Author Topic: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)  (Read 150041 times)

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #780 on: April 09, 2011, 07:10:09 PM »
>"Oh my... I don't know what to say.. even, you save me from certain death, *drops down and cries* THANK YOU... NYA... SUWAKO-SHAMA! *Hug*"
>You practically melt into a puddle of gratitude and tears, and pain. mostly pain. And gratitude, and tears. But mostly pain.
>Suwako just chuckles. "I'm a goddess, it's what I do."
>From somewhere that might be the entrance, you hear a loud crash, and angry shouting. Suwako facepalms. "Great...sounds like Sanae lost another one. Where's Yukari when you need her?"
>And as if in response to Suwako, one of those weird portals opens up and...Yukari steps out! "I assume it's time to take her back home then~?" Suwako nods. "Yeah, Sanae just got back. I'd really rather not have an injured person in a situation where things could get worse."
>Suwako looks at you. "Sorry, but you'll have to come back later to learn flight, Sanae's gonna be on the warpath for a few days. Things are about to get very hectic here at the shrine, sorry."
>Suwako then vanishes under her hat again, and more crashes and shouting can be heard. "I think it's best we vacate the premises now Hibachi~"
>And before you can react, You, Ponga, and your stuff are sucked into another of those portals! On the other side is Chen's Room, where Chen is lounging around boredly in the rafters. Or rather, was, until you arrived. "Hibachi! You're back! You look like you just got in a fight with the Red-White." Chen grins broadly.
>Ponga decides to fly around inspecting the place, seems he likes his new home! "Friend of yours Hibachi?" Chen gestures towards Ponga.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #781 on: April 09, 2011, 07:15:45 PM »
> "Thats Ponga, nya!"
> Owwww.....
> New skill descriptions.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.


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Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #782 on: April 09, 2011, 07:21:39 PM »
>Strangle Chen, or at least pretend you try...
>Then back off a little..
>"No it's that.. Chen-Shama I been though a lot just now, and it's not funny... where were you all this time?"
>Try your best to explain the situation to Chen.

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #783 on: April 09, 2011, 07:24:22 PM »
>Hug Chen! Show them how scared we were!

>"I didn't get to learn how to fly yet..."

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #784 on: April 09, 2011, 07:31:47 PM »
> "Thats Ponga, nya!"
> Owwww.....
> New skill descriptions.
>You tell Chen that the little guy's name is Ponga, and Chen nods. "He's a Kedama right? Dai used to have one, but she's been missing since Cirno flipped out."
>That did hurt a bit, hasn't Yukari ever heard of gentle transportation? ...Probably not.
>No new skills, but you're more durable than you used to be, and a lot better with danmaku than you were a while ago!

>Strangle Chen, or at least pretend you try...
>Then back off a little..
>"No it's that.. Chen-Shama I been though a lot just now, and it's not funny... where were you all this time?"
>Try your best to explain the situation to Chen.
>You try to strangle Chen, but all you manage is a feeble grab at her shoulders, you slide back a bit after that and sit down, trying to ignore most of the pain.
>You say that it's a long story, and ask where Chen was, and Chen kinda fidgets. "I visited each day y'know..."
You try your best to explain what all happened to Chen, but after a while you find yourself at a loss for words, partially due to not knowing how to explain some things, and partially because of the pain. Ow.

>Hug Chen! Show them how scared we were!
>"I didn't get to learn how to fly yet..."
>You hug Chen rather weakly, mostly due to how much you're hurting right now.
>You mention that you didn't learn how to fly just yet, and Chen just grins. "Kanako said she'd teach you when you healed up fully."
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #785 on: April 09, 2011, 07:39:23 PM »
<"Whaat? Nya... what are we gonna do with all that time Chen-Shama? Watch box?"


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Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #786 on: April 09, 2011, 07:44:53 PM »
> "Do you know what kedama eat Chen-shama?"

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #787 on: April 09, 2011, 08:05:57 PM »
>"Whaat? Nya... what are we gonna do with all that time Chen-Shama? Watch box?"
>You ask Chen what you're gonna do while you heal, and Chen just shrugs. "Dunno, probably. But you got pretty banged up, even a Youkai will take a while to heal from that. I remember the last time I was that beat up, it was back when the Red-White fought Ran-sama."
>Chen just leans against one of the posts leading up to the rafters idly.

> "Do you know what kedama eat Chen-shama?"
>You ask Chen what Kedama eat, and she shrugs. "Only folks I'd know who would be able to tell you right away would be Cirno and Dai, but you already know that Cirno's been flipping out, and Dai's been missing ever since Cirno started flipping out."
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #788 on: April 09, 2011, 08:13:13 PM »
>Try to find a conformable place to rest *sigh*
>"Chen-Shama... Would you be kind enough to see.. if you could find a fairy, and ask her how does a Kedama eats, while I would be stuck here...?"
>"I guess.. I could try to do stuff around here, auch.. but there aren't many things to do here.. Nyan.."
>"Chen-Shama if that is possible.. can Ran-Shama teach me how to read Japanese?"

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #789 on: April 09, 2011, 08:41:43 PM »
>Try to find a conformable place to rest *sigh*
>"Chen-Shama... Would you be kind enough to see.. if you could find a fairy, and ask her how does a Kedama eats, while I would be stuck here...?"
>"I guess.. I could try to do stuff around here, auch.. but there aren't many things to do here.. Nyan.."
>"Chen-Shama if that is possible.. can Ran-Shama teach me how to read Japanese?"
>You look around for somewhere comfortable to rest, and you find the futon you used a few days back. You decide to crawl over to rest there.
>You ask Chen if she could find a Fairy to find out what Kedama eat while you're recovering, but Chen just shrugs. "Most fairies are too out there to get any information worth using out of, only ones that have things together enough would be Cirno and Dai, maybe the Three Pranksters. But I don't usually hang out with those three, they're still pretty dim as far as remotely together fairies are."
>You mention that you could do a few things around the house in the meantime, despite there not being much. Chen just climbs back up into the rafters. "You're pretty beat up, it's a good idea that you just Take It Easy until you're back to full health."
>You ask Chen if Ran could teach you how to read, and Chen..well, it's hard to see what she did, if anything. "I don't see why not, she's one of the best folks to do that. Aside from the teacher out at the Human Village, but she scares me, she's got a nasty headbutt..."
>You wonder how someone could get to be a teacher if they use a headbutt to solve problems.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #790 on: April 09, 2011, 08:46:52 PM »
>"ok Chen... thank you for being with me all this time, Nya... That makes me think.. what were you doing when I was fighting Kanako? I mean.. why Yukari brought us to the Mountain in the first place?"
>"Is Yukari-Shama around? I would like to talk with her.."

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #791 on: April 09, 2011, 08:55:34 PM »
>"That Kanyako lady could have gotten me killed! Why didn't Momisi tried to protect me!"

>Make a teary face.

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #792 on: April 09, 2011, 09:12:20 PM »
>"ok Chen... thank you for being with me all this time, Nya... That makes me think.. what were you doing when I was fighting Kanako? I mean.. why Yukari brought us to the Mountain in the first place?"
>"Is Yukari-Shama around? I would like to talk with her.."
>You ask Chen what she was doing while you fought Kanako, and from what you can tell, she just shrugged. "I was probably down in the Underground visiting Orin-san. We came to visit you when you were out cold you know."
>Oh yeah, Suwako did mention something like that...
>You ask where Yukari is, and mention that you'd like to talk to her. And as if in response to your question, another of those portals opens in midair and Yukari's upper half pokes out. "What were you wanting to ask about?"
>Suddenly, you hear a beeping coming from..two places at once? It's coming from what seems to be the kitchen, and the portal Yukari's sticking out of. "Ooh! That's my lunch! I'll be right back." And before you can get a word in edgewise, she pulls herself back to the other side of the portal, but the one in the air nearby is still open. "Ow!" You hear her muttering about something hot from her end, while also hearing her in the kitchen...this is confusing...

>"That Kanyako lady could have gotten me killed! Why didn't Momisi tried to protect me!"
>Make a teary face.
>You mention that Kanako could've gotten you killed, and wonder why Momiji didn't protect you, and Yukari pokes her head through the gap with a weird bread-like tube-thing hanging out of her mouth. "Mrrphmrph..." Yukari pulls the bread-thingy out of her mouth and clears her throat. "Uh, I mean...Danmaku is nonlethal, you'll feel like you got run over by a train, but you'll live. Of course, sometimes there are occasional things that break through even the spellcard rules. Like that stunt you pulled back during the fight, even dear Yuyuko was surprised you survived it~"
>You look like you're about to cry, and Yukari just passes you one of those bread-things. Yeow, that thing's piping hot! "Food always cheers people up, Yuyuko can vouch for that~"
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


  • Small medium at large.
  • This soup has an explosive flavour!
Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #793 on: April 09, 2011, 09:17:12 PM »
> Blow on the tube-thing and scarf it down when cool enough.
> "So how long will it be until I'm healthy again, nya?"
> Pet Ponga.

Apparently, Thomas the Tank Engine isn't one to take crap from anyone.

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #794 on: April 09, 2011, 09:19:23 PM »
>"Whats a train?"
>"Who is Yuyuko-shama?"


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Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #795 on: April 09, 2011, 09:22:26 PM »
>"Ke? What are those?"
>Maybe Ponga can eat then, check.
>"Who is Yuyuko, Yukari-Shama?"
>on a more pressing matter "Mother, I need money for new clothes."
>"I toughed.. since I am grounded anyways... Would be ok for Ran-Shama, to teach me how to read, since... I am a bit off on that too, in addition of flying..."
>"I believe you know what actually happen by now Yukari-Shama, but did Sanae-Shama did mention anything about me?"

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #796 on: April 09, 2011, 09:51:51 PM »
>"Whats a train?"
>"Who is Yuyuko-shama?"
>You ask what a train is, and Yukari nods. "A train is a vehicle used for transportation in the outside, they're quite large. Among all the things from the outside I prefer to use in a fight, trains and street signs are by far my favorites...I like trains."
>You ask who Yuyuko is, and Yukari's expression turns almost...nostalgic? "Yuyuko is the current ruler of Hakugyoukuro, also referred to as the Underworld. Often times, the spirits of those who die are sent there. it's really a beautiful place, I actually knew her even before, died. But that's not to say she still isn't alive in a sense. She's referred to by some as the 'Ghostly Princess'. But personally, she's just as quirky as I am." Yukari winks when she says that last bit.

>"Ke? What are those?"
>Maybe Ponga can eat then, check.
>"Who is Yuyuko, Yukari-Shama?"
>on a more pressing matter "Mother, I need money for new clothes."
>"I toughed.. since I am grounded anyways... Would be ok for Ran-Shama, to teach me how to read, since... I am a bit off on that too, in addition of flying..."
>"I believe you know what actually happen by now Yukari-Shama, but did Sanae-Shama did mention anything about me?"
> Blow on the tube-thing and scarf it down when cool enough.
> "So how long will it be until I'm healthy again, nya?"
> Pet Ponga.
>You ask what the tube-thing is, and Yukari smirks. "It's something called a taquito, I brought them in from the outside. Delicious little things those."
>You tear off a chunk and pass it to Ponga, who then sniffs it inquisitively before devouring it....and turning beet-red. What's up with him?
>You ask Yukari with as much seriousness as you can muster about new clothes, and Yukari just smiles. "I daresay we'll find you some more once you've healed up."
>You say that since you're essentially landlocked until you heal, that maybe Ran could teach you how to read? And Yukari smiles like she did back on the Zeppelin/Airship. 'I don't see why not, I'll make sure she does that.'
>You ask if Sanae mentioned anything about you, and Yukari shrugs noncommittally. 'Around this time she's what amounts to a tightly wound ball of rage and aggression, even hardened youkai are genuinely scared of her when she's like that. Myself excluded, since it would be ever so easy to..ah, bend the Border of Air Pressure And Vacuum. I daresay that'd spread her out for all the world to see." Yukari's looking awfully scary when she says that last part...Eep.
>You blow on the tube-thing to cool it down, and you experimentally take a small bite of it. OW. That's seriously spicy stuff! How can she handle it so calmly?! This must be what was up with Ponga!
>You try to ask how long it will take until you've healed, but it comes across as a garbled whine, due to the spiciness of the tube-thing. But for some reason, Yukari understood you! "It would be child's play to bend the Border of Health And Injury around so that you become fully healed, but where's the fun in that? It's more beneficial if you heal naturally, you'll be more appreciative of things that way." Chen just boggles at how Yukari understood you spiciness-induced whine.
>You pet Ponga while trying to bear with not just the pain of your body healing slowly, but the pain of the spicy food you just took a bite of!
>Ponga on the other hand is trying his hardest to keep from flipping out and shooting danmaku all over. Hang in There Ponga!
>Meanwhile, Chen's humming to herself up in the rafters.
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 10:23:24 AM by Hanzo K. »
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure


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Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #797 on: April 09, 2011, 10:05:54 PM »
I guess...
>Find water or something...
>"Haa haaa, Wter"
>Give some water to Ponga if you get it...
>After that, doze off, if no one else bothers us
Maybe some talk with Yukari, about how sorry we are that we left her.. party back at the landing area.. but honestly.. if you have nothing against it.. We need a montage
« Last Edit: April 10, 2011, 09:48:49 AM by Berzul »

Kyo Tanaka

  • Don't worry Sakuya, I will (Uuu~♥) protect you...
Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #798 on: April 09, 2011, 10:24:15 PM »
>"I can't handle spicy stuff...."

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #799 on: April 09, 2011, 10:52:39 PM »
>We havent gotten anything to drink in a loooong time, right?
>"Can I... er, at least have a drink?"

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #800 on: April 10, 2011, 10:53:28 AM »
I guess...
>Find water or something...
>"Haa haaa, Wter"
>Give some water to Ponga if you get it...
>After that, doze off, if no one else bothers us
Maybe some talk with Yukari, about how sorry we are that we left her.. party back at the landing area.. but honestly.. if you have nothing against it.. We need a montage
>"I can't handle spicy stuff...."
>We havent gotten anything to drink in a loooong time, right?
>"Can I... er, at least have a drink?"
Montage, y'mean like a fancy timeskip during the recovering and learning to both read and fly?
>You ask for a drink to drive away the spiciness, and Yukari passes you a small mug of tea that you promptly drain half of in a single gulp. Much better was actually kinda tasty, despite the spice.
>You pass the rest to Ponga, who quickly dives in...Oh dear, he's gotten himself stuck. Even you can't resist facepalming...ow.
>You mention offhandedly that you can't handle spicy stuff, and Yukari chuckles. "You'll get used to it after a while, you certainly have the time. Youkai live for hundreds of years. Why, Ran's been around for at least eight-hundred years, maybe more."
>You hear a voice from the kitchen, and the portal-thing Yukari's hanging halfway out of. "You completely wrecked the place mistress Yukari, I've told you to leave the cooking to me...Wait, did you do all this with just the microwave? How...? But I...What." Of course, Yukari's just smiling brightly as if nothing was happening. Wonder what happened in the kitchen to put Ran's tails in a knot like that?
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #801 on: April 10, 2011, 10:55:42 AM »
>Go check
>I really hope it isnt that bad.

Anytime soon will we catch Yukari playing some Necrofantasia on her ipod or something? Also, stop updating when I just wake up. jeebussssss


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Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #802 on: April 10, 2011, 11:00:40 AM »
Montage, y'mean like a fancy timeskip during the recovering and learning to both read and fly?
>Help Ponga... "Mugs aren't for diving you know..."
>Anything else that bothers us from resting.. the Kitchen will be fine.. Maybe try to close the gap yourself?

About timing.. seems we have similar time zones.. :)

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #803 on: April 10, 2011, 11:03:54 AM »
EST is the only timezone thats cool.

also, somehow, I just blew up a chicken nugget in the microwave. I blame your story hanzo.


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Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #804 on: April 10, 2011, 11:05:30 AM »
Time we fought Kanako.. Storms at my place and frogs.. there must be something in this story...

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #805 on: April 10, 2011, 11:27:48 AM »
>Help Ponga... "Mugs aren't for diving you know..."
>Anything else that bothers us from resting.. the Kitchen will be fine.. Maybe try to close the gap yourself?

About timing.. seems we have similar time zones.. :)
One Timeskip Montage, coming up! ...After this little bit gets dealt with.
>You pull Ponga out of the mug while making what you feel is a witty remark, Ponga's still that bright red color though. Wonder why?
>You feel stricken by curiosity and try to close the portal(since you don't actually know in-character that it's called a gap, and yukari's never mentioned it as such), but your hand just phases right through it. Yukari laughs enigmatically. "I'm afraid I'm the only one who can do that dear."

>Go check
>I really hope it isnt that bad.
Anytime soon will we catch Yukari playing some Necrofantasia on her ipod or something? Also, stop updating when I just wake up. jeebussssss
Perhaps kip-dude, perhaps.
>Yukari suddenly looks like she's sniffing for something, and before long she's pulled herself back to the other side of the portal. What's this...smoke is coming from the portal and from down the hall?! Chen jumps down from her perch in the rafters and helps you up. "C'mon, we gotta make sure things are okay!"
>With Chen's help, you reach the kitchen, and boy is it a wreck! It looks like a bomb went off in there! And there's a lot of smoke lingering near the ceiling. Off near one of the counters, Ran and Yukari are frantically trying to put out a small fire, but they look like they're completely inept at this. Chen facepalms, and even you do. Ponga settles for the next best thing and facewalls. "I don't believe this-nya...That's the fifth one this week-nya."

EST is the only timezone thats cool.

also, somehow, I just blew up a chicken nugget in the microwave. I blame your story hanzo.
Time we fought Kanako.. Storms at my place and frogs.. there must be something in this story...
Maybe I've got the touch?
But as for timezones, it's not likely. I just have odd sleeping schedules.
I'm usually often awake at night.
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #806 on: April 10, 2011, 11:31:23 AM »
>"T-The fifth?! Really? How does this happen?!"


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Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #807 on: April 10, 2011, 11:41:13 AM »
>Put down the fire.. with..? Find anything.. fill the mug with water from the sink or something.
>"What is this all about?, NYA"
>Assuming like last time, we did not leave our Futon.
>"I don't have the energy now to take care you two now.. goodnight"
>Lay down and sleep

Hanzo K.

  • White Tiger Shikigami
  • Whoa, this YF-29's awesome!
Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #808 on: April 10, 2011, 11:59:35 AM »
>"T-The fifth?! Really? How does this happen?!"
>How shocking!
>You stammer incredulously over how it could be the fifth this week, and ask how it could happen. Chen sweatdrops. "Yukari-sama's...not that good with cooking...She gets the food to taste good, but the kitchen's a complete disaster zone afterwards..." Oh, that explains it.

>Put down the fire.. with..? Find anything.. fill the mug with water from the sink or something.
>"What is this all about?, NYA"
>Assuming like last time, we did not leave our Futon.
>"I don't have the energy now to take care you two now.. goodnight"
>Lay down and sleep
>You limp over to the sink and fill the now-empty mug with water from it, and fling the mug's contents at the fire, putting it out in one fell swoop.
>You then mumble something about not having the energy to take care of them and promptly fall asleep on the spot.
>Ran and Chen quickly carry your sleeping body back to Chen's room to sleep in peace.

~BGM: Meanwhile...~
>Later on...
> "Well, I certainly didn't expect that." "Indeed, perhaps we've found someone reliable enough to participate in 'that'." "Y-you mean 'that'?!" "Of course Chen, she'll represent us in 'that'."

Now, you folks know how montages work right? So I'm not gonna bore ya with typing it up.
I'm a parser first and foremost, not a writer.
Besides, it'd probably be as long as a chapter in one of Rou's fics, and that would take all day for me to type up. :V
Essence RO
Eiji Komatsu L1xx/6x CritsinX | Ryoshima Nanbu L7x/4x Crafting Blacksmith

Arbitrary Gaming~!
Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure

Kips McKipzerson

  • I never did learn
Re: Youkai Quest: Unknown Adventure! (The Adventure Begins!)
« Reply #809 on: April 10, 2011, 12:03:08 PM »
>Yukari-shamaxHibachi. Do want

You know, You could always just timeskip to AFTER learning how to fly, something along the lines of "It was really hard" or something.

>What's "that"?