Author Topic: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office  (Read 23389 times)


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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #30 on: August 07, 2011, 07:14:37 PM »
Not surprisingly, GM1 fare. (BTW which DAW, software, hardware, synthesizers, etc. do you use?)
So I'll be a little kinder here and judge this based on what my SD-90, SC-8850, and MU1000 EX (hardware synths) tell me.

The backing distortion guitar has too much release. Either cut the note off earlier, or adjust instrument parameters to lower release.

Melody's a bit lonely at times - cue the counter-melodies or additional backing tracks such as a random run of arpeggiated notes. This is a little better by the second violin melody.

Often rock MIDIs use Power or Rock kits (instrument 17) if drums are more of a concern.

Use panning! Everything's stuck in the dead centre. This is a good idea for the melodies and the backing guitar bits, which I like to put onto 2 tracks and have at opposite left-right directions to convey the centre bits.

Depending on what synth and DAW you used you may be able to adjust the parameters such as release, attack, cutoff, resonance, delay, etc. that make things a lot more effective.

I'd ask you to also try using GM2 instruments at least, but that is a bit more technical and depends on synth.
C:DOS> ayayaya.mid
Bad command or file name



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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #31 on: August 21, 2011, 11:44:23 PM »
Welcome to VGCats... Updates every Monday...

Well, after reading over your analysis, I should probably say that I'm not even a beginner at this stuff. I just wanted to put a composition idea of mine into sound. Though, I do have enough experience with it to understand most of what you were saying, but in the long run, not even the MIDI composing program I'm using would allow me to do some of the things you're recommending, even if I knew how to do that. No less, thank you for the critique.

RIGHT. Moving right along. I got a new laptop, and it's KICKASS! For starters, the sound card isn't b0rked, so now whenever I want to listen to stuff, I don't have to make an MP3 of it and put it on my iPod or anything, and instead I can just hear it! It's super awesome, and it distracted me ever since I got it.

But hey, here's something cool that popped up thanks to it!

I was listening to the EastNewSound remix of Doll Judgement, and this sort of popped into my head. Also sort of fits with the Visual Novel project, but let's not get ahead of ourselves here...

Also, here's some sketches and stuff.

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #32 on: September 05, 2011, 02:08:32 AM »
Yeah, I'm not sure I can guarantee many posts these days. I moved into my residence, and my scanner seems to be working pretty well, but I don't have any proper drawing tools at the moment.

You'd think, for a traditional artist, I'd remember to at least bring one pencil, sharpener, and eraser.

Right now, I've found that I can now work at digital work much better, since I have a mouse that won't randomly double-click or triple-click whenever it feels like doing such... Currently, I'm seeing a LOT of free time in my future, so I'll certainly work on that sort of thing, and probably post whatever I draw in class, so long as it's not a major project.

So for now, have this Pokemon Trainer OC that I was inspired to make from NTDevont and his friends.

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #33 on: September 05, 2011, 02:13:35 AM »
Your digital work... is just....

I can tell you're improving with each update; keep it up!

(Although, his right leg seems to be thinner than his left.)
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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #34 on: September 12, 2011, 12:15:57 AM »
A bit of an experimental piece here. I decided to both colour an old line art and toy around with my current program's possibilities. Say what you will about GIMP, but it does the job I want it to do, and I decided to see if it could do a little bit more. It did a little bit more, but I'm not sure if that's a positive or negative thing. Background-wise, it makes backgrounds much easier for me, so that's a plus.

Yeah, thus far, the lectures lead me to doodle. I could post those now, but they're about as good as any of my other doodle pages, that is to say not really worth the time and kind of immature.

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #35 on: September 23, 2011, 01:32:28 AM »
Okay, I should say it now: I like Persona 3 quite a lot. With that in mind, this next image should be much less shocking.

Yeah, updates are slowed, I know, but like I said, most of my stuff recently have been doodles. Do you really wanna see doodles, and for that matter, doodles with little to no intelligent background behind them? I know they're usually kind of amusing, but still.

Also, I had this other work I could've posted, but I saved it as a PNG without saving the original GIMP file, and I forgot to erase the palette I used. GO ME.

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #36 on: September 23, 2011, 03:49:34 AM »
I really like the way you drew and shaded the hair. The white spots or highlights are a nice touch. Although I think you should add another level of shading to the hair to make it a bit realistic. (Or don't, whichever you think is best.)

I think the left side of his face is a little wider than the right.
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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #37 on: October 05, 2011, 10:54:01 PM »
After you mentioned the width of the face, I sort of noticed it too. This tends to happen a lot with my work and sketches: The left side is usually heavier or wider. I think it's mostly subconscious or having to do with my right hand. Realistic's not the style I often aim for, excluding general, gender-shared proportions. IE - Height is around 7 to 7 1/2 heads, (I still make it more like 5 or 6, but whatever) arms reach down  about 1/3 of the leg, (often a broken rule) etc.

In other news...

Yeah, so college is a mountain of homework, or at least one class most certainly is. All sorts of major projects seem to be due all on one week, (next week, that is) and for the most part, I feel like I'm repeating high school with more art classes. This weekend, I head back to my home in Countrytown # 531, where I'll be doing a vast majority of my work due that week. No less, I have gotten some useful tips out of the school, such as "Don't get residence at a hotel when you know you'll need space for work," and "Make sure your kids never take a foundation course for a subject they already know plenty about when they get to college/university."

But enough about my complaints. Here, have this pic I drew almost a month back but never scanned for some unknown reason. I guess it wasn't good enough at the time or something...

By the way, if you want me to go off the hook on some topic, feel free to tell me what it is, and I'll make sure to rant about it for a paragraph or two. I need to let out some steam, and I don't have MMO access at my residence.

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #38 on: October 25, 2011, 03:50:30 AM »

Yeah, college has been a wrecking ball to my drawing time, ironically enough. This actually reminds me of when I collab'd with this one guy here on making a little Adventures Of thing with create.swf. I'd start it up again, but if I did, it'd just be a bit silly, and I'd actually write a script this time.

That's just one of many things I want to do again. That Exquisite Corpse thing I did with Muffin and some others was also pretty cool. If ti comes around again, and I join in, I'd digitally colour my work before submitting...

Though I should consider getting the visual novel thing done before joining or doing any of the above, albeit updates.

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #39 on: November 05, 2011, 04:42:51 AM »
Here's our chance for an All Out Attack!

Lemme at 'em!

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #40 on: November 12, 2011, 02:59:37 AM »

It's been getting both better and worse. I've at least got some decent material to post, though, so it's not as bad as I claim it is.

DERP, forgot the rest of the post.

I just cannot get enough of the Persona series right now.

Decided to hand-colour that Alice pic from a while back. Worked out pretty well, I'd say.
« Last Edit: November 12, 2011, 03:01:39 AM by Patorikku »

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #41 on: November 21, 2011, 02:32:26 AM »
By God, what have I done? Although I did complete that Yoshika sketch, I've done two more things to easily topple it over. People in the streets now want me dead for these heinous crimes that I have committed upon humanity.

« Last Edit: November 21, 2011, 02:42:03 AM by Patorikku »

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #42 on: November 21, 2011, 03:04:10 AM »
....Coffee with hot sauce just sounds plain gross. B-but so badass!

Also, you have neat handwriting.  :V
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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #43 on: November 29, 2011, 05:41:50 AM »
A lot of my college classmates are pretty cool people, especially this one guy who is probably about three or four years my senior and more professional than most of the class. He's also pretty interested in comics and the sort, like myself, but he's got more of a western style to him. He did tell me a bit about one of his stories in the making, I guess you could say, and I recall him saying that I could help with character designs or something along those lines. I can't remember exactly; it was a few weeks ago. No less, this got me down to trying to draw ideas based on what he told me, since I was interested. The original thought I'll keep between myself and him, but it involved cloaks and child assassins. My Persona-driven mind added a bit onto the first design I made, I came up with a few more ideas, and somehow another character was born.

Sometimes, I really wonder when I'll start straight from scratch and not throw in elements I like from other stories... I mean, I know these elements are pretty cool, but I could probably come up with a few intriguing ideas that haven't been touched upon before if I just aimed at doing that more than anything else! I'm ashamed of myself, really. :|

ANYWAY, here's some stuff from September that I only deemed post-able now. One page is NSFW'd simply because it's SLIGHTLY more sexual than usual.


And something from October too. Or maybe just earlier in November... Eh, it looks pretty cool, and that's the big thing here.

And here's a girl that I don't give enough attention. Hanyuu Moriya, as you might know if you've read much of my written work on dA, is a rich vampire girl. I know vampires in today's media (especially the media aimed at teenagers) have not been getting a good reputation simply because they're not nearly as much "vampires" as they are figures of pubescent females' fantasies. I'll admit: Hanyuu doesn't deviate far from today's "romantic" vampires, but she also doesn't deviate far from the old roots of class and blood-sucking. Think Evangeline from Negima, since she was one of the top inspirations for her character. Naturally, our own Remilia-sama still takes the cake for top, but I digress.

I seriously need to give more of my females more page-time. Especially Marisa, since she's supposed to be the female lead...
« Last Edit: November 29, 2011, 02:40:48 PM by Patorikku »

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #44 on: November 29, 2011, 06:42:32 AM »

I really like the hair on him; do you mind if I do a fan art of him sometime in the future?

Also, the NSFW picture is just a tiny blip.
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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #45 on: November 29, 2011, 02:40:02 PM »
I really like the hair on him; do you mind if I do a fan art of him sometime in the future?

Also, the NSFW picture is just a tiny blip.

Go for it. I encourage it.

Oh-- Oh right. I forgot. I used the thumbnail link there. Hang on, lemme just tweak that a bit...

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #46 on: December 01, 2011, 04:22:39 AM »
KINDA emo story here. I dunno, I just put together some slightly connected thoughts of mine into one image, and it's kinda depressing. The middle picture was the main point of it all, and it didn't end up too badly.

And a create.swf comic. Because I can.

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #47 on: December 09, 2011, 03:22:25 AM »
Hurray, only one more week after this, then Christmas Break!~ For those who might remember something about the Visual Novel, I'm definitely going to use free time during my break to get at least one character done. I'm not gonna cop out of that by just doing a one-pose character. If I did that, I'd do at least TWO characters, and then a CG scene. Still leaves a lot to do, but that's just my "at least" territory.

RIGHT, posting time. Introducing for maybe the second time or so, Keiko Kawazaki! She's probably the only character I use that wasn't actually conceived by my mind, though I've morphed her into my own character from my friend's base character. She does such fun things as confusing my high school buddies by looking somewhat like other characters of mine and posing like Yukari Takeba, derpy arm and all.

And Chiko Nagato, a character that I have not fleshed out enough. She looks kind of like a boy, so my idea was that she'd be a reverse trap, but I've only gone that far with her. She also uses crossbows that launch icicles, so what's not to like?

I've been getting into Umineko quite a bit. Can you tell? Persona 3 is nothing new, but I'm quite into it as well.

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #48 on: December 23, 2011, 08:19:02 PM »
Man, you'd think that since I'm on Christmas break, I'd be posting on time a little more, but man, I am so easily distracted it hurts. No really, my neck gets a horrible kink whenever I... Alright sorry, that's just silly.

Yeah, I've been playing League of Legends a lot, and BY GOD, is Teemo ever a beast late-game! If you don't start running the moment you see him, you are DEAD. Also, anybody have some decent foreshortening techniques? My layering system doesn't really work.

Wait, what? The visual novel thing? Oh, damn, I was hoping you had forgotten that. It's not that I did, but I was hoping to get away with one more sketch page before posting my progress. Nono, I am actually doing it, I swear. I have one Reimu pose and Eirin done, but I kinda wanna rework Eirin, and I can't find a good pose for Marisa. No, please, I am doing it, just don't shout at me, okay? What does popcorn even have to do with this!?

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #49 on: December 23, 2011, 09:25:16 PM »
Is that an Adachi I see in the corner? :V

About foreshortening: My illustration class went over foreshortening for a breif time, so I don't really remember what was said. But, I shall tell you what I know with the most common example of perspective; the road! While the sides of a straight road are in fact parallel to each other, at a distance they do not appear to be. (It's in that "v" shape.) It's sort of the same with foreshortening. The closer a body part is to the viewer, the larger the body part appears to be.

It doesn't sound like I'm making any sense here, so let me try another example. Pick up a pencil and hold it eye level (Hold it sideways, so you can see pencil lead to eraser.) Now, slowly turn the pencil in any direction. You'll see the the end of the pencil looks bigger to you because it is closer than the other end of the pencil. You can also see that the pencil looks smaller lengthwise; since you can't see all of the pencil.

But other than telling you what you already know on the matter, one technique that I use for foreshortening is to sketch out a kind of v shape (not too wide like a normal v, but just subtle enough to make the body part slightly larger.) If it was, say, an arm, then I would draw the arm, but not as long as it shoould be. Then I would draw the hand a little larger than it should be. If that doesn't help at all, then you can just use a pencil and position at the desired angle.

Hope that helps.  :ohdear:
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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #50 on: December 27, 2011, 07:43:54 AM »
I think I can use those tips to my advantage. Although I'm familiar with the textbook example of perspective, I haven't exactly touched on using any particular shape to give an image of perspective, so the V trick could do me some good. I just try and imagine them all in separate layers, and connect the layers together through the shapes of the limbs and whatnot.

Also, yes, that is an Adachi.  :V

Alright, so I did as I said I would before and do some work on the Visual Novel project. It's been a bit over a week, and I'm personally disappointed that I haven't completed more than two poses, but with what I have done, I did make it good enough that it's at least progressive and better than the first attempts I did months ago.

The first one is essentially Reimu's neutral, or as it says in the PM, the "Looking ?happy?" pose. There's also a jealous look, and since I like how I did the body, I might just draw an extra face to fit in this pose. The Eirin one is supposed to be disappointed, but I'm not a big fan of most of the Eientei crew, and since I don't really care much for Eirin, I almost feel as if I half-assed her pose. I mean, I'm sure you can tell it's her, and you can see a light pencil line separating her dress into the imaginary red and blue, but I still feel as if I could have done better.

Also, I did put a silly little comic-thing onto my Photobucket, but I thought it might've been a bit too "manly" to post here. Take that as you will.

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #51 on: January 05, 2012, 02:55:15 AM »
Time for a blast from the past! This is a bunch of stuff that I either never got around to scanning, or just didn't deem worthy of posting at the time. Now? I've posted silly enough stuff that this can be considered normal. Almost.

So yeah, there was this running gag at my high school. Nobody else really played Blazblue or had any familiarity with the characters, so nobody really knew that I was drawing Carl Clover on a bunch of boards along with the message "Complete World Hat-uration". For me, it was amusing, and I imagine a bunch of others thought the same. Another thing about it: Carl's hat was infinite. That led to this:

Alright, now some more silliness. So my fabulous friend and I had a tendency to goof off during Philosophy class, despite it being the most interesting class I have ever taken in my life. I guess at the time, I was a doodle maniac, which isn't exactly uncommon, considering the maturity of most of my year. So yeah, although most of the drawings were of my own doing, understand that there was more fabulosity than my own put into this. Also, the absolute worst stuff in here is cursing and slight amounts of suggestive content, and I know you guys are mature, because I post stupid, zany crap, and you're okay with that, and the stuff I have here isn't even really worth mention as "mature", so no NSFW tag here!

Also, this one is kinda generic. Villain puts knife to protagonist's neck and all. Nothing out of the ordinary, really.

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #52 on: January 11, 2012, 05:03:10 AM »
OH MY GOD TODAY WAS SO BORING. It was so boring that I came up with a crossover picture between Homestuck and Tsukihime. Do you know how bored you have to be for something like that!?

Yes, John is only a couple inches shorter than Shiki. Shush, you.

Also, I didn't post these before I left because... I don't actually know why for the CG scene, but the Alice one was because I actually did it Sunday night.

Yeah, I know, I should use a better eraser and such, and I should probably use the space of my paper better, but you know what I have to say to all that? I hope you do, because I don't. Also, is there any particular characters anyone wants drawn in my barely-consistent style? I do have the time for it for at least a week or two. Probably longer, if I'm lucky enough to not have much homework this semester.

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #53 on: January 11, 2012, 06:20:20 AM »
you might be the only artist still working on the vn :V


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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #54 on: January 17, 2012, 12:55:02 AM »
you might be the only artist still working on the vn :V

Then I shall diligently push forward!

Alrighty then, first four are more serious, and although I like them, I'm cool with redoing them, if they're just off course. Also, I'm aware that the hand on the first Alice looks weird. Once again, foreshortening is not my strength, as ironic as that is with consideration to my somewhat-shonen style of drawing.

And this one is just silly, considering the context. Take it and use it as you please.

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #55 on: January 21, 2012, 07:04:01 AM »
So I decided to try my hand at some more digital work. Here's what I've got so far after about six or so hours of on-and-off work due to my miniature ADHD that I like to call "laziness".

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #56 on: February 02, 2012, 06:21:06 AM »
Just a quick update here. I think most of my work throughout the past week or so has been done in my sketchbook, but I do have a MIDI file that's pretty much finished. What's good about it? What's not good about it? Well, other than the silly attempts at guitar solos and bridges, it's got a nice beat to it.

S'right here. Just give it a listen, and tell me what works and what definitely needs fixing. I'll post some more drawn work in due time.

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #57 on: February 06, 2012, 09:18:55 PM »
I don't know why, but I was very much inspired by my death in the Roll To Dodge game in the game subforum to draw this. I dunno, I guess I just thought it'd make a really nice concept. Sharp, pointy things, Boos flying around, blood everywhere and a guy in terror with glasses that couldn't even leave the grassy knoll.

Yeah... I might need help of the psychological kind.  :V

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #58 on: February 15, 2012, 02:19:42 AM »
So have I ever mentioned how much I hate this alleged holiday? Because I do. I view it similar to Christmas in which the general idea of the holiday could just be associated with the rest of the year, but you also have the leeway that you can't exactly have the entire family over at your house for a nice dinner every day of the week or afford to buy presents of clothing and games for each of these people. When the idea behind St. Valentine's Day (or at least the way the media masks it) is showing that one person how much you love them with material goods, then isn't that essentially a date night? Why should an entire day be dedicated to that, exactly? Plus, why should it be material goods?

I apologize if I've ruined your entire day, but I really do despise this day. Not because I've never gotten a date, no. When the concept is that messed up and everybody just plays along with it, there are few times where you can just shrug your shoulders and say, "Why the hell not?"

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Re: [Art] Pato's Re-Established Art Office
« Reply #59 on: February 15, 2012, 02:37:32 AM »