Author Topic: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure  (Read 54334 times)

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Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« on: January 20, 2013, 07:25:14 PM »

>You are Yukari Yakumo, and you are the Queen of Gensokyo! Well, not really, but it?s nice to to lead others to think you are and pay due respect.
>You are the youkai that stands at the threshold, old as civilization and a witness much of human and youkai history. Indeed, you have been a significant force during much of the latter. Your deeds are many: You have name charted the stars for youkai-kind, you have lead an invasion that shook both heaven and earth, even if it had ostensibly failed to conquer the moon. You have dwelt on the edge of human society, sometimes reaching out to influence it in small ways. However, there was a point when you realized that you had to make a decision, whether you wished to exert your power over all, dominate them, and rule openly (or fall in the attempt), or take a more relaxed role and live as you pleased. You chose the latter with little hesitation. You have watched both humans and youkai throughout history, as youkai took early control over the unseen parts of the world and were slowly driven further and further back as humanity grew in power, technology, and arrogance.
>Eventually, it became necessary to find a new place for the youkai to live, and you took an active role in helping to forge that place with the aid of the Hakurei bloodline and The Dragon itself. Now you watch over that land, serving as both a quiet (and sometimes not so quiet) guardian and observer of its ultimate fate. Already, it has challenged some of your wildest expectations, for both the land itself and its inhabitants...
>More mundanely, you dwell with your shikigami and dearest companion Ran, as well as her subordinate shikigami Chen in a modest fashion, enjoying each day as it comes. Despite your rather fearsome status, which you cultivated as carefully as you care to, you have some friends among others as well. As well, you have a number of rivals; well, something like rivals; that you covertly keep an eye on. However, for the most part, you are content to merely flummox them from time to time, when you pay them any mind, you didn?t get as far as you have by letting things stress you unnecessarily. Your true duty is to maintain the integrity of the barrier that separates Gensokyo from the rest of the world, and make certain that nothing untoward gets in. You?ve had mixed success with this, when you are fully honest with yourself...
>Just recently, you have awoken from your winter?s nap. Right now, you sit at the main table in your home, having just finished your first cup of tea and chased away the cobwebs. Ran is at work in the kitchen, chopping some vegetables and tofu for tonight?s dinner. Chen is off playing  somewhere, and probably won?t be home until it is time for supper. Glancing out the window, you see it is a fine spring day.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 03:01:16 AM by Purvijiri »


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Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #1 on: January 20, 2013, 07:57:23 PM »
>Give a proper deific stretch after such a long rest! Or short rest, I guess it's kinda relative.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #2 on: January 20, 2013, 07:59:34 PM »
>Give a proper deific stretch after such a long rest! Or short rest, I guess it's kinda relative.

>You do no such thing. What an insulting thought, liking someone such as yourself to the likes of a deity. You have significantly more dignity than that.
>You do have a nice stretch, though.



  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
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Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #3 on: January 20, 2013, 08:02:26 PM »
>Well a nice stretch is just as fine.
>Can we deduce what dearest Ran is preparing for dinner?

>Oh yes, the boring bits as well

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #4 on: January 20, 2013, 08:19:56 PM »
>Well a nice stretch is just as fine.
>Can we deduce what dearest Ran is preparing for dinner?

>Oh yes, the boring bits as well

>A stretch is fine indeed.
>From what you can smell, and from the sound of the blade cutting through the food, you believe she is preparing some variant of tofu. Likely fried, knowing her; as it is one of her favorites.
>Your inventory is immense. You keep quite a number of odds and ends within your grasp that you have accumulated over your lifetime. You have just about any mundane non-technological object that you could want stored somewhere or another. More modern items become increasingly rare, you find them distasteful. You have a supply of sundry enchanted objects as well, enough that you tend to forget what they all are. There are a few other items as well that you less for use, and more to remove them from the use of others. Very recently, you added an interesting and incomprehensible machine to the mix. But, on your person, you have your clothing and your tools, the latter carefully hidden away.
>You have a great many skills. Over the course of your life, you have done many things, and pioneered more than your share of fields from time to time. Of course, this was back before many things were discovered, so you had a relatively easy time of it. But, you do like to consider it a point of pride that you seem to have invented tinsmithing at one point, or at least you'll insist you did. Certainly no one else around was doing it to your knowledge. But, over the course of your lifetime, you've also let many of your skills go to rust through lack of use, and others have changed so drastically that your knowledge of them is archaic and useless in today's context.  However, you do know a few things, still. Few people can hope to match your knowledge of cosmic geography and the nature of the borders that keep it all running as it does.  You know quite a few things that have been forgotten by history, and have personally witnessed and forgotten more history than many youkai could hope to learn.
>Your Quests are:
>Border Patrol
>The Great Hakurei Barrier must be kept intact. Right now, you are not aware of any major problems with it. Ran has not reported anything, either.
>Indulgent Interests
>You have a couple recent romantic interests that you'd like to pursue at one time or another, namely the Hakurei Maiden and a girl from outside by the name of Maribel.
>Have It Your Way.
>You do whatever you damn well please, within limits. You have a very rigorous standard of class to maintain, and you have no intention of sullying yourself by violating that.

« Last Edit: January 20, 2013, 08:34:36 PM by Purvosan »


  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
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Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #5 on: January 20, 2013, 08:27:50 PM »
>Go over general classiness. It wouldn't do to violate such in a bit of a pique
>Go over knowledge of Maribel
>Oh, we've been woolgathering a bit, does Ran dearest know we're awake?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #6 on: January 20, 2013, 08:43:09 PM »
>Go over general classiness. It wouldn't do to violate such in a bit of a pique
>Go over knowledge of Maribel
>Oh, we've been woolgathering a bit, does Ran dearest know we're awake?

>You have a reputation to maintain. You are above causing problems for the sake of causing problems, most of the time. You generally don't lower yourself to behavior that you see more fitting of your rivals, except when you do. In general, you try to maintain an aura and attitude of proper sophistication, except for when you decide to do otherwise. In general, if you are "doing otherwise", you really aren't and it just seems like such to an uninformed observer. Or you're taking advantage of a situation to have a little fun, such as when you went out to gather liquor for the summer parties that Suika was causing, some time ago.
>Maribel is an interesting person, if only because she very strongly resembles a younger and more modest version of yourself. She also carries a potential within her to become a shrine maiden like Reimu, though she has chosen to follow more pedestrian magic instead and has lost that particular opportunity forever. Still, her attunement with borders and barriers persists, and you find it most fascinating. She lives not too far away with her significant other, a rather uninteresting heretic-cum-magician by the name of Renko. Maribel, left to her own designs, tends to be outwardly meek and inwardly determined. Coming to Gensokyo was a dream come true for her, and she has done her best to make the most of it, serving as a teacher at a recently established university in the kappa village.
>She is aware; right now she is leaving you to waken at your own pace. It is irksome to be confronted with too much activity until you are ready.



  • Then you should get out of the way when I tell you
  • Do you not trust my aim?
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #7 on: January 20, 2013, 08:47:33 PM »
>It would be. Get up at a leisurely pace, unwrinkling my clothes a little and blinking out any remaining fuzzies
>Oh, I have rivals? Go over information of rivals
>As for Maribel, what do I know of the Yuugi/Parsee/Utsuho situation, if anything, and if I am aware of it, how acceptable would such a solution be to me should I successfully court her?

<I'm really bad at using first person pronouns >.>>

Dormio Ergo Sum

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Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #8 on: January 20, 2013, 10:01:22 PM »
>Slap Kilgamayan.
>Remind ourselves of what we do in order to maintain the border, and how much of our duties are delegated to Ran.
>What do we know of Maribel's relationship with Renko?
>What about Reimu interests us?
>What do we know about Reimu's interest in others?


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Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #9 on: January 20, 2013, 11:15:30 PM »


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Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #10 on: January 20, 2013, 11:31:39 PM »
> Most of Gensokyo can't be more than a minor inconvenience as antagonists, but what is our opinion of the Komeiji family?
[22:40:12] <Drake> "guys i donwloaded esod but its not workan"
[22:40:21] <Drake> REPORTED
[22:40:25] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> PROBATED
[22:40:30] <Drake> ORGASM
[22:40:32] <NaturallyOccurringChoja> FUCK YEAH

[22:28:39] <Edible> Mafia would be a much easier game if we were playing "spot the asshole"


  • Surprisingy not smart for lynch dodging
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #11 on: January 20, 2013, 11:38:01 PM »
>Or the mountain gods?


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Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #12 on: January 21, 2013, 02:20:11 AM »
>When is our next scheduled Old Maids Alliance club meeting?
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.


  • something seems fishy
  • paranoia 4 lyfe
    • Ask an Oarfish!
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #13 on: January 21, 2013, 03:30:31 AM »
>Have we really been around that long?
>When's the last time we saw Mima?
>Do our powers extend to divination, duplication, increased strength, shapeshifting, telekinesis, telepathy, time stopping, time travel, and breaking the fourth wall?
>We are aware of all residents of Gensokyo, right? Which residents' powers can't we imitate?
>Recall intersections of organized sports and Gensokyo. Tennis, pro wrestling, soccer?
>Relationship with Ran.
>Relationship with Chen.
« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 05:01:00 AM by Kilgamayan »
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.


  • something seems fishy
  • paranoia 4 lyfe
    • Ask an Oarfish!
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #14 on: January 21, 2013, 04:51:36 AM »
>Oh yeah, difference between Hakurei Barrier and Barrier of Common Sense.
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.


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Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #15 on: January 21, 2013, 07:51:22 AM »
We're doing this the long way, let's make Purvis do ALL the writing.
Also it makes me happy that one of Yukari's 'quests' is to be Yukari.
> Relationships
> Do we have any favorite objects, like our parasol?

Kitten4u: "I'll say it plainly: THERE IS NO WAY SHADOWEH IS SCUM!" - A Balanced Game of Mafia

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #16 on: January 21, 2013, 08:14:48 AM »
>It would be. Get up at a leisurely pace, unwrinkling my clothes a little and blinking out any remaining fuzzies
>Oh, I have rivals? Go over information of rivals
> Most of Gensokyo can't be more than a minor inconvenience as antagonists, but what is our opinion of the Komeiji family?
>Or the mountain gods?

>You stand up, feeling quite awake at the moment.
>You have quite a few people you feel the need to keep an eye on. Rival is more a term of convenience than a term of fact:
>If there is any faction that you do not trust, it is the Lunarians, Eirin Yagokoro in particular. They have tried change the nature of Gensokyo before to suit their purposes, to the detriment of all youkai, and you suspect it is only a matter of time until they try again. As well, you do not trust any Lunarian envoys to keep the interest of anyone but themselves at heart.  This said, you do have a soft spot for Reisen, after she helped manage Gensokyo's interests over those of her old home. You want to think well of Kaguya, as well, as she seems to have left a lot of ideology of her people behind, but it is difficult to credit this as a long-term change of heart rather than just a current phase.
>The Moriya Shrine has recently drawn your ire, with their little tricks in regard to trying to write Gensokyo's history to suit their needs. While you confess that they actually did a reasonably good job of it, you are rather incensed that their solution to the youkai issue was to make youkai into humans. Not to mention all the work of yours that the act rendered moot. Thankfully, it was not too difficult to clean it up; you have to acknowledge that Keine did a very good job in undoing their actions. It was bad enough that they infused Utsuho with the spirit of Yatagarasu, but that particular incident has led you consider taking personal and decisive action against them.
>Keine and Mokou are a deep concern of yours. You know Keine has altered the past on at least one occasion, and this bothers you deeply. Time and history are largely outside of your grasp, and you really don't trust anyone who can manipulate it. While they are reasonably harmless right now, they are an earthquake waiting to happen, sooner or later Mokou's immortality and Keine's mortality are going to cause one or the other to do something stupid. Unfortunately, it is also highly problematic to try to nip this problem in the bud, given how obsessed Mokou can be with revenge; you really would rather not have her dogging your steps for the rest of your days.
>The Komeiji family is largely no concern of yours. Koishi, however, demands some special attention for her role in the events of Genoskyo being forced into the outside world. However, you can sympathize with her, the life of a satori is a hard one. Honestly, while the reasons of the Moriya deities were rather petty, you can understand why she would embrace humanity and spread it to the rest of her people. You try to keep half an eye on her, but you aren't really irate with her like you are with many of these people.
>You also keep half an eye on Utsuho, her destructive potential cannot be ignored. However, she herself seems to be mostly harmless. You aren't too worried about her anymore.
>Toyosatomimi's entourage bears some attention; you don't need them trying to whip up old-world ideas about youkai. So far, though, they have behaved themselves.
>Yuka Kazami is as close as you have to a real rival. Her destructive potential, while a great deal more focused than Utsuho's, is also quite considerable. Moreover, she considers you as her rival. It is not a particularly heated rivalry at the moment, which is preferable, but you're well aware she considers your current status something of a chafe against her pride. You don't think the two of you will ever be compatible, she doesn't really have much class, and you don't really mirror her ideals on etiquette.

>Slap Kilgamayan.
>Remind ourselves of what we do in order to maintain the border, and how much of our duties are delegated to Ran.

>You don't slap Kilgamayan, he can't help it.
>Your major duties are to make certain that incoming things do not poke holes into the barrier. Small objects appear all the time. Most of these aren't a great deal of concern, but over time their passing can create clutter in the border. This is magnified when the object in question isn't compatible with Gensokyo. It's one thing for a dropped yen from the outside world to appear, it's another thing if it is something akin to a Geiger counter, and another thing entirely if it is some bit sorcerous material from Avalon. Large objects also sometimes appear, and their passage can need to be treated quickly, even if they are compatible with Gensokyo. Ran generally keeps a log of things that she finds while you are asleep, which helps you identify problems when you've awakened. Compatibility and size are the keys to just how bad it is when a thing enters Gensokyo on their own.
>Another thing that you do is help the border remain intact as Gensokyo grows; letting out its clothing, so to speak. This is something you tend to allow to pile up a little; it's easier and more efficient to do this every so often rather than a little bit at a time.
>The particularly hard part is that you can't fully isolate Gensokyo, it needs to have some connections to other worlds for the dead to use to get to Higan, and it needs to have some physical connections to be a part of the universe. Maintaining a proper balance between having these and not being overwhelmed by them requires some work.

>What do we know of Maribel's relationship with Renko?
>What about Reimu interests us?
>What do we know about Reimu's interest in others?

>As for Maribel, what do I know of the Yuugi/Parsee/Utsuho situation, if anything, and if I am aware of it, how acceptable would such a solution be to me should I successfully court her?

>Maribel and Renko are in love and in a deeply committed relationship. This really doesn't bother your, your desire isn't to break them up, but rather to have Maribel when some time opens up that you both can mutually agree on. You are vaguely aware of the relationship between Yuugi, Parsee, and Utsuho, and you'd be fine with that kind of solution. You don't mind if Renko has primacy, you just want to borrow Maribel for yourself every so often.
>Reimu interests you for a number of reasons. The Hakurei line has been of interest to you since you learned of its existence, centuries ago. Their inherited ability to place barriers makes them a natural antithesis to your own nature as a being on the threshold. This makes them particularly interesting to you. You've had attractions to a few members of the lineage, to be honest, they tend to be strong people, and that is interesting as well. Reimu in particular interests, you however, because youkai have never had a better friend, and you are certain neither side realizes it.
>As far as interests go, Reimu is pretty decidedly not interested in anyone as far as you can tell. You've certainly tried to inflame her interests from time to time, but it's never really worked that you can see. Within the past couple years, she has also picked up a faerie companion who is quite madly in love with her, that Reimu has largely managed to deflect. You would have to have a good laugh, though, if that faerie actually managed to open her heart in some manner.


>By nature, you exist at the edge of this world and the other. The nature of this 'other' is nebulous and ill defined, as the other always is. You are able to go to places where people cannot go, and return from them. You can find the small gaps between things and concepts, and exploit them. You can open the gaps, you can minimize them, you can shift them around to varying degrees. With the aid of the right tools, you can do quite a number of things with these abilities.  By clever use, you can achieve quite a world of effects; though you tend to refrain from those without class.

>When is our next scheduled Old Maids Alliance club meeting?

>What a cruel way to think of Yuyuko! Though she'd likely laugh if you caught her in the correct mood.

>Have we really been around that long?
>When's the last time we saw Mima?
>Do our powers extend to divination, duplication, increased strength, shapeshifting, telekinesis, telepathy, time stopping, time travel, and breaking the fourth wall?
>We are aware of all residents of Gensokyo, right? Which residents' powers can't we imitate?
>Recall intersections of organized sports and Gensokyo. Tennis, pro wrestling, soccer?
>Relationship with Ran.
>Relationship with Chen.

>You have been around for quite awhile.
>You have not seen Mima in years, who knows where that screechy spirit got off to? Or perhaps she was exorcised finally?
>You can use your abilities for a few things, if you can work out a way to do it. As far as divination goes, it's easy to peer through or listen through a gap, assuming you can open one where you need it. Sometimes you can be more creative than that. Increasing strength and changing shape would be difficult, it is very hard to manipulate gaps within living beings without harming them. You wouldn't need to do this anyways, you are already quite strong. You can achieve some effects similar to telekinesis, you suppose, with clever manipulation of gaps, but you would rather just ask someone to bring what you need. You can't really do telepathy, but you could open a tiny gap in someone's ear and speak through it.  Time is outside of your purview entirely, which has sometimes been a source of frustration, but probably for the best. You may not have always been at your best in regards to such things.
>Why would you imitate anyone's power? You have your own.
>There are no Gensokyo-wide organized sports, However, various communities do have their local games. The oni, for instance, maintain several different fighting leagues. The human village has a few amateur sports teams, but these are more of a hobby for after work than anything professional. Every so often, a new game will sweep over Gensokyo; you recall that dominos was popular a couple years ago.
>Ran is your dearest and closest companion. While youkai do not engage in marriage (well, at least not until recently, you suppose), you practically consider her your spouse. She helps bring methods to your madness, so to speak, in the centuries that the two of you have been together. While you have had your many dalliances, she is and will remain the brightest star in your sky and the one that all others revolve around. You love her as no other.
>Chen, you suppose, is rather like a niece to you. She is quite close to Ran, and their love is quite akin to parent and child. But despite your closeness to Ran, you and Chen just don't have that kind of bond. You regard her well, and you know that she respects you greatly, But she just isn't as close to you as she is to Ran, and you're alright with that. So you dote on her like a niece, while letting Ran handle the more important duties.

>Oh yeah, difference between Hakurei Barrier and Barrier of Common Sense.

>At first glance, some think they are one and the same. Nothing could be further from the truth; the concept called common sense often allows for quite a bit of fantasy and magical thinking.  It's quite nebulous!

> Relationships
> Do we have any favorite objects, like our parasol?

>Outside of the above, there is Yuyuko, who is a former lover of yours, and one of your most constant friends. By extension, you know Youmu, although she doesn't care for you and you aren't especially impressed by her.
>You are well acquainted with Marisa Kirisame and Sakuya Izayoi, though neither of them are especially happy with the fact.
>You are acquainted with the inhabitants of Scarlet Devil Mansion, but you aren't particularly welcome there. You aren't especially unwelcome, either.  You think well of Patchouli, though, and feel that it is mutual.
>You regard the inhabitants of the Myouren Temple, and their allies, reasonably well, but you tend not to visit very often, Buddhism doesn't appeal to you very much. You hold great respect for Byakuren Hijiri. If Reimu is the best friend that youkai have known, Byakuren is just behind her.
>You consider Rinnosuke Morichika an interesting and dangerous friend. You've been aware for a long time that there is more to him than meets the eye, and have worked with him to both of your benefits. You were not especially surprised when he finally made his move, nor did you feel the need to move and stop him; it is proper for Gensokyoans to decide their fate. However, you have not seen him more than briefly since the Myouren Shrine have taken him in and started to try to treat his madness.
>You find yourself curiously well-disposed toward Iku, she has impressed you in the past with her compassion toward youkai and her willingness to assist them. You consider her a distant friend.
>By extension, you hold The Dragon in great respact and consider it to be an associate of yours. The two of you worked together to establish Gensokyo, and it is probably the only deity that you truly like. You are aware that it holds some regard for you as well. You could, if you wanted to, easily go visit the Dragon Palace and expect to be granted an audience instantly. However, you would never do that on a whim, you respect The Dragon too much to bother it for anything other than the most important of reasons. And you know it would see you without precondition because you would never come and request an audience without a very good reason.


Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #17 on: January 21, 2013, 08:36:19 AM »
>What are the practical limitations on our ability to open gaps for the purposes of transit? Does it require us to be familiar with the destination location? Does physical distance matter in any sense? Is transit through effectively instantaneous?
>Must one end of the gap always be near us, or could we theoretically open a gap between two remote locations?
>How large a volume of things or people could we safely transport, aside from ourselves? Is there a physical limitation in this regard?
>Do we have full control over the position and orientation of the remote gap? ie: whether the exit is vertical or horizontal, whether it appears on the floor or the ceiling and so on
>For that matter, how does gravity interact with gap travel, particularly if the orientation of gaps is different on each end?

Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #18 on: January 21, 2013, 08:41:25 AM »
>How many children have we sired and/or bore?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #19 on: January 21, 2013, 08:50:46 AM »
>What are the practical limitations on our ability to open gaps for the purposes of transit? Does it require us to be familiar with the destination location? Does physical distance matter in any sense? Is transit through effectively instantaneous?
>Must one end of the gap always be near us, or could we theoretically open a gap between two remote locations?
>How large a volume of things or people could we safely transport, aside from ourselves? Is there a physical limitation in this regard?
>Do we have full control over the position and orientation of the remote gap? ie: whether the exit is vertical or horizontal, whether it appears on the floor or the ceiling and so on
>For that matter, how does gravity interact with gap travel, particularly if the orientation of gaps is different on each end?

>Familiarity helps, but with the proper tools, it is not an issue. Physical distance isn't an issue, but when it comes to moving between worlds, physical distance is no longer involved and it becomes complicated. Transit is effectively instant.
>One end of the gap must be reasonably close to you, generally within range of sight.
>You aren't sure what your upper limit is, you've never felt a need to test it. But, a larger gap tends to take more time to make. There are exceptions, but these are situational.
>You can manipulate orientation so that something comes in upside down, but it is dangerous to do so. Manipulating things in transit like that adds a great deal of complication to the gap, and for the potential of unexpected and typically disastrous side effects. It is better to turn something upside down before it gets where it needs to be, or afterward. Gravity typically isn't an issue, as you've moving between here and there with effectively nothing in between.

>How many children have we sired and/or bore?

>As far as you know, none. And you'd like to think you know pretty well.


Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #20 on: January 21, 2013, 08:53:45 AM »
>So, our upper limit is at least high enough that ushering a small party of people through a single gap is not an issue?

>Familiarity helps, but with the proper tools, it is not an issue.

>What sort of tools are we talking about here? And why do they make it not an issue?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #21 on: January 21, 2013, 09:33:12 AM »
>So, our upper limit is at least high enough that ushering a small party of people through a single gap is not an issue?

>What sort of tools are we talking about here? And why do they make it not an issue?

> Do we have any favorite objects, like our parasol?

>Ushering a small group is no issue.
>Your parasol and your fan are both favorite objects of yours, and you would be unhappy to see them damaged. They also serve as wonderful misdirection tools when you do what you do.
>Your tools are your other prized possessions, and the key to harnessing your power. You have forged each one by hand, taking painstaking efforts to invest them with your own power and using them to refine it. They are so precious to you that you keep the very knowledge of their existence a close secret, not even Ran knows about them.  Were they to fall into anyone else's possession, it could potentially be very bad for a number of reasons. For day to day use, merely having them on your person is enough, but for delicate work you may need to actually employ them.
>Your tools are:
>Yukari's Screwdriver.
>Seemingly a basic screwdriver. With this, you may prise open gaps with much more precision and delicately than you can alone.
>Yukari's Hourglass
>This basic timekeeping device assists in maintaining gaps. With it, you can leave gaps open for longer, and without having to physically concentrate on them.
>Yukari's Wrench
>A simple-looking wrench with an adjustable head. This aids you in moving a gap from one place to another while preserving it.
>Yukari's Mirror
>A hand mirror. With this, you can open a gap to an unfamiliar place safely, and eliminates the possibility of opening a gap somewhere that would cause harm.
>Yukari's Pliers.
>A basic pair of pliers. These assist you in narrowing and closing gaps with far greater ease and speed than you can alone.
-Yukari's Vice Grip
>A simple metal tool designed to hold a thing in place. It is designed to assist you in taking disparate gaps and drawing them closer together.
> Yukari's Magnifying Glass
>A lens with a handle. This tool allows you to examine gaps and potential gaps much more closely, greatly broadening the range of options you have to work with.
-Yukari's Tape Measure.
>A length of material with precise markings of length. With it, you can use it bridge distance much more quickly and easily.
>Yukari's Astrolabe
>This is possibly the first astrolabe. It helps you comprehend the positions of worlds and dimensions, and is absolutely indispensable for moving between them.


Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #22 on: January 21, 2013, 09:38:45 AM »
>No duct tape? We must be just that good.
>Are we able to peer into alternate timelines/dimensions? If so, are we capable of visiting said, or of bringing individuals from said into this universe?

Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #23 on: January 21, 2013, 09:47:07 AM »
>Why doesn't Ran know of them, after all these years? Surely it cannot be that we don't trust her with the information? And she has to know us and what we do better than anyone else, and even assists in much of our work, no?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #24 on: January 21, 2013, 09:54:55 AM »
>No duct tape? We must be just that good.
>Are we able to peer into alternate timelines/dimensions? If so, are we capable of visiting said, or of bringing individuals from said into this universe?

>You wouldn't want to run out.
>As far as you know, there are no alternate timelines. That's what the hakutaku are for.  As well, you don't know of any dimensions that mirror yours, which is probably for the best. You can't imagine the universe could handle more than one of you.

>Why doesn't Ran know of them, after all these years? Surely it cannot be that we don't trust her with the information? And she has to know us and what we do better than anyone else, and even assists in much of our work, no?

>It's not that you don't trust her, but rather it's just more comforting that she doesn't know about them. You'd prefer no one know about them unless absolutely necessary.


Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #25 on: January 21, 2013, 09:59:44 AM »
>What others do have at least some knowledge of them, aside from Iku?
>For that matter, why did we choose to lend her our screwdriver, rather than simply observe from a distance and extricate her from the shadow realm ourselves, should she have become trapped in it?

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #26 on: January 21, 2013, 10:05:21 AM »
>What others do have at least some knowledge of them, aside from Iku?
>For that matter, why did we choose to lend her our screwdriver, rather than simply observe from a distance and extricate her from the shadow realm ourselves, should she have become trapped in it?

>As far as you know, no one.
>Largely, because finding her and extracting her might have taken quite a bit of time. Especially if things went as poorly as you feared they might have. But, perhaps it was a moment of weakness?



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Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #27 on: January 21, 2013, 10:18:31 AM »
>Why haven't we formed a United Gensokyo Security Council?
>Why do we support the current Incident Resolution process?
>How good are we at getting people to do things without them knowing we wanted them to do them?
>How much do we know about the outside world?
>When's the last time we visited the outside world?
[9:49:09] <Purvis> Generally not, but your mother may be an exception.

Hello Purvis

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  • Hello Jerry
Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #28 on: January 21, 2013, 10:30:26 AM »
>Why haven't we formed a United Gensokyo Security Council?
>Why do we support the current Incident Resolution process?
>How good are we at getting people to do things without them knowing we wanted them to do them?
>How much do we know about the outside world?
>When's the last time we visited the outside world?

>Because that'd be too much work. If you're going to do that much work, you might as well just take over officially. And that would be boring.
>You supposed it because it gives meaning to youkai existence. Being challenged and bested by a shrine maiden means that the youkai are shown to be creatures that are not to be taken lightly. It is important for them to be feared and respected.
>It varies, but you are often quite effective at it when you want to be.
>You are reasonably knowledgeable about the outside world, though technology is moving much too fast for you to really keep up with. With the increasing interconnected nature of the world, politics are also too complex to really keep straight without some devoted study; it was so much easier when all that was important was knowing who was Emperor.
>You visited the outside world on a whim a few months ago. In particular, that whim was trying a new way to confirm a suspicion you've had; that Maribel's family line is a branch of the Hakurei line. Sadly, the results were inconclusive; Maribel's family tree is a mess.  You also picked up a few outside world products for her and Renko as a gift.

« Last Edit: January 21, 2013, 10:33:41 AM by Purvosan »


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Re: Yukari Quest - A Z-machine Adventure
« Reply #29 on: January 21, 2013, 10:41:25 AM »
I am now picturing Yukari's head photoshopped on top of Bob the Builder. I also suspect we are going to lose all of Yukari's items somehow.
> What do we think of the magician meeting group that started up recently?

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