you can alone.
-Yukari's Vice Grip
>A simple metal tool designed to hold a thing in place. It is designed to assist you in taking disparate gaps and drawing them closer together.
> Yukari's Magnifying Glass
>A lens with a handle. This tool allows you to examine gaps and potential gaps much more closely, greatly broadening the range of options you have to work with.
-Yukari's Tape Measure.
>A length of material with precise markings of length. With it, you can use it bridge distance much more quickly and easily.
>Yukari's Astrolabe
>This is possibly the first astrolabe. It helps you comprehend the positions of worlds and dimensions, and is absolutely indispensable for moving between them.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 21, 2013, 09:38:45 AM
>No duct tape? We must be just that good.
>Are we able to peer into alternate timelines/dimensions? If so, are we capable of visiting said, or of bringing individuals from said into this universe?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2013, 09:47:07 AM
>Why doesn't Ran know of them, after all these years? Surely it cannot be that we don't trust her with the information? And she has to know us and what we do better than anyone else, and even assists in much of our work, no?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2013, 09:54:55 AM
>No duct tape? We must be just that good.
>Are we able to peer into alternate timelines/dimensions? If so, are we capable of visiting said, or of bringing individuals from said into this universe?

>You wouldn't want to run out.
>As far as you know, there are no alternate timelines. That's what the hakutaku are for.  As well, you don't know of any dimensions that mirror yours, which is probably for the best. You can't imagine the universe could handle more than one of you.

>Why doesn't Ran know of them, after all these years? Surely it cannot be that we don't trust her with the information? And she has to know us and what we do better than anyone else, and even assists in much of our work, no?

>It's not that you don't trust her, but rather it's just more comforting that she doesn't know about them. You'd prefer no one know about them unless absolutely necessary.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 21, 2013, 09:59:44 AM
>What others do have at least some knowledge of them, aside from Iku?
>For that matter, why did we choose to lend her our screwdriver, rather than simply observe from a distance and extricate her from the shadow realm ourselves, should she have become trapped in it?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2013, 10:05:21 AM
>What others do have at least some knowledge of them, aside from Iku?
>For that matter, why did we choose to lend her our screwdriver, rather than simply observe from a distance and extricate her from the shadow realm ourselves, should she have become trapped in it?

>As far as you know, no one.
>Largely, because finding her and extracting her might have taken quite a bit of time. Especially if things went as poorly as you feared they might have. But, perhaps it was a moment of weakness?

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 21, 2013, 10:18:31 AM
>Why haven't we formed a United Gensokyo Security Council?
>Why do we support the current Incident Resolution process?
>How good are we at getting people to do things without them knowing we wanted them to do them?
>How much do we know about the outside world?
>When's the last time we visited the outside world?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2013, 10:30:26 AM
>Why haven't we formed a United Gensokyo Security Council?
>Why do we support the current Incident Resolution process?
>How good are we at getting people to do things without them knowing we wanted them to do them?
>How much do we know about the outside world?
>When's the last time we visited the outside world?

>Because that'd be too much work. If you're going to do that much work, you might as well just take over officially. And that would be boring.
>You supposed it because it gives meaning to youkai existence. Being challenged and bested by a shrine maiden means that the youkai are shown to be creatures that are not to be taken lightly. It is important for them to be feared and respected.
>It varies, but you are often quite effective at it when you want to be.
>You are reasonably knowledgeable about the outside world, though technology is moving much too fast for you to really keep up with. With the increasing interconnected nature of the world, politics are also too complex to really keep straight without some devoted study; it was so much easier when all that was important was knowing who was Emperor.
>You visited the outside world on a whim a few months ago. In particular, that whim was trying a new way to confirm a suspicion you've had; that Maribel's family line is a branch of the Hakurei line. Sadly, the results were inconclusive; Maribel's family tree is a mess.  You also picked up a few outside world products for her and Renko as a gift.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on January 21, 2013, 10:41:25 AM
I am now picturing Yukari's head photoshopped on top of Bob the Builder. I also suspect we are going to lose all of Yukari's items somehow.
> What do we think of the magician meeting group that started up recently?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2013, 10:56:02 AM
> What do we think of the magician meeting group that started up recently?

>You are rather annoyed that they've included Eirin in their meetings, but otherwise you've paid them little mind. You trust Patchouli, Marisa, Maribel, and Byakuren to curb any excesses you might find distasteful. As near as you can tell, it seems to be largely just an excuse for them to get together and drink anyways.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 21, 2013, 01:23:35 PM
>Do we know what Ran thinks of Mamizou, if anything?
>How good are we at math?
>Relationship with Suika.
>Relationship with Tenshi.
>Add quest: Conniver - accomplish a goal without anyone knowing you were behind it.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2013, 01:36:56 PM
>Do we know what Ran thinks of Mamizou, if anything?
>How good are we at math?
>Relationship with Suika.
>Relationship with Tenshi.
>Add quest: Conniver - accomplish a goal without anyone knowing you were behind it.

>You know that Ran is aware of her, and disapproves. So far, nothing has come of it. But you imagine it'll only be a matter of time.
>You are adequate at math, but Ran is much better and you are perfectly content to allow her to handle it. What you deal in tends not to match with numbers, anyway.
>Suika amuses you. You were wary of her at first, but she has proven to be mostly harmless.
>Like most of Genoskyo, you regard Tenshi as an annoying, self-entitled little snot. But sometimes she is an amusing snot. You do find it ironic that she tends to accuse celestials as a whole of covertly doing most of the things she does openly. You suspect it's probably true, too.
>You achieve goals without anyone knowing all the time; few people are aware of when and how you work on the Barrier after all.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 21, 2013, 03:45:27 PM
> Why did we appear naked in front of Patchouli when she destroyed the sun?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 21, 2013, 03:46:09 PM
>Of all the residents of Gensokyo, who do we derive the most enjoyment from simply playing mind games with?
>Ah, that reminds me. What sort of games do we favor the most? Such as Chess, Shogi, Go, Mahjong, and the like.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2013, 05:50:13 PM
> Why did we appear naked in front of Patchouli when she destroyed the sun?

>Because it was unpleasantly hot at that time, and you find that when you're at ease with yourself it makes other people uncomfortable instead. You imagine it is simply a perk of being in your position.

>Of all the residents of Gensokyo, who do we derive the most enjoyment from simply playing mind games with?
>Ah, that reminds me. What sort of games do we favor the most? Such as Chess, Shogi, Go, Mahjong, and the like.

>Anyone who is overly serious and full of themselves is a fun target. Lately, you sometimes cross paths with Kasen at the Hakurei Shrine, and she has proven to be a prime target.
>You tend to enjoy games that require a bit of luck and a lot of skill. Mahjong is a personal favorite, as are card games. Chess and Shogi are too stilted for your tastes, and things like dice games tend to have too much chance to them. However, you've lost some taste for mahjong, Yuyuko is simply too good at it and you have to work too hard to keep up.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 21, 2013, 05:57:54 PM
>What sort of interesting new varieties of card games and the like has the Outside World cooked up lately?
>Who else is a good pick to toy around with at the current?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: capt. h on January 21, 2013, 06:01:05 PM
> Lets go see Yuyuko after breakfast. It's been 3 months after all.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2013, 06:35:44 PM
>What sort of interesting new varieties of card games and the like has the Outside World cooked up lately?
>Who else is a good pick to toy around with at the current?

>Oh god, you don't even want to think about that.
>Reimu is often fun to tease lightly, so is Youmu. Once in awhile you could get a rise out of Rinnosuke, but the current situation with him makes that problematic.  Renko and Maribel have become a source of amusement as well, of late. And it's always fun to get under Ran's skin just a little, but it's hard. She knows you too well.

> Lets go see Yuyuko after breakfast. It's been 3 months after all.

>She would probably like that, Yuyuko tends to be happy to see you.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on January 21, 2013, 06:45:58 PM
>Perhaps we should consider giving Moriya Shrine that well deserved lesson sooner rather than later...then again, it has been awhile since they last acted up, the teaching might be lost.
>How has that business with Ran and Yuuka a few years ago affected the situation with Yuuka?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2013, 07:16:19 PM
>Perhaps we should consider giving Moriya Shrine that well deserved lesson sooner rather than later...then again, it has been awhile since they last acted up, the teaching might be lost.
>How has that business with Ran and Yuuka a few years ago affected the situation with Yuuka?

>The Moriya Shrine is a difficult target. While, nominally, you can come and go as you please, the territory can become problematic. The tengu have no great love of you, while while this normally isn't a problem as they are not a problem, in this case it would exacerbate things and lead to other problems you have to untangle. You'd need to come up with something appropriately subtle. The time passed is also an issue.
>Yuka was rather incensed about it, but you managed to talk her down after a little effort.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on January 21, 2013, 08:08:24 PM
>We did smile a true smile for Ran in the aftermath, one hopes!
>We'll let the Moriya Shrine issue rest for now, unless they seem to be gearing up to something else, or opportunity knocks.
>Well, let's get breakfast if we've awoken completely and greet Ran dearest
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2013, 08:41:43 PM
>We did smile a true smile for Ran in the aftermath, one hopes!
>We'll let the Moriya Shrine issue rest for now, unless they seem to be gearing up to something else, or opportunity knocks.
>Well, let's get breakfast if we've awoken completely and greet Ran dearest

>You did. You were disappointed she got into that situation, but it was for the proper reasons.
>As far as you can tell, they have not been active lately, but you have been out for a little while.
>You have finished breakfast, how do you intend to greet Ran?

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on January 21, 2013, 08:48:28 PM
>Stretch again.
>"Good morning, Ran dearest. And just what have you been up to over the past season? You haven't found someone prettier than me, have you?"
>Put on a mock pout
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2013, 09:36:42 PM
>Stretch again.
>"Good morning, Ran dearest. And just what have you been up to over the past season? You haven't found someone prettier than me, have you?"
>Put on a mock pout

>You have another stretch, then tease Ran a little.
>"I am afraid I did, Yukari," she says, the rhythm of her dinner preparations unchanged. "I met her at the ocean."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: capt. h on January 21, 2013, 09:53:06 PM
>You have another stretch, then tease Ran a little.
>"I am afraid I did, Yukari," she says, the rhythm of her dinner preparations unchanged. "I met her at the ocean."


> Continue mock pouting.
> "Aw... so who's the new girl?"
> Recall when exactly Gensokyo started having an ocean.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kyo Tanaka on January 21, 2013, 10:05:11 PM
>Ponder about gapping Ran into the ocean for amusement, preferably near the new girl for possibly a better effect.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2013, 10:12:41 PM
> Continue mock pouting.
> "Aw... so who's the new girl?"
> Recall when exactly Gensokyo started having an ocean.

>"I didn't quite catch her name," says Ran. "I was rather taken by the snakes in her hair.
>If something like that appeared, you are reasonably certain you would have already known about it.

>Ponder about gapping Ran into the ocean for amusement, preferably near the new girl for possibly a better effect.

>You consider this, but the smell of wet fur isn't pleasant.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 21, 2013, 10:15:49 PM
>Smile in that playfully enigmatic way we're known for. "After all these years, I never knew you had that kind of taste dear~!"
>Snakes...Ah, didn't we know someone from that one place in the Outside World? Greece was it? What was her name again...
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kyo Tanaka on January 21, 2013, 10:41:10 PM
>Gap a "harmless" snake in Ran's hat.
>"So Ran~ How about taking me to the ocean! I'd love to meet her!"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 21, 2013, 10:45:32 PM
>Smile in that playfully enigmatic way we're known for. "After all these years, I never knew you had that kind of taste dear~!"
>Snakes...Ah, didn't we know someone from that one place in the Outside World? Greece was it? What was her name again...

>"I am more surprised you thought I had any taste, all things considered," says Ran.
>You know of a youkai from the region that matches that description. You never bothered to really take the time to get to know anyone there, the place was rather dreadful.

>Gap a "harmless" snake in Ran's hat.
>"So Ran~ How about taking me to the ocean! I'd love to meet her!"

>Do you really want to deal with a snake in the house? In particular, one around what is probably going to be tonight's dinner?
>"I don't know," says Ran. "Shouldn't wait until some time after eating before doing that?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 21, 2013, 10:49:25 PM
>Hmm..Perhaps it's the same one, for all we know.
>"Oh come now, I've known you for quite some time after all, is it that much of a surprise?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: capt. h on January 21, 2013, 11:05:33 PM
>"I don't know," says Ran. "Shouldn't wait until some time after eating before doing that?"

> "If we were swimming, yes."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 22, 2013, 12:18:43 AM
>"Hmm, perhaps Gensokyo could use an ocean, or at least a sea. "
>Recall whether Avalon has ocean access.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2013, 12:32:06 AM
>Hmm..Perhaps it's the same one, for all we know.
>"Oh come now, I've known you for quite some time after all, is it that much of a surprise?"

>You suspect she is referring to the same one, yes.
>"Wouldn't all those years just be further evidence against it?" says Ran.

> "If we were swimming, yes."

>"I assume you would mistake for a bad catch and thrown back in," Ran says.

>"Hmm, perhaps Gensokyo could use an ocean, or at least a sea. "
>Recall whether Avalon has ocean access.

>"It would be nice to have another source of fish," says Ran. "But I imagine it would cause an problem if we did have one."
>Avalon its ringed on all sides by oceans or seas.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2013, 04:39:39 AM
> What is the exact width of the Sanzu River?
> Did we ever figure out why several of Gensokyo's more notable residents share names with their own species?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2013, 09:27:00 AM
> What is the exact width of the Sanzu River?
> Did we ever figure out why several of Gensokyo's more notable residents share names with their own species?

>It varies.
>It is not uncommon for youkai to simply manifest from the beliefs of others, and appear out of the aether. Such youkai are not always the best at naming themselves. In other cases, their name predates the species name, or is spelled with different kanji. And, you suspect, in some cases, the parents of some youkai just aren't very good at naming their children.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: capt. h on January 22, 2013, 04:49:01 PM
>It is not uncommon for youkai to simply manifest from the beliefs of others, and appear out of the aether.

> Huh. Kind of curious how that works and what that looks like, if we've ever witnessed it.

(Note: This is a personal curiosity. I happen to love things like ficticious encyclopedia entries and detailed explanations of magical entities and their function.)

> Consider pros and cons of visiting Yuyuko versus looking into that snake haired lady Ran mentioned.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2013, 05:52:14 PM
> Huh. Kind of curious how that works and what that looks like, if we've ever witnessed it.
> Consider pros and cons of visiting Yuyuko versus looking into that snake haired lady Ran mentioned.

>Many youkai came into existence as manifestations of some human projection of an event or phenomena. You yourself came into existence in such a way, as manifestation of the idea that there was someone who dwelt on the threshold between the known and the other.  You've never really witnessed it, you don't think anyone has. Youkai tend to manifest away from people by the nature of what they are.
>You imagine a major con of looking for the snake-haired lady is that you're certain she's not around and Ran was simply answering your snide remarks with her own.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 22, 2013, 06:08:04 PM
>Yuyuko it is, then.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2013, 07:00:37 PM
Waaaaaaaaiiit a minute here.

> Recall most recent notable disturbances in great barrier integrity, including when they occurred.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2013, 07:13:37 PM
>Yuyuko it is, then.

>She could do with a visit, you decide.

> Recall most recent notable disturbances in great barrier integrity, including when they occurred.

>The last one of any concern was when people from another world came and went in a machine designed to bridge dimensions. This thing had been bothering you for some time, but it is difficult to catch; objects appearing in Gensokyo aren't unusual, and when it disappears, it is difficult to follow under the best of conditions if you don't know where it's going.  But, the situation has been handled to you satisfaction, they won't be doing it again anytime soon.
>Before that, you had found a latent and largely unused pathway to Avalon, after Nue traveled through it. From what you can tell, it was originally a conduit for the dead which had been torn open. You're glad that it was found before some Seelie could meander through and start causing a ruckus, or some human knight. You don't know which would be worse: the Round Table getting a toehold in Gensokyo or the Seelie Court...
>Thankfully, the incident with Bhava-Agra falling into Gensokyo didn't really affect the border too much. The lands are already strongly linked and highly compatable. While Bhava-Agra's existence as a separate entity was certainly in danger, Gensokyo had little to worry about on that front.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 22, 2013, 07:32:20 PM
>Recall details of Hakurei bloodline, number of previous Miko, and own role in training such.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2013, 07:49:09 PM
> How long ago was the most recent barrier disruption?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2013, 08:43:06 PM
>Recall details of Hakurei bloodline, number of previous Miko, and own role in training such.

>You're not certain when the bloodline came into existence, but it's held your attention for some centuries now. They tend toward strong spiritual power, which often manifests as an innate ability to fly and practically perfect control over that flight. By and large, the family has been reclusive and in older days, sometimes suspected to be practically youkai themselves. However, until Reimu's time, they have generally been some of humanity's finest against youkai. Some of them have hated or reviled you to the end, others have been more accepting of your friendship, and a couple have been quite receptive indeed.
>You don't know the previous shrine maiden all that well, to be honest. But you do that she was unlike her daughter in a lot of ways. Her innate potential was not particularly strong, but she made up for this with rigorous training and rock solid faith. As such, while she was not particularly worrisome in terms of her offensive capacity, her defense was as unshakable as the stars; she was a fine guardian for the human village indeed. You know she had some friendship with Kasen, but she was seldom more than coolly polite to you.
>You don't have much role in training the Hakurei bloodline, that burden falls the bloodline itself and to Genjii. You are not certain just how much that turtle knows, but he tells little.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 22, 2013, 10:00:56 PM
> How long ago was the most recent notable barrier disruption?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 22, 2013, 10:17:37 PM
> How long ago was the most recent notable barrier disruption?

>About a year, now.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 23, 2013, 12:17:48 AM
>"Ah, but things here can grow so dreadfully dull without a few problems for our intrepid incident solvers to busy themselves with, no? It would hardly do to let them grow complacent."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2013, 12:37:41 AM
>"Ah, but things here can grow so dreadfully dull without a few problems for our intrepid incident solvers to busy themselves with, no? It would hardly do to let them grow complacent."

>"I think they'll find something to squabble over soon enough," says Ran. "I suppose we could provide something, though."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 23, 2013, 12:56:27 AM
>"Hmmm... a thought for later, perhaps. I trust things here have not been altogether dreadful while I was asleep?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2013, 09:37:52 AM
>"Hmmm... a thought for later, perhaps. I trust things here have not been altogether dreadful while I was asleep?"

>"Things were a bit on the snowy side this year," says Ran. "but otherwise, it seems everyone has managed to behave themselves. Oh, you'll be pleased to know that Chen has been doing well with her lessons lately. She managed to get 97% on her last history test."
>Even if her back is turned to you so she can work on her preparations, you can practically see the smile.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 23, 2013, 09:58:49 AM
>"Oh, how very impressive! - doubtlessly inspired by such a studious role-model."
>At about what level of material are the classes Chen attends?
>And is this sort of academic performance usual for her?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 23, 2013, 10:09:48 AM
>Is Chen home schooled or does she attend that half-beast's school in the village?
>Relationship with Keine Kamishirasawa.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2013, 10:23:22 AM
>"Oh, how very impressive! - doubtlessly inspired by such a studious role-model."
>At about what level of material are the classes Chen attends?
>And is this sort of academic performance usual for her?
>Is Chen home schooled or does she attend that half-beast's school in the village?
>Relationship with Keine Kamishirasawa.

>"Oh, you're just trying to sweet talk me, now" says Ran. "But it won't get dinner done any faster."
>Chen attends the school in the human village.
>There isn't really a distinct level of material there, Keine comes up with a curriculum more or less as she goes, and has to tailor it to individuals. While there is one class, given that she has students of all ages, she effectively has to teach several lessons to various parts of class during the course of a day.
>Chen usually does well in the short term, but this is quite good even for her. She tends to have problems retaining things in the long term, but that is an issue most people have.
>As far as Keine, she is one of the people you feel the need to keep a close eye on, particularly due to her relationship with Mokou.  You know Keine has altered the past on at least one occasion, and this bothers you deeply. Time and history are largely outside of your grasp, and you really don't trust anyone who can manipulate it. While they are reasonably harmless right now, they are an earthquake waiting to happen. Sooner or later Mokou's immortality and Keine's mortality are going to cause one or the other to do something stupid. Unfortunately, it is also highly problematic to try to nip this problem in the bud, given how obsessed Mokou can be with revenge; you really would rather not have her dogging your steps for the rest of your days.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 23, 2013, 10:34:32 AM
>In a tone of lightly faux dismay: "Now Ran, surely you can't think that every word which passes my lips is part of some calculated ploy?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 23, 2013, 10:35:44 AM
>Assess potential of finagling a three-way involving those two, without either one of them trying to nuke us afterwards. They are both fine, fetching specimens, after all. And pursuing only one would invoke the wrath of the other, and that's more trouble than it's worth.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2013, 10:51:06 AM
>In a tone of lightly faux dismay: "Now Ran, surely you can't think that every word which passes my lips is part of some calculated ploy?"

>"No, but it's a safe bet regardless," she says.

>Assess potential of finagling a three-way involving those two, without either one of them trying to nuke us afterwards. They are both fine, fetching specimens, after all. And pursuing only one would invoke the wrath of the other, and that's more trouble than it's worth.

>Neither of them are really interesting. Keine is vaguely annoying; you never cared much for hakutaku, not only for their role in setting history, however useful it may be, but for their willingness to assist the emperor of Japan in the era when humans and youkai were at constant odds. You suppose she is nice enough, but there's a difference between being a respectable yeoman and being a peon, and Keine certainly falls into the latter category. And Mokou...yech. Who wants to bother with someone that's just going to probably declare an eternal vendetta against you once it's over, and the attendant personality along the way? And she is probably all stringy. 
>Of course, you can interact with them on friendly terms, and have done so. They aren't bad people, you feel. Just they don't interest you further, and you are well aware that they are a disaster waiting to happen.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 23, 2013, 10:58:50 AM
>Is Ran ticklish?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2013, 11:04:08 AM
>Is Ran ticklish?

>She is, just along her sides.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 23, 2013, 11:09:19 AM
>Smile faintly
>"Of course it is. But in this, I am simply happy to see you happy, dear."

>Wait for an appropriate moment where Ran isn't using the knife with any vigor (or looking in this direction) and then subtly give her a long-range gap-assisted tickling along the ticklish spots on her sides, without actually getting up from the table
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2013, 11:34:18 AM
>Smile faintly
>"Of course it is. But in this, I am simply happy to see you happy, dear."

>Wait for an appropriate moment where Ran isn't using the knife with any vigor (or looking in this direction) and then subtly give her a long-range gap-assisted tickling along the ticklish spots on her sides, without actually getting up from the table

>You smile, and quietly open a couple of gaps along her side, then insert your fingers to them at just the right moment.
>"I know you -ACK!" she starts, before your fingers brush against her sides, and her response gives way to peals of quick, high-pitched laughter, before she she squirms away from the counter. "Ah, quit it!"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 23, 2013, 12:01:59 PM
>Gap ourselves behind her and give her a big hug.
>"But you produce just the cutest 'acks', Ran dearest."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2013, 12:43:08 PM
>Gap ourselves behind her and give her a big hug.
>"But you produce just the cutest 'acks', Ran dearest."

>Gapping behind Ran is a little more difficult than it is for most people, she has quite a lot of tails, and you wouldn't want to interpose yourself among them incorrectly and sprain one.  But, you can see a place to do so, and quietly open a gap behind her as she gets her bearings back. Stepping through it, your find yourself waist deep in warm fluffy tails. She starts a little as she feels them brush against you, but she is well used to this and relaxes against you as you wrap your arms around her.
>"I'm not certain I should be happy about that," she says as she shifts her tails around to accommodate you more comfortably. "if it's going to inspire you to tickle me out of the blue!"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 23, 2013, 12:46:13 PM
>What is Ran's stance on people, namely us, 'mofumofu'-ing her tails?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2013, 12:53:26 PM
>What is Ran's stance on people, namely us, 'mofumofu'-ing her tails?

>You and sometimes Chen are the only people she allows to do it. She doesn't like it when you do such things out of nowhere, but at this point it's hardly nowhere.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 23, 2013, 01:17:45 PM
>Reply with a sideways "Ohooo? You'd prefer I do... something else?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2013, 01:21:25 PM
>Reply with a sideways "Ohooo? You'd prefer I do... something else?"

>She chuckles. "It would be nice if you handled the dishes."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: capt. h on January 23, 2013, 04:26:54 PM
>She chuckles. "It would be nice if you handled the dishes."

> Handle the dishes.

If only to catch Ran off guard.

Also, since it's come up twice,

> Do we have any interest in attempting to nip the Keine/Mokou thing in the bud, or would we just as soon let it take its course for now?

> For that matter, are there any issues we would be interested in attending to this afternoon?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2013, 07:59:22 PM
> Handle the dishes.

> Do we have any interest in attempting to nip the Keine/Mokou thing in the bud, or would we just as soon let it take its course for now?

> For that matter, are there any issues we would be interested in attending to this afternoon?

>You don't think there are actually much in the way of dishes right now. She was being witty again.
>It is largely too late, they've already fallen for each other. The best you can hope for is reasonably mutual breakup sometime down the road. Which is unlikely. Either they will stay together until the march of time leads one or the other to do something foolish, or they will separate messily, and Mokou will have another target for her ire.
>You don't have anything in the way of things that need to be done. At some point, you should look into examining the barrier yourself, but that will take some time, and you prefer to leave it for a full day typically.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 23, 2013, 08:03:21 PM
>Well, let's review what we do for fun aside from messing with people, hm?
>For that matter, let's review our opinions of some of Gensokyo's 'Movers and Shakers', as the people of the Outside put it.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 23, 2013, 08:13:38 PM
>For that matter, let's review our opinions of some of Gensokyo's 'Movers and Shakers', as the people of the Outside put it.

> For this mental exercise, restrict our dwelling to those upon whom we have not dwelled in the past couple of minutes.

'Tis a nifty idea, but we got a lot of information early on, and I'd rather see new stuff than see that repeated (especially since that's happened once already).
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 23, 2013, 08:19:08 PM
Fair enough man, I was aiming for that sort of thing anyhow, I just assumed Purvis would exclude those we've already reflected on.
Depending on how things go, I might have an idea on how to kill a little time.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2013, 08:35:19 PM
>Well, let's review what we do for fun aside from messing with people, hm?
>For that matter, let's review our opinions of some of Gensokyo's 'Movers and Shakers', as the people of the Outside put it.

> For this mental exercise, restrict our dwelling to those upon whom we have not dwelled in the past couple of minutes.

>You find the Scarlet Devil amusing in her own way. It's certainly possible her ambition or arrogance could lead to her being a real problem, but you regard her as mostly harmless at the moment.
>While not precisely in Gensokyo, you hold a fair amount of respect for Shikieiki Yamaxanadu. She seems to regard youkai as something other than a thing to scorn, which is quite an improvement over many of her predecessors.
>Likewise, while she has little influence in Gensokyo, you regard Shinki on reasonably friendly terms. By and large, you keep out of her way and she keeps out of yours. Social calls do not happen, and it is likely for the best. You imagine if you took the whim, you could probably call upon her and expect to be served. If she came her, you would definitely have to invite her to Mayohiga rather than your significantly more humble residence here.
>You regard both the Devas of the Ancient City well, and from a distance. While the old agreement is gone, and youkai from underground and from the surface travel freely between the two places, you are generally not willing to visit the Ancient City yourself without a good reason.  You think the Devas likely appreciate that.
>As far as fun goes, you do what your whims carry you to do. Sometimes you go visit Pandaemonium's marketplaces, sometimes you bother Reimu or Maribel. Other times you visit Yuyuko. Once in awhile, you visit the outside world to indulge some curiosity or desire. Other times, you will go to visit other places, though you tend to shy from Avalon, the differences in the flow of time there make it terribly annoying. It is a pain to spend a few hours there and return to find a week has passed. When you're in a simpler mood, you'll spend time with Ran and Chen. Once in awhile, you'll cause a small amount of trouble to amuse yourself.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 23, 2013, 08:37:49 PM
>Wait, isn't Avalon the other way around?
>Let's go visit Yuyuko, then.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 23, 2013, 08:38:38 PM
>Have we ever found anything particularly interesting at Pandaemonium's Markets?
>For that matter, did we ever encounter Shinki going incognito there, as 'royals' are so oft to do?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 23, 2013, 09:27:44 PM
>Have we ever found anything particularly interesting at Pandaemonium's Markets?
>For that matter, did we ever encounter Shinki going incognito there, as 'royals' are so oft to do?

>You've found a few interesting trinkets. Like that potion you gave to Maribel back when she was considering undergoing Byakuren's enhancement ritual.
>If you have, she was well disguised enough that you didn't notice.

>Wait, isn't Avalon the other way around?
>Let's go visit Yuyuko, then.

>Time in Avalon is completely unconnected to time elsewhere. Sometimes it's faster, sometimes its slower. You have a feeling that its history is not quite solid, either, but you've never really taken the time needed to ascertain that.
>You could do this. How do you intend to do so?

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 23, 2013, 09:31:19 PM
>Well, Shinki's a clever one, just like ourself really.
>Perhaps that's what we need to rekindle our interest in Mahjong. We need to find new opponents aside from just Yuyuko! Mahjong's no fun if you keep playing the same people over and over again after all.
>"I'll be off to visit Yuyuko for a bit dear, see you when I return~"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: capt. h on January 23, 2013, 09:38:28 PM
> Get good bottle of wine.
> Gap to Yuyuko's front steps and knock on door.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 23, 2013, 11:04:21 PM
Hanzo, that's brilliant. Instead of a UG Security Council, we can just form a Mahjongg Club.
>Consider forming a Mahjongg Club among the mature youkai.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 24, 2013, 03:13:13 AM
Edit: Disregard. Sour needs to read closer.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 24, 2013, 03:57:17 AM
>We don't happen to have a highly powerful fourth-wall-breaking musket in our house, do we?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2013, 10:45:25 AM
>Well, Shinki's a clever one, just like ourself really.
>Perhaps that's what we need to rekindle our interest in Mahjong. We need to find new opponents aside from just Yuyuko! Mahjong's no fun if you keep playing the same people over and over again after all.
>"I'll be off to visit Yuyuko for a bit dear, see you when I return~"

>You imagine she at least has some low cunning.
>This might work, if you could find someone willing to play with you.
>"You went through all that just tell me this?" says Ran, as she reaches down and squeezes you hands that you've clasped around her waist. "Well, don't let her spoil your dinner too much."

>We don't happen to have a highly powerful fourth-wall-breaking musket in our house, do we?

>You find firearms much too distasteful to employ or keep around. They give people ideas.

>Consider forming a Mahjongg Club among the mature youkai.

>You wonder how many of said youkai would actually be interested in doing so, or how many you'd be willing to endure? Certainly there'd be no place for Yagokoro, and you doubt either of the Moriya deities would be interested.


> Get good bottle of wine.
> Gap to Yuyuko's front steps and knock on door.

>Why would you do something so crass as grab one when you already have access to all the liquor you would ever need?
>You open a gap, and step through it to appear on top of the stairs leading to Hakugyokurou. The air here is a tad chillier, and the sky cloudy. Before you stretches an immense palace, a virtually self-contained city of walls, courtyards, and pagoda-style towers; likely several forests worth of wood would be required to replicate it. The walls are white, clean and brilliant as if they had just been whitewashed early today, while the roofs are made of dark blue tile. Beyond and around the palace stretch thick forests, already lushly green. And everywhere you look, you can see phantoms flitting around.
>The front doors open before you can approach them, and the familiar green-clad form of Youmu hurries out. "Lady Yukari!" she says, between pants for breath. "Welcome!"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 24, 2013, 11:02:19 AM
>Smile gently. We're intruding unannounced.
>"Hello dear. I hope you are well?"

>Recall data on Watatsuki sisters.
>Mentally compare handsomeness of notable males in Gensokyo: shopkeeper, cloud, tengu mayor, Youmu's relative, any others.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2013, 11:08:22 AM
>Smile gently. We're intruding unannounced.
>"Hello dear. I hope you are well?"

>You give her a smile and some sympathy.
>"Ah, yes, quite well," she says. "I presume you've come to visit Lady Yuyuko?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 24, 2013, 11:12:51 AM
Heh sorry for editing on you.
>Recall data on Watatsuki sisters.
>Mentally compare handsomeness of notable males in Gensokyo: shopkeeper, cloud, tengu mayor, Youmu's relative, any others.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2013, 11:24:05 AM
>Recall data on Watatsuki sisters.
>Mentally compare handsomeness of notable males in Gensokyo: shopkeeper, cloud, tengu mayor, Youmu's relative, any others.


>You don't like the Watatsuki sisters at all. Frankly, there's no hell deep enough for either of them as far as you're concerned. But, getting past that, you imagine that Yorihime is probably the less loathesome of the two. Toyohime is certainly all too happy to voice her opinions of people living on Earth. Then again, you've also never directly pulled the wool over Yorihime's eyes like you did with Toyohime, so that may be a wash.
>Rinnosuke was a handsome man, but as he gave in further to his obsessions, it took a toll on his body. From what you understand, his physical health has recovered in the care of the Myouren Temple.
>You've had only only brief encounters with Unzan, but he is a lovely old chap. You imagine he is the envy of many a septuagenarian just as you are the envy of practically everyone.
>You've actually never seen Lord Tenma's face, but you recall that he does have a lovely voice from your experience with him.
>Youki Konpaku used to have a cocky samurai's kind of handsomeness, back in his prime. But as he aged, this left him. You've not seen him for awhile, so you don't know if he's eased into anything different.
>Mr. Kirisame might have a kind of harsh attractiveness to his features for some, but you think he looks rather like an angry axe.
>Genjii is a turtle with a beard. He is quite dignified, you think.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 24, 2013, 12:17:42 PM
> Where would Letty be right now, if anywhere?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2013, 12:19:25 PM
> Where would Letty be right now, if anywhere?

>She would be in a place where winter is oncoming; likely tied to the southern hemisphere of the outside world. Where winter goes, the yuki-onna follows.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: capt. h on January 24, 2013, 05:21:53 PM
>You give her a smile and some sympathy.
>"Ah, yes, quite well," she says. "I presume you've come to visit Lady Yuyuko?"

> "Naturally."
> "Hakugyokurou is as lovely as ever."
> Is it weird that the foliage is green instead of pink with cherry blossoms? Recall that the perfect cherry blossom incident also occurred right at the end of our winter nap.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2013, 06:24:30 PM
> "Naturally."
> "Hakugyokurou is as lovely as ever."
> Is it weird that the foliage is green instead of pink with cherry blossoms? Recall that the perfect cherry blossom incident also occurred right at the end of our winter nap.

>"She'll be delighted, I'm sure," says Youmu. "Follow me, please."
>"Thank you, Lady Yukari," she says as you compliment the landscape. "We all do our best."
>It is not weird.  There's quite a bit more to its floral than cherry trees; and you did avoid taking the path in that has them.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 24, 2013, 06:53:10 PM
>Follow Youmu.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 24, 2013, 07:48:12 PM
>"Thank you, Lady Yukari," she says as you compliment the landscape. "We all do our best."
>Try to recall anyone currently living at Hakugyokuro besides 1.5 ghosts.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 24, 2013, 07:51:51 PM
>Kenku are quite adept at mimicking other people's voices. Is this an ability of tengu also? If not, anyone we are aware of?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2013, 08:15:34 PM
>Follow Youmu.

>You follow Youmu as she leads you inside.
>The halls of Hakugyokurou are as you remember them, long and quickly becoming labyrinthine. Even when you used to visit here frequently, you had a hard time keeping all of it straight. The decorations, at a glance, seem overwhelmingly Japanese at first. Certainly the style of the palace is such. But you can spy little bits of art here and there from other cultures, and know that there are galleries and halls in some of the wings that devotedly largely to such things. However, it's no mistake to say that Heian era things have the majority, for they are what Yuyuko is most comfortable and pleased with.  Phantoms flit around, attending to whatever business that they have. You've long grown used to them, and pay them little mind; their business is not yours and vice versa.

>Try to recall anyone currently living at Hakugyokuro besides 1.5 ghosts.

>Living is a strange misnomer. Anyone who comes into Hakugyokurou may be numbered among the dead. Yuyuko most certainly is, while Youmu's status is questionable. You're certain if you ran her through, she'd die, but there's not really a need to test that. Beyond them, there are the myriads of phantoms that dwell here, going about their afterlifely business until it is time for them to reincarnate, or the odd one manages to move on to a higher state.  Only those who are fully aligned with the dead are able to truly see them as their selves Others such as yourself see them rather as wisps of ghost-stuff, unless you choose to seek out a gap in that barrier. Aside from them, there are also faeries that dwell in Hakugyokurou, as a consequence of there being forms of nature here. They are not much different than faeries in Gensokyo, but you think they have a tendency to be a bit more peaceful in accordance with the nature of this realm. Sometimes.

>Kenku are quite adept at mimicking other people's voices. Is this an ability of tengu also? If not, anyone we are aware of?

>There are no kenku that you've ever heard of. Tengu as a people don't have a talent for it, but you imagine there are some who have developed it to a degree. However, there are certainly youkai who are good at mimicking voices in various situations. Yamabiko, for instance. As well, there are youkai from other places who are talented at it.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 24, 2013, 08:50:08 PM
>Youmu probably still appears as herself because she's only half-dead (or something), but what about Yuyuko? Why is she visible as herself, rather than just as an ordinary ghost?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2013, 08:55:55 PM
>Youmu probably still appears as herself because she's only half-dead (or something), but what about Yuyuko? Why is she visible as herself, rather than just as an ordinary ghost?

>In Yuyuko's case, it is partially by virtue of her power and position as ruler of Hakugyokurou. You suspect it is also partially because unlike most of the deceased, she has no desire or intention whatsoever to move on.  You have heard that some ghosts, as opposed to phantoms, can manifest themselves fully to people who were very important to them by virtue of the connection between the two of them. You've never experienced this yourself, however.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 24, 2013, 09:20:03 PM
>What's the difference between ghosts and phantoms?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 24, 2013, 09:31:56 PM
>What's the difference between ghosts and phantoms?

>It's a fuzzy thing. The easiest way to describe it is that phantoms are remnants that move on toward the afterlife, while ghosts are unable to. However, a person's death can also release other spectral remains that are able to operate in a manner like a proper departed soul, but are really just fractions and remnants of other parts of the deceased person's being. These are called ghosts as well, largely because only highly knowledgeable channelers and some specialized magicians and the like can tell the difference. As well, because they are exorcised and driven off the same way.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 24, 2013, 11:57:09 PM
>As we continue along: "I trust things have been well here since last I stopped by?"
>Did we know Yuyuko while she was still alive?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2013, 12:40:43 AM
>As we continue along: "I trust things have been well here since last I stopped by?"
>Did we know Yuyuko while she was still alive?

>"There's always small things," says Youmu. "But, things have been well on the whole. We've been spared most of the problems that affect Gensokyo from time to time."
>You did know her while she was alive.  She is probably one of your oldest companions, and easily one of the oldest who is still around.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 25, 2013, 12:49:12 AM
>Continue following until we reach Yuyuko.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2013, 01:07:28 AM
>Continue following until we reach Yuyuko.

>This takes a few more minutes, and you're secretly quite glad that Yuyuko tends to keep within a few hundred yards of the main gates a majority of the time of the time.
>Soon, you are lead into a large, breezy chamber that runs along a grove of cherry trees that are a few days from blossoming, easily visible through the large windows along the wall. This room has a few  cushions placed here and there, and low tables conveniently around them. Support posts run along the room in an oval pattern, painted a noble red. The walls are simple, bearing simple ink paintings depicting vines growing upon upon them.
>Yuyuko sits in the middle of the room, in front of a large sheet of silk with a simple design of a black square within a black circle upon it. Covering the sheet is a small amount of red sand, scattered in such a manner that you suspect it was thrown up to into the air. Yuyuko stares at the sand, placidly contemplating the result. It is quite obvious what she is doing.
>"Oh, it's Yukari," she says, glancing toward you for a moment.  "Come, sit! It's a perfect time for you to have come! Youmu, dear, bring us something fitting to drink, would you?"
>"Yes, mistress," says Youmu, as she steps out of the room.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 25, 2013, 01:16:03 AM
>It is quite obvious what she is doing? Well, what is she doing?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 25, 2013, 01:28:24 AM
>Greet Yuyuko however we normally do.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2013, 01:33:21 AM
>It is quite obvious what she is doing? Well, what is she doing?

>Yuyuko has a longstanding interest in esoteric forms of divination, often creating her own methods and using them much the same way that practitioners of Zen use precisely groomed gardens. In particular, she tends to like to try to capture a moment of random motion and contemplate what make have lead to those particular motions. In this case, she seems to have thrown a handful of sand into the air. The sheet itself bares the basic outline of a particular form of mandala; you suspect she is likely using it as something to cross reference against, rather than an aid to the contemplating the sand directly.

>Greet Yuyuko however we normally do.

>You tend to greet her by employing words and possibly polite gestures. You should try this!

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 25, 2013, 01:45:45 AM
>Smile and enter
>"It's good to see you again Yuyuko dear. I hope you've had a pleasant winter?"
>Seat ourselves
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2013, 01:57:53 AM
>Smile and enter
>"It's good to see you again Yuyuko dear. I hope you've had a pleasant winter?"
>Seat ourselves

>You take a seat near Yuyuko, as she contemplates her sand. "Oh, pleasant enough. Not quite as much snow that one should hope for, but who can complain?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 25, 2013, 02:00:56 AM
>"I think you just did."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2013, 02:09:52 AM
>"I think you just did."

>"How crass," says Yuyuko.  "What brings you to my doorstep today? Did Ran fall into a puddle?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: capt. h on January 25, 2013, 02:19:28 AM
> "Oh, no, nothing so serious. Just a social call after my winter nap, thought I'd invite you over for tea while we catch up."
> Does divination work in Gensokyo, or is it more a way to pass the time?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 25, 2013, 03:53:18 AM
>"So, how have things been in general? Anything new and noteworthy?"
>Would she tell us or want us to find out on our own?
>Do we have a pet game with Yuyuko, such as guessing something ...?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2013, 10:52:22 AM
> "Oh, no, nothing so serious. Just a social call after my winter nap, thought I'd invite you over for tea while we catch up."
> Does divination work in Gensokyo, or is it more a way to pass the time?

>"Oh, it has been awhile since I've seen your cottage," says Yuyuko.
>Done correctly by a skilled oracle, Divination is practically a kind of magic derived from faith and can reveal some things about underlying forces of the universe in action. However, divination is likely the most copied ritual by people who aren't really able do it or don't fully understand it, which renders it useless. Yuyuko's  typically doesn't use established ritualistic divinations, rather inventing her own forms that, as you understand the art, would realistically work. Her interest isn't in finding what the future may hold so much as determining why it works, and she largely pursues it as a form of meditative contemplation.

>"So, how have things been in general? Anything new and noteworthy?"
>Would she tell us or want us to find out on our own?
>Do we have a pet game with Yuyuko, such as guessing something ...?

>"Mmm, well, Youmu has taken an interest in a few new topiary projects. It'll be some years before they are will bear fruit, but the early results are quite promising. Ah, and I found myself a rather nice collection of poems, I found myself loitering by a frozen stream for a day afterward, to see if ice really did make the kind of noise one of the poems wrote about. It did, I'll note, but only rarely. I think I may be writing a play."
>Yuyuko is often forthright with you, in her own sense. To the average person, she would probably be quite baffling some of the time, but you understand well how she thinks and expresses herself, and can see the genius hidden under what would be random nonsense to the uninitiated.
>The two of you have gone through a number of pet games over the past millennium, starting them on a whim and discarding them once they've worn out their welcome or as the nature of your relationship changed. Right now, however, there isn't one in particular that is active between the two of you.
>Youmu returns with a small knock on the doorframe, bearing a tray with a small bottle of sake, a pair of cups, and a little dish of sashimi, just enough to make a snack of it. "Ah, thank you, Youmu," says Yuyuko. "That will be all for now."
>"Thank you, Mistress," says Youmu, as she bows and quietly departs.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 25, 2013, 11:09:35 AM
>Is it within our power to restore Yuyuko to life?
>Not that we would, we know she enjoys her current life. But just how profound is our command over the boundary between life and death?

>"A Yuyuko Saigyouji play? That, I believe, could be a thing to see."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2013, 11:20:59 AM
>Is it within our power to restore Yuyuko to life?
>Not that we would, we know she enjoys her current life. But just how profound is our command over the boundary between life and death?

>"A Yuyuko Saigyouji play? That, I believe, could be a thing to see."

>You cannot just raise the dead; there is more to death than a simple change of state.  However, if you could gather the departed's soul and such, you might be able to? It's not something you would honestly want to experiment with for no reason, death is at its best when its one way.  Better that someone who linger past it be transformed by the experience than ignore that it happened. In either case, you wouldn't want to bring back Yuyuko, she's so much happier now. It would be such a cruel thing to do to someone so precious to you.
>"Well, I don't know that I'm making one yet," she says, "But it seems like it may be."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 25, 2013, 11:39:16 AM
>"I'm inclined to say that you should, my dear. It seems almost too rich an idea not to bring to fruition."
>Produce our fan and tap our chin thoughtfully/slyly. "If, for no other reason, than to see Youmu on stage."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 25, 2013, 11:49:54 AM
>"I'm inclined to say that you should, my dear. It seems almost too rich an idea not to bring to fruition."
>Produce our fan and tap our chin thoughtfully/slyly. "If, for no other reason, than to see Youmu on stage."

>"Ah, but what if it doesn't want to be a play?" says Yuyuko.
>You produce your fan and tap your chin. She smiles as you explain your reasoning. "Oh, I imagine she would do just fine."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 26, 2013, 02:09:37 AM
>"And what would this play be about?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2013, 02:12:18 AM
>"And what would this play be about?"

>"Oh, I've not figured that out yet," says Yuyuko. "I've merely written something that seems like people having a conversation, and there might be a setting. I haven't figured it out just yet. "

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 26, 2013, 06:45:40 AM
>"Oh, I suspect that will come in good time."
>"Now, titles. Titles can be tricky."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2013, 11:19:39 AM
>"Oh, I suspect that will come in good time."
>"Now, titles. Titles can be tricky."

>"Oh yes," says Yuyuko. "I am not even sure if I'll bother with one. It would feel less constrained this way."
>She pours herself a little sake, and takes a bit of sashimi to nibble on. "Oh, have you any projects of your own in mind?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 26, 2013, 11:25:21 AM
>Presumably we have dabbled in the theater arts before?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 26, 2013, 11:34:11 AM
>"What do you think about a small get-together every so often? Perhaps Mahjongg, poker, or another game as a premise."
>"Friends would be the best company. Of course, if we invite rivals, this would make it easier to gauge and relieve tensions ..." [or put new ones in place.]
>What do we know about Yuyuko's relationships with other important people?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2013, 11:43:18 AM
>Presumably we have dabbled in the theater arts before?

>You most certainly have. Most long-lived youkai tend to throw themselves into some form of art or another after a point, just to try something different. Talent tends to be a different issue. In your case, you have dabbled into acting a little bit, long ago. It was an amusing diversion, but you didn't like being in front of people and performing for them, back then you were more content to remain on the edge of civilization as your threshold-seeking nature prefers.

>"What do you think about a small get-together every so often? Perhaps Mahjongg, poker, or another game as a premise."
>"Friends would be the best company. Of course, if we invite rivals, this would make it easier to gauge and relieve tensions ..." [or put new ones in place.]
>What do we know about Yuyuko's relationships with other important people?

>You can see the gleam in her eye as she takes a sip of her drink. "Oh, you want to take up mahjong again,  do you?" she says.
>As you elaborate, she titters and says, "Ah, I see! You've met a tricky opponent."
>Yuyuko doesn't travel very frequently, so she tends not to meet too many people. You know she has a passing acquaintance with the Yama due to the nature of her work, and a passing familiar with the people at Eientei, though she doesn't regard them quite as dimly as you do. She has some familiarity with Scarlet Devil Mansion, as well. You aren't sure what her relationship is with the people on Youkai Mountain, but you know she has been there once. Thinking on it, you aren't sure if she is at all familiar with the Myouren temple or Toyosatomimi's entourage, or the people who live underground.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 26, 2013, 11:48:11 AM
>Who usually fills the other two spots when we play mahjongg?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2013, 12:00:40 PM
>Who usually fills the other two spots when we play mahjongg?

>When it is between you two, generally it is Ran and Youmu. Or if they're not available, often Yuyuko will seek out a few ghosts and put them into the game.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 02:53:40 PM
>Chuckle slightly. "I just had a brilliant idea dear. What if we were to host a Mahjong Tournament? I daresay that would shake things up a bit, and find some suitable new opponents to go up against. I have a possible idea for some 'Special Guests' as well."
>Presumably, Shinki would be willing to participate if we made it worth her while, yes?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2013, 03:00:54 PM
>Chuckle slightly. "I just had a brilliant idea dear. What if we were to host a Mahjong Tournament? I daresay that would shake things up a bit, and find some suitable new opponents to go up against. I have a possible idea for some 'Special Guests' as well."
>Presumably, Shinki would be willing to participate if we made it worth her while, yes?

>"So who's been flustering you lately, then?" says Yuyuko, giving you a sly little grin. "Was it Remilia? I bet it was!"
>Shinki, to your knowledge, does not leave Makai. You don't think many people would be interested in visiting it.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 26, 2013, 03:08:18 PM
>"Hmm. Let us say that, I expect a game involving her could prove rather interesting."
>Provided she even plays, that is. Which could be interesting in and of itself.
>What is our stance of Strip Mahjhong?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2013, 03:23:09 PM
>"Hmm. Let us say that, I expect a game involving her could prove rather interesting."
>Provided she even plays, that is. Which could be interesting in and of itself.
>What is our stance of Strip Mahjhong?

>"Oh, was it Eirin, then?" says Yuyuko. "I won't tell anyone!"
>You imagine she probably knows how to play, she does take pride in her presumed nobility, and what noblewoman would not know how to play Mahjong.
>That would just be giving Yuyuko another handicap in her favor. And you prefer more elegant methods, regardless. Though you suppose you might not decline if someone interesting or special to you suggested it.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 26, 2013, 03:38:27 PM
>Frown slightly. "The vaunted 'brain of the moon' isn't company I'm overly fond of, though I suppose I could make an exception, should the need arise."
>"May I assume you yourself have played a game or two with the residents of Eientei?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2013, 03:48:24 PM
>Frown slightly. "The vaunted 'brain of the moon' isn't company I'm overly fond of, though I suppose I could make an exception, should the need arise."
>"May I assume you yourself have played a game or two with the residents of Eientei?"

>"Alas, not," says Yuyuko. "They so rarely visit."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 26, 2013, 04:03:45 PM
>Are we in the habit of transporting visitors to Yuyuko, or is the gesture even welcome? She must not get many visitors, after all, this being a rather out of the way locale.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2013, 04:17:26 PM
>Are we in the habit of transporting visitors to Yuyuko, or is the gesture even welcome? She must not get many visitors, after all, this being a rather out of the way locale.

>You don't transport people to Yuyuko, she generally does not enjoy people popping in at random. You, of course, are quite a few steps higher than people.  Visitors in general are highly unusual, the seal between this world and Gensokyo was only recently broken. You do know she enjoys when people come to visit more normally, so you've left it go for now.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 04:23:36 PM
>"Hm...Where do you think that little Tournament idea I had should be held though? I daresay it would be a fun way to kill time, would it not?"
>Presumably, we can weave a suitable venue into existence, yes?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2013, 05:45:54 PM
>"Hm...Where do you think that little Tournament idea I had should be held though? I daresay it would be a fun way to kill time, would it not?"
>Presumably, we can weave a suitable venue into existence, yes?

>"Well, we would need someplace that everyone is comfortable," says Yuyuko. "Who are we inviting? That's the main thing. Then we would need to think of refreshments. Oh, and prizes!"
>Your powers are indeed mighty, but you cannot conjure buildings. You've built a few in your time, but you'd prefer not to have to go that far.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 05:58:36 PM
>"Indeed, that too is important! We'll have to make sure the prizes are things that even the most ascetic of hermits would want to have. We do have to give people a reason to compete after all. I was considering making it a Gensokyo-wide sort of affair you know."
>What do we know about refreshments and the like?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2013, 06:32:45 PM
>"Indeed, that too is important! We'll have to make sure the prizes are things that even the most ascetic of hermits would want to have. We do have to give people a reason to compete after all. I was considering making it a Gensokyo-wide sort of affair you know."
>What do we know about refreshments and the like?

>"Yes, yes," says Yuyuko. "We mustn't leave anyone out!"
>If you really wanted to, you are perfectly capable of handling such an event. But that would take more work than you'd normally be willing to put in. You could probably get Ran to do it, but you'd much rather have someone else be stuck with that task. If nothing else, though, it is not difficult to arrange for the actual foodstuffs and drinks to be prepared.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 06:37:37 PM
>Well, nothing wrong with having people utilize our input though. We are renowned as one of the greatest of the Youkai Sages, are we not?
>Let's get some of Yuyu's input on this matter in fact. "As for refreshments though, what would you suggest? We can't exactly have the players getting so drunk that they cannot play correctly after all."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2013, 06:43:08 PM
>Well, nothing wrong with having people utilize our input though. We are renowned as one of the greatest of the Youkai Sages, are we not?
>Let's get some of Yuyu's input on this matter in fact. "As for refreshments though, what would you suggest? We can't exactly have the players getting so drunk that they cannot play correctly after all."

>You suppose you could offer some advice, at least.
>"I don't see why not," says Yuyuko, frowning as she finishes off her slice of sashimi. "Isn't that a part of the game, too?"


Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 06:46:35 PM
>Chuckle "True, but tournaments are supposed to be exciting. They can't exactly wow the crowd if they aren't at their best after all~"
>"Though that's not to say that the crowd can't enjoy a little alcohol~'
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2013, 07:01:22 PM
>Chuckle "True, but tournaments are supposed to be exciting. They can't exactly wow the crowd if they aren't at their best after all~"
>"Though that's not to say that the crowd can't enjoy a little alcohol~'

>"I think that they would be quite exciting if they were allowed to drink as they pleased," says Yuyuko. "In both cases."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 26, 2013, 07:05:00 PM
>Is that usually the case with such things?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2013, 07:32:38 PM
>Is that usually the case with such things?

>Well, it does add an extra degree of something to a round of mahjong, but you don't know what it'd do for anyone spectating. Then again, you aren't sure how many people would actually be interested in watching.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 26, 2013, 08:57:52 PM
>If we're going to invite crowds and make a big commotion out of this, there's one venue that stands out: the Hakurei shrine LOL.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 26, 2013, 09:04:59 PM
>Yes, mahjong isn't exactly a spectator sport, is it?
>"Perhaps something alcoholic could simply be present among other options."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 26, 2013, 09:22:20 PM
>If we're going to invite crowds and make a big commotion out of this, there's one venue that stands out: the Hakurei shrine LOL.

>You imagine that Reimu would hate that. Which makes it all the more appealing, really.

>Yes, mahjong isn't exactly a spectator sport, is it?
>"Perhaps something alcoholic could simply be present among other options."

>You imagine a few people could watch it and enjoy it, but not many. There is also the problem of spectators shouting out the tiles they can see.
>"Certainly," says Yuyuko.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 27, 2013, 05:27:04 AM
>Current state of our-
>What am I thinking, we never use our own alcohol when someone else's will do.
>Who do we usually pilfer drinks from for such an event? Alternatively, where do we acquire our drinks when we're feeling legitimate?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 27, 2013, 07:50:37 AM
>Actually, several people have the power to sequester the players. Kyouko or Luna Child, for example.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 27, 2013, 09:40:46 AM
>Kyouko, maybe, but you'd have to be insane to trust a fairy with... well, with anything, really.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 27, 2013, 10:33:19 AM
>Current state of our-
>What am I thinking, we never use our own alcohol when someone else's will do.
>Who do we usually pilfer drinks from for such an event? Alternatively, where do we acquire our drinks when we're feeling legitimate?

>For personal use, you tend to help yourself to whatever stock that you don't think will be noticed as missing, or at least will be blamed on someone else.  This leaves you pretty much anyone's stock but what you may find in the Ancient City. In larger cases, you may venture outside to a few places you know that use proper methods.
>If you were considering obtaining it legitimately, you imagine the Ancient City could sell you most anything that you would like.

>Actually, several people have the power to sequester the players. Kyouko or Luna Child, for example.
>Kyouko, maybe, but you'd have to be insane to trust a fairy with... well, with anything, really.

>You decide against Luna Child after the thought comes to mind; she is not very powerful and is certainly not dependable enough. That yamabiko, though, she might do. But then you are left with the idea of an audience that cannot hear its performers, and performers that cannot hear their audience, which certainly wouldn't do.
>"What would we offer to the winners, though?" says Yuyuko.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 27, 2013, 12:07:35 PM
>"Hmmmm.... I think it would need to be something unusual, something suitably inciting; we'd want to attract the interest of those who might otherwise decline, no? I think the more rare the melange that attend this affair, the more interesting it will be, no?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 27, 2013, 12:11:24 PM
>"Hmmmm.... I think it would need to be something unusual, something suitably inciting; we'd want to attract the interest of those who might otherwise decline, no? I think the more rare the melange that attend this affair, the more interesting it will be, no?"

>"Oh, I quite agree," says Yuyuko. "But what should it be?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 27, 2013, 08:45:54 PM
>Do we have any magic items in our stockpile that we don't personally have much use for, we think that several people in Gensokyo would like to get their hands on, and wouldn't cause any real problems if they did so?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 27, 2013, 09:01:48 PM
>Do we have any magic items in our stockpile that we don't personally have much use for, we think that several people in Gensokyo would like to get their hands on, and wouldn't cause any real problems if they did so?

>That depends on who you're trying to appeal to, really. You could think of a few trinkets that are either particularly flashy or whose use is no longer valid or possible, or that just were not made well enough to fulfill the function they were purported to have. Of course, if you offered something too dangerous-sounding, it might prompt Reimu, or someone like-minded, to try and shut the whole thing down...

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 09:02:58 PM
>Well, let's think of what we have that we know just about anyone worth their salt would desire.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 27, 2013, 09:56:11 PM
>Do we have something which doesn't sound dangerous, per se, but which holds the promise of some interesting secret within it? Like, say, the equivalent of some kind of magical puzzle box with something harmless inside?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 27, 2013, 10:13:59 PM
>Well, let's think of what we have that we know just about anyone worth their salt would desire.

>Do we have something which doesn't sound dangerous, per se, but which holds the promise of some interesting secret within it? Like, say, the equivalent of some kind of magical puzzle box with something harmless inside?

>You contemplate such an item, and find your thoughts turning to something more mysterious. Something reasonably harmless, but interestin, something that would appeal to many particular groups, but be ultimately harmless...
>After a moment, it comes to you. A little something you have tucked away into a corner of your manor in Mayohiga . A scroll, penned and illustrated by Abe no Seimei, one of the great onmyoji of the Heian era, who may have been part youkai himself (you never got around to checking before he passed away). The scroll is an early draft of his Senji Ryakketsu, a treatise on the art of onmyodo, with some wording changes here and there. You imagine, to a scholarly sort, it might quite valuable, or a collector. But, should you advertise it as a scroll belonging to one of the great onmyoji of history...
>"Yukari?" says Yuyuko.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 10:16:23 PM
>"Oh, I was just thinking about the prize. I might have an idea as to what it should be, but how to go about advertising..."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 27, 2013, 10:22:18 PM
>"Oh, I was just thinking about the prize. I might have an idea as to what it should be, but how to go about advertising..."

>"Well, how do you intend to run it?" says Yuyuko.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: capt. h on January 27, 2013, 11:26:29 PM
>"Well, how do you intend to run it?" says Yuyuko.


> "Either double elimination or single elimination, and either single game or 3 game matches, I suppose. Do you have any thoughts?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 11:27:22 PM
>"Of course, it would have to be four to a table, playing with just two or three people is simply too boring~!"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 27, 2013, 11:37:50 PM
>"Of course, it would have to be four to a table, playing with just two or three people is simply too boring~!"

>"No no no, silly," says Yuyuko, "I mean how do you intend to run the whole event? Are you going to do it openly? Or will you stay away and make someone else do it? It maybe just have no one really run it?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 11:42:49 PM
>"Hmm...Good question. Since people have a suspicious opinion of me already, they might get suspicious if I'm the one hosting it."
>"...Perhaps we can work something out together though. Besides, we can use this tournament to find skilled players to rope into our games. It gets stale you know, always only ever playing against you, Chen, and Ran. Or you and two random ghosts. Variety is the spice of life- and the afterlife- you know~"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 27, 2013, 11:56:51 PM
>"Hmm...Good question. Since people have a suspicious opinion of me already, they might get suspicious if I'm the one hosting it."
>"...Perhaps we can work something out together though. Besides, we can use this tournament to find skilled players to rope into our games. It gets stale you know, always only ever playing against you, Chen, and Ran. Or you and two random ghosts. Variety is the spice of life- and the afterlife- you know~"

>"Well, if you're going to use someone else, just have them promote the prize," says Yuyuko.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 27, 2013, 11:57:54 PM
>"Hmm...I think we'll need mascots though."
>How much do we and Yuyuko enjoy putting Youmu in embarrassing situations?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 28, 2013, 12:01:19 AM
>"Hmm...I think we'll need mascots though."
>How much do we and Yuyuko enjoy putting Youmu in embarrassing situations?

>"Like what?" says Yuyuko.
>You don't think you'll get tired of it anytime soon.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 12:02:08 AM
>Is Youmu anywhere nearby?
>If not; "I was thinking of having dear little Youmu be one of the mascots, of course~"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 28, 2013, 12:35:46 AM
>Is Youmu anywhere nearby?

>She is not in the room, but you know she's lingering somewhere nearby, in case Yuyuko requires her again. Far enough away to allow you both privacy and close enough to come if Yuyuko calls for her.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 12:44:43 AM
>Slip a bit closer to Yuyuko, with that same smile we use that signals to her that we're up to something juicy.
>"I was thinking of having Youmu be one of the Mascots. I'd have to find a suitable outfit for her to wear of course. Something attractive, yet sure to make her all adorably red in the face~"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 28, 2013, 12:48:29 AM
>Slip a bit closer to Yuyuko, with that same smile we use that signals to her that we're up to something juicy.
>"I was thinking of having Youmu be one of the Mascots. I'd have to find a suitable outfit for her to wear of course. Something attractive, yet sure to make her all adorably red in the face~"

>"Oh, that's simply impossible," says Yuyuko, frowning. "Who would do all the gardening?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: capt. h on January 28, 2013, 12:56:24 AM
> "Aw, pooh. We'll just have to find some other excuse to dress Youmu up like a french maid."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 28, 2013, 12:59:29 AM
> "Aw, pooh. We'll just have to find some other excuse to dress Youmu up like a french maid."

>"Whyever would we need an excuse?" says Yuyuko.  "Oh, you're not growing sweet on her, are you?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 28, 2013, 03:04:25 AM
>"Perhaps excuse isn't the most accurate word. Perhaps 'justification' would be better. If one can present a justification for something, be it a good one or not, then one is far more likely to get people to go along with your suggestions."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 28, 2013, 03:05:52 AM
>"Perhaps excuse isn't the most accurate word. Perhaps 'justification' would be better. If one can present a justification for something, be it a good one or not, then one is far more likely to get people to go along with your suggestions."

>She waves a hand dismissively. "Oh, we don't need to worry about those sorts of things with Youmu."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 28, 2013, 03:35:31 AM
>"She is loyal enough to simply do it when ordered, but that's just not as much fun, don't you think?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 28, 2013, 06:01:01 AM
>"She is loyal enough to simply do it when ordered, but that's just not as much fun, don't you think?"

>Instead of saying it quite so bluntly, say "Oh, I have no doubt of her ability to follow instructions or suggestions. But I have found that when one is presented with a suggestion that proves somewhat flustering, a little reinforcement goes a long way."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 28, 2013, 11:26:08 AM
>Instead of saying it quite so bluntly, say "Oh, I have no doubt of her ability to follow instructions or suggestions. But I have found that when one is presented with a suggestion that proves somewhat flustering, a little reinforcement goes a long way."

>She gives a short, soft chuckle, then says, "And what will your Ran be doing, I wonder?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 28, 2013, 03:10:18 PM
Just in case this gets lost or forgotten in the ongoing world of erotic dress-up, there is an established agreement (from many games ago) that Yukari will not do anything Ran objects to (with the other half of that being that Ran will not object to anything unless she truly means it). Keep this in mind as this conversation moves forward.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 28, 2013, 03:13:51 PM
Oh of course. I'm simply being in-character and putting out the various possibilities of teasing Youmu, which has been established as a thing we do.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 28, 2013, 11:18:16 PM
Has there been precedent for things that Ran objects to?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 28, 2013, 11:21:48 PM
I think we've seen her object to exactly one thing; as I recall, it was some rather untoward harassment of Mary. That's a question more worth asking the parser, though.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 28, 2013, 11:40:27 PM
Good idea.

>Has there been precedent for things that Ran objects to?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 29, 2013, 12:10:29 AM
>Has there been precedent for things that Ran objects to?

>Ran doesn't care for when being made a fool of or humiliated, particularly in public. She'll help out with with some mischief, but she tends to have her limits there. She'll get annoyed if you pile too much work on her. She also tends to get annoyed if you make too much of a scene of yourself when the moment isn't appropriate. You typically try not to test your limits with her, that's not how you treat someone as special as Ran.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 12:18:31 AM
>"Hmm...I was thinking of her having a somewhat different outfit. Something modest, yet impressively regal. As befits a youkai of her caliber. Perhaps something with a nice fur trim to match her lovely tails."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 29, 2013, 12:27:02 AM
>"Hmm...I was thinking of her having a somewhat different outfit. Something modest, yet impressively regal. As befits a youkai of her caliber. Perhaps something with a nice fur trim to match her lovely tails."

>"Ah, it's decided then," says Yuyuko. "That will do for my Youmu, too. Oh, but what will we have them doing?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 12:30:59 AM
>"Well, I was thinking that while we commentate, they would introduce the players, as well as the rounds, something like glorified ring girls almost. Something nice and simple that Ran shouldn't have reason to complain about, since I'll be putting almost everything on hold for this."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 29, 2013, 12:56:34 AM
>"Well, I was thinking that while we commentate, they would introduce the players, as well as the rounds, something like glorified ring girls almost. Something nice and simple that Ran shouldn't have reason to complain about, since I'll be putting almost everything on hold for this."

>"I suppose that might do," says Yuyuko. "Though I think Youmu would do so much better with the refreshments."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 29, 2013, 01:03:42 AM
>"That would work, too. Ran should be able to handle her duties without Youmu's help. She does have Chen to assist her, after all."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 29, 2013, 01:14:04 AM
>"That would work, too. Ran should be able to handle her duties without Youmu's help. She does have Chen to assist her, after all."

>"Ah, good, good," says Yuyuko. "So now we just need to find a way to get the word out, I think. That shouldn't be hard, since you're acting openly."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 29, 2013, 09:53:56 AM
Well, do we want to advertise openly, or be just a little enigmatic that we're the ones behind it? And as for the venue, if we are going to use the Hakurei Shrine (which we really should, if for no other reason than to fluster Reimu) are we going to advertise this upfront (possibly arranging this with Reimu first) or leave the final location of the tournament a secret until shortly before it begins? This might interfere with logistical setup and catering somewhat, but perhaps we could just simply gap in the food and half the infrastructure right before we're ready to begin. Well, and there's always Reimu's reaction, but we can possibly wing that one, given that what we're doing doesn't seem harmful enough to promote more than an irritated response. I am not entirely sure whether it is better to give her time to object in advance (so that we can possibly straighten that out) or to leave it until it is hopefully too late for her to complain too loudly (unless she decides to be quite vehement indeed)

In terms of advertising, we can probably gap fliers to select people we hope to participate, or locations where they will get noticed. Aya might be of use in this regard without needing to even ask her, as I can see her considering a 'mysterious tournament with the relic of a powerful and old onymouji as the prize' as something newsworthy, perhaps especially if it was not immediately clear who was arranging it.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 29, 2013, 09:57:27 AM
Isn't Aya still in jail or something?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 29, 2013, 10:07:22 AM
I... actually am not sure Aya's current situation, though she wasn't in jail the last time I recall her status. And if not her, there's always Hatate.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 29, 2013, 10:08:39 AM
Hatate would be the better choice. She never gets enough love.
Not that a visit by Yukari really qualifies as LOVE, I suppose, but still.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 29, 2013, 10:10:27 AM
Well, I didn't necessarily mean visiting in person, so much as dropping off the mysterious advertisement anonymously, though if people would rather deal with her/them more directly, that's probably also fine. It just feels somewhat more Yukari's style not to be more direct when slightly enigmatic will do.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on January 29, 2013, 10:13:49 AM
I'm inclined to agree with you there.

What I'd like to know is, why are we doing mahjhong instead of Sengoku Gensokyo? That would have been awesome.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 29, 2013, 11:04:18 AM
Hm, this is getting more elaborate than I had anticipated. I guess Purvis (or at least Purvis' Yukari) doesn't enjoy the idea of an Old Maids Alliance.
For Reimu, we can tell her it's a tournament for all Gensokyo, and no location represents all of Gensokyo more than the Hakurei Shrine.
I think we're doing Mahjongg because it was mentioned, and because it has the illusion of letting everyone participate at the same level, unlike physical sports. I would prefer poker for various reasons, but it may be too late narratively to switch games.
Poker can have a different number of players: many for the earlier rounds, one-on-one for the later rounds. The rules of poker are simpler, and we can assume all the voices in her head know the rules.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 29, 2013, 11:42:17 AM
Aya's jail sentence has ended; Tenma was keeping her there largely due to miscommunication with Eiki, and that was cleared up by the end of Iku Quest.

In regards to the game, I have the sneaking suspicion that you won't actually be playing it at any point (and I'm not sure how well-versed Purvis is, though I suppose there are enough people on this forum that know how to play that he could wing it with their advice), and mahjong probably fits a Olde Tyme Japanese Lande better than poker anyway.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 29, 2013, 02:19:40 PM
What I'd like to know is, why are we doing mahjhong instead of Sengoku Gensokyo? That would have been awesome.

Because as much fun as that may be, it's not likely Purvis would let us change the rules of Gensokyo like that.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 29, 2013, 04:01:07 PM
There is also the very crucial point that, in this universe, the most important character in the most important Sengoku Gensokyo faction is not presently aligned with that faction, and that does not appear to be changing any time soon.

EDIT: What really should have happened here was an attempt to recreate Del Shirou's Tag Dream, if only for the chance to see this Tenshi and this Utsuho together.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 29, 2013, 04:52:22 PM
Eh, mahjong's a personal appeal of mine, I'll admit. I simply threw it out there and folks just decided, "Hey, let's go for it!"
And we're a bit too late to change our minds now anyways, as Oarfish stated. 'In for a penny, in for a pound.' as they say.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 29, 2013, 05:50:48 PM
There is also the very crucial point that, in this universe, the most important character in the most important Sengoku Gensokyo faction is not presently aligned with that faction, and that does not appear to be changing any time soon.

Um... which character is that?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 29, 2013, 06:02:15 PM
Identifying the character would be a spoiler.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 29, 2013, 08:07:38 PM
(also someone should probably post a command before you get distracted further)
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on January 29, 2013, 08:14:42 PM
Identifying the character would be a spoiler.

Then PM me (or spoiler-tag it), because I have no idea who you're talking about (and yes, I've completed SG).
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 30, 2013, 08:59:39 AM
>"I think that if a few fliers advertising our game and its intriguing prize happened to simply show up on the proper doorsteps one day, word might well spread itself. And I think it could be quite amusing to watch them wonder what it meant."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 30, 2013, 11:25:03 AM
>"I think that if a few fliers advertising our game and its intriguing prize happened to simply show up on the proper doorsteps one day, word might well spread itself. And I think it could be quite amusing to watch them wonder what it meant."

>"Be sure that I get one, too!" says Yuyuko. "I want to keep it."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 30, 2013, 11:26:12 AM
>"Oh, most certainly. Is there anything you might like to see on it?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 30, 2013, 11:39:18 AM
>"Oh, most certainly. Is there anything you might like to see on it?"

>"Oh, I would just love to see a puppy stealing a pie on it," says Yuyuko. clapping her hands together and smiling.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 30, 2013, 11:40:48 AM
>Perhaps it was better not to ask that question of her.
>Though if we did want to leave people guessing, that would probably do it.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 30, 2013, 11:51:50 AM
>Perhaps it was better not to ask that question of her.
>Though if we did want to leave people guessing, that would probably do it.

>You imagine if you wanted to make it difficult for most people to comprehend, Yuyuko would be an excellent person to ask.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 30, 2013, 01:03:42 PM
>Hotate probably has enough clip art for this.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 30, 2013, 01:12:53 PM
> What do we know of the...'relationship' between Shameimaru and Himekaidou?
> For that matter, do we have strong opinions on either of them?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on January 30, 2013, 01:42:39 PM
>Hotate probably has enough clip art for this.

>You imagine any illustrator worth their salt could make this happen.

> What do we know of the...'relationship' between Shameimaru and Himekaidou?
> For that matter, do we have strong opinions on either of them?

>It's no secret that the two loathe each other. Hatate had difficulty competing with Aya, until Aya ran afoul of the law. Then Hatate had no difficulty whatsoever in rubbing in her success the last woman standing. Since Aya's release, the two have been bitter, though thus far nonviolent, rivals. On a good day, one will have some embarrassing gossip about the other featured in their publication.
>When it comes down to it, you think better of Aya. She has suffered for her art. Hatate seems to only care about coming out on top of their rivalry and living well.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 30, 2013, 01:59:46 PM
Proposal: Split the work evenly between the two.

From a business standpoint, this will get the work done faster, and the drive of competition will also boost the quality of the end products. This will also give Yukari a close personal look at their talents, which she can keep in mind for future business deals (and even if she doesn't really care about it that much, the threat of this will almost certainly motivate them).

From a personal standpoint, this will most likely tweak both of their feathers, which could very well be good for a laugh.

This course of action will probably be more expensive than getting just one of them to do it, but I get the feeling money is no object to Yukari, and she'd be getting entertainment on top of a product for her extra payment.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 02:58:54 PM
Works for me! Then again, I can read this Yukari pretty easy, since just about everything she does is largely screwing around on her part. Chaotic Neutral to the extreme yo.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 30, 2013, 10:28:44 PM
Oh, are you thinking about actually contracting Aya and Hatate to MAKE the fliers? I guess I just had the idea of making something comparatively simple (or more possibly getting Ran to do so) and then just gap them onto a few people's doorsteps (including Aya and Hatate, though also other people's). And it seemed quite possible than an announcement of a grand tournament with a relic of a mighty onmyouji as the stakes would get the pair of the investigating and/or writing about it anyway, and news would trickle around Gensokyo on its own, quickly enough. After all, there's not really a rush on when we hold this, is there?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 30, 2013, 10:31:08 PM
Well, that's why we leave the tourney date intentionally vague, so as to keep people in suspense!
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 31, 2013, 12:23:04 AM
Yakumo time is more valuable than to be spent mass producing fliers. Best  to farm it off to less important people that will do it faster and probably provide some good entertainment in the process.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 31, 2013, 12:29:14 AM
Well, 'mass produce' would involve perhaps producing many more than I had planned on (not that this is intrinsically bad, aside from time issues). I guess the main reason I saw not to just show up and ask them was to keep things a little more mysterious about who really was organizing this, but if you don't care to bother with that, I guess I see nothing wrong with trying to get them to do this grunt work.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 12:31:07 AM
Well, we can always draw up a basic outline one, the sort of thing that even Chen could do in a few minutes(and to one who has essentially infinite time, that's lesser than a drop in the bucket), and leave a mysterious letter with an enigmatic sender saying to refine this, and distribute it.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on January 31, 2013, 01:30:27 AM
We also need at least one official, referee or umpire, to settle disputes and distribute prizes, unless we're going to do that ourselves.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: DracoOmega on January 31, 2013, 01:59:20 AM
Frankly, that seems the kind of job Ran can be entrusted with, I think.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 31, 2013, 02:31:26 AM
If you want to do this in relative secrecy, that's fine too. That's just my proposal for if you want to be open about this.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 31, 2013, 05:55:09 PM
Actually, there's something I'm not sure was 100% addressed.

> Given the potential contestants Gensokyo has to offer to a mahjong tournament, do we have any item in our possession that (a) such people would find sufficiently appealing as to join this tournament, and (b) we would be willing to give to whoever won, trusting that they would not cause sufficient havoc with it that we would be forced to get involved in stopping it?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on January 31, 2013, 06:24:15 PM
There was that scroll penned by Abe no Seimei, remember? We did consider that when we first asked this question. (Offered by Purvis himself no less!)
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on January 31, 2013, 07:18:29 PM
I had actually forgotten that and didn't have the time to go back and look while phone browsing. Never mind me, then. :V
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 01, 2013, 11:02:15 PM
>You take a few moments to consider. After a moment, Yuyuko says, "Oh, will you be staying for dinner tonight?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 01, 2013, 11:08:08 PM
>"What were you thinking of having?"
>Does she actually even need to eat?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 01, 2013, 11:16:49 PM
>"What were you thinking of having?"
>Does she actually even need to eat?

>"Oh, that's hardly my decision," says Yuyuko.
>She does not, but she enjoys it. Yuyuko is quite the gourmet, truth be told, always interest in exotic or well-crafted dishes. She her enthusiasm for such has gotten her an ill-deserved reputation as a glutton the few times she has left the netherworld.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 02, 2013, 07:32:22 AM
> Tell our proposal to Yuyuko about having Hatate and Aya split the advertising work and making them compete with each other for extra fun. Also having Ran be a foxy referee too.
> We left Ran making dinner for us, didn't we?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 02, 2013, 03:10:12 PM
> Tell our proposal to Yuyuko about having Hatate and Aya split the advertising work and making them compete with each other for extra fun. Also having Ran be a foxy referee too.
> We left Ran making dinner for us, didn't we?

>Ran was indeed working on dinner.
>You explain your idea about splitting the advertising work between the two tengu. "Oh,that is sneaky, isn't it?" says Yuyuko. "I bet you could even play one off of the other."
>When you elaborate on Ran serving as a referee, Yuyuko nods, but puts a finger to her mouth.  "Would a referee really be necessary? Mahjong tends to be quite good at running itself, don't you think?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 02, 2013, 03:51:33 PM
>Nod. "True, but one can't be too sure after all. Someone might get the idea to use their power to 'rig things in their favor' after all. And someone responsible like Ran is perfect for the job~!"
>Smirk slightly. "That, and it's an excuse to dress her in a new outfit."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 02, 2013, 04:53:55 PM
>Nod. "True, but one can't be too sure after all. Someone might get the idea to use their power to 'rig things in their favor' after all. And someone responsible like Ran is perfect for the job~!"
>Smirk slightly. "That, and it's an excuse to dress her in a new outfit."

>"Ah, I suppose so," says Yuyuko.
>"You're quite interested in costumes today," says Yuyuko. "Did you take up sewing again?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 03, 2013, 04:28:22 AM
> Would Ran go for such an outfit?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 03, 2013, 05:08:40 AM
> Would Ran go for such an outfit?

>It depends, really. Declaring she has to wear something in public just to wear it, rather than having some deeper use, is going to received a little coolly, unless she particularly likes what you pick out for her. Otherwise, it will take some convincing and possibly bribery to get her to do it. Or she may just flat out refuse and accept no arguments, instead giving suggestions of her own, if she feels you're asking too much of her. It really just comes down to what you want and what you're going to do to convince her.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 03, 2013, 05:21:37 AM
> ...Come to think of it, do we even have such an outfit? Particularly one with a large tail-hole in the back?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 03, 2013, 05:27:11 AM
> ...Come to think of it, do we even have such an outfit? Particularly one with a large tail-hole in the back?

>Depends on what kind of outfit you're thinking of. You do have a wide variety of clothes for the both of you, when you prefer not to attract too much attention in various locales. It's not too hard to alter others, with enough time.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 03, 2013, 05:27:48 AM
> A referee's outfit specifically.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 03, 2013, 07:22:09 AM
>A sexy referee's outfit specifically.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on February 03, 2013, 07:27:00 AM
Is there any particular reason it needs to be "sexy"? Like, seriously, it's pretty clear that Ran does not appreciate being put forth as some ornament.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 03, 2013, 02:36:27 PM
> A referee's outfit specifically.

>She'd probably not disagree with that, though she might complain about it being a little garish.

>A sexy referee's outfit specifically.

>You might be able to convince her to wear it for you, privately, for a little while, but trying to get her to go out in public like that would definitely get you an earful. She wouldn't do it unless you could convince her that something very important and irreplaceable is at stake.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 04, 2013, 01:27:16 AM
Okay, here's the deal. I'm making this post with a number of hats on. There are various player, reader, and general RPG denizen hats, as well as a mod hat, so the tone of this post is probably going to flow back and forth between all of them.

I've received complaints from readers that the entire costume thing, both with Youmu and Ran, is creepy (and not a good kind of creepy). Between multiple facets of the story trying to blow it off (Ran's established lack of tolerance for such things, Yuyuko faking Yukari out when deciding on dress for Youmu), readers being disgusted and turned off by it, and the sudden dearth of activity from players I expect are equally uninterested in such pursuits, I think it needs to stop. Someone needs to make up some off-hand answer to Yuyuko most recent question about the subject, and then no one ever broaches it again under penalty of removal from the game and possibly RPG on the whole (unless it somehow becomes story-relevant, which's I trust Purvis to avoid doing). There is a difference between private, semi-harmless embarassment and public humiliation, and however much fanon wants Touhou fans to believe that Yuyuko and Yukari can violate Youmu and Ran as much as they please under the guide of "teasing" and never receive any comeuppance or hatred for it, Purvis actively tries to make characters as real as possible. A realistic Youmu and Ran would never ever put up with what fanon does to them, and a realistic Yuyuko and Yukari, if they had half a decent bone in their bodies, would never initiate that stuff. So it ends here, and we all get back to play that is relevant to forwarding the plot of the story and doesn't make spectators and other players throw up in their mouths.

The then-obvious question, I suppose, is what to do from here. Personally, I think people are hung up on the details of this mahjong tournament, which is most likely the other contributing factor to the dearth of activity. I'm guessing everyone is at least somewhat reluctant to step on toes, which ends up devolving into a death spiral of no posting -> no knowledge of other players' opinions -> fear of posting and saying something other people don't want to do -> no posting -> etc. You all have a good foundation for this tournament idea - thoughts on several potentially interested players, a location, and a prize. I'd say these are enough that you can trust Purvis to iron out the lesser details in postgame. So let's move on to other things.

I'll come out and say that I don't think anyone needs to feel obligated to stick around with Yuyuko, especially since no one appeared to have an actual reason that going to Hakugyokurou was an immediate need. There have been other avenues of exploration given, ones that are more likely to provide enough action that the playerbase won't be confused and bored enough to start a mahjong tournament on a whim. Perhaps a little more chit-chat with Yuyuko is in order, including a decision on that dinner invitation, followed by leaving and pursuing likely-more-meaningful interests. Pretty much anything other than this continued lack of posting. Start anew, with no more major mess to clean up, and let's get somewhere with this game.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on February 04, 2013, 04:51:41 AM
>"I've been thinking about it...but perhaps it'd be a bit silly in the end."
>Has it been established if Yuyuko has had dinner yet?
>If not, "Mm, perhaps you'd like to join me for dinner to see if there are any finer details?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2013, 05:20:45 AM
>"I've been thinking about it...but perhaps it'd be a bit silly in the end."
>Has it been established if Yuyuko has had dinner yet?
>If not, "Mm, perhaps you'd like to join me for dinner to see if there are any finer details?"

>"Ah, such a shame," says Yuyuko. "I could always do with a new handmade blanket."
>You don't think she's eaten, if she's inviting you to stay.
>"Oh, that would be lovely!" says Yuyuko, her face lighting up. "Your Ran is quite the genius, I'd be a fool not to accept."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on February 04, 2013, 05:31:42 AM
>"I'm sure she'll love to hear about it. Shall we?"
>Prepare to open a gap back to our place if she assents.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2013, 05:40:45 AM
>"I'm sure she'll love to hear about it. Shall we?"
>Prepare to open a gap back to our place if she assents.

>"Ah, let me prepare, first," says Yuyuko.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on February 04, 2013, 05:51:58 AM
>"Of course, of course."
>Wait patiently for her to prepare
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2013, 04:18:42 PM
>"Of course, of course."
>Wait patiently for her to prepare

>Yuyuko stands and gracefully floats toward the door, before stopping and glancing at her fallen sand for a moment, pursing her lips, then tilting her head a bit. "Hm, looks rather like an arm, wouldn't you agree?" She does not wait for your response, floating from the room and back into the hall.
>Minutes pass by. You decide to avail yourself of the refreshments that Youmu left, finding them to be quite up to the standard that you expect from Hakugyokurou. While Youmu is only second rate compared to Ran as far as you're concerned, it is still quite acceptable to be second. Soon, Yuyuko floats back into the room with large handbag dangling from her arm. "I'm ready!" she says.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on February 04, 2013, 08:09:26 PM
>"Very good. And it does, yes."
>Open a gap and take Yuyuko gently through it before she can respond.
>Uh, give her the usual disclaimer for gap travel if necessary.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 04, 2013, 09:12:47 PM
> Given the mutual opinion between ourselves and Youmu is less than stellar, do we know what Yuyuko and Ran think of each other?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2013, 09:44:42 PM
> Given the mutual opinion between ourselves and Youmu is less than stellar, do we know what Yuyuko and Ran think of each other?

>Why Yuyuko isn't quite as charmed with Ran as you are, she seems to regard your kitsune companion well enough. They certainly get along well enough, though Yuyuko tends to get bored with Ran after awhile and tends to wander off.  When you and Ran first got together, you were afraid she might have been jealous, but it doesn't seem to be the case. You don't think Yuyuko has an envious bone in her to speak.

>"Very good. And it does, yes."
>Open a gap and take Yuyuko gently through it before she can respond.
>Uh, give her the usual disclaimer for gap travel if necessary.

>You guide Yuyuko through the gap, finding no need to warn her about what she'll experience if she doesn't close her eyes. Few people save for yourself can look between the layers of reality and walk away unaffected.
>The two of you step back into your cabin, where you find Ran relaxing at the kotatsu with a cup of steaming tea. She regards you both calmly; she stopped being surprised by your comings and goings long ago; and says, "Dinner for both of you, I assume?"
>"But of course," says Yuyuko. "I've been looking forward to it ever since dear Yukari brought up the idea!"
>"It shouldn't be a problem," Ran says, as she slowly rises. "I'll just have to ready some more tofu. Make yourselves comfortable."
>"Oh goodie!" Yuyuko says, "I just love what you can do with tofu!"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 04, 2013, 11:24:08 PM
> What do Youmu and Ran think of each other?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 04, 2013, 11:57:13 PM
> What do Youmu and Ran think of each other?

>They get along nicely, as far as you know. Ran thinks you're a bit unfair to Youmu. However, they don't seem to be more than acquaintances, really.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 05, 2013, 03:05:03 PM
>"Wonderfully versatile food, isn't it? I wonder if there's a recipe calling for it that hasn't been attempted yet? I certainly haven't found that yet."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2013, 04:22:23 PM
>"Wonderfully versatile food, isn't it? I wonder if there's a recipe calling for it that hasn't been attempted yet? I certainly haven't found that yet."

>"Why would someone make a recipe and not try it, I wonder?" says Yuyuko, as she settles herself down at the guest spot of the table. "That seems quite silly."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 05, 2013, 05:01:46 PM
>Shrug in our usual way. "Who knows? Perhaps it has yet to be created?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2013, 05:29:37 PM
>Shrug in our usual way. "Who knows? Perhaps it has yet to be created?"

>"Ah, well," says Yuyuko, as she scoots into a comfortable position. "If a recipe hasn't been created, then certainly it can't call for anything."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 05, 2013, 05:35:23 PM
>"Good point dear~! I wonder if anyone has been doing research on tofu recipes? Might be something to kill time with later on."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2013, 06:05:06 PM
>"Good point dear~! I wonder if anyone has been doing research on tofu recipes? Might be something to kill time with later on."

>"Wouldn't it be surprising if no one was?" says Yuyuko. "I can't imagine all of the chefs worthy of the name just turn their back on it."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 05, 2013, 06:09:27 PM
>Smirk slightly. "Does that mean that little Youmu is hard at work on that as a side-project as well?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2013, 06:11:28 PM
>Smirk slightly. "Does that mean that little Youmu is hard at work on that as a side-project as well?"

>"She's always coming up with new things," says Yuyuko. "She is such a treasure, you know. Just last week, she came up with a kind of mochi that had coconut flavor. I don't know how she did it, we certainly didn't have any coconuts!"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 05, 2013, 06:13:44 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. Coconut-flavored Mochi? That certainly is a marvel!
>"Perhaps she should be the one to cater for the Tournament instead then~! I can imagine that quite a lot of the participants, as well as the audience, will enjoy it!"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2013, 06:43:19 PM
>Raise an eyebrow. Coconut-flavored Mochi? That certainly is a marvel!
>"Perhaps she should be the one to cater for the Tournament instead then~! I can imagine that quite a lot of the participants, as well as the audience, will enjoy it!"

>On it's own, that's not very impressive, but if she managed it without actual coconut, you'd have to admit it's something of a feat.
>"I'm sure she'd be delighted," says Yuyuko.
>"What is this about catering a tournament?" says Ran, glancing back from her place at the counter.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 05, 2013, 06:46:39 PM
>Smile at her in our usual enigmatic way that Ran knows we have something up our sleeves. "Just a little something to shake things up for Gensokyo in a good way, of course. Nothing like these past events of course, just a simple little Mahjong Tournament~!"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2013, 06:55:01 PM
>Smile at her in our usual enigmatic way that Ran knows we have something up our sleeves. "Just a little something to shake things up for Gensokyo in a good way, of course. Nothing like these past events of course, just a simple little Mahjong Tournament~!"

>"Ah, and what will we be doing while the participants are distracted?" says Ran.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 05, 2013, 06:56:58 PM
>"Well, Yuyuko and I shall be watching it all of course. I was thinking that, since we'll essentially be putting most everything on hold, that you would be willing to referee for it. I'm certain I can come up with a suitable and modest outfit after all."
>Chuckle slightly. "As for this being a ruse, for once it isn't~! Surprising, isn't it?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2013, 07:36:18 PM
>"Well, Yuyuko and I shall be watching it all of course. I was thinking that, since we'll essentially be putting most everything on hold, that you would be willing to referee for it. I'm certain I can come up with a suitable and modest outfit after all."
>Chuckle slightly. "As for this being a ruse, for once it isn't~! Surprising, isn't it?"

>"Aren't my usual clothes good enough for an event like that?" says Ran. "And, I suppose a lack of a ruse will do. Especially if someone should decide to take advantage of it themselves."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on February 05, 2013, 07:51:09 PM
>"I'd be disappointed if they didn't! We're going to hold it at the Hakurei Shrine, even~"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 05, 2013, 07:59:04 PM
>"And as for the outfit matter, I actually had something more elegant in mind. Something sure to draw the eye, and keep it. But don't worry, it's just as modest as your usual~! I simply need to make it, which won't be a problem at all as you already know. I'll be handling that personally after all~!"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 05, 2013, 09:28:38 PM
>"You can't be a referee if you don't look the part, after all."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2013, 09:56:54 PM
>"I'd be disappointed if they didn't! We're going to hold it at the Hakurei Shrine, even~"

>"Oh, does Reimu know yet?" says Ran.

>"And as for the outfit matter, I actually had something more elegant in mind. Something sure to draw the eye, and keep it. But don't worry, it's just as modest as your usual~! I simply need to make it, which won't be a problem at all as you already know. I'll be handling that personally after all~!"

>"That's certainly not suspicious phrasing on your part at all," says Ran.

>"You can't be a referee if you don't look the part, after all."

>"My suspicions have not been soothed," Ran says.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 05, 2013, 10:09:34 PM
>"Oh, don't worry about a thing Ran my dear, I wouldn't put you in something risque without your approval~! In fact, I think even the Emperors of the past would be jealous if they were to see what I have in mind~! For it will be something so glorious as to put even the finest of imperial robes to shame."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on February 05, 2013, 10:22:29 PM
Did everyone miss the part where Kilga said cut the costume discussion? Whatever, I don't care anymore.

>"Of course not, I figured she could find out and sign up normally like everyone else, after all! Farbeit for me to be accused of giving anyone special treatment~"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 05, 2013, 10:26:50 PM
Hey, no harm meant after all, I've actually got a very tasteful sort of thing in mind for the outfit really. It's, in effect, a much more dolled-up version of her default. Basically, the same, but a lot more regal and impressive, as befits someone as important to us as her.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on February 05, 2013, 10:27:37 PM
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 05, 2013, 10:35:53 PM
I had something akin to her Koumajou outfit in mind really. Plus, a couple folks seem to like this idea too, since the main thing is that it has to be tasteful. Which is what I've been going for to begin with. Basically, tasteful, modest, but overall more eye-catching than her usual. It's like a business suit in comparison to a shirt and slacks.
Besides, from what I understand, the creepy bit was in reference to the Youmu part. Which you'll notice I've pretty much dropped.

And I also don't see why it can be said that there's a dearth of activity, seems just as alive as any past Z-Machine.
EDIT: I think there's the possibility that some folks might also not have any further ideas for certain times, so they wait until someone else proceeds, which then inspires them. I've done that myself several times really. Like with the tides, there's an ebb and a flow.
Basically, if you can't think of anything off the bat, you wait for someone to provide a springboard idea to work off of. There wouldn't really be any worry about stepping on toes if people are open about their plans. Which you'll notice I've been making relatively obvious, if not outright explaining it as I have been of recent.
After all, when someone referees something like a Sumo match, they wear a special outfit. This is basically my own take on that.

EDIT 2: And on the Mahjong thing, it seems folks genuinely like the idea, when it was just a possibility suggestion on my part. I've said this in the past, but folks just decided to run with it.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 05, 2013, 10:51:15 PM
>"Oh, don't worry about a thing Ran my dear, I wouldn't put you in something risque without your approval~! In fact, I think even the Emperors of the past would be jealous if they were to see what I have in mind~! For it will be something so glorious as to put even the finest of imperial robes to shame."

>"This better be good," says Ran.

>"Of course not, I figured she could find out and sign up normally like everyone else, after all! Farbeit for me to be accused of giving anyone special treatment~"

>"Just so," she says. "I'm sure she'll be delighted, after all is said and done."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 05, 2013, 10:57:24 PM
>"Have you ever known me to disappoint? You know I'd go the extra mile when creating an outfit meant expressly for you~! Besides, it never hurts to have new clothing."
>What fashion styles is Ran opposed to?
>"But if you don't want this, then I suppose that's alright as well. I had this lovely little number in mind that would go with those lovely tails of yours."

EDIT: As I've stated before, the goal is something tasteful, regal, and impressive. Something that, potentially, would not look out of place in an imperial court really. Of course, my baseline idea is something like her Koumajou outfit, but folks are perfectly free to chip in their ideas too as long as it remains tasteful and modest. You folks won't have to worry about stepping on toes with this after all, these games are about working together after all, and something like this will work best with input from multiple people.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 05, 2013, 11:28:48 PM
I suppose at this point I must question the need for a referee outfit of any level of tastefulness, given mahjong does not use referees.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 05, 2013, 11:32:07 PM
Well, this isn't the outside world after all, have to make sure people don't get the idea to use their powers to change outcomes and whatnot. For example, Remilia and her fate-alteration and such.
But I suppose if you're that against it, I'd have to give up, as regrettable as it is. I simply felt that such an event merits outfits of a higher standard than usual. After all, this is the sort of thing that's planned so that everyone who's anyone will be attending. One has to look their best and all that jazz.

EDIT: I know it's just Mahjong, but it's also intended as a relatively large social event as well, and you know how those are. Yukari always strikes me as the sort of person to not do things halfway.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 06, 2013, 12:27:08 AM
I say do the outfit.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 06, 2013, 02:24:38 AM
I suspect mahjong in Gensokyo would actually be less unruly because youkai have pride to consider. The likes of Remilia and Kaguya wouldn't be caught dead throwing a hissy fit in public over a game of nobles.

Anyway. It's about as obvious as a monsoon that, regardless of player whims, Ran is decidedly uninterested in wearing this thing. Hell, she's suspicious of you for even suggesting it. If you want her to wear it, you'll need to give her a good reason to wear it, and your options there are (a) proving it would have some function Ran would find meaningful, or (b) abusing the established relationship between the two, something that is both out-of-character and an action that will get you escorted from the RPG premises. Ran has put up with your bullshit for centuries, a few strategically-placed tildes are only going to make things worse if they change anything. Make her want to wear it.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 06, 2013, 02:55:44 AM
I think Hanzo's got this under control.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 06, 2013, 03:22:27 AM
>Given our experience with hax powers and their abuses, how confident can we be in Ran's ability to detect and forestall magical cheating? Or normal cheating for that matter.
Also, I think a new outfit would be in order if we're going with the idea of the tournament being an offical thing, rather than just Yukari playing around. Ran wearing her ordinary clothing would give the wrong impression.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2013, 03:33:28 AM
>Given our experience with hax powers and their abuses, how confident can we be in Ran's ability to detect and forestall magical cheating? Or normal cheating for that matter.

>You are confident that Ran can probably suss out most forms of magical cheating and trace them to the source, perhaps not fast enough to stop them the first time but certainly fast enough to call a halt and make sense of what is happening. With more mundane methods, she doesn't have any special advantages, but she does have a reasonably sharp eye. The real problem there, you've determined, is an audience member just blurting out something. At that point, all you could really do is reset the game, which would play well into giving a losing player a second chance, or declare the match void, which would help other players.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 06, 2013, 04:07:52 AM
>Could we alter sound borders such that the players cannot hear the audience?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2013, 04:14:01 AM
>Could we alter sound borders such that the players cannot hear the audience?

>You could do this, but then it leads to the question of whether or not there is any reason to have an audience if the players cannot hear their reactions.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 06, 2013, 05:15:00 AM
>Audiences aren't there for the players' benefit. They're there to watch the games. Hell, the players would probably appreciate the freedom from potentially distracting noises.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 06, 2013, 05:20:26 AM
>Alternatively, could we present a punishment for cheaty audience members sufficient to deter them? Perhaps we could give the illusion that we are only involved for punishment, and not the organizer of the whole event.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2013, 05:39:55 AM
>Audiences aren't there for the players' benefit. They're there to watch the games. Hell, the players would probably appreciate the freedom from potentially distracting noises.

>You consider this, then discard it at once. The audience exists to lionize and inspire the players as much as the players exist to entertain the audience. You didn't quietly observe the rise of organized sports as a phenomena without picking that up.

>Alternatively, could we present a punishment for cheaty audience members sufficient to deter them? Perhaps we could give the illusion that we are only involved for punishment, and not the organizer of the whole event.

>That would probably work for a lot of people. Though you don't think your presence would deter the likes of Tenshi or any rogue faeries, or possibly Nue or Tewi if they're in the mood. If anything, it would probably make cheating and getting away with it it; or at least failing to be stopped, more of an incentive.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: GuyYouMetOnline on February 06, 2013, 06:02:04 AM
>You consider this, then discard it at once. The audience exists to lionize and inspire the players as much as the players exist to entertain the audience. You didn't quietly the rise of organized sports as a phenomena without picking that up.

I'll admit that I know little about mahjong, but it is, at least to an extent, a game of strategy, is it not? What you said there may be true for more commonly-recognized sports such as basketball and football (American or otherwise), but for things like mahjong (presumably), or poker, or chess, or anything where you're sitting at a table and thinking and planning and whatever like that, outside noise is not welcome. I've been in a few local chess tournaments-I was on the chess team in grade school-and believe me, even at that level, nobody wanted outside noise of any kind during a game. Physical games like basketball and such are one thing, but in games of the mind, outside noise is not welcome.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 06, 2013, 07:57:03 AM
>You consider this, then discard it at once. The audience exists to lionize and inspire the players as much as the players exist to entertain the audience. You didn't quietly {Parser, which word goes here?} the rise of organized sports as a phenomena without picking that up.
>That would probably work for a lot of people. Though you don't think your presence would deter the likes of Tenshi or any rogue faeries, or possibly Nue or Tewi if they're in the mood. If anything, it would probably make cheating and getting away with it it; or at least failing to be stopped, more of an incentive.
>Of course, we are only punishing people at the direction of the referee, not on our own initiative. That would probably lessen the thrill, right?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 06, 2013, 11:41:05 AM
Physical games like basketball and such are one thing, but in games of the mind, outside noise is not welcome.

Have you ever seen World Series of Poker events? Those crowds get quite rambunctious.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 06, 2013, 03:01:47 PM
>Of course, we are only punishing people at the direction of the referee, not on our own initiative. That would probably lessen the thrill, right?

>That might do it enough to make it less interesting for some of the name-conscious mischief-makers; pulling the wool over Ran's eyes doesn't hold the same allure as pulling it over your own eyes. It's a shame, but there are prices to be paid for being yourself, and you're not always the one that must pay them.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on February 07, 2013, 12:00:15 AM
>While we have been musing to ourself has dinner become ready?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 07, 2013, 12:50:48 AM
>While we have been musing to ourself has dinner become ready?

>Ran has been working on it while speaking with you.
>Yuyuko seems to have produced a small book and is reading it while you were talking with Ran.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 07, 2013, 02:47:04 AM
Yuyuko is reading a book. :| The universal sign of being bored of your antics.

> Speak to Ran about our musings relating why we need a referee and why she'd be a better fit then ourselves just to keep the game from getting Tewi'd. `
> Then actually have dinner and ask her about how Gensokyo's been while we were asleep as an excuse to talk about it with Yuyuko.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 07, 2013, 03:42:27 AM
> Speak to Ran about our musings relating why we need a referee and why she'd be a better fit then ourselves just to keep the game from getting Tewi'd. `
> Then actually have dinner and ask her about how Gensokyo's been while we were asleep as an excuse to talk about it with Yuyuko.

>You explain to Ran about why you imagine a referee would be needed, and how she would be best to keep the Inabas away. "I suppose that would make sense," says Ran. "But you're going to tell me what that outfit is before I agree to that."
>By the time you're done explaining, dinner is ready. It is a simple dish, bits of fried tofu and a few vegetables in noodles, but you are well aware that Ran's work with tofu is never to be underestimated. Indeed, sampling it, you are quite pleased to find a number of spices that add a subtle flavor to the various elements that come together just right. Yuyuko, for her part, doesn't bother to speak, being too busy enjoying her meal.
>"Mmm, things have been pretty quiet this winter," says Yuyuko. "The vampire's mansion held another open house to show off their treasures. They're still rather proud of what they liberated from you, Yuyuko."
>"As well they ought to be," says Yuyuko, looking up from her plate just long enough to comment."
>"The village is doing well. That tanuki has been making small loans to people, but from what I have been able to tell, the temple has been making certain she isn't doing anything too questionable. Ah, yes, speaking of the Myouren Temple, someone has been donating statutes to them, which they have been setting out. From what I understand, Rinnosuke is being allowed to wander a bit more freely now, I haven't had a chance to talk with him, but I am told he's quite a bit more relaxed than he was beforehand. I've not heard of anything happening further north. You'll forgive me for not bothering Reimu over the winter, but I've not had a need to go that way. I'm sure you'll find your way there soon enough as it is. Ah yes, the kappa seem to be getting ready for another exposition of their work, if what I heard from the fishermen is correct. I imagine they'll probably have it in a couple weeks. Oh yes, part of the university burned down again, I don't think anyone was hurt badly."
>"Have the tengu been behaving," says Yuyuko
>"Secretive as always," says Ran. "I don't sense they're up to anything sinister. What little I've gleaned suggests they've been behaving. There hasn't been word from Eientei, but typically there isn't. The rabbits sell their medicine, I haven't seen anything unusual in it from the samples I've gathered."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 07, 2013, 03:45:22 AM
> IS the kappa university going up in flames a regular event?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 07, 2013, 03:53:28 AM
> IS the kappa university going up in flames a regular event?

>Fires are not uncommon. Part of the building going up has happened a couple times in the past. There hasn't been anything truly ruinous, though.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 07, 2013, 10:25:51 PM
>Myouren Temple has been setting out statues, yes? Wonder if any of them will become a Yama.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 08, 2013, 01:56:26 AM
>Myouren Temple has been setting out statues, yes? Wonder if any of them will become a Yama.

>Now that would be amusing. But, you suspect that Shikieiki's case is probably reasonably unique. But who knows? There's a lot of universe out there.
>As you muse over that thought, you hear the door slide open. "Sorry I'm late!" comes Chen's voice, as she dashes inside and throws the door closed. "Me and Rumia were looking at some neat rocks and then a faerie started yelling at us and we had to get even and then we found a snake and then the sun was going down!"
>"It's hasn't gotten cold yet, dear," says Ran. "Come sit down and mind your manners, we have a guest."
>"Hello Miss Saigyouji," says Chen, as she ambles toward the table. "It's been awhile since you came."
>"It's a pleasure, Chen," says Yuyuko. "Though you did just get in the way of my second course."
>"Hey you're not allowed to do that!" Chen says.
>"Then you best not let dinner get cold," says Yuyuko.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 09, 2013, 01:20:40 AM
> Let Chen get settled in for more dinner.
> "How dull. It sounds like there's nothing that needed my direct attention. If I weren't coming up with my own mischief I would go back to sleep!"
> Add Mahjong tournament to quests. Also inwardly plot to use it as an excuse to visit Maribel to give her a personal invitation. "Let's see, making arrangments with the tengu's to advertise, finding a seamstress for the outfits, a builder for the stage, and we'll save telling Reimu about it for last."
> Do we have high quality mahjong pieces worthy of a tournament?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 09, 2013, 01:29:21 AM
>make sure not to accidentally use pai gow pieces or dominoes
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2013, 02:18:07 AM
> Let Chen get settled in for more dinner.
> "How dull. It sounds like there's nothing that needed my direct attention. If I weren't coming up with my own mischief I would go back to sleep!"
> Add Mahjong tournament to quests. Also inwardly plot to use it as an excuse to visit Maribel to give her a personal invitation. "Let's see, making arrangments with the tengu's to advertise, finding a seamstress for the outfits, a builder for the stage, and we'll save telling Reimu about it for last."
> Do we have high quality mahjong pieces worthy of a tournament?

>"It's been a quiet winter," says Ran. "I would expect the next wave of trouble to come from that hermit and her jiang shi, myself. But there hasn't been much sign of her, either."
>Ah yes, that one. Another troublemaker to consider.
>Fantasy Temple Mahjong Tournament
>You have decided to host a mahjong tournament! Surely this will stir things up, and perhaps get someone to overplay their hand. Or just provide some good fun.
>Oh yes, this will definitely provide a good excuse to have some time with Maribel.
>You outline the orders of things, while Chen takes up place on the left side of the table. "I think that sounds like a natural way to approach it," says Yuyuko.
>"Indeed," says Ran. "I should be able to arrange for a builder tomorrow morning."
>Chen slips over to her place quickly, sitting to your left. "Hi Miss Yukari," she says to you. "Did you sleep well?"
>You think you have a decent Mahjong set. It's a little worn, but you liberated it from an Emperor of the Tang Dynasty as the social order was collapsing.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 09, 2013, 02:56:13 AM
> Did we sleep well?
> "Oh, well enough. I was drifting in a cotton candy bed while being fanned and small dangling fuzzy things tickled my nose. Wait, was that your dream too, Chen?" Pat Chen on head. After teasing her earlier we can at least make up to Ran by being nice to Chen tonight.
> Right, the newcomers. What do we know about them? Especially this troublesome hermit.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2013, 04:06:47 AM
> Did we sleep well?
> "Oh, well enough. I was drifting in a cotton candy bed while being fanned and small dangling fuzzy things tickled my nose. Wait, was that your dream too, Chen?" Pat Chen on head. After teasing her earlier we can at least make up to Ran by being nice to Chen tonight.
> Right, the newcomers. What do we know about them? Especially this troublesome hermit.

>You can't complain about it. But it'll be a little bit before you're really back up to one hundred percent. You'll want another nap in a few hours, which will probably carry you to nearly morning. That should do it.
>You pat Chen on the head, "Now I'm jealous of your dreams!" she says.
>The newcomers don't worry you too much. Toyosatomimi and her retainers, as far as you can tell, are harmless. They've tunneled out their own little domain for now. You suspect that she might try to increase her influence in the future, but she doesn't seem to wish for political influence. However, she likely has a rival in Remilia, who considers herself to be the real monarch of Gensokyo, even if she chooses not to exert that influence. As for Seiga, she could be dangerous if she attaches herself to someone powerful and guides them to misuse that power. However, you don't think there is much danger of that, it's no secret that she has been dismissed from Miko's service.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 09, 2013, 04:44:59 AM
> "Well, I heard that good kittens who eat all their dinner get to have good dreams too."
> Ask Yuyuko what she thinks of the newcomers, especially the hermit. "I think I'll try to track her down for a personal invitation. Best to see what interesting people are doing, isn't it?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2013, 04:56:56 AM
> "Well, I heard that good kittens who eat all their dinner get to have good dreams too."
> Ask Yuyuko what she thinks of the newcomers, especially the hermit. "I think I'll try to track her down for a personal invitation. Best to see what interesting people are doing, isn't it?"

>"I'm going to, I'm going to!" says Chen.
>"Ah, the former prince?" says Yuyuko. "She doesn't seem too bad, I believe. Perhaps a bit serious from what I've gathered, but I think she'll do well. Now, that Seiga, I am not so sure. I do rather frown on her bothering the dead. But that's what the living do sometimes, isn't it? I don't think she and Youmu would ever get along."
>"A personal invitation?" says Yuyuko. "I'm sure she'd be honored, if she knew what was good for her!"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 09, 2013, 05:05:33 AM
> "I imagine the prince and the scarlet princess will be causing their own interesting troubles when they notice each other's presences." Tap our lip. "Come to think of it, if they both come we'll be their first meeting ground. An excellent match already in the making."
> "She might not be as bad as her reputation, that Seiga." Smile enigmatically. "After all, cultivating that kind of atmosphere is an art of it's own. I'll judge her motives when I see her for myself."
> "We could check over anywhere we wished to see right now, really. Did you have somewhere you'd like to spy on, dear Yuyuko?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 09, 2013, 05:06:57 AM
>It seems like the Taoist Invasion played out much more calmly and amicably in Z-Machine than in TH13, at least from what we've heard.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2013, 05:36:30 AM
> "I imagine the prince and the scarlet princess will be causing their own interesting troubles when they notice each other's presences." Tap our lip. "Come to think of it, if they both come we'll be their first meeting ground. An excellent match already in the making."
> "She might not be as bad as her reputation, that Seiga." Smile enigmatically. "After all, cultivating that kind of atmosphere is an art of it's own. I'll judge her motives when I see her for myself."
> "We could check over anywhere we wished to see right now, really. Did you have somewhere you'd like to spy on, dear Yuyuko?"

>"I do wonder if they are both up to date on the rules?" says Yuyuko. "It would be a shame if either were to hold out for a tile that doesn't exist anymore..."
>"Perhaps so," says Yuyuko as you mention Seiga. "But I feel my observations are sound."
>"Oh, let us see what Miss Ibuki is doing, shall we?" Yuyuko says, smiling. "She's always fun!"
>"What are they taking about with all the rules and stuff, Ran?" says Chen.
>"We're planning a mahjong tournament," says Ran. "Would you like to be a part of it?"
>"I don't really know how to play," says Chen. frowning as she talks through a mouthful of noodles. "All the ways tiles go together don't seem to make any sense."

>It seems like the Taoist Invasion played out much more calmly and amicably in Z-Machine than in TH13, at least from what we've heard.

>There was some sturm and drang at first, with people believing there was some kind of ghost invasion happening. And from what you here, Miko and her attendants were rather arrogant at first and fully intending to return to power. Then they found that the world had forgotten them and, you imagine,  there were more than enough factions in Gensokyo who wouldn't stand idly by. Miko instead decided to focus on refining her understanding of the Tao, which was for the best. Though she did make a rather humorous attempt to recruit Reimu, with predictable results.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 09, 2013, 07:10:40 AM
> "That's a good point. We'll need to have written rules for the tournament." Think of who we can foister that responsibility off on.
> "I do trust your judgement. All the more reason to see what merit she has."
> Open spy gap to see what Suika is up to!
> Look to Chen. "I didn't think you'd wish to play. Ran could use your help taking care of cheering though."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2013, 05:51:54 PM
> "That's a good point. We'll need to have written rules for the tournament." Think of who we can foister that responsibility off on.
> "I do trust your judgement. All the more reason to see what merit she has."
> Open spy gap to see what Suika is up to!
> Look to Chen. "I didn't think you'd wish to play. Ran could use your help taking care of cheering though."

>"We do?" says Chen.
>You could fob it off on Ran. She tends to serve as a method in your madness, so to speak, in any event.
>"Well, you have to try!" says Chen. "And, um, how do I take care of cheering?"
>Thankfully, Suika is not a hard person to spy on. There's usually only a few places she will be, and only one presents you with any challenge. You open a couple of tiny quiet gaps around the Hakurei Shrine and a particular island in the Celestial Realm, and quickly detect what must be Suika on the latter accompanied by several other people.  You can catch a distinctive "C'mon, drink it all up, now!" from Suika.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 09, 2013, 06:25:46 PM
>Would it make sense to compare Chen to a human child, and if so about what age ?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2013, 06:32:45 PM
>Would it make sense to compare Chen to a human child, and if so about what age ?

>Not precisely.  Unlike a child, Chen can be left alone and she can take care of herself without any problems. She is also quite able to handle complicated degrees of metathinking that a child generally just isn't prepared to deal with. She is also quite a bit more independent than your average child, not really feeling the need to rely on anyone as a child does. However, she is reasonably naive, and she is not particularly educated, which makes her seem very child-like at a glance. She is sometimes able to use this to her advantage, as she also has no qualms about being sneaky. Misdirection tends to be her preferred method of tackling a problem.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 09, 2013, 07:29:14 PM
>"Well, let's see. It will be a prestigious sports event, with many attendees. The players will need encouragement from the crowd, but we don't want individuals shouting hints or insults or random things. I think it would be best I'd the crowd cheered for each player on their turn, with generic chants or even wordless shouting. The cheerleaders would lead the crowd in doing so. Do you think you and your friends could manage that responsibility?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2013, 07:58:56 PM
>"Well, let's see. It will be a prestigious sports event, with many attendees. The players will need encouragement from the crowd, but we don't want individuals shouting hints or insults or random things. I think it would be best I'd the crowd cheered for each player on their turn, with generic chants or even wordless shouting. The cheerleaders would lead the crowd in doing so. Do you think you and your friends could manage that responsibility?"

>"I could!" says Chen. She frowns. "Um, I don't know about the others. Rumia is kind of...hard to understand. And Dai is sort silly, since she's a faerie."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 09, 2013, 09:10:22 PM
>"Well, I'm sure you can handle this task by yourself or with any helpers you recruit."
>"Now, I wonder if there's anything I'm overlooking. Oh Yuyuko, will you be playing or spectating? or something more involved...?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 09, 2013, 09:32:37 PM
>"Well, I'm sure you can handle this task by yourself or with any helpers you recruit."
>"Now, I wonder if there's anything I'm overlooking. Oh Yuyuko, will you be playing or spectating? or something more involved...?"

>"You better believe I will!" says Chen.
>Yuyuko looks over from listening at the gap you've opened, and says, "It wouldn't do to just let anyone win."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 10, 2013, 08:18:11 PM
>Ask Ran to write the rules.
>Exchange pleasantries, then make our way outside. We have many things to do today!
>Oh right, offer to drop Yuyuko off somewhere.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 10, 2013, 08:47:15 PM
>Ask Ran to write the rules.
>Exchange pleasantries, then make our way outside. We have many things to do today!
>Oh right, offer to drop Yuyuko off somewhere.

>"I suppose I can do that," says Ran.
>You finish dinner, with conversation largely falling to Chen telling stories about her and Rumia messing around in the Forest of Magic today. Every so often, Yuyuko goes on a tangent of her own every so often. Soon, however, the meal is concluded. Ran sets herself to dealing with the dishes, while Chen is assigned to sweep the floor.
>"Oh, I'll find my own way back," says Yuyuko. "It wouldn't do to skip everything in between."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 10, 2013, 11:37:24 PM
Excellent, we've unleashed Yuyuko on Gensokyo.
> "Try to have an interesting trip!" Wave to Yuyuko.
> Alright, time to spy on everyone. Use gaps to locate both tengu's, Reimu and Maribel,  as well as look over all overworld locations to make sure the world isn't on fire. Hide disapointment if Eientei is not on fire.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 11, 2013, 12:43:40 AM
> "Try to have an interesting trip!" Wave to Yuyuko.
> Alright, time to spy on everyone. Use gaps to locate both tengu's, Reimu and Maribel,  as well as look over all overworld locations to make sure the world isn't on fire. Hide disapointment if Eientei is not on fire.

>"Oh, I imagine I will," says Yuyuko, as she drifts outside, neglecting to close the door. Before Chen gets it, you notice that she drifting entirely the wrong way.
>You take some time to open a few gaps and get an idea of what is going around Gensokyo. Paying a bit more attention to the Hakurei Shrine, you hear Reimu in a light argument with her resident faerie. Thinks seem to be busy at the Scarlet Devil Mansion at first, but much of what you hear is Sakuya giving orders to faeries. From Human town, you find it is winding down for the day, but the tavern seems to be lively. Judging from what you hear, you think that Mokou is working there tonight. Checking in on the Myouren Temple, you find it too is quiet, you can hear some chanting and a couple whispered conversations. By contrast, the kappa village is rather lively, you think they are probably wrapping up the last catch of the day.  Moving upwards, you find that the tengu community is not quite so lively as the kappa, but there is some activity. It will be awhile before it winds down. You don't hear any activity that sounds particularly like Aya or Hatate, but they could be anywhere. The Moriya Shrine is peaceful, from what you can gather, they are having their evening meal, too.  You don't hear any activity in the Garden of the Sun, but this is not uncommon, Yuuka tends to keep to her mansion more when it is cooler out. Eientei is not on fire, nor is any place else that you check, but do you hear a fair amount of activity from the rabbits. You suspect they are probably preparing their evening meal. From Maribel's home, you hear the sound of scrubbing.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 11, 2013, 01:49:09 AM
We're going to have to actually look for them, ew >_>
> Is Yuyuko actually lost or is she just going the wrong way for fun? If we can, keep a gap following her just in case.
> Do we visit the human tavern at all?
> Let's go visit Maribel. She seems like someone who might help us find those wascally tengus.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 11, 2013, 02:01:21 AM
> Is Yuyuko actually lost or is she just going the wrong way for fun? If we can, keep a gap following her just in case.
> Do we visit the human tavern at all?
> Let's go visit Maribel. She seems like someone who might help us find those wascally tengus.

>You've know Yuyuko long enough to know that she's taking the scenic route.
>You don't visit the tavern often, but sometimes you feel like it. It can be a nice place to talk with someone if you don't feel like hanging around home. The food and drink are not particularly special, but they are not bad by any means.
>Will you be visiting Maribel in a polite manner, or simply inviting yourself to their front room?

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 11, 2013, 02:02:54 AM
> Neither of course. Attempt to find location of Maribel in house, then gap behind her and attempt traditional Yukari hugging entrance with a "Hello~"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 11, 2013, 02:27:12 AM
> Neither of course. Attempt to find location of Maribel in house, then gap behind her and attempt traditional Yukari hugging entrance with a "Hello~"

>You take a few moments, and ascertain that she is washing dishes from the noises she makes. With this, it's easy to figure out where she is, and quietly open a gap behind her.
>Unlike Ran or Yuyuko, Maribel has not quite gotten used to your comings and goings. Thus, when you appear behind her and wrap your arms around her waist, her reponse is to startle violently and cry out. You have anticipated this, and move your head to the side to avoid being struck by the back of her head, while giving her a tight squeeze.
>"Damn it, Yukari!" she says in response to your greetings, "Do you have to do that?!"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on February 11, 2013, 02:36:01 AM
>"Yes, yes I do. I wouldn't want to miss out on your hilarious reactions after all."
>Grin mischieviously.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 11, 2013, 02:57:02 AM
>"Yes, yes I do. I wouldn't want to miss out on your hilarious reactions after all."
>Grin mischieviously.

>"Well, you ought to have seen enough of them to be sick of them by now, geez," says Maribel. She squirms a little in your grasp.
>The two of your stand in the kitchen, which is reasonably sizable, and dominated by a large iron stove. Judging from the ingredients laid out on a counter to the side, supper has yet to be prepared. 

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on February 11, 2013, 03:04:55 AM
>"Hmmm, no you are endlessly entertaining."
>"But I did not just come here to tease you, there is going to be a mahjong tournament!"
>"I was wondering if you would like to participate."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 11, 2013, 03:23:53 AM
>"Hmmm, no you are endlessly entertaining."
>"But I did not just come here to tease you, there is going to be a mahjong tournament!"
>"I was wondering if you would like to participate."

>Maribel groans. "I wish you'd find other things to be entertained by."
>"There is?" says Maribel, losing a bit of vigor in her squirming. "That sounds kind of interesting. Could you tell me more about it?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 11, 2013, 03:49:14 AM
> Excellent. Let her get comfortable in our maidenly arms as we tell her about our idea.
> "Oh, it's going to be quite the event. I expect all the heads of Gensokyo to attend. An antique scroll, painted by one of the great onmyoji of history, has been graciously donated as the prize for the victor who dominates the majhong table in front of the cheering audience. Wouldn't you like to be the one to claim that prize, darling?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 11, 2013, 04:04:37 AM
> Excellent. Let her get comfortable in our maidenly arms as we tell her about our idea.
> "Oh, it's going to be quite the event. I expect all the heads of Gensokyo to attend. An antique scroll, painted by one of the great onmyoji of history, has been graciously donated as the prize for the victor who dominates the majhong table in front of the cheering audience. Wouldn't you like to be the one to claim that prize, darling?"

>She does seem to have given up squirming. She always does in the end. It also confirms your suspicion that Renko isn't here; it takes her longer if Renko is around. You suspect she doesn't want Renko to barge in and see her not trying to get away.
>"That...does sound interesting," says Maribel. "I wouldn't mind showing something like that to the circle! Are there any other prizes?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on February 11, 2013, 04:13:40 AM
>Huh, we might need runner-up prizes. Or not, it we want a truly cutthroat struggle to the top.
>"Not that I know of, but there may be."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 11, 2013, 04:15:18 AM
>Huh, we might need runner-up prizes. Or not, it we want a truly cutthroat struggle to the top.

>You could see the validity of either approach.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on February 11, 2013, 04:17:44 AM
Holy fast response batman.
>"Not that I know of, but there may be."
>We'll have to decide before we get those pamphlets distributed.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 11, 2013, 04:22:01 AM
We have Renkodar. @_@
> "Mmm, if it isn't enough to attract your attention.." Affect a downcast tone. What kind of thing could we put as a runner up to the scroll that we have? Something simpler, perhaps a small piece of jewelry that looks pretty but is worth less in historical value?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 11, 2013, 04:29:27 AM
>"Not that I know of, but there may be."
>We'll have to decide before we get those pamphlets distributed.

We have Renkodar. @_@
> "Mmm, if it isn't enough to attract your attention.." Affect a downcast tone. What kind of thing could we put as a runner up to the scroll that we have? Something simpler, perhaps a small piece of jewelry that looks pretty but is worth less in historical value?

>You'll figure it out in good time, you're certain.
>You affect a downcast tone, which actually brings a little giggle from Maribel. "Oh, I'll participate in your tournament, most likely. You don't have have to sound like that!"
>You could easily wrangle a nice bauble to offer as runner up prize. A dish from Mayohiga might attract some attention as well...
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 11, 2013, 04:52:07 AM
> A dish, as in a piece of china, or Ran's cooking?
> Brighten up. "Oh I thought you would. It wouldn't be the same if you weren't there." 
> "That's not the only thing I came to ask you though. I'm looking for those reporter tengu, have you seen either of them today?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 11, 2013, 04:54:57 AM
>What exactly is Mayohiga?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 11, 2013, 05:06:45 AM
> A dish, as in a piece of china, or Ran's cooking?
> Brighten up. "Oh I thought you would. It wouldn't be the same if you weren't there." 
> "That's not the only thing I came to ask you though. I'm looking for those reporter tengu, have you seen either of them today?"

>As in a piece of china. While Ran's culinary skills are to be feared and respected, you don't think one of her meals would draw the crowd that it should.
>"I thought you'd say something like that," says Maribel. "I'll be sure set aside time for it."
>"Oh, um...I think I saw Aya poking around the kappa village earlier, while I was at the university. She was probably looking for something worth writing about."

>What exactly is Mayohiga?

>Mayohiga is one of your other homes. It is a place that exists on the edge of the known world, so to speak. One cannot just find it by looking for it, normally. Rather one stumbles onto it while lost outside the places that they know. There is an old story that taking a dish from it will grant one luck. Story itself is potent enough to lend some truth to this matter. You like to let people think it's where you're truly live, since it matches your nature so well, but in reality, you just use it sometimes. For awhile, you did use it as your main home, but since you've taken an interest in being slightly less remote, it's fallen out of day to day use for you. It's a nice place to keep things that aren't terribly important, but important enough you don't want just any burglar to find them. As well, it is a nice place to take someone when you want some privacy, or when you and Ran want some time alone without worrying about Chen walking in on you.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 11, 2013, 05:26:09 AM
> Good, we want to keep Ran's cooking to ourselves anyways. The dish on the other hand can be added to the prizes.
> "Mmm, that's a place to start looking then." Lean a little closer to rest our cheek against Maribel's. "Having to walk around is quite dull on one's own, don't you think? It wouldn't be a long trip. Would you come with me?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 11, 2013, 05:36:41 AM
> Good, we want to keep Ran's cooking to ourselves anyways. The dish on the other hand can be added to the prizes.
> "Mmm, that's a place to start looking then." Lean a little closer to rest our cheek against Maribel's. "Having to walk around is quite dull on one's own, don't you think? It wouldn't be a long trip. Would you come with me?"

>Ran wouldn't be quite the little secret she is if you told everyone, every all.
>You lean forward and rest your cheek against Maribel's. "I can't," she says. "I need to get things cleaned up, and make dinner before Renko gets home."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 11, 2013, 05:47:08 AM
> "Are you sure? You know I can whisk you back home in seconds.." Regretfully, we don't expect a yes after that. The sorrow of not everyone being as loose as ourselves and Yuyuko. "If you're busy now, perhaps tomorrow~? I do wish to find both after all, a timely affair."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 11, 2013, 05:48:44 AM
> "Are you sure? You know I can whisk you back home in seconds.." Regretfully, we don't expect a yes after that. The sorrow of not everyone being as loose as ourselves and Yuyuko. "If you're busy now, perhaps tomorrow~? I do wish to find both after all, a timely affair."

>"...Okay, we'll see about tomorrow, if it'll make you happy," she says after a moment.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 11, 2013, 06:10:30 AM
> Smile sweetly. "It would. It'll be fun darling, I'm sure. I might be in the mood to knock when I'm ready like a proper traveler."
> "Until then, I should go find Aya. Try not to miss me too much while I'm gone, mmm?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 11, 2013, 06:17:57 AM
> Smile sweetly. "It would. It'll be fun darling, I'm sure. I might be in the mood to knock when I'm ready like a proper traveler."
> "Until then, I should go find Aya. Try not to miss me too much while I'm gone, mmm?"

>You smile, though she's not really in a position to see it. "It really would be nice if you knocked more often, you know," says Maribel.
>"Good luck finding her," says Maribel. "She's probably going to be looking either for new people to harass, or at some center of activity."


Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 11, 2013, 09:16:39 AM
> "But it wouldn't be half as fun~ I'll think about it." No we won't. "I'll see you tomorrow then."
> Leave through the gap from whence we came. Spy secretly on Maribel for a few more minutes. Then gap to human Kappa village.
> Come to think of it, have we told Maribel our intentions or are we planning to spring them on her when she seems open to the idea?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 11, 2013, 01:56:44 PM
> Check wealth available.
> Consider preempting the betting that is sure to happen around the tournament by taking control of it yourself. Examine who in Gensokyo would be the natural bookies and think of how we may convince/coerce them into, if not our service, then perhaps a temporary partnership. Consider how heating up the betting leading up to the day can affect the distribution of power around Gensokyo and how you can make this benefit you, starting from those snobbish Moriya-dwellers.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 11, 2013, 03:54:48 PM
>Consider the earth rabbit.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 11, 2013, 04:42:52 PM
> As for prizes, why don't we have the entrants contribute something towards the pot, winner takes all? If we can somehow manipulate the Moriyas, the Scarlets, the Taoists and the various other factions to raise the stakes amongst themselves....
> By the way, what happened to Vivit after Kisume handed her over to us?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 11, 2013, 06:23:25 PM
> "But it wouldn't be half as fun~ I'll think about it." No we won't. "I'll see you tomorrow then."
> Leave through the gap from whence we came. Spy secretly on Maribel for a few more minutes. Then gap to human Kappa village.
> Come to think of it, have we told Maribel our intentions or are we planning to spring them on her when she seems open to the idea?

>You give her false assurances that you'll think about it. "As long as you come to a different conclusion than you usually do. I'll see you tomorrow."
>You leave through the gap, returning to your front yard, but leave it open just a sliver to listen for a few more moments. You hear Maribel take a few moments to compose herself and get back to the dishes, noting that she is breathing a bit more heavily than usual.
>Maribel is well aware of your intentions, and it's put her in something of a spot. While she is devoted to Renko, you've also gotten her to admit takes a guilty pleasure in your affections. There is a reason why her resistance is mostly for show and doesn't linger when Renko isn't around. It's a conflict that she hasn't quite worked out, the fact that she really wants to be true to Renko and not betray her, but also has at least some desire to indulge herself with you. While she hasn't said it in so many words, you suspect part of why she doesn't just turn you away is because she also likes the idea that a youkai desires her; it makes her feel more like a part of Genoskyo, rather than an outsider. Her status as one is something that grates against her, though Gensokyo has largely accepted her without a word of complaint. You suspect it goes deeper than that as well; she probably also enjoys being desired by two people just as a compliment to her sense of personal importance. She's hardly the first person to have felt that way. But it all serves to conflict with her loyalty to her partner.
>This is complicated by the fact that Renko is definitely afraid of losing Maribel, particularly to you.  You suppose that is a justifiable fear, it's not as though she could hope to compete with you, but you're reassured her you have no interest in taking Maribel away, just borrowing her every so often. If she did did lose Maribel, it would probably destroy her, she had a hard enough time dealing with so much of what she thought she knew about the world being wrong, already. You don't think she would recover if Maribel actually left her. Of course, you doubt there's any danger of that. Maribel has stood with her so far, and you can't imagine anything other than old age or a radical personality shift on one of their parts separating them. You think Maribel is well aware of this, too. So you content yourself for now just making the little overture here and there, and wait for Maribel to return them. You're certain she'll come to terms with things in a proper manner soon enough, and Renko will see that her worries are for naught.

> Check wealth available.
> Consider preempting the betting that is sure to happen around the tournament by taking control of it yourself. Examine who in Gensokyo would be the natural bookies and think of how we may convince/coerce them into, if not our service, then perhaps a temporary partnership. Consider how heating up the betting leading up to the day can affect the distribution of power around Gensokyo and how you can make this benefit you, starting from those snobbish Moriya-dwellers.
>Consider the earth rabbit.

>In terms of coinage, you have a bit over 10,000☼ at your disposal. In terms of non-monetary wealth, you have enough that you could thoroughly wreck Gensokyo's economy if you liked. Ran has warned you about that possibility several times in the past, so you like to be care not to just throw around too much money.
>You might well be able to preempt the gambling. Tewi is a natural choice to serve as such. Given her faith in luck, she is a natural gambler, and her ages of experience wouldn't hurt. As well, it might help disincline her toward mischief. Marisa is another option, you know she has done some small-scale gaming in the past, and few people would try to cheat her. Related to that, Yuugi would be a fine choice as well. Gambling is popular in the Ancient City and the oni are renowned for their honesty. As a Deva, regulating such is one of her jobs.  Mamizou might be another option, but Ran wouldn't approve of her.

> As for prizes, why don't we have the entrants contribute something towards the pot, winner takes all? If we can somehow manipulate the Moriyas, the Scarlets, the Taoists and the various other factions to raise the stakes amongst themselves....
> By the way, what happened to Vivit after Kisume handed her over to us?

>That could work, but it may discourage less wealthy contestants.
>You sent her home on her request. She was getting separation anxiety from the rest of her community, and you felt no need to antagonize her. In the ensuring events, no one has really noticed that particular doll has returned home, and you made her agree not to volunteer any information. You suspect she might return, once it's time to collect the researchers.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 11, 2013, 07:22:37 PM
> Add quest - Find Tewi, Mamizou, Marisa and Yuugi, in that order of importance. Consider the best way to get them to work for you. See if we can use Mamizou's services to loan out some of our wealth to ease the gears of sportsmanship.
> Consider how to introduce a dark horse into the tournament. Are there any closet mahjong champions you know of? Or is there a way you can disguise yourself as the mysterious mahjong-player-X or some such?
> How do we feel about the Moriyas and their pursuit of outside-world technology to gather faith? Is their nuclear program and the threat of modernization it carries a threat to Gensokyo's continued existence?
> While we're home, check on Ran and Chen, see if any other quest lines have randomly opened up.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 11, 2013, 07:40:51 PM
> Add quest - Find Tewi, Mamizou, Marisa and Yuugi, in that order of importance. Consider the best way to get them to work for you. See if we can use Mamizou's services to loan out some of our wealth to ease the gears of sportsmanship.
> Consider how to introduce a dark horse into the tournament. Are there any closet mahjong champions you know of? Or is there a way you can disguise yourself as the mysterious mahjong-player-X or some such?
> How do we feel about the Moriyas and their pursuit of outside-world technology to gather faith? Is their nuclear program and the threat of modernization it carries a threat to Gensokyo's continued existence?
> While we're home, check on Ran and Chen, see if any other quest lines have randomly opened up.

>Booking a bookie
>You've decided to investigate a few options to control and usurp the inevitable gambling that will arise from the event you're planning. Marisa, Tewi, Yuugi, and Mamizou seem like the best options for this.
>You suspect Yuyuko will be regarded as the dark horse, her skill at the game is largely unknown.  Aside from that, you're certain someone will surprise you.
>The Moriya Shrine walks a thin line between innovation and heresy, but so far they've managed to largely avoid the latte, by applying their concepts in a way that is compatible with Gensokyo's nature. You don't think they're really interested in encouraging heresy, given their need for faith, so much as creating conveniences for their faithful. If they go too far, it won't be difficult to sabotage their efforts. Thus far, they haven't been met with any overwhelming successes since they unleashed Utsuho on the world.
>You peek into the window and see that Chen and Ran are still cleaning up. This isn't surprising, you've only been gone for a few moments.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 11, 2013, 07:56:07 PM
> We can leave the venue preparations to Ran. Let us open up some gaps to locate Hatate, Aya, Tewi, Yuugi, Mamizou or Marisa. Depending on who we locate first/what they're doing, we'll start hitting them up one by one and get the ball rolling.
> 10.000☼ and untold riches in resources? Liar game, anyone?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 11, 2013, 08:27:00 PM
> We can leave the venue preparations to Ran. Let us open up some gaps to locate Hatate, Aya, Tewi, Yuugi, Mamizou or Marisa. Depending on who we locate first/what they're doing, we'll start hitting them up one by one and get the ball rolling.
> 10.000☼ and untold riches in resources? Liar game, anyone?

>You aren't certain where to look find Yuugi; there's a lot of Ancient City and she tends to roam it quite a bit.  Aya and Hatate are worse, they might be any any given point in Gensokyo, particularly Aya.  Tewi, you imagine, is at Eientei. Do you intend to locate her specifically? Marisa is easy to find, after checking her house and finding it empty, you catch her gossiping at the Scarlet Devil Mansion's library.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 11, 2013, 08:34:46 PM
> How much cash is 10.000☼? How much debt do you think the SDM, Moriya shrine, Taoist shrine people and Yuka have to be in to have to relinquish the deeds to their properties?
> Let's go visit Marisa. Gap express, go. But don't reveal ourselves too quickly, let's listen in for a bit first. It must be interesting gossip if it's Marisa.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 11, 2013, 09:16:38 PM
> How much cash is 10.000☼? How much debt do you think the SDM, Moriya shrine, Taoist shrine people and Yuka have to be in to have to relinquish the deeds to their properties?
> Let's go visit Marisa. Gap express, go. But don't reveal ourselves too quickly, let's listen in for a bit first. It must be interesting gossip if it's Marisa.

>It is enough, you think, to buy up most, if not all, of what Renko and Maribel own.  You don't think any of those people are silly enough to put their property up for bet, save maybe Remilia if she were completely certain that victory was hers, which you doubt would happen. None of these people are that stupid.
>You take a moment to listen in on Marisa. "And Plum Flower said, "What's the problem, I live here!" But then Reimu said, "No, you don't live in my pantry, now get out of there and get back in your bonsai!" And all Plum Flower did was go "Waaaah!""
>Here Marisa takes on an unusually high-pitched voice for the comment
>"And went and hid in the dresser!"
>"Why are you even telling me this," says Patchouli.
>"'Cuz it's making you smirk," Marisa says.
>You then step into the library. Immediately, you are hit by the dryness of the the air; it feels almost like the liquid is bring drawn out of you! Shelves of books extend toward the vaulted ceiling overhead, while more of them are set into the walls of the nearby shelves. Before you rest a series of tables and chairs, where Marisa and Patchouli were sitting until a moment ago, when you invited yourself in. Now they are both standing, and regarding you with frowns.
>"I see we have a guest," says Patchouli after a moment. Marisa just groans.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 11, 2013, 10:32:14 PM
It's a Mahjong tournament, not a zero-sum game with a protagonist exploding themselves into debt >.> Yukari is rich enough that we don't need to make a pot for prizes. If we did win everyone's deeds they'd more likely start an incident then let us have all their stuff anyways.

> "Good evening~ Am I here in time for tea?"
> "I came to have a word with Marisa, if you're not busy?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 11, 2013, 10:36:44 PM
> "Good evening~ Am I here in time for tea?"
> "I came to have a word with Marisa, if you're not busy?"

>"Tea is usually for guests," says Marisa.
>"We'll make an exception, today," says Patchouli. She loud claps her hands twice.
>"Wish I got tea when I used to break in," says Marisa, as she eases back into her chair. She glances toward you as you state your intentions. "You wanna talk with me? Well, I guess so. What'd you want?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 11, 2013, 11:35:28 PM
Not so much for the money or the property, the main thing is to usurp power from the moriyas and the taoists and to play the SDM against them. Yukari's job is to maintain Gensokyo after all and there's a little too much power and faith about the moriyas and taoists that you'd really want.

> "How gracious of you, Knowledge dear." Nod amiably at Patchy. "You'll be happy to hear I'm not here to 'borrow' anything." Emphasis on 'borrow'.
> "I shall get straight to the point, Marisa-dono. I have a business proposal for you. How would you like to make some easy loot?"

If she says 'yes' or she wants to hear more we'll need to take her somewhere else to share the details.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 12, 2013, 12:04:30 AM
Why, are we afraid that Patchouli is going to tell on us? >.> She's less likely to make trouble then Marisa is in the first place. And it would be impolite to leave without tea. And I don't think any of the factions would bet enough to hurt themselves. Any playing against each other could be arranged in the games themselves by rigging the matches.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 12, 2013, 12:53:57 AM
> "How gracious of you, Knowledge dear." Nod amiably at Patchy. "You'll be happy to hear I'm not here to 'borrow' anything." Emphasis on 'borrow'.
> "I shall get straight to the point, Marisa-dono. I have a business proposal for you. How would you like to make some easy loot?"

>"I should hope not," says Patchouli. "It would be a problem to call in the maid to clean up."
>Marisa raises an eyebrow. "Well, normally I'd be all over that," she says. "But it's you, so I'm going to need a lot more details."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 12, 2013, 01:01:12 AM
We have two betting concepts right now: the spectators betting against a bookie, and the participants betting against each other. We can have the scoundrels run the first one, but I don't think it would work to have them in charge of the second one.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on February 12, 2013, 02:41:30 AM
I'd say the first one. We already have attractive prizes, and it's been stated that we aren't in any way trying to take over Gensokyo.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 12, 2013, 10:14:18 AM
We're not trying to take over Gensokyo, but it'd be a great opportunity to try and take down the Moriyas and the Taoists a peg or two, maybe even heat up the rivalry between them a bit. Maintaining the power balance in Gensokyo is our job after all. As for Patchy, the less others know about the finer details, especially one so close to Remi, the better.

> "I'm glad I have your interest at least, Marisa-dono. Would you like to join me and discuss the details over some sake?"
> "Now, that aside, at least for now, I'd like to hear what the two of you think of mahjong." Sit down for tea and be a polite guest.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 12, 2013, 03:05:17 PM
Are you sure that the power balance is even out of whack though? I don't recall seeing anyone mentioning anything of that sort.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 12, 2013, 06:13:54 PM
> "I'm glad I have your interest at least, Marisa-dono. Would you like to join me and discuss the details over some sake?"
> "Now, that aside, at least for now, I'd like to hear what the two of you think of mahjong." Sit down for tea and be a polite guest.

>"We can talk here," says Marisa. "Anything you need to say to me, you can say to Patchy."
>When asked about Mahjong, Marisa shrugs. "I know how to pay, but it's not my style."
>"I don't indulge in games very often," Patchouli says. "But I have played a round or two with Remilia in the past."
>"Why do you wanna know?" Marisa says.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Oldmansour on February 12, 2013, 06:32:44 PM
Are you sure that the power balance is even out of whack though? I don't recall seeing anyone mentioning anything of that sort.

Given the state of the current state of the games and the upcoming fighter, the churches are the only ones doing anything worth noting. Now, granted, this is the Purvis-verse, not the Zuniverse, but, just sayin.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 12, 2013, 07:05:01 PM
It's worth noting that Yukari currently believes the Taoists are behaving themselves. I have no idea where the perception that they need to be knocked down a few pegs came from.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 12, 2013, 07:10:07 PM
Yeah, no need for that stuff when people are mostly behaving. Even the Moriyas.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 12, 2013, 07:16:15 PM
Fair enough. I'm not up to date on how things are in the Purvisverse, mainly as the last game I was properly active in was barren many years back was that? I was basing things on canon up to this point in time.

You guys are still okay with the plan to take control of the betting though?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 12, 2013, 07:22:42 PM
Keeping the gambling managed? Yeah, that's good. We have to make it seems like we aren't behind things though. Maybe phrase it as if we heard someone was cooking it up, and we decided to nip problems in the bud by taking it upon ourselves to handle the gambling.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 12, 2013, 10:06:44 PM
Taking over the betting sounds like fun mischief and a way for Yukari to prove her superiority to everyone. :3 It wouldn't do for people to think she doesn't have her fingers in everything.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 13, 2013, 06:11:35 AM
> Do we have any kids?
> Are there any notable names in Gensokyo with kids, Moriya deity aside?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 13, 2013, 07:22:35 AM
> Do we have any kids?
> Are there any notable names in Gensokyo with kids, Moriya deity aside?

>To your knowledge, you don't have any offspring, and you'd be quite shocked to learn otherwise.
>You've heard stories that the Enma had a child, but you don't much stock in it.  You also believe that Miko sired at least one, in her former life ash Shotoku; possibly with one of her current attendants. As far as youkai and similar beings are concerned, they tend not to breed very often. There typically isn't much impetus for it, as youkai lifespans tend to be undefined and many come about without needing to have direct parents. You wouldn't be surprised to hear that someone like Nue had a scion somewhere, though. You do have the suspicion that with the way things have changed just within the last few years, offspring between youkai will become more common as they take more and more interest in mimicking human lifestyle. In particular, you imagine that offspring between humans and youkai will become reasonably common. There haven't been any of note lately, but it's just a matter of time as humans are becoming more adjusted to youkai in their daily lives and vice versa.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 13, 2013, 11:00:15 AM

> "I'm glad I have your interest at least, Marisa-dono. Would you like to join me and discuss the details over some sake?"
> "Now, that aside, at least for now, I'd like to hear what the two of you think of mahjong." Sit down for tea and be a polite guest.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 13, 2013, 12:09:05 PM
In before Ichirin is Miko and Tojiko's kid.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 13, 2013, 05:33:31 PM

>Read upward. (,14146.msg947524.html#msg947524)
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 13, 2013, 06:24:17 PM
I'm officially blind now. -_-

> "Awww. And I was so looking forward to sharing a glowcap mushroom brew in this little place I found in the ancient city. I thought it'd be just your thing, Marisa-dono." mock-pout. "You're no fun anymore these days, Marisa-dono." Sigh.
> Dig up what we know about Patchouli Knowledge including any current pursuits, etc.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 13, 2013, 06:47:11 PM
> "Awww. And I was so looking forward to sharing a glowcap mushroom brew in this little place I found in the ancient city. I thought it'd be just your thing, Marisa-dono." mock-pout. "You're no fun anymore these days, Marisa-dono." Sigh.
> Dig up what we know about Patchouli Knowledge including any current pursuits, etc.

>"You can bring it here," says Marisa, "We'll wait."
>Patchouli is easily the resident at the Scarlet Devil Mansion that you are on best terms with. Some time ago, she solved a rather significant incident involving the sun being tampered with, you provided a little aid which has inclined her well toward you, while you think well of her for dealing with things before you were able to discern there was really a problem. But since then, you've had almost no contact; Patchouli doesn't travel and you seldom come here. You suspect you could probably call upon her to do some minor things, and bribe her into doing a bit more.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 13, 2013, 11:22:36 PM
Oh right, you didn't read Patchouli Quest so you wouldn't know why Marisa is fine with here.
> Relationship between Marisa and Patchouli
> Wave a hand. "Tsk, you really are no fun if you're not willing to humor an old friend. I ask because rumors of a Mahjong tournament among peers in Gensokyo has started to reach my ears. I gather from your reactions that you hadn't heard yet."
> Look to Marisa. "It should be the kind of affair to generate buzz, don't you think?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 13, 2013, 11:34:38 PM
Yeah, though I read through the summary and ending of Maribel and Kisume quest. I'll probably do that for the other quests at some point.

> Status of our relationship with Marisa and what we know of her as well (with regards to this universe).
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 13, 2013, 11:53:19 PM
> Relationship between Marisa and Patchouli
> Wave a hand. "Tsk, you really are no fun if you're not willing to humor an old friend. I ask because rumors of a Mahjong tournament among peers in Gensokyo has started to reach my ears. I gather from your reactions that you hadn't heard yet."
> Look to Marisa. "It should be the kind of affair to generate buzz, don't you think?"

>You're aware that the two of them are close. If they aren't in a relationship of some kind yet, Patchouli needs to hurry up. Humans slip away so fast.
>"Well, there's humoring, and then there's walking backwards into a bunch of angry bears," says Marisa, smirking. "And, this is the first I've heard about it. Sounds like fun, though!"
>"Has it been in any of the tengu rags, yet?" says Patchouli.
>"Sounds like it'd get some attention, if you ask me," Marisa says. "I haven't heard anything, though. I've been here all day, though."

> Status of our relationship with Marisa and what we know of her as well (with regards to this universe).

>You consider Marisa something of a distant acquaintance. Your paths don't cross too frequently, but when they do the two of you tend to be on good terms. You know that she has taken Renko under her wing, as the two have natural talent for a similar kinds of magic, but they only meet every so often. Once in awhile, she'll take on small requests to deal with problems, hoping to make some money. This has happened less over the past couple years, as she's focused more on a recent discovery of hers regarding distillation of certain mushrooms into a magically-active broth then mixing that broth with clay. In particularly, there have been stories of a few explosions in the Forest of Magic from her experiments with this clay. She has a good heart, but she can be pretty greedy when the mood strikes her.  She's somewhat aligned with the Scarlet Devil Mansion these days, but not to the point she'd likely help them with an incident. You doubt she'd take an order from Remilia, but she might carry out a request for Patchouli.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 14, 2013, 03:01:01 AM
> Assessment of Marisa and Patchouli as personal dating partners?
> "Mmm, not that I've seen, but who knows how fast news travels with them? I'm sure it'll be in them by tomorrow. However, it means now would be the time to outpace them. How about it, Marisa? I was thinking this kind of affair always has some well-natured betting behind it. It's early enough to take bets on who will enter, after all."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 14, 2013, 03:21:20 AM
> Assessment of Marisa and Patchouli as personal dating partners?
> "Mmm, not that I've seen, but who knows how fast news travels with them? I'm sure it'll be in them by tomorrow. However, it means now would be the time to outpace them. How about it, Marisa? I was thinking this kind of affair always has some well-natured betting behind it. It's early enough to take bets on who will enter, after all."

>You would probably kill Patchouli, the poor thing's so frail. That aside, if you felt like widening your pool of prospects, she might not be a horrible consideration.  You do respect her skill, resourcefulness, and rather blatant power hunger. However, being the shut-in that she is has kept her from being especially interesting. As well, her obvious loyalty to Remilia is a bit of a turn off. You suppose if Reimu and Maribel disappeared suddenly, she wouldn't be a bad third choice.
>Marisa spreads herself a little too thin, and it a little too light in the head for you tastes. She lacks polish, and you doubt she'll ever pick that up. Patchouli may like her as she is, but you really don't have much interest. She's just not attention-grabbing enough.
>"Heh, didn't know you were looking to gamble, Yukari," says Marisa.
>"Ran won't take you up on your wagers, will she?" Patchouli says.
>As Patchouli speaks, her devil familiar appears from around one of the bookcases, bearing a tray with a teapot and several cups.  She sidles over and places the tray on the table, deftly maneuvering it around some books. The tea smells lovely, but you notice an oddity about it the rest of the set. Patchouli frowns at it for a moment, then says, "Petite, why is there a sprig of parsley in the sugar bowl?"
>"It a garnish!" says the familiar as she skips, giving you a wink before slipping around the shelf.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 14, 2013, 06:14:10 AM
I never regret asking.
> Quirk a brow at Patchouli, but take the tea and taste, giving her a moment to explain if she wishes.
> "Mmm, Ran knows the odds too well to bet against me. Besides, we've been matching wits for years. A little variety goes a long way. But I wasn't wishing to place a bet myself.. yet. Simply to offer some.. backing, to a certain someone if they wanted to take advantage of the early warning to start the bets herself."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 14, 2013, 06:23:20 AM
> Quirk a brow at Patchouli, but take the tea and taste, giving her a moment to explain if she wishes.
> "Mmm, Ran knows the odds too well to bet against me. Besides, we've been matching wits for years. A little variety goes a long way. But I wasn't wishing to place a bet myself.. yet. Simply to offer some.. backing, to a certain someone if they wanted to take advantage of the early warning to start the bets herself."

>Patchouli notices your look and says, "Familiars."
>"She's always doing weird things like that," says Marisa with a sage nod.
>The tea is a strong western blend, not your typical fair, but you rather enjoy it. Sugar wouldn't be untoward.
>"Huh," Marisa says as you explain your offer to her. "Weeeeeeell, that might be interesting. I'd have to find a little seed money, but that's not too impossible. Huh. You know who's all going to be in it?"
>"I would just posit that everyone will appear," says Patchouli. "It's hardly an issues to give refunds if someone fails to show up."
>"Wait, so why are you telling me?" says Marisa.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 14, 2013, 07:20:56 AM
Actually, how are we planning on taking control?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 14, 2013, 08:09:54 AM
In order to do betting you need a little money to start with, to balance against the bets that you're going to lose, even if probability says you'll be rich in the end. A little seed money~

> "Ah, is that so?" Add a little sugar to the tea. Avoid adding garnish. "I supose not all familiars can be as darling as my Ran."
> "Mmm, perhaps I happen to have enough seed money to start you off right away." Hold up a valuable coin as an example to Marisa. "Of course, I'd expect a return on my investment.." Name a fair percentage that someone who isn't incompetent in gambling like Shadoweh would come up with.
> "As I said, guessing who will enter is a fun game on it's own, wouldn't you agree? If I were to guess.. I would expect all of the more refined figures to enter, your Scarlet Lady for example." Sip tea. "I would have guessed you to be a player, Patchouli, but it seems not to be?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 14, 2013, 11:36:16 AM
We take control by taking control of all the usual bookies and make sure they've got enough influence and cash to dwarf any of the smallfry bookies. The easy way to do this is to give them the heads up and, as Marisa already hinted at, invest in them in return for a share of the profits (the so-called seed money). In addition to this through the bookies we can learn who are the most favoured players and rig the matches accordingly so that the bets on favoured players soar even higher up until the last few rounds when you can start 'harvesting' them.

> "Shall we say 70-30 in my favour? We are expecting a big turnout so that should be more than worth your while.." Say this with an expectant smile, inviting her to haggle a bit. We can settle for 40-60 in her favour AT MOST, but she has to agree to share the details on odds and favourites and we keep any debts, favours or items wagered. After all, we don't need the money, but more favours to call on is always useful in the long run.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 14, 2013, 05:43:24 PM
> As long as those are reasonable rates to someone as used to negotiating as us, use those!
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 14, 2013, 05:59:17 PM
> "Ah, is that so?" Add a little sugar to the tea. Avoid adding garnish. "I supose not all familiars can be as darling as my Ran."
> "Mmm, perhaps I happen to have enough seed money to start you off right away." Hold up a valuable coin as an example to Marisa. "Of course, I'd expect a return on my investment.." Name a fair percentage that someone who isn't incompetent in gambling like Shadoweh would come up with.
> "As I said, guessing who will enter is a fun game on it's own, wouldn't you agree? If I were to guess.. I would expect all of the more refined figures to enter, your Scarlet Lady for example." Sip tea. "I would have guessed you to be a player, Patchouli, but it seems not to be?"

> "Shall we say 70-30 in my favour? We are expecting a big turnout so that should be more than worth your while.." Say this with an expectant smile, inviting her to haggle a bit. We can settle for 40-60 in her favour AT MOST, but she has to agree to share the details on odds and favourites and we keep any debts, favours or items wagered. After all, we don't need the money, but more favours to call on is always useful in the long run.

> As long as those are reasonable rates to someone as used to negotiating as us, use those!

>You add a bit of sugar, avoiding the parsley, and find that a little sweetness helps considerably.
>"I'm okay with that as long as I get the 70%," says Marisa. "I'm the one who'd be doing all the work."
>"I do play once in awhile at Remilia's request," says Patchouli. "But I am much too occupied for games."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 14, 2013, 09:47:53 PM
> "Alright, 60-40 in your favour, and all the starting capital you'll need, but I keep all the debts owed us, favours and items wagered and I will be privy to any information on betting favourites and odds. Does that tickle your fancy, Marisa-dono?" Place the cup down with a soft but final tap on the saucer and give Marisa a smile and a look.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 14, 2013, 09:51:51 PM
> "Alright, 60-40 in your favour, and all the starting capital you'll need, but I keep all the debts owed us, favours and items wagered and I will be privy to any information on betting favourites and odds. Does that tickle your fancy, Marisa-dono?" Place the cup down with a soft but final tap on the saucer and give Marisa a smile and a look.

>"Perhaps if you allow her to have an equivalent monetary value for those items, favors, and such," says Patchouli, before Marisa can speak. "It would certainly be a problem if Marisa were not to be properly compensated because someone decided to pay in kind rather than coin."
>"...Yeah!" says Marisa.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 14, 2013, 10:36:18 PM
> "Very well, 60% of the value of debts and items go to you in cash. It is safe to say it is difficult to put a value on favours and they will most likely be few and far between so would they not be a fair concession to me? And you should thank Knowledge-dono, Marisa-dono, you have a reliable friend in her."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 14, 2013, 11:48:27 PM
> Give a wink to Patchouli. "Perhaps I should have tried harder to bring you away from her after all."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 14, 2013, 11:57:01 PM
> "Very well, 60% of the value of debts and items go to you in cash. It is safe to say it is difficult to put a value on favours and they will most likely be few and far between so would they not be a fair concession to me? And you should thank Knowledge-dono, Marisa-dono, you have a reliable friend in her."

>"Deal," says Marisa. "But you didn't say why you're asking me to do this."

> Give a wink to Patchouli. "Perhaps I should have tried harder to bring you away from her after all."

>From the expression Patchouli tries to conceal and largely fails, you think it's probably for the best that you say that while she was taking a drink, left she have choked.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on February 15, 2013, 12:00:58 AM
>"Isn't it obvious? When I heard rumors of the mahjong tournament on the horizon, I felt it necessary to make sure that any gambling done over who would win would be arranged and handled by people that can be trusted. After all, it seems to be something that was overlooked by whoever is behind it, so I'm playing the Good Samaritan in doing them a little favor by handling this missed detail."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 15, 2013, 12:08:51 AM
>"Isn't it obvious? When I heard rumors of the mahjong tournament on the horizon, I felt it necessary to make sure that any gambling done over who would win would be arranged and handled by people that can be trusted. After all, it seems to be something that was overlooked by whoever is behind it, so I'm playing the Good Samaritan in doing them a little favor by handling this missed detail."

>Marisa laughs. "Like anyone would believe that!"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 15, 2013, 12:09:44 AM
damnit Purvis cut me
> After telling that completely obvious lie, give a moment for reactions, then ask casually, "Don't you trust me to be doing this out of the kindness of my heart as a favor to a long-standing friend, Marisa?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 15, 2013, 12:18:17 AM
> After telling that completely obvious lie, give a moment for reactions, then ask casually, "Don't you trust me to be doing this out of the kindness of my heart as a favor to a long-standing friend, Marisa?"

>"Not really," says Marisa. "But I guess I'm gonna do it anyways."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 15, 2013, 12:30:15 AM
> "Of course. With that settled, if I find any more about who to expect to attend, you'll be the first to know."
> "But now I'm curious on another matter, what has you too busy to attend?" Make more general small talk with Patchouli and Marisa to find out general Gensokyo happenings while we were asleep, as well as to increase affection points get to know Patchouli better. Having a contact in the SDM has it's advantages.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 15, 2013, 01:21:12 AM
> "Of course. With that settled, if I find any more about who to expect to attend, you'll be the first to know."
> "But now I'm curious on another matter, what has you too busy to attend?" Make more general small talk with Patchouli and Marisa to find out general Gensokyo happenings while we were asleep, as well as to increase affection points get to know Patchouli better. Having a contact in the SDM has it's advantages.

>"That'd help," says Marisa. "I'd need to keep things organized, if we're going to do this right."
>"The same thing that always keeps me busy," says Patchouli, "There is much too much research that needs to be done for such distractions."
>"Oh, don't be such a stick in the mud, Patchy!" says Marisa. She gives you a wink. "Don't you worry, I'll get her over there."
>"Like hell," says Patchouli.
>You continue to make general conversation with Patchouli and Marisa. You learn that events in the mansion have been rather quiet lately. Remilia seems to have recently begun painting, and has taken to opening the mansion every so often to allow people to view the galleries she has opened up. Apparently they have had a problem with a strange red-haired woman who just won't leave on the open house days until Sakuya physically escorts her out. As well, Patchouli complains about there being too many faerie maids these days; apparently they come to the mansion in droves during winter. Marisa expects them to leave shortly, now that it has warmed up again. Flandre has been getting restless as well; it's getting difficult to keep her out of the sun, meaning Sakuya has to follow her around with an umbrella half the time. As for Patchouli, it seems she has done little but the usual all winter, though Marisa comes to keep her company frequently; you get the idea that Marisa often isn't home much these days, between here and the Hakurei Shrine. While you converse, you periodically note Patchouli's familiar peering around the bookcases and giving you little smiles. Ugh...

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 15, 2013, 02:10:14 AM
> I assume we have zero interest in romantic relations with the succubus familiar. Ignore cute smiles.
> Do we know any new red-haired women who arrived recently to Gensokyo? "That's quite odd. Why doesn't she leave on her own? Is she spellbound by Remilia's talent?"
> Suggest that maybe Patchouli should try to befriend the fairy maids instead of hating their presence. Also give condolences on Flandre problem. Be secretly glad she's not our problem.
> Ask Marisa when she plans to move in.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 15, 2013, 02:29:04 AM
> I assume we have zero interest in romantic relations with the succubus familiar. Ignore cute smiles.
> Do we know any new red-haired women who arrived recently to Gensokyo? "That's quite odd. Why doesn't she leave on her own? Is she spellbound by Remilia's talent?"
> Suggest that maybe Patchouli should try to befriend the fairy maids instead of hating their presence. Also give condolences on Flandre problem. Be secretly glad she's not our problem.
> Ask Marisa when she plans to move in.

>You don't know where she's been, to say the least.
>As far as you know, you don't know of anyone new... "Sometimes, it seems," says Patchouli. "But we have items from all over the world in the galleries, and she seems quite intrigued by many of them. Other times...she is a bit stranger in her tastes. Sakuya once caught her admiring a mop bucket for almost ten minutes."
>"One tries," says Patchouli as you suggest trying to get along with the faeries. "But there is a saying about too many cooks spoiling the meal. I think that applies when there are too many faeries trying to clean the mansion."
>You offer your condolences with regards to Flandre. "She's not so bad," says Patchouli. "But she can get restless, you know."
>You are quite happy that Flandre is not your problem. She has the potential to be very dangerous.
>You ask Marisa about moving in. "Ha! Maybe when I can afford the rent and get someone to move my stuff," says Marisa. "And get used to Sakuya poking through my things."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 15, 2013, 02:53:32 AM
> Consider pointing out that Patchouli obviously doesn't pay rent, then decide this would be quite improper to say. "Perhaps it would be easier to ask a title from the Scarlet Lady and live here as a noble subject? And it sounds like there's an overabundance of hands here to help you move anything you need until spring."
> "When is Remilia next holding an open house? I'm sure the art is high-class, but this stranger might be more interesting overall."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 15, 2013, 02:56:05 AM
> Consider pointing out that Patchouli obviously doesn't pay rent, then decide this would be quite improper to say. "Perhaps it would be easier to ask a title from the Scarlet Lady and live here as a noble subject? And it sounds like there's an overabundance of hands here to help you move anything you need until spring."
> "When is Remilia next holding an open house? I'm sure the art is high-class, but this stranger might be more interesting overall."

>Marisa laughs. "I'd be a terrible samurai! And I doubt she'd go for it, anyways."
>"The next one should be in a couple days," says Patchouli.
>"Hey, do you know where that stranger lives?" says Marisa. "I think she's somewhere north of the village, but not sure where."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 15, 2013, 03:16:29 AM
> "Ah, no. I supose you wouldn't. I was thinking something more like a page."
> What's north of the village? "I'll keep that in mind. Someone so strange shouldn't be hard to ask about, if I were to take an interest."
> Finish tea. "Speaking of interests, I should be going. It's been delightful, you two."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 15, 2013, 03:36:23 AM
> "Ah, no. I supose you wouldn't. I was thinking something more like a page."
> What's north of the village? "I'll keep that in mind. Someone so strange shouldn't be hard to ask about, if I were to take an interest."
> Finish tea. "Speaking of interests, I should be going. It's been delightful, you two."

>"What, do those go on to become bookkeepers?" says Marisa.
>"They go on to become knights," says Patchouli.
>"Oh," says Marisa. "I think I'd be an even worse knight."
>"Well, it's not a pressing issue that you look into it," says Patchouli.
>North of the village grows increasingly barren. You know that Yuka's garden is there, as is the Nameless Mound where a doll youkai lives. There is an old abandoned facility the Lunarians managed to slip under your nose, which has been thoroughly looted. North and then east leads to Hakugyokurou and the Prismrivers' home. Far north are the shores of the Sanzu River, and Higan beyond it.
>"Well, it's been reasonably pleasant," says Patchouli.


Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 15, 2013, 03:51:59 AM
> Give a polite nod to Patchouli. "Even in the middle of research you should take the time for tea and company. If you'd the interest you would make a good hostess. As for the girl.." Wave a hand. "It may not be pressing, but I can hardly let myself be surprised by someone unnoticed. She does sound harmless, at least." Look to Marisa. "I shall be in touch. Enjoy your time together~"
> Oh yeah give Marisa money for starting betting before we leave.
> Gap to outside the kappa village. Before entering village, use gaps to check around human village and the northern areas for a vacant red-haired girl.
> I guess we can add investigating her to quests too.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 15, 2013, 03:55:48 AM
Red haired, lives north of the village, admiring a bucket, will spend all the time slacking off ...
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 15, 2013, 04:04:09 AM
If it's Komachi it would be really weird for her to be visiting art galas to stare wistfully at paintings and janitors.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 15, 2013, 04:18:03 AM
> Give a polite nod to Patchouli. "Even in the middle of research you should take the time for tea and company. If you'd the interest you would make a good hostess. As for the girl.." Wave a hand. "It may not be pressing, but I can hardly let myself be surprised by someone unnoticed. She does sound harmless, at least." Look to Marisa. "I shall be in touch. Enjoy your time together~"
> Oh yeah give Marisa money for starting betting before we leave.
> Gap to outside the kappa village. Before entering village, use gaps to check around human village and the northern areas for a vacant red-haired girl.
> I guess we can add investigating her to quests too.

>You say your goodbyes to Patchouli, and give Marisa some money to work with.  500☼ ought to be enough to start her off.
>"I find company is a neutral option, at best," says Patchouli.
>"Oh come on," says Marisa, elbowing Patchouli in the ribs, looking away from the money with she had been watching.
>You leave and travel to the Kappa Village, stepping out just past the woods at the western edge of the town, where Hina dwells. The village itself stretches before you, a number of small, roundish dwellings sunk into the ground and covered with dirt and marshland grasses. Small footpaths wind between them, while many have pools against a side, some with streams opening to the nearby river to the north. Cattails are ubiquitous, as are small gardens near the houses, many of them freshly tilled and planted. The kappa are active, some strolling around or gathered in groups, talking with friends. Others are tending to their gardens, or their homes All the noises come together to make a soft babble in the early dusk; the sky allowing you a nice view of the first stars of the night. To the north, past the river, you can see the curious hulk of the Kappa university, looking rather like a number of barns thrown together and half-covered with sod. One of its barn-like wings is missing, with only blackened remains of wood to mark its place, and some debris. To the south, you can see a warehouse-like structure, which stands out against much of the humble kappa architecture. Efforts have been made to bury it and cover it in sod, but one can only do so much for it.
>Opening a few gaps, you don't catch any real signs of a vacant red-haired girl. But, you do think that you pick out Aya's voice among the crowd in the tavern.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 15, 2013, 04:21:28 AM
She appeared in Kisume Quest when we entered the SDM to get Patchouli's help with the throwing star. From what I remember of her description then, I'm about 98% sure it's Kotohime.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 15, 2013, 04:50:42 AM
Koto Hime, is that a musical tsukumogami?
For Aya: if we talk to her now, she'll have a head start on Hatatate.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 15, 2013, 05:16:49 AM
Reading Kisume Quest = Do Not Want ;_;
I read who Kotohime is and I still have no idea who Kotohime is.

And yes, Aya will. But we like Aya better anyways.
> Let's head into that tavern!
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 15, 2013, 05:54:06 AM
> Let's head into that tavern!

>Will you be appearing in the middle of the tavern, or outside, or something else entirely?

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 15, 2013, 06:00:22 AM
> Oh right. We're just walking in the front door this time.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 15, 2013, 06:20:21 AM
> Oh right. We're just walking in the front door this time.

>You open a gap, and step out near the front door of the tavern. Paying little mind to the reasonably quiet town, you open the door and walk inside.
>The tavern is fairly crowded. You can see farmers and townsmen gathered at the tables, talking and drinking, and a few enjoying a meal here and there. Booths line the walls, many of them full. The main room is brightly lit, and you see Mokou moving between the tables with a tray of drinks in hand, swiftly serving them while looking bored out of her skull. You quickly note Aya sitting at one of the tables, sharing drinks with a green-haired insect youkai, Wriggle if you recall properly, and a more recently familiar tanuki with a large bushy tail.
>While the assorted townspeople don't seem to take much notice of the three youkai drinking together, they do take notice of you as you walk inside. The crowd quiets considerably; what conversation that remains is certainly hushed. A couple people stare openly, most just glance your way, then carefully elsewhere. Mokou looks over toward you, and you think you note her frown just a little. Aya's table, you certainly have the attention of Aya and Wriggle, though Mamizou seems like she's trying to be nonchalant.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 15, 2013, 06:47:53 AM
>Aha, we are recognized.
>Try not to smirk as we saunter over to Aya's table.
>Wave politely to Mokotan.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 15, 2013, 06:57:04 AM
> "Mind if I have a seat?" Tone implying we expect the answer already.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 15, 2013, 07:15:48 AM
>Aha, we are recognized.
>Try not to smirk as we saunter over to Aya's table.
>Wave politely to Mokotan.

>Indeed you are. The only thing worse than being recognized is not being recognized.
>You do your best not to smirk. This is easy, you are an expert at not smirking. You're also an expert at smirking, if you should so choose. The tone of conversation picks up a little, but not to the prior levels. People are definitely interested in what you're going to do.
>You give Mokou a polite wave. She gives a nod in return, and goes about her business, keeping half an eye on you.

> "Mind if I have a seat?" Tone implying we expect the answer already.

>"Uh, if you want," says Aya.
>"Yeah, go ahead," Wriggle says, gesturing to an empty spot.
>I never thought one such as yourself would choose to visit a place like this," says Mamizou.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 15, 2013, 10:32:58 AM
I go to sleep and suddenly we're somewhere else. XD

Also, Patchy is so cute~

> Consider a quest to make Patchy one of ours. How do we feel about adding people to our entourage? Especially one as capable as Patchy?
> That said, do we have something like the Great Library of Alexandria tucked away in a gap or at Mayohiga somewhere?
> "'One such as myself'? Kami forbid if I've ever given off any sort of impression that I am not one for alcohol-fueled revelry with good company." Grin. "But I will agree that it has been a while since I've had the luxury of visiting this place and I plan on making the most of it. I hope you will join me in doing so. That said, I want to sample anything new they might have. May I have the pleasure of getting you ladies a round while I'm at it?"
> "Speaking of the unexpected, you three together is more deserving of attention, no?"
> How is our alcohol tolerance?

Oh, and Kotohime's Gensokyo's self-proclaimed policewoman and touhou's original collectomaniac, and, not unlike Marisa, she only collects random things that only she considers interesting. Despite being a policewoman she actually has little sense of justice and does whatever fetches her fancy, a real touhou role model. She can prove useful given some appropriate nudging.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 15, 2013, 05:50:45 PM
> Consider a quest to make Patchy one of ours. How do we feel about adding people to our entourage? Especially one as capable as Patchy?
> That said, do we have something like the Great Library of Alexandria tucked away in a gap or at Mayohiga somewhere?
> "'One such as myself'? Kami forbid if I've ever given off any sort of impression that I am not one for alcohol-fueled revelry with good company." Grin. "But I will agree that it has been a while since I've had the luxury of visiting this place and I plan on making the most of it. I hope you will join me in doing so. That said, I want to sample anything new they might have. May I have the pleasure of getting you ladies a round while I'm at it?"
> "Speaking of the unexpected, you three together is more deserving of attention, no?"
> How is our alcohol tolerance?

>You're not opposed to adding people to your list of interests, but it is odd to do it just out of the blue with someone you already know, unless they've done something particularly noteworthy. But sometimes one can be odd.
>You don't have any complete libraries. You don't actually keep too many books; they tend not to last over a couple centuries, and most of them are written about either things you've personally experienced or things you don't care about. You certainly have a good collection onhand, and rather esoteric, but nothing to the scale of, say, the libraries at Scarlet Devil Mansion or Eientei.
>"I am reasonably sure it was forbidden," says Mamizou. "Not as though it matters."
>"I wouldn't mind if you joined us," says Aya, whom you are certain is lying through her teeth.
>"Sure thing," says Wriggle, equally dishonest. Mamizou simply gives a nod.
>You make yourself comfortable, and comment on the oddity of the meeting.  "I was just speaking with Miss Nightbug about a few things," says Aya. "Then Miss Futatsuwiya joined us, and we've just been talking since."
>In youkai terms, your alcohol tolerance is about average. You expect in a serious and fair match, Aya or any tengu would likely drink you under the table.  Then again, you have several options for being unfair if you so choose.


Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 15, 2013, 07:12:17 PM
> Be unfair. Order the ladies round(s) of whatever alcoholic beverage they want. Enjoy your own, but sparingly. We want to be most sober person at this table by the time we leave. Listen to the conversation. Supply some of our own if necessary. Let's wait until the atmosphere and people's sobriety's lightened up a bit before we discuss business with Mamizou and Aya.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 15, 2013, 07:44:47 PM
We aren't going to ask Mamizou to be a bookie becausr Ran dislikes her. >_>
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 15, 2013, 07:49:25 PM
Mamizou's just a business relation, nothing more. I doubt Ran disliking our business partners is hardly a good reason to pass up a potential business deal.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 15, 2013, 07:53:52 PM
We can be picky, we can literally ask anyone. Marisa is the only one on the list I would trust further then Wriggle could throw them. And I don't think we need more then one bookie? We'd be creating our own competition at this point.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 15, 2013, 08:57:22 PM
We won't really be creating our own competition, we will eliminate it by controlling ALL the betting. These bookies will be operating regardless. Might as well get our fingers in all the pies.

Besides, Mamizou's an established businesswoman and Yuugi's an oni deva, both relatively trustworthy when compared to your average gensokyo citizen. The only one I wouldn't really trust is Tewi but we'll need her regardless as she'll no doubt be the biggest surface bookie.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 15, 2013, 09:28:18 PM
> Be unfair. Order the ladies round(s) of whatever alcoholic beverage they want. Enjoy your own, but sparingly. We want to be most sober person at this table by the time we leave. Listen to the conversation. Supply some of our own if necessary. Let's wait until the atmosphere and people's sobriety's lightened up a bit before we discuss business with Mamizou and Aya.

>You end up ordering a round of sake for everyone. At the same time, you are well aware it'll take a good deal of time to get most of them noticeably inebriated, while Wriggle seems to be taking hers as slowly as you are taking yours. The conversation is light, and not particularly interesting; largely Mamizou talking about little day to day life details in town.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 15, 2013, 10:21:09 PM
> "By the by, I heard from a little bird that you've settled in quite nicely and you've even set up shop in Gensokyo, Futatsuiwa-dono. How are things in that regard?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 15, 2013, 11:18:31 PM
> "By the by, I heard from a little bird that you've settled in quite nicely and you've even set up shop in Gensokyo, Futatsuiwa-dono. How are things in that regard?"

>"It wouldn't do to boast," says Mamizou. "But let's just say I have no complaints"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 15, 2013, 11:27:49 PM this is difficult, how will we be able to have a chat in private with Mamizou? Aya is the last person we want listening in on our plans. I suppose we'll have to try and pull her aside later.

> "This may interest you all, especially you, Shameimaru-dono. There is news of an all-open mahjong tournament coming to Gensokyo soon. The first prize is apparently an ancient scroll that may contain the last secrets to the enigmatic onmyouji Abe no Seimei's power. Doesn't that sound exciting?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 15, 2013, 11:43:50 PM
> "This may interest you all, especially you, Shameimaru-dono. There is news of an all-open mahjong tournament coming to Gensokyo soon. The first prize is apparently an ancient scroll that may contain the last secrets to the enigmatic onmyouji Abe no Seimei's power. Doesn't that sound exciting?"

>"Oh, where'd you get that from?" says Aya.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 15, 2013, 11:54:20 PM
> "I have my sources." Knowing smile. "I can introduce her to you if you like, Shameimaru-dono. This might be your next big scoop. Perhaps early tomorrow? The early bird gets the worm, as they say."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 15, 2013, 11:57:46 PM
There isn't a guarentee that they'll be operating regardless, actually, but they definitely will if we give them the idea to. Out of them I expect only Tewi to set up shop on her own. Yuugi probably won't even hear about it unless we go underground specifically. Though I'd forgotten she was the third one, and we have an in-ish with heer with Suika, maybe. I'd prefer Marisa and Yuugi to doing anything with Mamizou and the rabbit.

Also are we pretending Maribel is our source now? ^^
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 16, 2013, 12:13:37 AM
> "I have my sources." Knowing smile. "I can introduce her to you if you like, Shameimaru-dono. This might be your next big scoop. Perhaps early tomorrow? The early bird gets the worm, as they say."

>"It's not the bookstore owner, is it?" says Aya. "I know she deals in a lot of rare stuff. Not too sure how you'd separate her from something like that, though."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 16, 2013, 12:15:37 AM
> Giggle noncommitally at Aya's suggestion. "Now now. You should be flattered I would offer to reveal a source at all, considering how valuable they are."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 16, 2013, 12:17:09 AM
> Giggle noncommitally at Aya's suggestion. "Now now. You should be flattered I would offer to reveal a source at all, considering how valuable they are."

>"Ah, that is true," says Aya. "Where shall we meet?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 16, 2013, 12:29:34 AM
> "Hum... I supose just outside the Hakurei Shrine would be convenient." When do we expect to be up tomorrow? We can meet with Aya before picking up Maribel.
> Gauge Momizou's reaction to news. Give Wriggle a moment of consideration too.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 16, 2013, 12:38:54 AM
> "Hum... I supose just outside the Hakurei Shrine would be convenient." When do we expect to be up tomorrow? We can meet with Aya before picking up Maribel.
> Gauge Momizou's reaction to news. Give Wriggle a moment of consideration too.

>It really depends on how soon you decide to get to bed, and whether you actually go to sleep upon doing do. You think you should be able to catch the sunrise easily, you'll only need a decent nap, you think, unless you decide to push yourself.
>Wriggle is definitely paying attention, though she hasn't said anything yet. Mamizou is harder to read.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 16, 2013, 01:00:37 AM
> "An hour after sunrise." Gives us time to eat first.
> "I might see fit to enter myself, though I doubt I'd be considered much of a player these days." Speak with false modesty, of course. "It might be worth it for the experience~" We want to encourage more small-talk so we can gauge reactions better.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 16, 2013, 11:19:12 PM
> "An hour after sunrise." Gives us time to eat first.
> "I might see fit to enter myself, though I doubt I'd be considered much of a player these days." Speak with false modesty, of course. "It might be worth it for the experience~" We want to encourage more small-talk so we can gauge reactions better.

>"Okay, I'll be there," says Aya.
>"Me too," says Wriggle with a nod. "Might as well see how far you can go,. even if you're a total gonk."
>"If there's time," says Mamizou. "I must arrange my schedule to allow for it."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on February 17, 2013, 06:36:11 AM
If we can get Mamizou to enter the tournament then that's a way to prevent her from being a bookie without making a deal that Ran wouldn't like.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 17, 2013, 08:17:29 AM
This is true. I'm a little out of it because I didn't expect those two to tag along on Aya's invite >_> Though now that I'm looking at it, I just realized the other two might just be commenting on the second part about entering the tourney, I r dumbed.

> Quirk a brow, feigning surprise at Wriggle and Mamizou's reactions. "My my, that would be an interesting twist. I wouldn't have expected either of you to take interest. I wonder what surprises a tanuki and a firefly have up their sleeves? I do like to see things shaken up."
> Nod to Aya. "Excellent. It'll be worth your while, I assure you."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2013, 08:38:21 AM
> Quirk a brow, feigning surprise at Wriggle and Mamizou's reactions. "My my, that would be an interesting twist. I wouldn't have expected either of you to take interest. I wonder what surprises a tanuki and a firefly have up their sleeves? I do like to see things shaken up."
> Nod to Aya. "Excellent. It'll be worth your while, I assure you."

>"Why not, ace?" says Wriggle,turning her hands outward. "I like more than just causing static."
>Mamizou just nods. "I may just watch; we'll have to see how things proceed."
>"I can't imagine you'd waste anyone's time," Aya says, with a faint grin. "I'm sure something newsworthy shall come of it."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 17, 2013, 09:07:32 AM
> "Mmm, I'm sure you do. There simply hasn't been a stage for you to demonstrate before that I've seen you on. As I said, I'll be interested in seeing it."
> "That would be a shame. I do hope you find the time to participate." That calculating tanuki is already thinking of ways to turn this to her advantage..
> Wave a hand absently at Aya. "I'm sure I'm no more newsworthy then anyone else.." Grin. "Well, perhaps a little more. I'm a little interested in what's of note these days. What have you been writing about before I walked in the door?"
> "In point of fact I am mildly interested if you happen to know about a red-haired girl who seems to be easily distracted by commonplace items and whereabouts she could possibly be."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2013, 09:22:56 AM
> "Mmm, I'm sure you do. There simply hasn't been a stage for you to demonstrate before that I've seen you on. As I said, I'll be interested in seeing it."
> "That would be a shame. I do hope you find the time to participate." That calculating tanuki is already thinking of ways to turn this to her advantage..
> Wave a hand absently at Aya. "I'm sure I'm no more newsworthy then anyone else.." Grin. "Well, perhaps a little more. I'm a little interested in what's of note these days. What have you been writing about before I walked in the door?"
> "In point of fact I am mildly interested if you happen to know about a red-haired girl who seems to be easily distracted by commonplace items and whereabouts she could possibly be."

>Wriggle gives you a grin. "You just watch, choomba. You just watch."
>Mamizou nods. "One must do their best. But some things cannot be easily set aside."
>"Oh, nothing much," Aya says, pausing to take another drink. "Just asking Wriggle a few things about goings on in the forest. Nothing really noteworthy."
>"Oy..." says Wriggle, her previous grin gone.
>"Red-haired girl," says Aya. "Surely you don't mean Meiling, do you?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 17, 2013, 09:45:17 AM
> Watch the banter non-commitally. "Hmm? No, definitely not her. From the sound of it, it was someone not well known in Gensokyo yet. I'd heard she dwells somewhere north of the human village."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2013, 09:53:31 AM
> Watch the banter non-commitally. "Hmm? No, definitely not her. From the sound of it, it was someone not well known in Gensokyo yet. I'd heard she dwells somewhere north of the human village."

>Aya frowns. "Mmm, no, that doesn't sound too familiar. Do you know anything else about her?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 17, 2013, 10:03:59 AM
> "Hmm. She also seemed interested in rare pieces of art, enough to not notice the place she stood in being closed until she was forced out firmly."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2013, 10:08:02 AM
> "Hmm. She also seemed interested in rare pieces of art, enough to not notice the place she stood in being closed until she was forced out firmly."

>"Mmm," says Aya, rubbing her chin and staring into her cup. "I might have heard of some people who fit parts of this description. Let me think a little, and see if I can remember anyone who matches all of it."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 17, 2013, 10:53:13 AM
> Sip lightly at our drink and wait, watching amusedly.
> Is the rest of the tavern still staring at us?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2013, 07:06:38 PM
> Sip lightly at our drink and wait, watching amusedly.
> Is the rest of the tavern still staring at us?

>You watch the people as you continue your drink. The sake here isn't bad, for something from a little tavern. Certainly not on par with what the oni make, but it's pleasant enough not to offend. By this point, most of the patrons have gone back to their own business, with only the occasional glance your way. You suspect not all of those glances are worried or cautious, as well. You do suspect you've been the topic of a couple conversations, though.
>"Mmm," Aya says, swirling her sake around. "I don't think it would be Ellen, she resurfaced a little while ago, literally."
>"Maybe that cat from down below," Wriggle says, looking toward Aya, then over to you for confirmation. "The one that likes to go around grabbing the flatlined people?"
>"No, she's not that airheaded," says Aya. "Mmm, I seem to remember hearing someone talk about someone like that, some years ago, around one of the old incidents. Some woman who didn't make a whole lot of sense. She seemed to have come out of nowhere, then fell off the face of Gensokyo. I don't really even remember her name, Ko-something?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 17, 2013, 07:22:09 PM
> "Kotohime?" raise an eyebrow. Recall what we know about her.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2013, 07:27:22 PM
> "Kotohime?" raise an eyebrow. Recall what we know about her.

>You've never heard that name before. You're not quite omniscient.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 17, 2013, 09:44:26 PM
> "Interesting. That sounds more like her, someone unrecognized now. But if it's only from memory, it seems you haven't seen this person here recently either."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 17, 2013, 09:49:19 PM
> "Interesting. That sounds more like her, someone unrecognized now. But if it's only from memory, it seems you haven't seen this person here recently either."

>"Not recently," says Aya. "If she's been around, she's rather good at not causing any trouble since I've not heard anything."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on February 18, 2013, 03:12:34 PM
>"Ah well, I guess at this point if I want to find out more I'll have to track her down. Nothing else for it if even Gensokyo's foremost purveyor of information doesn't know much." Feeding Aya's ego when we plan to do business with her can't hurt.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 18, 2013, 06:03:15 PM
>"Ah well, I guess at this point if I want to find out more I'll have to track her down. Nothing else for it if even Gensokyo's foremost purveyor of information doesn't know much." Feeding Aya's ego when we plan to do business with her can't hurt.

>'Oh, you're much too kind," says Aya, smirking.
>"So when would this tournament begin," says Mamizou.  "And where would be we find it once it does?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 18, 2013, 09:41:41 PM
> "I am hoping our friendly neighbourhood newspapers will be able to inform us all of the details soon enough, especially after our little meeting tomorrow, Shameimaru-dono." Nod at Aya.
> Anyone about to leave? It'll be best to try and catch Mamizou alone...
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 18, 2013, 09:51:59 PM
> "I am hoping our friendly neighbourhood newspapers will be able to inform us all of the details soon enough, especially after our little meeting tomorrow, Shameimaru-dono." Nod at Aya.
> Anyone about to leave? It'll be best to try and catch Mamizou alone...

>"Or you could tell us right now," says Aya. "Since you're organizing it."
>It doesn't seem like anyone is preparing to leave at the moment.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 18, 2013, 09:55:45 PM
If you're going to insist on catching Mamizou alone you should probably just watch her after we leave and catch her when she goes home. <_<
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 19, 2013, 08:34:02 AM
>"Me, organizing an event? Hahaha, that sounds like a job for an energetic go-getter, not the lazy elegant and old beautiful Yukari Yakumo."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 19, 2013, 09:22:22 AM
>"Me, organizing an event? Hahaha, that sounds like a job for an energetic go-getter, not the lazy elegant and old beautiful Yukari Yakumo."

>Aya gives an appreciative chuckle. "Maybe, but you're the one telling us about it, mentioning the big prize, and trying to get people interested. Since no one else has heard about it, it sounds like your doing, don't you think?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 19, 2013, 09:43:00 AM
> Chuckle at Aya's remark, flipping a fan from our robes and hiding our face in the way of mysterious old ladiez. "I will admit you've caught me in having a vested interest in seeing its success. When interesting ripples appear on the surface of Gensokyo I enjoy giving them wind. Is that wrong, Miss Shameimaru?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 19, 2013, 09:50:51 AM
Blame it on Chen: If it were Chen's idea obviously we'd want to help, and Chen wouldn't be able to do it on her own. Downside: Chen being able to pretend this successfully to Aya.
Blame it on Ran: Well, Ran is already going to be the referee. Downside: Ran probably wouldn't need our help? But we'd do it anyways probably so. The real downside is no one believing that something Ran does isn't our idea.
Blade it on Yuyuko: This is the truth! Downside: Yuyuko wouldn't be as much of a dark horse and also we'd be annoying her with Aya.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 19, 2013, 09:52:44 AM
> Chuckle at Aya's remark, flipping a fan from our robes and hiding our face in the way of mysterious old ladiez. "I will admit you've caught me in having a vested interest in seeing its success. When interesting ripples appear on the surface of Gensokyo I enjoy giving them wind. Is that wrong, Miss Shameimaru?"

>Aya laughs. "I suppose not!"
>"For what it's worth," says Wriggle. "I don't give a twitch who's running it, as long as it's not dirty."
>"Though one does wonder what the ripples represent in that metaphor,"  says Mamizou, as she has another drink.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 19, 2013, 10:59:37 AM
Option: say something like Well you figured it out, I'm organizing the whole thing, then leave, claiming to be very busy.
Basically, telling the truth in a suspicious manner.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 20, 2013, 11:22:40 AM
>"Perhaps nothing at all?" Mamizou adds after a moment, smirking ever so slightly before draining her drink.
>"So, what is this vested interest?" says Aya.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 21, 2013, 12:08:05 AM
Telling the truth suspiciously doesn't work you know, people figure out you're scum quick. Let's blow dis stand.

> Smile simply in response to Mamizou's statement. "Now that is a secret."
> "Now now. If I tell you everything there'll hardly be anything to say tomorrow." Set down our drink and stand up slowly. "And my apologies but I do have other places to be tonight as well. If you'll excuse me."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 21, 2013, 12:26:51 AM
> Smile simply in response to Mamizou's statement. "Now that is a secret."
> "Now now. If I tell you everything there'll hardly be anything to say tomorrow." Set down our drink and stand up slowly. "And my apologies but I do have other places to be tonight as well. If you'll excuse me."

>"I wonder who might know what it is," says Mamizou.
>"Well, alright," says Aya, as you announce your intention to leave. "I'll see you there."
>"Thanks for the choo!" says Wriggle.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 21, 2013, 12:39:44 AM
> Give a nod to the table and a "You're quite welcome."
> Pause before leaving to head to the counter where Mokou is and attempt to ask her if she's heard of this Ko-someone from rumors.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 21, 2013, 12:59:27 AM
> Give a nod to the table and a "You're quite welcome."
> Pause before leaving to head to the counter where Mokou is and attempt to ask her if she's heard of this Ko-someone from rumors.

>You make your way toward the bar, where Mokou seems to be washing something behind it. Giving the steam rising up near it, you imagine she has likely heated a basin of water for the task.
>"Settling up?" Mokou says, before you can speak. "I that'll be 24☼"
>She shakes her head when asking about Ko. "I've only started coming to town regularly a little while ago," she says. "So I don't too many folks. Sorry. I don't think anyone like that has come in while on my watch, at least. Or if she did, I didn't pay her any mind."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 21, 2013, 01:28:41 AM
> Is she asking us to pay for sitting at the bar?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 21, 2013, 01:58:21 AM
> Is she asking us to pay for sitting at the bar?

>You think she is probably asking you to pay for the drinks you bought yourself and the trio.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 21, 2013, 02:36:46 AM
>Tap the plains, pay the white mana.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 21, 2013, 03:54:16 AM
>Tap the plains, pay the white mana.

>You aren't even a little bit drunk enough to do this.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 21, 2013, 05:27:08 AM
>Open the purse, pay the coins.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 21, 2013, 05:29:44 AM
>Open the purse, pay the coins.

>You produce the necessary amount of money and pay off Mokou.  "Thank you," she says. "You have a good night now."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 21, 2013, 08:00:32 AM
> "The same to you." Let's blow this popsicle stand. Walk out of the tavern and gap on home. We need some TLC and to think. To Mayohiga! home for reals!
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 21, 2013, 08:51:38 AM
> "The same to you." Let's blow this popsicle stand. Walk out of the tavern and gap on home. We need some TLC and to think. To Mayohiga! home for reals!

>You leave the tavern and return home. Stepping out of the gap, you see a single candle has been lit, and the house is silent. Ran sits at the table with a book,  looking up as you step inside. "Welcome home," she says softly, confirming your suspicious that Chen has gone to bed, likely right after supper. She tends to do this, she likes to wake up some hours before sunrise. "Did things go well?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 21, 2013, 10:46:24 AM
> Keep a well-hidden gap trained on Mamizou.
> "Quite." Nod with a smile, "I...I suppose I'm quite pleased, Ran. This is perhaps one of the few times this century that I've woken up and found that nobody's stolen the moon, the sky, the peace or my underwear." Look at Ran thoughtfully for a moment, "I've just jinxed myself, haven't I?"
> Chen sleeps at night? What self-respecting youkai sleeps at night?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 21, 2013, 11:48:03 AM
> Keep a well-hidden gap trained on Mamizou.
> "Quite." Nod with a smile, "I...I suppose I'm quite pleased, Ran. This is perhaps one of the few times this century that I've woken up and found that nobody's stolen the moon, the sky, the peace or my underwear." Look at Ran thoughtfully for a moment, "I've just jinxed myself, haven't I?"
> Chen sleeps at night? What self-respecting youkai sleeps at night?

>You place a gap where you remember Mamizou being, keeping it small enough that the noise isn't a problem.
>Ran chuckles. "I did clean your spares a week ago, if that counts for the last one."
>It's not terrible uncommon anymore. More and more youkai are becoming diurnal. Some from necessity, others due to synchronizing themselves with human schedules. You yourself have been trending toward it more and more in the last decade. You feel it makes an interesting change, and showing just a little contempt for the sun by ignoring its presence.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 21, 2013, 05:19:30 PM
> In that case, wait and watch to see if a chance to catch Mamizou by herself presents itself.
> "Interesting book?" Ask as you stretch and sit down beside her. Do whatever it is you usually do when sitting next to Ran. "More or less interesting than me?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 21, 2013, 09:15:54 PM
> In that case, wait and watch to see if a chance to catch Mamizou by herself presents itself.
> "Interesting book?" Ask as you stretch and sit down beside her. Do whatever it is you usually do when sitting next to Ran. "More or less interesting than me?"

>From what you can here, she is still there. It's difficult to make out any single conversation, though.
>You sit down beside Ran, and slip your arm around hers. She leans on you lightly. "It's interesting enough," she says. "Just a little folio I found at the library in the village. It's a record of youkai that lived around Bizen some time ago. And no, I've not found you yet. So I suppose that answers your second question, doesn't it?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 21, 2013, 09:36:25 PM
>Bizen? Recall.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 21, 2013, 09:57:58 PM
>Bizen? Recall.

>It is a province in Honshu, by the Inland Sea.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 21, 2013, 10:25:10 PM
> "Bizen, huh? Is it cute? With the most huggable fluffy tails and the most pettable pair of ears ever? Cause I can gap myself to Bizen right now and be back by dawn."
> Is this the Ushioni/Gyuki she's reading about?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 21, 2013, 10:44:23 PM
> "Bizen, huh? Is it cute? With the most huggable fluffy tails and the most pettable pair of ears ever? Cause I can gap myself to Bizen right now and be back by dawn."
> Is this the Ushioni/Gyuki she's reading about?

>She just chuckles and rests her head on your shoulder. "No, I've not found me, either."
>You don't think she's talking about any specific youkai, but rather that this book is about a number of such. Cursed singular and plural forms being the same!

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 21, 2013, 11:27:37 PM
>"Hmmm... Does the book mention any ghasts?"
>Is this Kosuzu's library?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 22, 2013, 12:07:12 AM
>"Hmmm... Does the book mention any ghasts?"
>Is this Kosuzu's library?

>"Not yet," says Ran.
>You suspect she might have gotten it from there, you understand that it opened up sometime last year.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 22, 2013, 04:20:15 AM
> Have we noticed any behavioral changes from Hinanawi in the past couple of years?
> Whatever became of Nagae's pet poltergeist?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 22, 2013, 04:39:09 AM
Not that Kilga is biased on what he wants to know about or anything. I would visit Shusei if I thought Yukari had a reason to.
> Nuzzle against Ran and sigh overdramatically. "Does it happen to mention how to outwit snooping reporters who are too smart for their own good?"
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 22, 2013, 05:02:34 AM
> Have we noticed any behavioral changes from Hinanawi in the past couple of years?
> Whatever became of Nagae's pet poltergeist?

>You don't precisely watch her, but she does seem to have grown less...generally disruptive. You still haven't figured out precisely how you feel about her occasionally leading a gang of obviously reluctant celestials to go and bully people, but you're leaning toward it being hilarious right now. It is also painfully obvious she has feelings for Iku, whom she regarded as a nemesis for some time, and is adorably jealous of what she regards as her rival, that poltergeist.
>As far as the poltergeist goes, you intentionally don't pay attention to her without there being a reason. She likes it better that way. But from what you hear, she is still there, lurking in the shadows of town.  You've not heard any bad stories, at least.

> Nuzzle against Ran and sigh overdramatically. "Does it happen to mention how to outwit snooping reporters who are too smart for their own good?"

>You nuzzle against Ran, and she squeezes your arm with hers. "Oh, is Aya being a pain?" she says. "I am afraid that's beyond the scope of this work. I don't suppose burning her house down would solve things?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 22, 2013, 06:43:03 AM
> "Sadly it would only make her believe she was closer to the truth and pursue the scoop with fanatical precision, I imagine. I promised her a meeting tomorrow with a source for this tournament I'm hosting, and I'm unsure what mystery guest would be best for that seat. If I revealed it was my idea her smugness alone might send me into another slumber."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 22, 2013, 06:50:25 AM
> "Sadly it would only make her believe she was closer to the truth and pursue the scoop with fanatical precision, I imagine. I promised her a meeting tomorrow with a source for this tournament I'm hosting, and I'm unsure what mystery guest would be best for that seat. If I revealed it was my idea her smugness alone might send me into another slumber."

>"Mmm, can't have that." says Ran. "I would just blame someone, preferably someone we can count on not to show up. Or who is willing to take a bribe."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 22, 2013, 07:10:45 AM
> Has Ran always been as horrible a person as Dormio's avatar has suggested?
> "Mmm, a patsy would be better. I did say there would be -someone-." Play idly with Ran's hair. "I wonder if I can convince her it was Reimu's idea and she doesn't wish the youkai to know I invited them on her behalf.." Evil thoughts are plotting.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 22, 2013, 07:17:24 AM
> Has Ran always been as horrible a person as Dormio's avatar has suggested?
> "Mmm, a patsy would be better. I did say there would be -someone-." Play idly with Ran's hair. "I wonder if I can convince her it was Reimu's idea and she doesn't wish the youkai to know I invited them on her behalf.." Evil thoughts are plotting.

>Why do you think you married her?
>You play with Ran's hair, and she scoots a little closer, wrapping a couple of her tails around you.  "I think you could, if you spun it just right, and made sure that Reimu or one of her friends didn't overhear."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 22, 2013, 07:55:19 AM
> "Well, I did agree to meet outside the shrine. I'll have to scout the spot first to make certain there's no one in hearing.. Yes, I rather like this plan. Ah, simply being with you is an inspiration, dearest. Whatever would I do without you?"
> Close gap for a little bit. We can put that on hold while we do something more important. Get reacquainted with Ran. Explicitly.
> Reopen spy gap afterwards, after explaining to Ran why we're spying on the tanuki.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 22, 2013, 08:35:20 AM
> "Well, I did agree to meet outside the shrine. I'll have to scout the spot first to make certain there's no one in hearing.. Yes, I rather like this plan. Ah, simply being with you is an inspiration, dearest. Whatever would I do without you?"
> Close gap for a little bit. We can put that on hold while we do something more important. Get reacquainted with Ran. Explicitly.
> Reopen spy gap afterwards, after explaining to Ran why we're spying on the tanuki.

>"See, you've already thought ahead," says Ran, as she lifts her head from your shoulder and gives you a peck on the cheek. "And I do my best."
>You close the gap in the bar, and devote yourself to significantly more important matters. On Ran's request, the two of you first take a quick gap to the spare room in Mayohiga, so as not to waken Chen. Then you set yourself to making up for leave Ran by herself all winter. She is quite passionate, to say the least, and you do your best to match it. After all, while you do pursue a person or two on the side, Ran is whom you've pledged yourself to, and you want her to be sure of it. Especially when there's someone on the side.  Spring is always the best season.  Still, you have to put forth more effort than usual to keep up with her, you're not certain if the sake has slowed you down, if you've not shaken the cobwebs completely, or if she's just much more into things than typical.
>Afterward, you take some time to clean yourself off; it's always nice to be able to gap in a basin and fill it without having to get up; and resume your spying Mamizou. You find she hasn't left the tavern, saving you the trouble of relocating her.  At the moment, she seems to be trying to coax Wriggle into drinking something; you hear no signs of Aya.
>You explain what you're doing to Ran, who frowns and looks up from cuddling against you. "That's hardly the pillow talk I'd like to hear," she says, frowning. "What do you need the likes of her for?"

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 22, 2013, 08:50:32 AM
> "At the moment, nothing. I'm keeping an eye on her. She heard what I told Aya tonight, and I suspect she's planning her own ways to profit. I might approach her myself to make sure her plans don't interfere with my own." Wave a hand idly. "I've already talked to Marisa about taking bets though. It might be best to leave it alone."
> Turn back to Ran. "You're right that it's not the best time, but I thought it best to mention it to you before I'd made any plans. I'd much rather spend time here with you."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 22, 2013, 08:58:09 AM
> "At the moment, nothing. I'm keeping an eye on her. She heard what I told Aya tonight, and I suspect she's planning her own ways to profit. I might approach her myself to make sure her plans don't interfere with my own." Wave a hand idly. "I've already talked to Marisa about taking bets though. It might be best to leave it alone."
> Turn back to Ran. "You're right that it's not the best time, but I thought it best to mention it to you before I'd made any plans. I'd much rather spend time here with you."

>She nods, and rests her head on your chest. "Well, I suppose I can't argue much. Personally, I'd much rather you have Marisa warn her off the trail."

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 22, 2013, 09:06:39 AM
> "That is an excellent idea. I shall keep it in mind."
> Mofumofu in the tails~ How tired are we right now?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 22, 2013, 09:15:04 AM
> "That is an excellent idea. I shall keep it in mind."
> Mofumofu in the tails~ How tired are we right now?

>You decide to bury yourself in fluffy softness. Ran giggles and wraps them around you to assist.
>You're reasonably tired now, and it'd be simple for you to drop off for the evening right now.  But if you have more you wish to do, you could probably keep going for another hour or two at a leisurely pace, and be reasonably likely to wake up on time tomorrow on your own.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 22, 2013, 09:38:50 AM
> Forget that. Procrastination time! Put off waiting for a free moment till tomorrow and sleep in the fluffy tails.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 22, 2013, 09:43:12 AM
> Forget that. Procrastination time! Put off waiting for a free moment till tomorrow and sleep in the fluffy tails.

>You decide you can put off to tomorrow, or possibly the day after tomorrow, what can be down today. Instead you warp yourself in wonderfully fluffy tails, and let yourself drift off.
>It's cold, and the bed is so hard. Dimly, you wonder if you rolled off?

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 22, 2013, 09:45:17 AM
> ..Did we roll off? Look at the bed.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 22, 2013, 09:49:12 AM
> ..Did we roll off? Look at the bed.

>You open your eyes, and look blearily toward the bed. Instead, you see a wall of grayness. Blinking, it quickly resolves into a wall of rock.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 22, 2013, 10:03:09 AM
> ..We aren't in Mayohiga anymore, are we.
> Assess situation. Look around and figure out where the heck we are. Check self for inventory and check gaps for availability.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 22, 2013, 10:20:23 AM
> ..We aren't in Mayohiga anymore, are we.
> Assess situation. Look around and figure out where the heck we are. Check self for inventory and check gaps for availability.

>You don't recall any rock walls in Mayohiga, for certain.
>You look sit up, brushing away the sleep from your eyes, and trying to keep yourself calm. Looking around, you find that you are in a natural-looking stone chamber. There is no light here; thankfully this isn't a problem for you.  The ceiling is low and concave. Save for the fact that this is where you've awoken, this cavern is not very remarkable. However, there is something in the air, you can't quite put your finger on it at first. After a moment, you discern that isn't not quite in the are, but rather in the fabric of this place, so to speak. It's a strange sort of sensation, like a dust storm blowing around you without being able to feel it. It doesn't feel quite like the whole place is put together correctly, but rather crudely assembled in some fashion.
>Assessing yourself, you find that you have nothing with you but your blanket, you curse yourself for not bothering to get dressed.  You try to check your usual sources for some spare clothing, but the gaps do not want to seem to open. A cold dread blooms in your stomach, as you realize that your tools are all missing, as well...

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 22, 2013, 11:05:09 AM
>would we normally be able to gap from the dream realm to Gensokyo?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 22, 2013, 11:09:41 AM
> C-calm down, d-don't panic. If gaps and clothes (and that hat) are all that makes Yukari Yakumo then you might as well lie down and die. But no, there's more to Yukari Yakumo than all that. There's.....a blanket! Great! Let's turn that into some kind of decency-preservative, a robe of some kind.
> "I take that back. I wake up and I find my house, my gaps and my clothes stolen." Consider how badly you've jinxed yourself this time.
> Continue testing powers.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 22, 2013, 11:30:24 AM
>would we normally be able to gap from the dream realm to Gensokyo?

>Normally you would, though you usually don't have much reason to visit. Without your Astrolabe, though, it's not going to be possible to do move between worlds at all. You are reasonably sure this place is not the Dream Realm, or at least not as you know it.

> C-calm down, d-don't panic. If gaps and clothes (and that hat) are all that makes Yukari Yakumo then you might as well lie down and die. But no, there's more to Yukari Yakumo than all that. There's.....a blanket! Great! Let's turn that into some kind of decency-preservative, a robe of some kind.
> "I take that back. I wake up and I find my house, my gaps and my clothes stolen." Consider how badly you've jinxed yourself this time.
> Continue testing powers.

>You take a few breaths to steady yourself, and try to focus. There is certainly more to Yukari than gap tricks and stylish clothing. You take the blanket and wrap it around you, thankful that you took the time to get good silk for that bed, and tie it off in a few spots to make an acceptable-looking toga. It's not much, but it's definitely preferable to shivering naked in some cave.
>You start talking to yourself. Better sooner than later, you suppose...
>You test your abilities a bit more. This place is not good, you quickly discover. When you can define a decent gap, oftentimes the sandstorm nature of this cavern collapses around it, ruining the gap. With the proper tools, you think you could do more, but right now you do not think it is wise to trust any gap that is not strongly defined. Nor are you going to be able to make gaps that are nearly as precise as usual. You definitely don't want to try something like opening a gap into a place you don't know. As well, you're going to have to concentrate to open them an hold them, trying more than one at a time would take a lot of effort. Effort is going to be another thing to consider, until you get some of your tools back, opening gaps is going to to take some physical toll on you, rather like proper work.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 22, 2013, 11:32:36 AM
Not that Kilga is biased on what he wants to know about or anything. I would visit Shusei if I thought Yukari had a reason to.

I had no such thoughts, so it's all good. I was contemplating an Iku visit if anything.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 22, 2013, 11:41:10 AM
> Examine cavern. Potential exits? Any drafts? Sources of light? Or are we functioning on youkai night vision?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 22, 2013, 11:48:19 AM
> Masters and shikigami share a link where the shikigami's performance is optimized through following the master's orders, don't they? If so, is that link present?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 22, 2013, 11:58:01 AM
> Examine cavern. Potential exits? Any drafts? Sources of light? Or are we functioning on youkai night vision?

>The cavern itself, aside from the oddity of the fabric of reality here, is fairly mundane. The floor is smooth, if uneven. The walls are also uneven, with a vaguely rib-like waxy appearance you would expect from an cave formed by lava flows, though the shape of this chamber is not right for such things. The ceiling is low enough you could reach up and touch it, and reasonably smooth.  At the far side of the chamber, close to a corner, you can see a small passage leading from here. The air is still and cool, as you would expect in a cavern, and there is no light to speak of. Were you not a youkai adapted to the night, you would be completely blind.

> Masters and shikigami share a link where the shikigami's performance is optimized through following the master's orders, don't they? If so, is that link present?

>Yes. Typically, you can feel Ran from just about anywhere. But as you try, you get nothing. This brings cold fingers of dread through your gut. Is she gone? ...Could something even worse have happened? You don't even want to contemplate something like that...

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 22, 2013, 12:42:27 PM
I like how you let us do whatever we like for a whole day with no plot hooks whatsoever then suddenly drop us in a cave after the first night. :P

> Make sure there's nothing else, our belongings or otherwise, sitting about in this cavern.
> Cautiously explore down the only possible route. Use our godlike spatial awareness to start mapping out the interior of this cavern in our heads...or, y'know, just try not to get too lost.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 22, 2013, 01:14:16 PM
> Make sure there's nothing else, our belongings or otherwise, sitting about in this cavern.
> Cautiously explore down the only possible route. Use our godlike spatial awareness to start mapping out the interior of this cavern in our heads...or, y'know, just try not to get too lost.

>Looking around, you don't see anything else of note here, and certainly nothing of yours.
>You make your way across the cavern and into the tunnel. The rock is unpleasantly cold on your bare feet, but frankly you have too many other feelings to deal with to be properly irritated. You do your best to keep an accurate mental map as you proceed. Stepping into the tunnel, you see that it stretches ahead and slightly downward, still pitch black. It is roughly oval in shape, and doesn't seem exceptional. The sandstorm sensation is still here, too, you are getting the feeling that such will not be going away anytime soon.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 22, 2013, 01:30:09 PM
I like how you let us do whatever we like for a whole day with no plot hooks whatsoever then suddenly drop us in a cave after the first night. :P

The players actually were provided a couple of general courses of action. They just chose to ignore those courses of action in favor of unrelated self-indulgence. >_>
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 22, 2013, 01:42:42 PM
The players actually were provided a couple of general courses of action. They just chose to ignore those courses of action in favor of unrelated self-indulgence. >_>

That so? I must have missed all that then. Only joined in time to see 'oh hey mahjong'. I guess being whimsical like that's entirely in-character for Yukari though.

> Recall if we've ever experienced this 'sandstorm' sensation thing.
> Think of who or what in your knowledge could have snuck up on mayohiga/created this sandstorm sensation/you can blame and vow swift vengeance upon appropriately address in the interest of yourself Gensokyo's peace.
> carry on through the tunnel while keeping an eye out for anything of interest.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 22, 2013, 02:01:02 PM
> Recall if we've ever experienced this 'sandstorm' sensation thing.
> Think of who or what in your knowledge could have snuck up on mayohiga/created this sandstorm sensation/you can blame and vow swift vengeance upon appropriately address in the interest of yourself Gensokyo's peace.
> carry on through the tunnel while keeping an eye out for anything of interest.

>You've felt something like it places where the Hakurei Barrier has worn thin, but not like this. Rather than having worn thin, it's more like things were never really woven together to begin with.
>You cannot think of anyone who could have done this directly. You suppose it's that possible some magician might have done it, but you don't think any of them hate you that much. You've certainly not heard of a spell that can do this... Perhaps there was some invocation that could have gone awry, but you think only Patchouli would try that, and she seems to be reluctant to do that kind of thing these days.
>You proceed further, and find the tunnel is beginning to grow more and more narrow. Soon you have to hunch over to avoid scraping your head, then just to fit. Soon, you have to double over to proceed, as the walls close in on your shoulders. Then the passage grows tighter still, you will have to crawl to make your way further, and you cannot see an end in sight.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 22, 2013, 02:36:20 PM
> Sigh, put pride on hold, be glad that nobody can see you in such an ungraceful position (at least hope so), carefully tuck your toga about your waist and crawl.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 22, 2013, 04:54:58 PM
I am now picturing Yukari's head photoshopped on top of Bob the Builder. I also suspect we are going to lose all of Yukari's items somehow.
Ahahahaha. Whoops I triggered the plot sorry guys.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 22, 2013, 05:11:48 PM
Ahahahaha. Whoops I triggered the plot sorry guys.

It's all your fault. The economy, Twilight and betamax, they're all your fault.

> CRAWL THAT HOLE. <-- just so this post isn't entirely pointless.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 22, 2013, 11:01:42 PM
> Sigh, put pride on hold, be glad that nobody can see you in such an ungraceful position (at least hope so), carefully tuck your toga about your waist and crawl.
> CRAWL THAT HOLE. <-- just so this post isn't entirely pointless.

>It takes you a moment. Despite your dismay at this whole situation, and your growing fears that something terrible may have happened to Ran and yourself, you've not had to do anything like this in a long time. You would be privately furious at who did this to you, but you have the sneaking suspicions there isn't a who at all... And with the situation as it is, it's harder than it should be to work up a good bout of fury.
>You hike up your impromptu toga and begin to crawl. At first, you are thankful for the headroom.  but all too soon, it is gone. The bare stone is unpleasantly cold against your hands and legs, and certainly not pleasant on your muscles either. The walls close further, until you sometimes have to struggle to fit through. Then you  can see an opening ahead, as the tunnel contracts further. You are going to have to creep on your stomach to make these last few yards.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 22, 2013, 11:05:46 PM
> FREEDOOOO-...oh wait, carefully edge forwards as quietly as you can manage in your position. Don't leave the safety of the crevice just yet, try to peer out from the shadows at what's beyond. Also listen carefully for anything of note.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 22, 2013, 11:11:12 PM
> A chamber with a single path out that gradually shrinks? Ran nowhere to be sensed? ...Did we get sealed in one of her tails somehow?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 22, 2013, 11:18:57 PM
> A chamber with a single path out that gradually shrinks? Ran nowhere to be sensed? ...Did we get sealed in one of her tails somehow?

>You would hope that Ran's tails are not made of stone. And you'd hope you'd still sense her if you were. ...That situation might be preferable, at least you'd know she is okay, and where you are...

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 22, 2013, 11:33:27 PM
> FREEDOOOO-...oh wait, carefully edge forwards as quietly as you can manage in your position. Don't leave the safety of the crevice just yet, try to peer out from the shadows at what's beyond. Also listen carefully for anything of note.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 23, 2013, 12:11:34 AM
> FREEDOOOO-...oh wait, carefully edge forwards as quietly as you can manage in your position. Don't leave the safety of the crevice just yet, try to peer out from the shadows at what's beyond. Also listen carefully for anything of note.

>You creep forward on yous stomach, which is hardly pleasant on someone with your build, which is made all the worse by how little room there is for your shoulders. You creep forward, inch by inch, until you reach the mouth of the cavern. Ahead of you is an immense chamber, it's far side too far away to see. A few feet below you is an uneven floor, riddled with stalagmites. After some yards, this gives way to a yawning crevasse. The walls to the left and right are dozens of yards apart, and seem to similar to the walls where you awoke, save for veins of...something running through one on them. A  natural bridge of stone extends from the ledge, continuing ahead and disappearing beyond your sight. The air is still, and the fabric here is no more stable. The only sound you can hear is yourself.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 23, 2013, 12:17:11 AM
> Get out of this crevice and into the main room. Allow a moment to stretch.
> Can we fly?
> Check out those veins.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 23, 2013, 12:17:36 AM
> Wiggle out. Hope all the sweets haven't ruined our figure to the point where our hips get stuck in the hole. That'd be a real punchline to this really bad joke.
> Examine veins.
> Examine stalagmites.
> Peer over edge of crevasse, assess safety of natural bridge.
> Assess flight capabilities...presumably none but we can always try.

EDIT: Shadoweh beat me to it! :O
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 23, 2013, 12:46:59 AM
> Get out of this crevice and into the main room. Allow a moment to stretch.
> Can we fly?
> Check out those veins.

> Wiggle out. Hope all the sweets haven't ruined our figure to the point where our hips get stuck in the hole. That'd be a real punchline to this really bad joke.
> Examine veins.
> Examine stalagmites.
> Peer over edge of crevasse, assess safety of natural bridge.
> Assess flight capabilities...presumably none but we can always try.

>You wriggle out of the hole, which is a little more difficult than you might have liked. Perhaps normally you'd joke about how it cannot handle the majesty of your curves, but there's not much levity in your heart anymore. You emerge and fall to the floor rather unceremoniously and lay there for a moment, just happy to have taken your weight off of your hands and knees. You stand, and take a moment to fix your impromptu clothing and and smooth out your hair.
>You attempt to take to the air, and find you simply cannot. It is quite vexing, but you aren't tremendously surprised by it after what you've felt so far. You can feel you still have the capacity at least, but it seems the air just won't support you.
>Taking a look at the stalagmites, they seem to be pretty mundane. Most are only few feet high, but a couple tower a few yards over you, reaching toward a ceiling that disappearances into the distance above. You note some loose stones here and there among them.
>You take a look at the veins, and see in some places they have have crept onto the wall that the hole rests upon. You make your way toward the nearest one, your footsteps unpleasantly loud among the dead silence. It takes a couple minutes to reach them, as you dodge around stalagmites, but as you get close, you see that veins may not be the proper way to describe them, rather they are like dark brown roots that have burrowed their way through the rock, though you aren't certain what they're made of. You can't put your finger on why, but you don't really like them. You think you feel something odd near the wall itself, though.
>You make your way to the edge of the crevasse, and can only see yawning darkness below. The feeling of weakness in the fabric of the universe is worse there, it grows even more threadbare and crude.  It would be extremely bad to fall in there.
>The stone bridge, as you examine it, doesn't seem like it should be able to hold up its own weight. You are certain it should crumble entirely just from being extended too far, but it seems to hold up. It vanishes into the distance; you think you can see some oddity in its formation at the edge of your vision.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 23, 2013, 12:50:37 AM
> Dropped into a dead end to begin an adventure
> Stripped of all our tools and main outfit
> Abilities shut off
> Have to proceed by crawling through a tiny-ass hole
> Underground caverns with physics-defying natural bridges and a whole lot of crazy crap on the walls.
> Seemingly bottomless pit

Holy shit, we're playing a Metroid game.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 23, 2013, 01:10:21 AM
> Assess magic and other combat abilities. Do any of our other magical abilities still work? Presumably not, but let's check anyway.
> Pick up a decent-sized rock that can fit your hands comfortably. Might as well have a rock for a weapon than none at all.
> Once you're satisfied there are no other exits or anything else of interest on this side of the crevasse, let us take a leap of faith (not literally please) and take the only exit out of here. Test the bridge by putting the weight of one foot on it.
> If it doesn't give way cross it as carefully and as quickly as you can.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 23, 2013, 01:42:31 AM
> What is the odd feeling from near the walls, familiar, or more distortion?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 23, 2013, 01:45:46 AM

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 23, 2013, 01:47:32 AM
> Dropped into a dead end to begin an adventure
> Stripped of all our tools and main outfit
> Abilities shut off
> Have to proceed by crawling through a tiny-ass hole
> Underground caverns with physics-defying natural bridges and a whole lot of crazy crap on the walls.
> Seemingly bottomless pit

>Don't forget that you've yet to see a sign that there's anyone here but yourself. Things seem rather bleak.

> Assess magic and other combat abilities. Do any of our other magical abilities still work? Presumably not, but let's check anyway.
> Pick up a decent-sized rock that can fit your hands comfortably. Might as well have a rock for a weapon than none at all.
> Once you're satisfied there are no other exits or anything else of interest on this side of the crevasse, let us take a leap of faith (not literally please) and take the only exit out of here. Test the bridge by putting the weight of one foot on it.
> If it doesn't give way cross it as carefully and as quickly as you can.

>You cans till open gaps, this is a natural ability to you, however much it's been fine-tuned to serve you better by your tools. But in theory, you can use it to separate thing, or possibly move something from one place to another. The latter will definitely be very risky, and you wouldn't trust your safety to it in this place right now.  You try to conjure some danmaku, but it does not work. Again, you feel that you still can, just this place cannot seem to support it.
>You look around, and find a decent rock.
>You obtain: Rock.
>What do you consider of interest in this situation?

> What is the odd feeling from near the walls, familiar, or more distortion?

>It is a bit of both. Examining it, you find that it seems you have found a potential gap in the borders of this place, large enough that you could move through. It feels reasonably stable, amidst all the swirling sandiness of this place's fabric. At the same time, it is only a potential gap, you cannot read what it is a gap between, precisely. You aren't sure if you can force it open right now. It would probably be a bit draining to try right now, whether you succeeded or not.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 23, 2013, 01:43:12 PM
> Can we recover strength by resting? Or do we youkai require sustenance of some sort to recover spiritual energy in the Purvisverse?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 23, 2013, 02:19:40 PM
> Can we recover strength by resting? Or do we youkai require sustenance of some sort to recover spiritual energy in the Purvisverse?

>Your needs are reasonably akin to human needs. You will need to rest to restore yourself, or sleep if you push yourself too far. You will need food and drink if you are here long enough. You will benefit from having a decent place to rest, as opposed to trying to sleep on bare stone.  These may be things you will need to consider if it doesn't seem like you can escape soon.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 23, 2013, 04:04:15 PM
> If another poster agrees with me then let's try prying open that gap. Safer than testing that suspicious-looking bridge.

Plus I barely know what metroid is so I have no idea what to expect.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 23, 2013, 05:55:35 PM
I think we should try the bridge first. Ideally we would find one of our tools that might be here before trying to pry open this gap.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 23, 2013, 06:34:50 PM
> Check this side for anything that's out of the ordinary, the ordinary being rock-headed geology.
> Cross that bridge as quickly as reasonable caution allows.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 23, 2013, 10:24:03 PM
> Check this side for anything that's out of the ordinary, the ordinary being rock-headed geology.
> Cross that bridge as quickly as reasonable caution allows.

>You examine the bridge a little more closely. Aside from the fact that it shouldn't be standing on its own, it seems to be about as ordinary as anything you can hope for.  It is a few yards wide, so you shouldn't have to worry about having to keep your balance as long as you stay reasonably close to the middle.
>Taking a deep breath, you begin to cross the bridge. You are quickly pleased to find that the bridges doesn't crumble under your weight. Feeling somewhat more bold, you continue to walk along it's length.
>Minutes pass, as you travel along the bridge. Soon, the cavern recedes behind you. fading into the darkness. With only yawning blackness above you, and a more perilous darkness below. Looking to the left and right, there is nothing but more darkness. All you can see is yourself and the bridge, it's hard to tell how well you can see at all; is there something past the blackness, or more yawning chasm? You find yourself turning your rock over in your hands, and assure yourself it is from idleness rather than nervousness. Still, it is hard not to feel tiny and alone among all of this. You wrack your mind for answers as to what this place is, but you can find nothing conclusive. You've never really seen anything like this before.
>The bridge itself stays solid and straight. Here and there, it tilts a bit to the left or the right, but taking these parts a little more easily leaves you fully confident in your footing. After nearly a quarter hour, you find some variance in the path, enough to give you pause. Some yards ahead the bridge begins to twist, rather like taking a stretched out ribbon and flipping one of its edges around. It shouldn't be impossible to proceed, but it would have to be handled with care.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 24, 2013, 12:49:55 AM
> Jumpable? If not, proceed carefully on all fours.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 24, 2013, 01:14:45 AM
> Jumpable? If not, proceed carefully on all fours.

>You wouldn't want to risk jumping and stumbling.
>You proceed onward, until the path begins to twist. Then you drop to your hands and knees, happy to at least have room to move this time, and continue. As you do, and the path begins to twist, you find your right hand more which is closer to the downward twist and more inclined to slip down the incline. Curiously enough, it also feels more stable than your other hand, which is closer to the edge of the stone bridge.


Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 24, 2013, 01:37:54 AM
> Continue, but take a moment to examine why this is so. Perhaps gravity is turning around WITH the path. If you continue to find the hand on the incline feeling more stable as you proceed, consider placing the rock on the incline to test gravity's orientation on this path.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 24, 2013, 01:55:15 AM
> Continue, but take a moment to examine why this is so. Perhaps gravity is turning around WITH the path. If you continue to find the hand on the incline feeling more stable as you proceed, consider placing the rock on the incline to test gravity's orientation on this path.

>Suspecting that something may be awry, you continue a little further. You continue to find your hand has little issue finding purchase on the incline. Reasoning that at worst you can get another rock, you place your rock as far ahead as you can reach, and see that it does not roll at all despite the angle of the incline.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 24, 2013, 02:03:48 AM
> Carry on on this side of the path, rolling the rock ahead of you to continue testing gravity's orientation.
> Once we're safely past the twist, pick the rock back up. It's done us a great service and has earned the right to bask in our presence a while longer.
> Smug smile. Nobody outsmarts Yukari Yakumo, not with cheap common-sense-defying tricks like these. We invented the border of common sense after all. The somebody who tried will get a taste of said border at some point though, on the exit end.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 24, 2013, 02:17:54 AM
> Carry on on this side of the path, rolling the rock ahead of you to continue testing gravity's orientation.
> Once we're safely past the twist, pick the rock back up. It's done us a great service and has earned the right to bask in our presence a while longer.
> Smug smile. Nobody outsmarts Yukari Yakumo, not with cheap common-sense-defying tricks like these. We invented the border of common sense after all. The somebody who tried will get a taste of said border at some point though, on the exit end.

>How will you be carrying on?

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 24, 2013, 02:20:18 AM
> Carry on as if the path was straight and there was no twist at all, while rolling the rock ahead of you to make sure you're still upright on your side of the path.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 24, 2013, 02:40:23 AM
> Carry on as if the path was straight and there was no twist at all, while rolling the rock ahead of you to make sure you're still upright on your side of the path.

>We'll assume this actually means walk.
>You stand up, and proceed normally, please to find the path doesn't allow you to slip off.  You roll the rock ahead with your foot and continue to walk along. The path makes a complete twist, then another one. The another yet. It is only due to your nature that you're able to keep your orientation at all.  Soon the twists go wider, becoming loops that the path follows along. You continue to walk, letting your rock test the gravity ahead of you and find it continues to work as you like. As you traverse the loops, you start to lose the feeling that you are walking forward, but rather feel as though the path is moving with you. With no other points of reference in the darkness, the sensation is a hard one to shake.
>More minutes pass by, you suspect it has probably been fifteen or so, before you see something ahead in the darkness, some yards away. The path spirals to a rest on a rocky promontory extending from the emptiness. You think you can make out rocky walls at the edge of your vision.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 24, 2013, 02:46:35 AM
> Rocky promontory = event. Murmur something meta about saving the game here.
> Cautiously approach said promontory. Check what's on it before we step onto it.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 24, 2013, 03:26:16 AM
> Rocky promontory = event. Murmur something meta about saving the game here.
> Cautiously approach said promontory. Check what's on it before we step onto it.

>You don't do this.
>You approach it, trying to figure out what it is rooted to. The whole things seems to be one solid piece of rock, its base extending beyond your sight into the darkness. Given that the fabric below grows even more chaotic and loose, you suspect it may not be supported by anything.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on February 24, 2013, 08:01:25 AM
>Does the path continue in any way, shape, or form? Is the face of the of this obstruction vertical, or is there a slant? Are there any visible openings in its face?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 24, 2013, 08:22:45 AM
> Is there anything on top of this rocky thing?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 24, 2013, 08:30:28 AM
>Does the path continue in any way, shape, or form? Is the face of the of this obstruction vertical, or is there a slant? Are there any visible openings in its face?

>You see that past the promontory is another wall, but you aren't close enough to make out any details. The promontory is mostly horizontal, but you think it is sloped slightly.

> Is there anything on top of this rocky thing?

>Looking upward, you can see a hint of a stalactite-laden ceiling extending up beyond your range of sight.


Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 24, 2013, 08:49:28 AM
> If the path is continuing the way we want it to, concentrate on simply willing the path to continue up the promontory and attempt to walk upwards. If this doesn't work, we can attempt to climb.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 24, 2013, 09:03:15 AM
> If the path is continuing the way we want it to, concentrate on simply willing the path to continue up the promontory and attempt to walk upwards. If this doesn't work, we can attempt to climb.

>Nothing seems to happen. But it shouldn't be necessary to climb for a bit.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 24, 2013, 09:11:55 AM
> Can we try just continuing to walk forward then?
> xyzzy
> yoho
> plugh
> plover
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 24, 2013, 09:21:02 AM
> Can we try just continuing to walk forward then?
> xyzzy
> yoho
> plugh
> plover

>You continue forward. It is a little tricky to step from the path onto the promontory, but you do so without any trouble. Ahead of you is is a short expanse of smooth rock, coming to an end in a rocky wall. You can see a stalactite-ridden ceiling above, but it doesn't take long for it to stretch from the wall and into the blackness. The expanse stretches some dozens of yards to your left and right before reading the wall; the entire area has a semi-circular shape. You also note a few openings in the wall, leading in various directions.
>You ain't gettin' no free stats, Caligula.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 24, 2013, 09:26:57 AM
> Look down some of the openings in the walls, see if there's any light or anything of note.
> Do we sense any odd veiny places or gaps like earlier?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 24, 2013, 09:37:44 AM
> Look down some of the openings in the walls, see if there's any light or anything of note.
> Do we sense any odd veiny places or gaps like earlier?

>You move to check the openings. There are five in total. One is alone, fairly close to the edge of the empty darkness. Three of them are reasonably close together, opposite of the bridge that brought you here, and one is a little ways off from them.  All of these paths curve downward; the two lone ones are mostly straight, while the three curve off to the sides a little. They all seem to be reasonably sizable, the one near the emptiness a little larger and the one ahead and by itself a little smaller, but all should be passable and don't show any signs of narrowing that you can see. None of them seem to have signs of light.
>The walls here, as you get closer, do bear those root-like structures. You find you don't feel any differently about these ones than you did about the set you saw on the other side of the bridge. The fabric of space is no more sturdy here than it has been anywhere else. The way is slips around you is practically like feeling a sudden draft.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 24, 2013, 09:45:18 AM
> Left is right then. Go to the leftmost opening, and attempt to scratch an 'X' into the wall of the opening with our rock.
> Proceed down opening.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 24, 2013, 10:00:30 AM
> Left is right then. Go to the leftmost opening, and attempt to scratch an 'X' into the wall of the opening with our rock.
> Proceed down opening.

>You take the leftmost one, this being the larger one near the edge of the crevasse.
>Taking the rock, you drag it across the wall, trying to make an X. It doesn't quite work, but you manage to make a mark on it that you can notice and decide this is good enough.
>Proceeding through the entrance, you follow the tunnel as it slopes gently downward. The walls and ceilings stay at a constant width, which is some relief. You'd vastly prefer not to have to crawl on bare rock any longer. Here and there, you see a root peek through the wall, which is less than welcome, but they tend to vanish back into it.
>Soon, you see the tunnel begin to widen into a proper chamber. You also note that some of the rock along the entrance is definitely not natural, it is smoothly carved into a section of a column.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 24, 2013, 10:21:18 AM
> Curious. Approach the chamber more cautiously and peek inside.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 24, 2013, 10:40:01 AM
> Curious. Approach the chamber more cautiously and peek inside.

>You approach the chamber slowly, and peek inside.
>Beyond the doorway stretches a massive chamber, its ceiling high enough that you cannot see it, nor can you see the far wall. You can, see the side walls, some yards away. Protrusions of stone rise from the floor to tower over you, their formations fibrous in a way that makes you think of fungi. Here and there, however, you can see the work of obvious design. A part of a column carved into the length of this stalagmite; a vaguely humanoid figure partially carved into that one. There, another stares in your direction, its face lacking any definition of true creatures. In the distance, you can see a two-headed thing looming over untouched rock. There are many such things around, but you quickly notice that they all seem to be unfinished, as if the artists stopped part of the way through. However, it is difficult to shake the opposite feeling, that the stone is overgrowing the carvings. All of these things seem to be crude likenesses, but it is hard to tell if this is intentional or not at a glance.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 24, 2013, 04:27:13 PM
> Be on your guard. Don't let common sense get in the way. Stone does not equate unmoving and harmless. Be on the lookout for any differences from one moment to the next in the statues as you look around. (Invoking schrodinger's gun/gunmen on these statues)
> Carry on, looking for anything else of interest such as familiar statues, items, oddities. Stay on the lookout for exits. Any drafts or light in here?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 25, 2013, 12:27:51 AM
> Be on your guard. Don't let common sense get in the way. Stone does not equate unmoving and harmless. Be on the lookout for any differences from one moment to the next in the statues as you look around. (Invoking schrodinger's gun/gunmen on these statues)
> Carry on, looking for anything else of interest such as familiar statues, items, oddities. Stay on the lookout for exits. Any drafts or light in here?

>You do your best not to let your guard down. Looking around, you do not see any obvious differences manifesting as you look from incomplete statute to incomplete statue. However, it is difficult to be sure there aren't more subtle differences cropping up; did the face carved into outcropping shift subtly, or did you just get a better sense of where the carving ends and rock begins? Did the suggestions of eyes on the statue nearest to you, a half complete face and a quarter of a shoulder and torso, move, or did your perception of the contours of its face shift a little?
>You make your way into the chamber a bit. The air is still, and there is no sign of light. The latter may be preferable, you don't think adding shadows to this chamber would do anything to make it feel more secure. You look at the statues as you move between them, but none of them seem familiar. However, much of the carving seems to be crude and creating only the suggestion of specific features, or they have become worn over time and what intricacies they possessed are gone. You aren't really able to tell whether these statues are supposed to be youkai, humans, or something else entirely; some of them seem to have the shadows of elongated eyes, or contours of muscles that don't seem like they'd fit either of the first two things. They seem to be basically humanoid, but some of the carvings don't show enough for you to really be sure.
>You walk some yards into the chamber, as it widens and you still can see no sign of the far wall. The carvings seem to hold no pattern to their arrangement.  The sense of looseness in the fabric of space seems to grow slightly more loose, but you think you can feel some aspects to it that are abnormal, it's hard to be sure.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 25, 2013, 09:07:30 AM
>We're in a giant cavern with weird rules. Can we think of anyone that can make this?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 25, 2013, 09:46:49 AM
>We're in a giant cavern with weird rules. Can we think of anyone that can make this?

>Unless the Dragon or a similar entity is toying with you, you don't know of anyone who can normally do this.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 25, 2013, 08:49:56 PM
> Keep calm, carry on.
> How's our companion rock doing? Consider naming it something cute.
> Keep eyes open for potential exits or anything that's not rock or a statue.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 26, 2013, 12:49:56 AM
> Keep calm, carry on.
> How's our companion rock doing? Consider naming it something cute.
> Keep eyes open for potential exits or anything that's not rock or a statue.

>You continue to walk further into the chamber, trying not to let the statues bother you, but also trying not to ignore them lest they do something. You can't tell if at a glance if some of them are designed to look slightly different at different angles, or if they really are shifting slightly and following you.  The sense of abnormality in the spatial looseness fades away back to the sandstorm sensation you've grown used to.
>Your rock bears some slight damage from where you marked the wall with it, but is otherwise fine.
>Proceeding further, you lose sight of the walls, leaving you with the sense that you are somehow outside in a place with no light. There are more rocky formations of varying sizes, from knee-high to several yards tall, their shapes still ribbed and vaguely reminiscent of fungal fibers. More parts of statues are carved into them here and there. seldom more than a section or two of a body. They seem to be humanoid in form, but it's hard to tell with many given how incomplete and possibly weathered they are. You still cannot shake the feeling that a few are moving subtly when you aren't watching directly.  You pass by a thin arm carved along the length of an outcropping, its hand splayed open and outwards.  You see a face carved into another waist-high formation, vaguely feminine and appearing to be in the process of drawing a slightly curled hand over its face; elsewhere on the rock is her other hand and a bit of her forearm, practically on the floor. Another is carved partially into the floor, an upper section of a masculine-looking shoulder blade, with a clawed hand reaching across it. A tall column of fungal-esque stone has two immense hands carved into it, almost but not quite in relief, turned as reaching to clutch some thing between their gnarled and arthritic fingers. Another near the floor, a face missing its lower right half; with its hand hovering below it; whose suggestions of eyes give you that feeling it may be watching you while suggestions of horns frame it.
>As you come close to one carving, a vaguely feminine torso with its hands before it, fingers interlaced as if to make a crude sort of grid, you feel...something that might be the suggestion of a potential gap that endures despite the shifting fabric of space. It is much less defined than the one you found earlier, you would definitely need some of your tools to make any use of it.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 26, 2013, 02:42:45 AM
>Backtrack to intersection.
>Can we juggle? If so, look for two more rocks.
>Draw square around X.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 26, 2013, 02:57:41 AM
>Backtrack to intersection.
>Can we juggle? If so, look for two more rocks.
>Draw square around X.

>You turn to leave, and find that the cavern that lead you here is within sight, a few dozen yards away. That shouldn't be, you know you've walked further away from it than that by a marked amount.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on February 26, 2013, 10:22:17 PM
>Return to the cavern, but keep a close eye on things to make sure nothing has changed.
Man I screwed up with the promontory before, derp
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 26, 2013, 10:22:39 PM
> Are there enough pieces belonging to the feminine statue to piece it back together? If not then see if there are enough parts from other statues to complete it.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on February 26, 2013, 11:06:34 PM
>Do Gappy's thing first, and if it makes something happen ignore my command.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 26, 2013, 11:35:49 PM
> Are there enough pieces belonging to the feminine statue to piece it back together? If not then see if there are enough parts from other statues to complete it.

>You take a closer look at the statues.  It does not seem like any of the feminine statues correspond to each other; there's definitely some that would overlap if they were put together. You get the feeling each work is meant to be individual. While you examine them, you note that you cannot find anything that resembles the mark of a chisel on any of these statues. From your own experience, even if these were all weathered by extreme age, you would expect then to show some subtle signs of their carving. Either the artist or artists have skill that exceed anything you have seen or achieved, or these were never carved at all.
>You also notice that, having turned around to see you haven't come as far as you thought, that there is at least one statue that you are certain was not there before. As well, you are certain a few that you noted before are missing.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on February 27, 2013, 12:02:35 AM
>Turn away from the statues that seem out of place then turn back again, just to see if they move.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 27, 2013, 12:09:57 AM
>Turn away from the statues that seem out of place then turn back again, just to see if they move.

>You turn away, and note things in the opposite direction have not changed. When you turn back to face the entrance, you find that nothing has changed from a moment ago.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on February 27, 2013, 12:17:37 AM
>Are the statues stuck to the ground?
>If not then push a bunch of them over in exasperation.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 27, 2013, 12:24:02 AM
> Consider creatures capable of inducing petrification. Consider countermeasures available to hand.
> Keep our sights low towards our feet.
> Start moving towards the exit.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 27, 2013, 01:03:06 AM
>Are the statues stuck to the ground?
>If not then push a bunch of them over in exasperation.

>Some of them spill over from the outcroppings to the floor, you noted a couple earlier. However, all of them seem to be part of the cavern in some way and do not appear to be something you could force over.

> Consider creatures capable of inducing petrification. Consider countermeasures available to hand.
> Keep our sights low towards our feet.
> Start moving towards the exit.

>You know there are a few foreign youkai who can do such a thing, either with their gaze or their breath. The best thing you can do is to avoid them entirely, particularly the latter.
>Keeping your eyes as low as you can without risking walking into one of the rocky protrusions, you make your way toward the exit. Having suspecting some of the statues may have been subtly watching you, it is difficult to keep your eyes strictly to the floor, and you do all you can to strain your ears to catch some sound that may suggest something is happening.
>However, you hear nothing but your own footsteps, and you reach the cavern entrance without too much trouble.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on February 27, 2013, 01:55:12 AM
>Enter the cavern and attempt to return to the crossroads.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 27, 2013, 02:13:15 AM
>Enter the cavern and attempt to return to the crossroads.

>You leave the chamber behind, and make your way back up the tunnel, trying not to get too close to the roots in the wall.
>Soon you find yourself back at the crossroads chamber. You find yourself slightly relieved to see it hasn't changed since you left it.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 27, 2013, 04:06:32 AM
>Draw a square around the X.
>Draw a Y next to the secondmost leftmost opening.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 27, 2013, 05:48:48 AM
>Draw a square around the X.
>Draw a Y next to the secondmost leftmost opening.

>You try to draw a square around the mark you made beforehand; and manage to get a line to the side of it.  This rock is not a good writing device.
>You go to the next cavern, and try to make a Y. You manage to get a brief diagonal mark to show up.
>You walk into this slightly narrower tunnel. There doesn't seem to be any signs of it narrowing further as it descends. The roots are a bit more prevalent here, wending their way into and out of the walls and ceiling, sometimes spreading briefly into the floor. You try to keep clear of them and proceed. As the tunnel starts to curve rightward, you think you note the barest hint of a purplish light ahead.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 27, 2013, 10:29:29 AM
> Light, good! Purple...not so good. Keep to the right wall and edge forwards slowly until anything else comes into view.
> Keep your sight down below eye-level just in case.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 27, 2013, 11:51:58 AM
> Light, good! Purple...not so good. Keep to the right wall and edge forwards slowly until anything else comes into view.
> Keep your sight down below eye-level just in case.

>You aren't certain what to make of the light, however faint it is. You move closely to the right wall and edge forward.
>Keeping your eyes downward and staying close to the wall, you brush your shoulder against it accidentally, and suddenly it erupts into pain! You jerk away instinctively, turning toward the wall and see nothing at all. You shoulder continues to ache, and you determined you must have brushed against one of those roots, though you can see no sign of where you touched it. Examining your shoulder, you find a fingernail-sized patch is bleeding freely.  Normally this wouldn't worry you, as it would heal. But, it should be healing already, and it isn't...

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 27, 2013, 12:11:41 PM
> Mental note - stay away from the walls. Have the roots ever shown up on the floor?
> So it's not healing, but that's no big deal! It'll take more than that to stop Yukari Yakumo....right? Attempt to maintain usual air of effortless composure. Whoever's playing this bad joke's probably watching. Let's not allow them any pleasure at our expense.
> Rip a bit of our blanket, apply saliva, and tie it around the bleeding patch. Should keep it happy for now.
> Move on forwards.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 27, 2013, 12:53:03 PM
> Mental note - stay away from the walls. Have the roots ever shown up on the floor?
> So it's not healing, but that's no big deal! It'll take more than that to stop Yukari Yakumo....right? Attempt to maintain usual air of effortless composure. Whoever's playing this bad joke's probably watching. Let's not allow them any pleasure at our expense.
> Rip a bit of our blanket, apply saliva, and tie it around the bleeding patch. Should keep it happy for now.
> Move on forwards.

>You make a note to stay away from the walls, or at least pay better attention to them. So far, you've not seen any of the roots on the floor, though some have come quite close.
>You do your best not to let this shake you, but you've not had to worry about being physically harmed in a long time. Even in your earliest days, when the world was much more wild, you didn't have to worry about this. But you try to keep a brave face and your concerns to yourself. Instead, you make a crude bandage with a bit of your blanket and apply it to the wound.
>Proceeding, you find the light gets a little brighter, but not enough to disturb your vision. You imagine a human wouldn't normally notice the difference unless they had spent as much time wandering around in pitch blackness as you have. The tunnel continues to curve downward, until it opens into a fairly large chamber. The first thing you notice is the weak purple light that fills the chamber, seeming to emanate from the air itself. The floor itself is uneven and riddled with crags, and you are quick to note several roots running along it. The walls to  curve overhead to a rough point overhead, rather like a pointed pointed dome. More roots and crags run along the walls, and you can see two tunnel openings along them; one midway up where the wall to your left and the wall in front of you meet, and one near the peak on the right wall.
>Of more concern is the fabric of space in this room, it is much too weak to last on its own. You can sense this almost without trying, it's impossible to ignore. If a portion of the Hakurei Barrier grew this weak, you'd likely try to quarantine the area off and hope it doesn't fall into non-existence before you could do something about it. Without your tools, you aren't able to pinpoint the exact problem, and trying to fix it on your own right now would more likely cause it to collapse entirely.  One thing you do note, though, is that there is a very obvious gap near the pinnacle of the ceiling. If you could stabilize this area and reach it, it would be easy for you to open. Without it, doing that, trying to open it would likely cause space to collapse here.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 27, 2013, 01:34:46 PM
> How do we normally stabilize those swanky spacey threads things? Is that possible here?
> Test powers again, gap and flight. Do they work in here?
> Avoid roots on the floor. (Darn it, why'd I mention roots on the floor?)
> If there's nothing else of interest in this cavern go to the left opening, put an X on the wall beside it, enter, assuming it's not too difficult to climb up there.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 27, 2013, 01:54:13 PM
> How do we normally stabilize those swanky spacey threads things? Is that possible here?
> Test powers again, gap and flight. Do they work in here?
> Avoid roots on the floor. (Darn it, why'd I mention roots on the floor?)
> If there's nothing else of interest in this cavern go to the left opening, put an X on the wall beside it, enter, assuming it's not too difficult to climb up there.

>When things go beyond simple repairs, you tend to have to step outside of the area in question and work on it by carefully manipulation gaps around the troubled region until you can push things into alignment. You would need your tools for this. When things are really bad, like in this situation, you would also want a Shrine Maiden's help to establish barriers that would stabilize things until you could make longer-lasting repairs.
>Your flight still does not work. Are you sure you want to experiment with your less-than-reliable gap abilities here?
>You make your way toward the opening, carefully stepping around roots trying to assess how well you can climb up the wall. As you do, you notice something white draped long the back of a crag nearby. It is a sock, one of your socks!

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 27, 2013, 02:01:41 PM
> God damnit, Tewi.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 27, 2013, 02:29:22 PM
> "SOCK?! SOOOOOOOOOCK! YOU CAME TO SAVE MEEEEE?!" Run (carefully) towards the sock and ( touch it gently to make sure it's safe before we...) embrace it in a mockingly passionate way. "I'VE MISSED YOU! I'VE MISSED YOU SO! I WAS SCARED! SO SCAAAARED! But now you're here, so I'm not scared anymore." Turn sock inside out, check that it's safe to wear, attempt to tie on head as a bandanna. "Now we'll always be together, forever and ever~"
> Introduce sock to rock, "Sock, meet rock. Rock, meet Sock. I'm sure you'll both get along just like...a sock and a rock."
> Is this the sock we were wearing last night? Or is it a pair to one of those mismatched ones we could never seem to find the pair for?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 27, 2013, 04:06:53 PM
>Recall Remilia->Moon incident. That was a glove instead of a sock, but check the area before touching sock anyways.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on February 28, 2013, 12:38:05 AM
> "SOCK?! SOOOOOOOOOCK! YOU CAME TO SAVE MEEEEE?!" Run (carefully) towards the sock and ( touch it gently to make sure it's safe before we...) embrace it in a mockingly passionate way. "I'VE MISSED YOU! I'VE MISSED YOU SO! I WAS SCARED! SO SCAAAARED! But now you're here, so I'm not scared anymore." Turn sock inside out, check that it's safe to wear, attempt to tie on head as a bandanna. "Now we'll always be together, forever and ever~"
> Introduce sock to rock, "Sock, meet rock. Rock, meet Sock. I'm sure you'll both get along just like...a sock and a rock."
> Is this the sock we were wearing last night? Or is it a pair to one of those mismatched ones we could never seem to find the pair for?

>Don't do this. We actually have some dignity, you see. Nor are we stir crazy quite yet. You do not live for multiple centuries to let a few hours in the dark unsettle you.
>But do grab the sock cautiously, eyeing it suspiciously
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 28, 2013, 01:03:22 AM
> God damnit, Tewi.

>Frickin' rabbutt.

>Recall Remilia->Moon incident. That was a glove instead of a sock, but check the area before touching sock anyways.

>Gonna need a reminder on that one...
>Regardless, you have excellent reasons to be suspicious of this anyway, given your experiences thus far. The sock seems to be caught on a spur on the crag. Looking carefully, you ascertain that it is not draped across any roots, nor does it seem to be concealing anything dangerous or seem to contain anything.

>Don't do this. We actually have some dignity, you see. Nor are we stir crazy quite yet. You do not live for multiple centuries to let a few hours in the dark unsettle you.
>But do grab the sock cautiously, eyeing it suspiciously

>You grab the sock and eye it suspiciously. So far, it is seems to just be a length of cloth that your poor icy feet would desperately love to have right. There doesn't seem to be anything unusual about it, aside from being here.
>You obtain: Left Sock

> Is this the sock we were wearing last night? Or is it a pair to one of those mismatched ones we could never seem to find the pair for?

>This seems to be from the pair you were wearing last night.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 28, 2013, 03:02:55 AM
> Put on sock and search immediate area for more clothing.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 28, 2013, 03:46:52 AM
> Put on sock and search immediate area for more clothing.

>You slip the sock over your left foot, and it feels quite a bit better against the cold rocky floor.
>You look around, and think you see a slip on white cloth on a crag about two thirds the way up the wall to your left. A bit more searching reveals something on the floor near the corner, mostly obscured by the unevenness of the floor.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 28, 2013, 04:26:02 AM
>In SSiB, we left a glove hanging through a gap between Gensokyo and the moon. Two ghosts climbed through the gap while the Watatsukis were distracted.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on February 28, 2013, 06:12:35 AM
> well go to that corner and see what it is! Watch out for veins.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 28, 2013, 07:50:03 AM
>In SSiB, we left a glove hanging through a gap between Gensokyo and the moon. Two ghosts climbed through the gap while the Watatsukis were distracted.

>You'd be surprised how few people remember that! Good jorb. =]

> well go to that corner and see what it is! Watch out for veins.

>You make your way over, carefully picking your way around the vein-like roots on the floor.  The chamber slopes downward a little, and you can see your underwear, resting atop one of the roots.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 28, 2013, 10:28:02 AM
> Be just as careful, examine said piece of unmentionables.
> Think twice before putting THESE on. Who knows where it's been.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 28, 2013, 10:37:31 AM
> Be just as careful, examine said piece of unmentionables.
> Think twice before putting THESE on. Who knows where it's been.

>Taking a look at them, they are definitely yours. They don't even seem to be dirty. Thinking on it, you don't think you've actually seen any dust in this place...

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 28, 2013, 11:08:01 AM
> Examine elasticity and durability. If we combine this with rock-kun can it be used as a slingshot?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 28, 2013, 11:14:00 AM
> Examine elasticity and durability. If we combine this with rock-kun can it be used as a slingshot?

>You don't think it would be a very good one, your clothing is designed more with comfort in mind than being jury-rigged into effective weapons. It'd probably be better to just throw rocks by hand.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 28, 2013, 03:34:08 PM
>Approach other white thing, check area for gaps or traps, if area clear retrieve clothing.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 28, 2013, 03:51:49 PM
>Approach other white thing, check area for gaps or traps, if area clear retrieve clothing.

>You don't see anything like a trap around the undergarment, and you don't feel that space here is any more unstable than anywhere else in the chamber; however low of a bar that happens to be.
>You reach down and pluck the undergarment from the root, and hiss in pain as your fingers erupt into pain! Still, you manage to grab your prize!
>You obtain: Undergarment
>Checking your fingers, you are pleased to find the are not bleeding, but the feeling that they are being stabbed by needles lingers

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 28, 2013, 04:27:57 PM
> Look around for any other random pieces of clothing. Especially the hat. We can't do without the hat.
> If the clothes are here then our tools might be too. Let's keep a keen eye out.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 28, 2013, 04:44:50 PM
> Look around for any other random pieces of clothing. Especially the hat. We can't do without the hat.
> If the clothes are here then our tools might be too. Let's keep a keen eye out.

>You look around some more, but the only other one you note is the one on that crag about two thirds the way up the left wall. You can't identify it from here, but it seems too small to be your hat.
>This does give you some hope that your tools aren't lost eternally. You don't see any sign of them here, though.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 28, 2013, 04:54:37 PM
> See if that third piece is within reach or if there's any means of reaching it.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on February 28, 2013, 05:02:39 PM
> See if that third piece is within reach or if there's any means of reaching it.

>It is some yards above your head. Looking at the wall, it does not seem to be climbable; even if it was, the way it curves inward would make it too perilous to try. You will have to employ some other means.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on February 28, 2013, 05:22:26 PM
> Rock-kun, it's time for you to learn how to fly.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 28, 2013, 05:33:21 PM
Someone remind me when I get home to make a map of all this stuff so it's easier to keep track of wwhat's left undone.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on February 28, 2013, 11:28:13 PM
Someone remind me when I get home to make a map of all this stuff so it's easier to keep track of wwhat's left undone.

How do we know when you are home?
> Rock-kun, it's time for you to learn how to fly.
>we say, as we launch the rock at the white thing.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on February 28, 2013, 11:35:28 PM
25 seconds in PhotoShop

How do we know when you are home?

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 01, 2013, 02:16:18 AM
Kilga stop making me laugh
> Put on our underwear already.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 01, 2013, 02:36:48 AM
> Put on our underwear already.

>You slip on your underwear. Afterward, you have to readjust your bedsheet toga, happy to have them. If nothing else, they do a little bit for the chill.

> Rock-kun, it's time for you to learn how to fly.

>we say, as we launch the rock at the white thing.

>You fling the rock at the crag, watching arch and spin toward the destination and hoping it'll dislodge the bit of cloth. The rock hits the outcropping with a painfully loud sound, followed by a high-pitched crash as the the entire crag  shatters into pieces like a pane of glass. You can only watch as the shards rain down to the ground, breaking into more shards.  The rock clatters away somewhere in corner, while the piece of clothe flutters to the ground. You can only stare at the remains of the crag for a second; you may have a youkai's strength, but you certainly don't have the capacity to do that!

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 01, 2013, 03:55:03 AM
> Pick up the clothes and put them on. Let's make this our priority every time we recover clothes.
> Go get our rock. Examine rock. Is it made out of a different colored rock then the type that shattered?
> Was there anything behind the shattered wall?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 01, 2013, 04:03:44 AM
> Pick up the clothes and put them on. Let's make this our priority every time we recover clothes.
> Go get our rock. Examine rock. Is it made out of a different colored rock then the type that shattered?
> Was there anything behind the shattered wall?

>You walk over and collect the bit of clothing; it is your other sock! Your feet are certainly happy to have something between them and the cold floor as you slip it on.
>You retrieve your rock and examine it, it seems to be the similar to the stone you have seen beforehand.
>Looking upward, you don't see anything where the outcropping was except for a few sharp-looking shards of rock that still cling to the wall.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 01, 2013, 05:43:22 AM
Let's make a note to try throwing Rock at the weird roots.
>Why do we claim to be only 17; is it something we picked up from Kikuko Inoue?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 01, 2013, 05:58:34 AM
>Why do we claim to be only 17; is it something we picked up from Kikuko Inoue?

>When you do it, it is largely to annoy people with an obvious lie. You don't claim any particular number as your age; you just tend to pick one out of the air that is implausible enough that most people with a sense of decor won't ask again. You honestly don't know how old you are.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 01, 2013, 06:22:40 AM
> Study the ceiling in the area, maybe our clothes got caught on more outcroppings or stalagtites.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 01, 2013, 08:09:08 AM
> Study the ceiling in the area, maybe our clothes got caught on more outcroppings or stalagtites.

>You look upward, where the walls curve and meet. While there are more crags and such, you can't see anything else among them. You suppose it is possible there are some small items that you cannot see from this angle.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 01, 2013, 03:36:41 PM
>"Good job Letty. Let's keep going for all the clothing!"
>Back to intersection. Draw triangle around Y. Draw "YX" at middle opening.

I forgot, there are roots in this very room.
>Throw whiterock at roots.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 02, 2013, 04:17:00 AM
>Throw whiterock at roots.

>You throw your rock at one of the roots. It skips off the surface of the root, leaving a slight mar on its bark-like surface.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 02, 2013, 05:47:16 AM
>Check to see if breaking the crag affected the fragile stability of reality in this room.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 02, 2013, 06:29:29 AM
>Check to see if breaking the crag affected the fragile stability of reality in this room.

>You check to see if the fabric of space has gotten any less fragile. It is different to tell, but if you think that if it has, the effect is not noticeable.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 02, 2013, 10:52:04 AM
>Retrieve whiterock. Back to intersection. Draw triangle around Y. Draw "YX" at middle opening.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 02, 2013, 05:29:11 PM
>Retrieve whiterock. Back to intersection. Draw triangle around Y. Draw "YX" at middle opening.

>You retrieve your rock, and make your way out of the purple-lit chamber and back into the tunnel. It is a little difficult to avoid looking back every so often, lest the chamber's tenuous hold on reality finally collapse and the whole thing falls into nothingness. This does not happen, which is probably for the better, but as it stands you cannot imagine that it will last more than a few days.
>You try to make a triangle around the slanted line that you made by the entrance, and manage to force the rock to leave an acute angle at the apex. The whole thing looks less like a Y with a triangle around it and more like a crude arrow drawn by some primitive born outside of civilization. Your attempts to make a YX fair no better, you end up with a couple of unconnected parallel lines of varying lengths.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Gappy on March 02, 2013, 06:25:13 PM
> Middle lane, Imma put my foot down on your root-infested flank. Go forth!
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 03, 2013, 03:11:58 AM
> Middle lane, Imma put my foot down on your root-infested flank. Go forth!

>You make your way down the middle tunnel. This one plunges downward at a severe angle, and curves gently to the left. After following it a few moments, you see weak traces of purple light emanating from ahead.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 03, 2013, 10:12:38 AM
>Keep going.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 03, 2013, 01:08:41 PM
>Keep going.

>Continuing onward, the corridor continues to curve and the light grows a little stronger, until the tunnel widens ahead. You quickly sense the weakness in the fabric of space, while the familiar weak purple light glows from no visible source as you walk inside.  The floor curves, rising to your left and sloping downward to your right. The ceiling overhead, as well as the walls before and behind you curve as well, coming to a point a couple yards to your left.  To the right, the floor slopes downward some yards before ending in wall that is somewhat flat, but uneven. Rocky crags dot every surface, as do the occasional root. One of the roots is uncomfortably close to where you stepped out on your right; your fingers aching gets a little worse, rather like holding a burn close to a flame. As well, to the right, you can see an obvious gap, though the space here is an obvious place for a gap, but the fabric of space in here is so weak that you don't think it would be wise to try and open it. You also note that the wall to the left is littered with the remains of an unnaturally shattered stone, and that the opposite wall has a place where a crag used to be, before you hit it with a rock. They rest midway up the wall, despite gravity.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 03, 2013, 01:19:08 PM
>(those are roots, not rooms, right?)
>Can we see Tunnel number Y from here?
>Pick up shard. Compare with rock.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 03, 2013, 01:32:00 PM
>(those are roots, not rooms, right?)
>Can we see Tunnel number Y from here?
>Pick up shard. Compare with rock.

>(Da, sorry. Dyslexia is cruel =[)
>You can see it, it opens to the ceiling.
>The shards are presently out of reach, they are close to the opposite wall, and about halfway up the left wall, or rather the former floor, in spite of gravity.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 03, 2013, 01:53:43 PM
>Gravity is a harsh mistress.
>Back to intersection. Draw circle next to fourth tunnel. Enter.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 03, 2013, 02:22:08 PM
Since the carvings don't seem to be working out so well, if you like, you can just tell me what you want near each door and I'll toss it on the map.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 03, 2013, 02:52:53 PM
>Gravity is a harsh mistress.
>Back to intersection. Draw circle next to fourth tunnel. Enter.

>Normally, gravity wouldn't be a bother to you. With everything that's happened recently, this place bothers you quite a bit more than normal...
>You make your way back, and try to mark the center-right tunnel with a circle. You manage to make part of an arc on the wall. This tunnel is a bit too narrow for comfort, but not so narrow that you have to worry about brushing along the roots that sometimes run along it.  Ahead, this passage curves leftward, descending somewhat less sharply than the last tunnel. Soon, it curves enough to take you in a half circle, and you can see the now-familiar weak purple light shining around the edge.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 03, 2013, 03:07:53 PM
>Keep going.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 03, 2013, 03:12:35 PM
Since the carvings don't seem to be working out so well, if you like, you can just tell me what you want near each door and I'll toss it on the map.

I think the original idea was to mark where we've been, but I''ve just been putting random things down.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 03, 2013, 03:16:59 PM
>Keep going.

>You proceed, and are not terribly surprised to find yourself in the same chamber as before. This time, you find yourself coming out on another of the curving walls, the point where they meet and the potential gap to your left. looking to your right, you see what little is left crag your destroyed it not too far away on the ground. Looking upward, you can see the entrance you used last time, near the apex where the walls meet to the left. To the right, the uneven wall that was the floor the first time you came here dominates. You can see the shattered remains of the broken crag on the wall, easily reachable now. The feeling of instability that has always permeated this chamber remains.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 03, 2013, 03:23:58 PM
I think the original idea was to mark where we've been, but I''ve just been putting random things down.

I can do that on the map too, if need be. I have to adjust it regardless now, since all three cluster entrances in the semicricle lead to different parts of the same place.

> Where is that obvious gap relative to us now, given it was on the ceiling when we first entered the room?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 03, 2013, 03:28:26 PM
> Where is that obvious gap relative to us now, given it was on the ceiling when we first entered the room?

>It is presently to your left.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 03, 2013, 04:22:09 PM
> It is reachable without flight?
> If not, if we left the room and re-entered through the second enttrance, would it be reachable without flight?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 03, 2013, 04:33:56 PM
> It is reachable without flight?
> If not, if we left the room and re-entered through the second enttrance, would it be reachable without flight?

>Yes, and yes. The slope would be a little tricky, but it is nothing you beyond your abilities as long as you don't try anything fancy.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 04, 2013, 05:32:55 AM
I think we need to stabilise space in the area before we try to open a gap here. I think we should go try and find at least some of our tools.

>Look around the room for other pieces of clothing or suchlike we may have missed from the other vantage point, then if we see none leave again.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 04, 2013, 05:37:34 AM
>Look around the room for other pieces of clothing or suchlike we may have missed from the other vantage point, then if we see none leave again.

>You look around, but your new vantage point does not reveal any more loose clothing or the like to you. You think you've found all the things like that that there are to be found in this room.
>You return back to the prior chamber. It is as you remember it, utterly dark, with a twisting and spiraling bridge extending out into the blackness.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 04, 2013, 08:35:28 AM
>There's only one exit from here that we haven't tried yet right? This cannot stand! Explore the final frontier!
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 04, 2013, 09:35:57 AM
>There's only one exit from here that we haven't tried yet right? This cannot stand! Explore the final frontier!

>You decide it is time to investigate the rightmost passage. This one is narrower than the last few, bringing the vines unpleasantly close to you. The walls do not become any more narrow, which you are thankful for, as  you progress onward and the ground slops gently downward. Soon, fingers of new stone be run through the tunnel, a smoother and more slippery stone that you are certain is glass. With your socks on, your footing feels uncertain. Soon, there is no trace of stone, and the entire tunnel has become uneven glass. Everywhere you look, you can see your reflection, distorted and twisted by contours in the walls, floors, and ceiling. Even with the distortions, you can tell that you look awful. Your hair is a frightful mess, and the blanket you have slug around yourself makes you seem to be some kind of primitive. The roots do not seem to be affected by the change in the corridor, slipping into and out of the glass as seamlessly as it has with the stone.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 04, 2013, 02:18:45 PM
> How opaque is the glass?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 04, 2013, 02:48:04 PM
> How opaque is the glass?

>It is highly reflective, but you cannot see through it to the other side. You aren't able to tell how thick it is.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 04, 2013, 06:55:02 PM
>Tentatively remove one sock to see if it's easier to walk without them.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 04, 2013, 07:07:29 PM
>Tentatively remove one sock to see if it's easier to walk without them.

>This is slightly more difficult than you'd like to admit; you don't feel you could balance well enough on one foot here to remove it normally, so you opt for the much less dignified method of stepping on the front of the sock and sliding your foot out. The glass floor is chilly, and your foot protests at having to return to the floor after receiving succor from the cold only a few minutes ago. Regardless you do feel significantly more sturdy with your bare foot; not quite up to your standard, but close.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 04, 2013, 10:23:00 PM
>Probably best this way then, ending up splayed across one of those roots could likely kill us, as unbelievable as that sounds.
>Remove other sock and continue along the passage, being careful with our footing and looking out for roots.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 05, 2013, 05:41:59 AM
>Probably best this way then, ending up splayed across one of those roots could likely kill us, as unbelievable as that sounds.
>Remove other sock and continue along the passage, being careful with our footing and looking out for roots.

>It would be a very undignified way to go, at the least. You aren't certain how they hurt you, but they have most definitely hurt you.
>You remove your other sock and collect then, then continue along. Your footing feels quite a bit more secure, even though it's hard to suppress shivers as what little warmth you've managed to gather for your feet dissipates away. Twisted images of yourself are reflect in the walls and ceiling, taking exaggerated steps  with limbs that twist and bend in ways that they simply should not. You normally wouldn't be bothered by it, but you've seen and experienced so many things in the past hour that it's hard not to be a little concerned about these reflections. Are these reflections really following the twists in the walls, or is there something more to the way that they move? Are they actually reflections at all? So far, you haven't seen one move in a way you haven't, but with all of the distortion around them, it is hard to tell... Nor are you particularly pleased when a reflection passes through one of the roots, you can almost swear you feel a twinge when it happens, but when you focus on them, you feel nothing. Certainly it is your imagination.
>You try to put it out of your mind, and follow the tunnel as it continues to descend and curves this way and that. Soon, you come to a place where the walls widen into a tiny oblong chamber, no more than a ten or so feet across. A few glass stalactites hang from the ceiling with sharp edges, each reflecting your face back with strange distortions. The floor here is curved inward, coming to a nadir near the right side. The tunnel continues to your left, its roof low enough that you would have to stoop down to go through it.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 05, 2013, 09:26:27 AM
>Does the drop to our right continue down after it becomes that steep, or just meld into the wall?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 05, 2013, 09:40:15 AM
>Does the drop to our right continue down after it becomes that steep, or just meld into the wall?

>It melds into the wall.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 05, 2013, 09:08:31 PM
>Look down it, seems like a place that garments could be hiding from us. In fact, take a quick look around the room for our stuff.
>Also look down the passage to our left, are there roots in there too?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 05, 2013, 11:13:18 PM
>Ponder feasibility of obtaining glass stalactite.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 05, 2013, 11:26:15 PM
Wait, the stone in the purple room shattered like glass. Maybe this glass is solid as rock?

> Knock on the side of one of the glass stalactites. Preferably not where any roots are.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 06, 2013, 05:09:21 AM
>Look down it, seems like a place that garments could be hiding from us. In fact, take a quick look around the room for our stuff.
>Also look down the passage to our left, are there roots in there too?

>You look around, but you don't see anything like your garments or any of your other possessions.
>Looking down the passage to the left, you see that there does seem to be a few roots, but none that look especially in the way. What you do see are a number of soft, distant glows, while the ceiling gets lower.

>Ponder feasibility of obtaining glass stalactite.

>You suspect that if you wanted to spend time chipping away at the glass, you could probably get one.

> Knock on the side of one of the glass stalactites. Preferably not where any roots are.

>You knock on the side of one of the stalactites. It feels reasonably solid. You are not sure if it's due to some special property of the glass, or if it's just due to being so think.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 06, 2013, 11:12:29 AM
>Probably shouldn't chip glass without eye protection. Explore further down tunnel.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 06, 2013, 11:41:18 AM
>Taking special care to avoid those roots that we spotted.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 06, 2013, 03:35:21 PM
>Probably shouldn't chip glass without eye protection. Explore further down tunnel.

>Taking special care to avoid those roots that we spotted.

>You decide not to risk glass shards and make your way down the left corridor.  You have to duck your head down to continue, and you still feel your hair brush against the smooth ceiling.  The tunnel is fairly broad compared to the last one, easily flaring out to a few yards across and oval in shape. Around you, your reflections grow even more distorted, oftentimes merging and blending into each other in strange ways. The air here is a bit colder then elsewhere, and feels sharper as you breath it in. Ahead, as the ceiling lowers further, you can see strange lights in the glass, glowing softly in several hues. Drawing closer, that the light seems to be separated into several clouds within the glass, each its own color. You can sense there is something unusual in the fabric of space here, outside the sandstorm nature of the place, but you cannot quite put your finger on what. It is definitely centralized ahead, though.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 06, 2013, 04:03:26 PM
> Are we going to have to start crawling again to proceed?
> Is there a visible end to the hallway, via either taking a sharp turn or opening into a larger room?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 06, 2013, 04:05:58 PM
> Are we going to have to start crawling again to proceed?
> Is there a visible end to the hallway, via either taking a sharp turn or opening into a larger room?

>It looks like it.
>The corridor seems to come to an end ahead, but there is the possibility that it may have an opening you've yet to see.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 06, 2013, 04:59:11 PM
> How rooty is the upcoming crawlspace? Are we going to have to sear ourselves some more?
> How does the shoulder look?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 06, 2013, 05:12:51 PM
> How rooty is the upcoming crawlspace? Are we going to have to sear ourselves some more?
> How does the shoulder look?

>There are a few roots around on the floor and ceiling, you will have to take care where you move.
>You look at your shoulder. The bit of cloth your put on it is fairly soaked, but it seems like the wetness on it isn't too fresh, so you think it has stopped bleeding. It is still sore, but it's not so bad as it was. You don't think it'll fail you, just it will be less pleasant than usual.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 06, 2013, 05:56:48 PM
> Nothing for it, then. Get down make love and start crawling. Take care to avoid the roots as they come - we're in no rush.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 06, 2013, 06:29:03 PM
> Nothing for it, then. Get down make love and start crawling. Take care to avoid the roots as they come - we're in no rush.

>You decide there's no point in putting it off, and crawl onward. However low the ceiling, you're pleased the floor is broad enough to give you some room to maneuver as needed, and to allow your elbows some room. You shoulder and hand ache to varying degrees as you proceed, but you try to put it out of your mind. You aren't used to pain that lingers, but this isn't too hard to deal with.
>The path seems to come to an end at this chamber. Looking downard, you see you own reflection, only slightly distorted, looking back up through you. Below that, you can make out the forms of roots twisting and wending downward, deeper than your vision can follow. As well, you can see two clouds of color among them, softly glowing and shedding meager light into the chamber, one of them red and another orange. Above, though it is a little hard to properly look in that direction, you note a cloud of green light, and more roots extending from above. There is another cloud of light ahead of you, this one blue, and a yellow one to the left. While you are not close enough to really see, you imagine there roots are likely to be seen through the glass as well.
>There is a sense of something strange in the fabric of the borders here; something is here that is not correct. It feels like something has been ripped apart here, at a casual glance.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 06, 2013, 06:48:16 PM
Wasn't there a Lovecraftian monster that was just a bunch of color? I'm not well-versed in the universe but I seem to remember such an enemy in Arkham Asylum.

> So the glass is transparent now instead of opaquely reflective?
> Do the roots appear to originate from the light clouds?
> Are all of the clouds on the other side of the glass?
> Any obvious articles of clothing in the chamber?
> Any potential gaps in the vicinity?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 06, 2013, 06:59:49 PM
The Colour Out of Space?
Come to think of it, isn't this version of Yukari pretty close to a Lovecraftian being herself?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 06, 2013, 07:01:19 PM
> So the glass is transparent now instead of opaquely reflective?
> Do the roots appear to originate from the light clouds?
> Are all of the clouds on the other side of the glass?
> Any obvious articles of clothing in the chamber?
> Any potential gaps in the vicinity?

>The glass here is transparent, though you can see your own reflection in it as well.
>The roots do not seem to come from the light clouds. It does seem like some of them are reasonably close to the clouds, though. In particular, the purple light seems to have several roots encircling it.
>All of the lights seem to be on the other side of the glass. As far you can tell, they are inside of the glass itself as it seems to be glass as far down as you can see.
>You do not see any articles of clothing in the chamber, nor do you feel anything like a gap in here.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 06, 2013, 07:13:08 PM
> Do the clouds resemble Musou Fuuin?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 06, 2013, 07:27:10 PM
> Do the clouds resemble Musou Fuuin?

>They just seem to be formless masses of light.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 06, 2013, 07:52:16 PM
Hanzo: That name sounds familiar, yeah. Think this could be that?

> Musou Fuuin is formless masses of light too!
> Is this chamber a dead end?

So there's three unexplored options - the rest of the statues room, the gap in the purple room, and these balls of light. My Metroid senses are tingling and telling me the purple room gap is the way to go - I think it was stated as only risky if we wanted to try doing our thing from a distance. The other two options suggest the need for tools to advance properly.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 06, 2013, 08:03:17 PM
> Musou Fuuin is formless masses of light too!
> Is this chamber a dead end?

>You're a formless mass of light.
>This chamber seems to be a dead end.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 06, 2013, 08:05:33 PM
> Wait three seconds in stillness to see if any of the light masses move.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hanzo K. on March 06, 2013, 08:10:50 PM
Could be. Though the roots don't seem to be from it. (Maybe another Lovecraft thing I'm not knowing enough about?)
Admittedly, I'm nowhere near as much of a Lovecraft aficionado as others on this site are. I just know of the things.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 06, 2013, 08:21:41 PM
> Wait three seconds in stillness to see if any of the light masses move.

>You take a few moments to observe the masses of light. They do not move, but you think you see the light within them ebb and flow a little; it's difficult to tell.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 06, 2013, 08:44:04 PM
The Colour Out Of Space was a different color from anything on Earth, sort of like Terry Pratchett's octarine. Safe to say if these lights are colors with simple names, they aren't it.
Is the purple room the one before Barrel Roll Bridge? That gap seemed like our best bet. Wasn't there also a gap somewhere in the three-tunnel room?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 06, 2013, 08:55:36 PM
> Drawing closer, that the light seems to be separated into several clouds within the glass, it's its own color.

>This is meant to say "each its own color," right?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 06, 2013, 09:00:02 PM
>This is meant to say "each its own color," right?

>Yes =K
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 06, 2013, 09:11:56 PM
Is the purple room the one before Barrel Roll Bridge? That gap seemed like our best bet. Wasn't there also a gap somewhere in the three-tunnel room?

The purple room was the room where the three tunnels led from the promontory area into it at different gravitational orientations. I think this was after BRB, but you could check the map to be sure. (I may update it tonight.)
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 06, 2013, 10:53:33 PM
After reading a couple pages again, it seems our best gap is in Huge Room #1, on the previous side of the bridge.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 06, 2013, 11:38:43 PM
Didn't that one require tools? Or am I not remembering things correctly?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 07, 2013, 12:47:36 AM
I believe the first gap was the one that we might be able to alter without tools.
> Which gap did we believe we could attempt to open without our tools?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 07, 2013, 05:56:06 AM
> Which gap did we believe we could attempt to open without our tools?

>The gap you've found so far that you are confident you could open is the one you found in the chamber where the borders were extremely weak. However, you don't think it would be a good idea to do so until you find a way to stabilize that area a bit.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 07, 2013, 11:47:57 AM
Well now I'm at a loss for where to go.

> So it feels like something was "ripped apart" here. Do we think we could put it back together?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 07, 2013, 11:53:50 AM
> So it feels like something was "ripped apart" here. Do we think we could put it back together?

>You aren't certain, as you've not really paid it more than a glance. Conceivably you could, if its not too badly damaged.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 07, 2013, 11:55:29 AM
> Focus on it, then,  to get a better understanding of its nature.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 07, 2013, 12:36:56 PM
> Focus on it, then,  to get a better understanding of its nature.

>You take a moment to focus on the anomaly in here. After a moment, you find that what you have detected is some kind of trash that has gotten stuck within the border itself, like something that tried to pass part of the way through, and couldn't make it. For reasons you can't quite determine, it seems that something was also torn into conceptual pieces. These pieces, you realize, correspond to the lights that you are seeing in the glass. Taking a look at the colors in relation to the borders here, you can start to see where they have been torn asunder.
>The red light is roughly crescent shaped; one edge of it curves inward smoothly, while the other edge is jagged.
>The green light's borders are long and thin in most places, almost coming to a point. One side of it, though, is rough and uneven.
>The borders of the orange light are frayed on one end, and jagged on another, and ripped on a third spot, just a little. Other parts are smooth and curved outward. It is a small and thin thing, but you feel much of the mass is contained here.
>The  blue light is very strange, shaped something like a fishhook with a knob where the point would be. Outside of the hook shape, the edges of the border are hard and rounded. Inside, the borders are jagged in some places, frayed in others,  and ripped along a small spot in another.
>The yellow light has the longest borders, though it holds less substance than some. It form, as you perceive it, makes you think a strip of coastline. One end of it is uneven, with some smooth edges opposite of that. Further down, much of its lenth is marred by a ripped border, and even more by a frayed border.
>You think that, with some careful use of opening gaps to nudge them, you can push these together and repair them.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 07, 2013, 01:10:20 PM
> Do we think we could do so equipped as we are now?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 07, 2013, 01:29:23 PM
> Do we think we could do so equipped as we are now?

>As long as you don't let yourself get distracted. Perhaps it is a good thing you've not seen any dust in these caverns as of yet...

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 07, 2013, 02:08:07 PM
> Let's focus on fitting the other lights to the orange light, since it contains most of the mass. Inspect the tears in the orange light, fixing anything we can without involving other lights, then match the tears in the orange to the tears in the other lights like a jigsaw puzzle and nudge the other lights toward the orange one as appropriate.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 07, 2013, 02:40:22 PM
> Let's focus on fitting the other lights to the orange light, since it contains most of the mass. Inspect the tears in the orange light, fixing anything we can without involving other lights, then match the tears in the orange to the tears in the other lights like a jigsaw puzzle and nudge the other lights toward the orange one as appropriate.

>You suspect that tampering with the damage would probably make it more difficult to find what has been broken from where.
>Having assessed the damage as you have, where do you want to start and what do you intend to fit together?

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 07, 2013, 03:01:58 PM
> That's a very good point, self! Silly us.
> Fit broken part to broken part without repairs. First, try fitting jagged red to jagged orange.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 07, 2013, 05:33:31 PM
> That's a very good point, self! Silly us.
> Fit broken part to broken part without repairs. First, try fitting jagged red to jagged orange.

>You decide to by pushing the red light toward the orange. This isn't too difficult, both of them are below you. As you prod at their barriers with a well-placed gap, you see the colors flow and move along with. The two jagged edges fit together easily, and the clouds of light flow together, their colors mixing to create a sort of vermilion hue. Upon inspection, you are pleased to find that they do not seem to need any further repair, the two parts appear to have joined together of their own accord. The newly made vermilion cloud's borders aren't particularly larger, but you can fee much more substance behind them. Much of it is now edged in smooth borders. Along one side is a sizable frayed end, and a decently sized bulb where it is ripped. Some of the jagged region still remains as well, but not too much.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 07, 2013, 06:04:39 PM

> Can we tell what it is yet?
> Fit the jagged blue to the jagged vermillion. It would be extra nice if the blue fishhook fit the vermillion bullb, too.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 07, 2013, 06:41:49 PM
> Can we tell what it is yet?
> Fit the jagged blue to the jagged vermillion. It would be extra nice if the blue fishhook fit the vermillion bullb, too.

>You cannot. It's clearly not something that you wouldn't typically encounter, though.
>You manipulate the jagged edge of the vermilion border toward the fishhook shape of the blue. As you do, the cloud of vermilion light raises from the ground and the blue cloud comes to meet it. As you hoped, the hook in the blue border fits neatly around the bulb in the vermilion border. The clouds merge, becoming a kind of mulberry color. Much of the border is smooth now, save for a sort of concavity where the border is ripped and frayed in various places.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 07, 2013, 07:32:22 PM
> The green and yellow both had uneven sides. Try to combine those.

If people are afraid of ruining any grand plans or something by posting, I have none. Feel free to help out.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 07, 2013, 07:52:13 PM
> The green and yellow both had uneven sides. Try to combine those.

>You draw the green and yellow clouds together next. The green one proves to be a bit of a pain, as it is above you and you have to turn onto your side to get a good look at it. The two rough uneven borders come together neatly, the clouds merging in the glass overhead to make a kind of chartreuse color.  The resulting border is long and bladelike, with an end that is ripped and frayed in various spots.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 07, 2013, 08:02:37 PM
> Match the chartreuse rips to the mulberry rips and the chartreuse frays to the mulberry frays. Be prepared to pull everything into our side of the glass in case it seems like the final product is going to be a solid object.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 07, 2013, 08:22:03 PM
> Match the chartreuse rips to the mulberry rips and the chartreuse frays to the mulberry frays. Be prepared to pull everything into our side of the glass in case it seems like the final product is going to be a solid object.

>You twist the chartreuse border carefully, nudging it from the glass and into the the mulberry cloud. The two come together and meld into one, and the clouds of light begins take on a gray color and collapse into itself. The cloud twists and darkens and becomes more and more solid, more and more quickly until it suddenly finishes and the object falls to the ground with a metallic click and bounces along the floor until it hits a wall. You can identify it while it's still in motion, bringing a flood of sudden emotion: you've found your screwdriver!

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 07, 2013, 09:32:57 PM
>How were we manipulating these light cloud things?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 07, 2013, 09:53:44 PM
>How were we manipulating these light cloud things?

>You were opening gaps tiny enough to to have some moments of stability in the current loose fabric, and using this to edge the borders along to where you need them. It is akin to trying to eat with one chopstick; it's slow and imprecise, but you can do it with some things if you take the time.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 07, 2013, 10:01:10 PM
>All right, a screwdriver! Now we can chisel this rock properly!
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 07, 2013, 10:34:30 PM
> Pick it up! (
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 07, 2013, 10:53:22 PM
> Pick it up! (

>You crawl toward and and pick up your tool (, taking some solace in the fact that it hasn't fallen near one of the roots.

>All right, a screwdriver! Now we can chisel this rock properly!

>You could use is as an ersatz chisel; presuming it suffered no damage in whatever happened to it, you did design it to be able to take a tremendous amount of punishment compared to a normal tool. It's not invincible, but it shouldn't have to worry about mundane uses like that.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 07, 2013, 10:55:33 PM
> Could the screwdriver open the potential gaps we've noticed?
> Can we tell precisely how it got torn asunder?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 07, 2013, 11:02:24 PM
> Could the screwdriver open the potential gaps we've noticed?
> Can we tell precisely how it got torn asunder?

>You think it might be able to open the one on the other side of the chasm. You are certain it could open the one in the especially unstable chamber, but you aren't sure if you'd survive the experience with the chamber being as it is right now.
>You...have no idea how it happened. The severing was very crude, which is why it wasn't difficult to repair. Nothing on par with your worst work. But, you have no idea what could have done it. Is it some natural phenomenon in this place, for whatever can be called natural here, or was it the work of something else? You don't really have any idea. You've seen objects fall between strong borders in the past and get shredded by their ebb and flow, but you don't know if this is what happened here, or if there is anything like a strong border in this place.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 08, 2013, 12:59:25 AM
>Clothing status.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 08, 2013, 04:06:26 AM
>Clothing status.

>Well below what you'd prefer. You are currently carrying your socks in the same hand as your rock, to improve traction on the glassy floor, and are wearing the underwear you found.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 08, 2013, 04:44:31 AM
> Let's get back to that gap on the other side of the chasm then. Put socks back on once we exit the glass area.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 08, 2013, 06:00:32 AM
> Let's get back to that gap on the other side of the chasm then. Put socks back on once we exit the glass area.

>You back out of the narrow chamber, and start to make your way back toward the far side of the chasm. You're all too pleased to be able to stand once you return to the  glass chamber, and happier still when you can take a moment to put your socks back on. Heading back to the chasm chamber, you step back onto the bridge and make your way toward the other side.
>As you do, it is hard not to lose yourself in thought; anything to distract you from the yawning void that is always below your feet, no matter how the road twists and turns. Increasingly, your thoughts dwell upon what little you know. You still have no idea why you are here, nor do you know how you cam here. You still can't feel any presence of Ran's, and it's hard not to let this gnaw at you. You do know that this place, as a whole, isn't stable. You aren't quite sure what this means in the grand scheme of things, but with the emptiness just at your heels, you don't want to imagine what it would mean if this place unraveled. Your tools are gone, but you have found one, which leads you to suspect the others are here somewhere, for whatever sense the concept of here entails. More disturbing is the fact that it was in such a state, that kind of thing shouldn't happen. Also weighing on your mind is the fact you haven't seen anything like food or water here yet, or anyplace that you'd consider worthy of resting.
>Time passes as you mull on things, and the other side of the chasm comes into view. Stepping onto it, you can feel the gap you detected earlier is still there.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 08, 2013, 11:57:00 AM
> Head on over to it and take the screwdriver to it.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 08, 2013, 12:29:58 PM
> Head on over to it and take the screwdriver to it.

>You approach the gap and draw your screwdriver along its length slowly, gently coaxing it open while trying not to disturb it to the point that it would dissolve into the instability around it. It is a little difficult as you have to concentrate to hold it open while finishing your work, something you've not had to do in a very long time. But soon it's open, and the purple tear in reality stands before you.  Holding it open it taking a toll on you. You have no idea where this gap will open on the other side, or whether it is safe there. You have no way to measure the distance it will carry you right now, space is just too unstable to use any kind of comparisons.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 08, 2013, 02:41:17 PM
Shall we go down the rabbit hole, then? I'm for it but if others don't want to then we can certainly put it off.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 08, 2013, 06:24:14 PM
I think this is the thing that we are thing do.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on March 08, 2013, 07:24:25 PM
Let's do it.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 08, 2013, 08:10:06 PM
Works for me! I'll take everyone else's 5.5 hours of silence as tacit approval. =P

> Nothing ventured, nothing gained. In we go!
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 08, 2013, 08:56:36 PM
> Nothing ventured, nothing gained. In we go!

>You step into the gap. The transition is slow; while normally it takes practically no time at all, this situation is hardly normal. You can feel yourself pass through hole in space, and feel it warp and wrap around you. For many, this would be terribly unpleasant, but you are quite used to being outside of space as most people understand it. Still, there is definitely a rough edge to it that you cannot explain. It grows harder and harder to sustain the gap on your own, weighing down upon you like an anvil on your shoulders. You grit your teeth against the burden, then a sudden snapping sensation throughout your body as it finally gives.
>You come to a halt in the middle of purple emptiness, stumbling and almost falling. You stand upon a ledge of stone, one of many. All around you is violet emptiness, studded with eyes.  The ledges form a kind of ersatz pathway stretching into the void.  You are well aware of where you are, and you feel almost embarrassed by it; you've fallen through the edges of the gap and between the borders of reality, into what you consider back stage of the cosmos. This hasn't happened in a very long time, you can't even recall when it last happened. You like a master woodworker who just accidentally caused a nearly-finished house to fall into pieces...

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 08, 2013, 09:23:14 PM
Purplequest crossover?
>Power level. Do we think we can get places from here?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 08, 2013, 09:24:26 PM

> How do we get out of here normally?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 08, 2013, 09:50:54 PM
>Power level. Do we think we can get places from here?

> How do we get out of here normally?

>You should be able to get to other places from here. The problem is that space here doesn't follow three dimensional rules at all. More precisely, it's not three dimensional space at all: it is at once an infinite and infinitesimal. You see it this way because it is how your being interacts with it; other people couldn't do this at all and would instantly die here.
>The problem is that you are essentially blind. While, in theory, you could leave from anywhere, it may well open over that chasm, or into solid bedrock, or less hospital places.  While you can probe a little to prevent some of these issues, there's only so much checking you can do. It is best to try to find a gap that leads from here and hope it works out well, rather than just making one at random. If you merely stay into the void, you will eventually end up somewhere, but you have no idea where it will be. If you are especially lucky, you'll find the other side of the gap you were trying to make, which you'll recognize by feel when you get close to it. However, this is not always possible.
>You are starting to become aware of other problems, as well. This place is...dead. Or rather, you cannot sense anything like a natural gap here at the moment. If there are any, then they are beyond your senses, which has never happened that you can recall. What is wrong with this place?

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 08, 2013, 11:13:15 PM
> What about the one we used to get here?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 08, 2013, 11:24:33 PM
> What about the one we used to get here?

>It is quite a distance away from you, well beyond your ability to sense right now and beyond your ability to estimate. If you could find it, you could use it to return.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 09, 2013, 01:24:51 AM
> So there's nothing but the stone bridge around us?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 09, 2013, 01:49:31 AM
> So there's nothing but the stone bridge around us?

>Realistically, that's about it. It is not a bridge so much as a series of rocky ledges arranged in something like a bridge. Looking ahead and behind, sometimes parts of it split away to form different paths. Other parts, the ledges are far enough apart that you would have to jump between them, and there's more than a few that you know are too far apart for that. Other places, the height between the ledges would require you to climb up or down them with varying degrees of effort. Ahead, the path splits five ways at various points; two of those paths having jumps too far for you to easily make. Behind, you can see four paths at various points, one of them with another jump you don't like and another with a ledge a few yards above the proceeding one. You're also aware that some or any of these paths may well not lead anywhere.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 09, 2013, 01:55:05 AM
> And we still can't fly or shoot, even though we're out of the cave?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 09, 2013, 02:01:59 AM
> And we still can't fly or shoot, even though we're out of the cave?

>It doesn't feel like it. You try a bit of the former and find that it feels like it should be working, but it simply doesn't take hold. That is...deeply wrong. You should be able to fly here to some degree, though not as freely as usual. There is no reason why that place's influence should extend here...

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 09, 2013, 02:06:51 AM
> ...Are we still youkai? We got turned human once...
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 09, 2013, 02:12:20 AM
> Is it possible that this really is where that gap led to, or that the place we were in before was also between the gaps?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 09, 2013, 02:17:48 AM
> ...Are we still youkai? We got turned human once...

>That's an interesting question, now that you think about it.  You really aren't sure what it feels like to be human, as opposed to being a youkai. You don't think you've changed to that kind of degree. You are pretty sure you have access to all your potential, and you are able to survive in this place. The latter, at least, feels like decisive evidence.

> Is it possible that this really is where that gap led to, or that the place we were in before was also between the gaps?

>You don't think so, you felt your attempt to hold that gap open during the transition falter and give way. You would normally feel it if you make it through to the other side.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 09, 2013, 02:21:23 AM
> Other then needing to eat, is there any reason we need to hurry to leave here?
> Might as well start exploring then, if distance matters here. We'll head forward, down one of the paths where we can make a jump. As close to taking the rightmost path as we can.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 09, 2013, 03:04:37 AM
>Do things change here? Are there landmarks?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 09, 2013, 10:23:38 AM
>Do things change here? Are there landmarks?

>They tend to stay the stable until you leave. Upon returning, things are often very different. As long as you are here, the arrangements of ledges should suffice to help you tell one place from another.

> Other then needing to eat, is there any reason we need to hurry to leave here?
> Might as well start exploring then, if distance matters here. We'll head forward, down one of the paths where we can make a jump. As close to taking the rightmost path as we can.

>You don't think it would be wise to sleep here, at least. Aside from that, the only real problem is that you're not making any progress toward getting home by staying.
>You proceed forward. carefully stepping from ledge to ledge. Sometimes they make a nice straight path, other times they form descending or ascending stairs. They never seem to keep a constant distance from each other, sometimes they are right next to each other, other times, they are far enough apart you practically have to jump between them. You veer rightward, keeping to pathways that you feel you can jump across when necessary.  The emptiness of this place is difficult to ignore, typically there were be dozens to hundreds of potential gaps that you could use. Here, you can only feel the occasional one as your progress, out in the void where you could only reach them if you had the proper tools.
>You continue to follow your path, moving from ledge to ledge, and keeping to the right when it splits.  After a little while, you become aware of a few gaps within reach, so to speak. One is ahead, at the end of a steep series of ledges that will take some effort to climb. There is a small path that meanders off to the left, which is home to a gap midway along its length, after a few jumps that shouldn't be too difficult. A final one is more tricky, you can sense it underneath a ledge on a path that wavers away from the main path, you are confident you can keep the gap open, but reaching it will require a well-placed leap.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 09, 2013, 10:32:44 AM
> Do any of them feel like the gap we took to get here or the one we're looking for to get to the other side?
> We don't want to tire or injure ourselves while we're like this. Let's check the gap over the ledges that we need to climb first.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 09, 2013, 10:53:04 AM
> Do any of them feel like the gap we took to get here or the one we're looking for to get to the other side?
> We don't want to tire or injure ourselves while we're like this. Let's check the gap over the ledges that we need to climb first.

>They do not. You'll know if you find either of those.
>You approach continue forward and appraise the ledges. You're certain you'll be able to open the gap, just the problem is reaching it. Most of the ledges are at chest height, and a couple are a bit higher than your head. None of them look particularly slippery or likely to crumble, at least. It will take some time and effort to get up there, though.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 09, 2013, 11:12:23 PM
> Climb those ledges. We've got all the time in the gap.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 10, 2013, 12:00:27 AM
> Climb those ledges. We've got all the time in the gap.

>You start to make your way up the ledges. This is an annoying process, first you have to empty your hands, and make very certain your screwdriver will not roll off and that you aren't likely to blunder into it when pulling yourself up and knocking it off the edge. after than, you have to physically pull yourself up. This isn't too hard with the closer ledges, you do have a youkai's strength, but it is awkward and a bit wearying. The ones that are further apart are more of a trial; you have just toss the rock up on them, then hold your screwdriver clenched in your teeth and hope you don't do anything to make you have to open your mouth. It may be worth trying to use the screwdriver to give yourself a small pocket to carry thing once you get out of here.
>After more time and effort than you would have liked, you crest the top ledge, and can sense the gap, plain as day. You shouldn't have any trouble opening it or stepping through it.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 10, 2013, 01:27:41 AM
>Can we sense where it goes?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 10, 2013, 03:33:09 AM
>Can we sense where it goes?

>Not innately. The best you can do it open it, stick a hand through, and hope you don't lose it.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 10, 2013, 04:30:29 AM
>Well, we don't really have a good reason not to open it and step through, so let's go.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 10, 2013, 05:21:10 AM
>Well, we don't really have a good reason not to open it and step through, so let's go.

>You open the gap and step through it. The transition is a quick one, and you find yourself stepping out into a field of strange white plants. Immediately, your ears start to ring loudly, and you can feel the air pressing down all around you. It's not painful, save for the ringing in your ears, but it is unpleasant. All around you are waist-high plants, pearly white in color and swaying gently. Their main body seems to be a single thin stem, lined with two pairs of feathery fronds that extend out for an inch or so.  They feel pleasantly soft against your skin. The air, for all its weightiness, is still and clean. The borders here are no different than those in the caverns, just a loose coalition of ever-swirling pieces. There is light here, but you are not sure where it comes from. The sky is pale orange near the horizon, growing darker as your look upward. You don't see anything like a sun.
>As your eyes travel further, your stomach starts to turn as the blackness gives way to emptiness. No, worse that emptiness, there is literally nothing overhead. Even from here, you can feel it. There is absolute emptiness above you, no space, no substance, no border of any kind. Were you to somehow go there, you would entirely cease to be.
>The gap behind you closes, and collapses in on itself.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 10, 2013, 08:28:41 AM
>Nothing threatens Morreion.
>Look for IOUN stones.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 10, 2013, 04:07:44 PM
> Do we recognize these flowers from our dealings with Kazami over the years?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 10, 2013, 04:20:00 PM
>Nothing threatens Morreion.
>Look for IOUN stones.

>Jack Vance was a raging sexist. =[

> Do we recognize these flowers from our dealings with Kazami over the years?

>You don't recognize them at all. They are somewhat akin to tall grasses that have gone to seed, but the fronds remind you of fern leaves in how they are placed. The pearly white color and feathery texture don't really resemble any plant you've encountered.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 10, 2013, 05:15:20 PM
> Any obvious gaps or potential gaps in the vicinity?
> Any obvious breaks in the monotony of flowers that indicate paths or other places to go?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 10, 2013, 06:07:53 PM
> Any obvious gaps or potential gaps in the vicinity?
> Any obvious breaks in the monotony of flowers that indicate paths or other places to go?

>You do not sense any gaps within the area, just loose borders in every direction, and the yawning void above.
>You look around for anything other that the pearly fronds. The land is flat, as far as you can see. Every so often you a spot where the land is bare, sometimes a small clearing and sometimes a long strip. In the distance, you can see the occasional tree in a couple of directions. Aside from that, there doesn't seem to be much in the way of landmarks in the terrain. More interestingly, as you look around, sometimes you see motes of soft pink light quietly flash into existence, then fade away, just about every direction that you look.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 10, 2013, 06:14:44 PM
> Do we know what these are?
> Are they spawning anywhere close to us?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 10, 2013, 06:27:09 PM
> Do we know what these are?
> Are they spawning anywhere close to us?

>You really aren't sure what they are. They could be will o' the wisps, you suppose, it is not as though being western means anything here. However, you don't think those come in soft pink. None of them have come close as of yet.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 10, 2013, 09:31:47 PM
>See if we can identify them as similar to our broken screwdriver.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 10, 2013, 09:56:08 PM
>See if we can identify them as similar to our broken screwdriver.

>This may be possible, you had to get reasonably close to the broken screwdriver to ascertain there even was something there. The thought also fills you with despair; if this is one of your tools, or something important, then it will take you a long time to gather all these motes...
>As it stands, they seem to persist for about ten seconds to half a minute before winking out of existence. You'll have to get reasonably lucky to have one appear close to you, unless you an idea?

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 10, 2013, 10:10:07 PM
I an idea :P
>Hmm, would it be possible to do what we did to the pieces of screwdriver to bring one close enough to us, provided it were not too much of a distance away?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 10, 2013, 10:20:21 PM
>Hmm, would it be possible to do what we did to the pieces of screwdriver to bring one close enough to us, provided it were not too much of a distance away?

>You may be able to. The state of the borders here makes it questionable when done from a distance. So to do the lights themselves, you aren't sure if they interact with the borders strongly enough.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 10, 2013, 10:30:42 PM
>Identify what appears to be the closest one and let's do this!
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 10, 2013, 11:20:55 PM
>Identify what appears to be the closest one and let's do this!

>The closet one is some dozen or so yards away. You try to open a gap, but it is too far away to be precise enough to know if you were able to nudge it or not before it winks out of existence. After a moment, another appears closer to you, to your left. This time, you are certain you open a gap that would be able to manipulate it in some way, but you feel nothing. You don't believe this light has any presence against what passes for a border in this place.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 11, 2013, 12:00:26 AM
>Could the lights be the result of some sort of atmospheric condition?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 11, 2013, 12:01:59 AM
>Curses, there goes that plan. Guess we'll have to try the old fashioned way, wait till one appears within running distance, then run up to it and get a good look at it as quickly as possible.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 11, 2013, 12:20:02 AM
>How close are the edges of the flower field?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 11, 2013, 12:37:37 AM
>Could the lights be the result of some sort of atmospheric condition?

>It's possible. If nothing else, you've never encountered an atmosphere topped by complete emptiness.

>How close are the edges of the flower field?

>You would hesitate to call these flowers, but the field stretches as far as you can see in every direction.

>Curses, there goes that plan. Guess we'll have to try the old fashioned way, wait till one appears within running distance, then run up to it and get a good look at it as quickly as possible.

>You wait, trying not to get too frustrated. The lights continue to wink in and wink out around you, and it takes a few minutes before one appears a few yards away. You hurry over, the feathery plants tickling your legs along the way, and reach it with ease. The sphere of light is pale pink in color, slightly translucent now that you are close to it, and about a foot in diameter. It doesn't seem to be solid at all. You feel you should have a good five or so seconds before it vanishes.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 11, 2013, 04:47:20 AM
>Well, good thing it isn't white, opaque, and three feet in diameter, or we'd have to go back to the island.
>"Hello?" Assuming it doesn't respond, poke it with the screwdriver.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 11, 2013, 09:41:06 AM
>Well, good thing it isn't white, opaque, and three feet in diameter, or we'd have to go back to the island.
>"Hello?" Assuming it doesn't respond, poke it with the screwdriver.

>This is the best reference I can recall being made.
>You call out to the sphere of light, and it does not answer or seem to response in any way. Taking your screwdriver in hand, you lightly prod at it, and it doesn't seem to respond. Your tool pass through it without any hint of resistance. From what you can sense, this sphere of light doesn't have any unusual traits about it so far as its interactions with the borders around it.
>It quietly winks out of existence.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 11, 2013, 11:27:53 AM
>Guess that was pointless after all, all we really have to go on now are those distant trees.
>Walk in the direction of the nearest tree while keeping an... eye? ear? whatever out for gaps.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 11, 2013, 03:35:31 PM
>Guess that was pointless after all, all we really have to go on now are those distant trees.
>Walk in the direction of the nearest tree while keeping an... eye? ear? whatever out for gaps.

>Unsatisfied with your findings, you decide to go investigate one of the trees.
>There are a few trees scattered about in several directions. One to your left seems to be perhaps half a mile away. The furthest one out you can see is ahead and to the right. you can barely even make it out against the horizon. There four others, as well. Two of them behind you, another that is to the left and behind you, and one  to the right and behind you. You choose the nearest one, and begin to progress.
>The plantlife here tends to tickle you legs and you walk through it, but aside from that it is not difficult to move through. You do note that it is very resilient; it doesn't take long after you walk through for it to spring back up. Aside from the soft hiss of the swaying fronds, you don't hear much else but your footsteps and your ears ringing. Thankfully, the ringing is beginning to fade as your ears adapt to the air pressure here, but you still feel it pressing upon you strongly in every direction, despite the lack of wind.  The pink motes of light continue to glow into existence and fade away as you walk, seemingly at random.
>As the minutes pass and you draw closer to the tree, you find yourself hard-pressed to tell what kind it is. It is a thin one, perhaps thirty or so feet tall. The branches are sparse, and the leaves do not seem to be prevalent, either. As you come within a dozen or so yards of it, you notice a sort of swell in the ground, previously concealed by the flora. It is dark brown, rising from the ground for a few yards from left to right before sinking back below. You can already feel the vague sense of unease as you note it seems to be identical to the roots that you saw in the caverns.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 11, 2013, 03:49:57 PM
> Hey, does anything here seem to be edible?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 11, 2013, 04:10:37 PM
>Is the root from the tree?
>If so,approach the tree and try to detect the bad feeling.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 11, 2013, 04:51:43 PM
> Does the root indeed seem to be made of wood, then?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 11, 2013, 07:22:58 PM
> Hey, does anything here seem to be edible?

>You don't think you've seen anything edible yet. The plants might be, but they don't strike you as such.

>Is the root from the tree?
>If so,approach the tree and try to detect the bad feeling.

>It doesn't seem like it, the root seems to be running parallel to where the tree's root system would be.

> Does the root indeed seem to be made of wood, then?

>It looks like it. Or something like wood. You haven't looked too closely, and your prior contact has make other sorts of investigation less viable.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 11, 2013, 08:19:46 PM
> Very gently poke the root with the tip of the screwdriver.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 11, 2013, 08:53:22 PM
> Very gently poke the root with the tip of the screwdriver.

>You gently prod at the root, and are pleased to see that it doesn't appear to harm you. Taking a closer look as you do, you can see that it is covered with something that appears to be thin, smooth bark that seems to wrap around it in a single piece.  The root is probably about as wide around as your hips, maybe moreso; being partially buried makes it hard to tell. Being as close as you are, you can feel your discomfort with it in the pit of your stomach.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 11, 2013, 11:11:29 PM
>Move past it and investigate the tree closer for now, no reason to remain so close to the hated roots if we don't have to.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 12, 2013, 09:02:48 AM
>Move past it and investigate the tree closer for now, no reason to remain so close to the hated roots if we don't have to.

>You walk around the root, and approach the tree. Drawing closer, you see that it is covered in rough bark, with a tall and straight trunk that goes up a good ten feet before branching. The leaves are small and come to a narrow point, concentrating in clumps around the edges of the edges of the limbs. The branches and limbs are not very dense, and most of them seem to curve downward a little, which is odd for something with so little apparent weight from its leaves. The tree seems rather mundane at a glance, but something about it seems visually odd, you aren't quite certain how yet.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 12, 2013, 10:42:28 AM
> Is there any symmetry to the tree's build, perhaps?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 12, 2013, 11:07:06 AM
>Poke it with the screwdriver.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 12, 2013, 11:17:28 AM
> Is there any symmetry to the tree's build, perhaps?

>You consider it's build, and at first there doesn't seem to be any symmetry. But then you start to notice that every branch has ends in five limbs. The branches themselves don't seem to adhere to this, but at the end, every time, are five limbs. You count seventeen sets of them.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 12, 2013, 11:19:20 AM
> Kind of like hands, maybe?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 12, 2013, 11:31:26 AM
> Kind of like hands, maybe?

>Now that you mention it, it does kind of resemble a hand.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 12, 2013, 12:02:38 PM
> So we're not just going out on a limb in making that comparison, then. That's good.
> Does there appear to be relative similarity between the 'hands'? Maybe we're dealing with fractal geometree.
> Poke the tree gently with the screwdriver. Compare feeling to the feeling when we poked the unpleasant root.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 12, 2013, 01:11:01 PM
> So we're not just going out on a limb in making that comparison, then. That's good.
> Does there appear to be relative similarity between the 'hands'? Maybe we're dealing with fractal geometree.
> Poke the tree gently with the screwdriver. Compare feeling to the feeling when we poked the unpleasant root.

>Oh you.
>The branches and limbs have about as much variety as you'd normally expect, just they always end in five finger-like limbs.
>Closing in on the tree, you poke it with the screwdriver, and find the rough bark on it does seem to feel like bark. The tree doesn't bother you innately as the roots have, but you do notice the bark itself seems to be a little odd. It is wider than your typical strips of bark, and splayed oddly. After a moment's observation, you can make out five distinct lines whorls and knots in the sheets of bark, splayed out in a manner like a hand with fingers spread.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 12, 2013, 02:03:57 PM
> So the pattern in the bark matches the pattern in the branches?
> Is the pattern in the bark hand-sized?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 12, 2013, 02:55:17 PM
> So the pattern in the bark matches the pattern in the branches?
> Is the pattern in the bark hand-sized?

>They only roughly match, but both things are definitely hand shaped
>Not quite, the individual bits of bark are about the size of your palm, but each seems to have that pattern in them. You might not have noticed it, if you hadn't noticed the branches.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 12, 2013, 03:49:54 PM
> Hmm...
> Very, very lightly and quickly tap the bark of the tree with a finger. Whichever hand we didn't rootburn while grabbing our undergarments is preferable.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 12, 2013, 04:00:01 PM
> Hmm...
> Very, very lightly and quickly tap the bark of the tree with a finger. Whichever hand we didn't rootburn while grabbing our undergarments is preferable.

>You lightly and briefly tap the bark with an unhurt finger. It does not hurt, and the bark feels rough and wooden.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 12, 2013, 04:32:21 PM
> Are there any hand-size branch-hands within reach from the ground?
> Tap the tree again, letting our finger linger a little longer than the first time.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 12, 2013, 07:59:44 PM
> Are there any hand-size branch-hands within reach from the ground?
> Tap the tree again, letting our finger linger a little longer than the first time.

>The branch hands seem to be larger than yours on the whole, particularly the ones that are reasonably close to the ground. The closest one is high enough you would have to jump to grab it.
>You tap the trunk again, holding your finger there for a bit. Nothing unpleasant happens, and the bark feels a bit dry under your touch.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 12, 2013, 08:18:49 PM
> The closest one of all of them or just the closest of the slightly-bigger-than-hand-sized ones?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 12, 2013, 08:29:15 PM
> The closest one of all of them or just the closest of the slightly-bigger-than-hand-sized ones?

>The closest of any; the first branches do not occur until about ten feet from the ground.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 12, 2013, 09:19:17 PM

> Put our palm on the trunk of the tree, fingers splayed like the branches.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 12, 2013, 10:27:22 PM
> Put our palm on the trunk of the tree, fingers splayed like the branches.

>You place your palm on the tree, and do not feel any unusual reaction.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 12, 2013, 11:31:10 PM
>Note relative location of trees. Imagine field from top-down perspective. Locate center tree.
>Alternatively, locate areas where pink bubbles are most/least prevalent.
At this point, if we don't have some good ideas, we should try bad ideas. Traveling far in a random direction; cutting down a tree; cutting through a root.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 12, 2013, 11:45:34 PM
>Note relative location of trees. Imagine field from top-down perspective. Locate center tree.
>Alternatively, locate areas where pink bubbles are most/least prevalent.

>You really can't figure out where the center is, you aren't sure where the edges of this place is.
>There doesn't seem to be any one place where the pink motes are prevalent as a whole, but sometimes they seem to congregate at random places. You aren't sure if there's any pattern to it.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 13, 2013, 01:27:21 AM
I'm out of ideas for the time being. I think the hands thing is significant but I'm not sure what to do with it.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 13, 2013, 02:44:29 AM
Wait a sec ...
>The branches on the trees are tapered and branch at a less-than-ninety-degree angle, right?
>Earlier, in The Cave, did the roots seem tapered? Did they branch only in a certain direction? like real roots yknow
>If so, examine a root here and try to find out where it comes from.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 13, 2013, 03:55:51 AM
Wait a sec ...
>The branches on the trees are tapered and branch at a less-than-ninety-degree angle, right?
>Earlier, in The Cave, did the roots seem tapered? Did they branch only in a certain direction? like real roots yknow
>If so, examine a root here and try to find out where it comes from.

>This seems to be mostly true.
>The roots, as you saw them, never branched. You are not certain if this is because the point of branching was hidden beneath the rock and out of sight, or if they simply never branched at all. The ones you saw through the glass where you found your screwdriver did taper to long ends, like most roots you've seen.
>How do you intend to carry out this examination?

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 13, 2013, 04:10:03 AM
>They didn't branch at all? How disturbing.
>Dig around the root with the rock and screwdriver enough to see which direction it tapers. Assuming it is thicker closer to the ... trunk or whatever, travel in that direction.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 13, 2013, 12:49:32 PM
>They didn't branch at all? How disturbing.
>Dig around the root with the rock and screwdriver enough to see which direction it tapers. Assuming it is thicker closer to the ... trunk or whatever, travel in that direction.

>Not that you saw, for what little you saw of their length.
>You set to digging around the root. This process is slow and unpleasant; you do not want to touch the thing at all and you really don't want to be near it in the first place. The dirt, at least, is reasonably soft for being dry, and the feathery plants around it are not too hard to uproot. While your screwdriver is good at loosing up the dirt, it is not so good at excavating it, and your rock does not make a very good spade. Still, you manage to make some progress as minutes flow into tens of minutes.  The root turns out to thicker than you anticipated, easily thicker than many tree trunks. You estimate it is about three feet in diameter as you dig down around it. From what you are able to uncover, a couple feet or so of its length. it does not seem to taper any.  Nor does it seem to twist toward the tree at all, still running perpendicular to it.
>In the process, you have unearthed a fair amount of dirt, and uprooted 23 feathery plants.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 13, 2013, 04:36:13 PM
>Poke hole in root with spatula. Touch root with featherduster.

>Right-click on everything, examine properties, edit permissions.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 13, 2013, 04:54:37 PM
> Pick up an unrooted flower and sniff it.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 13, 2013, 05:14:23 PM
>Poke hole in root with spatula. Touch root with featherduster.

>Right-click on everything, examine properties, edit permissions.

>I will throw you down the well.

> Pick up an unrooted flower and sniff it.

>You pick up one of the plants and sniff at it. It gives off a faint, clean kind of odor, just barely noticeable; particularly with the smell of dirt in the air.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 13, 2013, 05:34:44 PM

>Poke hole in root with spatulascrewdriver. Touch root with featherdusterplant.

>Consider making clothing out of feather plants.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 13, 2013, 06:37:49 PM
>Poke hole in root with spatulascrewdriver. Touch root with featherdusterplant.

>Consider making clothing out of feather plants.

>You could probably weave some decent mats out of these plants. You're not sure if they have the tensile strength to make clothing; nor would they be as comfortable as your blanket, but you could easily make mats and fire bundles out of them with enough time. Maybe a small raincloak or a straw hat as well.
>Taking the screwdriver in both hands, you raise it over your head and plunge it into the root as hard as you can. The tip pierces the bark, and sinks a couple of inches into the root. You feel a shock run through your body  that has nothing to do with the impact, causing you to shiver and feel uncomfortably cold in its wake. Wrenching it out, you can see the hole you made filling with a clear, thick liquid which bubbles over the edges of the hole. Tapping it with a feather plant doesn't seem to do anything.
>Your screwdriver now has some clear liquid on the end of it, which you do not like at all.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 13, 2013, 07:38:23 PM
OMG, we're playing Botanicula! This does not help us much, unless we find an acorn and a walnut.
>Are there any discarded branches anywhere?
>Plug the hole with a feather thing. Use some more feather things to wipe the gunk off our tool.
>Might as well start collecting feather plants. The first and most important article of clothing to make is of course the hat.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 13, 2013, 09:21:00 PM
>Are there any discarded branches anywhere?
>Plug the hole with a feather thing. Use some more feather things to wipe the gunk off our tool.
>Might as well start collecting feather plants. The first and most important article of clothing to make is of course the hat.

>You have not seen any fallen branches.
>You jam the remains of a plant into the hole, which doesn't seem to do much to stymie the slow trickle of transparent ooze. Then you gingerly clean off your screwdriver with more uprooted plants.
>Looking around, it seems there are enough plants to be found that you can get a decent collection of them any place you decide to settle. Even with the gaps you feel you could make now, it would be a pain to transport a large number of them.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 13, 2013, 10:51:29 PM
>Gap powers eh ... can we close the gap in the root?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 13, 2013, 11:11:39 PM
>Gap powers eh ... can we close the gap in the root?

>It's a little borderline, plants sort of straddle the complexities of typical living things and easily manipulable inert objects, but you think so. It would help if you had your pliers, but the job is small enough that you shouldn't have a problem with it, so far as you've seen. At the same time, you also barely understand what this is, and there may be complexities and issues you have yet to perceive.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 14, 2013, 02:17:47 AM
> Could we see what was inside it when we made the hole, aside from the clear liquid?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 14, 2013, 02:25:25 AM
> Could we see what was inside it when we made the hole, aside from the clear liquid?

>The interior, from what you glimpsed of it, was dark and grainy. There were textures but you were not able to get a good look at them. The liquid, though clear, is also opaque enough to obscure what you saw inside, and flooded out as you removed your screwdriver. Whatever you stabbed through certainly felt akin to wood.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 14, 2013, 03:02:28 AM
> Very lightly dab the tip of our screwdriver to make sure we got all the liquid off.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 14, 2013, 03:09:57 AM
> Very lightly dab the tip of our screwdriver to make sure we got all the liquid off.

>You carefully check the tip of your screwdriver, and find it is acceptably clean as far as you can tell.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 15, 2013, 03:33:06 AM
>You spend a bit of time reflecting on your situation. Two paths of action present themselves to you. One is to continue to explore this place, in hopes of finding a way home and a way to get back your tools. Another is to decide that you'll probably be spending some time here, and begin to gather supplies to keep yourself warm, less uncomfortable, and somewhat fed for the duration. You wouldn't be particularly surprised if you end up having to do both.
>This isn't the first time you've had to survive in the wild, but it is the first time you've had to do it in quite some time by your standards. Still, you feel confident you can start a fire with crude tools, weave if needs be, prepare just about any kind of food you can scavenge, and so on. If you could find some flint or another good stone for that purpose, you could also fashion some other tools to handle tasks beyond what a screwdriver could do. Considering the nature of that root, you'll also have to do your best to avoid being hurt, especially if you're going to be stuck here.
>Either way, you feel that remaining here likely won't satisfy either course. You suppose this place may make an adequate place to set up camp, though the tree and the root both may not make the best neighbors...

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 15, 2013, 07:04:37 AM
>We are going to have to walk long distances, aren't we.
>First, we need to make a hat. Make hat out of feather plants.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 15, 2013, 01:33:52 PM
>We are going to have to walk long distances, aren't we.
>First, we need to make a hat. Make hat out of feather plants.

>You are probably going to have to do quite a lot of walking before you find everything. But if nothing else, at least it'll be easier to open short term gaps now.
>You decide to take a rest and spent some time working the feathery reeds you've harvested into a hat. This takes awhile, you have to clean off each one, then bundle them together properly. You end up having to harvest more of them to finish the job, particularly in finding some that will serve well as cords. This would be faster if you had a knife or a sickle, but there is little you can do about that right now. You estimate it takes you about an hour, all told, but in the end, you are reasonably happy with the product. It's not going to be able to take much abuse, but it should keep your head dry and free of any dust. You also have a pile of fluff, which ought to make decent kindling.
>You obtain: Wide-brimmed Reed Hat.
>While weaving your hat, you find yourself periodically remarking on the stillness of this place. There are no bird cries, no insects or any sign of animals. There is no wind, barely any noise at all. The light doesn't seem to change at all. Every so often you glance upward, wondering if the yawning emptiness is encroaching, but you cannot tell whether it is or whether it is as still as the rest of this place. You've grown used to the air pressing down upon you, at least.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 16, 2013, 11:31:07 AM
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 16, 2013, 11:57:14 AM
> Might as well try something...
> Pick a flower and nibble on it to see if it's edible.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 16, 2013, 12:30:04 PM
I was just about to input that Kilga >.<
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 16, 2013, 01:09:26 PM
ゆ snooze ゆ lose
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 16, 2013, 09:01:02 PM
> Might as well try something...
> Pick a flower and nibble on it to see if it's edible.

>You try to nibble on one of the fronds, and discover that it is rather like a mouthful of Ran's tail sheddings. That is, neither pleasant nor edible.


>With little else to do, you pick a direction at random and wander.  Deciding to label the direction that you have traveled north, you begin to range out further north. There is little to see, just a sea of softly swaying fronds. Here and there, you find a bare patch of land, seldom more than a few yards wide. Every so often, you look back to make sure that the tree is still within sight. Aside from it, there is practically nothing to see. It would be terribly easy to pass up just about anything lost under the feathery plants;you could almost amuse yourself with the idea of treasures hidden here or there, were it not so terribly bleak.
>With the tree to the south almost entirely out of sight, you find yourself becoming aware of something in the air. After a moment to consider it, it feels more like a tangle among the loose borders and endlessly shifting borders here. It's hard to put a physical location to this, but it feels as though it is up ahead and to the "west" little.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 17, 2013, 02:30:39 AM
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 17, 2013, 04:15:59 AM

>You proceed westward. Visually, there is no more to see this way than there was to the north. Perhaps that is not true, you think you might see a small tree just on the edge of your vision. However, you can sense that distortion in the borders curves to the west. and up into the sky after some distance. As you draw closer, you can start to get a sense of what it is. It feels like a persistent fold in the fabric of space, as if the loose fabric has managed catch upon its own threads  like a badly made garment. If this were Gensokyo, you would chide yourself on allowing such shoddy work. But here, it's not too surprising to encounter something like this. If manipulated correctly, you could probably cause this entire place to begin to collapse in upon itself. You  also get the feeling it may well run through a much of the space here, given it stretches beyond the horizons of your senses.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 17, 2013, 05:27:59 AM
>Could we fix it, so it's more stable?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 17, 2013, 03:21:23 PM
>Could we fix it, so it's more stable?

>It would help if you had all of your tools, but you could probably do something to repair it if you had the time. You doubt you could affect a total repair, but you could do something.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 17, 2013, 03:29:48 PM
> What would happen if we made it collapse upon itself while we were here?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 17, 2013, 05:19:26 PM
> What would happen if we made it collapse upon itself while we were here?

>You've never really experimented with this kind of thing. Normally, you'd expect to fall between the cracks of reality and return to the background that is within the gaps. Chances are you'd be the only thing to survive.  However, with the emptiness here, you suspect you would just be removing the things that separate you from it.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 17, 2013, 06:47:57 PM
>Can the emptiness be harnessed?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 17, 2013, 07:00:32 PM
>Can the emptiness be harnessed?

>Define harnessed in this case?

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 17, 2013, 08:30:44 PM
>Can it be manipulated in any way?
Did I get that right?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 17, 2013, 08:42:55 PM
>Can it be manipulated in any way?

>You cannot manipulate it directly; because there is nothing to manipulate. It may be possible to manipulate it indirectly, but you wouldn't consider this without all of your tools in hand. And you should slip up, the consequences would be extraordinary dire.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 17, 2013, 09:16:22 PM
>Can we manipulate the boundary between the emptiness and ... stuffness?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 17, 2013, 09:30:55 PM
>Can we manipulate the boundary between the emptiness and ... stuffness?

>That's an interesting question. You've never really had the opportunity to find out. You'd certainly want to be at 100% before you tried it, though.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 17, 2013, 09:57:53 PM
>Search for water.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 17, 2013, 10:22:27 PM
>Search for water.

>Looking around, you see nothing that appears to be water around here.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 18, 2013, 01:23:29 AM
>How do the plants survive without water?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 18, 2013, 01:52:14 AM
>How do the plants survive without water?

>You have no idea. But as far as you can see in this area, there are no visible sources of water.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 18, 2013, 01:57:06 AM
OK, is it worth walking around this place, or should we try using magic?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 18, 2013, 02:06:48 AM
I've had no bloody clue about anything since high-fiving the hand tree proved fruitless. I'm good with whatever.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 18, 2013, 02:15:08 AM
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 18, 2013, 02:17:00 AM
> Try to find the center of this fold, or at least the densest part of it.
> Attempt to repair the fold.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 18, 2013, 03:12:52 AM

>Your inventory contains:
>Your silken bedsheet, presently being worn as a toga.
>Socks and Undergarments.
>Some of your lost clothing.
>A rock your picked up from the cavern floor, good for throwing or bashing. It bears some scuff marks where you tried to use it as an engraving tool
>Yukari's Screwdriver.
>Seemingly a basic screwdriver. With this, you may prise open gaps with much more precision and delicately than you can alone.
>Your quests are:
>Where in the World is Yukari Yakumo?
>You have no idea where you are, and you direly wish to correct that. As well, you want to get home.
>A Part of You
>Your tools are missing, and you desperately need them back.

> Try to find the center of this fold, or at least the densest part of it.
> Attempt to repair the fold.

>Finding where the fold is most dense is difficult, you have to walk along it for awhile, running your fingers through it, feeling out where it branches and where it twists. It proves pliable to your senses, you can easily feel along its length much further than you can see or hear, following it to its various ends. While you've not focused on any one part, you get a rough idea of the size of this place through the fold. It is some distance across, perhaps twenty miles or more. While the land would not conform to this shape, the borders themselves are squashed and very flat, which is curious and likely the cause of at least some of the instability here. As the borders extend toward the void, they wear more and more thin until they fall away entirely. There really is nothing between you and it. After a little examination, you find the part where the fold is worst is some miles to the northeast.
>You set to work, doing the best you can with tools that you have and the circumstances that you are in. The fold, if nothing else, is amazingly pliable to your efforts. Much as you can sense through it much further than you normally could, you can also direct your gaps further along it than you normally can. While completely removing it is impossible right now, you are able to clean up some of the worst aspects of the fold, making space feel a lot more clean. In particular, the sandstorm sensation of the borders here has subsided a little, close to the proximity of the fold. You can open gaps with less effort when near to it. It's still fair from ideal conditions, but it's better than before.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 18, 2013, 03:23:15 AM
> What can we sense through the fold in this area? Are there any other unusual points of instability we can find?
> Can we extend the borders of this place?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 18, 2013, 03:44:51 AM
> What can we sense through the fold in this area? Are there any other unusual points of instability we can find?
> Can we extend the borders of this place?

>You take some time to feel out what you can find through the length of the fold. It wends and branches throughout much of this place like a river with hundreds of branches and tributaries.  Not surprisingly, much of it opens goes through emptiness, and there's little of note to find. You can definitely feel a couple of potential gaps close to it; one of them unfortunately some distance into the sky and inaccessible. You are not able to make out much of the physical layout of the land, save for one point where the fold passes through a tree some miles away to the west.
>You could theoretically work to extend the borders, but it would take weeks to make any real progress.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 18, 2013, 04:58:23 AM
> Is the gap only inaccessable because it's in the sky?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 18, 2013, 05:02:50 AM
>Mahjongg is no longer a quest? Chugga chugga choo choo!

>Examine gaps which are more accessible.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 18, 2013, 05:13:32 AM
>Mahjongg is no longer a quest? Chugga chugga choo choo!

>Examine gaps which are more accessible.

>Maybe once you get back home. Right now, you have much bigger problems.
>You cannot examine them any more closely from here, you would need to physically reach them to learn more. There are three of them near the ground. One is close to the point where the fold is most dense. Another exist near the southern edge of this place, while a third lays out to some distance to the east.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 18, 2013, 05:57:02 AM
>With the space more stable, can we fly?
>Travel to each gap, examine.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 18, 2013, 09:53:10 AM
>Does the fold feel like it reaches underground?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 18, 2013, 02:16:21 PM
>With the space more stable, can we fly?
>Travel to each gap, examine.

>You attempt to fly, and have no luck. You know the problem doesn't lie with you, you can feel it trying to work. Just, it doesn't seem to want to translate into action.
>This will take you some hours to complete if yo go by foot, or drain out a a significant amount of your reserves if you travel via gap. Which will you be going, and which will you visit first?

>Does the fold feel like it reaches underground?

>No, it does not, not more than a couple yards. This is rather strange, now that you think about it, physical matter shouldn't impede it even a little, and given how it has branched in every other direction, there's no intrinsic reason why it wouldn't go downward as well...

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 18, 2013, 04:08:21 PM
> Does it seem like the roots are stopping it from sensing downwards?
> There should be a gap near us, where the fold is densest, because that's where we went to fix the problem. Go there first by foot.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 18, 2013, 05:46:38 PM
> Does it seem like the roots are stopping it from sensing downwards?
> There should be a gap near us, where the fold is densest, because that's where we went to fix the problem. Go there first by foot.

>You cannot tell. You haven't felt it brush against any roots, at least, but you are uncertain if this is because it has yet to meet any or if you just can't feel them through this.
>You make your way toward the gap where the fold is most dense. While the fold here is quite dense, as far the physical layout of this area is concerned, there's nothing special or unique abotu it, just more of those gently swaying fronds and motes of pink light winking into and out of existence. Most are not sure if you can sense the gap here at all. At a glance, you certainly don't see it, so to speak, but the fold is so dense here that it may be a problem...

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 18, 2013, 08:51:26 PM
> But we could sense it here from a distance. Is the fold itself obscuring the gap from us?
> Can we work at unfolding this part of the tangle?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 18, 2013, 09:26:30 PM
> But we could sense it here from a distance. Is the fold itself obscuring the gap from us?
> Can we work at unfolding this part of the tangle?

>You most certainly could sense it at a distance, which makes it odd that you can't find it now that you're here. The fold shouldn't obscure it, unless it is very weak. Thinking on it, that may be plausible.
>You've done about all that you can do right now with regards to work on the fold in space.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 18, 2013, 11:02:25 PM
>Perhaps it disappeared, see if we can still sense the other gaps we could before, and whether or not new ones have appeared.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 19, 2013, 12:00:40 AM
>Perhaps it disappeared, see if we can still sense the other gaps we could before, and whether or not new ones have appeared.

>You return your attention to the fold, letting your senses attune to it once more. You can feel the other gaps just fine, and can still feel there is one here as well. You can't quite narrow down where it is or what condition it is in, but you know it's here.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 19, 2013, 01:34:58 AM
>Health status.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 19, 2013, 01:43:24 AM
>Health status.

>You are slightly hurt, around your shoulder and right hand. You are reasonably well rested and slightly thirsty.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 19, 2013, 09:08:48 PM
>Have another look for this nearby gap.
>If we can't find it then identify the nearest potential gap that isn't in midair.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 19, 2013, 09:29:35 PM
>Have another look for this nearby gap.
>If we can't find it then identify the nearest potential gap that isn't in midair.

>You look around for it again, a bit more thoroughly this time. You begin to some find weak traces of it, some distance apart. Frowning, you check a few other places, finding spots where the fold has obscured it, until you're able to put your finger on it. This particular gap has been stretched too wide to be of any use right now. You would need to close it it some, until it is compact and dense enough that you could open it without it falling apart. You will probably need your pliers for that.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 19, 2013, 09:49:52 PM
> Curse this GameFAQ's for not listing requirements for the next area in order.
> Make a note of this to ourselves and go to the next closest gap, by foot.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 19, 2013, 10:52:25 PM
> Curse this GameFAQ's for not listing requirements for the next area in order.
> Make a note of this to ourselves and go to the next closest gap, by foot.

>No one gets an FAQ til Purvis Hobotech gets its cut.
>You begin to head eastward. The fields are not much different than the ones you have seen before, fronds swaying as far as the eye can see in every direction. Once in awhile, you get a glimpse of a tree or a patch of bare dirt. You pass close to one of the trees, and note that it too ends each branch with five finger-like limbs. As you travel, you find no sign of the light waxing or waning, nothing to suggest the day is progressing at all save for the slight dryness in your mouth and throat which grows slightly more annoying as you walk onward.  The fold wends its way up and down and to and fro, splitting off in this direction or that like a lightning bolt, never directly making its way toward your goal. Every now and again, you can move away from it and travel directly toward your goal, meeting up with the fold down the road. Other times, you don't try it, sensing it would be too easy to lose your way.
>Time passes, you estimate well over an hour, before you find the gap you are seeking. It stands not too far from a tree in the middle of a bare patch of earth.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 20, 2013, 09:07:51 AM
>Investigate plausibility of opening the gap.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 20, 2013, 03:03:12 PM
>Investigate plausibility of opening the gap.

>You take a closer look at the gap, and immediately feel a sense of familiarity about it. As well, even from here, you can feel the gap is linked to an unstable and dangerous place. You are certain that this gap leads back to the unstable cavern where you found many of your garments. It would open easily, but it would also be a poor idea.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 21, 2013, 02:51:31 AM
Right, we need the astrolabe before we can go back to that area.
> Check the third gap. If we can walk there do so, as we're conserving gap energy for gapping.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 21, 2013, 03:02:05 AM
> Check the third gap. If we can walk there do so, as we're conserving gap energy for gapping.

>You can walk there, but it will take a good portion of a day, so to speak. You can likely shave off some of that time by going directly southwest from here, and meeting up with the fold somewhere down the line. It does have the risk, though, that you may end up missing it entirely.  How would you like to approach it?

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 21, 2013, 03:40:49 AM
>How thirsty/hungry are we?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 21, 2013, 03:43:46 AM
>How thirsty/hungry are we?

>You are a little thirsty. Enough to be slightly irksome, but hardly debilitating. You could do with something to eat, but you are not quite at the point where you are feeling hungry yet. You could probably go on for awhile before that becomes a problem.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 21, 2013, 05:14:21 AM
>Can we match up where we can sense the fold going with landmarks(i.e trees) so that we can take the shortcut and not get lost?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 21, 2013, 06:33:29 AM
>Can we match up where we can sense the fold going with landmarks(i.e trees) so that we can take the shortcut and not get lost?

>Not at the moment. While the fold does let you sense other dimensional phenomena to some degree, it is much more limited in the kinds of physical things you can sense. It has to practically touch things for you to know they are there; which is how you were able to tell that this place is so empty as it touched so little.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 21, 2013, 09:10:46 AM
>Well then, I guess we should just follow the fold. Getting lost here would be quite a problem.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 21, 2013, 06:30:40 PM
>Well then, I guess we should just follow the fold. Getting lost here would be quite a problem.

>You begin to follow the fold back the way that you came, preparing yourself for a long trip. Having traveled this route once, you are a bit more confident about taking shortcuts than you were before, and you are sure you shave a good ten minutes off the return course.  Soon, you turn away to follow another branch of the fold, going into what is technically unfamiliar territory. However, it is hard to consider it unfamiliar when it all looks the same.
>Your thoughts wander as you travel, trying to find something like a definite answer about this place, and coming to no conclusions. You find yourself letting your eyes unfocus for long stretches of time as you follow the fold, barely paying any mind to the pearlescent plant life or the motes of pink light as they wink in an out of existence. As such, you almost wonder if you're seeing things, after a couple hours of walking, when you think you see a kind a weak, whitish light, far in the distance to the southeast.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 21, 2013, 08:45:45 PM
>What tools could we make on our own?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 21, 2013, 09:10:49 PM
>What tools could we make on our own?

>In theory, you are knowledgeable enough to make just about any tool, provided you have the proper materials. Given it is appearing you will have to start from scratch, if you could get some flint or the like, you could make some basic things such as a simple cutting edge.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 21, 2013, 10:35:10 PM
>Stare at the whitish light.
>I assume it's not in the direction that the fold continues?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 21, 2013, 10:55:14 PM
>So, we could make gap tools?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 21, 2013, 11:21:57 PM
>So, we could make gap tools?

>Technically, yes. If you really had to replace one of your tools, you could do it. It would take a long time and quite a bit of work to do, which would be slowed by your need to keep the work secret and by your duties toward keeping Gensokyo running. This would take months, if you're lucky and years if you are less so.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 22, 2013, 03:05:11 AM
>Stare at the whitish light.
>I assume it's not in the direction that the fold continues?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 22, 2013, 03:15:58 AM
>Stare at the whitish light.
>I assume it's not in the direction that the fold continues?

>You stare at the the light. It just barely stands out over the sea of swaying fronds; slightly silver against their pearly white.
>It is some distance from the fold, you think. The fold continues onward roughly diagonally from, going mostly eastward.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 23, 2013, 03:36:11 AM
>You watch the light for a little while. It seems to flicker ever so slightly, but it doesn't seem to be vanishing anytime soon.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 23, 2013, 04:41:30 AM
>Walk toward the light in a straight line, making extra sure not to waver. Don't want to lose that fold.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 23, 2013, 05:33:29 AM
>Walk toward the light in a straight line, making extra sure not to waver. Don't want to lose that fold.

>You proceed toward the light, doing your best not to let yourself waver. You aren't too worried, really. As long as you proceed in the same general direction when returning, you'll find it.
>As the minutes pass and you come closer and closer to the light, you can see that it is not very large, probably no larger than you are. You can't make out anything like a discernible source, it just seems to come from the air itself. You soon ascertain that it is roughly rectangular in shape. It is not until you come within a dozen or so yards of it that you find it contained with a slight silvery frame, shaped like a square doorframe. It stands in the middle of the plants, shedding its silvery light softly.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 23, 2013, 06:09:52 AM
> Is it anything like the pieces of cloud-light that our screwdriver had become?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 23, 2013, 06:55:37 AM
> Is it anything like the pieces of cloud-light that our screwdriver had become?

>It doesn't seem to be. Rather, it feels like something through the threshold is glowing, or perhaps there is a door that's glowing, you can't quite tell without getting close to it.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 23, 2013, 07:04:24 AM
>Is it a gap?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 23, 2013, 07:41:50 AM
> Can we open and step through the door?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 23, 2013, 08:34:04 PM
>Is it a gap?

>You aren't close enough to be sure, but you think you feel something like one.

> Can we open and step through the door?

>You don't know; you're not even sure if the light constitutes anything like a barrier.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 23, 2013, 08:35:22 PM
>Examine it.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 23, 2013, 09:16:41 PM
>Examine it.

>Presumably this means you intend to get closer, so you do so.
>Up close, you are certain there's a gap within the light. You should be able to open it easily enough with your screwdriver. The light itself seems to be just that, light, with nothing solid. This makes it all the more unusual when you examine the other side of the frame and find a wooden door with paper panels, all in silver, resting in the frame.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 24, 2013, 01:04:51 AM
>Open the door cautiously.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 24, 2013, 01:52:18 AM
>Open the door cautiously.

>You slide door the door, and see only darkness through the threshold. Notably, you feel no presence of a gap....

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 24, 2013, 02:18:58 AM
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 24, 2013, 03:24:17 AM

>Your inventory contains:
>Your silken bedsheet, presently being worn as a toga.
>Socks and Undergarments.
>Some of your lost clothing.
>A rock your picked up from the cavern floor, good for throwing or bashing. It bears some scuff marks where you tried to use it as an engraving tool
>Wide-Brimmed Reed Hat (worn)
>A hat you wove from feathery reeds. It is not very strong, but should keep your head dry and the light from your eyes.
>Yukari's Screwdriver.
>Seemingly a basic screwdriver. With this, you may prise open gaps with much more precision and delicately than you can alone.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 24, 2013, 03:28:37 AM
>I shoot magic into the darkness!
>Carefully poke half of our trusty rock into the dark void before us.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 24, 2013, 03:35:57 AM
>I shoot magic into the darkness!
>Carefully poke half of our trusty rock into the dark void before us.

>You poke your rock into the darkness, and it passes through the door's threshold without any problems.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 24, 2013, 03:36:52 AM
>Pull it back out, is it intact?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 24, 2013, 04:11:05 AM
>Pull it back out, is it intact?

>You pull the stone out and take a look at it. It seems to be unharmed.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 24, 2013, 08:08:49 AM
>Fire a slew of danmaku into the doorway, then step through.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 24, 2013, 04:24:13 PM
>Fire a slew of danmaku into the doorway, then step through.

>You have no more luck in conjuring danmaku than you did the first time you tried it. Do you still wish to step through?

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 24, 2013, 06:23:18 PM
>Poke a finger through first instead.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 24, 2013, 06:45:08 PM
>Poke a finger through first instead.

>You gently poke your finger through the threshold, and feel no ill effects, or anything at all. It is rather like a normal door in this respect.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 24, 2013, 06:47:40 PM
>Poke our face through.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 24, 2013, 07:51:25 PM
>Poke our face through.

>You peer through the door and around to see darkness everywhere. The door frame appears to be freestanding here too, floating in the darkness with nothing below to support it. In the distance, here and there, you can see a twinkle of light in the darkness, no more than a dozen or so within your field of view. The air is cool and clean, and silent. You can feel the sandstorm feeling within the borders in this place, too. You are aware there is something behind the doorframe, but you cannot see what at this angle.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 24, 2013, 09:20:38 PM
>Poke the darkness in front of the doorframe with a foot.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 24, 2013, 09:37:43 PM
>Poke the darkness in front of the doorframe with a foot.

>You poke at the darkness, and it feels about as your hand did.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 24, 2013, 09:42:40 PM
>We can't fly at the moment can we?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 24, 2013, 10:38:03 PM
>We can't fly at the moment can we?

>You have not had any luck with flight since waking up here.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 24, 2013, 10:40:53 PM
>Reach through and around the doorframe to see what is behind it... through it.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 24, 2013, 11:06:22 PM
>Reach through and around the doorframe to see what is behind it... through it.

>You cannot see with your fingers. However, you do feel there is nothing around the doorframe, it seems to be as unsupported as it is on this side. What you saw must be further back.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 24, 2013, 11:12:18 PM
>Test whether or not the doorframe will fall over if we rest our weight on it.
>If it passes the structural safety check then lean through and around, grasping the doorframe tightly, and get a look at what it was that we saw.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 24, 2013, 11:38:14 PM
>Test whether or not the doorframe will fall over if we rest our weight on it.
>If it passes the structural safety check then lean through and around, grasping the doorframe tightly, and get a look at what it was that we saw.

>The door seems to hold your weight, you don't feel as though it's in danger of falling over.
>You lean around the door, holding tightly onto the frame, and look behind it. In the distance, floating in the middle of the blackness, is a mass of pale aqua crystal in the middle of the blackness. There are no hard edges to it that you can see, the crystal is piled up upon itself, stretching left and right. The crystal forms into numerous shapes, many of them spheres and ovals, while other parts project from it like old icicles or seem to be caught in a kind of flow like newly hardened lava. You can see a bit of iridescent shine alone some of the crystalline curves and distensions. You think you can see small points of darkness dotting the crystalline mass, which suggest something like doorways or windows to you.  You can't determine how large it is, but it feels like it should be quite immense, easily the size of a small mountain. Nor can you determine how far away it is, whether it is yards or miles, but you feel it would take time to by air.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 25, 2013, 05:03:29 AM
>Remove ourself from the doorframe and give flight another shot. That... thing looks promising!
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 25, 2013, 07:32:57 AM
>Remove ourself from the doorframe and give flight another shot. That... thing looks promising!

>You try to fly, but have no more luck than before. You are starting to wonder if that and the weak borders are related? Hmm, probably not directly, but perhaps the cause of one causes the other?

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 26, 2013, 07:42:21 AM
>You suspect you will have to concoct a test that allows you to see how things interact beyond the door without going through it yourself, throw caution to the wind, or leave it altogether.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: UncertainJakutten on March 26, 2013, 07:07:24 PM
I'm voting throw caution to the wind here, any objections?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 26, 2013, 07:33:00 PM
I was thinking check out the other side and come back if we can fly at some point in the future (assuming we can find this place again). If you do want to do a Leeroy Jenkins then at least throw the rock through first though.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 26, 2013, 09:18:30 PM
>Ok why the hell not, let's throw one of the plants through the door.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 26, 2013, 11:44:23 PM
>Ok why the hell not, let's throw one of the plants through the door.

>You pluck one of the feathery plants, and toss it through the door like a dart.
>It flies through the threshold normally. Then it begins to slow down, until it stops in midair, a couple feet inside the door, and hangs there, its fronds swaying slightly but otherwise motionless.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 27, 2013, 10:36:07 AM
>Well then, grab a hold of the doorframe and swing out into the ~void~.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 27, 2013, 07:41:08 PM
>Well then, grab a hold of the doorframe and swing out into the ~void~.

>You grab into the doorframe and swing yourself out into the darkness. You kick the frond, sending it spinning further out, then feel a sudden and unprepared shock as your feet settle down on solid...something in the darkness.
>The frond travels a few more yards in before coming to a stop.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 28, 2013, 12:47:33 AM
>Feel around on the "ground" with our hands.
>Crawl around feeling with our hands as we go, to make sure there isn't a sudden drop around.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 28, 2013, 01:03:59 AM
>Feel around on the "ground" with our hands.
>Crawl around feeling with our hands as we go, to make sure there isn't a sudden drop around.

>You let go of the doorframe and feel around the darkness with your hands. The ground, as it were, feels solid. You progress forward a bit into the darkness. feeling around. You don't feel anything that breaks up the perfect smoothness of the surface you're moving upon; nor does it seem to be any hotter or colder than the air around you. You can't quite place the texture, it is smooth but you can't tell what sort of smooth. It feels practically like a solid barrier rather than anything physical.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 28, 2013, 10:04:23 AM
>Examine the door on this side.

Also, a gopher, why a gopher? o~O
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Shadoweh on March 28, 2013, 04:05:13 PM
> Take the frond with us as a tester for the barrier just in case.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 28, 2013, 07:23:01 PM
>Examine the door on this side.

>Checking the doorway on this side, it it is still the same silvery frame, with a hint of the door itself at the right edge.  Through it, you can see the plain of feathery plants, and the orange sky. A mote of pink light winks into existence near the door, then vanishes.

> Take the frond with us as a tester for the barrier just in case.

>You move over to the front and take it in hand. It's not quite long enough to make a good testing rod, but you can at least tap the ground in front of you if you hunch over a little.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 28, 2013, 10:39:11 PM
>Begin walking toward the giant crystalline structure.
>Turn around to make sure that the way we came is able to be seen from a distance.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 28, 2013, 11:21:31 PM
>Begin walking toward the giant crystalline structure.
>Turn around to make sure that the way we came is able to be seen from a distance.

>You begin to walk toward the crystalline structure, brushing ahead of yourself with the frond. Glancing back, you don't feel you'll lose sight of the doorway anytime soon, it glows just as brightly here as it did on the other side; and its light stands out better against the darkness than it did against the fronds. You can also sense another gap in the light, this one very indistinct.
>Walking through the darkness, the crystalline structure looms ahead and dominates your thoughts. Contemplating its shape, you can see no pattern to it. Larger spheres and ovals seem to be predominant shapes, with bridges like icicles running between them. Shapeless crystal masses largely seem to congregate under the smaller ones, making you think of thick pudding-like liquid that flowed there. You cannot find anything on it that looks like a hard edge or corner, you'd almost think it was somehow smoothed to a polish in an immense river.
>It draws closer and closer as you travel, until you are some yards from it. Your initial estimates might have been a bit much; while it is huge, it is not quite on par with a mountain. It is certainly large enough to match any palace that you have seen, though. You are closest to a shapeless mass of crystal stuff, twisting up some yards above you and flowing into a sphere as large as a house. Underneath, below the level of your feet, you see ice-like protrusions of crystal hanging from it at various angles. Glancing back, you can see the light of the doorway quite clearly, the whole trip took perhaps fifteen minutes.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 29, 2013, 12:16:05 AM
>Hmm, can we see those door/windowesque things on it that we saw before?
>Can we see a way to scale it?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: O4rfish on March 29, 2013, 12:24:44 AM
>Gotta be polite. "Hello, is anyone home? It's Yukari."
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 29, 2013, 12:50:37 AM
>Hmm, can we see those door/windowesque things on it that we saw before?
>Can we see a way to scale it?

>You can see one near the base of the sphere, on the right side.
>You think you can climb up the shapeless mass in a couple spots. One to the right offers numerous but shallow handholds, while one of the left seems to have fewer, but sturdier-looking ones. In either case, you would need to free your hands for the task. There is a spot where you make be able to make your way up with your hands occupied, but it is rather sheer.

>Gotta be polite. "Hello, is anyone home? It's Yukari."

>You decide to avoid discourtesy and announce yourself. You do not hear any reply.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 30, 2013, 01:07:49 AM
>We got out underwear back right?
>See if we can holster our screwdriver in our underwear.
>Unfortunately we'll have to leave our trusty rock behind for now. :(
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 30, 2013, 02:13:23 AM
>We got out underwear back right?
>See if we can holster our screwdriver in our underwear.
>Unfortunately we'll have to leave our trusty rock behind for now. :(

>You have.
>It is a little unpleasant and annoying, but you sheath your screwdriver through your undergarment's waistband by your left hip, and set your rock down.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 30, 2013, 09:25:29 AM
>Begin climbing the left way, the one with fewer but solid handholds.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 30, 2013, 08:24:19 PM
>Begin climbing the left way, the one with fewer but solid handholds.

>You make your way up the left side of the formless crystal. It is hard to hold onto, it feels like pearl under your fingers, and your socks do not provide as much traction as you would like. The handholds, however, are solid and provide a shape that is easy enough to grip. It helps that the crystal here isn't too steep, either. Still, it takes some time and effort to pull yourself up, but it is rather nice to not have to worry about any cuts from sharp edges; your hand and shoulder are protesting enough as it is.
>Reaching the top of the shapeless 'cliff', you find yourself beside the house-sized sphere that you were looking at earlier. It should be easy to walk around it and approach the opposite side. Beyond it the shapeless crystal continues to rise upward; the mass of twists and whorls slightly bringing to mind a collection of drippings from melted wax. Several spheres dominate the hillside, some of them apparently fused together. A few icicle-like protrusions arise from the mass, the spheres to the hillside and two of them bridging the expanse between two separate rises between the formless mass of crystal. You can see a few possible paths leading further upward by following wide distensions in the mass like a mountain trail.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on March 30, 2013, 11:55:08 PM
>Any of those doors or windows at this elevation?
>Examine the paths.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 31, 2013, 01:09:45 AM
>Any of those doors or windows at this elevation?
>Examine the paths.

>There is one trio of fused bubbles that has an obvious window you can climb through. You've seen one on the bubble to your immediate right.  You think one near the top of the rise before you may have one, but it's hard to tell from this angle.
>One of the ersatz paths wends along the outer edge of the rise, passing close to a few bubble before vanishing. Another wends close to one of the icicle-like bridges then comes to an end in what seems to be something like a hollow near the top.  A third would take you close to a different bridge, and then near the fused trio of bubbles that you noted earlier.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 31, 2013, 04:21:02 AM
> Can we tell what material this crystalline construct is?
> Does it not come off as unusual to any of our senses, be it good unusual or bad unusual? Similar to how we could tell those roots are bad juju just by looking at them.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 31, 2013, 04:28:22 AM
> Can we tell what material this crystalline construct is?
> Does it not come off as unusual to any of our senses, be it good unusual or bad unusual? Similar to how we could tell those roots are bad juju just by looking at them.

>You aren't certain what it is. It feels like pearl under your fingers, but you're well aware that pearl doesn't make formations like this. It is distinctly different from glass; it's too opaque and the feel isn't quite right. You suspect it is less brittle than glass, but this is just a gut feeling. But beyond that, you can't answer what it is.
>This structure doesn't give you any unusual feelings in and of itself. You certainly don't feel wary of it like you do the roots, and the fact you have touched it without hurting yourself seems to indicate they are different things entirely.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on March 31, 2013, 04:33:29 AM
> From our vantage point, is there anything else visible in the swath of darkness other than the structure and the door we used to get here in the first place?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on March 31, 2013, 05:46:29 AM
> From our vantage point, is there anything else visible in the swath of darkness other than the structure and the door we used to get here in the first place?

>Aside from that, you have seen nothing but the occasional star-like light in the darkness.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 01, 2013, 03:00:31 AM
>Take the third path and investigate that window!
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 01, 2013, 03:42:42 AM
>Take the third path and investigate that window!

>You follow the path toward the fused bubbles. The path is curved and slick, making the going slower than you'd like. Periodically you have to slow to an awkward shuffle or hold onto a piece of terrain as the slope becomes too steep to easily balance upon. The air is quiet and still, without any hint of an odor.
>As you crest a blob-like distension of crystal, you reach the spheres. They are arranged in a triangular pattern, fused in the middle. One of the spheres is about half subsumed into the fusion, while the other two are less so, maybe only a fifth of the way or so. They are about the same size, perhaps fifteen feet in diameter. Their surfaces are perfectly smooth, as the whole crystalline mass has been. You cannot see anything like a seam or mar along them, even where the spheres fuse together. The window is nearby, at about chest level to you, shaped like a rough oval and a bit over two feet across. At a glance, from your current position, you cannot see much inside, but you note the spheres seem to be hollow. The walls seem to be about half a foot thick and rounded at the edges of the window.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 01, 2013, 04:00:34 AM
>Throroughly examine the window and determine how easy it would be to get open.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 01, 2013, 04:05:01 AM
>Throroughly examine the window and determine how easy it would be to get open.

>There is no pane or glass in the way that you can see. Rather, it is more of a window in the sense of being a small opening that is too small and too high up to be a proper door.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 01, 2013, 12:53:44 PM
>Ah right, evaluate how easy it would be to climb through the "window" before us.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 01, 2013, 07:05:35 PM
>Ah right, evaluate how easy it would be to climb through the "window" before us.

>You could easily climb through it, you think, but you'd likely have to readjust your bedsheet afterward if you're not careful.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 01, 2013, 07:43:06 PM
>Well then, let's do that. Climb through the window.
>Adjust bedsheet toga if necessary.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 01, 2013, 11:37:46 PM
>Well then, let's do that. Climb through the window.
>Adjust bedsheet toga if necessary.

>You duck under the frame of the window and rest your stomach on it for a moment before pushing yourself further inside and catching yourself with your hands on the smooth, curved floor. From there, it's easy enough to pull yourself inside and catch yourself before falling gracelessly as you ease your lower body through.
>Standing up, you take the time to properly adjust your bedsheet and look around. The merged spheres have formed a three room structure, devoid of any features or objects of interest save for a pit in the where the spheres would meet. The floor curves downward, keeping with the shape of the spheres. This will make it a bit more irritating to get back through the window, but you think it should still be within your abilities. The surface here is as smooth and unmarred as the crystal you've seen outside. Glancing at the pit, you note that it it doesn't seem to fall straight downward.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 02, 2013, 08:13:06 PM
>Investigate the pit.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 02, 2013, 08:48:31 PM
>Investigate the pit.

>You make your way over to the pit, taking care to maintain your balance on the curved floor. Falling just the wrong way could well send you tumbling straight down into it. The slope becomes less harsh as you draw close to the lip of the pit, allowing you to peak down into it without too much worry.
>The first thing you note is that the pit's crystalline walls are not nearly as flat as those of the room, instead they are gnarled and wrinkled and resemble layers upon layers of melted wax, rather like the slope outside. You also note that it is not a pit at all, but rather a tunnel that cuts under the floor; you couldn't see the entrance to it from the window. The tunnel slopes downward slightly, quickly disappearing out of sight and heading deeper into this place. There is a bit of a drop to get down to the tunnel, a good five feet or so, but that shouldn't be difficult. However, given the rough ground and the slope of the tunnel, merely leaping down would probably be a bad idea.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 02, 2013, 09:02:31 PM
>Does it look like we could maintain our balance once we were down there?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 02, 2013, 09:36:29 PM
>Does it look like we could maintain our balance once we were down there?

>As far as you can see. While the uneven floor will make it easier to fall, it will also allow for better footing as long as you are careful.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 03, 2013, 03:41:17 AM
>Lower ourself carefully over the edge feet first. With our front facing the lip.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 03, 2013, 03:55:47 AM
>Lower ourself carefully over the edge feet first. With our front facing the lip.

>You lower yourself down feet first without any real difficulty, finding easy purchase on a fold of crystalline material.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 03, 2013, 04:00:54 AM
>Begin walking down the tunnel carefully, we won't have to crouch or anything will we?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 03, 2013, 04:47:41 AM
>Begin walking down the tunnel carefully, we won't have to crouch or anything will we?

>You begin to make your way down the tunnel, happy to see that this one is large enough to walk down. It slopes downward, deeper into the crystal mass. The walls and ceiling bear the same kinds of folds and thick formless protrusions as the floor and outside. You cannot find a pattern to them, but you want to liken it to a mass of bunched-up cloth, a glass-making accident or possibly some sort of organic material. The aqua color of the crystal lightens and darkens every so often, seemingly at random. In its own way, it is rather attractive. You might even have been rather plased to see it in a better situation.
>At first you find the ceiling is a little close to the top of your head for comfort, but as you travel a little ways in it raises a foot or so. The slope is gentle, but noticeable, while the floor is uneven enough you can't quite walk careless without risking a fall or a twisted ankle. At first, the tunnel is reasonably straight, but it begins to curve to the left. As you pass by a rather large distension in the floor, you hear a brief faint noise, so faint you cannot really tell any details aside from its existence. After a few seconds, you hear it again.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 03, 2013, 09:15:58 PM
>Put our ear up against the walls and floor to see if we can hear it better, if not continue along the tunnel until we can.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 03, 2013, 10:19:18 PM
>Put our ear up against the walls and floor to see if we can hear it better, if not continue along the tunnel until we can.

>You put your ear to the wall, and the sound doesn't seem to be any clearer the next time that you hear it. You then kneel down and put your ear to the floor, and get the same result.  The sound remains constant, coming once every few seconds.
>You continue down the tunnel as it begins to curve a bit to the right.  The sound is still distant, but after some moments, you are fairly certain it is the sound of water dropping into a pool. Then, as you progress a little further and the corridor starts to curve to the left again, the sound disappears.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 03, 2013, 10:22:43 PM
>Continue along the tunnel until anything else of note occurs.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 03, 2013, 10:55:05 PM
>Continue along the tunnel until anything else of note occurs.

>You could certainly do with a drink right now, hopefully it is clean...
>You continue to follow the tunnel as it curves to the left, hoping to pick up the sound again. As you have to walk around a large distension on the floor, you can just hear it again, as the tunnel curves rightward again up ahead.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 04, 2013, 12:35:15 AM
>Continue along the tunnel, toward the sound.
>There haven't been any splits in the path have there?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 04, 2013, 01:14:03 AM
>Continue along the tunnel, toward the sound.
>There haven't been any splits in the path have there?

>There have been no splits that you've noticed.
>You continue along the tunnel, the sound growing a bit more clear before it vanishes again. The tunnel begins to curve leftward, and you start to hear the water dropping once more as you reach another large distension of crystalline mass on the floor. It is so faint that you can't really identify it as water anymore, but the timing of it makes it unmistakable. Up ahead, the tunnel curves to the right.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 04, 2013, 05:04:15 AM
>Hmmm, have we always heard the sound near these distensions?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 04, 2013, 06:04:10 AM
>Hmmm, have we always heard the sound near these distensions?

>Thinking back on it, it has happened all three times.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 04, 2013, 07:29:11 AM
>Thoroughly investigate the nearby distension!
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 04, 2013, 08:09:55 AM
>Thoroughly investigate the nearby distension!

>It is a lump of crystal, about a foot high and a yard across, nestled into the wall and spreading across the floor. It is smooth and featureless, fused perfectly with the wall and the floor, you cannot see a single seam or the like. Aside from its size and being slightly in the way, you don't see or feel anything special about it.
>The barely audible dripping continues as you examine the distension, one drop falling every few seconds.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 04, 2013, 08:47:18 AM
>Kick it with the flat of our foot.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 04, 2013, 08:54:26 AM
>Kick it with the flat of our foot.

>You kick at it, or more accurately stomp on it. It seems to be solid, and doesn't react to your blow.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 04, 2013, 09:00:12 AM
>Push it, shove it, jump up and down on it. Then give up and sit with our back to it just to complete the cliche.
>Continue down the tunnel for now.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 04, 2013, 09:11:55 AM
>Push it, shove it, jump up and down on it. Then give up and sit with our back to it just to complete the cliche.
>Continue down the tunnel for now.

>It bites you. You die. Would you like your possessions identified?
>You continue down the tunnel. It becomes to turn rightward, and the dripping sound gets louder and more distinct. Then it stops and the corridor curves leftward. Soon, as distension in the wall comes into view, and as you near it, you become the hear the distant hint of water dripping again.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 04, 2013, 09:26:45 AM
>Hmmm, continue a bit further until the sounds next peaks and look for anything odd.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 04, 2013, 09:33:30 AM
>Hmmm, continue a bit further until the sounds next peaks and look for anything odd.

>You continue a bit further, until the sound gets as strong as you remember.
>You are at a largely unremarkable part of the corridor. Up ahead, then corridor begins to curve leftward. The pattern of the floor is rather dense, there are a lot of folds and twists in it, which run up walls before giving way to larger, thicker twists in the crystal. As you look ahead, the sound remains as strong as ever.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 05, 2013, 01:12:13 AM
>So the tunnel follows roughly the outline of a star-esque shape then?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 05, 2013, 01:45:45 AM
>So the tunnel follows roughly the outline of a star-esque shape then?

>You don't think so, it seems more like of an S-pattern. The turns haven't been sharp enough to be proper corners.

Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Yaersulf on April 05, 2013, 03:48:09 AM
>Okay, so then the "left" is the direction the sound comes from?
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Kilgamayan on April 05, 2013, 03:53:37 AM
> Shank the sound.
Title: Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
Post by: Hello Purvis on April 05, 2013, 06:26:28 AM
> Shank the sound.

>"Shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit..." goes the sound, as you drive the screwdriver right in its eye.