Author Topic: Himiko's Shorts  (Read 34235 times)


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Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #30 on: March 27, 2011, 04:28:58 PM »
How could you not know how to write Parsee you had an entire gaqme of Parsee. And fuck I need to stop typing and drinking.

You guys were the ones controlling her, but...well, I guess it shouldn't really be much of a problem now that you mention it.

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #31 on: March 27, 2011, 04:57:29 PM »
No, sorry, my bad. Besides, that was pre-game Parsee, so it's all cool. Or something.


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Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #32 on: June 09, 2011, 10:18:28 PM »
I know I haven't posted in this in months but...


Suika thanked the gods for her small stature as she tried to make herself comfortable on the keystone floating above and behind the Hakurei Shrine.  The small space was occupied by her, Tenshi, Koishi, and a bag of sandwiches jacked from Bhava-Agra?s kitchen.  The weather was exceptionally good today?cloudy and pleasantly cool?compared to yesterday?s heat wave, and it was only made better by the ham and tomato sandwich Suika was biting into.  She fixated her gaze on the shrine?s walkway, watching as Reimu swept the cobblestones for what Suika counted as the tenth time this morning.  It was such a mundane task, but something about it fascinated Suika, perhaps because it was Reimu doing it.

?I seriously don?t get what?s so entertaining about watching her all the time,? Tenshi remarked as she picked the cheese out of her sandwich.  ?I mean, all she does is drink tea, sweep the steps, and bludgeon youkai with a stick.  It?s not all that exciting.?

?She?s obviously in ~*love*~!?  Koishi threw her arms in the air.

Suika leaned forward on the keystone, intently watching Reimu greet a blonde girl with a witch hat and broom.  ?Dunno if I?d call it love, Pebbles,? she mused.  ?Even though I?ve been watching her for seven years??

?I watch people, too!?

?Great!  I?m friends with a stalker and a voyeur!? Tenshi groaned, and threw her sandwich over her shoulder.

Suika grinned, but didn?t stop staring at Reimu.  ?And you?re a delinquent.  You stole those sandwiches and you stole the sword of Hisou.  How many times do you think you?ve made Iku-nee cry, huh??

?Geez, I didn?t.?

?You even wasted a perfectly good sandwich~? Koishi chirped.

?Stuff it.  It?ll probably be put to use by making some starving faerie?s day.?  Tenshi crossed her arms and leaned against Suika?s back, knowing it wouldn?t be enough to push the little oni over the edge.

?Say, don?t you think the red-white would?ve noticed us by now?? Tenshi suddenly asked.  ?I mean, we have been here for a while now.?

?What makes you think tha??  Suika was interrupted by a stray ofuda smacking into her forehead, systematically knocking her into Tenshi and causing the keystone to tip over, sending all three of them tumbling to the ground.

Suika groaned as she rubbed her sore head.  She could almost picture Reimu?s unimpressed, stern expression as she quietly resumed her sweeping.  ??Nevermind.?

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


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Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #33 on: June 10, 2011, 11:27:28 PM »
I haven't written poetry in so long hee hee

Let's go buy some sweets

You?ve beat the game!
Congrats, now see,
The Yin-Yang orb?s powers three
One!  Eat sweets, and never get fat
There?s no way you can say no to that
Two!  Smell of your favorite scent
For potential dates?  No, that?s not what I meant
Three!  The orb can turn into a cat
It?s better than having some smelly old rat
That?s what I?ve told you, but really, there?s more
A deep dark secret of the Hakurei lore
You?re still too young, so it?s best not to tell
The secret will surely make your life hell
The true power of the Yin-Yang orb, you see
Hyu sm ayp aaoanr wtiy

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • It's a cheer up charm!
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    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #34 on: June 11, 2011, 03:55:52 AM »
Writing this late at night was a good idea; I seem to write better then.  Writing this felt so good.

What we are fighting for

It was time.

She stood?no, hovered?at the top of the staircase, the light of the waxing gibbous creating images on the floor as it shone through the mosaic, distorting her shadow.  The light cast down upon her ethereal form.  She herself blended in well with the environment: dark green hair and dark blue robes, all the more conspicuous in that it hid her ghostly tail of a lower half of her body.  All of that was covered with an even darker-colored cape.

As she waited, she contemplated.  The soundless night outside accompanied by a moon that hung in the sky, constantly giving the illusion of shifting shapes as the sunlight reflected on it from millions of miles away.  The dark side of the moon and the light side of the moon thus rotated, or were they correct in that the dark side of the moon was truly the side that never faced the Sun?  It was something she had thought of.

If only her friend had agreed to partake in this.  She would have had an answer for that question, even if it would have been her own opinion.

The night?s silence was broken by the huge oak doors at the far end of the room slowly creaking open.  Soundlessly, a figure swept into the room.  The doors slide shut just as slowly as they had before, hiding the darkness beyond once more.  She gazed down at the figure with steely green eyes in analysis.

The girl was both smaller and younger than her, older than her ward but still young.  Her long hair, dark and purple, was drawn back and tied off with a red ribbon.  Dressed in red and white robes more fitting of traditional Japanese wear, her katana clanked at her side as if making up for her soundless footsteps.  As she neared the base of the stairs, she silently kneeled into a bowing position and stared up.  Her eyes, the same color as her hair, betrayed her otherwise stoic form.  She could see much emotion in those eyes.

This was the second best thing.

She offered a gracious albeit crooked smile to the girl, spreading the tough, leathery wings on her back as if to further assert her authority.  ?Welcome.?

?Why did you call me here??  It was a simple question, but the answer was very complicated.

?There is a power that you seek, is there not??  Her smile twisted into a malicious grin as the girl?s eyes widened.

?How did you know??

How did she know?  This girl was unknown to all but the two of them, and yet she knew more about this girl than she realized.  She had the slightest of fantasies that this girl was afraid, but her tone was more suspicious and guarded than anything else.

?Because you?re the one who?s always in the forest, aren?t you?  Word of a strong swordswoman spreads like wildfire throughout the forest?s residents.  A strong girl who could cut down anything in her path, with the only weapon at her disposal being a steel katana is an impressive story in itself, indeed, but I know that even you have a few other tricks up your sleeve.?  She stared down at the girl.  ?And yet, even when you rely on your own strength, it still isn?t enough.  Not here, anyway.  Therefore?wouldn?t you like the chance to have the power that you seek within your grasp??

?What do you want me to do??  Her voice was inquisitive, almost humorously so.  It was too perfect.

?On the night of the full moon she will pass through this forest.  You will have your chance then.?  The words hissed out of her mouth as if she were predicting the future, but in truth this was a predetermined event.  ?Defeat her, and take the Hakurei Yin-Yang Orb.?

The girl looked down silently, and then muttered, ?I will.?

?Oh, and??  The girl jolted back up.  ?Do show courtesy towards whoever else you may meet there.  We don?t want any unwanted casualties, do we??
The girl swallowed.  There was a long silence, and she felt a strange, elated feeling swell inside her.  With just a few words, she had this girl against a wall.  She had never met the girl previously, but she had her on her knees and lost for words.  The Gensokyo this girl knew was quite different from what lay beyond the mountains.  Youkai here really were monsters, and a pretty girl like her wouldn?t make it if she couldn?t protect herself.  She was still young, and the world she lived in was one of constant threat.  Her view of youkai was no doubt burned in her mind.

Was this what power felt like?  It threatened to take a hold of her and never let go, but she had to restrain herself.


The words that sealed the pact had been spoken.

She smirked.  ?I trust you won?t disappoint me.?

The girl stood, turned, and swiftly made for the door in one fell swoop.  Right as she was at the door, she who stood at the top of the staircase illuminated by the mosaic offered a few words of parting.

?Gensokyo is a youkai?s paradise.?  Her smirk only grew more twisted.  ?I hope you understand that.?

Without turning back or saying another word, the girl disappeared through the doors, and she was alone again.  Her own voice echoed satisfyingly in her mind as she stared at the stop where the girl had kneeled moments before; it was as if she had never been there now.

The pieces were falling into place.  It was time.

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • It's a cheer up charm!
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    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #35 on: June 12, 2011, 02:42:06 AM »
I write best at night, but I get tired at night...Tamashii, look this way, although I don't think I wrote this as well as I could have...


As Reimu gazed into the tempestuous sky, she tightened the grip on her gohei and poised herself for flight.  All thoughts of that sunny afternoon vanished at the sight of the bronze orb in the sky, emitting a sickly purple aura that blocked out the sun and created an artificial night.  The figure of the woman carved into the false moon?s surface stood perfectly still, while everything else around her churned in chaos.

Looks like she was in for a rematch.

Raising her right hand, she summoned a single Yin-Yang orb which levitated above her palm.  Her heels left the ground, and she shot into the air like a bullet.  The wind was fierce; it ripped at her very being, as if threatening to tear her away, but she did not falter.  As she flew, a familiar, almost comforting silhouette joined her side, flying on a wooden broom.

?Yo, Reimu!  Perfect night for solving a disaster, eh, ze??

Reimu?s grin was distorted.  ?It?s not night, Marisa.?

Marisa clutched her mini hakkero in her hand.  ?That?s right; it?s broad daylight, ze!?

They were already dodging stray bullets of those from the ground; the bombardment of the sky was already starting.  Marisa?s mini hakkero crackled with energy.  In response, Reimu?s Yin-Yang orb started to spin in her hand.

?After this?Let?s give those guys underground a piece of their mind for not taking proper care of their own moon!?  Reimu?s voice resonated, a harsh battle cry that shook the heavens themselves.  The aura around Hell?s Moon intensified, and a barrage of white bullets blazed across the sky like falling stars, as if the moon itself had heard her.  Reimu raised the hand holding the Yin-Yang orb, and shouted out an incantation as Marisa flew ahead and aimed the mini hakkero.
A single lazer combined with a flurry of overwhelmingly bright orbs exploded in the air.

Reimu flew at neck breaking speeds to avoid the fireballs headed towards her, and she retaliated by shooting ofuda, one after another.  The bullets converged and collided with each other, as if shattering the very fabric of reality itself.  And so she flew right through them, her eyes almost glowing as she defied the hellfire around her.

And then a small beam of light pierced through Reimu?s chest.



She slammed into the ground.  She felt as if her spine was shattering when it slammed into the concrete, throwing up debris.  She heard a thousand sounds at once but at the same time she couldn?t hear anything.  Reimu struggled to her feet, but let out a squeak of pain as she put weight on her left leg.  Her knees buckled, and she went stumbling into the ground.  In the sky above her, she could hear deafening thunder raging above her, the whistle of the wind as an imagined gargantuan beast tore through it.  She lay unmoving, staring into space.

Reimu suddenly felt weak, very weak.  Even breathing was agony; pain shot through every fiber of her body, but she felt as if something was holding her back.  She raised a hand towards the sky, lost strength, and let it fall back to her chest.  It was soaked almost instantly.  Blood.  It was her blood, wasn?t it.  Too afraid to keep it there any longer, she shuddered and struggled weakly, fear giving her the strength to fight for just a little bit longer.

Reimu?s mind whirled within itself, overflowing and spinning.

She was bleeding.

She never bled before in a spell card duel.  Looks like there were still some loopholes she?d have to work out, if things had gotten this bad.  She usually didn?t get carried away enough that she would make someone bleed, and neither would her opponents?well, usually.  She only really bled back when the spell cards hadn?t been invented yet, and those were the days when one had to rely on their own power, not a set of rules that kept them safe.  Reimu vaguely wondered what would happen if the spell card system were to vanish.  That wouldn?t be very good; the Human Village would seriously be in danger, and that?s where she got all her groceries from?

While she pondered this, she heard hurried footsteps, getting closer.

Reimu went through the trouble of breaking her train of thought as she listened to the familiar sound of bullets rushing through the air.  The footsteps skidded to a halt, and then there was a loud rattling followed by?Reimu didn?t feel like listening anymore.

?I was too late??

?Ahh, she lost a lot of blood??

It was some woman?s voice.  Reimu felt someone ease her into their arms.  It was much better than being on the ground, at least.  She let herself go limp completely, ready to surrender to sweet sleep.

?Looks like she isn?t attacking me?Hey, don?t fall asleep, okay?  Keep your eyes open.?

Come to think of it, that voice sounded kind of familiar.  Where did Reimu hear it, again?  It must have been a long time ago.  She was too tired to put forth the effort of opening her eyelids, but she reluctantly obliged and squinted into space.  Her vision was badly blurred, which she found kind of odd, considering she never needed glasses in her lifetime.  In fact, she knew only one person with glasses: Kourin.  Or was there another one?

She listened to the woman?s voice talk some more, but she didn?t really take in what she was saying.

??probably not a good idea to leave you alone in this state??

Her vision was suddenly filled with thousands of eyes were staring at her.  Pain rippled throughout her body, and she felt as if her head was splitting open.  Before everything went black, she heard the sound of rushing water, coming from all sides.



Marisa?s voice acted on its own, screaming out her friend?s name as she was thrown back to the earth.

She was going to kill that fake moon.  There wouldn?t even been a single shard left by the time she was done with her.

She would let her see what true fury looked like.  Her body seemed to move on its own.  She was overcome by rage, which only intensified when she was thrown into the unforgiving earth.  What just happened?  She was in the air just a few seconds ago.  Or was she cracking up?

The clutched her mini hakkero so tightly her knuckles turned white.  Her teeth ground together as she growled in frustration at the fake moon?s pristine, untouched form as it continued to ruin everything.


The frail girl clutching the bound-up book in her arms must have been terrified out of her mind to see what Marisa looked like.  At the sight of this nervous-looking girl, a name blinked into her mind, but she didn?t register it.

?Marisa, what happened?  Why??

She killed Reimu.

She killed her, and now Marisa was going to kill her.

Did she say that out loud?  If her shaking was any indication, then yes.

Aiming the hakkero, she paused when her ears picked up the faintest of movements that she had trained them to hear all those years ago.  Even in this state this acquired ability of hers still worked with her.

The little girl cowering in fear on the ground shook, and the red ribbon in her blonde hair quivered with her.  The other girl in the clearing stared at her with widened eyes.



Marisa was suddenly aware of every little sound, of the grass as it crumpled beneath her footsteps, of her ragged breaths as she reached out and grabbed the poor girl by the shoulders and grasped the ribbon in her hand, feeling the red fabric between her fingers. 

She pulled.

All she saw were those hundreds of sharp, pointy teeth as a pair of hands suddenly stronger than her entire body pinned her to the ground and she looked up and saw bright red, red standing out against her colorless hair and black black dress and pallid skin as her mouth opened wider and she suddenly got closer and Marisa could feel her hot breath against her throat


Alice screamed, louder than she had ever screamed before in her life, screaming as blood that was not hers splattered onto her face.  She fell back, paralyzed with fear.  Only when those eyes turned to her did her hands act quickly, defying her as they pried away the bindings on the tome?


?It?s completely wrecked??

Deep, deep in the far reaches of the Underground, Parsee had collapsed to her knees, staring at her destroyed bridge.

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


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Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #36 on: June 12, 2011, 02:57:37 AM »
...I just love everything about this.

Please, continue writing.

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #37 on: June 12, 2011, 07:14:43 PM »
Oh dear lord... I don't know what else to say apart from...

Reimu's state... I can't imagine how Yukari must have felt, let alone anyone else. And Alice, oh gosh poor Alice. To see that happen, and
for Kourin to find out later, especially in the way it ends up being revealed when Nitori is with him
I felt like crying again.

I hate you Himiko... if you so much as add anything else to that, I probably will cry.

Don't stop writing; I love your work. ^^


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Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #38 on: June 17, 2011, 12:55:09 AM »

alt. title - on the same level, although nothing would've stopped me from writing this, anyway.

Coming of Age

In Gensokyo, flying was the most common method of transportation.  Certain people used it so much, in fact, that their legs grew weak and they had trouble walking for long periods of time.

One such person was Kochiya Sanae, evident by her wheezing as she climbed the crumbled stone staircase up the hill.  On either side of her were trees spanning high, high up, giving way to the clear blue sky overhead.  It was an uncomfortably hot day, and all the prophetic dreams in the world wouldn?t be able to tell Sanae why Kagiyama Hina was still wearing that thick, dark red dress of hers.

?Are we there yet?? Sanae groaned.  Hina twirled around to face Sanae as she hopped up the stairs backwards.

?Not that far.  Put a little hop into your step, okay~??

Sanae pouted.  ?Easy for you to say.?

?Tsk tsk, Sanae?You need to appreciate your two legs every once in a while!  After all, people will be climbing these very stairs one day in order to come and pray to you.  If you want to help them with their problems, you must understand their pain.?

The green haired goddess with the slug hairpin and brown feather and green haired goddess in red finally reached the top of the stairs, coming face to face with a shrine that had obviously been abandoned for a very long time.  The pathway was barely visible underneath the web of vines and weeds covering it, and the offertory box at the end of it was rotted beyond repair.  The roof had caved in on the walls of the house.  Stone lanterns were just barely visible over the overgrown grass, but the glass in them was broken.

?I don?t want to know what you do to understand humans? pain, what with you being the goddess of misfortune, after all.?  Sanae put her hands on her hips and took a good look at the wreck of a shrine she was supposed to be inheriting.  ?Looks like we have a lot of work to do.?


?Will she really be okay on her own??

Suwako smirked and laced her fingers together.  ?You worry too much, Kanako.  Besides, don?t you think this will yield any interesting results??

Kanako frowned a little and brought her dish of sake from her lips.  ?What do you mean??

?Sixty micro says the satori girl will start visiting Sanae?s shrine.?  Suwako-sama reached into her pocket and extracted a handful of silver coins.  ?Seventy says Okuu will continue visiting here.?

Kanako sighed.  ?You?ve got to be kidding me.?

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • It's a cheer up charm!
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    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #39 on: June 29, 2011, 03:35:07 AM »


Tokiko didn?t mind life at Kourindou at all.  She got free food, free board, protection from the more savage youkai lurking around in the forest and beyond the mountains, and access to all the beetles she wanted, all in exchange for stocking a few shelves.  This task was more complicated than it sounded; the store was forever buried in piles of clutter owing to the lack of customers and surplus of goods provided by Morichika Rinnosuke?s mystery supplier, who she never saw, come to think of it...She?d spend hours sorting strange relics that she didn?t recognize, but over time she came to be well-versed in different things from the ?Outside World?.  On the whole, life was good.

At this point in time, the peak of summer was beginning to rear its fiery head.  Tokiko, unaccustomed to the heat after what felt like a particularly long winter and strangely cool spring, the crested ibis youkai found all her willpower melt away.  She now sat at the counter, her head lolling on the table and wings wilted.  Her usual heavy dress had been exchanged for a short, sleeveless dark blue one, and she was basking in the cool air provided by the fan set up on the floor.  Its humming drowned out the sounds of the cicadas outside and filled the shop with a refreshing coolness that would no doubt give way to sticky heat of Tokiko dared to venture outdoors.  It?s not like she had to; Rinnosuke put her in charge of the shop while he went out to restock, anyway.  As if Kourindou needed any more items?

The bells on the doorknob rattled noisily, and Tokiko immediately sat up.  The door opened all the way, and a somewhat familiar woman entered.  The white sundress wasn?t familiar, but the dark green hair, red eyes, and parasol definitely were.  She recognized this woman as someone who frequently came to buy flower pots and gardening tools, and although there were more than a few scary rumors about her, she always proved time and time again to be a completely normal customer.

?Ah, Kazami-san, welcome,? Tokiko greeted.  ?It sure is hot out, isn?t it??  She fidgeted, realizing how clich?d it was to ask about the weather.

?It sure is.?  Yuuka closed up her parasol and closed the door behind her.  ?I?m here for sunflower seeds today.?

?Oh?  Okay??  Tokiko hopped off the stool she had been sitting on and made her way towards a cardboard box on one side of the shop.  ?I think we have some left over as presents from the Spring Equinox Festival.?

?Those?ll do.?  Yuuka quietly surveyed the room, until something on the windowsill caught her eye.  ?That quite the improvised vase you have there,? she said, her tone amused.

?Ahaha, well, yes, it would?ve been a waste to throw away such a nice wine bottle after it was empty.?

Yuuka smirked a little.  ?You never struck me as the drinking type.?

?No, no, I don?t.?  Tokiko waved her hands dismissively.  ?The shop owner had most of it with some regular customers.?  She stared down at the box and started picking through different seed packets.  She thought back to the little dinner party between her, Rinnosuke, the red-white, and the black-white, and was torn between fond memories and annoyance that the red-white had been present.  That hot pot was so good, though?

Yuuka walked over to the wine bottle and studied the label.  She said nothing, but in the off chance that she was a wine expert, she would no doubt be perplexed by such a rare drink.

?Um, anyway, here you go.?  Tokiko handed off a few packets of sunflower seeds to Yuuka.  The flower youkai reached into her pocket and handed over a few seed packets of her own.


Tokiko didn?t quite get it.  The only way to get items at Kourindou was to trade other items, but flower seeds for flower seeds?

?I was thinking, perhaps it?s time you started a garden here.?  The corners of Yuuka?s mouth curved upwards in a smile that sent shivers down Tokiko?s spine.  ?It?s such a nice area, it would be a waste.?

Tokiko nodded and took the seeds from Yuuka.  ?Y-yeah.?

Yuuka pocketed the sunflower seeds and proceeded to walk out of the store.  ?Good day to you, then~?

Tokiko blinked, taken aback by Yuuka?s sudden departure, and then turned her attention to the seeds.  Maybe planting these flowers wouldn?t be such a bad idea, after all.

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #40 on: June 29, 2011, 11:43:49 AM »
Hehe. Friendly Yuuka is friendly indeed... That smile... It's so lovely and warming, no? XD

And yay for Tokiko! Nice to see her getting some attention. Pretty nice overall, actually.


Hmm... Satori x Reimu... May we have some? If it connects nicely into the quests, like always, then please, do so. <3


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Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #41 on: July 09, 2011, 04:08:00 AM »
I know I just posted this in the NWC thread, but I want this here for archival purposes.


Meira-san -

Your presence is required immediately at the Hakurei Shrine.

- Hakurei Reimu


Meira was quite used to these kinds of letters by now, ones that summoned her to some location without offering any explanation whatsoever.  There was about a fifty percent chance it was a human who wanted her to kill a youkai or something, and a fifty percent chance it was a youkai intelligent enough to write, sending her into a trap.  There was also a fifty percent chance that the letter would be signed at all, but Meira answered all letters either way.  That was how she rolled.

On that note, Meira folded up the letter and slipped it into her sleeve.  Very quietly, she stood up from the kitchen table and headed over to the window.  She leaned across the sink and drew back the curtains a bit, scanning the outside.  She then drew them shut again and headed back to her room to get her katana.  Even if the letter wasn?t a trap, just getting out of the forest would be enough of a pain.

Upon opening the front door, Meira was greeted by the howls and screeches of youkai resonating throughout the forest in which her house was located.  The trees stretched high above her head, creating a thick canopy that allowed little light to filter through.  In spite of this, Meira seldom lit lanterns around her house.  It would attract too much attention, and her house was already in a clearing.  After taking one more look around, Meira locked the front door and sprinted into the trees.
Going through the forest wasn?t that difficult, just a bit tedious.  As Meira picked her way through the web of trees, she would occasionally catch a glimpse of something on all fours crawling through the undergrowth, or hear the guttural shrieks of some beast as it was torn apart.  This was all normal.

The most noteworthy encounter she had leaving the forest was coming across a barely-recognizable raccoon that was twice the size of her.  It?s chittering was drowned out by the sound of a katana being drawn.  Meira did not stop running even as she slashed at the beast youkai.  It tensed its muscles and prepared to strike, only to feel something sharp cut across its neck.  It slumped to the ground as Meira went straight past it; it would no doubt get back up later, but for now it was not going anywhere.

Meira cleared the last layer of trees with no incident and burst into an expansive field, only for her eyes to be assaulted by the sun beating down from high above.  She frowned and squinted, waiting for her eyes to adjust to the sudden light before surveying her surroundings.  Behind her was the forest she just came out of.  Up ahead past the field she was now standing in was a small village.  She had been there a few times before, but she would be ignoring that for the much less dangerous Forest of Magic, and then hill she would be reaching after she came to that.  If she remembered correctly, that was the way to the Hakurei Shrine.

Walking through the fields and past the village was almost boring, and she didn?t even need to have her katana out when she walked through the last forest.  Soon enough, she was at the foot of the stairs leading up to the Hakurei Shrine.  The sight of the torii briefly gave Meira the feeling that she was crossing some sort of finish line, but she shrugged that off as she started to ascend the stairs.

When she finally reached the shrine, Meira stopped to take a look at it.  For being the shrine of the legendary Hakurei Clan, it was rather small and modest, if not a bit shabby.  There was not much of note about it, except for the lone figure sitting on the porch with a white cat in her lap.  It was a young girl, donning the robes of a traditional shrine maiden, complete with a ribbon in her long, purple hair.  She was swinging her legs back and forth, idly scratching the cat behind the ears, but when she noticed Meira a huge grin broke out on her face.

Hakurei Reimu leapt off the porch and trotted over to where Meira was standing, causing the cat to flee from her lap and dart away.  ?You?re finally here!  I was getting sick of waiting.?

In all fairness, it took Meira a few hours just to get to the shrine.  She folded her arms as the girl drew closer.  ?Of course I am.  You sent that letter to me, after all.?
?Oh, that??  The girl?s smile only grew wider.  ?Meira-san, I have a request for you,? she practically sang.

Meira raised an eyebrow.  ?Oh?  What do you want??

?I?d like you to have tea with me.?


That was not what Meira was expecting.

?Listen, Hakurei.?  Meira kept her arms folded and glared down at Reimu, whose grin had still not left her face.  ?I?m a mercenary, not your playmate.?


?So, don?t just send me urgent-sounding letters when it turns out to be something trivial like this.?  Meira turned on her heels and started back down the stairs.  ?I?m going home.?

Reimu?s face fell.  ?Oh??  She then proceeded to chase after Meira.  ?Wait!?

Meira stopped walking and turned around.  ?What??

?It?s not just tea!  There?s cake, too!  I got it from the Human Village!?  Reimu?s arms flailed wildly in an obviously desperate attempt to keep Meira from leaving.  Meira was never one to get excited over sweets, but maybe she?d be able to take some food home with her.



And that?s how Meira spent the better part of the afternoon, sitting on the porch with a cup of tea, listening to Reimu ramble on.  It was mostly mundane things about the shrine, like skipping stones in the pond out back and a sudden rain shower that kept Reimu from drying the laundry.  She did, however, rattle on for a good while about an incident involving some mysterious ruins, a bunch of heretics, and a crazy woman who wanted to kidnap her in the name of science.  The names of that ghost magician and her apprentice came up, too; Meira remembered both of them, the former all too well.

Reimu also tried to get Meira to talk, although it was a fruitless effort.  Meira wasn?t very inclined to talk much about her daily life.  She mostly took odd jobs for other humans, both in the mountains she grew up in and the village she passed on the way to the shrine, but when she wasn?t doing that, there wasn?t really anything interesting to say.

During a lapse in the conversation, Meira stared down at the cup in her hands, idly shifting it so that the tea inside swirled around.  The cake Reimu promised sat untouched on the porch between them.  Somehow, she had ended up spending a lot of time at the shrine, evident by how the sun was lower in the sky now.
That was when Meira reached an epiphany.

?Hey, Hakurei??

Reimu glanced over at Meira.  ?Hm??

?Why did you even invite me here, anyway??

?To spend time with you, obviously.?

Meira pinched the bridge of her nose in frustration.  ?That?s it??


?I attacked you and tried to steal the Yin-Yang orb, and that?s all you can say??  Meira narrowed her eyes, but Reimu remained blissfully dense.

?The Yin-Yang orb??  Reimu giggled.  ?If that?s all you were curious about, you should?ve said so!  If you want, you can hold it.?  The shrine maiden hopped off the porch and started to round the shrine.  ?Wait right there.?

Was this actually happening?

Reimu reappeared moments later holding a smooth round ball about the size of her fist, and held it out to Meira.

?It?s surprisingly heavy at first, but once you get used to it it?s really easy to throw and stuff.  You have to give it back when you?re done holding it, though.?

Meira wasn?t listening to any of this; she was instead fixated on the Yin-Yang orb in front of her.  Unimaginable power was within arm?s reach.  She reached out, mesmerized, and took hold of the Yin-Yang orb

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̷͚̹̝̰̜̪͋̉ͫ̌͗ͦ̕a̶͎̠̞̭̳͔̺̯̼̯̥̍͒ͤͣ̏͒̎ͦ͘͟͝a̸̧͖̻̥͈̪͙̰͍̘͙̹̠̬̺̣ͬͬ̅̅͌̏̇̂̉̀͑̈́̌ͬͦ̍́̚͝āͧͤ̍ͯ̉̓ͫ͌̾ͪ̎҉̭̩̲̤͔̩̭̩͎̻͙̟̝̯͟͠͡ą̸̸̨̛̘̟̞̭̫̼̱̞̗̯͈̼̻͚͉͕̤͇̠͆̈͗̎̽̿̇̔̈́̈͂̀̚̚a̵̫̟̣̦̩̭͈̻̺̦̮̰̥̮ͯ͑̾̃͘ȁ̊̂̒̽̽̽͋̊̀҉҉̡̝̺̭͎̟̫̭ͅa̡̱̣̥͙̺̣̬̞͙ͬ̔͊̑̒̌̌͐̈́ͨͭ͆̚͜͝ ̨͔̘̮̫͓̘͎̼̼͈̰̫̪̭̽̿ͣͫ̀ͣͨͯ̊ͦ͌̎̑ͨ̽ͬͅ
̦̼̹͕̼̦̦͚̟̜̣͓̋̌͑ͨ͋̔ͥ̽̊ͭͭ̉̑́̀̚͜a̸̸̶̛̦̠̝͓̭͔̰̬͚̝̥̺͋ͪ̐ͨͧ͗ͬ̂͋̿̈̋̌ͮͦ̀̚͠ͅä̛͍̠͓̩͖̤̲́̽̆͆̊̄̌̑ͮ͑ͩ̅̀̚͞͝a̢̺̤̹̟͍̟̟̙̳̼̹̻̋ͥ̀̉̍͑ͥ͂̈́̈́̀̇ͫ͠͝͡ͅa̧̡̜̘̙̦͇͔͓̤͓̟͋ͩ͑̅̐̈ͨ̃́ͪ͗̈ͩ̿ͭ͟ ̡̢͔͉͇̬͍̲̬̯̉ͩ͑̿̓̈́ͭ̀͡ͅͅ

̸͎̠̭̣̗̖̗̺͔̤̹̟͉̠̙̎̋͂̓́̑̓ͣ̽ͨͭ̅ͪ̇̌̈́ͬ̎͢ ̨̬̩̳͙̤̗͍̤̹͈͍̯͙̒̋̽ͮ̃̿̅̎ͨ̏ͩ̔ͬ͐̑͐̐̾͡ͅ ̃͐̍̎͑ͧ̃ͫ̿̋ͪ̎͆̎͋ͧ̋͜͏̶̛̮͇̖̯̝͎͟ ̶̴̡̪̰̭̣̟̪̹̬͉̳͑̾͊͌͌ͨ̽̎͆̅̈̿͛̀ͨ̊͝ ̡͔͍̜̬͊̅̌̊͗̎͟͡ ̈́͛ͦ̐̋ͥ̇ͨ̚̕̕҉̗̜͇͕̖̰̙̙̱͟ͅͅ ̶͙̬̭̞̯̙̞̫͔͈̦̦̗̘̺̗̃̽̔̊̆̈ͧ͋̿͌͋̚͘͢͠ͅ ̗̻̫̹̻̬̜̪͈͎͈̗̫͇͈̫̂͗̓͌̐ͨͥ̽ͬͦ͋ͨ̍̑ͪͯ̂̿̀͜ͅ ̴̵̭̠̞̙̥͇̲͙͇̖͓̼̰͐ͮ̐ͩ̑͒̉̌̽̎͡ ̧̢̞̗̣̣̹̤̪̺͚̘͉̣̻̗̱̑͌ͪͩ͊ͩ̄̅ͬͭͮ̈̉̎͊ͥ͗ͥ́ͅ ̷̴̨͈̲͖̫̹̆ͦ̇̐͊̈́ͩ̌̀͗͋ͣ̃̓͆̿ͩ̍̚͘͘ ̷̴̢̟̪̗͍͍̠̰̭̦̹̝͓̒̾̑̔͑̏͌͆̅̽ͪͧ͌̊̌́ ̵̨͙̩̜̭̎͌̋̎ͭͭ̈̀̅̈̀ͦ̋̉ͯ͐̄͢ͅ ̶̢̢̫̟̝̝̞͎͇͈̞͖̟̟̼̟̇̔̐͒ͧͮ̌̃ͦ̓a̷̪͍̰͉̣̙̠͓͚̜̞̙̦͓̾̈ͨ̃ͫ̒̾ͧͭ̄̉̃̀a̢̒̐̎̈̈̄̅̒ͣ̉̚͟͞҉͖̫͎̩̳͇̻̹̗̼̙̟̣͔̘͕̪̟̳a̍̇̉͛̄́̕҉̯̮̖̙̙̯̩͉̩̠̩̯̣͠a̸̲̻̦͙̮̤͈̞̖̞͔̘̠̎ͦ͌̀ͨ̍ͤ̀ȃ̧̘̺̥̺̙̮̬͙͍͇̠͖̯̦̰̎ͧ̎̂̌ͤͣ̉͂͋̓͌͛a̡͍͇͍̬̤̞̝͓̥̠̯͖̪ͯ͑̀̈́̒͗ͭ͐̚̚͝͞͠a̶̍ͫ͛͗ͬ̈̓͆ͯ҉̥͈̞̠͍͔͓̲̩͜a̲̪̘̹͉̝̗̯͇̤͉̣̖̬̯̐̂͒͋̉ͩ̇̾̆̌̈́̽̎͋̃̉ͭ͟ͅa̴̧̠̗͍͕͍̪̻̟͕̱̓ͧͥ̏͒̉ͭ̓ͩ̀̽͋͆͛̈́͟͝͠a̢͈͖̲̞͕͎̾͒͐̏ͥ͠ǎ̢̖̮̲̠͚͕̑͌ͫ̃ͫ̒̾ͥ͋͑̆͋̊ͤ̊͐̾͗̕͢͢ ̴̗̖̪͙̱̗̼͚͖̱̞̠͐͒͌̊̏ͧ́͡
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Meira was aching all over.  When she turned on her side, a sharp pain ran through her hips and lower back.  Every breath she took made her feel as though her back was being stabbed.  Her hands felt heavily bruised and numb.  Her neck felt stiff, and her head was throbbing.  She groaned and forced her eyes open, finding herself staring at an unfamiliar ceiling.  Lanterns hung on the walls, and although their glow was dim, just looking at them made Meira?s head spin.

She was in too much pain to even stay on the floor any longer, despite it being surprisingly comfortable, so she eased herself into a sitting position.  She felt a sudden wave of nausea, and as she swayed she noticed that she was sitting on a futon.  That explained why the floor seemed so nice to lay on.

Despite the state she was in, she immediately reached for her katana, nervous that it had been stolen while she was out.  A wave of relief washed over her when she felt the familiar weight at her side.  Upon further inspection, she was still fully clothed, too.  Even the letter Reimu had sent her was still in the pocket inside her sleeve.

?You?d best take it easy right now, young lady.?

Meira?s head whipped in the direction of the sudden voice, and winced as her head throbbed all the more.  The source of the gravelly, ancient-sounding voice came from a huge tortoise with a long white beard and bushy eyebrows, sitting in the corner.  Reimu was curled up on top of his shell with a blanket draped over her, fast asleep.

?Wha??  Meira squinted at the tortoise.  ?Why??

?It?s because you carelessly touched the Yin-Yang orb as you did; only those of the Hakurei bloodline are able to handle it without any ill effects.?

So Meira was hurt because she touched an artifact of immense power?immense power?

?That just makes it even cooler,? Meira said, half to herself.  She absentmindedly glanced out the door and at the shrine grounds.  The outline of the torii and the trees were barely visible against the dark, dark night sky, dotted with thousands of tiny little stars.  Somewhere in the back of Meira?s mind, she registered this as a bad thing, given her location.

?It?s already dark.  I should be heading home.?

The tortoise frowned, if he was even able to do that.  ?I would advise against that in your current state.  Also, the young lady asleep on my back would be quite upset to find that she had failed to keep her guest comfortable.?

Meira glanced back at the sleeping Reimu.  ?Huh??

She weighed the situation as best as she could.  On one hand, her pride wanted to keep her from being indebted to this girl, but going in the forest at night was suicide, especially in her state.  She was too exhausted to even stay upright, let alone raise her katana against some hungry youkai.  She grudgingly let herself flop onto her back and curled up on her side, trying to make herself as comfortable as possible.

?Fine, I?m goin? to sleep,? she muttered as her eyelids drooped.

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #42 on: July 09, 2011, 04:22:40 PM »
Very cute!
I have...a terrible need...shall I say the word?...of religion. Then I go out at night and paint the stars.


  • It's a cheer up charm!
  • *
  • ふそそそそそ
    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #43 on: July 11, 2011, 04:15:41 AM »
OOPS, WRONG PAIRING just kidding please don't hurt me

On a more serious note, this was kind of sitting in my head for a little while. 
I didn't really want to force myself to write Reisato, and I wasn't in the mood to write something happy, so I wrote this instead.

Something Wrong

The sound of feet thumping across the floor interrupted Kasen?s train of thought, and she glanced over to see Reimu coming towards her.  The shrine maiden was wearing a grin that could only mean something big had happened.

?There?s a monster in the river in Youkai Mountain, and you?re going to help me tame it!?

Just like that.  That was Reimu, getting straight to the point as usual.

??What??  But in all of Kasen?s years of living on Youkai Mountain, she was pretty sure there wasn?t anything beyond the normal fish and lamprey in the river.  ?Since when was there a monster??

Reimu smirked with the air of someone who had just won a big prize.  ?I heard it from Marisa.  There?s a rumor among the kappa that there?s some huge fish no one?s seen before.  I was thinking it?d be nice to have a pet like that in the lake behind the shrine.?

?And just what are you going to do about feeding it, I wonder??? Kasen muttered to herself.  Reimu apparently overheard this.

?It?s okay!  We?ll worry about that later.?  She wasted no time in grabbing Kasen?s hand and pulling her to her feet.  ?Let?s go!?

Kasen suddenly got a horrible feeling in her gut that started the second Reimu touched her hand, specifically because it was her bandaged hand.  She could already feel an uncomfortable tugging sensation as Reimu pulled her along as she headed for the door.  Within seconds, Kasen?s entire arm felt uncomfortably tight.

?Wait, Reimu??  The bandages started to unravel, and Kasen lost all feeling in her arm.

?Huh??  Reimu was moving very fast, so when she turned around, Kasen smacked right into her.  Their foreheads collided with a loud thunk, and they both went straight down.  Reimu winced and gritted her teeth, gingerly reaching up to touch her forehead.  It very obviously hurt to touch, but the worst she?d get from that was a goose egg, she figured.  Shaking the stars out of her eyes, she looked ahead of her to see where Kasen had fallen over.

?Owowow?Sorry, Kasen.  Are you alri??  Reimu then cut herself off there, and stared at her hermit friend with eyes the size of saucers.

Kasen was on the floor, rubbing her head with her left hand.  Her hair and clothes were a bit disheveled, and the bows tied to her hair buns were a bit uneven, but Reimu could only stare at her right sleeve, which hung by itself at her side uselessly.

Perhaps in macabre realization, Reimu stared down at the bandages in her hand, which had left a trail of fine black ash on the floor, leading to where Kasen was.  Reimu looked at the bandages, then at Kasen, then at the bandages, and then at Kasen.  As far as Reimu was concerned, Kasen was like a turtle flipped over on its back.

After all, how could she get up again if she didn?t have a right arm?

?Ah?ah?.?  Reimu could only croak out a few syllables to express her surprise, and as Kasen came to her senses, she realized what Reimu was gawking at.  Her expression quickly turned to fear, as she scuttled back.

?No, this is?um??  Kasen had no idea how to explain this to the shrine maiden, who had been smiling so happily just a moment ago.  Now that mood was ruined.

Kasen deftly flipped over on her stomach and pushed herself to her feet with surprising accuracy that Reimu had definitely not been expecting from her.  Reaching out with her remaining hand, she reclaimed her remaining bandages and ran out of the Hakurei Shrine as fast as her legs could carry her.  In the spur of the moment, she had completely forgotten one simple fact: she could get out even faster if she just flew.

?Wait, Kasen??

But Kasen was gone before Reimu could say anything else coherent, and she was left sitting dumbstruck on the floor of her shrine.


Kasen carefully rewrapped her right arm, taking care to completely cover her ?arm? as she wound it up.  It had once been tedious work, but after however many years it became second nature to her.

She held up her newly-reformed arm, testing it out a bit by curling her fingers into a fist, stretching it a bit, prodding at the bandages to make sure there weren?t any loose spots.  After making sure it was all good, Kasen slumped forward on her desk, sighing heavily.



At the sound of the voice, Kasen immediately sat up and looked towards the nearest window.  Sure enough, leaning on the round windowsill was a woman, donning the uniform of the shinigami and baubles in her red hair.  Resting in her folded arms was a scythe with a curved blade at the end, sticking through the window and pointing at Kasen in a rather threatening manner.  As usual, this did not bother the hermit in the slightest.

?You look in a bad mood.?  The shinigami woman cracked a small smile.  ?Did something happen??

?It?s just you, Komachi??  Kasen brushed a lock of hair behind her ear.  ?Let?s just say I missed the opportunity to do something fun today.?
?Aww, I know how that feels,? Komachi said, resting her head against her scythe?s handle.

Kasen merely stared down at her hands, which were now resting in her lap.  Komachi blinked and watched her quizzically before withdrawing herself from the window.

?You know, you?re looking kind of suspicious sitting there all quiet like that,? Komachi said, as if trying to incite a response out of her.  ?And my boss is watchin? you closely, you know,? she warned.  When Kasen still did not respond, she slipped out of sight.

?Well, I?ll be going, now.  See ya.?

And then Kasen was alone.

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • It's a cheer up charm!
  • *
  • ふそそそそそ
    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #44 on: July 15, 2011, 01:25:50 AM »
This has absolutely nothing to do with Touhou.  This is actually something from my original universe and stuff, concerning a certain aspect of the currently nameless fictional religion that once sort of ruled over the world with an iron theocratic fist.

- This is a work of fiction, although you may see similarities to real life or other things because I shamelessly pilfer from everything.
- This isn't a story, but more of a messily-organized article, although I'd like to write something for this soon.
- This isn't Earth, but it's a similiar planet.
- The Korean words in this article have been helpfully provided by Google Translate.


Shamans in Nomadic societies are revered as the ?Chosen Ones?.  They are especially long-lived girls chosen by the gods to be their ?Mediums?, and can be found in all corners of the planet.  There is no way to tell how a shaman is chosen, but it?s certain that it will always be a girl.  Oracles and other shamans are sometimes able to sense the birth of a shaman and will travel to her birthplace to meet her, but there are often other external signs on the day of the child?s birth to confirm that she is a Chosen One.


Shamans are able to see and communicate with spirits of the dead or of nature, and they are the only ones capable of exorcising or sealing them.  They are also able to speak with animals.  Perhaps because of this they have been regarded as completely unbiased in communication.  They are also unique in that they are not born with elemental abilities and are unable to use them, instead only being able to use spiritual or purifying-based attacks.  While this can make them very powerful, it is also a huge setback when compared to the elemental, learned, and intent-based abilities that are more ground in reality.  In a sense, a Shaman?s abilities can be very limited (they weren?t meant as fighters, after all, even if it is eventually included in part of their work).

Mediums of the gods

Their most important ability and raison d'?tre is communicating with the gods.  Each shaman is assigned at birth one god that they will always be able to communicate with, but in reality they possess the ability to contact any god they desire.  Sometimes they will contact their god or goddess subconsciously or within dreams, which come to them as omens and prophecies (although this is very rare).  A shaman must perform rituals daily to keep their bond with the gods strong, lest it wither.  As a result of performing these rituals from a young age, they have grown up pious and devoted to their religion (as shamans are born into their role, they are often comfortable and happy with it).

When certain conditions are met, a shaman can connect with a deity.  When this ritual is performed, the deity possesses the shaman and speaks through her; this is the only way the gods are able to communicate with mortals, as they are not able to speak the mortal tongue.  This state of communication between mortals and a possessed shaman is called a ?Trance?.

Unfortunately, there are malicious ghosts and spirits that can also possess a shaman, hurting her (and the god she is connected with) and cutting off her link with the gods.  To reestablish that link, the shaman must be exorcised as she is ?Cursed?.

A Shaman?s Duties

A Shaman?s duty, first and foremost, is to maintain a strong connection between herself and the gods, and to know when to allow herself to become possessed by them so that they may communicate with mortals.  A Shaman must perform five rituals daily to keep herself spiritually pure.  These rituals are often slow, rhythmic dances, often accompanied by chanting.  In performing these rituals, she is not only maintaining her ?Link? but also providing herself protection against evil spirits wishing to possess her.  This leads to Shamans being bound to a ritualistic lifestyle, but the dances can easily be replaced by praying and will still have the same effect.  To go even further, if circumstances force a Shaman to become too busy to perform her rituals, she must wear prayer beads at all times to protect herself until she can perform her rituals once again.

The second duty a Shaman must perform is exorcism of evil spirits that seek to harm the mortal world.  There is no way to keep them from appearing, but only Shamans have the capability to purify, seal, or banish them.  ?Purification? is cleansing the evil spirit, ?Sealing? is binding the evil spirit to a material object where they cannot hurt anyone, and ?Banishing? is eradicating them entirely.

The third and perhaps most important duty is to go into Trances and allow the gods to communicate through her.  Through performing her rituals she will be able to go into a Trance, and the gods will be able to speak with mortals in trying times.  Shamans are often summoned to the Palaces of world leaders as advisors.
These three duties are called either the ?Loteoseu ui Uimu? (Duties of the Lotus) or ?Lityum ui Uimu? (Duties of the Li), both expressions derived from the ancient language of Hangug-ul of the Marble.

Status of Shamans in the World

Shamans are received and treated differently depending on how religious a country or person is.

In matriarchal, theocratic, or nomadic cultures, Shamans are practically worshipped or at least put upon a pedestal, being protected and cherished because of their status as Mediums (or as maidens).  Shamans also get along very well with Oracles, who are more inconspicuous servants sent directly from the gods to help guide mortals.

In the Disputed Territories of Afreet, a Shaman is in the Royal Council as the queen?s religious advisor.  On the other end of the spectrum, the Godforsaken Lands of Colithia completely purged itself of Shamans, who they believed to be bad omens or harbingers of disaster, prior to, during, and following the Great War.
Shamans, on a whole, are generally more accepted in religious sanctuaries.

The Great War

Prior to The Great War (alt. ?Holy War?), Shamans were widely accepted in all countries that were even a little bit religious, and were often relied upon in a period of great religious acceptance.  However, close to the beginning of The Great War, they along with Oracles were persecuted along with other religious figures as a symbol of the suffering the gods had brought about them.  The years (known as the Years of misfortune) leading up to the Great War will generally filled with misfortune caused by natural disasters and epidemics leading to a large population decrease, all of which were blamed on the gods.  Tensions were also running high between countries experiencing their Industrial Revolutions, as they were pining over the same pieces of land (some of which were actually sacred grounds inhabited by gods themselves that were powerful enough to have roots in the mortal realm).  Aside from that, diplomatic relations between rival countries were very strained, especially concerning the tug-of-war battle between the fertile lands of the Disputed Territories of Afreet. 

A large number of factors combined with the Years of Misfortune eventually exploded into a worldwide war, and during that time Shamans and Oracles were almost wiped out along with all of the gods inhabiting the sacred grounds.  It is widely speculated that the persecution of Shamans and Oracles was one of the contributing factors to the Years of Misfortune and eventually the anger of the gods during the Great War.

In the years following The Great War, there was one last epidemic that wiped out a huge chunk of the world?s population.  After that was the start of a great peace that has lasted to this day, a period allowing the world?as well as the Shamans, Oracles, and gods?to recover and turn over a new leaf; so much of the world was ravaged and so many lives were lost that it could be considered a small-scale apocalypse.  Nowadays, Shamans have less work to do.

Lifestyle and History Thereof

Traditionally, Shamans were nomadic and lived very humbly, believing that their sole purpose in life was spiritual servitude.  They therefore only earned enough money to live upon, and were religiously very devout.  Shamans who weren?t nomadic lived by themselves in small, secluded shrines in forests or mountains, and were very much like hermits.  In wintery, mountainous regions such as Selda, ancient documents have been found of dozens of Shamans living together in monasteries.

As time and the influence of religion progressed, Shamans started to exploit their spiritual prowess for money so that they could live more comfortably.  It was around this time that Shamans made a career out of the banishment of evil spirits and beats, performing for festivals, and so forth.  They also did a number of odd jobs, making a mark in the medical field by locating herbs and plants useful in medicine and even acting as midwives and name givers.  It was also during this time period that fewer Shamans were nomadic and started settling down in shrines, monasteries, villages, and so forth, although Shamans who actually lived inside the village were far and few between.  Shamans succeeded with their ultimate goal of not being impoverished during this time period.  This was a golden age for them as they had also become more widely accepted, even in societies that were not religious.  However, there are still Shamans to this day who strictly adhere to the traditional Shamanic lifestyle.

By the time of The Great War, Shamans had become more withdrawn again as they made their place in society, especially as they were persecuted.  During these so-called dark ages, Shamans reverted back to the time when almost all of them were nomadic, more out of fear for their lives than being immersed in nature.  It was also during this time that leaders of different countries personally invited what Shamans they could find to their Palaces for spiritual aid during the war and to call upon the gods, who had become heavily involved.  The Shamans that agreed to help the leaders were protected and treated very well in exchange for basically begging the gods for favors.  During this time, there was a huge gap between nomadic Shamans and Shamans allied with world leaders.  This was also the time where a huge number of Shamans died, almost to the point of extinction.

From the end of The Great War to the present, Shamans have been living a relatively peaceful existence, despite their numbers being so few.  They currently live in a limbo between traditional ways and early golden age ways, living comfortably but not luxuriously or in poverty.  They are currently too widespread to form any monasteries, and instead live alone in secluded shrines that are at least a two day?s walk to the nearest village (or at most a day?s walk, if it?s in a cold region).  Nomadic Shamans do exist, but they are in the minority, and even fewer travel by themselves; most of them travel with nomadic groups.  Thanks to years of separation, Shamans and Oracles no longer associate with each other.  With a huge decrease in the world?s population, the remaining Shamans started to focus more on spiritual duties once more, yet another aspect of their lifestyle that is more closely related to the traditional Shaman.

The earliest Shaman clothing was very simple and differed by region, but overall their style of dress was, is, and will continue to be heavily influenced by the clothing worn by the shrine maidens of Nihon of the Marble.  In wintery regions, Shamans wear layers under their skirts, heavy boots, and fur-lined cloaks, all of which were in earthy, neutral colors, as dyes were expensive and difficult to come by. 

In warmer regions, Shamanic clothing is lighter, and the sleeves are usually shorter if not above the elbow.  Straw hats and sandals are worn with these kinds of outfits, and Shamans in these regions have the luxury of wearing more colorful clothing, as dyes are more abundant. 

It is in temperate climates where Shaman clothing most closely resembles traditional shrine maiden outfits, although it is not uncommon for these outfits to be embellished or worn with an coat and/or stole emblazoned with symbols from nature, such as leaves, vines, flowers, and sometimes animals or birds.  Other popular symbols are the lotus and sand dollar.  Geometric patterns are also highly favored and appear just as much on Shamanic clothing as any other symbol, but are most commonly seen in arctic regions.

Interaction between Shamans

Shamans have always been extremely rare throughout history, and even in the Traditional Era they were hard to come across.  Therefore, interaction between Shamans is almost unheard of, and some don?t even know the existence of more girls like them.  As of present day, it is speculated that there are less than 100 Shaman still alive in the world, so it is hardly a surprise.

Shamans within the Character Listing




One thing I didn?t get to mention in this article was that Shamans believe in karma to some extent and have a deep respect for nature, and many of their rituals honor that, as their religion dictates love and respect for plants and stuff. 

Inspiration for the Shamans was largely drawn from the shrine maidens of Shintoism.  The sealing and banishment was inspired by Reimu (and PC-98 Reimu), while the whole "purity" aspect was inspired by Sanae.  However, I also took some aspects such as five rituals/prayers a day from the Islamic Five Pillars of Faith and karma (which I want to implement into this currently nameless religion) from Buddhism.  Of course, this is only one aspect of this fictional religion which isn?t even that developed yet.

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character

Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #45 on: July 15, 2011, 10:52:04 AM »
It's a very detailed description of the shamans, and very interesting. One thing I noticed, thanks to your comments in the IRC:
I assume that the "Marble" that was mentioned a few times is our Earth? Will Earth play a role in the plot of your story?

I'm also curious as to how large the world's population is, and their technology level: a hundred shaman is a freakishly small number for a nomadic worldwide group with little communication between each other.


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    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #46 on: July 15, 2011, 02:01:26 PM »
It's a very detailed description of the shamans, and very interesting. One thing I noticed, thanks to your comments in the IRC:
I assume that the "Marble" that was mentioned a few times is our Earth? Will Earth play a role in the plot of your story?

The Marble is our Earth, yes.  It does go along with the planet, although that's less of a religious topic and more of a historical one.

I'm also curious as to how large the world's population is, and their technology level: a hundred shaman is a freakishly small number for a nomadic worldwide group with little communication between each other.

The world used to have millions of people, but by the time The Great War and everything was over, a huge percentage of the world's population was cut down.  Before that, there were probably 100,000 or a little more than that? 

The world is still trying to continue with its Industrial Revolution right now, so you can imagine low-level technology at this point.  Plumbing, of course, has been around for a long time, like it has been here.

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • It's a cheer up charm!
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  • ふそそそそそ
    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #47 on: September 01, 2011, 02:57:33 AM »
Good heavens I haven't posted in this thread for weeks.  I decided to try writing some little things and compile them here, some things that were floating in my mind.  Mandarin is courtesy of here, and French is courtesy of here because there's no way I can actually speak/write them...orz


Takeshi wasn?t sure which was stronger: the grip he had on the bloodstained sword in his hands or the hands that he felt were crushing his wrists.  He dared not take his eyes off the girl those hands belonged to, standing in front of him.  If looks could kill he would have a spike impaled right through his head just like her except that was actually a horn.  That was the biggest giveaway that there was something terribly wrong and he should be either running and screaming like a little girl or cracking the Yin Yang orb against her skull like a particularly stubborn egg.

Apparently.  This was the first time he?d seen an oni, but she didn?t look like a monster at all now that he was finally able to get a good look at her.  She looked more like a human with long black hair and red eyes, red hakama and grey kosode, not some big muscly brute.  She certainly had the grip of one though, ow, ow, ow?

?Give it back.?  And, wow, that was the first time he?d heard her speak all day.  Takeshi was on a roll.  He couldn?t keep this up forever, though, and finally relinquished his hold on the sword when the pain became too unbearable.  Sweet relief flowed through his wrists, which he massaged tenderly as the oni girl stepped back, clutching the sword in her left hand.  She stared at him with a wary eye, and he took the opportunity to speak.

?See, you just had to say the word,? he said, forcing a grin through bared teeth.  The girl mumbled something that he didn?t quite catch, but he decided to let it go.  When the oni girl went quiet and didn?t say anything else, Takeshi kept on talking.  ?So, who are you, anyway??

When she replied, the first thing Takeshi did was wonder how the hell you wrote that in kanji.  He opened his mouth to ask her just that, but she was already booking it in the opposite direction.

?Hey, don?t run from me!? he squawked, his voice shrill with anger.

Alas, she had already disappeared into the trees.

The streets, narrow and worn out as they were, were packed from end to end with carts, wagons, even bicycles and the odd horse-drawn carriage.  Among those vehicles youkai and demons alike were packed from shoulder to shoulder, squeezing past each other to either get down the street or into one of the buildings lining the side.  Lanterns covered in brightly-colored paper hung from every window and clotheslines going from one building to another, bathing the entire city in a festive glow.  With even faeries and other winged humanoids flitting about above the crowds in packs, the city felt suffocating in terms of both space and noise.

At one little food stall sandwiched between a pub and a high-end restaurant, Patchouli Knowledge coughed into her fist, already feeling incredibly childish in the warm, fluffy, pastel-colored pajamas she was currently wearing; it was because of the cordial grin of the redheaded woman running the food stall she and her companion were sitting at.  It was just too innocent and goofy to be polite, and Patchouli desperately wanted her to stop.  It was making her feel uncomfortable.
Patchouli?s companion, on the other hand, was perched on a stool, daintily sipping a cup of tea without spilling a single drop on her elegant white ball gown.  Her leathery, batlike wings were drooped in relaxation but still held at a respectable level.  Perhaps it was because even though the Remilia Scarlet looked even younger than Patchouli, her poised demeanor prevented her from receiving the same treatment as Patchouli.

?你会不会讲普通话?? the redheaded woman suddenly asked, grinning.  She stood under the awning of the tiny little food stall, her hair tied back and sleeves rolled up, wearing a grimy apron over her pants.  With her left hand she wiped the sweat off her brow, and in her right was a ladle which she used to stir something with a mouthwatering smell in a tall, steaming pot.

Remilia paused in lifting her tea cup to her lips and looked to Patchouli with the expression of utmost confusion.

?Patchy, je ne comprends pas??  Remilia?s voice trailed off as she furrowed her brow.  ?What did she just say?

?You?ve been saying that all day,? Patchouli grumbled, shifting in her seat to make herself more comfortable.  She was painfully aware of both Remilia and the redheaded woman staring at her with looks of concern.

?Um, um??  The redheaded woman stuttered, causing the other two girls to look back at her.  Her smile grew a little sheepish as she glanced over at Patchouli.  ?You are very cute, do you want desserts??

Despite the woman?s uncertainty, she did not falter under Patchouli?s steely-eyed gaze.  After a few moments, when it was clear that no amount of glaring would bring Patchouli victory, she gave in and heaved a long sigh.

?Yes, I do.?

Remilia?s teasing smirk seemed to dance across her lips.

?Listen well, Yoshika.?

Miyako Yoshika, who was having a good day where her knees actually bent, was sitting on the ground in the graveyard with her arms stretched out; unfortunately, they were still feeling stiff.  Without blinking, she smiled blankly at Seiga-sama who was standing in front of her, bent down a little with her hands on her knees.  Yoshika lifted her arms, flexing her hands as she imagined Seiga-sama helping her up off the ground.  She could float, but it was more fun when she was pulled up by the hands or around the waist.

?Are you listening??  A finger tapped the ofuda on Yoshika?s forehead.  It didn?t hurt, but it got the jiang shi?s attention.

?Yes, ma?am.?  The words came out automatically, and Seiga-sama gave her a warm smile.

?Good.  I?m going to tell you about Taoism today.?

Taoism?  Daoism?  Yoshika knew that was very important to Seiga-sama, but there were always so many details and she couldn?t remember them all.  Was that why Seiga-sama kept talking about it with her?  She didn?t know.

?You see, Taoism is about harmony with nature,? Seiga-sama began, and Yoshika got a sense of d?j? vu.  ?For everything in the world there is an opposite, and??  Seiga-sama continued to explain, getting more and more animated as she speaks.  Yoshika watched quietly and listened as well as she could, but she couldn?t quite wrap her mind around it.  The more she tried to understand, the less she listened to Seiga-sama speak, and soon she had become absorbed in her own thoughts.  Was Taoism really important?  Everyone Yoshika was around seemed to love it, but she was never able to share the same sentiments.  What was it that made it so great?  Could it be??

?Taoism is only second place!? Yoshika blurted out to no one in particular.  Seiga-sama stopped speaking, raising an eyebrow quizzically.


?Um??  Yoshika closed her eyes in thought.  ?...Hmmm??  Her eyes snapped open.  ?What did I say??

Seiga-sama blinked, and then let out a small laugh.  ?It was nothing.  That should be enough for today.?  She then elicited a huge grin from Yoshika by taking her by the hands and pulling her to her feet.


> I really like the Seiga/Yoshika dynamic, in a platonic way.  Very cute. 
> Yoshika came to the conclusion that Taoism was even better than Seiga, but she was quick to denounce this because she already knew that she liked Seiga better.  It's probably because Seiga is actually nice to her.
> Not really sure where Patchy and Remi are in the second part, I'd like to think it's an underground youkai society in maybe Romania or China.  Of course, Meiling only takes Patchouli for a cute little kid who is in a bad mood at this point, and offers her candy to cheer her up.  This probably takes place shortly before or after Patchouli acquires Koakuma, although I'm leaning towards the latter in this case; Koakuma would probably be house-sitting.  I don't think Sakuya would be born yet, or she would be very young.
> The first part is from a short story that I've been procrastinating on writing because I'm afraid of how long it's going to be, and I should probably map out how I want it to go so it doesn't fall flat on its face.
The Yin Yang orb smacking against the back of Konngara's head was how I like to think Reimu won in HRtP, because everyone can be taken down with a well-placed blow to the head.
« Last Edit: September 01, 2011, 03:04:24 AM by 日巫子 »

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • It's a cheer up charm!
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    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #48 on: September 09, 2011, 02:53:54 AM »
Might as well test this out.  I'm just trying to get used to writing for Yoshika, so it's not going to be very good.  By the way this is yellow curry.



The handwriting in this entry is barely legible, and goes off the lines in many places.

I got this diary thing!  Seiga-sama gave it to me because she said I needed a hobby so I?m testing it out now, but my arms don?t bend completely so it?s kind of hard to write in this.  It?s also really dark in the graveyard so I can?t see the page very well either.  I don?t really get why I should be doing this because I already have a job which is guarding.


I showed Seiga-sama my diary entry but she said I?m not supposed to.  What?s the point if no one?s going to read it?  She said it was where I could keep all of my secrets but I don?t really have any of those?oh, and she said it could be like something to record stuff from my day here so I?ll try that.


I can?t remember if I?m supposed to wait until the end of the day to write this but I have a lot of free time during lunch, besides eating.

Anyway, I saw a cat this morning!  It was really cute but then the umbrella girl popped out from behind a grave screaming and scared it away.

And then she challenged me to a fight.  Worst morning ever but then that girl with ears from the temple next door gave me food, so everything became better.  The people from the temple seem really nice but I was told not to go near them.  What a shaaame.  The girl with ears is especially nice because she gave me these rice balls.  Maybe if I give them to Seiga-sama she?ll change her mind.


There are tear stains on this page.

she didn?t like them


Ate lots of divine spirits.  I don?t know how to describe them?I guess I can just make up textures and flavors.  Like, they tasted like strawberry marshmallows!

Chocolate might be good, though.  Maybe Seiga-sama knows what chocolate marshmallows taste like since she said she?s eaten all kinds of awesome food back in her hometown.


I just ran into that lady who also lives at the mausoleum, Mononoke Mononobe no Fuko Futo, but I couldn?t understand a word she was saying.  I think she was looking for someone.


Udon for dinner~  I was going to eat the bowl but that Miko lady stopped me.


Seiga-sama talked a lot about Taoism (Daoism?) today, but I didn?t really get it.  I figured that it had to be the best thing in the world for everyone to like it so much but I
What was I writing, again?  Oh, well.  Everyone at the mausoleum was running around today all panicked and stuff, and I had to stand guard for?I forget how long.  It was so boring I nearly fell asleep, but then that ghost girl said I could take a break.  Her hat?s really silly.  I want to see how much food I can stuff into it sometime.


Oh, now I remember!  I don?t think Taoism could possibly be the best thing in the world.  It?s only the second best.  I still don?t remember much of what Seiga-sama told me about it, though?


Handwriting here is barely legible.

had rematch against umbrella girl, won, left arm falling off


got scolded for letting arm fall off and waking everyone up in the middle of the night


I saw the girl with ears sweeping the gravestones this morning.  I think we talked but I don?t remember what she said.  She ended up hanging around the graveyard all morning, though.  Later some lady came to pick her up but I forget who it was?I feel like I should remember.


Got more divine spirits~  I saw one with a skull in it but Seiga-sama wouldn?t let me eat it.  It looked so good, too?


Guarding something again?what was I guarding?


Found more of those divine spirits with skulls in them, but they flew away before I could eat them.  Aw, man.


I tried some stretches to keep my limbs from getting stiff, and I think it worked.


It didn?t work; my leg is bending in a funny position.


Seiga-sama stopped by and fixed my leg.  Now I can walk properly!


Saw the cat agai

some girl in red and white is coming this way, gotta do my job


The writing here is completely unreadable


There?s a flower pressed between the pages here.

I can move again, but I don?t remember why I couldn?t in the first place.  I wonder what happened.  It?s okay, though, because Seiga-sama hung out with me the whole time today!  We went on a walk in the graveyard.  Then we had a picnic, and there was grilled meat and everything but Seiga-sama didn?t eat any of it.  After that we took a walk by this pretty lake.  It was kind of cold there, but there were these pretty frozen flowers.  I got to take one home but it melted along the way, so now it?s just a normal flower.

We stayed at the lake for a long time.  I tried catching some frogs, but they hopped away too fast.  When it started to get dark, we went home and had yellow curry for dinner.  It was so cool!

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • It's a cheer up charm!
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Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #49 on: September 19, 2011, 07:50:56 PM »
I really hate my poetry, but I figured that if it's so bad then I might as well post it for critiques here.

[Original] 9/18-19/11

Carrying a gun much too big for her,
she pounds through the empty hallway,
boots slick with blood

Voices I can hear
Words I cannot comprehend
A nagging in my ear
An itch that's not pretend

Shroedinger's Child
Behind this door is the possiblity
that she is alive and well
dead in eternal peace
alive but infected
dead and taken

Shino's Eyes
Black, blue, green, vacant
Staring into the distance
I've gone unnoticed

This branded number
Means not always misfortune
But eternal luck

Creeping like vines
Blood trickles up her leg
Soon she will be one with Earth

Against Nature
I've grown weary
of stories recording triumph
over industrialization with love
love for Mother Nature
who is so fickle
and has turned on us
in such a way that I feel that
the one we should fight
is her with machines

[Original] Excerpts from Character Notes

Having meddled in forbidden magic, she has become more powerful than she lets on, but now relies on photosynthesis to get nourishment; normal food no longer provides the sustenance that it once did.  She is also terrifyingly skilled in setting traps, and her library is laden with them.


Only by the fair hand of Lundunesses was she able to live as long as she did; however, that was Lundunesses? downfall, as Maybelle secretly organized a revolution and overthrew the dictatorship.  Having sustained wounds that left her practically crippled and personally killing both Teritha and Lundunesses, combined with the trauma of war and a life of harsh servitude, Colithia?s new queen was permanently scarred beyond repair.


Upon closer inspection, she has two small growths on the sides of her head, the beginning of horns or antlers.  Her ears, which are covered by her hair, are not pointed, but if she?s growing horns or antlers, then they will probably grow at least a little pointed over time.

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • Knight of the Accursed Order
  • Boredom is contagious.
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #50 on: September 22, 2011, 09:05:25 AM »
That second to last entry reminded me of Flowers for Algernon.  Keep up the good writing!
[15:30] * Wolfsbane706 pitfalls Roukan.
[15:30] <Roukan> WHAT WHY
[15:31] * Roukan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*splat*
[15:32] <Wolfsbane706> That's the funniest reaction I've seen yet.
[15:34] * Roukan thumbs-up from beyond the grave.


  • It's a cheer up charm!
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  • ふそそそそそ
    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #51 on: September 25, 2011, 01:26:43 AM »
I went to the IRC and Skype today and gathered prompts from different people so I could overcome my writer's block.  Here is the first one as requested by Sect: "Reimu as an Oni".

But thank goodness that you're safe.

Music?there was music outside?

The bed felt soft, and cool.  The sheets had to be of some high quality material.  Reimu snuggled further underneath the covers, sighing contentedly.  Moments passed in a blissful, half-asleep state.

The covers were then flung off Reimu as she jolted up and her eyes snapped open.  At once her she felt a surge of pain course through her body, and she cringed.
?Ugh??  Reimu took a moment to regain her composure before taking a look at her surroundings.  She was in a room with a polished oak floor and reddish violet walls.  To the right was a window with purple velvet curtains drawn over it, and to the left was a tall door made of the same material as the floor, carved with a Celtic knot design.  The room was furnished with an armoire; a vanity with a mirror sat parallel to it.  Reimu was sitting in a king-sized bed with fresh white sheets and a fluffy comforter overtop with an embroidered rose pattern.
Reimu?s mouth gaped.  ?What am I doing in Chireiden???

She looked down at herself.  Rather than her normal shrine maiden attire, she was dressed in a white nightgown.  What caught her attention more than that, however, were the bandages bound around her arms.  She threw back the covers.  They were on her legs.  She looked down the front of her nightgown.  Her chest?or rather, her entire torso?was tightly wrapped in more bandages, and she felt a dull ache with every breath she took.  Moreover, her head felt like it was going to split open.

The moon disappeared.  The moon was replaced by a fake, bronze one.  Kikuri, if memory served; it had been over ten years since she had heard that name.  Kikuri had started causing a commotion, and she and Marisa had gone to stop her.  Reimu couldn?t remember anything past that.  Did she get knocked out?  If so, what was she doing Underground?

Marisa?Marisa was probably still fighting that thing, or she had already won and was waiting for her.  Reimu swung her legs over the side of the bed and stood up, swaying back and forth.  Her muscles screamed in protest, and she gripped the sides of the vanity to steady herself.  Even standing still was a burden, so she lowered herself onto the stool and gripped her head in her hands.  She felt sick?

Reimu?s fingers brushed up against two protrusions in her forehead.  They felt like bones, and when she tried wiggling them, they wouldn?t budge.  Running her fingers along them she found that each of them ended in a sharp point.


Reimu lifted her head and looked into the mirror, and her heart dropped into her stomach.  Sticking out of her head above her temples, were two horns.  Short, pointed, ivory horns.
This was wrong.  Horns weren?t what Reimu had.  Horns were what Suika had.  Oni had horns, not humans.  Reimu was a human.  Reimu had horns, humans didn?t have horns but oni had horns, Reimu was?

Almost as if it had a mind of its own, Reimu?s hand curled into a fist and rammed into the mirror.  The glass shattered instantly; her arm went all the way through and slammed into the wall, creating a sizeable dent.  Glass shattered and pierced what skin was left exposed by the bandages.  It stung.

For a full minute, Reimu sat there, staring at the broken mirror and her arm and where glass shards were stuck into it.  The loosest pieces fell out with every quiver of Reimu?s arm.  The stool underneath her rattled as her entire body shook, and she felt like lead.  When she withdrew her arm, she didn?t even register how much it hurt.  Reimu stood up, knocking the stool over as she did so.  She reeled back from the mirror, and, when far away enough from the glass, let her legs give out under her.


While Reimu was trying to muster up the breath to scream, she heard the thud of footsteps grow louder from outside the door, which was then flung open.  Reimu made no move against the lavender-haired girl who ran into the room and threw her arms around her in what felt like a bone-crushing hug.  One hand reached up to stroke Reimu?s hair, while the other arm wrapped around her back.  Red veins snaked around Reimu?s shoulders, pulling her closer.  Was that a sob she choked back?

?Thank God?thank God...thank God??  The girl repeated those words over and over, and Reimu finally found her breath.

?Satori?why do I have horns??

?I??  Satori swallowed.  ?It?s?a long story, I??

Feeling overwhelmed, Reimu returned the embrace, resting her head against Satori?s shoulder.

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • It's a cheer up charm!
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    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #52 on: September 25, 2011, 01:54:41 AM »
Going out of order; 9th requested by Squid: "Utsuho".

What she looks like

Utsuho was known among the hell ravens as being one of the few with a human form.  She stood proudly at five feet and two inches, and was considered tall for a hell raven.  Her figure was modestly endowed and slender, but her hands were callused, and she bore muscles telling of her history of working to help move corpses and stoke fires.  Her features were plain and simple, but she had bright eyes colored of fire and a hearty laugh, and it was often that she found things to laugh about.  Her hair, in contrast to her surprisingly fair complexion, was black and tumbled down to her waist in a thick waterfall she kept tame with a green ribbon. 

On her back were strong, silky wings of a similar color, and kept her up even when there was a slab of concrete on her right foot bringing her down; on her front was a glowing red eye that protruded from her chest, the skin surrounding it ravaged by scar tissue.  Yet she always considered this a gift, as though something precious to her?or a symbol of such?was close to her heart. 

Despite working in what was essentially a wasteland, Utsuho made sure not to neglect her appearance.  Her white blouses and green skirts showed tell-tale signs of wear and tear, yet she made sure to wash and iron them every day along with her black knee-socks.  She had grown up with responsibility, and to her this was just another daily routine. 

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • Amateur Spriter/Author
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #53 on: September 25, 2011, 05:32:07 AM »
I'm assuming Reimu has somehow become Kasen.
I made(edited) these:
My Short Stories

Tamashii Kanjou

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Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #54 on: September 25, 2011, 03:02:59 PM »
Oh damn it, Himiko. Just... damn it. That's how she reacted to it; least I got that answer.

I hope you continue on with that, Himiko; I would love more Satori & Reimu writing, and it would be nice to see how Reimu reacts when Satori tells her what happened. Or at least learns of how... ugh; why do you do this to me!? =(

Also, nice little section for Utsuho there.

[Thank you Sect for suggesting that for Himiko; thank you. <3 ]


  • It's a cheer up charm!
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    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #55 on: September 26, 2011, 01:34:21 AM »
Second requested by unlableable: "Purvis goes to the beach".


Kisume was aghast.  Distraught, even.  She crouched in the sand, covering her face with her hands as she mourned over the ice cream cone melting on the ground in front of her.  The mint chocolate chip deliciousness had been knocked from her hands by a rogue seagull, and now it was no more.  Her cries of anguish were only punctuated by the roar of the waves as they washed over the shore farther away.

?Hello Kisume.?

Kisume lifted her tear-stained face to see a tall, handsome tengu standing in the sand, dressed in billowing terrycloth robes.  It was none other than Lord Tenma!

?Look at your ice cream.  Now back to me.  Now back to your ice cream.  Now back to me.?  Kisume did so.  ?Sadly, it?s in the sand.  But if you had another ice cream cone, you wouldn?t be in tears.  Look down.  Now look back to me.?

Kisume looked down and looked up, and when she did so, she saw that ice cream was raining down from the sky!

?It is now raining ice cream!  Look again.?  An ice cream cone appeared in Tenma?s hand.  ?Here?s an ice cream exactly like the one you dropped.?

He handed the ice cream cone to Kisume, who could only blink in amazement.

?Th?thank you!? she finally stuttered.

?Don?t thank me, anything is possible when you have a heart full of compassion and trust,? Tenma said, and he turned and walked into the sunset.  The ice cream raining from the sky turned into confetti and rainbows, and Kisume ate her new ice cream and enjoyed the rest of the day.

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • Knight of the Accursed Order
  • Boredom is contagious.
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #56 on: September 26, 2011, 02:54:52 AM »
Strange, yet cute.  Nice.  Looking forward to more, like always.
[15:30] * Wolfsbane706 pitfalls Roukan.
[15:30] <Roukan> WHAT WHY
[15:31] * Roukan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*splat*
[15:32] <Wolfsbane706> That's the funniest reaction I've seen yet.
[15:34] * Roukan thumbs-up from beyond the grave.


  • It's a cheer up charm!
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  • ふそそそそそ
    • Hydrangeamaiden
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #57 on: September 27, 2011, 07:32:44 PM »
Uneditted horrible first draft


??but you know, I didn?t think they?d build an entire graveyard around the hill, you know??  Tien swept the ladle around the frothing contents of the cauldron with wide, lazy sweeping motions.  Her back was turned to the other girl lying on table behind her, glaring up at the ceiling with narrowed eyes.  Leather straps kept her limbs bound to the table.  The front of her white gown had been sliced open, as was the skin underneath, exposing her still-intact organs.

?Uh-huh.?  The girl grunted as Tien reached over and snapped off one of her ribs.  She dropped it into the cauldron, and the liquid turned inky black.  The color was not unlike the hair of the girl on the table.

?Not like it?s a bad thing.  I??  Tien looked back at her and sighed.  ?Oh, come on, work with me, Saya!?

?Uh-huh.?  The girl?Saya?pursed her lips together and furrowed her brow.

?That?s not working with me,? Tien protested.  ?Okay, it?s your turn to talk.  Tell me a story or something; I?m bored to death here.?

Saya responded with dry laughter.  ?You?re such a card.  Let?s see?umm??  She paused for a moment.  ?Oh.  Once I didn?t have enough money to eat, so I became a contract killer and took out the son of this warlord further out in the countryside, because he was apparently using the peasants? tax money to build some villa all the way in Afreet.  I never went to bed hungry after that, but then I was hunted down by that guy?s family and lynched.  And that?s how I got here today.?

Tien and Saya stared at each other for a full minute.

?Nope,? Tien finally said, turning back to the cauldron.

?Yeah, I lied.?  Saya looked away.  ?I actually forget how I died, so sorry.?

?That sucks.?  Tien lifted the ladle out of the cauldron and gave the liquid in it a single lick.  ?So does this.  You wouldn?t mind if I borrowed one of your lungs, would you??

?I so would mind!?  Saya scowled as Tien once again stuck her hands into her innards.  ?You?re lucky that my organs are still preserved, you know??

?I know, I know.?  Tien?s tone was that of a mother dismissing a fussy child as she felt around for Saya?s lungs.  ?Just relax, okay??

?If I weren?t suffering from rigor mortis, I?d take you to the afterlife with me,? Saya hissed, and squeezed her eyes shut.  Just then, Tien?s hand closed around her left lung.  Her eyes snapped open, and she yelped in shock.

?Hey, be careful!?  Saya?s cries of protest were ignored as Tien ripped the lung out of her chest.

?It?s fine, trust me on this,? Tien said.  She frowned at the lung.  ?Are you sure your organs are all in the right places??

Saya groaned, perhaps wishing she could cover her ears to block out the splashing sound of her lung dropping into the potion.  ?Can I go back to being dead yet??

Tien shook her head.  ?We?ve still got thirty minutes before this potion is ready.  Let?s talk.?

?At least stitch me shut, first.?

☆ Check my profile for links to my sites! ☆
[21:12] <OneLoveOnePurvis> *Black as hell and bitter as love. That is coffee.*
[17:42] <Amra> Himiko's one of the people that's really cute but sometimes art shifts into like hard jojo-style
[17:42] <Amra> as she does something out of character


  • Knight of the Accursed Order
  • Boredom is contagious.
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #58 on: September 28, 2011, 12:34:12 AM »
It's not that bad.  Trust me, there's plenty worse stories out there.  I liked it.
[15:30] * Wolfsbane706 pitfalls Roukan.
[15:30] <Roukan> WHAT WHY
[15:31] * Roukan aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa*splat*
[15:32] <Wolfsbane706> That's the funniest reaction I've seen yet.
[15:34] * Roukan thumbs-up from beyond the grave.


  • :|
  • XephyrEnigma
Re: Himiko's Shorts
« Reply #59 on: September 28, 2011, 12:40:19 AM »
It's not that bad.  Trust me, there's plenty worse stories out there.  I liked it.

This, also that Yoshika diary you did earlier on was absolutely adorable.
Iced-Fairy: "Danmaku is like soccer, except instead of hooligans you get fairies and the riot is before the game." 

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